The Circle (2020) s05e02 Episode Script

An Unlikely Team Emerges

-[tense music playing]
-[clock ticking]
[Buteau] With Brett already blocked,
my booty is clenched,
'cause one more player
is gonna be made an influencer,
but one more is gonna be blocked.
Who is the influencer? Who is the blocked?
[dramatic music playing]
If it's me, I'mma feel so bad.
I cannot be blocked, not Not this soon.
I really can't go home.
I can't even look.
[exhales sharply]
[dramatic music intensifies]
[shouting] No!
No! I'm blocked!
Oh no!
Oh, shit!
[screams] Oh!
Xanthi! Xanthi! Wow.
Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you.
I didn't ask you to save me,
but I'm thanking you for saving me.
I really, really, really
did not want her to get blocked.
"Now Xanthi's gone. Just like that."
I want Xanthi to come here
so I can let her know how I feel.
[Buteau] Chill out, Romeo.
It's only been, like, a day.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-Oh, shit! "Alert!"
-Oh my gosh!
[Paris] "'Alert! Alert!'"
"Before Brett"
"and Xanthi leave"
"they will meet one player each."
Oh, I don't want them to come here.
Oh, I wonder how much furniture
I could stack in front of the door.
[Paris] "I wanna see
if Brett's a catfish."
I need to brush my hair
just in case it's Brett.
[Buteau] I'mma miss you so much,
Xanthi girl.
But before you go, how about one last
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Oh, there's another alert.
-[tense music playing]
[chuckles] Why?
Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
Honestly, at this point,
like, I don't even
I don't even know, like,
what more you want from me.
[Xanthi gasps]
"Before you leave, you may now go
and meet Brett face-to-face."
Okay, Brett!
Let's do it!
They're "on their way to meet you now"?
Like, me?
[Buteau] Remember,
our bro Brett was blocked first,
so he has no clue Xanthi was too.
[Xanthi] Brett, I'm coming to meet ya.
[Buteau] And that means it's time
for the season's first fabulous,
slo-mo hallway sashay, honey.
"Oh no, no, no! I need to clean up.
I need to get myself ready."
[Buteau] I wouldn't bother, honey.
But don't get me wrong.
I mean, watching y'all stew is priceless.
Who is it?
[Buteau] Get ready, Brett.
-[Brett laughing]
-Oh my God! You're real!
-I am! I'm Brett.
-Nice to meet you.
-[Xanthi] Brett! What happened to us?
-Why did we get blocked? Who blocked you?
-[Xanthi] Dude!
Chaz. And I voted him second.
Dude, my number one and two put me
-[Brett] Put me on the fucking block.
[Xanthi] Sit. Sit.
I was I was literally on the
I knew you were real.
I felt like I was the only one
that didn't have, like Like, an
I don't know, like,
a morally, like, noble job.
Like, everyone works with little kids,
or disabled people, or
So So So, I
I didn't tell the truth 100%. [laughs]
I'm not a preschool teacher. I'm a model.
-[Xanthi] But I didn't wanna go in
You definitely would've been judged
way worse as a model.
[Xanthi] Thank you!
And I said that. I was like,
"Bruno came out, says he's a model.
Everyone thinks he's hot, loves him."
If I came in
and said I was gonna be a model?
That's it. They would've been like,
"Forget this girl."
Okay, so, do you think
any of these people are a catfish?
[Brett] I think Brittney is a catfish.
-[Xanthi] You do?
-[Brett] Yeah.
-[Xanthi] Okay, I think Sam's a catfish.
-[Brett] Really?
[Xanthi] I think Sam could be the catfish.
I had my doubts about Marvin,
but clearly nobody else did.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Xanthi shouts] We got an alert, Brett!
Alert, alert, alert. Let's hear it.
"Brett and Xanthi, you have been blocked
from The Circle." [laughs]
[laughing] Oh!
[both laughing]
All right, stay Keep yourself safe.
Keep yourself safe. [laughs]
This is how
This is how boggled I am right now.
[both shouting] "However,
you are being given a second chance."
-Give me a hug, Brett!
-Oh my God, dude.
[Xanthi squeals] What's our second chance?
What is our second chance?
Whatever it is, we're gonna kill it.
Give it to us.
I hope they're replacing the freezer
'cause revenge is served cold.
[both laughing]
[both] "You will now have
the opportunity to play on"
"and still be in with a chance
to win the money." Brett!
-Do we Wait. Do we have to split it?
-Yes, we have to split it. Yes!
-Team work makes the dream work.
-[Brett] Yes!
[both] "You can play on, living together,
sharing a brand new profile
that The Circle provides."
Yes, Circle, give it to us.
"Do you choose to play on?"
-Of course we choose to play on.
-Yes, I choose to play Is that even
Listen, I told you
I couldn't handle another heartbreak,
so please don't be teasing with me.
"Please move to your new apartment
to discover your profile."
[Xanthi laughing] Here we go.
I'm going now. Come on, Brett. Let's go.
[Brett] I'll follow you anywhere.
"Damn. Brett and Xanthi
decided not to come see me."
"I guess I gotta eat these grapes myself."
[plate scraping]
Now I really feel like the bad guy.
[Buteau] Aw, don't feel too bad, Chaz,
because they're about to move in
to a super dope,
super decked out Circle pad.
[upbeat music playing]
Oh my God! [laughs]
-This is like the penthouse, penthouse!
-Oh my God. Wow!
[Brett] Very safari theme.
[Xanthi] Wow.
Brett! There's so [gasps]
-Wait. Which room Oh.
-[Xanthi] Wow!
What do you mean?
This room's mine. [blows raspberry]
Fine, take your own couch.
I'll have the big room so I can stretch.
-[Xanthi] I didn't even ask you.
-[Bret laughs]
This is where you can visit me
if you're feeling anxious about the game.
[Xanthi] Oh my God.
Thank God, I can get comfortable.
And you know Brett was like
My best friend in The Circle is gone.
[Buteau] But like a shirtless,
blond phoenix from the flames,
he about to be reborn.
-[Xanthi] "Jennifer!"
-[Brett laughs]
"Dog trainer." Who doesn't love a dog
If you don't like a dog trainer,
then I don't like you.
-[Xanthi] Dude, she's a hot 51 year old.
-And she's a hot dog trainer.
[Xanthi] She looks amazing.
[Xanthi] She's fun.
She looks fun. She looks so much fun.
-But I don't see her as an intimidation
Nobody's gonna be like
-Maybe she'll be the mom of The Circle.
[Xanthi] Maybe we can play the mom
Fun aunt card or something.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
I think the guys are still gonna be like,
"Wow, what a fox."
[both chuckle]
[both] "Think carefully,
as tomorrow, you will set up
the rest of your new profile
and join The Circle as Jennifer."
I love it. Let's go.
We're gonna do it. [laughs]
[Buteau] After an exhausting day,
Brett and Xanthi, who are now playing
as dog trainer Jennifer,
are resting their paws for the night.
And the others,
unaware there's a brand new dog
No, no. catfish sniffing around,
are reflecting on the drama.
If Brittney was an influencer,
I would have been gone today.
Maybe she saw me as competition
and wanted to get rid of me.
I mean, if that's the case,
then let the games begin.
I'm an influencer. People like me.
That's so crazy. It feels good.
That's bad bitch energy.
That's BBE. [laughs]
-Love ya.
-Goodnight. Love you.
[Raven] Mm.
[Paris] See you tomorrow.
[Xanthi] Goodnight, Brett!
Goodnight, Xanthi!
[Xanthi] Goodnight, Jennifer!
[Buteau] Goodnight, you guys.
-[energizing music playing]
-[Buteau] Bonjour, bitches.
The players are waking up
to their very first morning in The Circle,
and after the first night of drama,
ratings, and a double blocking,
they got more than breakfast
on their minds.
[both] Morning, Circle.
"I've got a blue tick. I'm an influencer!"
["Soul Control" by Jessie Ware playing]
It's me and you, ooh ♪
Another day, another Circle.
Oh my gosh! Like
Yesterday was brutal.
Like, I can't believe
Brett and Xanthi is gone.
Xanthi was gonna be,
like, my ally in here.
Like, me and her were gonna be
Good morning, Jennifer.
I'm so pumped to be Jennifer!
Now The Circle is definitely in chaos.
Sam is definitely going to be coming at me
because I said I would block her.
I can see Sam being all strapped up,
like the military, like [mimics bashing]
Coming for Marvin, like
[mimics machine gun]
[Buteau] Oh, honey, take it from me,
with nails like that,
she won't be needing a gun.
Let's get a little closer ♪
[Buteau] And honestly, Marvin, she's got
another fly-boy to deal with first.
[Sam] Oh, look at that big fly.
You little shit, you are huge.
Get up. Come here!
This is the fastest fly in the world.
[sighs] Come on.
I didn't drink my coffee yet.
When you come back here,
I'll kill you. I don't have energy to
-[toaster clunks]
The toaster just
scared the shit out of me.
[Buteau] While Sam rains vengeance down
upon her kitchen appliances,
Brett and Xanthi
are about to become Bre-nthi.
Or, um, Xan-rett.
You know what?
More accurately, but less fun, Jennifer.
-[Xanthi] All right, "About Me."
-I want her to be from Savannah, Georgia.
I could see that.
The hat, the bleached blonde hair.
-[Brett] Raven's gonna love that.
-[Xanthi] Okay.
[Brett] Brittney's also a southern belle
as well.
[Xanthi] All right, let's get started.
"Southern belle from Savannah, Georgia."
Let's add a peach emoji please.
Uh, "Lover of all my furry friends
but still figuring out people."
[Xanthi] Yeah, funny.
I do kinda like the idea of,
like, "life is too short."
-'Cause she's older. Like
"Life's too short.
Let's spread love and positivity."
Let's add that
rainbow heart emoji, please.
I think we have to come up
with a cute hashtag just to finish it off.
-Should we add a peace sign to that?
-[Brett] Yeah.
-[Xanthi] They're not gonna have a clue.
-[Brett] No.
This is not Brett [chuckles]
in any way, shape, or form.
-This is Jen.
-[Buteau] That's right. You know what?
I think it's gonna be a peaceful day
in The Circle.
Yeah, little bitch!
Pop, pop, pop, pop!
'Cause I got it, homie!
Come in my house, touch my shit,
ruin my breakfast?
That's it. Today's gonna be a good day.
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way ♪
Oh, Christmas is coming early.
[Buteau] And Circle Santa's got
a little something in his bag for y'all.
[Paris] "'The Newsfeed has been updated.'"
Oh my God! What does this mean?
[Buteau] It literally means
the Newsfeed has been updated, Marvin.
She ready. Brittney ready.
[Buteau] And Jennifer,
aka Brett and Xanthi,
have a little
extra something something too.
[Xanthi] "Jennifer,
you are now in lurker mode."
Oh my God! We're in lurker mode.
We can watch everybody.
Circle, take me to Newsfeed.
"Brett has left a message for The Circle."
[sighs] What is he gonna say?
[Buteau] Because on The Circle, we like
to keep the players' plates spinning,
we even got them
to record fake leaving videos.
Ooh, we so sneaky.
Do you guys wanna see
the most savage goodbye message ever
in the history of The Circle?
Oh my God. This has to be legendary.
Right, I'm ready.
Circle, play Brett's video message.
Oh, you're gonna be a catfish, Rett.
You gonna be a housewife.
Is he a catfish?
Is he a catfish? Is he a catfish?
Hey, guys. I'm Brett.
[dramatic music playing]
Are you shocked that I really am
exactly who I said I was?
-[laughs softly]
-[yelps] Oh!
Well, you should be,
'cause I really am that awesome.
[shouts] Yes, bro! [laughs]
I don't think I was really
given a chance to show who I am.
I think that I was put in a box
and immediately targeted.
I think what it really came down to is
you all probably thought I was a catfish,
um, and I refused to kiss everyone's ass,
as a lot of you chose to do.
To everyone who didn't block me,
you're invited to pop bottles
and hit Vegas with me.
To everyone who did try to block me
[Buteau] Oh yeah, he's talking about you,
Raven, Bruno, and Sam.
kick rocks, losers.
Ooh! Brett! Coming with the heat!
I love it! [laughing]
"Your loss, losers!"
-[Brett groans]
No, I said "kick rocks, losers."
[laughing] Oh my God!
"Someone's angry."
He's rude. Look at his message.
I can't go to Vegas with you
and pop bottles?
Oh, my heart!
Oh, Brett, please, befriend me.
[clicks tongue] And I'm over it.
Don't feel bad at all.
You jerks blocked me for literally being
the coolest guy in The Circle.
-[Xanthi laughs]
I knew he was real.
Ah, this hurts!
I just lost a friend in The Circle.
It's also, hands down,
the most humiliating way
to get blocked in The Circle so far.
Oh, don't worry.
We're gonna get our revenge. [chuckles]
Oh, it's Xanthi's turn.
Oh goodness.
[mysterious music playing]
[sighs] "What you gonna say, girl?
Xanthi, you gonna cuss us out?"
[Chaz] She has every right
to voice her opinion now.
I'm not gonna be mad at her
for voicing her opinion.
So, yeah, I definitely wanna see
what she has to say.
[Xanthi] Hi, guys.
-It's Xanthi. It is me.
I wasn't 100% honest with you guys.
I am not a preschool teacher.
I am a model.
Preschool teacher?
Yeah, I wasn't falling for that.
I didn't wanna be judged right off the bat
as a stereotypical model.
Chaz, what did I do wrong?
I rated you so high.
It did sting a little bit to get blocked
on the first night,
but it's all love over here, and
good luck, everyone.
Brett should take notes.
This is how you bow out gracefully.
Oh man.
So, we were 0 for 2 for the catfish.
That means that people
are gonna automatically be suspicious
of the remaining six.
Both people I wasn't 100% sure on
are 100% who they say they are.
You know that people are gonna know
that there's a catfish in the house,
and I'm hoping the heat won't turn to me.
[Paris] "You don't know who's who
in The Circle now."
[Buteau] Oh, honey, The Circle's not done
with the Newsfeed yet.
Let's find out where everybody ranked
in those ratings, shall we?
[tense music playing]
"Last night's rating results." [gasps]
[groans] Oh, I forgot
about the ratings results!
Oh my God. I wonder what we were.
-show me last night's rating results.
[inhales sharply] I'm ready to see this.
Don't be last.
Don't be last. Please don't be last.
I ranked eighth?!
Wait, wait, wait. "Wait! Wait! Damn it!"
[Paris] "I was first."
I was seventh.
Brett, you were higher than me.
Oh! Brittney is sixth.
Oh no. That is not good.
That is not good at all.
I'm shocked that I was fifth.
I'm third! I'm third!
I'm really excited right now
that I'm in the middle.
Sam is on the bottom,
and that's great for me.
That means people would want
to take Sam out.
I don't know what it is
that I did or didn't do
that led me to be in the eighth place,
and that's what's driving me crazy.
"I don't like the power.
I don't like this power."
[Buteau] Heavy hangs the head
that wears the blue check mark.
I think primary target number one
that's gotta go is Raven.
Yes, agreed.
She's too liked in The Circle already.
I think that she has right now,
if she continues with momentum,
she'll be impossible to get out later
if we don't get her out soon.
[clicks tongue]
[exhales forcefully] I've never been one
to kiss ass or brown nose,
but I feel like
I may have to just [kisses]
peck a couple of booty cheeks
to move me up in the ratings.
I might have to do that.
[mischievous music playing]
[laughing] This is gonna be great.
We are the flies on the wall right now.
Oh my God.
They can't touch us. Nothing right now.
The flies on the wall.
Now they're gonna talk about us.
[Buteau] Remember,
those little catfish flies can lurk,
but they can't join in yet.
Oh my God. What am I even gonna say?
Now, I gotta face
the group of people who don't like me.
This is high school all over again.
There they are.
Let's see what they have to say.
Ooh, this is gonna be interesting.
I'm not gonna write first.
I'm not writing first.
I'm not gonna write first.
Should I write first?
Fuck it. I'm gonna write first. Message,
"Good morning, gang."
"I don't know about you guys,
but sleep was almost impossible
last night."
"I have to admit,
seeing myself in the eighth position
was a huge kick in the"
Wait. Is that "Choo", uh, "Coochie."
-[Buteau] I know. It's a mouthful.
-[laughs] Goddamn!
If Marvin completely bypasses my message
and doesn't say anything,
that's gonna piss me off,
and once I don't respect you,
it's over for everything else.
I have no idea
of what to say to Sam right now.
-[suspenseful music playing]
-This is Marvin's chance to set the tone.
This is the opportunity
for Marvin to let me know
what version of me he's gonna get.
Circle, message,
"Congratulations, Raven and Chaz,
for being influencers.'
[Sam] "Obviously I have no idea
what's going on in here. LOL."
We just gonna act like you ain't vote me,
like my picture
wasn't next to your picture.
-[Buteau] Basically, yeah.
-We just gonna bypass that?
"Message, 'First off, I genuinely
enjoyed chatting with y'all
and getting to know you.'"
"'Thank you for giving me a chance
to show who I am.'"
"'Heart emoji. Heart emoji.'"
"'#WeAreInThisTogether.' Send."
Raven, you're all in this together
with everybody
because everybody voted for you.
I'm on my own.
Did you notice?
Nobody really acknowledged Sam's message.
Nobody gave her an answer really
as to why. What did she do?
-How she can get higher in the ratings.
-[Brett] Right.
Message, "This game is going to try
to break us down."
"I'm going to stay positive
and just embrace every moment."
"#DramaFree." Waving the white flag. Send.
Aw, Sam. Sam is definitely feeling
the fucking pressure right now.
"I'm wondering how Sam really feels
on the inside right now."
[Buteau] Well, after those rough ratings,
she's off to take a self-care shower.
The now-clean queen of Brooklyn
is getting ready
for a private chat
with her would-be assassin, Marvin.
Good luck, dude.
I woke up this morning
with Marvin on my mind,
and after seeing the ratings results
and seeing that I was at eighth,
I really wanna speak to him even more now
because I wanna know what it is
that I'm doing or not doing enough of
that people clearly aren't receiving me.
[Marvin] Oh my God!
"Sam has invited you to a private chat"?
I don't wanna talk to you.
Go away. Go away, please.
You're interrupting my nice breakfast.
First message is gonna set the tone,
so we need to make sure
that we're not hostile.
Or we don't want him to be defensive.
Message, "Hi, Marvin."
"I wanted to reach out to you personally,
in private, just to gain some clarity."
"Because you were one of my favorites,
so you can imagine
how surprised I was last night
when I saw that you wanted to block me.
I mean, if she wants to be friends again,
I'm down for it,
but I just don't know if I can trust her.
Message, "Only reason
I said I would block you
was only because I thought
your pictures were heavily filtered."
[yells] What?!
Okay, he's not judging my actions.
He's just judging me at face value,
which is fine.
That I could take that
any day of the week.
"Can we pretend last night didn't happen
and start fresh? Question mark. Love."
I don't think Marvin is the only person
that feels this way.
And that sucks!
Message, "Let's pretend
that last night didn't happen."
#ANewUs." Send message.
I feel so good right now.
That right there
just took such a weight off my shoulders.
After this chat, I don't see
how Marvin could place me last.
So I feel like my ratings should
[palatal clicking]
be better.
Hopefully, this changed things
for Sam towards me,
but on my end, if I have the power,
I might just have to block her.
[Buteau] Ruthless, Marvin!
But hey, that's life in The Circle.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Buteau] After those video messages,
our players are taking advantage
of their fancy apartments' high-tech games
to keep their minds occupied.
Chaz, you have a top-of-the-line gym
downstairs, my dude.
How you gonna be playing
with pans and a raggedy ball of paper?
[shouting] Oh!
[Buteau] Brittney's got
her thinking cap on,
so I guess she's planning stuff.
"Have fun."
Okay, that's a great start, girl.
And Jennifer, aka Brett and Xanthi,
are on the roof
and getting ready
to enter the game in style.
This is what we needed
after a stressful day yesterday.
-This is exactly what Jennifer would want.
[Buteau] But what we want is more drama,
honey. Circle, come on and do your thing.
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh my God!
Here we are,
the place where I shall start my conquest.
My name is the Honorable Tom Horton.
I'm 36,
and I am a resident
of the Tower of London,
most famous for housing the Crown Jewels.
The queen made my father
the Constable of the Tower,
so I then was met with the choice
of either renting a cupboard
or living for free
in the great, big historical palace.
Grow my hair and call me Rapunzel,
I'm moving in there.
Being the Honorable
does make me in line to the throne,
but it would have to be
an Armageddon-level of disaster
for me to get there.
Gotta be yourself ♪
[Tom] I'm entering The Circle as myself
because there are preconceptions
of people like me
that we're all chinless snobs,
and I really want
to break down that stereotype
and say, actually there are people like us
who are down to earth and do have chins.
I've got five of them
if you make me laugh. [laughs]
I'm also a stand-up comedian.
So, I have a career of going into rooms
and making people like me instantly.
So I am positive
that is what I'm going to do here.
We do it like we do it, do it ♪
"Looking for fun times,
to make new friends,
and maybe even find my own Meghan Markle."
Circle, set this as my profile.
So I guess the next part
is just meeting everybody.
Bring it on. Who are you,
my friends slash competition?
[Buteau] Well, new player
slash fancy British dude,
you're about to find out.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Brett] "Alert!" [chuckles]
-[Marvin screams]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Xanthi screams]
[Marvin and Xanthi] Oh my God!
Our first alert as Jennifer.
Oh! We'll come back to you.
Alerts are always bad.
I feel like it's a new player.
It has to be.
[Brian] Oh!
And "Jennifer and Tom"
[both] "have entered The Circle."
Oh my God! There's a Tom.
"Jennifer"? Who's Jennifer?
[Marvin] Wow, Jennifer!
I'm having a good feeling
about this, Jennifer.
The Circle doesn't waste her time.
She doesn't delay.
She likes to stir the pot.
Guess that's another girl to flirt with.
Tom, man,
you better not ruin my game, bro.
[upbeat music playing]
Ooh! Sheesh!
They don't look scary.
-Two players came out
and two players came back in.
Circle, take me to Tom's profile.
Oh my God. He looks so cute. Look at him.
"Occupation, stand-up comedian."
Wow, that's different.
I've never met a comedian.
[Buteau] Marvin,
on behalf of all comedians,
you're welcome.
-"So, I'm a lovable chap"
-"who lives in the Tower of London."
"When I'm not making people
laugh their heads off,
I'm trying to not get mine cut off."
"Okay, 'Tower of London.'
I have no idea what that is."
Is that a Disney movie,
like Tower of London?
Does he live at the top?
Is he protected by a dragon?
"Looking for fun times,
to make new friends,
and maybe even find
my own Meghan Markle." [chuckles]
I'm here to find my own Meghan Markle too.
Brittney can be your Meghan Markle, bro.
I'm not getting catfish vibes from Tom.
I'm thinking he is who he says he is.
[both] Circle,
take me to Jennifer's profile.
I've gotta see this.
[lively music playing]
[Tom] "Southern belle
from Savannah, Georgia."
Georgia peach that I reckon
many a man would've wanted
to take a bite of in their time.
And her shirt says "spiritual gangster."
Yes, Jennifer!
I'm an emotional gangster!
I think I wanna be your friend, Jennifer.
I love everything about this.
"#CoolAunt." Yeah.
[Paris] "I've got lots of cool aunts."
"So, I wouldn't mind adding
another cool aunt to the family."
And she doesn't have a picture of,
like, her niece or her nephew.
I'm getting a lovely vibe off Jennifer,
and I refuse to believe she's a catfish.
[Buteau] Aw, Tom, you have a lot to learn.
Circle, please take me to the Circle Chat.
Oh, I'm so ready for this.
We're back in the game, baby.
[Tom] Oh my God, should I type something?
Jennifer's typing. Jennifer, you're new.
Don't type now. Relax.
[Buteau] Nothing more relaxing
than having a British guy scream "relax."
Keep it short and sweet.
-Yeah, yeah.
-Okay, okay. So, "Hi, loves."
"Peace sign emoji."
"I feel like this is going to be
a fun bunch! Exclamation point."
[blowing air]
-Popping bottles.
-"Popping bottle emoji."
Jennifer, I agree,
but find your squad and find it fast.
Okay, right, this is my first message
in The Circle to my new friends,
so, message, "Hello."
Uh [chuckles]
I can do better than that. Cancel "hello."
"OMG!" Capital letters.
"Exclamation mark. Hello, everybody."
"I would be lying
if I said I wasn't uncontrollably shaking
with nerves right now Dot, dot, dot."
"This is so exciting Comma."
"How the devil are you all?" [chuckles]
He's definitely from the UK.
"How the devil."
Hey! I know a softboi, Thomas.
[Marvin] I mean, Tom,
he's just proving that he's real.
He's using a British expression.
Message, "Welcome, Jennifer and Tom."
Confetti!" Kapow!
"So great to have you
join the #CircleGang."
"Literally loved both of your profiles.
Smiley emoji." Send.
Really, Sam?
I wanna know what you love about it.
I was gonna say. Sam is looking
for some friends here, I feel.
[Paris] "Message,
'Welcome, Jennifer and Tom.'"
"'Hope you're settling in okay.
Smiley face with the hands emoji.'"
"'I see there's a mixture
of UK and US players in the chat.'"
"'That is mad awesome.
#DiverseCircle.' Send."
Message, "Welcome to the family,
Tom and Jennifer."
"Exclamation point.
Red heart. Red heart. Red heart."
"Jennifer, I love your energy.
Spiritual gangsters. What's your sign?"
Oh! Good thing!
[Brett] "Tom, looking forward to having
a couple of funny chin wags with you."
Chaz, are you really from New Jersey?
What the fuck is a chin wag?
I will waggle your chin, Chaz.
-Super nice. I know.
-Where was this energy when I came in?
He's feeling confident
from being an influencer.
All right.
Message, "You are all so welcoming.
It warms my heart."
[shouting] "I'm a proud
and loyal Aquarius!" Yes!
Message, "Hey, Tom and Jennifer,
welcome to The Circle. Circle emoji."
"Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.
Crying face emoji." Send.
Bloody hell.
All right. All right, Brittney. [scoffs]
Oh well.
[palatal clicks] Done.
Message, "Welcome to the #CircleFamily,
Tom and Jennifer."
"Nice to see another British boy
in The Circle. Wink face."
That's good news,
because Bruno, who I sort of worried
might not be on my side,
I can now make friends with
because we are the UK boys.
I knew Bruno was gonna pull the UK card.
"And, Jennifer,
you look like a movie star."
"Laughing face, heart emoji." Send.
See? Bruno's liking the mama vibes.
Message, "Welcome, Tom and Jennifer."
"It's always nice
to see new faces in The Circle."
"Tom, I am looking forward
to hearing some jokes."
"Believe me, we need it in here."
Don't spoil the fucking energy.
Why did you just say
"believe me, we need it"?
Whoever got blocked,
they're already gone, bro.
Like, we're done with that shit.
Let's move the fuck on.
Okay, Marvin,
I'll try and bring some jokes.
-Um [snapping fingers]
-[amusing music playing]
[Tom] Message,
"It's so incredible to meet you all."
"You really are
an awesome-sounding bunch."
"I'm so glad this is voice-activated."
"My hand is shaking so much."
"If I tried to type this
[in distorted accent]
it would come out like this."
[Paris] "laaaka dis."
"cooma oot laaaka"
"cooma laka"
"coome out like dis."
[Buteau] It's okay, Tom. We've all bombed.
I mean, not me, but I'm here for you.
Oh! [laughs]
That's funny.
[laughing loudly]
[laughing loudly]
Already made us laugh! [laughs loudly]
Wow. Look at Tom.
He's being all funny right now. Damn.
Message, "Tom, LMAOOO.
I am screaming right now."
"#WereOnTheSamePage." Send.
Yes, Chaz. He likes the joke.
We're in there, all happy days.
Chaz, you've gone from my most suspicious
to actually, I like you.
"'Tom, Laughing my ass off.'"
"'You're lucky
that this is voice-activated.'"
"I knew you were funny
from your profile picture."
"I can't wait to laugh it up with you."
"Please tell me
what the Tower of London is."
Raven, you don't know
what the Tower of London is?
-I have no idea what the hell that is.
-I don't know what the Tower of London is.
Message, "Raven, that's hilarious
you don't know
what the Tower of London is,
as we quite famously house
multiple ravens inside the battlements."
"You'd fit right in."
-"#RavenRavenMisbehavin." [laughs]
Are there really ravens in there?
What does that mean?
There are actually birds in there?
I think Tom could definitely play
a good game.
No, he's quick, and he's good, yeah.
Message, "I think we should take
a Circle trip to the #TowerOfLondon."
"Us American ladies
do like a British accent. Winky emoji."
I want a British boy to talk to me
and just read random stuff to me.
I'll listen to your chin wag
about your crown jewels.
[mimicking a UK accent]
You are so magnificent.
I like your tits.
[in normal accent] I don't fucking
What do British guys say? I don't know.
"Circle Chat is now closed."
Is that it? It's closed?
I didn't feel like I asked
any questions about them.
I didn't really get to know them all.
[Buteau] A comedian having
a one-sided conversation.
[sarcastically] Huh. Weird.
[pop music playing]
[Buteau] It's a relaxed afternoon
on The Circle,
and our players are currently enjoying
a little me time.
Marvin still hasn't unpacked
any of his shirts, but I ain't mad.
And newbie catfish Jennifer,
aka Xanthi and Brett,
are not holding back on the #GirlChat.
Message, "My ladies, I've noticed
we are all single. Tongue out emoji."
"What type of men are we interested in?
Question mark."
Jennifer wants
to get down to the nitty-gritty.
[Paris] "Message, 'Jennifer,
I love me a tall, strong,
chocolate, confident man,
but I would flirt with anyone.'"
Message, "Jennifer, my type is dad bods."
"I love a man
with a little bit of belly." Send.
No wonder Sam wanted me out. "Dad bods."
[both laughing]
Message, "Ooh, Raven and Sam,
that's my girls! Exclamation point."
"I love girls that know
what they want. Winky face."
"#ProudAuntyJen." Send message.
Way to go, Brett.
You just had your first girls chat! Whoo!
-You've graduated.
-I don't know how I feel about this.
[Buteau] Just go with it, Brett.
You did good.
But this relaxing day
is about to come to an end,
courtesy of something,
and I'll give y'all a clue.
It's not a square.
[all] "Talk Flirty to Me."
We're going to flirt.
Who am I flirting with?
-Speaking my language.
-[Paris] "Talking my language."
Oh my gosh!
The Circle is about to heat up tonight.
-Circle, open Talk Flirty to Me.
-Open Talk Flirty to Me.
"Jennifer and Tom"
"today you'll both be putting
your flirtiest"
"and funniest pickup line to the test"
"to impress your fellow players."
All right, Jennifer, you old cougar,
it's you versus me babe.
I'm pretty good with pickup lines.
"Whichever of you impresses the most
with your pickup line"
"will get to go on a date
in the Hangout."
They get to go on a date?
I wanna go on a date.
[both] "It's time to talk flirty."
So I'll say, hmm
"Jennifer, tell The Circle
your best pickup line."
I want people to kind of be surprised.
Like, "Okay, Jennifer!"
Like, "Oh." Like,
"There's a little more under the hood."
See what you got, Jennifer.
See if you got game, girl.
Some quality, tasteful flirting.
[playful music playing]
[both] "Jennifer. Did you just fart?
Because you totally just blew me away."
-[excitedly] I love it! I love it!
Bitch, what?
-Oh my God, bro. Jennifer, chill!
Well done, Jennifer.
How am I gonna beat that?
[blows raspberry]
[Buteau] Well, isn't this a classy show?
You're up, Tom.
"Tom, tell The Circle
your best pickup line."
Come on, Tom.
I know nothing about English men, nothing.
You could grab a box
and just read the ingredients to me,
and I'd be like,
"Oh yeah, talk your Talk your smack."
I'm going with cute,
and generic, and nice.
Try and combat Jennifer's spice.
[Paris] "I have high expectations
for Tom."
I'm going to try to read it
with my best UK accent.
[mimicking a UK accent] "Life without you
is like a broken pencil."
[both] "Pointless."
It's short. It's simple.
It's to the point.
I need to take notes.
These are good pickup lines.
I just expected more.
I don't know.
That's your best pickup line,
and you're a comedian?
All I can do is hope
people aren't blown away by toilet humor.
[upbeat music playing]
-"Players should now post a thumbs up"
-"if you prefer Jennifer's pickup line."
[shouting] Give me those thumbs up.
-I wanna see those thumbs up.
-[shouts] Yeah!
-"Circle, please send my thumbs up."
-[Billie-Jean, Sam] Thumbs up avatar.
-[Brett shouts] Yeah! [laughs]
-[Xanthi shouts] Yeah! [screams]
I'm loving it!
Circle, "Players now post a thumbs up"
"if you prefer Tom's whack pickup line"
-Circle, send thumbs up avatar.
-[Marvin, Chaz] Thumbs up avatar for Tom.
[Tom] I drew.
Ironically, something you can't do
with a broken pencil. [laughs]
[Buteau] Since it's a tie,
the winner is decided by Raven,
who was top influencer
at the last ratings.
And because she's voted for Jennifer,
our cougar catfish is the winner.
[sighs] Well done, Jennifer.
Do you know what?
I bow down to you.
You were excellent. Well done.
"This means
that you will be going on a date."
"State the name of the player
you wish to take on a date."
I don't mind going on a date
with a 51 year old. Let's get it.
Take me, you sexy, farting minx.
I think it'd be silly
to waste it and not go with Tom.
It's like we walked in together.
He has no ties or anything
with anyone yet.
[Billie-Jean] Jennifer's typing.
[shouts] Yes! Jennifer!
Oh! [smooches]
I don't Yes, Jennifer!
She needs to build an alliance,
so I think Jennifer
is playing a good game right now.
"Jennifer and Tom,
it's time to get yourselves date-ready."
[Tom] "Have fun."
-Oh, we will!
-[Xanthi] Going on a date [squeals]
Going on a date [squeals]
Look at us getting ready
to go on a double date
with the same person. [laughs]
[Brett laughs] It's actually awesome.
I think there's actually
quite a strong possibility
that Jen can be quite flirty.
-Brett, you promise not to get jealous?
-[Brett] I don't get jealous. I get even.
[Buteau] And what date is complete
without totally inappropriate gifts?
That's right, honey.
Circle's got our backs.
-[Xanthi gasps] My God. "Candy underwear"?
-[Brett] Oh, oh. "Candy underwear!"
[Xanthi] I mean,
candy underwear is going in strong.
I'm leaning more towards
the couple's picture frame.
If I went on a first date,
and a chick brought me a picture frame
It's an ice breaker.
-there's never a second date.
-[Xanthi laughs] What do you mean?
[Buteau] All right,
I got my phone. I got my keys.
I got my good bra on.
Yes, titties looking
like a little ass crack.
I am ready for my date.
[playful music playing]
[chair scraping]
This is a pretty sexy Hangout.
[Buteau] Thank you so much.
We wanted it to look
like a R&B '90s music video in here.
I think we did that.
[Tom] Do I open the box?
How romantic!
Would you just look at this!
Brett, it's our first date!
Let's look in the box.
Oh my God!
It's [laughs]
It's candy pants!
Do you think Tom immediately put on
his candy underwear?
-[chair scrapes]
-I hope he wears it for us. [laughs]
I mean, if this is how the date starts,
how's it going to end?
Bloody Liquorice Allsorts
twirling off my nipples.
[Buteau] Okay, before candy man up there
gets a sugar rush,
let's get this date started.
Oh! It's time to chat with Tom.
[Xanthi] It's Tom and us.
I wonder if he's nervous. He's like,
"What does this lady want
with us?" [laughs]
I'm a little bit nervous,
I'm not gonna lie.
Me and Jen, being the two new people,
we have a real chance here
to form a really solid friendship
or, um, team.
Circle, message,
"Hi, Tom, fancy meeting you here."
"Two champagne glasses."
"How did you like my gift? Question mark."
With the present emoji.
-Send message.
-I love that.
Well, Jennifer, I liked it immensely.
It's It's actually very forward,
isn't it, what she's doing here?
I'm quite, um, sort of scared
and aroused at the same time.
I feel like this is This is very cheeky.
There was no winky face,
but she's definitely gone for it,
so I think I'm gonna meet her back.
I feel like one of those moments
when you send a risky text message,
and you're, like,
checking your phone every night.
-Which way is it gonna to go?
-Like, "Oh no!"
But there's so much riding on it.
"Well, Jen, fancy indeed.
Your gift has been unboxed, slipped on"
[Brett] "and I'm currently sat here
looking dangerously"
-Oh, "Nibble-able." [laughs]
"Was it always your aim
to find yourself a candy man?"
[Xanthi] "Candy man!"
[Brett] He's into it.
He's being flirty, so that means
we can totally be cougar Jen.
Mm. Mm. Oh, Jennifer,
you don't know what you're missing.
Message, "LOL.
I love me a man with a sweet tooth,
but, darling, I don't want a candy man."
"I want the whole candy store."
"Tell me, why is a handsome gentleman
like yourself still on the market?"
Well, darling, this is a little awkward,
because I'm not single,
but you don't need to know that.
I hope he doesn't think
we're coming on too strong.
I hope it doesn't make him suspicious.
But that's why I think it's so important
for the rest of the conversation
to be a little bit more toned down
and more straight
to getting to know each other
and creating a relationship
within the two of us.
Yeah. For sure.
Message, "You want the whole candy store?"
"Well, call me Willy Wonka."
[laughing mischievously]
"Laughing face emoji."
"In honesty, I just haven't met
the right one yet. The real question is"
"why has no one swept you off your feet?"
Message, "Having gone through a divorce,
I learned having fun"
"and living a happy life
is the way to go."
Right. That is exactly the message
that I wanted to receive back.
It's her being sincere and genuine
and opening up to me,
which means
we have now gone that extra level.
She's coming off as really genuine.
I can see this person.
At the moment,
I'm getting real person vibes from her.
[Buteau] I guess he doesn't come across
many catfishes in that tower.
Meanwhile, chemical engineer Marvin
wants to create
some Circle chemistry of his own
with a certain pair of influencers.
I'd like to start a chat
with Raven and Chaz.
These guys are the most powerful people
in The Circle right now.
So if I can get them on my side,
that would be amazing.
Raven seems like the girl that I like.
If I want to get to know her,
I really need to be like
I really need to do it in a nice way.
You know, I need to switch it up.
Circle, please open group chat
with Raven and Chaz.
"Marvin invited me to the group chat."
What does he wanna talk to me about?
Oh my gosh.
Message, "What's up? What's up? What's up?
I couldn't wait to start this group chat."
"#King, #Queen."
[Paris] "Message, 'My boys!'"
"'Thank you, Marvin,
for the invite to the group chat.'"
"I have been waiting to chop it up
with y'all. #ItsTheMelaninForMe."
I love that!
Oh! Look at Raven! I like that.
[shouting] "It's the melanin for me."
Let's go!
[Paris] "Message, 'I really enjoyed
the recent pickup line game.'"
"'I'm curious, what are y'all
best pickup lines?'"
Wink emoji.' Send."
I really like that. Like, that's sexy.
That's, like, really sexy. Like
Raven seems like the girl that,
if I get to know Raven more,
I can see us having something. You know?
Message, "Raven, my pickup line would be,
'Your phone looks empty.
Let me fill it with numbers.'"
"#IGotSwag. LMAO."
-Okay! [laughs]
-[Paris giggles] Okay!
I like that!
Message, "My pickup line would be,
'Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Question mark.'"
Message, "I'm super happy
to be in this group with you two. #"
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Message, "This literally made my day."
"I promise I got y'alls back 100%."
"Let's show The Circle what we're made of.
That's the team name right there!
Um, "An alliance has just been made."
"And I'm here for it!"
Hey, I love that.
Whoo! That's what I'm talking about.
"I'm feeling like a queen with two kings."
[Buteau] While those guys play
Game of Thrones downstairs,
up in the Hangout,
it's headed the same way,
because the mood shifted
from sweet talk to alliance forming.
Message, "I'm loving how
we entered together, my Willy Wonka."
Jennifer, that is about as good a thing
as you could possibly say to me.
I think I can take that and go,
"Right, yep, Jennifer, you're my main boo,
and we are going to look out
for each other."
I hope he takes
the "#EnterTogetherStayTogether"
as a door opening and growing this bond
of us coming together.
[Brett] Depending on this next message,
it could really solidify
a concrete relationship.
Message, "I'm so glad
you asked me on this date."
[Brett] "I think you and me could make
a real powerful duo."
There we go, Tom!
"What say we keep each other in the loop
about everyone else?"
-I love it.
-[Brett] "#EnterTogetherStayTogether."
-That's a pinky promise in my eyes.
-This is what we wanted.
-This is huge.
This is day one, 100%.
Me and Jennifer are on the same page here.
I think she should be really happy.
We've both opened up a bit
and now created an alliance.
I'm hoping she's walking away from this
as positive as I am.
Message, "I'm loving the sound of this.
Heart emoji."
"You can always count on me."
"It's safe to say we definitely have
each other's backs."
"I'll get a read
on what girls are thinking"
[Tom] "and you take care of the guys."
You know what I know. Okay! Yes, Jennifer.
Wow, what a choice. Tom was
such a good choice to go on the date with.
Message, "Deal.
"You absolutely magnificent woman,
let's report back as soon as possible
and have as much fun along the way."
"Let's take this all the way to the end."
[dramatic music plays]
[closing theme music playing]
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