Dawson's Creek s05e02 Episode Script

The Lost Weekend

My flight's still on time.
- Shoot! - What? Today is the last day I can drop that writing class.
- I thought you liked that class.
- I do.
I like it as much as I can like anything I'm getting a C in.
Do what you have to.
I can entertain myself for an hour.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
Absolutely, I'm sure.
Who are you calling now? Myself.
"You have one new message.
" It's from you from Friday.
Did you call me? - You didn't get my message? - No.
You sound a little drunk.
Dawson, that's because I am drunk.
- Give me the phone.
- Why? Drunk people have the right to neutralize their messages.
- Come on, Dawson.
- No way! Okay, some guy hit on you.
A nice guy.
So nice he slept with Audrey.
Come on.
- No- - Come on! Give me the- Stop! Let me listen.
- Apparently, I've got great timing.
- Dawson I was drunk.
I don't even remember half of what I said.
The gist of it was goodbye.
Which is something I really wish I knew before I flew 3000 miles to see you.
Were you planning on telling me? Why would I bring it up if you didn't? It wasn't exactly one of my finest moments, no.
- I was mad.
- About what? I don't know.
Mad that you- Mad that you weren't coming to visit me.
Mad that That we haven't resolved anything.
I thought everything was resolved.
I thought we said everything we needed to say to each other three months ago.
Then I guess we don't have anything left to say.
Hey, kids.
What's the problem? It's just that it's Dawson's last day and I- I wanted to show him around, but I won't have time because I have to go drop a writing class.
Well, that's a heart-stopper.
You know, they do have those campus tours.
They're a little lame, but not completely intolerable.
Sounds like a plan.
- Yeah.
- Great.
Problem solved.
She's a handful, that girl, isn't she? - He is not gonna call.
- He's calling.
- He doesn't have my number.
- He will get your number.
- How? - Somehow.
We've had all advances in information technology.
They're all about helping people track down other people that they're sexually attracted to.
Jen, just trust me, all right? The guy will find you, and when he does hurl yourself at him immediately, because you obviously want to.
Whether I want to or not, nice girls do not hurl themselves at boys.
Society at large deems that slutty and self-destructive.
That's right.
I forgot, you're a slut.
Only you haven't had sex the entire time I've known you.
If you look at the cold hard facts I've kissed more guys than you have this past year.
Well, that's not true.
I've kissed one.
How many have you kissed? One.
How many straight guys? Okay, none.
This is the saddest competition ever.
All I'm saying is that we're in college now.
No one is watching, and no one is keeping track.
- What? - I think we're lost.
- What are you doing? - Isn't it obvious? Be subtle.
I would rather not look like freshmen dorks who don't know where they're going.
Just give me something we're near, all right? Well, the radio station Oh, my God.
Jack! Put the map- Put it down.
Down with the map.
He's gonna think I've been trying to find him.
You are trying to find him.
You spent the weekend circling every Charles in the campus directory.
But he doesn't need to know that.
Hi- He's waving.
Yes, yes, he's waving.
See, I told you he likes you.
How much more of a sign do you need? It's upside down.
You're going in anyway.
Can't you drop a different class? Something useless, like basket weaving or women's studies? - I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
- I did not see this one coming.
I can usually tell the ones who drop.
They have a guilty look about them.
Not that this happens to me a lot.
People don't usually drop my class.
People have been known to kill people to audit my class.
- I know.
- Consider yourself lucky to be in it.
I don't usually take freshmen.
They have a tendency to freak out when they see how much work is involved.
That's not what's happening to you, Miss Potter, is it? - You're not freaking out, are you? - No.
Not exactly.
You didn't finish rewriting that story, did you, about the boy and the kiss? I tried.
Believe me, I tried.
Things are complicated at the moment.
Oh, I see.
More complicated than they were on Friday? - Yes.
- Complicated is bad? - Yes.
- So something's changed since Friday? - Yes.
- You've changed since Friday? Yes.
Nothing's changed.
Yet everything is suddenly more complicated and you need to drop my class.
Look, I took too many classes, okay? I didn't know what I wanted to study, and your class sounded like fun.
It is fun.
4 in last year's course guide.
I fully admit it was a stupid thing to do, okay? You warned me about the work involved, a lot of people did and I guess I thought I could handle it.
And what makes you think you can't? Well, because I'm obviously freaking out.
Good point.
You know, no matter how many times this happens- And I lied, it happens a lot.
- it still feels like getting dumped by your first girlfriend.
Have a nice life, Miss Potter.
So, Dawson, you're not too happy to be stuck with me right now, are you? No, not at all.
You know, it's probably best that Joey and I are apart right now.
If we spent the afternoon together, we'd end up saying something we'd regret.
Like? Like why I'm letting this girl ruin my life.
I should not be discussing this with you.
You don't have to apologize to me.
I live with the girl.
Do you ever find yourself wondering how somebody so smart - can be so stupid? - Every day.
- This is it! - What's it? This is it.
This is where the campus tour starts.
- There's nobody here.
- Yeah, I know.
It happens a lot.
To tell the truth, the tour isn't that interesting.
Still, the show must go on, even if it's only for one person.
- So let's go.
- Where? - The campus tour.
- There's nobody here.
But, see, there is, because you're here and I'm here.
- You're the tour guide.
- Bingo! You can thank me later for rocking your world.
It's Charlie Todd here playing you all sorts of old, sad-bastard music as we do every Monday morning here on WBCW.
Anything weepy, anything mopey anything's that's even remotely a bummer.
Like, we just had a request for the Smiths' classic: "Girlfriend in a Coma.
" So we're just about to try to get that one on right now- I'm sorry.
We're not gonna play that.
- That's on.
- Oh, I know.
I turned it on.
My new producer, ladies and gentlemen, Jen Now comes the part where it becomes obvious I don't know her last name.
Jen Lindley.
Appalling, isn't it, folks? So like the talent to forget the little people behind the scenes.
Sorry about that.
You were gonna tell us about "Girlfriend in a Coma.
" Yeah, we're not gonna play it.
See the problem with college radio stations: Too many requests for misunderstood, ambisexual geniuses.
- You're tough.
- People want to be led.
So, Charlie, Mr.
DJ Guy, what is it with you and this radio thing? You like talking to people who can't talk back? No.
I guess I just like music.
Well, why all this mope rock? Why not rap or punk? The Ramones? Well, Jen, I guess I've learned in my vast experience that people feel low-energy Monday mornings.
And why is that exactly? Because they've generally gone out and done something they regret.
Or not done something they regret.
It is possible, you'll agree with me here to feel more regretful of the things you haven't done than the things you have.
Like, say failing to get somebody's phone number? Well, Jen, you're right.
That would be a tragedy.
Unless the girl- Excuse me.
- woman involved had blown you off pretty majorly and apparently had a boyfriend.
Tall, good-looking, dark hair I see.
So, what you're running here is a radio program for mopey straight guys easily threatened by obviously gay men in Abercrombie sweaters.
I don't see how the university can condone this kind of niche marketing.
I'm afraid that things are going to have to change around here.
And quick! Well, we're gonna play that Smiths classic and then a little Sedated.
We'll be back.
And I am definitely keeping this one.
No! I'm not allowed to keep a souvenir of my travels? Not this one! You know, I love the French.
They come down to the Caribbean, colonize destroy the indigenous cultures and replace them with topless beaches.
The British never would have thought of that.
And I am keeping this one.
Just don't leave it anywhere my uncle will see it.
Don't worry about that.
This is no longer his boat.
- It is now mine.
- Oh, right.
I forgot.
I gotta go.
- You gonna meet me later at the? - Yes, I will.
But only under protest.
Sue me for wanting to have another meal with you besides breakfast.
Wear the new shirt I bought you, okay? - Yes, ma'am.
- Okay.
So that must be the famous Melanie.
Yes, indeed.
Melanie Shea Thompson.
Tell me this, Dougie.
Why is it that rich people always have three names? I guess the more people you're named after the more wills you can potentially appear in.
What the hell are you planning on doing with your life, Pace? Come on.
Does this conversation ever get more interesting for you? It doesn't ever get more interesting for me.
It's been, what, four weeks since you got back from the Caribbean? It has been three-and-a-half weeks.
Why, is the tan starting to fade? You planning on staying in Boston? Just until the next gigantic yacht needs a deck hand.
So this waiting-on-the-rich thing is gonna be a permanent part of your life? - No, Dougie.
Nothing's permanent.
- Good.
Then, here.
I got something for you.
What's this? It's a guy I know in Boston.
He's a chef.
Doug, I told you, I'm not getting a job at some stupid restaurant or folding shirts or selling shoes.
I'm on to something bigger and better.
It's a matter of time before I get back out there.
Oh, yes, the sea.
I forgot.
Here I am without my Old Spice.
Look, just go see this guy, Pacey, okay? Do it today.
I told him you were gonna come see him.
So, please, just for once - will you do me this favour, please? - Okay, okay.
If I go see this guy, will you get off my case? Nothing would make me happier, little brother.
Is this the line to drop classes? Yeah, this is it.
- So, Dawson - Yes.
answer the question that's on everyone's mind: Is USC all it's cracked up to be? That's the question? Which circles are you travelling in? Oh, the Jen-Jack-Joey ones.
At least peripherally.
You know, you can tell me the truth.
I mean, I'm from L.
and I hate it so I can't imagine what strangers think.
It's- It's not entirely awful.
Well, that's high praise.
You know something I bet that you know someone from my high school.
- Who? - Kirsten Smith.
- Oh, my God.
You know that girl? - Yes.
She still working on her short film about accosting celebrities in washrooms? That's not a short film anymore.
She's trying to expand into a feature.
And she changed her name to Kiwi.
No last name.
Just Kiwi.
Oh, God.
I knew film school would be full of poseurs.
I didn't know it would be this bad.
But, I mean, you like it like, in general.
Why wouldn't I? I don't know.
Call me crazy, but generally people who love college don't fly across the country to see their high school friends - in October.
- Everybody gets homesick.
Well, yeah, except this isn't your home.
All of my friends are here.
- You mean, Joey.
- And Jack and Jen.
Sometimes I think it's a curse to have great friends from high school.
If all you had back home was four years of unabated misery you'd have nobody to miss.
Everybody you meet would be a pleasant surprise, as opposed to a Totally heinous let-down compared to the people you already know? I'm worried about you, Dawson.
Thank you.
I'm glad somebody is.
To repeat, the specials today are steamed cockles, rabbit ravioli in a butter-sage sauce- Delish.
I love bunny.
Can we go now? Scatter.
And push the fish.
On Monday? Do you want us to kill people? She's kidding.
The fish is fine.
You eat rabbit? I'll eat anything that's free.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- That's not bad.
- Don't kid yourself, it's spectacular.
I've never eaten Thumper, so I don't have anything to judge it against.
That's a good point.
You the new dishwasher? No.
I am looking for this guy.
Danny Bresher.
Yeah, that's me.
- You're the chef? - I prefer "cook," but whatever.
This is my kitchen, you've found me so go for it, kid, before we get slammed in here.
Well, I'm just here as kind of a favour to my big brother.
- You're Dougie's brother? - Yeah.
Pacey Witter.
Then you are the new dishwasher.
I'm a deck hand.
I spent the summer sailing around the Caribbean on a 48-foot yacht.
- But you've never worked in a kitchen? - No.
- Then you're a dishwasher.
- You're not hearing me.
I'm just here as a favour to my brother.
If you let him know I dropped by, I would appreciate it.
Tell him you gave the job to somebody else.
He told me you'd try that.
He also said you just graduated high school no interest in going to college.
Because college is the answer to everybody's problems.
I appreciate that you're offering me a job, but I already have a job.
Hey, hey.
Whatever you say, Popeye.
I'm sure that in the middle of the ocean, you're completely the bomb.
Yeah, I am, actually.
Okay, but right now in the kitchen, what I need is a dishwasher.
If you don't want to be that guy, leave because you don't look like someone who needs this job.
You're right.
I don't.
Well, then, I think I don't need to be looking at you anymore.
Why do you have A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Sexual Politics and The Autobiography of Alice B.
Toklas by Gertrude Stein? It's kind of overkill.
I would have bought it if you had just one.
I happen to be taking a feminist-lit class.
Oh, so you can meet women.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
Some things just are.
Like me being up here in your room? That is a conspiracy on your part.
You invited yourself here.
Only to settle a bet that we had going at the radio station.
- I'm telling you.
I'm right about this.
- I'll believe it when I hear it.
- If you even own this record.
- If? Yes, if.
I just have a hard time believing that the same person who owns License to Ill also has volume two of The Essential Dolly Parton Collection.
Give me that.
And why is it so important to you that I listen to this song? Because once you hear Dolly Parton's original 1974 recording of " I Will Always Love You," a song later made sucky by Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard you will understand, for perhaps the first time in your entire life what it means not to suck.
And at that point, your entire universe will turn upside down.
And everything that used to seem wrong to you will suddenly seem right.
Is that a good thing? Of course it's a good thing.
What is music for if not to subvert all your expectations and blow your mind every once in a while? Well, I thought that's what people were for.
What? Nothing.
I- I just can't believe that you like country music.
Well, I like all kinds of music, unlike you, who's obviously very cynical and close-minded and is probably one of those " upper middle class, kill your television, free Tibet" girls who drives around town in her father's old Volvo.
I came here from a small town.
I like to knit, and I live with my grandmother.
Works for me.
- Hi.
It's me.
- Hey.
We were just talking about you.
- We? - Yeah.
Audrey and me.
- I thought you were taking the tour.
- I am, in a way.
Well, look, this whole class-dropping thing is taking a little longer than I anticipated.
The line is out of control.
- She says the line is out of control.
- Look.
Yeah, that's a bummer.
Here, let me talk to her.
Joey, hi.
This is Audrey.
- We're gonna hang up now, okay? - Audrey? - Audrey- - Hi! - Hi.
- Hi.
- So, what did I miss? - Well, I went to go take the tour.
Turns out Audrey is the tour guide.
- Audrey's the tour guide? - Yeah.
The pay sucks, but it allows me to combine two of my passions: Performing in front of small but appreciative audiences and getting strangers to fall in love with me.
- Audrey, do you think that you could-? - Hold your place? Sure.
- You spent the entire morning with her? - Yeah.
I like her.
She's a trip.
She's easy to talk to.
Dawson, she's just flirting with you.
She flirts with everybody: - Animal, vegetable, mineral.
- I know.
I think it's great.
I'm sorry that this taking so long.
You should go hang out with Jen and Jack.
We should finish the conversation we started.
We had a great weekend.
Why spoil it with-? - With what? - With a lot of talk that ultimately means nothing.
The future of our relationship means nothing.
The future- You're getting on a plane in a couple of hours.
All I said in my message was exactly what you told me back in June.
"We have to move on.
We have to go our separate ways.
" Are you 100 percent prepared to do that? No, I should just go.
You should.
Next! I need to drop this class.
Sorry, sweetie.
Last I heard, Oscar Wilde didn't teach here at Worthington.
- He died in 1900.
- No.
It's not Wilde.
It's Wilder.
As in David Wilder.
I'm sure that's what it's supposed to say.
But if you wanna drop this class, take this back and get it signed by someone who's actually alive.
Next! You've got to be kidding me.
I just want it noted for the record that this was not my idea of fun.
You can torture me with grilled cheese tomorrow.
What do you have against nice restaurants? Nothing per se, but I hate places like this.
And what else would you rather be doing? I don't have time.
I have torts this afternoon.
I do have a life besides frolicking with you.
- Yeah, I know.
But you don't enjoy it.
- How do you know? Nobody enjoys law school.
It's what you do to make your parents happy.
That is so not true.
- Really? Your parents aren't happy? - No.
They're ecstatic.
Why else would they let me go cruise around the Caribbean all summer? That's a very good point.
Maybe Mummy and Daddy aren't such bad folks after all.
- See? Now your mood's improving.
- Yes, it is.
Which is why you and I should get out of here immediately.
- What are you doing? - I'm paying the check.
- Why? - Because you don't have a job.
You don't have a job either.
But I have a credit card and an allowance and a trust fund.
What? You'd rather pretend I don't? - Okay, give this to me.
- No! When your ship comes in then you can take me out for gumbo or something.
Until then, get with the times.
This is what legally blonds do for their cute slacker boyfriends.
Oh, God.
- God! - What did I miss? - Oh, my God! - What did I miss? Are we praying? - What time is it? - I don't know, 5-something.
Oh, shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Hey, hey! Why? Why did you let me fall asleep? I wasn't aware we were conducting a vigil.
Oh, God.
I can't believe I did this.
- Did what? - This! This.
After everything Jack and I talked about.
- Who's Jack? - He's my gay best friend.
Have you not been listening to me this entire time? Oh, God, my shoes.
I need my shoes.
Okay, look.
Could you slow down, please? I'm not even up yet.
Look, I'm late.
I'm very late.
I have to go to dinner.
I'm gonna have an upset grandmother.
I have friends coming, I need a shoe- - Your grandmother? - Yes.
My grandmother.
I live with my grandmother.
- I thought you were kidding about that.
- No.
Can I borrow your shoes? Oh, God.
Come on, come on, hold on.
Hey, hey.
Come on.
Look, stop.
- Stop.
Please don't do this.
- Why? What? Do what? Pretend that what just happened didn't happen.
What happened? I don't know what happened.
Something did happen.
I met you.
I liked you.
You liked me.
We had sex.
So could we just take a second, stop and appreciate that fact? Because it was a pretty fricking amazing day for me.
And if it's all the same to you, I really don't want to go out next Friday night and start the whole process over again with some girl I'm not gonna like half as much as I like you.
Okay what? Okay, you can call me.
Why would I want to call you? You're right here.
A little light for a grade.
- That wasn't funny.
- Oh, it was a little funny.
You had no right to do that.
I wasted my entire morning on that line.
- I'm sure.
- And most of the afternoon.
If you didn't want to sign my form, you should have said so.
And miss out on all the fun we're having right now? Okay, not having any fun.
Look Truth is, when I encounter the rare high school graduate who knows the difference between " its," possessive and " it's," the contraction my blood tends to race a little bit.
You'll forgive me for not wanting to part so easily with a student that I found promising.
That's no excuse.
You can't compliment your way out of it.
You fluster very easily, don't you? You have this almost amazing inability to roll with the punches.
Is my personality being graded here? No.
It's just that college requires more juggling than in high school.
It's a less-structured environment.
Let's not dance around the issue anymore.
You're getting - a C in my class.
Is that correct? - Correct.
And you wouldn't be going to this trouble to drop my class if you were getting something other than a C.
Correct? No, probably not.
So I see.
You're one of those people who only does things she can do well.
No, actually, I do a lot of things that I don't do well.
- Name one.
- This.
I'm not doing this very well.
Dropping this class is taking up my entire day.
And that boy, the one who wasn't supposed to visit? Well, he did.
Now he's out debating the future of our relationship which I had decided had no future, with my roommate, the man magnet while I seem to be stuck in this endless loop with you.
If you don't want to let me drop, fine.
But I think I at least deserve a straight answer.
- Here.
- What's this? Write it down.
Because what you said made absolutely no sense.
But if you can make sense of it on the page then I'll let you go chase this boy of yours.
You realize that this is completely unfair.
I am aware of that, yes.
So is this really where people go to kill themselves? Yep.
Usually right before the LSATs.
Or You know sometimes people just come up here to make out.
Do you want to? Yeah! - No! - Oh, why not? Because even though she would deny it with every last breath in her body Joey's my friend.
Or at least she's going to be.
And I don't think she would like it too much.
I wish I could be half as sure of that as you are.
God, I love this place! I mean, look at this! This is what college is supposed to look like.
couldn't look like this in a million years.
But I forget.
You like it there.
I do.
Well, and things are going really well for you.
I mean, you got that internship at the film company and you got to meet Todd.
Yeah, I did.
So that's not so bad for a first day, you know? Then you'll probably be going back.
Of course.
What am I gonna do, drop out of USC and move to Boston? That'd be like scaling the heights of Mount Lame or jumping off this bell tower.
I meant the job.
You're going back to the job, right? Right, the job.
Actually, it's- I must have forgotten to mention.
I actually got fired from the job.
So that's one less thing tying you to L.
One less thing.
Not bad, Miss Potter.
Think we may have discovered your major failing in both life and art.
- What's that? - Over-thinking things.
When it comes down to it, you obviously know how to separate what matters from what doesn't.
You probably think I'm wimping out.
No, I wouldn't say that.
Well, it's just that I know my limits, you know.
I don't wanna mess up this new life I'm trying to start - by trying to do everything.
- Of course.
I wake up every day, I'm in this bizarre new environment.
I'm totally and completely on my own for the first time in my life.
So maybe I am a little afraid of getting a C.
But if I am, it's because a lot of people have made a lot of sacrifices so I could get to this place.
You know, my sister, my friends, my mother.
Even my dad, in his own screwed up, non-law-abiding way.
So You know sounds like you may have had a lot of interesting stories left to tell.
Back for the dinner-tasting? If I am, it's not because the food is so great.
I think I'll wait and be crushed when Food & Wine stops by.
How do you sleep, charging people Really, what is this? A pork chop you're drizzling a little sauce on, right? Then you add these potato things, and you're done.
- A gaufrette potato.
- Whatever.
All I know is that Leon, the chef on the boat I was working on the only thing he did to separate what he'd serve us from what he served the bosses was to add one of those things.
Most chefs don't serve the good stuff to the little people.
- Cuts into their profit margin.
- Little people, I like that.
You see, Leon was good people.
But he was just one step ahead of the authorities.
You'll find that a lot in food service.
How do you think I know your brother? My wife's parents have a place in Capeside.
When I'm not cooking, I tend to get drunk a lot and howl at the moon.
That surprise you? Yeah.
I can't believe somebody married you.
What was she thinking? You're funnier than your brother.
Not that I can use that around here.
Unless you've seen the error of your ways.
Actually, I've seen the error of your ways.
- You don't want me washing dishes.
- I don't? No, I'm much too valuable a commodity for that.
I thought we'd already established your skills didn't transfer to dry land.
I have cleaned and cooked just about every fish in the hemisphere.
I'm pretty sure I can master dicing tomatoes and chopping up parsley.
Show up on time every day, work clean you can have pretty much any job you want around here.
Including mine.
Because as far as I can tell you really don't do much around here anyway.
Erin! Break's over.
I said, in a second! - Take your time.
- Hey.
- New guy.
- Yeah.
Don't look so shocked.
Everyone who works in the restaurant smokes.
If they don't, they start when they find out the people who do are getting 10 times the number of breaks.
- You? - No, thanks.
- Those things will kill you, you know? - You think? Doesn't matter, anyway.
I plan to quit soon.
The job, not the cigarettes.
It's that bad, huh? This place? It's awful.
But, you know, people are nice.
And I don't mean the customers.
That Danny guy seems pretty cool, I guess.
Thinks he's a rock star.
They all do.
Everyone who works in the kitchen.
Chicks dig them in a big way.
What am I telling you for? That's probably why you showed up.
As it turns out, I'm kind of a one-woman man.
Provided she's the right kind.
And what kind is that? Well, for starters, it's the kind that doesn't smoke.
You really know how to hurt a girl.
A month ago, I was watching this sunset from the deck of a gigantic yacht in the Caribbean.
- And today I'm- - Stuck working here.
Yeah, well, here's not so bad, really.
Because when it comes down to it what matters isn't really where you are.
It's who you're there with.
Hold these for me.
And tomorrow when I ask for them back, say no.
Oh, you might wanna rethink the shirt.
- Hey, where's-? - Dawson? - He's gone.
- Gone? What do you mean, gone? I mean gone.
He left.
He said that he was tired of you yanking his chain or, you know, well, not yanking it as the case may be and that he was an idiot to have wasted his time visiting when there are a zillion girls at USC who'd kill to go out with him.
- Are you on drugs? - Hey! I spent the whole day trying to defend you.
I said it was a woman's right to be difficult.
The good ones always are.
You and I have that in common.
He wouldn't listen.
He said that he was going back to Cali and he was never coming back, no matter how many pathetic, drunken messages you leave on his answering machine.
So where is he? Where else? He's at the airport! Go! - Thank you, sir.
You're all set.
- Thank you.
Did you get to say goodbye to Jen and Jack? Yeah, Jack, at least.
Jen wasn't there when I stopped by.
- Man, that must be nice.
- What's that? - Having them around all the time.
- Yeah, it is.
Even though it's somebody else's house and somebody else's grandma still it's like having a safety net, I guess, or I don't know, a - Like a family.
- Yeah.
Like a family.
Puts everything in perspective.
You know, that helps you separate what matters from what doesn't.
This is your final call.
Boarding all rows at gate C3.
And what does matter? You.
That's why I got upset this morning, Dawson.
I spent the entire weekend thinking you had heard everything I had to say and that you came anyway that you understood me.
Joey, as long as I live, I will never understand you.
I mean, I had this fantastic weekend hanging out with you, questioning whether I wanted to go back to L.
And then I wake up this morning to find out the girl who was so upset when I told her I couldn't come actually kissed me off Friday night.
Once again, folks, that's final call, gate C3.
Dawson, I never said it wasn't confusing.
Okay, well, then tell me one thing you know.
I know I wanted you there.
At the end of the day, when I got back to my room, I wanted you there.
Why? I don't know why.
I don't know what I meant.
- I just know that I wanted you there.
- Joey, I am here.
I've been here, and only now are we finding a way to talk about stuff that really matters.
Maybe that's the ending we're supposed to have.
Maybe every other attraction we feel to each other is just fear.
Fear of moving on, fear of growing up.
- Is that what you really think? - I don't know! I do know if I get on this plane, I'm never gonna find out.
Because we're gonna move on, we're gonna grow up.
Four years from now, we'll wake up and we'll be complete strangers.
And the only thing that I know for sure is that I don't want that to happen.
- Do you? - Sir? Are you getting on the plane, sir? Do you want that to happen? No.
Of course not.
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