The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s05e02 Episode Script

Eep Cover

(grunts in effort)
-(screams, grunts)
Hey, Grug. How's it going?
(growls, sniffs)
-Is-is that berry cake? Mm!
-Still hot from the
fire. Want some?
I know how much you like cake,
so I asked Hope
how to make one, but
she wouldn't tell.
So I had to hide and watch her.
Uh, I may have been a smidge
ambitious on the berries, but
And he's gone.
Wanna toss the old throw-go-nut
Forget our differences,
make some memories? Mm?
-Uh, sure. Go deep.
GUY: I'm open!
(Grug grunting)
Digging hard or hardly digging?
Am I right?
Well, if-if you need a hand,
just let me know.
-Ooh! Can you climb down there
to see how deep the well is?
-Consider it done!
I mean, I'm still going down,
so it's pretty deep, and
You left, didn't you?
Let's live wild, the
world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're stuck together
In one big family tree
(insects chirping)
-He just doesn't like me.
-Not true, Guy-baby.
He likes you.
-I don't like him.
-I'm kidding!
(quietly) No, I'm not.
-So, I think I should
try to bond
with your dad another time.
-Yeah. Like now.
-Or never.
-Kidding again!
-(quietly) Not kidding.
-Or I should just give up.
-We can't give up.
-You should definitely give up.
-It's a joke! Why else
would I say that?
-(quietly) Because I mean it.
-Why does Dad hate Guy so much?
-Oh, honey,
your father likes Guy.
He just doesn't know
he likes Guy.
So you'll have to make
him like Guy.
-How do I do that?
-Cucumbeet pie.
When we first got to the farm,
your dad hated cucumbeets,
but he loved pie.
(loud eating)
So, I just kept hiding
cucumbeets inside his pies
until he realized
he actually liked cucumbeets.
(loud eating)
-So, you're saying I should
hide Guy in one of Dad's pies?
-No. I'm saying you take
something your dad loves
-and add a little Guy.
(Grug humming)
-Hey, Dad. Up for
a little hunting?
-(grunts) I'm always
up for hunting,
especially with you!
(goat-like scream)
-If we hurry, we can
catch the bearacudas
before their afternoon nap.
You know what I always say
-Eat first, ask questions later?
-Yes and a tired bearacuda
is an angry bearacuda.
And angry is fun to hunt.
You know what? Forget
the spears!
We're hunting with these.
-Whip-zips?! Nice.
-Yeah, these babies take real
skill. Remember when I taught
you to use them?
And now, you're a better shot
than your old man.
-I learned from the best.
You know the only thing
I like more than hunting?
-Uh yes.
I was gonna say that for sure.
And hunting with you.
-That's exactly what
I wanted to hear.
Oh. Also, Guy's coming
hunting with us.
'Kay, bye! (panting)
-What?! Why Guy?!
(echoing) Why?!
GUY: I still can't believe your
dad, lots of anger issues,
invited me, person he hates,
to go hunting,
his favorite thing
to do, with him!
UGGA: So, why don't you go
and talk to him?
-Your dad's not much
of a talker.
-He's more of a puncher.
this is a new beginning
for you two.
And you're a great hunter.
He'll love that.
Besides, what's the worst
that can happen?
GUY: Well, there's the
possibility of punching.
That's best-case scenario.
I'll give it a shot.
Beautiful day for
a hunt, eh, Grug?
-Don't call me Grug.
Call me Grug.
-No. Grug.
-Not Grug. Grug.
-I feel like we're saying
the same thing.
-No! I'm saying Grug,
and you're saying Grug.
-Uh okay.
So, what's the plan?
-Plan? We're hunting!
That's the plan!
We find an animal,
then we hunt it
'cause that's how hunting
works! Got it?
-Dad, Guy started surviving
on his own
when he was a little kid.
He knows how to hunt.
-Oh, yeah? Ever hunted
a crowverine?
-Of course, he has.
Pretty sure he's hunted
them with you.
-What about a bearacuda?
-Where do you think
I got these boots from?
It's actually a fascinating
-but I don't wanna bore you.
Ever hunted a scorpulion?
-Hunt a scorpulion?!
Why would I do that?!
It's the most terrifying
predator known to man!
I actually have a great
scorpulion story,
but again, I don't
want to bore you. (laughs)
-Appreciate that. And the reason
to hunt a scorpulion
is because it's the
ultimate prize.
Someday, I'll bag one. (sighs)
Maybe if you spent
more time hunting
and less time with my daughter,
-you could, too!
-Hunting joke! It's all
part of the fun!
(gasps) Ooh! Bearacuda tracks,
which means we're
getting closer.
(grunting, panting)
-Well, this is going great.
-Just give it a chance, Guy-boy.
-(grumbles, sighs)
Anything for you, Eepy-kins.
-(Grug grunting)
-Eep! Check it out!
Bee-mu hive!
And bee-mu hive means
bee-mu honey,
-the perfect bearacuda bait.
-(buzzing continues)
-You wanna take a stab
at the honey?
-I could,
but Guy's got better
honey hands. Hey, Guy!
Can you get us the honey?
-You're the best honey
hunter here.
-I am?
-EEP: Mm
-(Grug growls)
-I am! Mm-hmm.
-You're on, Guy! Show
me the honey!
(laughs) Never gets old!
-I can't get that honey now.
Your dad's been poking the hive.
Those bee-mus will sting
me senseless.
-What's the hold up, Guy?
We need honey to catch
bearacudas, not talk words!
-(Eep whining)
-(Guy sighs)
-Okay. Here we go! (sighs)
Almost--Ah! Got--Ah! It! Ow!
Take it! Ah! Take the honey!
-That's all you got? (sighs)
I guess it's better
than nothing.
-Are you okay?
-I will be once
the venom runs its course.
(groggy laugh) And
who might you be?
-I'll let my dad know
we need some downtime.
-(slurred) Good call,
and thank you for being
so kind, stranger.
I'll approach from downwind,
you loop around to cut
it off, and then--
-Guy can flush it out.
(loud eating)
-Yeah, that. Or
maybe Guy hangs back. Way back.
Like back at the farm,
so it'll just be the two of us,
being awesome and actually
catching something! Hm?
-(laughs) I'm happy to help
however you want. Oh!
Sorry. Um,
-(Grug grunts)
-The fresh tracks. Definitely
Probably heading to the stream
over the ridge.
Four of 'em. They're large.
Mm-hmm. They grew up together.
Used to be close, but they've
been drifting apart lately.
Different life goals.
-You can really tell all that
from tasting the dirt?
-See for yourself.
-(sighs) Walked into that one.
-(choking, coughs)
-Ah! My eyes.
Ooh! My foot! (pained groaning)
-Dad! What happened?
-I stepped on a spike-nut shell.
I wonder how that got there.
-Great question.
We may never know.
-How's your foot?
-It's fine! Hands off!
-Looks bad.
-Should we head back?
-No! I mean,
you can walk it off, right, Dad?
-Mm. A hunter doesn't
give up, honey.
-But you can barely walk.
-Guy will carry you!
-EEP: Aw, he's smiling.
I told you
my dad would warm up to you.
Oh, great. And honestly,
who needs to be able
to stand upright ever again?
Oh, how much farther
to the bearacudas?
-Less talk, more walk.
And make your steps less bumpy.
Well, we made it.
You were right, Eep.
I just needed to walk it off.
-I walked it off.
(both grunt)
-(sighs) Which means
the hunt is on.
-One for me, and one for you.
-What about one for Guy?
-Guy? Uh, I don't think
that's such a good idea.
You ever use one
of these before?
-No, but I'm sure I could
figure it out.
-Figure it out?
(blows raspberry)
Took me years to master
this weapon.
-Dad, give him a chance.
-(sighs) Well, if you think
you're up to it, knock
yourself out.
Which is exactly what's
gonna happen.
-You just whirl it and
hurl it, Guy-boy.
-Got it.
(grunting) Whoa And knot it.
(laughs) Hm.
-GRUG: Almost there.
-Very good.
-(whipping, smack)
-(growls, snarls)
Oh no. Bad. Very bad!
-(gasps) Dad's in trouble!
-Not for long!
(Grug screaming)
(slow motion screaming)
-(gasps) Huh?
Guy? Was that your whip-zip?
-It sure was!
-Pretty impressive, right, Dad?
-I guess.
-You guess?
Dad, it was a perfect bullseye,
and it was his first time
using a whip-zip.
He's a natural!
-I guess he is. Huh.
Didn't see that coming.
Maybe I've been too hard on you.
Hmm Hm?
Hmm Maybe you're not all bad.
Maybe I won't have to drop you
into a volcano
to keep you away from
my daughter.
-Uh, thank you, I think.
-No problem, Guy.
Or should I call you
Bullseye, huh?
-Oh. Uh, sure. I mean,
I just did what had to be done.
-(laughs) You sure
did, Bullseye!
You sure did!
-I made the shot, Eep.
I made the shot!
-I am so proud of you,
my little cucumbeet.
-Mm You can call me Bullseye.
You, too, beara-lose-a!
Wait up for Bullseye!
-Thanks again for
saving my bacon.
Also, this bacon is
delicious. Mm!
-Any time, Grug.
-You know what?
Why don't you call me Grug?
-I just did.
-No. You called me
Grug, not Grug.
-Still not hearing
the difference.
-It's just so nice to see
you two getting along.
I just hope this new friendship
makes it back to
the farm tomorrow.
-Actually, I had another idea
about tomorrow.
I was thinking maybe
we'd go to Venom Valley
and hunt for scorpulions.
-What? Why?
-I've always wanted to
bag a scorpulion,
but you need a perfect
shot to get one.
A perfect shot like
you threw earlier.
What do you say, Bullseye? Hm?
I'd say that idea is
right on target.
You might even say
it's a bullseye!
-BOTH: Oh!
-Bullseye! Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
-Bullseye! Bullseye! Bullseye!
(creature crowing)
-This is a terrible idea.
-Making my heart stop? I agree.
-No. Hunting scorpulions.
-Come on.
I'm Bullseye, remember?
If I can save your dad
with a perfect shot,
I can definitely
hit a scorpulion.
-But what if you can't?
What if that was
just a lucky shot?
-No such thing as luck
in whip-zips, Eepy-kins.
Everyone knows that.
-You didn't even know what
a whip-zip was until yesterday!
-The point is Bullseye
don't miss.
-Doesn't miss. And can you stop
calling yourself Bullseye?
-It was your dad's idea,
and your dad finally respects me
instead of resenting me.
Isn't that what you wanted?
-Rise and shine, Bullseye!
Made you some
breakfast cucumbeets.
-Trust me, you're
gonna love 'em.
-(Eep groans)
-So how big do scorpulions get?
Not too big, right?
-Oh, they're huge!
And their quills are
sharp as knives.
And if you get stung,
I heard the venom feels
like your body is full of lava.
-Hey, Guy, want some spike-nuts?
-Spike me! (chomp)
-You know, Guy, you remind me
of someone I used to hunt with
when I was younger.
About my height, same weight,
even wore the same pelt,
and he looked just like me.
-Was it you, Dad?
-In fact, every time I looked
in a pool of water,
there he was,
looking back at me, all wiggly.
-Pretty sure that
was your reflection.
-Because it was you.
-But I'm glad you're
here instead of him,
Guy, because he never
nailed the scorpulion.
-Bullseye will, though!
-Ow! Oh!
-Oh, what happened?
-I stepped on one of
your spike-nut shells
and messed up my foot!
Guess we need to head
back. Right now.
-Looks like the scorpulions
will have to wait.
-What are you talking about?
We'll carry you!
It'll be easy for the two of us.
-Solid logic.
And there's no scorpulion
without scorpu-tryin'!
Am I right? (laughs) Right?
BOTH: Ooh Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
-Bullseye! Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
-Forget it! My foot's fine!
(Grug and Guy grunting)
-Hm. Venom Valley isn't
too much farther.
-Ah, I can almost
smell the venom.
Did I mention that a scorpulion
sting feels like lava and--
-Yes, you mentioned that, Dad.
-But I'm not worried
'cause we got Bullseye!
-And whip-zips.
-What whip-zips?
-Oh no.
Oh, they're gone! I lost them!
-What? No way!
Guess we'll have to call
the hunt off and head home.
-Not so fast.
New whip-zips, ready to rip.
-Bullseye for the win! (laughs)
-(both laughing)
-(Eep sighs)
-Ah. All we need to do
is cross this log,
and we're in scorpulion
-Not sure about that tree.
Looks a little shaky.
-Hm. Seems pretty solid to me.
Go ahead, Bullseye.
Get up there!
Get up there! Get up there
No way! Now it's the guy who
sounds like me
who hangs out in ravines,
caves, and canyons.
-Hey, pal!
-(echoing) Hey, pal
-No, Grug, that's an echo.
Listen. Hello!
-(echoing) Hello! Hello
-No way!
My friend is friends with a guy
who sounds just like you!
-Check this out. Bullseye!
-(echoing) Bullseye
-Phil's the worst!
(echoing) Phil's the worst!
Phil's the worst
-(gasps) What happened?
Where's the tree?
-Huh. Guess it must
have fallen in.
Weird. Well, there's
no way across.
-Let's head home.
-(gasps) I got a better idea!
Okay, Grug. Just punch here,
here, and here.
-You really think
this will work?
-Oh, yeah. Bullseye
knows bullseyes.
-(tree cracking)
-Can we please stop
saying bullseye?
GRUG/GUY: Bullseye!
Bullseye, Bullseye, Bullseye
Bullseye, Bullseye, Bullseye!
Bullseye, Bullseye, Bullseye
-(Eep grumbles)
-(Grug and Guy singing)
GRUG: This is it. Venom Valley.
Scorpulion territory.
Okay. The most important thing
about hunting scorpulions
is to stay hidden.
If they see us,
they'll attack,
and they won't stop
until we're finished
or they are. Everyone clear?
That's a crystal I found.
Yes, I'm clear.
-Me, too. So maybe we should be
hiding behind that bush.
-Oh. Good idea, Eep.
-See anything?
-GUY: Nothing.
-Welp, we've been here forever.
I don't think there's
any scorpulions out there.
-Eep's right.
Also, my hands are killing me.
-What a bust.
We've got everything
we need to bag a scorpulion,
but no scorpulions.
-Ah. Tough break, but we should
get going. I'll lead the way.
-Wait! I think I see one.
(growling, chattering)
EEP: (quietly)
No, that's just a baby racobra.
-Let's go.
-What? What are you
talking about?
-That's a scorpulion.
You could tell by the head,
quills, pinchers, and stinger!
It's actually a very
specific animal.
-You ready, Bullseye?
-I was born ready.
Except I couldn't walk,
or even hold up my own head.
I guess I wasn't really
ready then,
but I'm ready now!
-Even though I've never
believed in you, or liked you,
-I believe in you now.
-Thank you, Grug.
That means everything to me.
And by that,
I mean the last part.
-Now let's get us a scorpulion.
And by us, I mean you.
(grunting, humming)
-Because you're not
going to make the shot,
and then we're scorpu-lunch.
-No way! He's Bullseye!
-No, he's Guy.
And he didn't snag that
bearacuda earlier. I did.
Guy tripped and his whip-zip
sailed wide,
so I threw mine.
(Grug screaming)
(slow motion screaming)
-No. That's What?
I mean, I'm Bullseye.
-Fine. So, hit that
tree over there.
Better yet,
how about this tree right here?
-(scoffs) I could do
that in my sleep.
(slow motion yell)
(triumphant music)
(music slows down)
Nailed it, right?
-Not even close. Way off.
-That was the worst shot
I've ever seen.
You lied to me, Guy.
You're not Bullseye!
You're Bulls-lie!
-Dad, Guy didn't lie to you.
I did.
-But why?
-Because I had to!
All I've ever wanted
is for you to like Guy,
but all you ever do
is shut him down.
-That's not true!
He invited me on this
hunting trip!
-No, I lied about that, too.
-Oh, come on!
-And you thought
this would work?
-It worked for Mom!
She put cucumbeets in your pie,
and now, you like cucumbeets!
Well, now hunting is the pie,
and Guy is the cucumbeet.
-Your mom put cucumbeets
in my pie?!
-You know what? This seems like
a father-daughter discussion,
so I'm just going to go
somewhere else.
(snarling, roaring)
-(all gasp)
-Hey, Grug?
What was it you said would
happen if a scorpulion saw us?
-Oh. Uh, I said--
-(all panting)
-(snarling, roaring)
We'll be safe up there!
Scorpulions can't climb vines!
(panting, grunting)
-(quills popping)
(straining, grunting)
EEP: Forget vines!
Dad! It's getting closer!
-Hey, scorpulion! Think fast!
-That was too fast!
-Forget boulders!
-(loud whisper)
Guys! I think we lost him.
-Forget trees!
-(all scream)
-Yes! A cave! We
can hide in there!
-Ah! And then what?
That scorpulion won't quit
until he gets us!
-I don't know!
But caves help me think,
so cave first, then think.
(all panting)
(snarling, roar)
-What are you doing?!
-What has to be done. (grunts)
Oops, wrong one.
-(Guy gasps)
(all yell)
Ah! Not that one either.
-Ah! Bullseye!
-Huh? Guy!
-Sorta. Huh.
-See? This is why
I don't like Guy.
We were gonna hide inside this
cave until the scorpulion left,
but thanks to Guy,
we're trapped!
-Dad, Guy didn't trap us!
Scorpulions never leave
until they get what they
came for, remember?!
-Well, yeah, but Guy doesn't
stand a chance out there.
-Wait. He knew that, didn't he?
-Yes! Guy's saving us!
-So we need to get out
there and save him!
Guy's saving us,
so we need to get out
there and save him!
(panting, grunting)
-Whoa! Whoa!
-Too close!
You can do this.
You're Bullseye.
-Okay, maybe you're not
Bullseye, but you're still Guy.
-Ah! That's okay. Ah!
More of a stick guy anyway.
-Ah! (grunts)
My whip-zip?
Wow, my shot was way off.
But this is the best
chance I've got.
So here goes everything.
I believe in you now.
-Still? Even though
I'm not Bullseye?
Because you're Guy.
-Thanks, Grug!
Wait, why are you whispering?
-Uh, no reason.
Are you eating pie
before dinner?
And who is that
you're talking to?
-Gotta go. You got this.
-Is that Guy?
-Hurry, Dad! Keep digging!
-We're coming for
you, Bulls-lie! I mean, Guy!
(yells, gasps)
-Guy! You did it!
-He sure did!
With a perfect shot
from the whip-zip!
He is Bullseye!
EEP/GRUG: Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
Bullseye! Bullseye!
-No. No Bullseye, I'm afraid.
Here's what really happened.
Yah! (grunts)
So the truth is,
I just got lucky.
-Technically, you did take
the scorpulion down
with a whip-zip.
-None of that matters.
What matters is you
were selfless and fearless
and reckless in the best way.
You risked your life
to save ours.
-Oh, I was just doing--
-Not finished!
Because you'd do anything
for my daughter.
And if you care that
much about Eep,
I guess I can admit
I care a little about you.
-Thank you, Grug!
I love you, too!
-Whoa! Did I say love?
I didn't say love.
I didn't even say like.
I said care. A little!
And stop calling me Grug!
My name is Grug.
Come on. Let's head home.
Get ourselves some
cucumbeet pie.
-Well, that's progress.
-Yeah. Baby steps.
So, are we taking this thing
back to the farm? (laughs)
-Are you out of your mind?
It's a scorpulion!
-Good call. I suppose
we should set it free
-(vine snaps, scorpulion growls)
-It's free! Run!
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