The Circle (2020) s05e03 Episode Script

I Can't Believe I Just Sent That...

["New Song" by Howard Jones playing]
[Buteau] It's morning on The Circle,
which means we get a funky little tune,
and I'll tell you what's what.
This is a song to all my friends ♪
[both yawn] Good morning, Circle!
I slept like a baby. Oh.
Oh my gosh. Good morning, Circle!
Tom's officially obsessed with us.
I'm a little bit obsessed with Tom.
[Billie-Jean] They've gone on a date,
which means that they've obviously
had a private chat.
I'm not sure what got said.
Coming in with Jennifer,
obviously gives us a bond,
and we've capitalized on that
and strengthened it.
So I think today is a really important day
for her and me.
You're my girl, Jen. Don't let me down.
Don't crack up ♪
Bend your brain ♪
See both sides ♪
[groans] Good morning, Circle.
Duvet where we can see it, Marvin.
It's a family show kinda.
[Chaz] I love Marvin so much.
I love Raven, so I feel like I have
two genuine friendships
here in The Circle.
"Marvin started a group chat
with me and Chaz yesterday."
"It was amazing."
"I mean, he really
made my night last night."
"Today will be a good day."
[Buteau] What better way to get started
than with a dude
who lives in an actual castle
starting his plan for Circle domination?
Circle, could you please invite
Marvin, Bruno, and Chaz to a group chat
and call it The Boys?
"Tom has invited you
to The Boys chat." Yes!
Oh, wow.
A boys chat?
Circle, take me to The Boys chat.
[Tom] I will open up so they feel
like I'm sharing with them
and then maybe find a bit more gossip,
behind the scenes
about how they're feeling.
Once I've gathered the information,
I will report back to Jen,
and hopefully she will do the same,
'cause that's the deal that we made, Jen.
Message, "Morning, gentlemen."
"It felt wrong of me
to go on a date last night
and not report back to the boys
how it went down."
"I hope you all had pleasant evenings."
[Chaz] "I myself went 12 rounds
with a cougar. #ClawMarks."
That's a bit suggestive.
So they had a flirty night?
That is funny right there, bro.
He really called her a cougar.
That's crazy.
Message, "LMAO. Damn!"
"Twelve rounds with the cougar.
You must be exhausted!"
"Exclamation point.
I do have one question though."
"Did you blow her away?"
[laughs] "#Fart." Yes, but Chaz!
Chaz is good. I like Chaz.
Just because I'm not into females, like,
I can be one of the, you know, "the bros."
I'm enjoying being a man.
This is This is fun.
Message, "LOL! Laughing face emoji."
"Jennifer did indeed blow me away."
"#SnappedMyPencil." Whoa!
[high-pitched] Ooh!
[gasps, laughs]
I feel like I've never been
in a boys chat like this before
where we're actually talking about a girl.
[Buteau] Well,
the girl you're talking about
is actually a gym bro
and a Greek model from Massachusetts,
and she's about
to put her side of the plan into action.
Circle, let's start a chat
with Brittney, Raven, and Sam,
and let's call it Gal Pals.
Oh! Circle, take me to Gal Pals chat
right now! Let's go, ladies!
"That is so sweet!"
"I wonder if she wants to talk
about her date last night with Tom."
One, I wanna let them know
how our date went with Tom,
but two, I think another primary goal
that we need to have is
to find out what guys they are talking to.
[Xanthi] Then we'll take all the info
back to Tom.
[Buteau] Okay, Tom, you ready
to have your tea two ways today?
[Xanthi] Our first message has to be fun.
Let the girls respond.
Then we'll take lead of the conversation.
[Sam] Jennifer, "Hey, ladies, I figure
the best way to start off the day is
with a little #GirlPower."
"Heart emoji. Peace sign emoji."
Yes, Jennifer!
Come through with the come through.
[Paris] "Love it.
Girls always stick together."
[Buteau] Even when they're dudes.
Message, "I'm sure
the other girls will agree."
"We can't wait to hear
all of the juicy details
about last night's date."
"Spill the tea?"
Sam, we are ready
to tell you the tea, girl.
Message, "Yeah, girl, let's hear
about your hot date last night."
"Was there a flame sparked? Flame emoji."
Purple demon emoji!"
Cute. Okay, so they're fun.
They're excited. Message,
"LOL. Let's just say
the date wasn't a broken pencil."
"Aunty Jen got her flirt on! Exclamation."
[Sam] "He was playing
a little hard to get,
but I did get him
to put on candy underwear for me."
[laughs] Oh.
Wait. [laughing]
To get a man to put on clean drawers,
let alone candy drawers, is
[stammers] It's an accomplishment.
You did that, sis. You did that.
[Paris] "Message, 'I am weak.
Laughing my ass off.'"
Message, "LOL. Was there a Candy Crush?"
"Did you climb to the top
of the London Tower?"
Smiley face, winky face."
[Buteau] #OkayCatfishFace.
Message, "So clearly
Tom is into the #CircleCougar,
but I want to know
who Bruno and Marvin are digging
out of the group as well."
He said "cake in your face."
He might as well have said
"coochie in your face."
Chaz, what a good question.
I'm gonna friend
the hell out of you, Chaz.
"I'm not gonna lie,
when I first came in here,
I found Sam highly attractive."
[Chaz] "#BrunosHungryForSomeCake."
All right. I had a feeling
that Bruno was attracted to Sam.
I had a good feeling about that.
"Chaz, I think Raven is really sexy.
[Chaz] All right, so he fancies Raven.
All right, cool. All right, cool.
I like that.
I like that. I like that a lot.
Message, "What's the most outrageous
dating experience you guys have had?"
"Question mark." Send.
[Billie-Jean laughing]
Yeah, this is definitely, like, guy talk.
I would love to have a flick
through Bruno's little black book,
because I reckon that man
has done some serious damage.
Just think. Think. Think.
As Bruno.
[singsong] What is the most outrageous
dating experience you've ever had?
I don't know.
Message, "My most outrageous
dating experience actually wasn't a date."
"I once had a one-night stand
with someone I met in a club"
"and I didn't even get his name." [gasps]
Wow. Chaz is gay.
Message, "One time"
"I met a girl."
"It turned out to be my mum's friend."
Wow. This is like a British thing.
Man, cougars are having a blast in the UK
[exhales sharply]
Message, "Just out of curiosity,
are there any other sparks
with you other ladies
and any of the other players?"
"Eyeball emojis.
#CircleOfLove? Question mark."
I love that.
-Sam's doing our dirty work for us.
Message, "Sam, I definitely have my eye
on a few of these beautiful chocolate men
in The Circle. Circle emoji."
[Paris] "She's probably looking at Marvin,
which, she can look, but don't touch."
For some reason, I'm not getting
fun feminine vibes from Brittney.
I totally agree. I think she's a catfish,
and because it's a catfish,
and it's actually a guy,
I think she's talking to the guys,
not the girls.
Catfish radar on, Brittney.
[Paris] "Message,
'Sam, girl, I can't lie.'"
"'Marvin has caught my attention
from day one.'"
"'I'm definitely curious
to see if there's a spark there.'"
"'What about you? Question mark.
Looking emoji.' Send."
I wonder if Raven shot her shot
with Marvin yet.
"I want them to know
that I do have my eye on him."
"I am interested.
I'm curious to see if there's a spark,
and I want the girls
to, you know, put some respect on it."
Message, "Raven, you have
to shoot your shot. Dancing emoji."
"I love that she's like,
'Girl, shoot your shot.'"
"Because that's the plan."
Message, "I am glad that us girls
can form such an amazing, strong bond
and stick together."
[Sam] "You ladies have been my favorites,
and I hope to form a strong bond with you
until the end."
[Paris] "'#CircleSisters.'"
We definitely have to bring
all this info back to Tom.
I don't know necessarily all,
but I think that we definitely
make the pitch
of thinking Brittney's a catfish to Tom.
[pop music playing]
[Buteau] Wow,
things are heating up in the gym.
Things are also heating up
in Bruno's bedroom.
And Raven's letting off some steam
of her own.
[Raven farts]
-Are you kidding me?
It's not fair. You fart all the time,
and I can't hear you fart.
-Oh my God, and it smells.
-[Raven laughs]
No, it doesn't. Don't lie.
[Buteau] And while we send some candles
or incense up to those guys,
Jersey Chaz has reached out
across the tunnel
to New Yorker bestie, Sam.
Message, "Hey, my love. How are you doing?
It's been a while since we talked."
"How are you feeling
about the other players?"
Oh, he's trying to get intel.
So I have to be careful. Let's think.
Strategy Sam. Strategy Sam. Strategy Sam.
Message, "Things are going amazingly."
"I've made some really strong connections
with some of the ladies."
"Out of all of the guys, you are my ace.
Flex emoji. #NYNJConnection."
Oh my God. I'm so fucking happy
to hear this right now.
Oh, you know what I can say? Um
Well, you know what she said?
I'm her ace. I'm her boy.
So, you know what?
I'mma give her a little bit of honesty
without actually throwing anybody
under the bus. So, message
"Somebody has their eye on you."
Who's look
-Don't nobody look at me!
-[playful music playing]
I'm not good at this!
I love Sam, but Sam could be playing
a game against me as well,
so I wanna be careful.
I Oh my gosh!
My heart is pounding right now.
I'm like, my heart is pounding.
Message, "Shocked emoji. Say word?"
"Whoever it is needs to step up.
Closed mouths don't get fed."
Yes! I love that energy.
[nails clacking]
This is good. This is good,
because if someone's checking me out,
and they wanna touch my no-no spot,
that means they'll give me a better vote.
I kinda want to give her a hint
in a musical way, right?
Because we have Marvin Gaye,
and then we have Bruno Mars.
So if I can throw a clue in there
and then give her time to, like, ponder,
"Is it Bruno, or is it Marvin?"
Message, "#LetsPlayOurOwnGame."
"The guy who likes you
either sings '24 Karat Magic'
or 'Let's Get It On.'"
"Comma, guess away.
Laughing emoji, inspector emoji." Send.
Okay. "24 Karat Magic" is by Bruno Mars.
We got a Bruno.
We got a Bruno. Mommy's boy.
We got a
[playful music]
"Let's get it On" is by Marvin Gaye.
We have a Marvin.
I don't want Marvin. I don't want Bruno.
Oooh, shit.
I like this game, though.
[laughs] Like, I really like this game.
[Sam] Message, "#GameOn."
"Both of those songs are on my playlist,
but I also like 'I Kissed A Girl.'"
"Devil emoji, rainbow heart emoji.
#ImGreedy." Send.
I can't believe I just sent that.
What is he gonna say?
[shouts] Oh!
So, Sam is bisexual.
[clapping] Oh shit!
I was not fucking ready for that.
Damn, yo, I kind of felt like
I was by myself here. So message
"LMFAO. Yes! I'm so happy that you and I
are on the same side of the fences."
"If nobody shoots their shot,
then I want to be your Circle husband."
[shouts] Chaz is gay?
It makes sense. Message,
"#IDo. Ring emoji."
"I take my vows very seriously.
You and me till the end."
"Rainbow heart emoji. Thank you."
[shouting excitedly] Yes! Yes! Yes!
Oh shit! Wow!
Yo! Whoa, I was not
fucking expecting that shit, yo.
Oh, Chaz! I can't believe it.
I got a gusband.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[car horns honking]
[Buteau] It's afternoon here
in The Circle,
and Raven and her interpreter Paris
are doing the damn thing
with the bachata, honey. Yes.
Hey! [laughs]
[Buteau] That's enough wholesome activity.
Circle, hit them up.
We're about to kick it old school
with a classic game of Truth or Dare.
-[Chaz] Oh my God.
-[Sam] Again?
-[all] "Truth or Dare."
-Don't dare me with a good time.
This could be very, very, very juicy.
[Buteau] Okay,
so all of our players will be presented
with either a truth or a dare,
except newbies Jennifer and Tom.
They won't be playing,
but they will decide
who gets the truth or dare.
Yes! The power!
This is gonna get messy.
[Buteau] Let's get this slumber party
flashback started with a dare,
and Jennifer will be choosing
the first victim.
Oh, my bad. I mean player.
[upbeat music playing]
[both] "Send a fire emoji"
"to the player you find"
"most attractive."
[in Italian accent] Ooh.
It's a-gonna get a bit a-spicy!
Should we throw Raven a bone
so she can shoot her shot at Marvin?
[Paris] "I would send
that burning fire emoji
to Marvin."
We should send it to Marvin
to see if he'll throw it at Raven.
-Good call. Stir the pot a bit.
-[Brett] You don't wanna
Hell yes!
We don't wanna put Raven
in the hot seat herself.
Yeah, I love that. All right, lock it in.
-Oh! "Marvin!"
I'm knew she was gonna say that. [groans]
[wheezes] Aunty Jen, not Marvin!
I know who Marvin's gonna choose.
The boys already know
I find Raven attractive,
but the girls don't know that just yet.
I'm nervous.
-I'mma go hide. [laughs]
-[Paris] Um, under the bed.
If Marvin says another girl,
there's definitely gonna be
a little heat between the two.
-Yeah, yeah.
This is perfect.
I'm gonna let everybody know.
Circle, message
[Raven and Paris screaming]
[screams echoing]
Yeah, Raven, I find you attractive.
Ooh, "I'm feeling good."
"It's nice to know
that the attraction is mutual."
-[all] "The next challenge is a truth."
[Buteau] This time, it's Tom deciding
who gets a truth bomb.
Back to the old Tommy Truthgiver.
Let's hope it's nothing,
like, too personal.
-"Which player"
-"do you find"
"the most annoying?" [laughs]
[laughing loudly]
That is shaking shit up!
I don't want any parts of that question.
Who is Tom gonna ask?
This is gonna start beef.
The only person who annoys me,
and it's only because
Why, Tom?
Whoo! [laughs]
-By the skin of our teeth.
-[Sam] No!
I'm sorry, Sam. It's nothing personal.
Someone had to answer it.
It just happened to be you.
-Aw, Sam must be freaking out right now.
She's gonna say a guy. She all
Sam, one million percent, would say a guy.
I really hope this doesn't bite me
in the ass. Circle, message
I'll be shocked
if Sam doesn't say my name.
I'm trembling.
I'm 100% confident
she's not gonna pick Brittney,
because we are close.
Yes! We agree, Sam.
Whoa! Yeah!
Oh, Brittney's gonna hate me!
Oh, I feel like such a bitch.
You are a snake and a backstabber,
so let's go.
Brittney frustrates me.
She's so secretive.
She's like a little secret squirrel.
You weren't on my target list,
but now you are.
[softly] Damn it. Damn it.
Why? Everything was going great.
I was having a wonderful day.
I was having a wonderful day.
-[Chaz] Oh shit!
-[Xanthi] Whoo!
[all] "The next challenge is a dare."
Dares we can do.
[Buteau] Now back to Jennifer
to select our next daredevil.
-"Send a snooze emoji"
-"to the player you find the"
[both] "most boring."
-Bruno, don't look. It's too much.
[Paris] "If any player says I'm boring,
they lying."
So it's between Marvin and Bruno.
I think going with Bruno
would be the smart choice.
It'll also tell us whether he's working
with, like, Brittney or Chaz.
I feel like he's gonna say
one of the girls are boring.
Please say Bruno. Like, I want to know
where Bruno stands in this game.
I wouldn't want to be chosen for this
-That's my lady!
-That's what I'm talking about.
-[Raven] Yes!
-It's what I needed.
All right, Bruno,
who are you going to pick?
Oh God.
If Bruno says Brittney,
I won't feel like such an asshole.
I think Brittney
is definitely the most boring player.
Hopefully Bruno sees that too.
You're going to say Brittney
because it's the easy answer,
and I'm an easy target,
and you don't wanna get blood
on your hands.
I feel like all the other players
have made me laugh.
We've generally had a good sesh.
So message, "Snooze emoji"
Come on, say it. Say it, Bruno.
"Brittney!" [laughs]
That's okay. I'm good with that.
I'm boring. I'm a grandpa.
It's not like I'm saying I don't like her.
I'm just saying she's the most boring?
"I guess I'm not the only one who feels
like she's not giving enough in the chat."
Ah, Brittney is not in a good position
right now. Sorry, Brittney.
You gotta pick a struggle.
How are you annoying and boring?
Back to back.
Boom, boom.
Like, a knuckle sandwich.
[softly] "Knuckle sandwich."
I think Brittney is definitely not
who she says she is,
and everybody is smelling
her fishy catfish vibes!
-[all] "The next challenge is a truth."
[Buteau] For the last question,
it's Jennifer deciding
who spills that truthful tea.
We gotta make this a good one.
-"Reveal something"
-"about yourself that we"
"don't already know."
-Well, where do we start? [scoffs]
-Oh, that's easy.
I will say something amazing ♪
I've kind of maybe gotta lie
about something.
Do you know what I mean?
I once got blackout drunk,
and pooped in a bathtub, and laid in it.
And not only did I lay in it,
I was making little poop angels.
They're influencers.
Put them in the hot seat.
[Xanthi] I'm down.
Oh, "Chaz!"
[screams, laughs]
Not me! No!
[Paris] "What's something about you
that we don't know, bestie?"
What are you thinking, Chaz?
How will you answer this question?
My brother's dream was to become a nurse.
I lost him due to gun violence,
and he never got to live out that dream.
I think, for a long time,
I was chasing nursing initially
to fulfill that dream for him
because I felt like that was the best way
I can honor my brother,
and I didn't finish nursing school.
[clicks tongue] Um
[voice breaking]
My brother was my best friend.
-[emotional music playing]
-I have him tattooed on my arm.
I brought his picture here with me,
and my brother is ultimately
my biggest inspiration in life, and
[exhales deeply]
[voice breaking] Message
"I feel closer to my brother
by working in the medical field"
"because my brother's dream
was to become a nurse"
"and he didn't live long enough
to make his dreams come true."
Oh, Chaz.
[Paris] "Chaz."
That's That's really sad.
Man, that must be really tough.
I can't imagine what he's feeling.
I would be devastated
if I lost my brother.
"That was very brave of Chaz to admit,
to just tell us something so intimate."
I want this to come across as genuine.
We all have experienced shit.
Like, I'm not the only one in the world
who's lost someone.
That is so deep.
And I was here gonna tell a story
about me shitting in a bathtub.
Chaz, that is so
[clicks tongue] That is so dope.
-"Congratulations, you have now"
-"completed Truth"
"Truth or Dare."
[sarcastically] Thanks a lot, Circle.
This went great.
Not too great for Brittney, though. Ha.
I was the star of that
in the worst way possible.
I have a lot of work to do
to dig myself out of this hole,
but I will do it.
Grandpa is gonna dig a hole. Let's go.
[Buteau] Let's go,
cause Grandpa's gonna be pissed
when he finds out
Tom has the only shovel in The Circle.
And it looks like he's about
to cook something up in the chat
with his Circle bestie, Jennifer.
[gasps] "Tom has invited you
to a private chat."
He's coming to us.
Circle, take us to private chat with Tom.
Message, "Hey there, Sweet Tooth."
"Winky face."
"Well, firstly,
shall we pat ourselves on the back
for dealing with a potentially awkward
Truth or Dare situation?"
"Question mark." Send.
We were totally on the same page, Tom.
[laughing] We were so happy
we were not involved in that game.
Message, "I'm sure
you and I have a lot to share."
We do, Jennifer. We do.
Good. That means she's got some gossip.
She's writing more. There's more coming.
"It seems that everyone has red flags
about Brittney."
"And I couldn't agree more."
Or can we do a fishing emoji? "#Catfish"?
Yeah, I like that.
[Tom] I had exactly the same
I had exactly the same feeling.
Look at us
being sneaky catfishes ourselves.
[Brett laughs]
"Was 100% my feeling from the off."
-[laughing] Yes! Yes!
-[Xanthi] Tom! Yes!
-[Brett] Wow!
J and T continue to prosper.
[Buteau] Looks like
a Circle partnership has formed,
and Raven wants to follow suit,
'cause she's about to hit up
hottie Marvin.
Aw! And she picked the first time
he's worn a shirt in here to do it.
Oh my God!
"Raven has invited you to a private chat."
Oh, this is good.
Circle, please open the chat with Raven.
[squeals, laughs]
Yeah, I'm getting hot.
I'm feeling nervous right now.
Like, I don't wanna ruin this.
I need to get this right.
-[whimsical music playing]
-"'Hey, handsome.'"
"'I hope you're doing good so far.'"
"'Thank you for making me blush
with the flame emoji.'"
Winking emoji!'"
I'm gonna be straight flirty with her now.
I know exactly what to say.
Like, message
"I'm hoping" [sighs]
"I'm hoping that there's a spark."
"That we can build on that."
Message, "What's good, gorgeous queen?"
"I have been waiting
to get on a private chat with you."
"Like, no cap. LMAO.
What part of the South are you from?"
"Message, 'I was born in Alabama,
raised in Georgia. #TheDirtySouth.'"
"'I see you're from H-Town.
Oh! [clapping] She knows jollof rice!
Let's go!
She knows jollof. She knows Nigerians.
That's good. This is good for me.
-[Paris vocalizing]
"You can have all my bowl of jollof
and fufu to go with it."
"Message, 'Does a striptease come
with that combo?'"
"'Devil emoji.' Send!"
You can get all the striptease you want.
[Paris] "You have to teach me some ASL."
"I definitely got you
with the ASL lesson.'"
"'Here's your first one.'"
"'The word is fire.'"
Oh! "Hold out the number five
with both hands,
palms facing in."
"Wiggle all your fingers
while moving your hands
in a bicycle pedaling motion."
So, this is fire? Wow, this is fire!
"I wish I could see Marvin right now
wiggling his fingers."
[Paris] "I'm weak."
Message, "It's been more than lovely
talking to you."
"I cannot wait to do this again soon!
Exclamation mark."
[Paris] "'#MyNumberOne.'"
[screaming excitedly]
The king and queen of The Circle.
Let's get it.
"I feel even more closer to Marvin now."
"For me, there's definitely a spark."
[Buteau] Damn, it's getting hot in here,
and that's not just because
Marvin discovered fire.
[lounge music playing]
[Buteau] It's evening here,
and while Bruno tries out
for Circle du Soleil,
everyone else is relaxing.
And before the neighbors complain
about Tom's wild jigsaw party,
let's give them something to talk about.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[Billie-Jean gasps, screams]
[Sam] "Alert!"
-[all] "Alert!"
-[elongated] "Alert!"
-"Alert! Alert!"
-"Alert! Alert!"
What the hell?
Jigsaw, you're gonna have to,
uh, take a moment out.
What could this be?
[dramatic music playing]
[shouts] Oh no!
"You must rate each other." No!
I knew it! I knew it!
Daddy's gonna make you pay!
"As Jennifer and Tom are new players"
"they can rate but not be rated."
[shouts] Oh! Yes!
I think we totally are
on the same page here
of how we wanna do this.
She's probably having a glass of wine.
Tom is probably sitting there
with his big-ass teacup.
-"Rate your fellow players"
-"from first to fifth."
Oh boy.
Bruno could be savage.
Bruno could literally
put the top people at the bottom.
"First place is your favorite.
Fifth place is your least favorite."
"I already know
who will be my number one."
Let's be tactical. Let's be smart.
Strategy Sam is going to French kiss
any ass that she needs to.
-I'm pumped!
-[Buteau] Hi, Pumped. I'm Michelle.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, I would like to place Chaz
as my first rating.
He's the one who, right from the off,
I've had the best vibes from,
and I also think it was really,
really great
that he shared his story today
on Truth and Dare.
He deserves to be first place.
Circle, place my wifey Sam
in first position.
You never put another woman
above your wife, period.
Circle, I'd like to place Chaz
in my first position.
Today, you and I reached
a new level in our connection.
You are my gusband.
You and I are one, and I need you here.
You called me your Circle Queen,
so I know you got my back.
The player I place in first place
is Raven.
I believe now
we have that intimate relationship,
and I believe,
if she becomes an influencer,
she's going to keep me safe.
[Paris] "In first is Marvin."
"He's totally met my expectations."
"We have the spark."
So, first position is our girl, Sam.
She's definitely team Jennifer.
I feel confident with her.
Circle, I'd like to place Raven
in my second position.
I am doing all that I can to align myself
with the most popular players,
and Raven is
one of the most popular players.
[Paris] "The player
that I'm putting in second is Chaz."
"Chaz is my bro."
"We formed an alliance,
so it's only natural
for him to be second."
Circle, lock Marvin in
on my third place ratings.
[Marvin] Circle,
I would like to place Brittney
in my fourth position.
Circle, I'd like to rate Brittney
in last position.
Since Brittney was prepared
to block Bruno,
Bruno hasn't trusted her since.
Circle, I'd like to place Sam
in last position.
You jeopardized Brittney's game,
and you're gonna pay for that.
I'm coming after you, and I don't miss.
Circle, I'd like to place Brittney
in my last position.
I didn't wanna do this to you, Brittney,
but since the very beginning,
you were toying with me.
You didn't open up, and I needed more.
Circle, I'd like to place Bruno
in last position.
I think me and Bruno
could possibly be each other's threats.
He has alpha male energy,
and I think Bruno wants
to be the last man standing.
"Everything looks good. Circle"
please submit my
Oh, "Ratings complete."
[exhales in frustration] Ooh.
I I I feel a bit numb.
I feel a bit like, you know
It's not a dissimilar feeling
to when I lost my virginity, to be honest.
[Buteau] You never forget your first, Tom.
Ratings, I mean. First rating
You guys, come on.
We are better than this.
Anyway, let's check in
on catfish MILF Jennifer,
who's about to chat with a 47-year-old man
pretending to be his own daughter.
We have never had a private chat
with Brittney.
Maybe on one-on-ones
she'll peel back the onion a little bit.
Jennifer has invited me to a private chat.
I really just wanna chat with her,
get to know her a bit more,
and see if we're talking to a young mom
of a five-year-old diva,
or if we're talking
to a 50-year-old man in there.
[Buteau] Wow, this dude is good.
Circle, open private chat with Jennifer.
Message, "Hi, my lovely!
Exclamation point."
"Just wanted
to check in with you. emoji."
"Truth or Dare was intense.
How are you feeling?"
This is exactly what I wanted.
So Brittney is going to play up the fact
that she's really sad,
and I'm really gonna play up the mom card.
So message, "Thank you so much, Aunty J."
"I don't know what I did to deserve that,
but it's really affecting me."
"I don't talk about it that much,
but being away
from my daughter Riley is really hard."
-"Heartbreak emoji."
-[Xanthi] She's pulling the daughter card.
We're the only person
in her corner right now.
So let's take advantage of this.
So message, "I just want you to know
I'll always be here for you."
"I'm sure it's hard
being away from your daughter."
"I'm missing my fur babies so much."
'Tell me about your daughter."
"Crown emoji. #Divalicious."
Oh my gosh. This is huge.
Message, "Riley is five, super smart,
and a diva just like her mama."
This is not diva energy.
She's really digging the vibe
from Brittney.
Um, she really wants to make a connection,
and I am here for it, so let's go.
"I would love to ride this Circle wave
to the end with you. #DivaAlliance."
You're not a diva,
and the more you identify as a diva,
it makes me think
that you're a guy pushing the agenda.
-Oh yeah, totally. But look
-[Brett] But we have an alliance.
[Xanthi] We don't know how well
Brittney is going to do in the ratings,
so for now I think it's safe to say
we're kind of on board with this alliance.
Message, "I'm with you.
"Can't wait to chat again soon.
Kissy face emoji." Send.
[Brett blows kiss]
We're gonna be Circle besties for sure.
[Buteau] Catfish of a feather
flock together.
Oh, I think that chat
went amazing for Brittney.
I still strongly think she's a catfish.
[Xanthi] Totally.
[Buteau] With catfish Jennifer suspecting
catfish Brittney of being a catfish,
let's check in on catfish Bruno,
who's about to start a chat
with a regular-degular,
real, non-fish person, Sam.
Bruno's game plan was
A, to flirt his way to the top,
B, to make connections with the lads.
He's made connections
with the guys already,
and all he was missing was an ally,
but a romantic ally,
and I feel like that can be Sam.
[Sam] "Bruno has invited you
to a private chat"?
Hold on, Bruno.
You ain't even warn a girl.
Message, "Hey, Sam. I just wanted
to check in to see how you were."
"You've been on my mind,
and I've wanted to get to know you
for a while."
"Hands emojis. #StrikingSam."
He's definitely flirting with me.
He's definitely trying
to get on my good graces
and butter me up like a butter roll,
but I'm not mad at this approach.
But I gotta respond accordingly.
I gotta be just as smooth
as you are. Right.
Message, "I feel that we may have
a few things in common,
and I'm pleasantly surprised
that you reached out to me."
"What took you so long?
#Blushing. Wink face."
[screams] Oh,
she's giving Bruno the go ahead.
So, ding-ding-ding. Let's go.
Message, "From the start,
I've been drawn to you."
"I was waiting for you
to give me the green light."
"Now I'm full steam ahead. Wink emoji."
"How come you're single?"
Going in for the kill.
-Thinking clack. Thinking clack.
-[nails clacking]
What are we gonna say back?
All right, bow.
Message, "I can appreciate a man
that knows what he wants."
"Heart-eye emoji.
I'm single because I'm unlucky in love."
[laughing] "Eye emoji."
I'm flirting or whatever.
Message, "Maybe you're unlucky in love
because you haven't met a man like me."
Do you? Do you really do it better?
[Buteau, sarcastically] Yeah,
keep up the mummy's boy talk, Bruno.
[sarcastically] It's super sexy.
I weren't too sure if Sam
was gonna maybe shut down Bruno,
or maybe Sam wasn't interested in Bruno,
but she's literally giving me
the green light,
so we're onto good things.
I gotta burp. Hold on.
[burps] Got it. [laughs]
Message, "I'm so glad
that you reached out to me,
and we were able to connect."
"If you ever need to talk,
I'm always here. Heart emoji."
"Until next time" [kisses]
"Kissy emoji."
I'm happy with that.
This is exactly what Bruno needed.
I would wanna date me.
I would have a crush on me.
If I was Bruno, I would be like,
"Ooh, yeah, I love her."
He could be my second husband.
I have my gusband,
and now I have my husband.
[Buteau] So wait.
Now I gotta buy another wedding outfit?
Isolated in their apartment alone,
the players are having to make
their own entertainment
[groans] Oh!
[Buteau] except Jennifer,
aka Brett and Xanthi,
who are doing the most fun thing
two hot strangers can do together.
-[Xanthi] Am I ready? Do I sit on you now?
-[Brett] That's how we're gonna do this?
[Xanthi] How long should I do this?
[shouts] Yes! Two! Come on! Three!
Oh my God! Four!
[Buteau] I could do that.
I just don't want to.
Anyway, here's something
that's really gonna make them sweat.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all in commotion] "Alert!"
What could it be?
Oh my gosh.
"Congratulations for being"
[both] "totally truthful
and delivering dick"
-Stop reading.
"totally truthful
and devilishly daring in today's game."
"As a reward, you have won"
We get a reward?
[both shouting] "a Spring Break Party!"
-[screaming excitedly]
-[upbeat music playing]
"You can collect your party items
from your door now."
-[Chaz] Oh my God! What is there?
-[Raven screams]
[Sam] How do I even?
I got a palm tree.
What do we got in here?
For the nipples? Okay!
That's quite a look.
I now announce spring break
officially open.
[grunts, groans]
[Buteau] With everyone ready
for our all-expense-spared
spring break party,
it's time for a Circle
dance montage, honey!
-[Tom] Something's happening!
-[Brett] What?
["Don't Start Now" by Dua Lipa playing]
crazy ♪
-Thinking 'bout the way I was ♪
-[Chaz vocalizing]
Did the heartbreak ♪
-[Xanthi] Go, Brett!
-If you don't wanna see me dancing ♪
With somebody ♪
-Don't show up ♪
-[Billie-Jean yelps]
-Don't come out ♪
-Spring break! Spring break!
Don't start caring about me now ♪
About me now ♪
[Chaz and Raven cheer]
-"'The Circle Chat is now open!'"
-"The Circle Chat is now open!"
-Oh my gosh.
-Oh boy.
"You should now upload
your wildest picture"
"onto the Circle Chat." My wildest?
-Wild picture. Wild picture. Wild picture.
[Paris] "Circle, take me to my albums."
Should I put something in here
which shows Brittney getting wild
or show something
of Brittney getting wild with Riley?
That might endear more of the girls to me.
Circle, open up Living Life.
[shouts excitedly] Hey!
That's it right there, baby!
I think this is a good photo to have
as the wild photo,
because I've got my claws out,
and I'm literally an animal.
Circle, please upload this picture
to the Circle Chat.
What's going on? Oh, Tom's a furry.
What the hell is that, Bruno?
He's a baby!
He's dressed up as a baby
with a huge diaper on.
He's got a cigarette and a cider.
It screams wild.
It's worse when you get closer.
He is a fucking baby.
This is what I was flirting with earlier?
[Raven laughs]
[Paris] "I love it! I love it, Aunty Jen!"
[Xanthi] I think it's cute.
She's in heels on a beach.
She's wearing a freaking cherry bikini.
-She's hot!
-[Xanthi] She's hot.
Look at Chaz. He's got his nipples out.
He's got his belly out. He's loving life.
That's a good picture.
Oh God damn, Raven!
"I definitely want Marvin
to drop his jaw on this one."
Oh, Raven looks good.
She looks sexy right there, like
Am I gonna be able to keep up?
I'm drowning. I'm drowning.
[Paris] "I'm drowning!"
Someone throw my girl a life jacket.
[Marvin] And this is actually good
because Raven's hair is blue,
and she can see that
I like changing my hair colors too.
[Paris] "Damn, he fine."
This is what we're talking about!
Sam brought the heat and the wild side!
Me on the beach, Puerto Rico bikini
with a little booty tooch.
Oh Lord. She looks so sexy.
Anyone can show a sexy picture.
No one else can show a picture
of her and her kid.
So that kind of shows
that we're in the wild,
and we're silly, and we're having fun,
and I think
this will play well with everyone.
That's Brittney and her daughter.
That's not really crazy.
There's nothing actually
genuinely wild about this photo
unless that isn't her child,
and that's just a child she's kidnapped.
And then that's exceptionally wild.
Right now,
this photo is not working for me.
You are very, very guarded.
Don't be afraid to show us you.
Message, "Guys, maybe we have
different definitions of the word 'wild.'"
"Laughing emoji, laughing emoji,
laughing emoji." Send.
[laughs] Maybe!
Circle, message, "Jeez, ladies!"
"I didn't realize WILD stood
for 'women inflicting lusty damage.'"
"Fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji."
"I've never wanted 3D glasses
so much in my life."
All right. All right, Tom,
you might be a comedian. [chuckles]
[Buteau] Before Tom starts preparing
for his Netflix special,
Circle, drop a you-know-what
on them, okay?
-[loud chiming]
-[Sam] Whoa!
-[alarm blares]
-[both] "Alert!"
[Sam] Oh!
You interrupted our party, Circle!
-[Buteau] Oh, you know how we do.
-[tense music playing]
[Raven] Ugh!
"Definitely killed the vibe, Circle."
[Billie-Jean] Oh my God.
I'm gonna start sweating bricks.
I'm not ready at all.
[Buteau] That's a shame, 'cause we are.
Remember, newbies Tom and Jennifer,
played by Brett and Xanthi,
are immune from this blocking.
Oh shit. Who is in sixth place?
I cannot be in the bottom again.
I've worked too hard.
I've put in too much work
to get out of the last position,
and I need to be up.
Agh! Brittney's at sixth.
I knew it. I knew it was gonna happen.
I am not at the bottom.
Okay, I don't even care where I'm at
as long as I'm not at the bottom.
I think this has a lot to do
with the Truth or Dare game.
Like, Bruno threw it out there
that she's a snooze-fest,
and Sam threw it out there
that she's the most annoying.
I think everyone thinks she's a catfish.
I don't think anyone believes who she is.
[Sam] Okay, who's at fifth?
Who's at fifth? Who's at fifth?
I believe that Sam is in fifth place,
because we've been in the bottom two,
and I feel that we'll continue
to be in the bottom two.
I'm not ready to see this right now.
Like, please, I don't wanna be
in the fifth place. I don't want to.
[Billie-Jean gasps]
It's Bruno.
Oh! Shit!
Wow. I don't even know
how to feel about that.
Bruno? I thought Sam was going to be
on the fifth place.
That means I'm not at the bottom.
That means I'm not at the bottom bottom.
-I could be at the middle.
-[Chaz] And now we're on to fourth.
It's literally between myself,
Sam, Marvin, and Raven.
My gut is telling me
that Sam is gonna come in fourth.
I wouldn't mind fourth or third.
Those are the goals, fourth and third.
Because then I'm up there,
but I'm not up up.
I don't want my face on the screen
right now. This could be me.
I do want to get above Marvin,
but that's Raven's boo, so I don't know.
My heart is pounding.
[dramatic music playing]
[Sam shouting] Yeah!
I am in the top three.
Do a lap. Do a lap. Do a lap.
Oh my God!
Sam, is doing better than I am.
They must like Sam.
[Paris] "These ratings are unpredictable."
I do not like this.
This is terrible for Brittney's game.
Left we have Raven, Sam and Chaz.
Once we get this result,
we're gonna know who the influencers are.
Who is behind the third curtain?
[dramatic music intensifies]
[shouting] Yeah!
[shouting] Oh shit! I'm an infl
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on.
[Raven] Oh my God! [laughs]
My two favorites, Chaz and Raven,
at the top again.
They're where they need to be.
Me and Chaz again?
History repeats itself.
I think Raven number two,
and I think Chaz number one.
I think Raven will be first,
and Chaz second.
[shouting] What? Oh my God!
I came in first! II came in first!
-I'm first! 'm first!
-[Paris and Raven cheering]
Yes, my gusband is the influencer.
Well-deserved, Chaz.
"I love it."
[Chaz] I'm an influencer.
Bam, bam, bam, bam, wham, wham, damn ham.
-[Xanthi] Look at their blue tick marks.
-They have to be taken down.
The two people that sent us home
are verified again.
[all] "Alert!"
[Tom] There's another alert!
There's a twist and turn
and twist and turn.
Did I do something to you, Circle?
Did I sleep with your man?
[both] "Chaz and Raven,
you are the influencers."
-[Paris] "Yeah, we got it."
-Congratulations to my friends.
What's the catch?
Because there's definitely a catch.
[Tom] "Tomorrow you will decide
who will be blocked from The Circle."
Yes, they will.
Yo, the players are going to be sweating.
You would think
that this would be good for me,
because I voted Chaz and Raven
as my top two.
"However, tonight
you will save one player each."
-Please, please, please, please, save me.
[Paris] "I hate the power.
I don't want the power."
[Xanthi] "Go to Circle Chat now
to make your decision.
They're gonna save someone publicly.
Oh shit! In front of everyone?
I cannot wait to see the reasonings
as to why they're saving
whoever they're saving.
Let's not play around.
Let's not fiddle-faddle.
Let's get to the nitty-gritty.
"Chaz, as the top-rated player,
you will go first." Shit.
[Buteau] Okay,
the four players at risk right now
are Sam, Marvin, Bruno and Brittney.
"Which player
do you want to save and why?"
The only thing
that I'm gonna accept right now
is Chaz saying, "I'm gonna save Samantha,
because we're married."
I could potentially
save Brittney right now.
She would potentially begin
to take me more serious
and will begin opening up.
Aw, Chaz, save Brittney.
But I'm afraid if Chaz saves Brittney,
that'll put a target on his back
to Sam and Bruno.
If I was to play smart,
I would save Marvin.
It would be based on rolling the dice
and just hoping and praying
that Raven would save Sam.
This is crunch time right now.
I still am wondering who Bruno is.
Chaz, come on, save Bruno.
And then we have my wife, Sam.
My heart is in my ass right now!
However, if Sam is placed
into a really hard position,
would she still choose me?
I wonder if there's a divorce emoji.
Message, "The player I've decided to save
has definitely grown on me, comma"
"and I'm just simply proud
of their progression."
-What does that mean? Warts grow on you.
-Who is that?
-I think it sounds like it's Marvin.
-[dramatic music playing]
[theme music playing]
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