Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s05e01 Episode Script

What I Did on My Summer Vacation and Other Stories

ÃëõêéÜ ìïõ, êáëýôåñá íá ðçãáßíïõìå! Ôï áåñïðëÜìï ôçò èá ðñïóãåéùèåß óå ðåñßðïõ ÎÝñù, îÝñù.
ÁðëÜ èÝëù íá óéãïõñåõôþ ðùò ôï äùìÜôéï ôçò èá åßíáé âïëéêü.
Äåß÷íåé õðÝñï÷ï.
Èá ôï ëáôñÝøåé.
Åëðßæù ï ÌðñÜíôïí íá èõìÜôáé ðùò èá ìáò óõíáíôÞóåé óôï áåñäïäñüìéï.
ÖõóéêÜ èá ôï èõìÜôáé.
- Êáëýôåñá íá ôïõ ôçëåà ùíÞóïõìå.
- Êáëýôåñá íá ôïõ ôçëåà ùíÞóïõìå Ðáñáêáëþ.
ÊáëçìÝñá, êá Ãïõüëò.
- Äåí åßìáé åäþ.
¸÷ù à ýãåé.
- ¼÷é, ìüëéò ôïí ÷Üóáôå.
Íáé, ìïõ åßðå ãéá ôï ìðÜñìðåêéïõ.
ÓùóôÜ, èá ôá ðïýìå áñãüôåñá.
ÌÜëëïí îå÷Üóáìå íá âÜëïõìå îõðíçôÞñé ÷èåò âñÜäõ.
¼÷é, ü÷é, åóý îÝ÷áóåò íá âÜëåéò îõðíçôÞñé ÷èåò âñÜäõ.
¹ìïõí ëßãï ðåñéóðáóìÝíç.
- Ëáôñåýù ôïõò ðåñéóðáóìïýò.
- Êé åãþ.
- Íéþèù ëßãï ðåñßåñãá ãéá êÜôé üìùò.
- Ôß; Åêôïò áðï ôïõò ãïíåßò óïõ êáé ôçí ¢íôñåá, êáíåßò Üëëïò äåí îÝñåé ãéá ìáò.
Áõôü åðåéäÞ ó÷åäüí üëïé üóïé îÝñïõìå - ëåßðáíå ãéá ôï êáëïêáßñé.
- Êáé ôþñá åðéóôñÝà ïõí.
- Êáé; - Ãéá áõôü íéþèù ðåñßåñãá.
ÅíôÜîåé, Ý÷ù ìéá éäÝá.
Ãéáôß äåí ÷ùñßæïõìå êé Ýôóé äåí èá ÷ñåéÜæåôáé íá ôï ðïýìå óå êáíÝíáí.
- Ðïëý áóôåßï.
- ¸ôóé ðßóôåõá.
- Åßäåò ôéò êÜëôóåò ìïõ; - Ôéò à ïñÜù åãþ.
Ãéáôß à ïñÜò ôéò êÜëôóåò ìïõ; - Ôá ðüäéá ìïõ Þôáí êñýá.
- Ìðïñþ íá ôéò Ý÷ù ðßóù, ðëÝïí; Áí ôéò èåò ðßóù, ðñÝðåé íá Ýñèåéò íá ôéò ðÜñåéò Èåò íá áñãÞóù, Ýôóé; ¼÷é, áðëÜ èÝëù áêüìá ðåñéóðáóìü.
Ãéáôß äåí ôï Ýëåãåò; - ÅíôÜîåé.
- Óå åõ÷áñéóôþ.
British Airway passenger Jerry Fusel, please see the attendant at gate 62B - Ãåéá ðáéäéÜ.
Óõãíþìç ðïõ Üñãçóá.
- ¼÷é, Þñèåò ðÜíù óôçí þñá.
- Ôï áåñïðëÜíï ôçò Üñãçóå.
- Ðüóï ðïëý; Áò ôï èÝóïõìå Ýôóé.
Íïìßæù ðùò Ý÷ïõìå þñá íá ðÜìå íá à Üìå - óôï Óáí Öñáíóßêï.
- Áóôåéåýåóáé, Ýôóé; ÌáêÜñé íá áóôåéåõüìïõíá.
Áõôüò äåí åßíáé ï ÍôÝçâéíô; Óßëâåñ! ÖéëáñÜêï! Ðùò ôá ðáò; -Good, man.
How you been; -Good, real good.
What, are you working in a coffeehouse now; Hey, that's pretty funny.
When you grow up maybe you can have one, too.
-What are you doing here; Well, l just dropped Mel and Erin off.
They're flying to Cleveland to, uh, visit the grandparents.
-Ah, very exciting.
So you and your parents waiting for ÌðñÝíôá to get in; No, she's staying in London all year.
-Really; -Íáé, she did so well at the Royal Academy this summer, they asked her to become a full-time student.
Man, that's great for her.
lt's very cool for her.
At this rate, we may never see her again.
So, uh, who are you guys waiting for; The girl who's going to be staying in ÌðñÝíôá's room this year.
The girl who's gonna be staying in ÌðñÝíôá's room; That's right, Óßëâåñ.
So who is she; Senor McKay! Senor McKay! Papa Juarez necesita verte, necesita verte.
El esta en la cantina.
Parece que es importante, extremamente importante.
Tell him l'll get there when l get there.
Estare cuando yo regrese.
So how is this cut working out for you; l don't know.
l liked it.
Íáé; Well, maybe we'll make it just a little bit more layered today.
l was Hi.
l didn't know she was back in town.
lf l didn't know better, l might think you two weren't quite so chummy anymore.
Don't blame me.
She's the one who trashed the friendship.
l'm not blaming anyone, bubbie.
All l want are the details.
How dare you side with ÍôÝçâéíô after what he did to me! Íôüíá, l'm not siding with ÍôÝçâéíô.
l'm just saying that l can understand the kind of pressure he was under.
Oh, you would.
What's that supposed to mean; lt means that you're just like Ariel; you'll do whatever it takes to get the guy that you want.
-Get a life! -Íáé, l will.
Just stay the hell out of mine, okay; Things just started to get a little weird toward the end of the year.
lt's really nothing worth getting into.
You two were practically inseparable.
What happened; You didn't let a guy come between you, did you; Look, Chad, l don't want to start getting upset, so try to do something with my hair, okay; Okay, sweetie.
l'll be back in a sec.
So, what are we going to do with these yo-yos; Tough audience.
You ready for a little unrolling; Sure.
-Come on.
l'm not talking about anything drastic.
Just thought we'd fool around a little bit and see what we can come up with, okay; -Okay.
-Trust me.
So, when did you get back in town; A couple days ago.
My, uh, my dad's fellowship ended, so l've been staying here at the house.
Can you forgive me; l already have.
l'm so sorry.
l mean, it was so selfish of me to tell you to cut ÍôÝçâéíô out of your life.
Well, l probably should have, after all the pain he caused you.
So, how was your summer; Fun.
How was Houston; Houston was a blast.
You liked Texas; No, l loved Texas.
My parents, they belong to this country club.
lt's right on the lake.
And every weekend they have barbecues and parties.
And l went shopping and swimming.
And the guys at the club, they have the most adorable accents, -Ah! -And they don't give a hoot if l'm a virgin.
So does this mean you're over ÍôÝçâéíô; Oh, over and out of my life for good.
So what about you; Are you back together with Íôýëáí; Why; Do l look depressed; No.
Well, l am glad we go to the same salon.
We're glad, too.
Thanks, guys.
Hey, no problem.
Just remember that gratuities are accepted.
No amount too big.
Don't listen to him.
He's so embarrassing.
Oh, if you're not doing anything later, the Ãïõüëòes are having a barbecue to welcome ÂÜëåñé to Beverly Hills.
Who is ÂÜëåñé; Oh, she's the girl that's going to be staying in ÌðñÝíôá's room this year.
ÌðñÝíôá's not coming back; Coach Dennis Green Well, l finally got a straight story from the supervisor.
Apparently, one of the executive vice presidents of the airlines got a major case of food poisoning up there and they had to make an emergency landing in Denver.
Ooh Well, apparently, her flight should be arriving within the hour, though.
-Thanks, honey.
-That was some hit.
ls it my imagination or is the NFL camera work -a whole lot better this season; -lt seems to be better.
ls it my imagination or are you two deliberately ignoring me; We heard everything you said, honey.
What'd she say; l have no idea, Dad.
l just hope poor ÂÜëåñé is handling this flight all right.
l just hope l recognize ÂÜëåñé.
Last time l saw her she was 14, a little chubby and had a mouth full of hardware.
Well, we saw ÂÜëåñé the last time we were in Buffalo and she was definitely past the braces stage.
And she's very excited about coming here and going to C.
and getting to start over in a whole new place.
l'm sure she is.
So there's no need for anyone to know what she's been through these last few months.
Mom, l am not brain dead, all right; Will you give me a little credit; Diving over right tackle! Touchdown! Well, Dad, it seems the Vikings have this game wrapped up.
-l'm out of here.
-Where are you going; Well, this may qualify as a case of real bizarre timing, but l think Óôéâ's plane is coming in from Hawaii right about now.
Hey! Thanks, Howie.
l've been a big fan of yours -ever since the Raiders moved to L.
-Howie! lt's not gonna be the same without you.
Well, thanks a lot, buddy.
That's nice of you to say.
Howie, is this your bag; That's one of them.
Thanks, buddy.
ls that Troy Aikman; Uh does he look like Troy Aikman; Mr.
Aikman, Troy, could you sign my book; Íáé, sure kid.
-What's your name; -Óôéâ.
What My name is Óôéâ.
Your name's Óôéâ, right.
Yo, Óôéâ.
-Íáé; -Íáé; Look at you-- one summer in Hawaii, you're a celebrity, Sanders.
-Sanders; l thought you were Aikman.
Only to his closest friends, man.
Delta Airlines passenger Ken Bird, pick up a white courtesy telephone Don't worry, he'll get over it.
ÌðñÜíôïí, l want you to meet someone.
Howie Long, this is ÌðñÜíôïí Ãïõüëò, my best friend.
Hey, how you doing, buddy; How you doing, Howie; Nice to meet you.
Well, look, l'm gonna take off.
Remember, not a word to your mom, all right; -Take care.
-Your secret's safe with me, man.
All right.
Take care.
How'd you get to be so tight with Howie Long; Well, in classic Sanders fashion, l finagled myself an upgrade into first class, and there he was, sitting by the window.
Turns out when he was a kid he had some fairly substantial fantasies about my mom.
What a way to bond.
So how was Hawaii, man; -Oh -How's Celeste; Wait, let me guess.
You played golf every day, you ate ahi tuna, at night you sucked back a couple passion fruits, had a little action on the beach.
Well, that was July.
And what about August; ln August, she gave me the big aloha.
Man Íáé.
We were snorkeling in Kapalua Bay one day, and we literally swam into some guy she knew from high school.
lt turns out he was a great lost love of her life.
l'm sorry-- l know you kinda had your sights set on her for the long haul.
Maybe it was for the best.
ln fact, l don't think the timing could've been better.
Be right back.
Really; Íáé.
You know, after she bailed, l'd go out to the driving range, knock out a couple buckets, and there l'd be, overlooking the ocean, trade winds blowing in my face, everything smelling all fresh and tropical, and all l could think about were all the failed relationships l'd been in.
Uh, Óôéâ, don't get down on yourself, man.
You'll find the right girl someday.
l know-- l already have.
You have; Íáé, there's only one girl who matters to me.
We both know who she is.
We do; ÊÝëõ.
ÊÝëõ Taylor; ÊÝëõ is the great love of my life.
l'm gonna do everything in my power to win her over, and you've gotta help me.
Thank you.
Nurse Alexander to Admitting.
Nurse Alexander Looking for the scrub soap; Where'd you find it; Well, there's always a supply by the doctors' sink in the next room-- it's easy, you know, to open.
You just have to peel it and punch it.
-Boy, you sure seem to have this routine down pat.
Force of habit.
l've been on this ward now every day for the last three months, but today, l'm taking home the most beautiful baby in the world.
Oh, congratulations.
Thank you.
Her name's Hannah, and my husband should be giving her the last feeding as we speak.
That must be so exciting.
Actually, we're trying to keep it very low-key.
Why; Oh, look, l'm sorry, l don't mean to pry.
No, it's okay.
Actually it's your, uh, basic war story.
Do you, uh do you have a baby here; Íáé, a little boy.
We had to have him medevaced in from Riverside.
He's a preemie.
Well, you should definitely hear our story.
lt just happened a month ago.
They called it graduation day because it was the day they told us Hannah was finally big enough to take home.
My family, my husband's family, friends, they were all at our apartment waiting to welcome her.
lt was going to be a really great day.
The only problem was, l refused to take her home.
l kept telling them something was wrong, but the doctors and the nurses kept assuring me that she was fine, and l was just nervous about having to take care of her by myself.
They said it was a common thing with mothers of preemies, but as the hours went by, l started to feel the pressure, and by that point, even my husband thought l was being ridiculous.
¢íôñåá, it's getting late.
l'm gonna have to ask you to reconsider.
So l gave in.
Fine l told them, fine, one more feeding and we'd take her home.
That's being sensible.
That's when ÔæÝóé commented how peaceful Hannah seemed in my arms, and we all looked and she was turning blue.
Oh, my God! We've got a code blue! What are you doing with my baby;! Wait.
Come on, let's move it.
lt was the worst 42 seconds of my life, but they finally got her breathing.
And now she's fully recovered.
What was it; Well, there was a small tear in her abdominal wall, and it caused a strangulation.
The doctors didn't see it because they weren't looking for it.
l mean, after all, it was graduation day.
But if you had listened to them and taken her home earlier She'd be dead.
The one thing l learned is never be afraid to follow your instincts-- let them laugh at you, let them call you an hyst¸ñéêál mother.
lt's doesn't matter, it's your baby.
l mean, you've gotta protect him.
l mean, who else is going to; Ah.
Here she is.
Here's Mommy.
There's my little girl.
She's ready to go home.
Oh, she's gorgeous.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Thank you.
-Ready; -Oh, okay, bye.
How long is this gonna take; ÊÝëõ, you can't rush technology.
Wake me when you're done.
Okay, here we go-- this is it.
With its motto being ''lt's smart to be smart,'' C.
has taught tens of thousands of students over the years, and one of them happens to be me.
Hi, l'm ÍôÝçâéíô Óßëâåñ.
Hey! Psst! Over here Over, right there.
Great, that's much better.
Now since the final assignment in Professor Langberg's TV Production 201 was to do a short video project, l have constructed this highly technical diagram, just to show you what happened during my summer vacation.
Now here is Down Here is when Babyface asked me to go on tour with him and his band to Japan.
And here and here is when Ariel threw a party for me with some of my closest friends to celebrate my big break.
lmmediately followed by the long weekend me and Ariel spent on her waterbed.
This is hilarious.
Wait, shh, here's the part where it gets tragic.
But unfortunately, what goes up must come down.
So, here is when Babyface changed his mind and went on tour without me and the next day when Ariel broke up with me And here's the day when the doctor put me on medication to treat me for the unexpected party favor that Ariel gave me.
Crabs; But don't worry, thanks to the magic of Pyrinate A-200, everything turned out okay.
Now, here is where l got my own dorm room.
Here is where my grandfather bought me a new car.
And here is the day when Professor Langberg watched my video confession.
This is outstanding.
How can l possibly not give this young man an A+; Thank you, Professor.
That means l won't be on academic probation anymore.
That means l can have a life again.
Hot damn! lt is smart to be smart! Bravo.
Well, l certainly hope Langberg gave you an A for that.
Actually an A-, but he wants me to get involved in the campus TV station this fall.
lt's gonna be a little different, but l'm actually looking forward to it.
-That's great.
Well, l'm gonna take the rest of these boxes up to the dorm so it'll look like l never lived here.
Are you gonna go to the barbecue; Uh doubtful.
You're gonna have to run into her sooner or later.
Íáé, well, l'd prefer later.
Look, l don't want to ruin the Ãïõüëòes' barbecue or Íôüíá's evening.
Well, for your information, Íôüíá is doing just fine without you in her life, thank you very much.
Well, actually, l have other plans.
Hmm! Excuses, excuses.
Don't go anywhere, l'm not done with you yet.
Hi, l was hoping it was you.
-How's ÂÜëåñé; -She's great.
She's much more together than l thought she'd be.
l can't wait for you to meet her.
Well, when do you want me to come over; Actually, l thought l'd come by and pick you up.
Oh, you don't have to.
Well, l think l want to.
ln that case Have fun at the barbecue.
You are a coward, ÍôÝçâéíô.
l know, l know.
You didn't say anything to Óßëâåñ about us, did you; No.
Not to ÍôÝçâéíô and not to Íôüíá, and that was hard.
Well, l think the guy that it's gonna be really hard to break it to is Óôéâ.
He's come back from Hawaii totally convinced that you are the true love of his life.
Every time Óôéâ gets dumped he gets sentimental about me.
Hmm, l don't know.
l know how to handle Óôéâ.
lt's Íôýëáí l'm worried about.
Me, too.
Senor Íôýëáí, it's good to see you, my friend.
Quieres cerveza; Sure.
Sorry l'm late.
Must've just, uh, lost track of time, you know.
Along with how much money you owe me.
C'mon Juarez.
l've run up a tab before.
Yes, but that's when your credit cards were good.
Now they bounce from here to Oaxaca.
You know, if you're gonna talk about my credit cards that way, l think we probably ought to be alone.
l don't think you're in a position to make demands, my friend.
Look, you have had a fine time down here the last two months with my ladies, my booze, but now it's time to settle up.
What happened to you, hombre; You used to be worth millions.
l got ripped off.
By who; They said they were my family.
-Did you go to the police; -Íáé.
Police showed me pictures of my family in a mug book.
No wonder you started drinking again, huh; Go back to L.
Get your house in order.
We'll do business again.
But before you can go, you must leave something with me as a show of good faith.
Like your watch.
That's my father's watch.
Well, l could take your car.
You can have it back when you pay up.
Aloha! Óôéâ.
Yes, it is, and fresh from the Puna Valley l brought you these lovely hula orchids, along with a very special island welcome.
You shouldn't have.
Of course l should have.
Hey! Taylor, l'm here! Here we are.
What's going on, ÌðñÜí; Well, ÌðñÜíôïí just came to give me a ride to the barbecue.
That's right.
We're having a barbecue.
So how you doing, man; Well, it'd be going a heck of a lot better if you'd let me take ÊÝëõ to the barbecue.
lf you know what l'm saying.
Well, um l think we should tell him.
Tell him what; No.
No lt just sort of happened this summer, you know; Took on a life of its own.
What about you and me; Well, we'll always have high school.
Oh Oh, don't be mad.
Look, l'm not mad, l just When am l ever gonna find the great love of my life; l promise, l will introduce you to every new pledge at the Alpha House, okay; And l will be scouring the countryside for you, my man.
Haven't you done enough for one day; No, because l haven't introduced you to ÂÜëåñé yet, who l happen to think is pretty cool.
Bra, how cool can she be; She's from Buffalo.
And what's wrong with Buffalo; Buffalo lost three Super Bowls in a row.
Óôéâ, they've lost four Super Bowls in a row, but what does that have to do with ÂÜëåñé; All right.
l'll go to the barbecue.
l wonder how good grilled orchids taste.
l hear they're not bad with a little coconut sauce.
He'll get over it.
Something smells good.
Well, you know my father.
He never met a lava rock he didn't like.
Guys, stop trying to be so festive, okay; Hi, everybody.
Hey, look who's here.
Now we can finally eat.
Uh But first we have a few introductions to make.
-ÌðñÜíôïí; -Ah, right.
ÂÜëåñé; -Hey, ÌðñÜíôïí.
How you doing; -Good.
How are you; -Good.
l'd like you to meet some friends of mine.
-This is ÊÝëõ Taylor.
Welcome to L.
l'm really happy to be here.
This is exactly where l want to be.
And this guy over here is my best friend.
He just got back from Hawaii.
Doesn't usually have that good of a tan Oh, well, hello, best friend.
l'm ÂÜëåñé.
Óôéâ Sanders.
You know, l think you're just the guy l'm looking for, Óôéâ Sanders.
Oh; Íáé.
See what you can do with this jar of pickles, will you; lt's stuck.
Relish is my specialty, but l'll give it a try.
A toughie.
My hero.
Thank you.
You know, bud, l don't think l gave Buffalo all the credit that it deserves.
Okay, guys, the ball's coming in.
You ready; Ball's coming in.
Hey, watch it, you pencil-pusher.
Hey, hey, hey, Mr.
Put it up, ÂÜëåñé, put it up! Come on, ÂÜë.
Ohh double dribble! Oh, no! Yes! What can l say; She makes me look good.
And that ain't easy.
Need an oxygen break, Dad; No, no, no, just take it out.
Come on, come on.
Oh, come on, just Oh! Whoa.
Yes! ÂÜëåñé's parents were our best friends back in Minnesota.
Íáé, she was telling us.
Before they moved to New York, we used to spend every family vacation together.
Well, don't worry, we'll make her feel right at home.
-Yes! What are we gonna do with all this food; l know ¢íôñåá and ÔæÝóé can't make it, but what about ÍôÝçâéíô; What about ÍôÝçâéíô; l know for a fact that he's not coming.
Well That's okay.
Well, l hope he didn't stay away on my account.
Either of you ready to come in off the bench; lsn't there some rule about waiting a half-hour after you eat before you play; Uh, unfortunately l l brought the wrong shoes.
Hey, ÂÜëåñé.
Come on.
We don't want them to get back in the game yet.
Next time, l gotta remember that shoe trick.
Come on.
All right, it's our ball.
You know, she's really nice.
l can't believe how well she's handling everything.
What do you mean; Oh, l probably shouldn't say anything, but after the Ãïõüëòes and l got back from Lake Minnetonka Whoa, wait a minute.
You were in Minnesota with the Ãïõüëòes; Are you and ÌðñÜíôïí; Yes.
-l knew it.
-Don't make a big deal.
Okay; Óôéâ's having a little trouble adjusting to the concept.
Well, it looks like Óôéâ's moved on.
Oh, yes! Another one.
Ohh So, tell me, what happened with ÂÜëåñé; Well, we'd all just sat down for dinner and the phone rang.
Oh, Dad.
Why is it every time l start to carve, the phone rings; Honey, l'll get it.
No, no, no.
l'm sure it's for me.
Joe Kawabe's going through a major audit and the whole world has to stop because of it.
He knows we just got home from our vacation yesterday, but of course he can't wait till Ôæéì gets into his office tomorrow.
Well, you'll just have to face it, Mom.
Your husband's a major power player in the game of life.
Now, about all this red meat we've been eating.
You know, Dad ain't getting any younger and the chances of a lt's Abby Malone.
How are things in Buffalo; Victor committed suicide last night.
Oh, my God.
Her father; l probably shouldn't have said anything.
No, l, l promise l won't tell a soul.
Yes! -Hey! -Hi.
Anybody up for dessert; Always.
How many grams of fat do you think are in one slice of this; Just enough to make it good.
Guys, what are we doing; Come on, this is ÂÜëåñé's first night in Los Angeles and we're sitting around here eating carrot cake; We should be going out and showing her the town.
Oh, whoa, whoa, Óôéâ, Óôéâ, the poor girl is still on Eastern Time.
Actually, l think l'm getting a second wind.
Well, l think Óôéâ has an excellent idea.
-You should get out of the house.
-Íáé, come on.
Íáé, wait.
City Walk at Universal Studios is open late.
Or you can go into Hollywood, look at the footprints outside the Chinese Theater.
-Oh, that's worth seeing.
-Sounds like a plan.
You know what, afterwards we can go to Doheny's.
Everyone at the beauty salon, they're saying that's the hot new club.
lsn't that the place where ÔæÝóé works; Íáé, that's the place.
Well, do you think l have time to go upstairs and change; l think you have time to do whatever you want.
l think l'm gonna like it here.
Hey! -All right, all right, all right.
-Hey! Whose fake l.
did you guys use to get in here; Oh, come on.
The restaurant's still open to us young and impressionable minors.
Besides we're just here to dance.
Speak for yourself.
Hey, l don't think we've met.
l'm ÔæÝóé.
Nice to meet you.
-A pleasure.
-l'm sorry, guys.
ÂÜëåñé just moved here from Buffalo, And ÔæÝóé, besides being married to one of our closest friends, is also on the fast track to being one of the hottest young attorneys in Los Angeles.
l gotta get out of law school first.
Details, details.
What're you guys doing here tonight; We are giving ÂÜëåñé the inside tour of Beverly Hills.
Now l know where Corbin Bernsen, Bruce Springsteen and Milton Berle live.
Not to mention the illustrious Samantha Sanders.
That's right, Óôéâ had to stop at home and put his dancing pumps on.
Speaking of which, what do you say -we dance; -Okay, but l don't know what kinda steps -you guys are doing out here.
-lt's okay.
This is California.
Nobody knows what they're doing.
They just smile and fake it.
l don't know about Óôéâ but l've never had to fake anything.
ÊÝëõ! So, uh, ÌðñÜíôïí and ÊÝëõ are an item; Oh, Íáé.
lt's old news already.
Íôýëáí, this is lrma from the cleaners.
You dropped off a suede jacket on a rush order and never picked it up.
Please call and tell us what to do with it.
Choke on it.
l'm looking for Mr.
l'm Bill, with Friends of the Bay.
You really helped us out in the past and we're hoping for a similar contribution from you this year.
Whatta you say; l wouldn't count on it, Bill.
This is a long distance, person-to-person call for Íôýëáí McKay from ÌðñÝíôá Ãïõüëò.
ls anyone there to accept the charges; Yo, D.
August 5th, 9:00.
ÌðñÝíôá asked me to call and let you know she's not coming home next week.
They gave her a full scholarship to RADA so she's staying in London for the whole year.
Uh She said she'll try you again on the weekend.
Am l a good messenger or what; Where are you, dude; Call me sometime.
''l will not be in London forever.
'' Íáé, right.
Íôýëáí, this is your mother.
lsn't it just like you to finally call me now that you've lost all your dad's money, money l never touched.
How could you have been so stupid as to let those people Listen, honey, l've go l've got some Kamikazes l've gotta make.
Why don't you tell Íôüíá all about this; That's right, love you, too, bye.
lt's ¢íôñåá.
Oh, thank you.
Hey, l've been meaning to call you all day.
Íôüíá, what are you doing at the bar; We're showing ÌðñÜíôïí's friend ÂÜëåñé a good time.
Oh, Íáé.
l'm looking forward to meeting her.
So, how was Houston; Oh, it was great.
But never mind me.
How come you didn't tell me when you were taking the baby home; Oh, after the last fiasco we decided to keep a low profile.
We'll have a party for her later, though.
Won't we, baby, huh; Well, you better.
So how's ÔæÝóé doing; l'd say he's coping, but l'm curious.
How come he's not working at a law firm this summer; Because he can make more money bartending a couple nights a week than he can clerking at the finest law firm in town.
Really; Íáé.
A sad commentary on the things we value and the things we pay for.
So Íôüíá, tell me, are there a lot of lovely ladies on the premises there; No, l'm sure he'd rather be home with you.
Íáé, well he'd better or l'll brain him.
Oh, look, l gotta go.
She just spit up.
l'll talk to you later, okay; Okay, will do.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Bye, ÔæÝóé.
Hey, Íôüíá, come on, sit down.
We're deciding on whether we should have Buffalo wings or zucchini fritters.
What do you think; Uh, none for me.
Actually, l'm a little tired.
l'm gonna go home.
Are you okay; Íáé, l'm fine, really.
Don't mind me.
l'm just, uh l'm gonna go catch a cab.
Good night.
ls she all right; Maybe not.
There's young ÍôÝçâéíô Óßëâåñ right over there.
l should have known something was wrong when she said everything was okay.
Hey, ÊÝëõ.
Great timing.
Íôüíá Look, why don't you wait upstairs and we'll all go home together, okay; Thanks, but l'd rather be alone.
All right, but l'm gonna call you later.
Thank you for another wonderful evening, Mr.
Oh, thank you, Miss Taylor.
We ought to do it again sometime.
How about right now; Can't l persuade you to come inside for something warm and cuddly; You know l'd love to.
But seeing as it's ÂÜë's first night in the house and everything Mm-hmm, l understand.
You do; l do.
You're not disappointed; No.
Why would l be; When my boyfriend is considerate and sensitive.
l'm not disappointed, no, No, l just wish Wish what; l wish you weren't so sexy.
You know, l probably shouldn't keep Óôéâ and ÂÜëåñé waiting too long.
lf l know Óôéâ, he's making good use of his time.
You know another thing that's great about living on the beach in Southern California-- all the stars come out at night.
You know, Óôéâ, l really hate to break this to you, but we have stars in upstate New York, too.
Ah but our stars have SAG cards.
Screen Actors' Guild.
Little show business humor there.
Phew! You know, you've got the most incredible eyes l have ever seen.
Has anyone ever told you that; Not tonight.
Well, you do.
lt's kind of a cross between Mariah Carey, Heather Locklear and Cindy Crawford.
So you're saying l have six eyes; No, l'm saying, you have Óôéâ if you want to kiss me, go ahead, kiss me.
Hey guys, sorry l kept you waiting.
No problem.
One of you guys want to sit in the front with me or should l change my name to Jeeves; l will.
Once around the park -and then home, kids; -Íáé.
Back to reading Anna Karenina again, are we; Well, l've missed having someone to wait up for.
Well, they should be home soon.
Ôæéì, l really appreciate you changing your mind about letting ÂÜëåñé live with us.
With poor Abby struggling with the little ones, what choice did we have; Besides, ÂÜëåñé's always been a great kid.
Couldn't turn our back on her now, could we; Well, you must rate pretty high to have them both stay up.
Hey, what are you talking about; l was just hungry, that's all.
Íáé, you were hungry, Dad.
And Mom's rediscovering the Russian classics.
Well, it is her first night in California, ÌðñÜíôïí.
And it was a great night.
l had so much fun.
l don't know who to thank first.
You don't have to thank anyone.
We're always here for you.
You know that, don't you; l always dreamed it would be like this.
Come here.
Don't mind her.
She had a couple too many ginger ales.
l had it together all summer long, l really did.
l mean, l didn't even shed one tear over ÍôÝçâéíô.
l didn't even think of him at all.
And now l see him for 15 seconds a-and l totally go to pieces.
How can he still do this to me; Because he was your first real boyfriend, that's why.
l mean, of course you're going to have strong feelings for him.
That's totally natural.
Well, does he still have strong feelings for me; Íôüíá, l don't know.
Well, you talked to him.
What'd he say about me; The phone's cutting out.
l'm gonna call you back from inside, okay; You know, l think we were both wrong.
l don't think this is fixable.
You know what, maybe you were right.
l think we need to start seeing other people.
Íáé, l know how that song goes.
You should.
You taught it to me, remember; So, this is it; That's what it looks like.
Don't worry, we'll get a system worked out for the bathroom.
Well, l'm easy.
So, uh, what did you do with ÌðñÝíôá; l'd knock.
She'd stay in here for hours.
Well, knock twice if you really have to go.
Got it.
l hope your first night in L.
wasn't too overwhelming.
You always were a sweet guy, ÌðñÜíôïí.
Well, someone's got to look out for you.
After all, you are the first girl l ever kissed.
You showed me yours, l showed you mine.
Yes, l did.
Good night, kids.
Good night, Dad.
You know, growing up, l l always thought you guys had the perfect family.
Your parents were always so warm.
So much fun to be around.
l have a lot of good memories of your parents, too.
You know, l used to really envy ÌðñÝíôá and pray that my life could be as charmed as hers.
Well, you'll be living in her room for the next year.
That's a start.
Íáé, l think so.
Good night, ÂÜë.
Good night, ÌðñÜíôïí.
And hurry up.
Ginger, it's me.
Íáé, Íáé, l know it's late, Sorry, look, l just had to talk to somebody.
l'm going out of my mind already.
Íáé, of course l'm in Beverly Hills.
No, no, l wish.
lt's nothing like l thought it would be.
These people are such avocado heads.
l mean, they're so into being from L.
Like l really care where Lucy and Desi used to live.
No, no, l'm serious.
l mean, these kids l went out with tonight, they have got to be the straightest human units on the planet.
We went to a bar and no one even tried to get a drink.
Íáé, there is this one guy.
ÌðñÜíôïí's best friend, Óôéâ Sanders.
His mom's like Samantha Sanders.
As in The Hartley House; He seems kind of dumb, but l bet he gives good credit card.
The Ãïõüëòes; They're harmless.
l'm sure everything will be cool as long as they don't try and pull any parental trips on me.
But if they do, you know me.
l'll just put on a happy face and dance.

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