The Circle (2020) s05e01 Episode Script

Single and Ready to Mingle

[dance music playing]
We're back with the ultimate game
of strategy, honey,
where players can choose
to play themselves
or catfish as someone new.
And this season,
everyone is playing single.
Are the players gonna be looking for love,
or are they gonna do what they gotta do
to get the cash prize?
Who is gonna make it to the grand finale?
And who's gonna get blocked,
win friends, and influence people?
'Cause this is The Circle.
That's right, honey, you heard me!
Now, what's ruthless, round,
and about to make somebody
$100,000 richer?
It's The Circle, and it's back!
And The Circle is about to be filled
with players all trying
to live their best online lives
to win these sweet
dolla-dolla bills, y'all.
Now, let's meet our very first player,
and it's a good thing
she ain't got a lot of neighbors yet.
[squealing] Honey, I'm home!
Oh wow! I have to do a remodel
when I go back home.
Oh my God. Greek goddess vibes, baby!
-[empowering music playing]
Oh my It's like I'm the queen right now.
I feel like the queen!
[man] Marking it.
Geia sas! Hello!
My name is Xanthi, I am 25-years-old,
I am a model and I am from Massachusetts.
If you have seen the movie
My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
that is the epitome of my family.
Everything's "Opa, opa, opa.
Páme, páme! Let's go!"
Ready or not, I'm comin' ♪
[Xanthi] I have been modeling
practically my whole life.
I mean, I love the camera!
Ready or not
Na na na na ♪
Models definitely don't have
the best track record on The Circle,
so I will be going in as myself,
but I am going in as a preschool teacher.
[lip-synching] Ready or not ♪
I am totally single.
And who knows?
I might have a little teacher's pet.
-Oh oh oh oh, ready or not ♪
I'm gonna have these boys
wrapped around my little finger.
Na na na na ♪
Circle, baby, please take me
to my private albums.
[Buteau] Okay, I'm here for watching
a model set up an online profile.
In fact, you know what?
I'mma take some notes.
Circle, please open up my top right photo.
Oh yes! I'm wearing
my favorite color, yellow.
It is welcoming.
So, you know what?
Please, Circle, lock this in
as my first profile photo.
Ah, love it.
[Buteau] As Xanthi marvels
at the magic of uploading a photo,
our next player hasn't even made it
past the couch.
It's my house! It's my house, baby!
This is my house! I love this.
We are gonna win The Circle!
[funky music playing]
Can you dig it? ♪
Hey, what's up? I'm Brian, I'm 47,
I'm a supervisor
in the special investigations unit,
and I'm from Portland, Oregon.
As a fraud investigator,
I use social media to determine
what lies you're telling,
and then I use
that information against you.
I'll be using my skills
to root out all the catfish,
except for one person,
Mmm, na na na na ♪
I'm going into The Circle
as my 27-year-old daughter, Brittney.
Mmm, na na na na ♪
There's no better way to win The Circle
than to play on people's heartstrings.
I mean, who else
would you rather give money to
than a single mom of a beautiful,
five-year-old, precious baby girl?
Mama! [giggles]
[Brian] So, the first thing I'm gonna do,
I'm gonna get a Circle boyfriend.
And I'm going to ensure
that he falls in love with me.
Mmm, na na na na
Mmm, na na na na ♪
It's not Brittney, bitch. It's her daddy!
I'm gonna be perfect
as a 27-year-old girl.
I know all the hashtags,
all the terms that
the cool cats and kittens are using.
I am perfect for this.
[Buteau] A 27-year-old
talking about cool cats and kittens?
[sarcastically] Yeah,
you really nailed this already, dad.
Let's celebrate. Take it away, next dude!
Oh, oh
All right, I'm sorry.
I immediately apologize about that.
Sorry. I'm sorry, Circle.
You just got champagne showered.
[laughing] Hey, just hold on one second.
-[shutter clicks]
-And we're back.
All eyes on me ♪
I'm Brett, I'm 28,
and I live in Sin City, Las Vegas.
-All eyes on me ♪
-I'm a huge Vegas pool-party guy.
My favorite thing is popping bottles
with hot smoking babes.
You like what you see
All eyes on me ♪
It's not just hot boy summer.
It's hot boy all year round.
And honestly, it's exhausting,
but I do it for you, not for me.
-[wolf whistling]
-[laughs] This isn't my first TV rodeo.
I came sixth on Big Brother,
but I plan to do better on The Circle.
My strategy is to be myself. Look at me.
[chuckles] I'd rather be me
than any catfish.
I'll take the cash
I'm taking names ♪
The biggest misconception about me
is that I'm a douchebag,
when in reality, I'm a lovable douchebag.
I'm socially in tune enough
to win people over
in situations that it's needed.
All eyes on me ♪
I'd definitely be betting on me
to win The Circle.
-All eyes on me ♪
Put it all on Brett!
All eyes on me ♪
Circle, take me to the top right photo.
If I'm gonna choose a shirtless photo,
I feel like this is the way to do it.
[Buteau] That's how choosing
a profile picture works, right?
Circle, set this
as my second profile photo.
[Circle chimes, then beeps]
[Brett] I love this.
Like, it's a little bit intimidating,
but, like, it's also inviting.
Circle, save my profile.
[Circle hums]
I think they're gonna love me.
[Buteau, sarcastically] Aw,
so refreshing to see a guy like Brett
with some confidence for a change.
And our next player is not so shy either.
[electronic music playing]
Go and live your best life ♪
"What's up, everybody? My name is Raven."
"I'm 26-years-old, and I'm from Maryland."
"I'm #DeafAsFuck, and I'm proud of it."
"You're probably wondering,
who's this weirdo beside me?"
"This is Paris.
He's gonna be my interpreter."
"In the game,
I'm the one calling the shots."
"I was born deaf.
I come from a deaf family."
"We're third generation deaf."
"American Sign Language
is my first language,
and yes, I can use my voice,
but I feel more comfortable
using sign language."
"People always look down on deaf people,
but the truth of the matter is
deaf people can do everything
except hear."
"When people say deaf people can't dance,
I say to them, 'Watch me.'"
Go and live your best life ♪
[Paris] "I'm not entering The Circle
because I'm deaf."
"I'm entering The Circle,
and I just happen to be deaf."
"Listen, I'm loud,
and I call it like I see it."
'Cause I'm a bad bitch!
I know.
[alarm blares]
"The queen has arrived."
"Circle, update bio to,
'Bama girl,
working in the nation's capital.'"
"'When I'm not working,
you can find me twerking for self-care.'"
"'I speak with my hands. #DeafAF.'"
"'The only L I take is laughter.'"
[Buteau] Ooh, she had me
at "twerking for self-care," everybody.
[Paris] "I want people to know
that I'm deaf."
"I think folks will understand
when I say I speak with my hands
that it means
that I use American Sign Language,
and I want folks to kind of look
at the 'deaf as fuck' as me being proud."
"That's me. That's me. That's me."
[Buteau] The first four players are in,
so it's a perfect time
for our very first Circle Chat.
"Circle Chat is now open"?
[squeals] Can't wait to see everyone!
[both] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
[laughing] Oh my goodness!
Yes, my ladies!
Hello, Brett! [laughing]
It's all chicks. This is perfect!
Just the king on his throne.
[Paris] "Message, 'What's up, y'all?
How y'all doing?'"
"'Anybody else feeling
like they need to be pinched?!'"
"'Question mark, exclamation point,
shocked face emoji.'"
"Circle, send message."
-[Raven screams]
Yes, Raven! Pinch me, baby! [laughs]
Power move by Raven leading it off.
[funky music playing]
Message, "Hi, everyone!!!"
"Exclamation mark,
exclamation mark, exclamation mark."
"Super excited to meet you all
and can't wait
to get to know you even better."
Uh, "A little intimidating
being the only guy
in a room with pretty girls."
"Sweating emoji, laughing emoji."
Send message.
Aw, Brett just called me a pretty girl?
Little do you know, Brett!
Circle, take me to Brett's profile.
Brett, you're a little bit too pretty.
[laughing] Oh! Brett!
Oh, hello, Brett.
Oh my goodness! Hello, Brett!
Single as well. That's always a plus.
[Paris] "Shh. I love his blue eyes.
I'm already hooked."
I say, "It's nice being the only guy,"
and for all I know,
we got, like, three 60-year-old men
on the other line of this.
Like, I have no clue.
Message, "Hi, guys! Exclamation point."
[Paris] "'We made it, baby!'"
-[Raven] Ah!
[laughing deeply]
Oh, Xanthi's gonna be a problem!
[laughing] I love it!
[Brett] I need to stay away from you,
but I give it, like, a 10 out of 10
this chick slides in my DMs.
[Paris] "Message,
'I'm literally twerking right now.'"
"'I can't believe this!'"
"'@Brett, don't stress too much.'"
"'I'm sure we won't bite.'"
"'Winking emoji,
LMAO, laughing emoji.' Send."
Raven's already flirting.
See, I love Raven! Yes!
Circle, take me to Raven's profile.
We are both single,
so I'm gonna make sure
we're not gonna compete for a Circle man.
"I speak with my hands. #DeafAF."
I'm assuming she's actually deaf.
"The only L I take is laughter."
Yes! Oh my God!
When I'm looking at you, Raven,
I can hear you saying that.
Circle, take me back to Circle Chat.
I definitely wanna make sure, um,
that I'm not sounding
like a 48-year-old man.
I wanna connect with Raven immediately
and let her know that I'm on her side.
Um, I also want to talk to Brett as well.
Message, "Haha! Exclamation."
"I'm twerking right with you, girl.
Dancing emoji. And don't worry, Brett."
"Our bites are harmless."
Yes! The ladies are loving it.
Message, "I'm loving the energy right now!
Exclamation point."
"Brett, we'll play nice if you do."
"Winky-face emoji." Send message.
[laughing] Oh my God.
This has escalated so quickly.
[Buteau] It sure has, honey.
And before
this one-guy-three-girls scenario
gets even more out of hand,
it's time to send in another bro.
[chuckling] Oh my God!
What the
Oh my goodness.
This is Oh my!
-[bed cracks]
-Oh shit! I think I broke something.
[Buteau] Ooh, talk about
coming in hot and heavy. Mm!
-I'm ready.
-We doin' this! ♪
My name is Marvin, I'm 27 years old,
I'm from Houston, Texas,
and I'm a chemical engineer.
I was born in a small village in Nigeria,
and life was tough.
You know, walking miles
to go fetch water, no shoes on.
But being where I am right now,
I'm definitely the American dream.
We doin' this! ♪
[Marvin] I have three degrees,
chemical engineering,
chemistry, and mathematics.
When everyone sees my abs,
people always think I'm a catfish.
That's me!
The truth is I don't work out 24/7,
but going into The Circle,
I'm going to be a personal trainer.
I want them
to underestimate my intelligence.
If I see a cute girl in The Circle,
that's my kryptonite right there.
I have a tender heart.
So if I'm liking a girl,
and she turns out to be a catfish,
that would be terrible.
Marvin, get a hold of yourself.
We doin' this! ♪
[Marvin] I got the looks,
I got the physique,
and I got the intelligence.
I'm coming in hot!
We doin' this! ♪
But for now, I gotta get comfortable,
you know? The shirt comes off.
Circle, make this
my second profile picture.
That's a great combination right there.
Look at that!
You know, I'm not hiding anything.
Like, that's it.
Well, I'm hiding one thing. [scoffs]
I'm an engineer.
No one is gonna know about that.
[Buteau] Ooh, raise your hand
if you thought he was talking about that.
Nope, me neither.
Can you imagine? Like, you see this guy
that looks the way he does,
and you see, "Occupation, engineer."
That's like, "Catfish, catfish, catfish."
[Buteau] Whatever floats your boat,
Okay, time for our next player,
and I hope she brought an extra suitcase
for all that sass.
[excitedly] Oh, shit!
[loudly] This shit is nice!
Who is the interior designer?
Make sure I don't got a booger.
Don't have me
in this TV embarrassing myself.
We gonna get up, get up ♪
-Yerr! ♪
-Yerr! [laughs]
What's good? My name is Sam.
I am a freelance makeup artist,
and I'm 34 years old.
-Get up, get up ♪
-[Sam] I am the spiciest thing ever!
I'm a I don't know.
The hot one, I'm that!
-We gonna turn it up right now ♪
-[Sam] I grew up in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.
I've seen it all. I think that's why
I got such a rough exterior.
-But inside, I'm squishy like Jell-O.
-They don't mean no disrespect ♪
[Sam] I'm also lovable.
So once I love you, that's it.
You're under the wing
and stuck with me like
-Can I say "herpes"? [wheezing laugh]
-We gonna get up, get up ♪
[Sam] Growing up, I was always picked on
for my boobs, my complexion, my flat ass.
That's why I'm choosing
to go onto The Circle as myself.
I wanna represent
the natural women out there.
For the women who shave their big toes
'cause those four hairs growing there.
That's me.
I feel like I haven't seen
anybody like me on The Circle yet.
I haven't seen anybody like me anywhere.
I'm a unicorn.
With tattoos and big tits,
but The Circle needs me!
They might have to do a spin-off
and call it The Oval,
'cause I'mma squish this shit.
Let's turn it up now! ♪
[Sam] Damn, this is tough!
'Cause I don't wanna look like a bitch,
and I have resting bitch face a lot.
Circle, open up the middle-top
of me with the army green shirt
with the brown sweater.
The tits are titting.
I look tit-tastic, actually.
Circle, make this photo
my profile picture.
This looks good! Pictures are banging.
"About Me" is nice and spicy, but cute.
This is like an appetizer,
and I am the entree.
This is good!
[Buteau] While Sam
is bringing it to us hot,
our next player is coming in
with something a little sweet and sticky.
These are my sticky notes
that I'mma have all over these walls,
because I'mma be mapping out
all of these players' strategies.
If I know their strategy
better than they know their strategy,
then guess what that means?
-[shoe stomps]
-You're going home. [laughs]
What's good, everybody? My name is Chaz,
I'm 28, and I'm from Jersey.
I'm known as Shampoo Papi
because I operate my own business
as a mobile car detailer.
I pull up to your crib, washing your car.
I mean, you name it.
I have seen everything under the sun,
coffee stains all over the seats,
Cheeto crumbs.
-How are you living your life like this?
-I got that thang ♪
I'm entering as myself 100%
with just a little bit of embellishment.
I'm entering The Circle as a nurse
to diagnose these players
with the medical disease
that I call bullshit. Why?
Will they tell the guy
who washes a car all of their secrets,
or will they tell the nurse?
I got that thang ♪
I went to nursing school,
although I didn't finish,
and they do an incredible job.
It's Shampoo Papi's time to shine, baby.
I came all the way out here to win.
That's exactly what I'm gonna do.
[rapping] Shampoo Papi's in the house ♪
I'm the biggest competition
The Circle's got ♪
Ya better get ready for the games I play
#PackYouBags. I'm here to stay! ♪
Oh yes, I love it! Damn! That is amazing.
All right, so we got my name.
All right, so "age."
I'm 28. "Relationship status."
I am engaged to, like,
the best man in the world,
but for The Circle,
I'm coming in "Single as a Pringle."
I think this works. I love this.
[Buteau] I love it too.
And just like Chaz's profile,
"Once you pop, you just can't stop."
Circle, let's bring in our next player!
We good to go?
What's up, guys?
I'm Bruno, I'm 25, and I'm from London.
I know what women want,
and that's because
I am one.
My name is Billie-Jean, I'm 25,
and I'm from the UK.
Show you all the things I do ♪
I'm a model,
and I also do radio presenting.
I feel like I've got good chat.
I can talk shit all day,
and I get paid for it.
I could do this all day
I could do this all night ♪
[Billie-Jean] Female models get judged
on what you wear, how's your skin,
how does your hair look.
But men have it different.
So, I'm going into The Circle as Bruno.
I'll make it look easy ♪
My tactic is to flirt with the ladies.
I'm gonna reel them in.
Obviously, I can't flirt
with the guys, unfortunately.
I'd maybe want to,
but I'm not gonna. [chuckles]
I have been single for, like, five years,
so it means
that I've done a lot of dating.
So, I feel like my chat is the ultimate.
Get ready, Circle
because with my face
and my chat,
we're in it to win it. [laughs]
Circle, "About Me," write,
"Down to earth, comma, nature lover."
"I'm the annoying person
that asks to stroke your dog."
"Laughing emoji."
"And I'm not afraid to admit it."
"#MummysBoy." Boom.
He doesn't look arrogant.
He doesn't look up himself.
He just looks lovely
but so hot at the same time.
Let's go!
[Buteau] Yes, let's go,
'cause now all our players are in.
Let's check on the first four
who are still chatting.
I'll throw a little love out there.
Message, "My bottle of champagne
is empty Dot, dot, dot."
[Xanthi] "I accidentally sprayed it
all over my wall and TV!"
No, not on The Circle, Brett!
[Buteau] Oh, yes, honey.
All over The Circle.
-Let's bring in our next four.
-Oh my God! There's more of us.
Oh God.
[Brian] Uh-oh, Bruno. Brett, competition.
The chat's about to be lit!
[Marvin] Oh, it's happening.
[excitedly] Oh, shit!
Look at all of us! We're all here!
Who's gonna type first?
[stammers] Fuck it, I'm the old lady.
I'm gonna be the leader of the pack. Um
All right. Message, "Microphone emoji.
Is this thing on? LOL."
"Hi, everyone.
So excited to meet all of you."
"Hopefully, everyone's apartment
is as cute as mine." [squeals]
I like that. Send.
I wrote my first Circle message!
[Xanthi] Ah! Sam!
Yes, baby, mine's all pink! [laughs]
Oh! It's real.
[high-pitched] What? And Chaz is typing?
What is he saying? What's he about to say?
"Hey, everybody! Exclamation point.
How's everybody feeling? Question mark."
"I know that I'm happy to be here."
"Heart emoji."
Circle, open up Chaz's profile.
"I love to laugh
and take long walks with ice cream."
[high-pitched] Oh, what? Me too!
That's great.
I'm going to put on here, ice cream!
[Buteau] Oh, since we're taking orders,
let me get one too.
"Registered nurse."
I feel like he's gonna be
a caring, very kind person.
Circle, take me back to the chat.
Message, "OMG!!! Exclamation mark,
exclamation mark, exclamation mark."
"How exciting is it to be here?"
Do we have an emoji that goes like, "Ah!"
Something like that?
Some kind of screaming?
Oh! [laughs]
Circle, send my message.
[Raven gasps]
[whispers] Love at first chat.
Love at first chat!
"Circle, please bring me
to Marvin's profile."
-[Raven screams excitedly]
[Raven] Ah!
-[Paris, impressed] Bitch!
"Huge supporter of the LGBT rights."
I don't know if he's straight,
or gay, or whatever he is,
but if he's straight
and supports all of these things,
that says a lot about him.
[Paris] "He's single.
That's all I needed to know."
-[sighs] Focus, focus, focus.
-[Paris] "Okay, focus, focus, focus."
[Buteau] That's right, Raven.
Get your head in the game.
Message, "Hey, guys. Love heart emoji.
I can't believe I'm here."
"This is so crazy! Exclamation mark.
My apartment is a madness."
"How's everyone else settling in?"
-"Question mark."
-[tense music playing]
Bruno's just not really bringing anything,
uh, that I like,
and I don't know
if he's matching up with his picture.
He's on my catfish radar.
Message, "Everyone looks
so cool and inspiring. Love heart."
"Is everyone from the States?
Question mark. I'm from the UK." Send.
Message, "Bruno,
yes, I'm from New York City."
"You're going to have to teach me
some of that UK lingo."
Send it.
Message, "Sam," in capital letters,
"New York City is in the house."
"I miss Dallas BBQs." Send.
Oh, he is from up there!
From New York City. Okay.
Message, "Chaz, let's make a deal."
"When we get back,
sticky wings on me." Boom!
That's right, baby!
I love it! I love that energy!
Oh, there's a lot of chat going on.
Circle, open up Sam's profile.
"Age 34. Relationship status, shit show."
[laughs loudly]
I definitely see the feistiness in her.
She definitely She's quick with this.
Like, she's just got too much filter on.
Right now, I'm just thinking
she could be a catfish, you know?
Message, "Yes! What a group!
Star-eye emoji."
"Are we all ready for some fun?
Question mark? Purple demon emoji."
[giggles] Stop playing with me, girl.
Okay, okay. [laughs]
She's right, because,
like, we're all single in here.
It's a very sexual group.
Like, everybody just seems
like a bunch of horny people.
Is this The Circle, Love Cruise?
What's going on here?
Because every single person here
is single.
Circle, please take me
to Xanthi's profile.
"Preschool teacher."
I've never seen a preschool teacher
look like this in my life.
If she's a teacher,
I don't mind going back to preschool.
She can tutor me for all I care. Like
[lively music playing]
[Sam] Message,
"Xanthi, I thought I was the only one
who noticed that we were all single."
"This is going to be an interesting ride."
Damn right, it is.
I can't believe we're all single.
This is crazy.
[Buteau, sarcastically]
Yeah, it is a crazy coincidence.
Right, Circle?
[Sam] Aw, "Circle Chat is now closed."
Give me my friends back.
[Brett] I feel like
I was so left out of that chat.
I didn't get a chance to respond
to anything. These guys are so quick.
Everybody is definitely ready
to get the single party started.
Bro, I haven't been single
in over four years.
I don't even know how to, like, flirt.
Cheers to our first Circle Chat!
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Our players are settling
into Circle life in the traditional way,
by breaking out
the fine Circle kitchenware.
[smacks lips] That looks fantastic.
[rolling vowels]
I'm all domesticated or whatever.
[pan sizzling]
[signing] What's wrong?
I'm actually stuck
in this apartment with you.
-Do y'all see this?
[Buteau] Yeah, we all see it, Raven.
Y'all about to see
something else too, though,
and I'mma just give you
one guess what it is.
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
What? Oh my God!
-[high pitched] Fuck!
-First alert.
What is going on?
Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness!
Oh my goodness! Oh my gosh!
What are you gonna do to us?
It's too soon for alerts.
[Brett] "You must now rate each other
for the first time."
[whispers] Oh my gosh.
This is intense.
I have to judge these people.
[Chaz] "Rate your fellow players
from first to seventh."
We literally just said,
"Hey, my name is Chaz. What's your name?"
That's it!
I gotta play a strategic game.
I gotta rate someone
that's gonna rate me high.
I need to rate them high.
Circle, take me to my ratings.
Let the games begin.
[Buteau] And please let
that bomb-ass rating music begin.
-[tense music playing]
-[Buteau] Here we go.
First place, I'mma have to go with Jersey.
I'mma have to go with Chaz.
I feel like we bonded.
We both like barbecue chicken.
I feel good about this, Chaz.
We gotta do it for the News,
New York and New Jersey.
The player that I'm going to rate first
It's gonna have to go to Sam.
Sam connected with me.
If we can kind of stick it out
with that same respect level,
I mean, we would make magic happen
in The Circle,
and that's why I'm rating her first.
"In first place, um,
I'm gonna pick Brittney."
"I felt like we had a lot in common."
"She's definitely someone
that I want to talk to more
and become friends with
here in The Circle."
Circle, I would like to place Raven
in my first position.
I feel like we connected
in the first group chat,
and we can start a girl gang.
#BlackGirlMagic. Let's go.
Raven, you're my number one.
So for my first place, I have Xanthi.
I believe she'll expect me to flirt.
For that reason, she'll wanna save me.
Xanthi, don't let me down.
Like, please don't let me down.
-[dramatic music playing]
-I'm gonna put Marvin in second place.
I feel like Marvin is really,
really just a warm, loving person.
For my rating, in second,
I'm going to go with Chaz.
I think he was super positive.
I love that in a person.
He reminds me of my friends back home.
Circle, lock in Chaz, please.
So, third place, I'd like to put Xanthi.
Let's go.
I want Chaz for my fourth place.
Fifth place, I'm gonna vote Raven.
She wasn't someone who stood out to me.
Circle, I'd like to place Bruno
in my sixth position.
Circle, I'd like to place Brett
in the seventh position.
When I looked at your profile,
you gave off this impression
you were full of energy and vibrant.
And you were dead silent.
Brett, you're where you belong.
I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry,
but you should've spoke up.
Circle, I'd like to put Sam
in seventh place.
Sadly, I don't really deal
with rejection well,
and Sam didn't give me enough attention.
Seventh is gonna go to Brittney.
I just don't really see
where her and I connect.
[all] Circle, submit my ratings!
Oh, Jesus! [gasps]
"Rating's complete!" I did it.
There's no going back now.
First impressions, man. So important.
"I don't like, you know,
really judging people like that,
because people do that to me."
"I'm happy with my ratings,
but at the same time, I'm sorry."
[Buteau] Aw, that's sweet, Raven.
Don't worry.
You won't have to judge people
for a long time.
Three, two, one.
Right. Here's a game
which involves you judging people.
[all] "Who Are You?"
"Who Are You?"
Let's go, baby! Let's do this.
We're about to get this thing going.
Who are you?
[Buteau] In Who Are You,
players will be asked
a series of multiple choice questions.
[both] Ooh.
"I see myself as"
A "team player."
Or a "lone wolf."
[Buteau] They then choose the answer
they think describes them best.
Circle, lock in leader
as my answer, please.
Do you know what?
I'm gonna go with leader. Fuck it.
[Buteau] Their answers will be revealed
for all the others to see.
I'm sorry. Is court in session?
Because they are judging.
[laughs] Fuck!
Go, Xanthi! Go, Xanthi!
Whoo! [chuckles]
Me and Bruno!
Baby, I knew I liked you.
[chuckling] Next question,
"My signature dance move is"
-I already know the answer. [chuckles]
[Xanthi] "Twerking, the robot,
a striptease, I don't dance."
Well, I'm Greek, so I definitely dance.
Oh, my signature dance move?
The striptease?
[Paris] "Marvin"
-"I'm hoping it's striptease."
-Ah! Ah!
Imagine who's in their apartments now,
twerking their asses off.
[Buteau] You imagine.
Cause we ain't got to.
-[Brian] Yeah! Twerking, yeah!
-Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
I just pulled a hip muscle.
Eff it. Let me get spicy.
I'm gonna lock in "a striptease."
-I hope I don't regret this.
-Circle, lock in "twerking."
-My signature dance move is twerking.
Circle, put a striptease.
I know I might be the only one there, but
[yells excitedly] Oh! This is good!
Who's that? Sam, nice!
-Thank you, Marvin!
-[hand slapping]
The boys said twerking! I love it so much.
The striptease, as expected,
was Marvin. [chuckles]
you need to striptease for me, bae."
Twirl! Twirl!
[Buteau] Okay, before we get flagged
for all this Circle booty,
let's just get to the next question.
"I would rather be"
Or "happy."
Oh, what a tough one!
Powerful? Mm. I don't care. Popular, nah.
I've been popular, and it was stressful.
I would be very disappointed
if any of my Circle girls pick successful.
Who gives a shit if you're successful
if you're not happy?
I don't care about popularity,
except when you're in The Circle.
[Paris] "Happy!" ♪
Should I really say what I want,
or should I give
a "more strategic answer"?
-Circle, select happy.
-I'm gonna pick happy.
I'm playing a teacher, so I could be
I could think I'm success
I mean,
I am successful being a teacher, right?
'Cause you're happy
with your profession. Oh God.
Circle, lock in successful
as my answer, please.
[gasps] Oh my God!
I'm the only one that said successful!
-Oh my God!
Look at that!
Xanthi chose successful.
Why don't you want to be happy, Xanthi?
Now, everyone might be looking
at Xanthi, like, sideways.
She wants to be successful.
She doesn't care
if she's going to get to that success.
I'm watching you, Xanthi ♪
Liars. Whatever. Next.
"Whilst in a relationship, I have"
Oh, shit!
-"Never cheated."
-"Cheated once or twice."
"Cheated more than twice."
"Prefer not to say."
Cheated more than twice,
you belong to the streets.
I do want to be open about some things,
but this is the one thing
that just seems like
it could go either way for you.
Totally honest, if you answer
anything other than "never cheated,"
I think you're scum of the earth.
[breathes in]
Pfft. You know what?
Yes, Circle, I cheated more than twice.
"I did cheat once
in my relationship in high school,
so I do want to be honest
and put, 'Yes, I cheated once.'"
Circle, select "never cheated."
And that's my story,
and I'm sticking to it.
Oh, shit! Shit!
Sam cheated more than twice?
Raven, you're the only one
that held it down, boo.
"I was honest with my answers,
and I'm okay with that."
I'm not even shocked by the answer.
I'm shocked by people admitting it.
[Chaz] I definitely trust Raven and Sam
a whole lot more for being,
"I don't even give a fuck.
Yeah, I did do it." I love that energy.
This was a spicy question,
and I'm not your friend.
Circle, I'm not your friend no more.
[Buteau] Spicy question?
That was a spicy answer.
[all] "The Circle hopes you have learned
a thing or two about each other."
We got a bunch of fucking cheaters,
we got a bunch of liars up in this place.
Yeah, we got a bunch of people
playing a whole game here
is what we learned.
[Buteau] I'm sorry, Brett,
but did you not get the memo?
[techno music playing]
[Buteau] It's been
a long first day already.
[sneezes loudly]
[Buteau] Bless you.
And the players are enjoying
some downtime.
Whoo! Whoo!
[Buteau] Oh, yay,
another thing she can't do quietly.
But one of them is feeling restless.
You know it's your boy, Marvin, honey,
who wants to slide into the DMs
of a certain blonde bombshell.
"Marvin has invited you
to a private chat."
Message, "What's up, Hulk!!
Exclamation mark, exclamation mark."
"Bro, you are shredded!"
I want, like, the D-D-D at the end,
and give me, like, a flexing emoji.
"Bro, how crazy is it
to be here right now?"
Like, "Laugh my ass out."
Marvin, "What's up, Hulk?"
Listen, I'll take the compliments all day.
This private chat is good
because I can find out more about Brett.
I can find out if he's a friend or foe.
Message, "Marvin, my dude!"
"I'm flattered coming from someone
with a physique like yourself."
"#RealRecognizesReal." Send.
Brett replied. Oh my God, he just replied.
That's what I expected to see.
Like, Brett is good.
Message, "Brett, my bro, LOL.
I appreciate that, bro."
"Bro, I'm so excited
to be talking to you right now."
I feel like he's making fun of me
by saying bro so many times,
or is he just that excited? [chuckles]
[Buteau, mockingly]
Aw, don't worry Brett, bro.
It's the first day, and it went well, bro.
The Circle flirt-fest
doesn't end there, though,
'cause Bruno, aka Billie-Jean,
is looking to chat
to our resident Greek Goddess, Xanthi.
Oh, mamma mia!
[Xanthi] Bruno, baby!
I thought you'd never ask.
Message, "Hello, my fellow leader.
Wink face."
"Your profile picture is beautiful."
"I've been wanting
to reach out to you all day long."
"How long have you been single?
Question mark." Send.
Message, "LOL! Exclamation point.
I love how you cut straight to the point."
[chuckles] "I've been single
for a little over five months."
"How about yourself?
Question mark, kiss face."
Message, "I guess I just was curious
as you did catch my eye."
[Xanthi] "I've been single
for about four years."
"Welcome back to the single life."
Ooh! [laughs]
I'm finding it weird
that I'm flirting as Bruno.
Message, "I wouldn't want
to have anybody else
welcome me back to the single life
other than you, Bruno."
Ah! [laughs]
Oh, she's flirting.
Look, we know
you're gonna be a sweetheart, Bruno,
but come on, get some game.
Okay, okay, okay, come on, come on.
[snaps fingers]
"I'll do more than welcome you back."
Oh my God, Bruno!
Your mum is watching!
Jeez! [chuckles]
"I'll even teach you a thing or two."
Bruno and Xanthi sitting in a tree ♪
[Buteau] Xanthi's being catfished,
O-M-Fing-G ♪
[easy-listening music playing]
[Buteau] After an exhausting first day
featuring ratings and a game,
Chaz wants
to get his mind off of all that stress
by starting a chat
to talk exclusively about all that stress.
Circle, please start a private chat
with Brittney and Sam.
[Brian] Chaz has invited me
to a group chat.
Who's in the group?
[Brian] Chaz, Brittney, and Sam.
Message, "Hey, ladies. Red heart.
I just wanted to check in
and see how you guys were feeling
after our first day in The Circle, comma."
"Today was tough. I hope you're staying
strong and confident. Period." Send.
[Brian] Okay, Chaz,
I see you reaching out. That is great.
Um, that shows you care,
and you're thinking about us,
but why are you thinking about us,
and why did you include
me and Sam in this?
Message, "Hey, Chaz.
Thank you so much for reaching out."
"I was feeling a little uneasy
after the game."
-"Maybe I overshared?"
-[pen clicks]
[clicks tongue] Send.
But you didn't overshare, girl.
Like, you did what no other player did,
and you were honest.
Message, "OMG! Exclamation."
"It's been a wild ride.
"And don't worry, Sam."
"I felt that you did really well
and didn't overshare. Period." Send!
Women can be very judgmental
to other women,
especially with things like infidelity
and things of that nature.
That really That means a lot to me.
Brittney is not really saying
how she feels about anything from today.
Sh She's just saying that today was wild.
If we leave this chat,
and I'm still feeling this way,
it's just gonna prove my point
as to why I rated her lower.
Message, "You guys
literally just lifted my spirits."
"If I'm being completely honest,
some of the answers from the game
made me a little suspicious."
I like that message. Send.
[Chaz] Okay, so she's opening up,
but I don't want her to open up
in front of Brittney
because Brittney don't offer nothing.
Message, "Sam, I totally agree with you."
"Some of the answers
definitely had me suspicious. #WhyLie?"
That's what I'm saying!
That's That's what I'm saying!
He's trying to get out of us first
who we have suspicions of.
I'm not falling for that, Chaz.
I'm not gonna tell you
who I have my suspicions of,
because you're gonna use
that information against me.
I wanna connect with people.
That's what I'm here for.
I wanna connect with people.
I wanna form an alliance. Like
I feel like I feel safer with Sam,
because we opened up just a little bit.
We didn't tell all of our secrets.
Sam, right now,
is the only person in The Circle
that I feel totally safe with.
[tense music playing]
[Buteau] Well, Chaz,
I have a suspicion that
that feeling of safety might not last.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
[high-pitched] No! That's scary!
'Cause my heart is
in my asshole right now.
[dramatic music playing]
"The rating results are in!"
"The top two rated players
will become influencers"
"and decide who goes."
I can barely pick
what shoes I'm gonna wear in a day.
You want me to select who's going home?
"That's a lot of responsibility."
[Brian] "Tonight two players
will be blocked from The Circle."
Wait? Two players?!
[shouts] Today?!
"I do not want to go home."
"I have to stay. I just got here."
[Brett] "But first, you must all state
who you'd block
if you were an influencer."
[shouts] Wow!
"And you must do this publicly."
You want me to say it?
Oh! Ow!
How do I publicly tell someone that,
"I'm gonna block you"?
How do you say that?
This changed the whole game.
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
"My heart is in my coochie right now!"
"Lock in the name
of who you would block now."
Oh, I'm gonna fucking regret this
in the morning.
My stomach is rumbling.
I really don't like this.
If you tell someone,
like, "I'm gonna block you,"
and that person makes it and survives,
you have a huge target on your back.
[Paris] "I'm showing my hand basically,
and that could slap me in the face later."
-[pen clicking rapidly]
Oh God. This is not good.
I need to be smart
with who I choose to block.
Whatever decision I make right now,
it's gonna make a statement,
and whoever you pick,
you better be ready to back it up.
And you're not just choose someone
for fuck's sake.
You're gonna choose someone
with some sort of reason.
-The player
-that I would like to lock in
[Sam whispers] Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
You got to get this right,
or it's game over.
-Circle, lock in my answer.
-Lock in my answer.
[Sam screaming internally]
[Buteau] Y'all better be sure,
because those answers can't be changed
once they're locked in.
[loud chiming]
-[all] "Alert!"
-What? Oh my God!
I don't wanna know.
I I literally don't wanna know.
Oh, that always scares me.
-"The Circle will now reveal"
-"who each player would block"
"if they were an influencer."
Capital F-M-L!
-"The Circle will also reveal"
-" who the two influencers are."
Oh my God, y'all,
we getting it all at once.
[Buteau] Whoever each of the influencers
say they wanna block
will have to leave immediately.
-[whispers] Oh, damn.
-[Buteau] Damn, this place is savage.
Xanthi is up first.
"Xanthi, if you become an influencer,
you would block"
Oh my God! This is so bad.
You've put us on the screen together.
Oh, shit! Please do not let
that blue circle become me!
If Xanthi blocks me,
I'll be so frustrated,
because I rated her so high.
[screams] Oh!
My God!
Not Marvin!
[Marvin shouts] Oh my God! Xanthi, what?
Come on!
[shouts] Marvin, I'm so sorry!
This changes everything.
This changes everything!
[Buteau] Does it, Marvin? 'Cause remember,
if she isn't an influencer, you're safe.
[Buteau] Time to find out
if Xanthi has been voted
one of the top two most popular players
up in here.
"Marvin was my number two.
I don't want him to go home."
[shouts] Oh!
Xanthi's not an influencer!
Hopefully Marvin isn't an influencer,
and hopefully he didn't pick me.
"Bruno, if you become an influencer,
you would block"
[Chaz] This is getting more awkward
because everybody is about
to reveal how they feel.
I feel like me and Bruno are really solid.
I think we're boys. I think we hit it off.
If he's playing with strategy,
he'll probably try to block
somebody that is popular.
Bruno, please don't mention my name.
I swear, like Oh my God!
I've locked in my answer. It's done now.
What if the person doesn't get blocked?
What if the person becomes an influencer?
What a dick!
I mean, I'm glad I'm not on there,
but I want Brett to be safe.
If Bruno's an influencer,
I'm out. I'm fucked.
"Not an Influencer"?
[shouts] Yes!
Suck it, Bruno!
[Buteau] Ooh,
tell me how you really feel, Brett.
Well, this has taken, um,
an uncomfortable turn.
Oh God, who's next?
Baby girl, have my back.
I don't wanna see my photo next to yours.
Oh, please do not let it be me.
"She could see me as a threat."
"I don't wanna be blocked tonight."
It's gonna be me. It's gonna be me.
I'm definitely going home
if Sam is an influencer.
I knew it.
[exhales sharply]
The question is, is Sam an influencer?
Oh! All right.
Survival of the fittest, baby.
Okay, that's three out of eight.
Out of the next five,
two people are gonna be influencers.
"All right, who's next? Who's next?"
"Brett, if you become an influencer,
you would block"
Oh, Brett, what you gonna do?
Dear Brett, please don't send me home.
I just thought you were quiet, and sneaky,
and had multiple personalities.
Maybe we could try a
[screams] Oh!
[sarcastically] Oh, shocker.
Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!
If Brett is an influencer, I am fucked.
And now, Brett, don't talk to me.
I don't wanna be your friend.
Can't you just let me have this one?
Just wanted, like, one little thing.
[Buteau] With just four players remaining,
either Raven, Brittney, Chaz,
or Marvin will become influencers.
Raven! [chuckles]
[gasps playfully]
-[Paris] "That's me."
Is it possible
that she maybe doesn't even like me,
and I'm over here, like, sending up
all this love to the universe for Raven?
Raven, who're you gonna block?
Just leave me alone.
Like, let me, like, sit one out.
[Billie-Jean] Oh my God!
"I went with my gut,
so I feel good about it."
[dramatic music playing]
[yells] Oh!
Yeah, boy!
You guys are literally obsessed with me.
Go ahead, try and get rid of me.
Am I missing something here?
Why is everybody gunning for him?
Brett, what the fuck did you do?
"No hard feelings, Brett."
-"The Circle made me do it." [laughs]
Damn, Raven.
-Holy shit!
-[screams] Oh!
[squealing] Oh shit!
[screams] Yeah!
Oh my God! Like, Brett is blocked!
Oh my God! This is bad.
This is bad for my game.
[Chaz] Raven!
I have no clue what I did.
I thought we hit it off.
-You've got the tick.
-[laughing] I got the check, baby.
[Buteau] Well, that's one player down.
Who's gonna be blocked next?
[Brian] Oh! "Brittney,
if you become an influencer,
you would block"
Don't do it to me, Brittney.
I have no idea.
I feel a little bit nervous.
I think that Brittney
and I are in a good space.
I may not be her bestie,
but I'm also
I don't feel like me and her are enemies.
Well, girl,
as long as you didn't choose me,
I'm still team Brittney.
-[tense music playing]
We just didn't make that connection,
If I'm not an influencer,
I'll make it up to you.
Maybe I was right about you.
I have to say, I am fucking shocked.
[laughs loudly]
[Paris] Ah, Brittney, what did you do?
"Maybe she felt like
she didn't have a connection
with him either,
or maybe she thinks Bruno's a catfish."
Brittney, it's game on.
[Chaz] Who's left?
Marvin and me.
Oh my God. "Chaz and Marvin,
one of you is the second influencer."
Yo, this shit is 50-fucking-50.
I want it to be Chaz.
I want it to be my bro-mie.
I'm definitely hoping
that Chaz is the influencer,
because Chaz is in my alliance.
He's my Circle bro.
Oh God! I gotta be the influencer.
I don't wanna go home.
"It would be nice if my Nigerian king
was an influencer with me."
[screams] Ah! It's Marvin! Ah!
Oh no! It's Marvin first. No!
[squeals] Ah.
-Who is Marvin gonna block?
-Please don't let that picture be of me.
Oh my God!
Marvin, it was nothing personal.
It was nothing personal, Marvin.
Circle, if I was the influencer,
the player I would block is
[popcorn crunching]
[yells] What?!
Oh my fucking God.
What the f What?
What did I do?
Oh, if you go after Sam,
you better not miss.
Marvin, I love you!
This makes absolutely
no sense to me at all.
This game is so crazy.
You never know. You don't know anything.
I really liked Xanthi,
and turns out, like, she wants me out.
Oh fuck!
What is happening right now?
I regret choosing Sam.
Like, I should have gone with Xanthi.
I really regret choosing Sam.
[Buteau] So, Marvin would block Sam.
But before we see who the influencer is,
let's see who Chaz would block.
[sighing] Oh my gosh.
Come on, Chaz. I know
you're not gonna block me. Come on.
Oh, Chaz, who would you block?
Boo-boo, I rated you so high.
-[mysterious music playing]
-[breathing heavily]
Oh, I can't take the suspense.
Circle, if I was The Circle influencer,
I would choose to block
[gasps] Oh my God! Chaz chose me.
Chaz, why?!
I put you second!
I did plan on getting to her
to build a connection with her,
but unfortunately, we just did not
Our paths couldn't cross for that.
Okay, but now who's the influencer?
'Cause now,
it's either me or Xanthi going home.
Oh my God!
I could be blocked tonight.
Oh, shit.
Who is the influencer? Who is the blocked?
[dramatic music playing]
It's not time for me to go home.
Xanthi, I hope you're the person
that got blocked.
If it's me, I'm really, like
I'mma feel so bad for her.
My heart can't take this.
Oh my God, my heart.
Oh my God, who's the influencer?
[theme music playing]
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