The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s05e01 Episode Script

Hwam I Am

-[screams, grunts]
-[all panting]
-We're almost there!
We're gonna make it!
[slow motion yelling]
[all scream]
-[Sandy panting]
-[Phil grunts]
-Whoa. What is that?
-I think you mean
whois that?
[gasps] It's a new person!
A new person!
-Also, we're alive!
[laughs] Alive!
[all cheering]
-Surviving an orb?
New ice guy? Or girl?
This is too much good
news at once!
-I'm dizzy.
-Head between your knees, Dawn.
[yelps, grunts]
-Whatever's in there,
it's frozen solid,
and it's never waking up.
-Not so fast, Gran.
The ice may have put
this poor soul in
suspended animation,
but I, Phil Betterman,
will bring our mystery
guest back to life!
-So, that means we'll have
a new friend on the farm?
ALL: Yes!
ALL: No!
-Why's everyone screaming?
-[Let's live wild, the
world's our own]
[We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll]
[You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go]
[Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together]
[It's an evolution
for worse or for better]
[To find some unity]
[For all humanity]
[Because we're stuck together]
[In one big family tree]
-Behold as the Betterman
Melt Machine
thaws this frozen soul
and returns it
-to the realm of the living!
-Grug! That steam is for
melting, not cooking!
-Why can't it be both?
-Guys! Look!
-Are we sure about this?
What if he's some
aimless drifter
who wandered in the
wild for years,
and now he's gonna
impose himself, uninvited,
on a well-intentioned
group of strangers?
And what is he wearing? I mean,
put on a shirt! Am I right?
-Guy-baby, are you jealous of
the frozen guy?
-No. [scoffs]
-What's that, Mom?
-I'm saying Hwam!
Because that's his name.
He was my boyfriend.
[all gasp]
-Why is everyone so quiet?
-Before you all start asking
a bunch of dumb questions,
here's the story!
He was the love of my life.
We met on the battlefield.
I took his weapon,
and then he took my heart.
We both loved exploring
and fighting,
so we were gonna run off
together to see the world
and then beat it up!
I waited for him
for three days,
but he never showed.
And I was never dumb enough
to trust a man again.
-[crack, thud]
-And now, you can!
Thanks to me!
He's alive!
[all yelling]
[growling, yelling]
-Whoa! It's okay, Hwam!
We're not gonna hurt you.
-[slowly] Hwam
This is Phil Betterman speaking.
I gave you life,
-Meat stick as a weapon?
What can'tmeat stick do?
-[slow motion]
You're our new friend!
[gasps, yells]
-He seems nice.
-What's going on? Where am I?
Who are you people?
[Gran grunts]
-Why! Did! You! Ditch! Me!
-I didn't ditch you!
I was on my way to meet you,
and I stopped to get
a bouquet of bones!
There was a rumble, I
look up, and hwam!
Just like my name. Avalanche!
Next thing I know, I'm waking
up, and you're punching me!
-I'm not buying it, No Show.
-It's true! Here!
I can prove it!
Look at this. [grunts] Huh?
-Alligoater bones?
My favorite. [sniffs]
-Just checking to see if
there's any meat on these bones.
-You know what?
I can check later.
You're having a moment.
-I guess being frozen
in ice for years
makes you work up an appetite!
-Nope. He always ate like this.
-This place is amazing!
When you're hungry,
there's food to eat.
How'd you do that,
and why would you
ever stop eating?
-We grow it, and we stop eating
when we're full.
-Grow? Full?
I don't get it, but I believe
you! And you made all of this?
-Uh, yes? [gasps]
Ew! What are you doing?
What's happening?
-Where I'm from, the
food was scarce
and raw and-and not good!
Nothing like this. What's
it called again?
-That, my friend, is pie.
-Pie? Pie!
-[loud eating]
[mouth full] Well, it's
the most delicious thing
this mouth's ever tasted!
-I like him! He can stay.
-Hey, Hwam! Check this out.
-[loud chewing]
-[Grug gasps]
-[slurp] Mm
-That was awesome!
How did you do that? Teach me.
-Sure thing. Watch my--
-[all gasp]
Sorry. Thought I heard a
bearacuda. Watch my mouth!
-Hey, when you're done
deboning that meat,
maybe I can show you
around the farm.
-We'll come, too!
-Yeah! New person!
This is the most exciting
day of my life.
After the day yougot here.
You'll always be my favorite
new person.
-I was new once.
-Stick with me, Hwam.
I know where all the
good stuff is.
-Back off, you bloodsuckers!
We haven't seen each other
since fire was invented.
We need to catch up.
[human-like screaming]
-[gasps] What are they?
-These are, uh, chicken things.
-They do something around here.
[grunts] Hello, chicken things!
-Sorry, Hwam.
We don't hunt these
animals. [laughs]
-We don't hunt him either.
-What about the slow,
confident rats?
-Sorry! They're off-limits, too.
-Farm's not all bad, though.
You get used to it. Sort of.
And what are you two doing?
I said alone!
Get outta here!
HWAM: So, you don't live in a
cave? You live there?
-Yeah, that's home now.
Sorry it's a dump.
-No. It's unbelievable!
But, don't you miss caves?
-Caves? Don't be ridiculous.
Welcome to modern living,
courtesy of Phil Betterman!
I'm also the one who brought
you back from the dead, so
-First of all, you
have two names?
Wow! Second, I'm going
to climb your home now.
-Uh, no need to climb.
There's a better way.
Or should I say a Betterman way.
Whoa [grunting]
-I call it the Betterman
It takes you up.
-Wow. A wooden cave
that moves. Okay!
-Time to climb!
-Make a path, Top Knot!
-No! You take the elevator
up instead of
Wait. Why does this
seem so familiar?
[gasps] Grug! Stop climbing
up the tree!
Use the elevator!
-Aw, but Hwam's doing it!
[Thunk laughing]
-[Thunk screams]
-Who are you?
-I'm Hwam! We met.
I was the guy
frozen in the block of ice.
-Uh, sorry. Not ringing
any bells.
Wait. You were frozen
in a block of ice? Weird.
There was this other guy
who was frozen
in a block of ice earlier.
Big day for ice guys, I guess.
-What are you looking at?
-Just watching some window.
[yell, grunting]
-That's the outside!
But we're inside!
-Yeah. Isn't it great?
-Yes. I just wish
I could see more
to make sure nothing's
sneaking up on us.
Ah. [grunts]
-There. What do you think?
[high-pitched note]
-[birds chirping]
-THUNK: I can see everything!
Hwam, I know we just met,
but there will always be a place
for you on my couch
and in my heart.
GRAN: Huh?
[ice clinking]
HWAM: [gasps] What kind
of cave is this?
-Pretty sweet, right?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
It's me! Your bone bro!
-Oh! Yeah! Bone bro! [laughs]
-I thought you were fire.
-Grug! Are you following us?
-Me? No.
-I was just behind you
the whole time.
-What is that?
-That's the battle cage.
It's where I practice fighting.
[yells, grunts]
-Ah! Attack!
This isn't alive!
-I know. That's the best part.
It's fighting without danger.
-So were those moves!
Teach me
-Sure! Here's lesson one.
Lesson two! Stop following us!
-See you later, punch pal!
-Yeah! Can't wait!
Maybe later today? I'm
available. All day.
No presh!
-And that's my favorite
teeth hole.
-Okay, tour's over.
-I can't believe
you settled down in one place.
You, settled down.
-I know. Far cry
from the life of adventure
I thoughtI'd be living.
With you.
-So let's go.
-Go? Where?
-To eat. Just you, me,
and whatever we catch.
-Mm, you're on.
I'll go grab us some weapons.
Meet you at the lagoon.
-The lagoon doesn't
have avalanches, does it?
Also, what's a lagoon?
[ice clinking]
-I think it's so sweet--
Ow! That Gran and Hwam were--
Gah! Reunited after
all this time.
Ow! Why are burnips so hot?!
-I hope I meet someone,
fall in love,
and then that person
gets frozen--
Ow! For a really long time,
but then thaws out,
and we get back together.
Sure. Or you realize that
you're completely different
people than you used to be.
I mean, a lot has changed
since they were together.
What if it doesn't work out?
What if Gran gets hurt?
-Can Gran get hurt?
One time, I saw a boulder fall
on her, and she just giggled.
-What do we even know about this
guy? I mean--
Ouch! Just shows up--
Ah! Out of nowhere--
Oh! And expects us to trust him?
-We trusted you, Guy-boy.
-[muffled] Mm. Totally different
situations. Night and day.
-[Gran mumbling]
Why are you helping yourself
to all of my good knives?
-Hwam and I are going
on a hunt picnic!
Eat or be eaten, like
the good old days.
-Aw! That sounds romantic.
-Mom, are you sure about this?
I mean, are you sure
you and Hwam
should just pick up
where you left off?
-I'm glad you asked that
because it's none
of your business!
-Wait! Gran! You can't go
on a picnic like that.
This calls for some Betterman
-Yes! I love a project!
-I'm glad you invited
me to talk to Hwam.
-I didn't invite you.
-Exactly! I don't trust
this guy either.
[grunts, gasps]
-[grunts] Attack forest?
-UGGA: Hey, Hwam.
We haven't had much of a chance
to get to know each other.
Tell us about yourself.
-Yeah, enough chit-chat.
I'd like to know
your intentions with my mom.
-Tell her your intentions!
-Coming in a little
hot there, Guy.
-My intentions with Gran?
Well, I guess I just want
her to be happy.
-Yeah! And?!
-That's it.
-Huh. That's actually
a good answer.
-It's the perfect answer.
Perfect for hiding something.
What are you hiding, Hwam?
-Answer me!
I need you to take
it down a notch.
-I get it, Ugga Crood.
You don't know me.
You have no reason to trust me.
But, I love your mom.
I've loved her from the moment
she tried to gouge my eyes out
and keep them as trophies.
Nothing has changed.
-For you, but a lot
has changed for her.
Aside from the gouging part.
She has a family now.
-I know, but what's important
to Gran is important to me.
I'd never let anything bad
happen to any of you.
And I'd never let anything bad
happen to your mom.
She means the world to me,
which is why I can't
keep her waiting again.
-Hm. I like him.
-I know.
-I don't trust him either.
-Just wondering,
has there ever been
a avalanche at the lagoon?
[ice clinking]
GRAN: This is dumb!
Only reason I'm letting you do
this is to shut you up!
-I think you're doing this
because you wanna impress Hwam.
-I never said that!
-You didn't have to.
We can see it in your eyes.
-Stop looking at my eyes
or I'll gouge out yours!
-Don't worry, Gran.
Hwam's jaw is gonna drop
when he sees you!
As soon as we do something
about your hair.
-DAWN: Brush!
-Bigger brush.
-Bigger brush!
-That's it! I'm leaving!
-Oh no. You're not
going anywhere!
-Get back here and be better!
[birds cawing]
-Oh hey, Hwam.
-Sorry. I thought you
were lightning.
-Glad I found you. I mean,
not that I was looking
for you or anything.
Uh, w-what's up?
-The sky.
[both laugh]
I don't understand the joke,
but I like the feeling
of laughing.
Anyway, I was just looking
for some bones to give to Gran,
but I can't find any.
-Oh, you're not gonna find
any bones around here.
Hope runs a tight farm.
Sometimes, she takes the bones
out of my mouth before
I'm done eating.
-That's okay. There are gifts
everywhere you look. Ooh
Like these.
-Banana peels? Those aren't
gifts. Those are garbage.
-Grug, the peel is the most
important part of the banana.
Think of it like a cave,
-Banana cave?
-Exactly. It keeps
the bananas safe and warm.
It protects the banana
from animals,
rain, avalanches.
Without the peel, there's
no banana.
[high-pitched note]
-Wow. Banana brain blown.
I've never thought
of it like that.
Thank you, Hwam,
for opening my eyes.
-Your eyes were always
open, banana bud.
You just needed someone
to help you see.
Ah! Get back here!
-What was that?!
-Ah, just someone screaming.
So why do you need
a gift for Gran?
-Oh. We're going on a picnic!
-We are? Aw, great!
I love picnics!
-Oh. Actually, I meant
just me and Gran.
-Oh. Cool. Yeah,
that makes sense.
Well, I guess
I'll just see you later then.
-Sounds great!
-Later tonight. Or-or first
thing tomorrow. I'm wide open!
[ice clinking]
[confused mumbling]
-[sighs] He's not coming.
Frozen once, shame on him.
Frozen twice, shame on me.
Guess that means we can
go hunting, Sandy!
-Gran! Wait!
Sorry I'm late. These
are for you.
-Aw, banana peels!
Can you believe some people
think these are garbage?
[sniffs, sighs]
-Did you have any trouble
with the weapons?
-Not at all,
but I did have some trouble
with my hair.
Worked it out, though.
-[muffled yelling]
-[Sandy giggling]
-I missed this.
-Missed what?
-Being alive, smelling,
seeing, eating,
and whatever the other senses
are. It's amazing.
So is the farm and your family.
-Yeah. I didn't think I'd like
'em, but I do.
Ugga's the mom I wish I'd been.
Eep's more fearless
than I ever was.
Sandy's a born fighter.
Thunk and Bareback
are all heart.
I can live with Other Girl,
Top Knot, and Braids.
And then there's Grug.
Yeah. He's the best.
-Eh, wouldn't go that far,
but I haven't killed him yet,
-so he could be worse.
-I take it all back!
Come on, Hwam!
Let's go have some fun alone.
[cheering, laughing]
[laughing, grunting]
[sniffing, grunting]
-[plant snarling]
-[Gran yelling]
[growls, grunts]
[all growling]
[laughter, yelling]
[cheering, laughter]
And that was the fifth
time I died.
You can fight lava,
but lava always wins.
It was the greatest
moment of my life!
Or that life, anyway.
-You've lived so many lives.
You've done and seen
so many things.
-I'm sorry I wasn't
there with you.
-I am, too.
But it wasn't your fault.
-I know, but now that I'm here,
I wanna make up for lost time.
-That sounds nice.
-I was hoping you'd say that
because I have an idea.
[overlapping chatter]
-Everybody shut it!
We've got news!
Hwam and I are leaving.
-What do you mean leaving?
To go hunt?
-Nope! We're going to see
the world, and then beat it up!
Just like we always planned.
We leave tonight!
-Who's that guy?
[Gran grunting]
-Hey, Mom, can we talk?
After you hand me that ax.
No, the travel ax.
-I'm really happy for you,
but are you sure about this?
-You think if you keep
asking that question,
you'll get a different answer?
I'm not getting any
younger, Ugga! Spear.
-What about the farm?
The Thunder Sisters?
Your family? Me?
-You'll be fine. Besides,
this is a chance to see
the life I could'vehad!
-What about the life
you already have?
-I've lived that life.
Time to check out a new one.
-First, I was worried
youwere gonna get hurt,
but now I feel like
I'mgonna get hurt.
-You'll be fine.
You always are.
Just like me.
-Snack for the road.
-Oh, alright!
-I can't believe you're
leaving already.
-What am I gonna do?
-You're gonna be okay,
Grug Crood.
This isn't goodbye forever.
I'll be back.
-When? Tomorrow?
-The day after tomorrow?
-Probably not.
-The day after the
day after tomorrow?
-No, but someday.
-What day?!
I need to know! I
need to know now!
-I'll be back before you
know it. I promise.
I got you something.
-A corn cob?
Wait. I-I see it now.
This cob holds
all the corn kernels together,
keeping them connected and safe.
Just like me.
-Now, you're getting
it, corn dog.
-I gave him my heart,
and he gave me a cob. Hm.
Pretty sweet deal.
HWAM: So I was thinking we could
go to the Flame Fields first,
then take a short detour
to check out
the Burning Bog, and then,
maybe spend a few moons
in Pyro Prairie.
Or is that too much fire?
-No such thing as
too much fire.
But I've already been
to those places.
-No problem. We'll just go
somewhere else that's on fire.
-Like Combustion Canyon
or Inferno Island
or the Blazing Bluffs.
-Been to all those, too.
-Well, I don't care
where we go,
as long as we're together.
And hey,
when you're done packing,
your family has
a little surprise for us.
Isn't that exciting? I mean,
as long as the surprise
isn't another avalanche.
[ice clinking]
-We knew you wouldn't
want a farewell dinner,
so instead, this is your
farewell fight.
Aw, you know me too well.
Let's do this!
Eyes and teeth are
all fair game!
-I'll go first.
I'm gonna miss you, Mom.
I'll miss your cackle
and the way you--
-Keep it short! I don't
have all day!
-I'm gonna miss your
amazing stories,
and how you're scary
even when you're not trying!
-Gran, I'm gonna miss
our adventures.
-I'm not gonna miss
anything about you
because I'm coming with you!
-Not a chance, meat-neck!
-And I'm gonna miss
the wisdom of a wise old
A-and by old, I mean
Oh, it's you. Uh, thanks, Hwam.
So, hitting the road, huh?
Need any help packing?
-I admire you, Guy.
While everyone else welcomed me
with open arms,
you didn't because you were
trying to protect them.
Because you care about them.
You're their banana peel.
I'm gonna miss you so much!
-Have a good trip.
See you when you get back.
Ah! Why?
-Braids! Top Knot!
It's bye-bye time.
-If we're not going to miss
living in fear,
do we still have to fight?
-Hm, let me think
about that. Yes!
[Guy and Hope screaming]
-Go on, Sandy.
Give me all you got!
[sad purring]
I'm gonna miss you, too, Sandy.
I'm gonna miss all of
you. Except Grug.
-Because I'm coming with you?
-This is a long-distance
so you'll always be in touch.
At least until you
run out of vine,
which will probably be
just past the hill,
so never mind. Give it back.
-[grunts] Dad said it would be
too hard to say goodbye,
but he wanted you to
take this with you.
[Sandy grunts]
-[sighs] Hwam, I need
to talk to you.
[sighs] I can't go.
-Oh. You wanna leave tomorrow?
-I can't go. Ever.
-What do you mean?
I thought we were
gonna start our life together.
-I already have a life.
Here. On the farm.
With my family.
And I can't leave that behind.
-Get your googly eyes outta here
before I gouge them out
and turn them into a necklace!
-Well, then I'll stay
here with you.
-Hm. I'd like that, but
-But there's a world out there
I haven't seen.
A world you haveseen.
A world I needto see.
-And I can't be the reason
you don't see it.
-I knew there'd be
another avalanche.
I'll be back. And-and I'll
bring you something dead!
-Will you wait for me?
-Not if it takes as
long as last time.
Just kidding. I'll be here.
It's possible I can't die.
-[soft laugh] Goodbye,
It was a pleasure meeting
all of you.
Oh, and please tell Grug
I said thanks for the basket.
Why is this basket so heavy?
-Because Grug's in it.
GRUG: [muffled]
No, I'm not!
HWAM: Mm mwah!
[both sigh]
I think this is yours.
-[Sandy growling]
-Good call, Cindy.
Less tears, more spears.
Let's go hunting!
GRUG: [muffled]
I'm still not in this basket!
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