The Equalizer (2021) s05e01 Episode Script

The Lost Ones

Previously on The Equalizer
MEL: I need to process the trauma
because the next time that
I have to pull the trigger,
there's a chance I might hesitate.
It's time for me to take care of myself,
and that means no more equalizing.
I'm sorry,
but I'm done.
Rob, what are you doing here?
Miles, I need your help.
Miles, your ex-husband?
He helps out sometimes.
We should have dinner.
The two of us.
- Like on a date?
- Well, I mean,
we don't have to put a label on it.
WATKINS: I am recommending you
for a position
with the Federal Task Force.
Los Angeles?
I want you to stay.
I'm headed to the airport.

Watch out.
MAN: Yo, take it easy.
Come here.
- MAN: Oh! You okay?

Thought you got away, didn't you?
Why are you doing this?
Same as you.
Because I can.
Please let me go.
Hey! I'm talking to you.
You'll never get away with this.
Scream all you want.
No one's gonna save you.
No one's coming for you.
Hey! Hey!
Help! Help!
VI: Heard you tossing.
Coffee? Think you could use a cup.
Ah. Absolutely.
Same dream?
Stuck on repeat.
Have you thought about taking a break?
Without Mel helping you
these past couple of months
No. I'm fine on my own.
It's just taking me a little
longer to get used to it, that's all.
I'm sure that's not the only adjustment
keeping you awake at night.
Have you heard from Dante lately?
We talk.
Not as frequently as when
he left, but you know,
I'm busy, he's busy.
Life gets in the way.
Yeah, and we both know that
a long-distance relationship
doesn't work.
But the two of you are good, right?
We are, under the circumstances.
What you got going on today, Aunt Vi?
I am breaking in some newbies.
I've started a new art class
for adult beginners at
the community center.
Sounds like breakfast was jovial.
I told you it was good.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, guys.
Okay, what's so funny?
We want to laugh, too.
Okay, now, Dad is so crazy.
You-You've got to hear his joke.
MILES: Okay, okay.
Did you hear about the nurse
that didn't want to be a doctor?
Yeah, she just didn't have the patients.
It's good. It's good.
VI: Aren't you supposed
to be seeing Mel today?
Uh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're right, you're right.
I-I got to go change.
We're getting together for yoga.
I think it's really helping
with her trauma.
Well, she is lucky
to have you as a friend.
Thanks. All right,
you guys have a good day.
- Have a good day, baby.
- Bye, sweetheart. Bye.
I got to get out of here,
too. Shift starting soon.
Okay, well
Good. Talk to you later.
You have a good day.
You, too.
(SOFTLY): I'll just grab one of these.
Didn't you just have breakfast?
- There's always room for bacon.
Looks like you guys got a leaky faucet.
I'll stop by later
and fix that, all right?
Have a good day, guys.
Appreciate that.
VI: And since when
can't we take care of
our own leaky faucet?
Let him do it.
Makes him feel good to be needed.
Why is Miles suddenly
hanging around here so much?
He's fixing things,
he's taking out the garbage,
getting the car washed.
He's harmless.
Besides, Dee loves having him around.
I mean, me, too, if I were to be honest.
I hope you know what you're doing.
'Cause he's not just after my bacon.
Ah, then we have a case.
I have to, you know
Mm-hmm. You tell Harry I say hey.
ROBYN: Sing, girl. c(GASPS)
Hi, Rob.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Downtime looks good on you.
- Thank you.
I got to say, there was a time
when I felt like
I wasn't gonna come out of it,
but the dark thoughts
are gone, my mood's lifted.
Life is actually good.
- I'm glad it's working out for you.
- Thank you.
- I knew it would.
I appreciate that.
- Hey, Rob.
- MEL: Okay, well,
I'll let you guys talk shop.
I, uh, I got to meet Dee.
She seems well.
- Yeah.
- Has she mentioned anything
about coming back to the team?
Uh, no.
Uh, not yet.
Honestly, she hasn't even
been down to the sanctum
since she walked away.
Working through something
like that is a process,
but she'll get there.
It's in that woman's DNA to help people.
SARAH: After she didn't
come home last night,
I didn't know what else to do.
And Randi is your daughter?
SARAH: No, not really.
I care for a group of runaways.
Kids who've dropped out
of the foster care system
for one reason or another.
Abuse? Neglect?
And more.
Most of them were living on the street
when they found their way to me.
But I do my best to provide shelter
and give them whatever food
I can afford.
Well, how many kids have you taken in?
And now Randi's missing.
She's only 11.
She wasn't back by last night's curfew
and still hasn't shown up.
Is it possible she decided to
stay somewhere else last night?
No, that would never happen.
Randi's older brother
also stays with me,
and the two of them are inseparable.
Randi would never willingly
go anywhere without Kevin.
What about the police?
Have you notified them?
Having all these kids live with me
isn't exactly a legal arrangement.
And if the police found out
They'd all go back to foster care.
You know, I survived that system myself.
Some homes were better than others,
but for the most part,
my experience was hell.
Some of the things
these kids go through,
it's not right.
And taking them in
is my way of paying it forward.
Sometimes it's necessary
to work outside the system.
You're doing them a real service.
It's not fair, a kid having
to grow up too fast.
If anything were to happen to Randi
Don't worry.
I'm gonna do my best to get her back.
(SIGHS) Well, it's, uh, it's a struggle,
but it's clean, and safer
than living on the streets.
Well, don't apologize.
They're lucky to have you.
SARAH: Hey, guys,
I have someone for you to meet.
It's okay, it's okay.
She's not with the agency.
She's here to help find Randi.
The Old Man and the Sea?
I know this one.
Taught me a lot about perseverance.
Does Santiago catch the fish?
Now, I don't want to spoil it for you.
Just keep reading.
SARAH: Uh, this is Kevin,
Randi's brother.
You guys, go-go play outside for a bit.
- Okay?
Come on, guys.
ROBYN: Hi, Kevin.
When was the last time
you saw your sister?
I don't know. Uh, this morning, maybe?
Look, I know you're scared,
but the only way I can find her
is if you tell me everything you know.
Is there something
in that bag I should see?
SARAH: Kevin.
A gun? You know the rules.
Where'd you get this?
Randi and I were scouting restaurants
that sometimes give us food,
when I saw it.
- Saw what? The gun?
- No.
Saw this parked grocery truck,
and thought it would be full of food.
I hot-wired it and drove off.
We knew it was wrong, but everybody's
always so hungry a-and I c
You thought you'd do something about it.
Randi was keeping lookout
out from the rooftop.
I was supposed to meet up
with her right after,
but when she didn't show, I got nervous.
And let me guess,
there was no food in that truck.
It was full of all kinds of guns.
I figured whoever I stole the
truck from grabbed Randi, so
That's why you took the gun.
I was scared.
Later, I got a call.
I-I thought it was Randi,
but it was some man
saying if I ever wanted
to see her again,
I better return the truck.
Or Randi's dead.
Exactly when and where
are you supposed to return that truck?
8:00 p.m. tonight.
Same place I stole it from.
We're gonna get your sister back.
But first tell me
where you stashed that truck.
This is nice.
This the V-8?
Don't get any ideas.
(SCOFFS) I wasn't.
But if I wanted to, it'd be easy.
Less than 60 seconds.
Less than 60 seconds to ruin your life.
if you're not from the agency,
who are you?
- A cop?
- No.
Nothing like that.
But I have a question for you.
How did you and your sister
end up with Ms. Neal?
My foster parents were
only in it for the money.
They would barely feed us
and locked us up at night.
When we complained,
we got moved to another home.
They tried to split me and Randi up.
And you weren't having that.
I promised to always look out for her.
I couldn't do that
living with different families.
So we both left
and lived on the streets.
That was very brave of you.
Till one day,
Ms. Neal caught Randi
stealing bread from the market.
Thought she was gonna turn us in,
but she gave us a place to live.
Now I've let Randi down.
- If anything happens to her
- Don't go there.
I will get your sister
back safe and sound.
Turn here.
Oh, no! No!
What's wrong?
The truck with the guns,
it was right there!
And now it's gone!
Are you sure this is
where you parked it?
I'm sure.
I'm so stupid.
Randi said we shouldn't take it.
Kevin, I need you to focus right now.
Now, is there anything you
remember about the truck?
A license plate, maybe?
Not the plates.
But it said "Ollie's Produce"
on the side.
And the inside smelled horrible.
Like cigarette smoke.
You think it was stolen?
But I got an idea where to find it.
Come on.
All right, so let me get this straight,
you got no make, no model,
no street cam footage,
and somehow you want me to find
which one of these impound lots
the truck was towed to?
That's what I like about you, Harry.
You're an attentive listener.
You realized it could've
been towed to any number
of impound lots all around the city.
I mean, that's if it wasn't stolen.
All right. I'll just hack into the
server of every one of these lots
and trace every vehicle that's
been logged since last night.
Okay, keep me posted.
Anything on that number
they contacted Kevin from?
No, it's already out of service.
Hey, where did Kevin steal
that truck from?
Maybe there's a street cam.
We can get a license plate
or ID on the driver,
something to help us figure out
what we're up against here.
All right, good idea.
I'll swing by after I drop Kevin off.
You know what?
Text me the address.
I'll go. I could use the air.
- I can see why you like this.
- Mm.
Yeah, the breath control and meditation,
they're a big help
in dealing with the trauma.
It puts things in perspective.
- That's really great.
- Yeah.
Well, what about you?
You've got a big year coming up.
Yeah, yeah, I sure do.
- Mm-hmm.
- You know, senior year.
There's a lot to look forward to.
There's senior photos and
a ton of college applications.
On top of visiting all the schools.
Of course, homecoming and prom,
which I will probably have to
get dresses for, and you know,
I don't really think
this breathing exercise
- is going very well.
Okay. That does sound like a lot.
But if anyone can handle that, you can.
You know, just remember
to soak it all in.
Have fun, 'cause you never
get that time back.
Not helping.
Oh, gosh. Sorry.
Okay, all right, try this.
- Gosh.
- Close your eyes, close your eyes.
Breathe in and out like we just did.
But think about something
that makes you really happy.
- Uh-oh, there's
a big smile, young lady.
Well, thinking about Cam
tends to do that.
- Cam?
He's cute. What
Are you guys a thing?
I don't know, I'm not sure.
We have been hanging out a lot lately.
Oh. Oh, you have, have you?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
I don't know, whatever we are,
it makes me happy.
Well, that makes me happy.

RICO: You think that's
bad, better buckle up,
'cause I'm just getting started.
One last chance, where is Diablo?
I don't know, I swear.
(LAUGHS) That's the wrong answer.
That necessary?
Doesn't seem like he's going to break.
He'd better.
This guy's our only lead
to finding Diablo's supplier.
Give it time.
- Rico's just getting warmed up.
RICO: I can do this all day, my man.
Yo, what's up, Hollywood?
You check out that Roscoe's
I told you about?
Please tell me you got the number nine.
Tried, but the Pico location
was closed for good.
Oh, no.
End of an era.
All right, well,
go hit up the one on Gower.
I promise you, you will not regret it.
What's going on, Harry? Everything good?
Just calling to say
how boring life is without me?
Actually, I could use an assist.
Trying to track down a-a truckload
of stolen guns over in Hunts Point,
but there's no street cams anywhere.
I was wondering if you knew
anybody that might be
running guns around here.
The Bronx?
Not my precinct,
but I know some guys there.
Let me check in and see what's what.
Okay, thanks.
What I can't make sense of is
why someone
would leave a truckload of guns
in an unsecured parking lot.
Making an exchange, maybe?
Yeah, but it doesn't square with
leaving the vehicle unattended.
A drop? Although that'd be risky.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense.
How's Mel doing?
Mel, oh, she's good.
(STAMMERS) Really pretty good, actually.
Why's that sound
like it's not a good thing?
(LAUGHS) No, no, it-it is, it is.
She's doing so good,
I-I don't think she's gonna want
to return to the team
anytime soon, I mean, if ever.
But, honestly, I think it might
be the best thing for her.
That's what's important.
How's Robyn feel about that?
Yeah, Robyn doesn't really know.
So she's adjusting
to being short-handed?
I mean
Yeah, with one exception.
She misses you, dude.
Did she tell you that?
Nah, she didn't have to, man.
Wait, hold on a sec.
Find something?
HARRY: I don't know.
Maybe someone was waiting here
to make an exchange.
Still doesn't explain
the unguarded truck.
Oh, hold on.
Hey, you know what, man,
I'm gonna call you back.
Okay, so I hacked the
camera across the street.
This guy bought the
same brand of cigarettes
that I found in the parking lot.
All right, hold on. Got him.
Paco Alvarez, career thug,
lieutenant for Diego Sueño.
Heads up a local crew
that sells meth and heroin.
Got a well-known rep for violence,
but nothing about running guns.
Yeah, well, it looks
like he's branching out.
Selling dope on the corner is one thing,
but having the connects
to run guns, that's another.
- No?
- If these are
the guys who grabbed
Kevin's sister Randi,
she's definitely in danger.
Sueño uses a bar
as a kind of headquarters.
- The Lemrocks over on Hayden avenue.
- ROBYN: You think there's
a chance that's where
they're keeping her?
Let's see, tapping a camera.
Okay, this is from this morning.
Look, that must be her.
Where are we with those guns?
I've got a program running,
but no hits yet.
Well, given Sueño's
penchant for violence,
we can't wait.
I'm gonna go down to that bar
and get Randi out of there.
Gonna bring you down
till I wear your crown ♪
No stoppin' till you know
my name, ain't backin' down ♪
From no fight, so you
better run for your life ♪
Gonna hunt you down
like an animal now ♪
Better run, better run,
better run like ♪
'Cause I'm bringin' the fire ♪
And I can't be denied ♪
Give me a reason!
- 'Cause I'm bringin' the fire. ♪
Where's the girl?
What girl?
Don't make me ask you again.
I don't know where she is, okay?
The boss picked her up a few hours ago
and moved her someplace else.
Get him on the phone.
Okay! Okay!
Sueño, where's the girl?
The girl's safe for now.
She better stay that way.
I don't know who you are,
but if you want the girl back,
you'll bring me those guns by 5:00 p.m.
You told the kid 8:00.
I also told him not
to get the cops involved.
I'm not a cop.
And I'm not a patient man.
You don't want to find out what I
do to amuse myself when I'm bored.
Our timeline was just moved up
by three hours.
Well, then it's a good thing
I located the missing truck.
Yeah, but the not-so-good news is where.
It's in a locked-down NYPD impound lot.
Yeah. And unless there's a miracle,
that truck's not going
anywhere anytime soon.
You can forget about sneaking
into the police compound.
I mean, there's cameras
everywhere, those I could hack,
but there's only one way in and out,
and it's patrolled 24/7.
What about D.A. Grafton, could she help?
I already called her.
It's out of her hands.
Once the guns were discovered,
the feds were called.
I think I know why.
You know that gun that Kevin took?
Traces back to a shipment of
recently stolen weapons
from Camp Pendleton.
I wonder if, uh
Dante'd be able to help?
I mean, you know, his new unit
is called FTF, I'm sure one of those F's
got to stand for federal, right?
I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.
Think he kind of misses you a little.
Did he say that?
Well, I mean, you know,
he didn't have to.
Oh, lookit, it's time to stand.
I'll do my steps.
DANTE: Robyn, hey.
Hello, Marcus.
So, how you been?
You know,
same as yesterday.
Hey, I need your help with something.
This wouldn't happen to involve
a truckload of contraband
weapons, would it?
You've been talking to Harry, I take it?
He asked me to look into who
might be running guns in the area.
Well, those guns have made it
to a NYPD impound lot.
- Ooh
- They're sitting there,
waiting to be processed
by the feds, so I was hoping
you had a connect, either with
the feds or someone at the lot.
(SIGHS) There's no way to get
that truck released legally.
(CHUCKLES) You've been gone too long.
Who said anything about legally?
Robyn, listen, I, uh
(SIGHS) Me, too.
about that impound lot.
Let's see, today's Saturday.
O'Malley's on duty
NYPD Blue. We got a tip on Diablo.
Let's move. We got to go!
Robyn, I got to go.
Call you as soon as I can.
God, Miles. What are you doing here?
I'm sorry. I didn't think
anybody'd be here.
Well, you thought wrong.
I mean You just can't be
letting yourself in like this.
I mean, w-what if one of us
was walking around here naked?
(CHUCKLES) Come on. Nobody in here's
got anything
I haven't seen before.
Excuse me?
Aunt Vi, I'm a doctor.
I'm on my way out, and Robyn isn't here.
Oh, that's okay. I just came
to fix a leaky faucet,
and I'm out of here, too.
I know what you're doing.
Yeah, I just told you.
I'm-a fix the leaky faucet.
Do not play innocent with me.
Showing up for breakfast,
finding excuses to stop by
every day. What is that?
I'm sorry. I didn't think a man
needed excuses to see his own family.
I'm done going around in circles
with you, Miles,
so let me just get to the point.
If you're here to have fun
or you're bored
or if this is some kind of
rebound after Kelly,
take it somewhere else, 'cause
I'm not gonna let you do it.
Robyn has been through
enough heartbreak.
I think I need to remind you
Robyn broke my heart last time.
If memory serves, Miles,
I believe you had a great deal
to do with that.
Okay, fine. But people change.
Splitting up with Kelly
was a huge wake-up call for me,
and since then,
I've been putting in the time,
doing all the hard work,
mentally and emotionally.
And I'm a better person.
I'm a better man since then.
I just don't want her to get hurt.
Neither do I.
I'm not here for some rebound.
(SIGHS) Look.
I didn't realize
how good I had it before.
Okay? But I see that clearly now.
And I want it back.
I want my family back.
Is that wrong?
I'll see you later, Aunt Vi.
Hello, Officer.
Can I help you?
Yes. Uh, I'm in a little bit of a jam,
and I was hoping that you could help.
I-I-I have a few outstanding tickets.
Well, actually, more than a few,
and my car got towed.
Name and license?
Bernastein Buchannon.
But, listen, I don't have the cash
to pay for all those tickets,
so I was, I was hoping
that you could, um
You'll have to go to court, ma'am.
Bernie. But, see, there's
something in the glove compartment
that I need to get,
and it's time-sensitive.
It's my prescription for
Well, this is a little embarrassing,
but if you must know
Ma'am, ma'am, I can't help you.
Go to court, straighten out
your fines, and then come back.
Please, Officer O'Malley.
You seem like a really nice man,
and I really need my prescription,
so maybe I can just pay
the latest ticket.
I know it's in here somewhere.
Figure out a way that we can just
Oh, I'm sorry, is the smell
of that bothering you?
Because the smell of pastrami,
pastrami has a really strong smell.
Not at all. I love pastrami.
It was supposed to be for my son,
and he flaked on me anyway.
I'm a vegetarian.
Do you want it?
Oh, that's very kind of you. Bernie.
Just go ahead, put it
It'll fit through here. Yeah.
There we go. (CHUCKLES)
You know, I cannot find this ticket.
Is it okay if I just pop back there
and get my prescription?
- I'll walk you to your car.
- No, no, no.
You don't got You sit and enjoy.
Thank you.
Just like old times.
Hello, Sarah. I was just about
to call you with some good news.
There's something you should know.
Tell her what you told me.
What's wrong? What happened?
A little while ago,
I was hanging out with Kevin
when he got a call on the cell.
A second later, he just ran off.
Do you know where he went?
To get Randi. He's gonna
trade himself for her.
Okay, I'm here.
Now, let her go.
Been a bad boy, Kevin.
I said no grown-ups, remember?
We had a deal.
Me for my sister.
I could keep the both of you.
Hey, how far out are you?
About 20 minutes. You have
eyes on the location they sent me?
It's an industrial area.
It doesn't look like anyone's there yet.
You're not really gonna give
the guns back, are you?
Not a chance.
I just have to show them,
so they hand over Kevin and Randi.
And if they don't hand them over?
Then I go in and get them.
Sueño's guys might be a threat
to those kids,
but they shouldn't be a problem for us.
I mean me.
Hey, listen, you know,
maybe we should just wait
for the police.
Can't chance it with
the kids' lives at stake.
Okay, j-just be careful, please? Okay?
I really don't like the idea
of you going there by yourself.
Not like I have much of a choice, do I?
(LAUGHS) Great job.
Thanks again, Mel.
Yeah. Hope you enjoyed it.
Yeah, it's just what I needed.
You know, I'm pretty sure
I'll need more of it
- to get through senior year.
- Well, anytime.
You know where to find me.
You want a sparkling water for the road?
Yeah. Yeah, I would love one.
Hmm, hmm, hmm. Hmm.
Where'd I put the bottle opener?
Hey. Mel.
Mel, are you okay? Hey.
Look at me. Hey, it's okay.
ROBYN: No one's here. You see anything?
HARRY: Still quiet outside.
Any sign of the kids?
Nothing. Something's off here.
Rob, just hold on a sec. Dee, what's up?
Hey, um, I'm in the bar with Mel.
I think she's having a panic
attack. What should I do?
Just hold on. Rob, I'll be right back.
DELILAH: Breathe.
It's okay. I got you.
I got you. You're safe.
You're safe.
Just breathe. Breathe.
Hey, babe. I'm here.
Hey. What What happened?
Uh, she opened that drawer and then
just froze.
All right, sweetie,
I'm here. You're okay.
Okay? You're okay.
I'm not I'm not okay. Okay.
- MEL: I need
- HARRY: Okay.
Okay, just slow down,
slow down, just slow down.
Harry, what's happening?
ROBYN (WHISPERS): Harry, you there?
Let's go. Let go.
RANDI: (GRUNTS) Get off of me.
GUARD: Knock it off.
Get in there.
KEVIN: Leave us alone.
Be quiet.
You two okay?
It's okay. She's one of the good guys.
We got to get out of here
as fast as we can.
DANTE: Harry, it's me.
Getting back to you
with that intel you requested.
Looks like there's a new player
in the weapons trafficking business.
Guy named Angel Salazar. His cartel's
steadily been expanding their territory.
Pressed north from Tijuana,
then east from there.
Guess they've made it
all the way across the country.
Word of caution, ATF's been
tracking these guys for a while.
Do not underestimate them, Harry.
They are armed to the teeth with
military-grade weapons
and have zero regard for human life
theirs or their enemies'.
I'm sending you everything
I got on them.
Bottom line,
if you're going up against these guys,
you better bring an army.
- SUEÑO: Please
- SALAZAR: Quiet!
You're outwitted by a child,
and you expect mercy?
You're useless,
except to send a message
to your replacements.
This is what happens when you mess up.
SALAZAR: Who's there?!
- Come on!
Listen, I'm gonna hold them off.
Get to an exit and run as far,
fast as you can, okay?
What about you?
Don't worry about me.
Get your sister out of here. Go!

ROBYN: Scream all you want.
No one's coming for you.
SALAZAR: Wake up.
Wake up.
Who knows about our operation?
As a matter of fact,
they'll be here any minute.
I'm big on tenacity,
but low on patience.
I know you're here to exchange
those guns for those kids.
You will tell me what I need to know.
How much you suffer until then
is up to you.
Do what you have to do.
We have to know how badly
our operation is compromised.
I'm back. sorry.
Oh, no.
Rob? Come in.
911? Yeah, I have an emergency.
No, no. (PANTS)
Don't pass out on me, now.
You'll miss the good stuff.
What are we in the mood for now?
Extract that.

Get in!
I'll get the car. Secure the guns.
Let's get out of here.
We'll deal with her later.
(PANTING): Thank you.
We got you.

You had me so scared.
I'm so sorry.
I promise to never do it again.
SARAH: No, no, don't apologize.
You guys are home.
They're home.
- You guys okay?
- Yes.
ROBYN: The world
needs more people like you.
Use this donation to keep
your children clothed and fed.
ROBYN: If you ever need anything,
don't hesitate to call.
Call me up to meet you ♪
Static on the phone ♪
Normally I need you ♪
This time I don't want to go ♪
Lately I been growing ♪
Into someone you don't know ♪
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic
voice message system.
Wouldn't go back where we started ♪
I know you're still waiting ♪
Wondering where my heart is ♪
Pray that things won't change ♪
But the hardest part is ♪
You're realizing maybe I,
maybe I ain't the same ♪
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You okay? You look
- Yeah.
Better. Yeah, I'm feeling
better. (CHUCKLES)
Where's Rob?
What? What happened?
Look, she was in a jam, but she managed,
uh, to get out of it.
- Where is she now?
- I don't know.
She texted me that she's okay,
she just hasn't been returning my calls.
Was she hurt? Like (STAMMERS)
I'm not I'm honestly not sure.
From what I saw, I
I suppose it's possible.
- This is all my fault.
- No, it's not.
I was the one who was supposed
to be watching her back.
Yeah, but you had to leave her
to take care of me.
because of my panic attack.
Rob could've been killed
because I wasn't there.

I mean, she was doing so well, Auntie.
Till she wasn't.
That is so scary.
I hope she's okay.
I'm worried about her.
I know what that kind
of trauma feels like.
And that's exactly why Mel
needs a friend like you
as she finds her way through this.
She's gonna need all our help.
Yeah. It took a while
for me to feel normal again.
Actually, it was like
adjusting to a new normal.
She'll never really go back.
Not after that.
You got through it.
I'm not saying it was
easy, but you made it.
Mel's strong, like you.
She's gonna be okay.
I really do hope so, Aunt Vi.
Okay, uh
think I'm gonna get ready for bed.
Ooh, gosh. That is an excellent idea.

Time creeps by and we wonder why ♪
It happens the way it does ♪
Sharp as a knife ♪
Dark as the night ♪
What has it all become? ♪
Flashbacks and nightmares ♪
Knock, knock ♪
Who's there? ♪
Flashbacks and cold sweat ♪
We try to forget ♪
I'm haunted
by the memories, memories ♪
I'm haunted by the memories,
memories ♪
I'm haunted by the tragedy
of you and me ♪
So, what, you're just
letting yourself in now?
Just came in to get my tools.
Looks like it's a good thing I did.
Look at you.
We got to get you to a hospital.
I'll be all right.
I'll be the judge of that. Sit.
Slow, slow, slow.
Tracing steps filled with regret ♪
The way that we fantasize ♪
If all that we had ♪
Turns to the bad ♪
Guess that is ♪
Deep breath.
I'm haunted
by the memories, memories ♪
I'm haunted by the memories,
memories ♪
This is gonna need stitches.
Thank you.
For being here.
Of course.
How did this happen?
Where was your team?
There is no team.
I got lucky with this one.
From now on
the only person
I can trust to be there
is myself.
Haunted ♪
Haunted. ♪

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