Love/Hate (2010) s05e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

So what do you think, Terence? What do I think? No.
- No? - No way.
Why the fuck would I give it to you on tick? Well, not all of it.
Just enough to start off again, that's all.
All this dead dentist business isn't good for anyone.
I know.
No-one gives a bollocks about all the young fellas that get whacked.
But some fat, rich fucker with pearly whites goes for a swim and everyone's screaming blue murder.
You need to get your house in order.
- You know what I mean? - I know that, Terence.
I know that.
I'm doing that.
OK? Dean! Dean! Dean, what am I looking for again? A light.
Fuckin' hell.
- What? - Nothing.
Get yourself a light there.
- What's this? - "I've a bone to pick with you, Nidgy!" - Ah, get the fuck away from me! Jaysus, where are you after putting it now? You're after bleedin' losing it on me.
I don't want it anywhere near me.
Gardaí have not formally identified the body, discovered in the canal in the last hour, but it's believed to be that of Andrew Redden, a 44-year-old dentist who was reported missing last month.
Police say a post-modem examination will rake place tomorrow and that Gardaí are launching a murder investigation.
Members of a specialist underwater team are conducting a search of the canal.
Redden disappeared from his Rathmines home three weeks ago.
I have it! What have you still got it for? I don't know.
It's It's for luck.
For luck? Anytime I give it an aul' rub, I go out and I every fuckin' time I get my hole.
- Know what I mean? Black magic or something.
See who this is.
- Who is it? - Nidgy.
"I have a bone to pick with you, Nidgy.
" You callin' him back? Fuck him.
How you doing? - Is that our boy? - Yeah.
Bring that fucker Fran in, will ya.
Turn around.
Drop your shorts off.
Hands on the wall.
We have you on the cameras in the vicinity oi his house on the night he went missing.
Do you want to account for your movements'? I don't know, Guard.
Do, like, the night driving, you know what I mean.
You want to tell us how well you knew the deceased? I knew him all right but mainly as my dentist.
Do you know what I mean? I don't know who would've wanted him whacked.
He was a gentleman.
Do you know what I mean? He done thisfor free.
Jays, I hope you catch whoever done it, anyways.
It's fuckin' not right.
He can get a decent burial.
- Smart fuck, aren't you? - Come on.
Hope Nidge finds it this funny.
- And what the fuck is it now? - He wants to see you.
- I'm wrecked.
I'll call him later.
- No.
I'll get the van out of the pound and follow.
- No, you have to come with us now.
- Get in the car.
Get your hands off me.
Ii he wanted you shot, do you think it'd be like this? Why the fuck would he want me shot? Fran, just do me a favour and get in the car.
What are we doing? Full cut and colour? No.
I want a total change.
- All right? - Yeah.
- Shoppin'? - Yeah.
Mother of fuck.
What happened to you? - Do you like it? - Do I like it? You look brand-new, babe.
I don't know what I was doing with them blonde extensions.
Looked like bleedin' Herman Munster's ma.
I didn't want to say.
- Kids downstairs? - Yeah.
I stuck the telly on for them.
Yeah? Come here to me.
- No.
- No? Why not? Cos you can't treat me like shit for weeks, then expect to hop up me whenever you want.
- Can you? - No.
Anyway, I have to wash Warren's hair with the special shampoo.
He's got them nits again.
What's this, the magical fuckin' mystery tour? All he has to do is ring me.
Instead of this cops and robbers bullshit he's at.
Playin' the fuckin' hard man.
Paranoid about the phones.
Why not ring me? - He did ring you.
- One bleedin' missed call and what? If I don't answer, he sends you fuckin' muppets to get me.
- He rang you a couple of times.
- Number only came up once.
He rang you off one of the work phones a couple of times.
- You didn't answer.
- I didn't know it was him.
That's why he rang you off his own phone.
- This is bullshit.
- Shut your bleedin' mouth, Fran.
Fuck you.
- All right! I'm fuckin' calm, all right.
- Prick.
All right, buddy? The super nits back? I have to put this in your hair for ten minutes.
OK? Dirty bleedin' yokes.
I might be back later on, babe.
All right? Yeah, whatever suits.
Mischa, hold this.
What's the story, Nidge? Mischa, I'm gonna talk to Fran now.
And it he lies, I want you to give him a belt of that.
What the tuck is this about? The dentist.
What about him? Ah, fuck.
So, every time, he gets a dig, and if you keep going, Mischa here will beat you till the bat breaks.
And then he's gonna ram it up your fuckin' hole! You think I wouldn't find out about you getting arrested? So you're gonna tell me everything.
At the end of it all, I'm gonna decide it I have you batted to death or not.
I don't understand.
Explain it to me.
What did you go over to his gaff for? You were told to leave well alone, weren't you? - And you had to go and kill him.
- He was a rat.
- Says you.
- He was.
Why didn't you ring me it you thought he was a rat? - You were trying to get me caught! - I wasn't! I panicked.
I had him dead there.
I wasn't even sure if he was a rat.
It was only afterwards I was thinkin'.
You know what I mean? And you didn't tell me? I know it looks bad.
Well It that's all you've got for me, Fran then I've no use for you.
If there was any chance you could give me a pass on this, Nidge You give me the pass this once, I swear On Linda's grave, I swear whatever you want, I'll do it.
And? And I'll pay youfor a pass.
Yeah, you fuckin' will.
- You sure you can trust him, Nidge? - I don't trust anybody.
- Fran's a bleedin' nutjob.
- I know.
That's what I need, though, isn't it? - What's this place we're lookin' at tonight? - The Pappin.
Owner can't handle the hassle.
Drinkin' the place dry.
His nerves are gone on him.
If we get the security right, it's good money.
What are you doing the week after next? - Need you to come to Spain with me.
- What's over there? - Going over to see Terence Bigballs.
- Yeah? Yep.
See if he'll give me a loan.
See yer man.
If he gets any messier, fuck him out.
You're a fuckin' busted flush, Nidge.
You know what I mean? The amount of ones that want to whack you.
You've a leaky ship there.
Old bill scum all over your last job.
Garda rats.
I'm rooting it out, Terence.
I'm keeping it tight now.
You might get your gear in, Nidgy, but someones gonna whack you soon.
You know that.
Judge, given the defendant has suffered two close bereavements in recent years, I would ask the court to show a degree of leniency.
Bail is set at 500 euros.
The case is adjourned until the 25th, Mr Duignan, and I expect a full medical report by then.
Thank you, Judge.
Let's move on.
Ah, get him.
Go on, get him! Everybody, tight that building the tuck up! Is that not over 18? Don't know.
Is it, buddy? Think it might be over 12's.
Are you still itchy, Warren? - Leave it out, Ma.
I'm playing.
- He's winning here.
It's near over now.
I'm seeing if that shampoo has worked.
Yes! Oh! You're a champ.
Do you hear me, pal? You're a fuckin' champ.
Come on.
Have another one.
Brian, coming in around the back, yeah.
The lights are all on inside.
Let's go.
This place used to be selling - How are ya, Nidge? - You reckon you can bring it back up? - Ah, yeah.
- Once security's sorted, it's no problem.
People don't like to go to a place with a rough reputation.
Guarantee no hassle and they'll be back.
This is Pat.
- How's it goin'? - How are you? Talking about security.
We'll have doormen Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Once they know you're the man around here, all the little scumbags will tuck oft.
Pat used to run the Countess Markievicz in Summerhill.
He'd take no bullshit out of any of them.
And his name's on the lease, yeah? The nightclub here.
They use it for functions.
We can use it ourselves.
This bastard is the most paranoid man I know, but Martin managed to get a tracker on him.
Why don't you put a pipe bomb underneath the car and blow the tucker to bits? He's more dangerous to us if he gets his legs blown off.
Ii we hit him and don't get him, or halt get him, it's no use to us.
We want to back him into a corner.
Leave him with no way out.
With the tracker on him, we know where he's weak.
He's on the move.
Don't fuckin' wander off.
Can you fuckin' slow down for a second? - What's wrong with you? - Can you not talk to him for me? - Who? - Aran.
For fuck sake, Janet.
Can we not talk about it after? I'm losing my rhythm here.
I'll talk lo him.
All right? Thanks, Nidge.
Cos he's got brains, you know.
Don't want to see him hanging out with scumbags.
Don't know where he does be half the time.
Fuck sake, you're distracting me here.
I'll talk to him.
All right? Thanks.
Get off me.
Fuck this shit.
- Sorry.
- Sorry, love.
Didn't realise I had the chain on.
All right.
pal? I have to motor on, Janet.
Let me know when you want me to have that chat with himself, yeah? Mischa! Aargh! Come on.
Come on! Can't see any fuckin' sign of him.
Any fuckin' blood? Under that car there.
He's around here somewhere.
Get down.
Get down.
Look round there.
Look under there.
Look every fuckin' where, lads.
Get under there.
Hurry up! I hear the guards.
Come on.
We need to go.
Come on, quick! Come on, boys.
Fuck! Come on! You still havea good chunk of change.
Buy with what you have.
Don't get greedy.
You have money.
Not big money, I don't.
I start at the bottom and I'm two years getting back.
You back me and I'm back up and running in two months.
Otherwise, what do I do? Go ask the bleeding bank for a loan? The nephew's coming in now.
I want him to go back with you.
I'll give him a job.
No problem.
That's done, sorted.
The nephew won't be working for you, Nidge.
- He's working for me.
- Right.
I'll loan you the money and Paulie will be my eyes and ears.
Cheers, Terence.
Cheers, mate.
Paulie, come over here.
- This is Nidge.
- All right, Nidge? How are you? All right.
Cool, man.
What I'm mainly worried about with you, Nidge, is this.
That you won't be around long enough to pay me back.
- Do you understand? - Yeah.
So Paulie will be on the ground with you, watching your back.
And Paulie will be there for whatever problems you might have.
Whether it's fellas wanting to whack you, or fuckin' Garda rats.
There's no rats.
There's always rats, Nidge.
There's always rats.
Siobhán? Thanks.
Have to head, babe.
You're OK to follow on your own, yeah? Yeah.
I'll get a taxi.
I invited Siobhán out tonight.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Might do her good to come out.
Someone to talk to.
Let her hair down.
See you later.
All right? - All right, pal.
- Howya, Aido? - This is where it's at? - Boss man in? Yeah, he's upstairs.
- All right, man? - All right.
Leave that there if you want.
No-one will be up here till later on.
- Won't get robbed, no? - Not here it won't.
Told them all to come in tonight, so you'll meet most of them.
- Any decent mots? - Nah.
Only ones you gotta pay for.
They're the best ones.
There you are, Frano.
Bit of a Chinese coming in for everybody for later.
What is this, like, the opening or something? I don't know, do I, Dean? Nidge kissing Terence May's fuckin' nephew's arse.
- Is that him? - Yeah.
- Pat, this is Paulie.
- Paulie.
How's it goin'? What's the story, pal? Aido! This is Paulie.
How are you? Women! She went to the jacks before we came out and she has to go again.
Fuck's sake.
- I'm so happy to be gettin' out tonight, Trish.
- You need it, don't you? You forget.
You do.
Well, I do.
- Do I look all right? - You look beautiful, hun.
I'm sick of being a good girl, Trish.
You know that? Here, gimme some of that vodka.
Here's my missus now.
- Where the fuck were yous? - Havin' a chat.
This is the aul' bail and chain, Trish.
This is Paulie.
How you doin'? - I'm going for a bop.
Get me a vodka.
- Right.
- Come on, Siobhán.
- How are you? And this is my niece, Siobhán.
So what's the story? - No story.
Feel like getting wasted.
- Yeah? I like the sound oi that.
How's How's Tommy doing, darling? I'm wasted.
Gonna get wasted some more.
Come on.
I'll introduce you to Fran.
- Who done the dentist? - Yeah.
He's all right.
I put him back in his box.
Frano, this is Paulie.
Paulie, this is Fran and this is Dean.
All right, Dean? Terence May's nephew.
He's over from Spain.
A pint of water.
I'll get the pints in, lads.
- Hey, Nidge's niece.
- Siobhán.
Do you want to do a shot, Siobhán? Yeah? Here.
Give us four shots of that blue stuff and three pints of lager, yeah.
He's all right, Fran, isn't he? He knows what he wants, anyways.
- Here.
- Gas to see the Nidgy fannying around him.
Showin' him a bit of leg.
"I've a bone to pick with you, Nidgy.
" I'm gonna take a piss.
Give me a minute.
I'll be back.
What bone? What? "A bone to pick you with, Nidgy.
" Jaysus, Siobhán.
Don't say that.
Forget you heard it.
I won't say anything.
Here she is now, Gaffer.
- Hey.
- Get in the car, Siobhán, will you.
- Are you gonna give out to me? - Just get in the fuckin' car, will you.
Can I smoke in the car? - Can I? - Go on.
Oh, shit.
I don't have any.
- Do you have any? - No.
I gave 'em up.
This is dangerous, Siobhán.
You know that? - Dangerous and stupid.
- I knew you were gonna give out to me.
If you're spotted meeting me like this, you're dead.
We meet, we meet in a safe place.
Not a last-minute phone call like this.
You're pissed out of your brain.
Well, you can stop the car and I'll get out if you don't want to hear what I have to say.
I want you to be sate, that's all.
I don't want to meet like this again.
Unless it's in an emergency.
I'm sorry.
You wanted to tell me something, Siobhán.
- They're all in there.
- OK.
Well, would you not take photos of them all leaving? That's what I would do.
OK, is that it, Siobhán? Is that all you have for me? No.
There's a new guy, Paulie.
Do you know his surname? No, I can't remember, but he's he's somebody's nephew.
- Somebody big - in Spain.
- In Spain? Yeah.
He's after coming back with Nidge.
I think he's staying around for a bit.
That's what I heard.
That's all I know.
I better be getting back.
Let's go back, Ciaran.
We'll look into this.
How are you? All right? Yeah, I'm just a bit pissed.
Be careful, will you? Why? Are you worried about me? was seem' where you gm m.
Better go home.
Leighton's my little lad.
You have to be gone before he wakes up.
If you get clipped, then I'm out of pocket.
Who's gonna pay me back? It doesn't matter to me, if you pay me up front, that some fuckers want to whack you.
That's not my business.
But if I loan you it, then it is my business.
With Paulie over with me, whatever he says goes.
Everybody knows the knackers are mad bastards.
You can say what you like about them keeping their head down when they have to.
It's bollocks, Paulie.
They're fuckin' savages.
Fuckin' bastards.
I know, yeah.
That's what we're talking about.
I'll leave yis alone.
You must've pissed them off first, did you? You don't have to tell me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
I'm gonna talk to this fella Patrick and tell him straight up.
You and him need to sit down and son this out.
What did you do to him? I tried to whack him.
- You pay him compo, then.
- Fuck that.
Listen, Nidge.
Once you pay back Terence, he doesn't give a bollocks what you do.
You can massacre the whole lot of them.
But not now.
Terence has you bought and paid for, and this is what Terence wants.
Not one of them fools out there would go against you.
I'm sick oi listening to you about this.
You could've asked me what I thought.
You didn't.
- Cos I knew what you'd say.
- You knew what I'd say is right.
I'm done talking about this.
You're after bringing a whole heap of trouble onto the site.
- Why'd you come back at all? - You know why.
I couldn't leave him alone.
I'd sooner see myself joining him than leave him in the ground on his own, and us across the water.
You have a boy above ground.
And two little girls that you need to look after.
This fella wants to talk.
See if we can son it.
I'm gonna meet him and see what happens.
- My head's cold.
- Of course it's cold.
You need a hat, that's all.
I think it looks great.
You look like me now.
Them super nits won't be coming back any time soon.
That'll keep you warm.
You go on in.
Right? Good man.
- All right? - I've got a new bodyguard for you.
You said your Latvian guy is gonna lose the leg.
Don't know if he is or not.
Well, he's not gonna be walking around any time soon, is he? Come on.
Follow me and we'll meet him.
I was in The Joy with him a few years ago.
He's sound.
Fuckin' head screwed on.
Very fast reflexes.
It's from yoga, believe it or not.
- Here, Beano! - One sec.
What's the story, pal? All right? - How's you? - Yeah, good, good.
- I was telling this chap about the yoga.
- Fuckin' good.
- Show him what you can do.
- Now? Yeah.
Go on.
Now, I bet you you can't do that.
- He can handle himself, can he? - Beano? Ah, yeah.
Used to be in the army.
Got fucked out.
But he's light.
That's what you want.
Not some fuckin' big muscle man who can't move.
It they try and kill me again, he can bleedin' stand on his head for them.
See you there.
That's on.
It's better it the lads wait outside.
- He wants to son this.
- Right.
Wait here.
Here's yer man there now.
I want to knock this on the head.
The only reason why I hit you and yours is because you came after me first.
I was paranoid.
Didn't know you wouldn't say anything to Fran aboutyou know.
I told you.
I keep myself to myself.
That's why people trust me.
I never tell anybody nothing.
Can I have money to get a packet of crips, Daddy? - I told you go and ask your mother.
- She said to ask you.
Go on, now.
Don't be annoying me.
- That the little fella was with you before? - Brandon.
- He has the nits, does he? - He has what? The nits.
You know, the head lice.
Best way to get rid of them, shave the head.
Get him to the barber, get a number 1.
- Are you asking if he has head lice? - What? - No.
- He's clean and looked after.
- He's no dirty head lice.
- I was only asking.
My little fella has them.
I'll rip your head off here and now.
- No matter yer man over there.
- I'm not saying that.
- Deaf, then, am I? - I'm not saying that.
I didn't mean that.
You don't understand.
Oh, I'm deaf and stupid now? Thick, am I? I apologise.
I was saying my fella has them yokes.
That's all.
My little fella, not yours.
I brought him to get his head shaved.
OK? Look, Patrick, this is good for no-one.
- That's ten grand.
- What's that for? Now, I don't have to do this.
To be honest, your lads done this to me, and I've one of my lads gonna lose a leg, so I don't have to do this.
But that's for you.
Paulie said put my money where my mouth is.
Cash up front.
Pay the price.
I don't want your money.
Take it, Patrick.
I want to square this.
I don't want your money.
Take it back with you and use it to buy yourself a headstone.
Fuck up on me, Nidge, and I'll slaughter you and yours.
I know.
Thanks, Terence.
I appreciate this.
I don't know why I'm betting on you, Nidge.
It's simple fuckin' mathematics.
If you were a bleedin' nag, I wouldn't put money on you lasting the bleedin' race.
Cos you're for the fuckin' knackers yard.
I'm not done yet, Terence.
I swear.
I'm not done yet.
- Will I not need a bally as well? - I don't have one for you.
I have one around the gaff.
Will I have time to get it? Make it fast.
All right, Beano? Think you can drive me somewhere without standing on your head? There he is, there.
- Is the bitch dead? - Yeah.
- Where to now, boss? - Pap.
Couple of pints there, Pat.
- Squeeze in there, Fran? - Ah, yeah.
No problem, Nidgy.
No problem.
It's a great day to be alive, Frano.
You know what I mean?
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