Rescue Me s05e04 Episode Script


- Lou! - All right,I'm coming! You all right? Yeah! Jesus! Hold on.
Hey,what's going on? Hey,sorry it took so long.
I was cleaning up the bedroom.
It's a little messy.
Where's the dog? Uh,well I put him in a kennel,'cause I thought, you know,I didn't want to give him--have him getting dog hair all over,uh,your,uh,place.
What happened? What are you talking about? What's going on here? That's dirty laundry.
That--what's that? Clean laundry.
Here,let me have that.
There you go.
This is pretty much all I need.
What are you doing?! What? It wasn't garbage? That's--that's my coffee! Ah,well,it's garbage now.
I don't know about this,lou.
What are you talking about? It just seems a little cramped.
It's perfect! Really? Yeah,look.
We're only gonna be here together long enough to eat pizza,watch porn,and sleep.
What? You don't want to sleep? I just think when it comes to roommates,you can't have 2 oscar madisons.
You know what I mean? Somebody's gotta be felix unger.
Who says we need a felix unger?! It's the laws of nature.
You can't have 2 walter matthaus and no jack lemmon.
Ok? Otherwise this place is gonna be overrun by rodents and cockroaches within a month.
And then what? We move.
That's the beauty of renting.
What's that? Oh,that's a present from frenchy.
She wanted me to look at,you know,knowing I'm a writer.
She wanted me to jot down my thoughts and feelings for the book.
Did you watch it? I tried.
I got about 3 seconds in.
I started to unravel.
Believe me,not something you really want to be looking at.
Especially by yourself.
So you didn't get anything written,huh? Actually I'm on page 36.
Really? You got 36 pages of writing out of 3 seconds of footage? Come on,tom,this may be my one and only chance ever to get a--published,b--laid by a beautiful french woman.
Enough with the finger.
Let me get this straight.
So you're taking the biggest tragedy in the history of the city--perhaps the country--and you're taking your feelings about it--which I know are real and genuine because you were there and you lived through it, but you are now reconstituting them so that you can get laid by a french broad.
Is that right? Yeah,pretty much.
That's what I thought.
Yeah,I really like this one, tom.
Genevieve and I-- we've really connected.
Oh,really? You've connected? Can I remind you of a couple of facts? Ok,number 1,you're not a writer.
You're a fireman.
I think we established that a long time ago,ok? Number 2,where do I sleep? Uh,take the couch.
Which would be where? All right,maybe I should clean up a little bit.
proudly presents Season 05 Episode 04 Everybody back! Move it! Come on,folks move it! Get back! What do we got? It was a giant goddamn explosion.
Shit's been popping off in the surrounding buildings the last few minutes.
That's all we know.
Last explosion sent most people running.
Might be a few stragglers.
It's hard to see with all the smoke.
This ain't smoke.
Let's go guys.
Hey,lou,what if there's another bomb? It wasn't a bomb.
It's a busted steam pipe.
This city's infrastructure goes back to the goddamn stone age.
Everybody all right? Lou,look! Look at this guy.
Yeah,he's out.
You want me to hit it with the hallie,tom? No.
Lou! Watch the weight.
Now's not a time for fat jokes,tom.
All set? I'm gonna get you out of here.
All right.
Lou,stick him out! You got him?! Stay with me,pal.
Hurry up.
Ok,get him up.
You got him? I got him! I got him! Go get lou.
Go get lou.
Go get him! Give me your hand,lou! You all right? Yeah.
Jesus! Yeah,well,I guess I could probably stand to lose a few pounds.
3,4 tops.
Give me a hand with this guy.
Come on.
You look like you've had some excitement.
Yeah,well,actually just your run-of-the-mill pickup truck falling into a pit of boiling water.
No biggie.
I might have something to show you by,like,tomorrow,i think.
I'll look forward to it,lou.
Call me ken.
It's my name,ken.
Ken as in ken doll.
That's exactly right.
Yeah,ken doll.
A little more rugged.
Well,that's me,mr.
Rugged ken doll.
Listen,I'm gonna go take a shower,ok,'cause I stink.
See ya.
Tommy! Could I interest you in a little homework? Let me guess.
You want me to watch the footage that you gave to lou.
Yeah,and get your opinion.
I know you're mad because your girlfriend threw you out the other night.
My girlfriend didn't kick me out.
It was a mutual decision.
As a matter of fact,I think i mentioned this to you when we were at your place that it wasn't going well.
And I said to her,like,3 weeks ago,like,"you know this is not going well.
And this is basically--I'm gonna give you,like,another chance here.
" Gave her one more chance.
And,you know,basically she she kicked me out.
She smelled the wine when I came back from that evening that we spent together,so But,you know,like they say, when one door closes,another one opens.
Sheila? Yes.
I think you need to face a few facts.
Like the fact that tommy's a complete asshole, a selfish prick who can't see that something meaningful and worthwhile is staring him right in the face.
And all he's done and keeps on doing is pissing all over it.
See,that's the major thing I think you need to focus on.
The pissing.
The anger.
Well,I know.
Tommy is incredibly angry.
Anger is like his oxygen.
No,no,your anger.
Oh,I'm not angry.
Yes,you are.
No,I'm not.
Yes,you are.
I'm not angry.
I can get angry.
Like if you keep talking about how angry I am,you can get that angry mop and bucket because that shit's going to be all over the place.
Do you hear yourself? Do you?! Your anger is based on the fact that your husband is gone and you have transferred all of your feelings onto tommy gavin--your need,your love, your rage.
You think you want tommy, but what you really want is to vent all your frustration toward jimmy, why he took a job that you knew was so dangerous, why he never came home,but tommy did, why you got left with a son to raise all by yourself,a son who now tells you he wants to do exactly what his father did for a living.
You're keeping tommy around for one reason and one reason only, and that is so you that can blame it all on him.
I want you to go home and purge yourself of tommy,everything-- the dreams,the plans,the wishes,the hopes.
Stop thinking about him.
Stop dwelling on him.
Stop blaming him.
Well,you know,I'm a little busy,because damian is gonna be staying at home with me for a couple of days-- Perfect.
Focus on damian.
Yes,he wants to be a firefighter.
Let him.
He's gonna do it anyway.
As a matter of fact,I think the fact that you don't want him to do it makes it more attractive to him.
Really? Sure.
Think about it.
His mother saying,no,no,no.
Meanwhile the only father figure he has in his life the handsome strapping hero--who men admire and women fall all over, a seething urgent animal who slays the dragon and sates his desires and gets to live outside the standard rules of society.
It's very inviting.
What? I don't know.
Sounds like I'm not the only one who's gotta purge,you know.
The command post was moved when tower one went down! It's 5 blocks west! Shit! The command post was moved when tower one went down! It's Hey.
Listen,I just saw him.
Who was it this time? Jimmy keefe.
I just-- I was watching news footage from 9/11.
And I saw him.
We've all seen that old news footage,tom.
You and your crew heading into the first tower.
This is after the first tower comes down.
That's impossible.
Jimmy died in the first tower.
I know that.
But I'm telling you, I'm almost certain it's him.
The ghosts,jimmy,they only come back when you're drinkin'.
I'm sober as a judge.
And I swear to god,mick, if it's not him it's a dead ringer.
It's a goddamn identical twin.
I'm telling ya.
You think maybe you're seeing what you want to see? Tom,turn off the television and get yourself to a meeting right now.
We all know where this ends if you don'T.
All right,maybe you're right.
Maybe you're right.
I'm gonna turn it off.
All right,good man.
I'll talk to you later.
All right.
The command post was moved when tower one went down! It's getting there,man.
It's coming along.
Yeah,I think it'll be all gone if we work for another day.
You know,the paint? Another day of breathing these paint-remover fumes, i won't be able to tie my goddamn shoelaces anymore.
I kinda like the way the place looks now.
I think we should go back to tommy's idea of calling it the bombed out shithole.
Got a nice ring to it.
Come on.
Enough dicking around,you guys,I poured every dime of my mom's inheritance into this place.
You know,my mom says if we fail,I'll be dishonoring her memory.
Wait,I didn't know you could communicate with the dead,mikey.
Well,I can't,but my psychic can.
Your psychic can? Yeah.
You know,I really missed speaking with my mom, so I'm seeing this psychic doctor,and she puts me in contact with her.
Ain't that about a bitch? I can't get a cell signal outside the burrough in manhattan.
And dipshit here's got a direct line to his dead mother.
She must have verizon.
Anyway,guys,she says if,you know,we keep our eye on the ball,we can be successful here,so let's do it.
Well,next time you two chat,why don't you ask if she's got any bright ideas about what we should do with this dump.
Hold on,fellas.
What lou said before is not too far off the mark.
Yeah,you see.
Why's that? You don't do anything with this place.
People don't give a shit how the place looks as long as they think this is the place to be.
What you need is the right word of mouth.
The hottest spots I've ever been to,they don't have any names.
They don't even have signs.
Takes you half an hour just to find a goddamn door.
You know,once you get in,shit is hot.
It's bananas! You're saying we should go underground.
That's where it's at.
Yeah,I don't know.
What do you think,mike? Sounds good to me.
I'll have to check with my mom first.
Oh,your mom will love taking it underground,mikey.
Hell,she's there already.
Oh,hey,you know what? Sorry,man,we're closed.
I can see that.
When's the grand opening? We can't tell you that,really.
It's top-secret.
I've afraid I'm gonna have to insist.
I'm mark chilton,new york state liquor authority.
Hey,look at that.
Another authority on liquor in new york state.
Brother! I guess that means you got one of these.
We don't got no stinkin' badges.
You ain't got no stinkin' liquor license either.
No,I have one of those.
I can show it to you if you want.
Don't bother.
It's no good.
It was revoked 2 owners ago.
Hold on,partner.
How about the previous owners? How could they run a bar without a license.
That's a good question.
I'm glad you're making this easy for me.
Here we go.
The guys who sold you this place and I had an understanding.
They'd write out a check made to cash and put it in an envelope for me.
And I'd be so busy taking that check to the bank and spending all the money,that I'd forget to report 'em.
That's a sweet deal.
Wait a second.
Are you saying-- you're looking for a bribe? Certainly not.
I'm simply relating a story about my relationship with the previous owners that I thought you might find interesting.
Wait a second.
You are looking for a bribe.
Yeah,this really sucks.
I guess,I'll go get my checkbook.
My mom's gonna be livid.
Why the long face? I had a little bit of an issue this morning.
Tell me about it.
I don't know.
It's kinda private.
You got limp dick? No! Sean,come on,after all these years of telling each other everything, now you gotta pull the private card? It's either your dick,or you're queer.
It's my dick.
What's wrong with your dick? Nothing,frank.
Ah,you can't get hard,huh? That's rough.
Whose dick can't get hard? - Sean'S.
- Oh,jesus christ! You have a little performance anxiety last night,sean? No,I didn'T.
I was--it was this morning.
Ok? Don't sweat it,bro.
Happens to every guy.
Not me of course.
But,you know,other guys.
You for instance.
Maybe you just weren't that into the girl.
It's definitely not that.
You never know.
I do.
'Cause see it was just me and my computer,you know and the girls from planet slut.
Yeah,I was going at it for,like,30 minutes.
I got nothing.
Finally I ran out of jergens.
I had to throw in the towel.
I mean,literally,I threw in the towel.
I had a towel with me for cleanup purposes.
I had to throw it in.
Turned out to be completely unnecessary.
You got the iron palm going.
The what? Gripping it too hard.
Maybe you cut off the circulation.
Excuse me,black shawn.
I think I know how to handle myself with care.
Maybe you just don't find yourself attractive anymore.
When's the last time you bought your hand some nice flowers? Ok.
Don't sweat it.
It happens to every guy.
It does,though,right? Sure.
Not me of course,but,you,definitely.
I need you two.
If I were you,I'd go to the doctor and get that checked out right away.
I got an appointment in an hour.
Good boy.
It happens to you,too,though,right? That's private.
Hey,what are you-- you writing? Uh,nothing.
Poetry? No.
What is it,then? It's nothing.
Not,um,that psychic,is it? Who told you? Who didn't? I was just making some notes on some things I want to say to my mom the next time we speak.
'Cause every time I communicate with her, I get all emotional and forget about all the important things to say,you know.
Mikey,I think I-- I speak for most of the other guys when I say¡ª and I want to say this as nicely as possible--ahem¡ª this whole psychic thing sounds pretty,uh,retarded.
I know.
But this is different,tommy.
You know,it's not what you think.
She's not like,you know,pulling fake magic tricks and stuff.
She doesn't have a crystal ball.
And she doesn't use,like,tarot cards or do a seance or anything.
She's a real doctor.
Doctor of what? Psychic stuff.
She has,like,a real office,like a real doctor's office.
I'm sure she does.
She probably charges you more for that.
It's not about the money,tommy.
You know,she's putting me in touch with somebody who I love who's not with us anymore.
You know,you can't put a price tag on that.
What does she tell you? Well,I mean,she tells me a lot of stuff.
But she knew,like,about green point lake.
And she even knew the color of the house.
And she knew the number of the house.
And she even knew the phone number to the house,tommy.
She knew the actual phone number? Yeah.
Maybe I should talk to her.
My mom? The doctor.
The chick.
What do you want to talk to her about,though? You know,there's,like,lot of dead people in my life.
My dad,you know.
Um,can you make an appointment for me? Yeah.
Do me a favor.
Just keep it between us,all right? Why? 'Cause I don't want to look like a retard.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
No problem,tommy.
Did you tell our daughter to start having sex with her boyfriend? Yes,I did.
And let me explain.
Thank you.
It's genius.
It is? Yes.
I don't want her marrying this kid any more than you do.
So if they start having sex,things are going to get messy and complicated, and they're gonna forget this whole marriage thing,which is ridiculous.
You're busting my balls,right? No,no,no.
I am completely onboard with your secret evil plan.
Honey,it actually wasn't a secret evil plan.
I was trying to do the right thing by our daughter.
I was.
The guy may be great-- The kid is disciplined.
He doesn't smoke.
He doesn't drink.
I have nothing bad to say about the kid.
Except for the other thing.
What other thing? The other thing.
Honey,let's not make this into a black thing.
? You know what I have always said.
I don't care what color,whether the person is black,whether they're brown, if it's a muslim,no-- their religion.
As long as they can do the job,I--what? Were we ever married? It is not a black thing.
Well,it's not a religious thing,'cause I'm not even sure he's a muslim.
- Is it a muslim thing? - No! He's a firefighter.
Which means that colleen's gonna go to bed every night wondering whether she's going to to be a widow and wondering if she's going to have to tell her kids that their daddy won't be coming home.
You know,and this guy may not drink or smoke,and he may not carry on like you did, but he still rushes into burning buildings for a living.
So no matter what color he is or who he bows down before, we both know what he worships most.
It's the job.
I don't care who colleen marries,so long as it's not a fireman, but if you really love your daughter,then you'll make sure that she has sex with her boyfriend.
And I mean right now,goddamn it.
All right.
I think that's it.
How's katy? Still single.
What you've expressed in these pages,I'm at a loss for words.
You liked them? - The raw emotion,the honesty,it's more than I could have hoped for.
- Really? For the first time,since i started writing the story,actually perhaps for the first time since I was a student,it brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you.
It's--it's the first time a woman's ever thanked me for making her cry.
I,uh--I got an "a".
Really? Let me guess what the "a" stands for.
Awesome,right? Absolument.
That's 2 "a's".
So I guess you finally watched that footage,huh? Yeah.
How much of the footage did you end up watching? All of it.
Anything in particular from the footage that kind of jumped out at you? All of it.
I would imagine so since you got Yeah.
Once I started,it just kind of flowed.
It must have been cathartic.
It was.
It was very cathartic.
I can imagine,'cause I'm gonna have a little catharsis of my own in the sink.
Perhaps I should buy you a drink.
You know,we're opening our bar tonight.
You should-- you should come on down.
This is the address.
Just show up here.
Don't tell anybody.
No one's supposed to know where it is.
Don't you want people to come? I don't know.
It'S Ok.
Well,I'll see you later.
So what's up with the cock block,tom? The cock block? You know,if I wanted to cock-block you,which I could do with one ball tied behind my sac, you wouldn't have even gotten that drink invite.
Ok? You're telling me that finally somehow you sat down and decided to watch the footage.
I watched 3 1/2 seconds.
There's no reason for her to know that,asshole.
Boy,3 seconds,and you got 46 pages.
That was some goddamn writing.
Do you think that I need to watch any goddamn footage to remind me of that day,tom?! To remind me of what I saw and what I felt? To remind me of what my nightmares are still like,tom? Do you think I need that? What I write down in these pages is a little bit,a tiny,little chunk, a healthy little chunk of some of the shit that I'm feeling inside of me.
And maybe by doing it,tom,maybe,just maybe, I can chip away at it and I can lighten my load just a little bit.
You know,tom,you weren't the only one down there that day.
And sometimes you forget that.
And sometimes I have to remind you.
I just did.
Do I just start talking? If you like.
Are you tape-recording this? No.
This is private.
Well,I guess I should say that I don't really,uh,believe in any of this kind of stuff.
You know,I think it's kind of a con.
I just wanted to get that out of the way.
I'm already aware of that.
Right,'cause you're psychic.
So,what's this little staring contest going to cost me? a session? 150? I'll do it for free if it would make you more comfortable.
That's all right.
I'll pay for your time.
Gavin,what I do here is real.
There is no hypnosis.
There's no crystal ball.
There's no incense.
There are no tarot cards.
The fact that the dead choose to communicate through me is not my own choice.
You're just lucky.
I didn't expect so much skepticism from someone who has the gift.
The gift? It can be a burden,can't it? Especially when you can't control it to carry those spirits with you for so long,only to have them abandon you in your hour of need.
When was your last visitation? Obviously it's been some time.
Your cousin jimmy,you feel that since you've stopped drinking, it might be harder for him to reach you.
That's not it.
He's upset about damian.
You know what? You have my name.
Obviously you know where I work.
I work for the city.
So the internet,all this stuff's available.
So I'm not buying it.
You know,I don't know how much money you're making off of this particular setup, but maybe you should go back to the original one, you know with the storefront and the neon sign that flashes "psychic," because I think you'd pull in a lot more chumps right off the street.
Nice talking to ya.
Hey,houston and varick,all right.
On monday and not seen there for--for very long.
Roger,you been up to 2 things-- one,keeping an eye on the office for activity, and 2,talking to new yorkers-- Hey,how do you turn this thing down? This,it did not work for me.
I've got to-- Yeah.
Where you been,pally? I keep getting your voice mail.
I was worried.
What's up? I don't think me working here is such a good idea.
You wanted a job.
I got you a job.
All right.
Just treat it like it's a test.
I'm not ready for it.
I'm surrounded by temptation.
All right,I'll be down.
All right.
Stop-- Change of plans.
We're gonna go to 2nd between c and D.
Research-- Pharmaceuticals in the water of 24 other metropolitan areas.
Federal state surveys of new york's water supply found rust in the¡ª The command post was moved when tower one went down! The amounts are well below the levels of letting them go, but ace journalist who worked-- What's up? What's going on? Nothing.
What are you guys doing? They're bait.
Bait for what? What are you trying to attract,grizzly bears? No offense,guys.
Yeah,none taken,dickface.
It was needles' idea.
You know,he said people would be walking by.
They'd see the velvet rope,see we're not letting these guys in.
They get curious.
- It's that simple.
It worked.
- Really? Yeah,black shawn was right.
Word got around.
What's going on? Nothing.
Come on.
Let us in.
We want to party.
House is full.
As you can see,there's nothing I can do.
You're good.
Come on,man.
Have a good night.
You guys are ok with this? here and get flashed? We'd do it for free.
That's good to know,guys.
Keep that in mind.
Nice going,asshole.
Ahh,shit! I thought you had that checked out.
I did.
The doctor said it might be a slipped disk or something.
He didn't want to put me on any medication though until I get my results back from the R.
You know,unless the band has branched out,I think you're talking about an M.
That's what he said.
But I wish I could take something,'cause it's killing me.
You're in a goddamn bar.
You're surrounded by pain killers.
Actually,alcohol makes the pain worse.
It's not a cure for anything.
You know,that's not true.
After 3 tumblers of this stuff,I go from thinking I'm looking like a middle-aged fireman to george goddamn clooney.
Like 5 tumblers.
You all right.
Did you drink? - No.
I think I just had a moment.
That's all.
- All right.
- It'll pass.
- Ok.
What's he doing here? - I called him.
- You called him? I couldn't get a hold of you,pally.
I was desperate.
- You all right? - Yeah.
It passed.
You,outside now.
What? You're shitting me,right? He needed a job.
I got him a job.
Trying to do-- As a bar back? You're not really gonna lecture me about how to be a sponsor,are you? Because the last time I looked,you had me in a bar with a goddamn glass of whiskey under my nose.
All right.
But at least I don't have him in a bar with a whole bar of whiskey under his nose.
Where is your head at? Christ.
Hang on a sec.
Guess who? - Yeah.
- Hey,pally,you didn't leave yet,did you? No.
I'm right outside.
I'm on the way to the stockroom,and this pudgy chick gave me the eyeball.
Now she wants to buy me a drink.
- She's a pudgy chick? - Yeah.
But she's got huge tits.
I'm gonna solve your problem.
You're fired.
Happy? You know,decision making has never been your strong suit, but this is even going too far for you.
Tell me you're not drinking.
I'm not drinking.
Because ever since you told me you started seeing jimmy again All right,listen,you know what? That's--I'm seeing somebody about that.
- A shrink? - No.
Tom,I'm in shock.
I mean,I never thought you'd go in for therapy,but-- Listen.
It's not therapy.
It's not therapy.
But she comes highly recommended.
She's a psychic.
I know.
I'm gonna fall down.
She's telling me stuff-- - Tom,these people are full of shit.
- She's telling me stuff.
They're worse than the con artists at the catholic church.
What are you talking about? I'm just telling ya it's kinda working for me,ok? It's smoke and mirrors.
They're snakes,those people.
It's not like what you think it is,number 1.
And number 2,what do you want me to do,tell her she's crazy? Ok.
Because she sees dead people--she talks to dead people.
I've been doing that for 8 years.
Good then.
So,you both got something in common.
You're both delusional.
You know,this--this is really helping me out.
This is great.
You know what? Let's just--let's get in the cab right now.
- We'll go to a meeting.
We'll nip this thing in the bud.
- Everything's a meeting.
A meeting solves everything.
- You go back in there,you're making a choice to go back-- - I'm working here! You're in a bar.
You're seeing jimmy.
You're thinking about jimmy.
Where do you think it's gonna go? Tom,it's in the past.
Do me favor.
Let's just leave it in the past.
You gotta make that decision to move on.
What do you say? I'm going back inside.
Hey,why'd you fire derek? What do you mean,he's getting on everybody's nerves,right? I know.
But he's a hard worker,tom.
I can't win with this-- Hey,where you going? You just fired me! No.
You're rehired.
Go back to work.
And don't drink this time.
Come on,hurry up.
Oh,I get it,pally.
It was another test.
And you know what? Just cut the pally shit.
Sure thing,chief.
This guy's such a ballbuster.
Hey,how'd your meeting go with my psychic doctor? She's pretty cool,huh? Well,I think she's more of a psychic than she is a doctor,mike.
It's not my thing,you know.
I mean,I just want to say I'm really glad you went,though.
I don't think I'll be going again,you know? I don't know.
I think you should.
I mean,she was really eager to meet you,too.
What do you mean? We talked.
Your name comes up.
There's a lot of luggage that goes along-- - Baggage.
- What? Nothing.
Did you talk to her before i went to see her? Yeah,a little bit.
About what? Um,just like your dad dying,you know.
And your alcoholic issues.
And,uh-- Yeah? How you like to use those beauty creams on your face.
That was--what's wrong with you telling people about the beauty cream.
I used that beauty cream,like,once.
Once,tommy? You give me that little tube.
3 times,maybe.
Don't you tell people shit like that.
What's wrong with you?! What else did you tell her? - Connor.
- Yeah.
And your brother and jimmy.
And of course that whole-- Wait,wait,wait,wait.
You talked to her about jimmy? Why don't you just give her my goddamn social security number while you're at it? Um,'cause I don't know your social security number,tom.
What? What's wrong? - May I help you? - Yeah.
I want to see the doc.
- I'm sorry,sir.
Sessions are by appointment only.
- Yeah.
I'm making an appointment.
- Hey,doc! Come on out! - I'm afraid you'll have to wait for her.
I'll wait for her right now.
Is she even a doctor? - Mr.
Gavin,I'm in a session.
- I just came down to congratulate you.
I can't believe how simple this bullshit is.
Mike told me.
You interviewed him.
You asked him certain questions,right.
And you find out certain information.
This is unacceptable.
If you would come back later-- You make money off people who are suffering loss and grief by finding out shit and throwing it back in their face.
And I don't know--what'd you lose? Mother,father,what? My dog.
Her dog.
Her goddamn dead dog.
And you're making money off of her grief and her loss and her love for her dead goddamn dog! You're a piece of shit.
You know that> You know what you are? You're a carny.
You're a carny with teeth and an office.
Screw you! The footage doesn't lie.
He wants you to know the truth about what happened to him that day,how he died.
Sorry about your dog.

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