The Circle (2020) s05e04 Episode Script

Who to Save?

[tense music playing]
[Buteau] Influencer Chaz
is about to decide who he saves
from the next blocking.
Message, "The player I've decided to save
has definitely grown on me, comma"
"and I'm just simply proud
of their progression."
What does that mean?
Who is that?
I think it sounds like it's Marvin.
[tense music intensifies]
[screaming] Ah!
My archenemy is saved.
Chaz, what happened to Team Melanin?
I'm safe! Me! I'm safe.
"Raven, which player
do you want to save and why?"
"So I'm thinking"
Now I'm just hoping on Raven.
"Right now, one of the people
that I'm thinking about saving
is Bruno."
Bruno does stand a chance.
"I feel like the easiest answer
would be to pick Marvin,
and we already have the spark, you know,
but we have that alliance already, too,
regardless of if he's safe or not."
I might be going home.
"The Circle is full of twists and turns."
I am quite surprised
that Raven is taking her time over this.
This is literally like torture. [chuckles]
Anything can happen right now.
Raven is typing away.
Who is she gonna save?
"I decided to choose this player
because they earned my respect"
"and I feel like they deserve to stay."
That's so Raven.
[tense music builds]
[shouting] "Marvin!"
Oh my God! Thank God.
Thank you, Raven.
[shouting] Yes!
Oh man. Raven, my queen.
"Brittney and Bruno, tomorrow one of you
will be blocked from The Circle."
Oh my God.
Well, this has just got real.
So it comes down to Brittney and Bruno,
and I don't like my chances whatsoever,
but I'll continue to fight, so let's go.
I know who I need to have on my good side.
I can't go home tomorrow.
"Tomorrow, I have a big decision to make."
This is really tough.
Oh, Bruno.
What are we gonna do?
[Buteau] Damn. The Circle sure knows
how to end a fun night.
[relaxing music playing]
[Buteau] And as the sun rises
on another morning,
Brittney and Bruno are definitely not
in a party mood anymore.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
["Let Me Down Gently" by La Roux playing]
That's what I think I need ♪
Now, someone's gotta go.
Circle, update my status.
"Extremely grateful to still be here.
Round of applause to the influencers."
Oh, you brown-nose, Sam.
"Love. #AllInThisTogether."
I mean, I get it.
She was saved last night,
so I'd feel very grateful
if I was Sam too.
Uh, Circle update my status to,
"Congratulations to everyone surviving
another day on this crazy Circle ride."
"Love heart, Sam. Love heart, Bruno.
[Paris] "Brittney, my opinions of her
have been changing a lot."
"I'm not sure what connection we have,
but I know
that she's not been really open."
Brittney and Bruno are both lacking
in one specific place.
Raven and I are definitely wondering
the same thing.
Do we know who Brittney is,
and do we really know who Bruno is?
"Message, 'Thank God for another day.
Praying emoji.'"
"Feeling humbled and inspired.
Heart emoji."
Right back at you, Raven.
Right back at you.
Message, "Rise and shine, guys.
Hope everyone has slept well."
"Kiss emoji, sun emoji.
Another day, another blessing."
"And I'm so blessed
that I get to experience it with you all."
-[trimmer humming]
[trimmer switches off]
Okay, I feel as though Bruno and Brittney
are being positive this morning.
I feel like this is going to help me today
because I'm not being like, to everyone,
"boo for me," like,
you know, "cry me a river."
It's hard because
one of them will be blocked,
knowing that Raven
and I are the influencers,
having to read their statuses right now
and knowing that, like,
we could ruin their positive morning.
It It hurts, you know. It hurts.
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] Wow. If that's how down
Chaz feels as an influencer,
I can't even imagine how bummed out
Brittney must be right now.
[Brian] Save Brittney,
but if not,
I'm gonna put on a fire outfit.
If I go out, I'm going out looking good.
[Buteau] Oh. Okay, she's hiding it well.
Statuses updated,
at-risk Bruno wants to start a chat
with influencer Chaz,
and I have no clue why that could be.
Oh shit!
-Bruno has invited me to a private chat.
-[playful music playing]
Oh boy!
Circle, take me
to private chat with Bruno.
I haven't seen another layer of him,
so if Bruno wants to really show
who he is, at any point,
it is right now.
Message, "Hey, Chaz. I'm so happy
that you're an influencer again."
"Two times in a row."
"How are you feeling this morning
after the Spring Break party?" Send.
I just
I don't think that, right now, like,
the Spring Break party even matters.
Like, I just feel like, Bruno,
this is your chance right now
to just, like,
simply just open yourself up.
I just think
that we can skip the small talk.
Small talk is cool, but, like
I don't want it
to be a serious chat straight away.
I want it to be like fun, light-hearted.
I want Chaz to feel comfortable,
and like we can have a bit of banter.
Where's the substance?
I feel as though I'm a very,
very direct person,
and there's no other way
for me to approach Bruno
without being straight to the point
and just saying it right what it is.
Circle, message,
"Good morning, Bruno, comma,
last night was mad real!
Exclamation point."
"I think we should rip the Band-Aid off
and jump right in."
"If you feel comfortable enough
telling the world who Bruno is"
"I know you have what it takes
to tell The Circle who you are."
-'I'm rooting for you." Wow.
-[tense music playing]
There's me like, "I'm not gonna, you know,
be too direct about it." [chuckles]
"I'm not gonna say too much.
I wanna play it easy."
And Chaz has just gone right in
for the kill.
So I guess, Bruno,
we're gonna have to take off the cool hat,
and we're just gonna have
to be totally honest.
I want to know what that story is.
I want to know who Bruno is.
Why did you become a model? Tell me that.
I've not come in as myself.
Like, I know I'm playing through Bruno,
but sometimes I'm forgetting that I'm me,
so it it's it's difficult now
to step out of Bruno and to get personal.
I just wanna know something
so I can go to Raven with some passion
because I'm a passionate person.
Message, "I feel like
I've been on a long life battle
of accepting myself."
"Throughout modeling,
there was definitely times
I didn't love myself."
[sentimental music playing]
"In fact, I really disliked myself."
[Chaz] "I feel like coming into The Circle
was the first big step in loving myself."
"I still feel like I have so much more
to share and conquer."
"My heart isn't ready to leave yet."
That is exactly what I wanted to hear
from Bruno.
From doing modeling at such a young age,
there was definitely times that
[voice breaking] my confidence was taken.
[sniffs, breathes shakily]
I just look back, and I feel really sorry
for that version of myself
that spent, um, so many years
[voice breaking] um, disliking myself,
and I feel like I'm at a place now where
I really love who I am.
I really like the fact
that he got personal with it,
you know, and not thinking
about any of the other players.
It's just you and I right now.
This is a safe space to just be open.
[Billie-Jean] I didn't expect
to get personal.
I didn't expect
that I was gonna have to actually
[chuckles] um,
bring my own personal battles
into The Circle.
Message, "Bruno, I see you. Period.
You matter. Period. You're loved. Period."
"I have a lot to think about."
"Thank you for sharing your story.
Remember to always tell it."
"I'll chat with you later.
Love heart emoji."
That's so sweet.
This is why I really, really love Chaz.
I wanted to be honest,
and no matter what the outcome is,
I'm so proud of myself either way,
and the world gets to see the true Bruno,
and to me,
that's the most important thing.
[exhales sharply] Whoo.
It really means the world to me
that he shared all of that.
I knew he had it in him.
I knew he had it in him to just say,
"This is who I am."
Because right now,
in that one conversation,
I know Bruno a whole lot better
than I know Brittney.
[jazz music playing]
[Buteau] While the others
are maxin' and relaxin', Raven,
oh, she doing my kind of exercise.
-[Raven groans]
-[Paris] Uh-huh.
-Mm. Mm.
-[Paris] One
[Buteau] But they should know by now
that Circle life comes at you fast.
-Go on, Circle.
-[Circle chimes]
[all] "Single Pringles."
-[Brett] What does that even mean?
-We have a game!
Oh God. I hope they don't give us
any more bloody chat up lines.
"The Circle is going to give you all
a brand new dating profile page."
"I hate online dating."
-[Raven laughs]
-Jennifer's never been on a dating app.
[Buteau] But they don't get to choose
what goes on it.
[Buteau] It will be filled out
by another player anonymously.
-[chuckles] Ah.
-Anonymous is dangerous.
[gasps] That actually rhymes.
[Buteau] Ooh, I love me a poet.
I'm snapping my fingers.
"I feel like when it's anonymous,
shit is always gonna go down."
[Buteau] Mm-hmm.
We were thinking the same damn thing.
"Jennifer, you will be making
a dating profile for Raven."
This is our chance
to bump Raven down in the ratings
and make her seem a little bit sneaky.
[Buteau] Sam will be making a profile
for Marvin.
Oh Lord. It's like a questionnaire.
[Buteau] Good old Marvin'll set up
Sam's profile.
I could actually use this to my advantage.
I could find a way to split Sam and Chaz.
Oh my gosh. She's gonna hate me for this.
[Buteau] Tom will be making
a dating profile for Chaz.
Brilliant. I'm gonna make
a really fun, positive profile here.
[Buteau] Chaz will be making one
for Jennifer.
Oh shit.
Bruno will make Brittney's profile.
[Billie-Jean] I could give some tea
and get the other players thinking
about Brittney.
Brittney will make Bruno's profile.
[Brian] We're gonna keep it classy,
use our integrity,
and we're gonna be positive
towards Bruno for sure.
[Buteau] And Raven will make a profile
for stand-up comedian, Tom.
[Paris] "That means I have to be funny."
[Buteau] Will they choose
to fire Cupid's arrows,
or will they just fire shots?
[Chaz] The eggplant is way too much.
That's just sending the wrong message.
I think that's going a little too far.
"My worst habit is"
"I can't stay faithful."
Yes. I like that.
I think that's perfect.
If you were fluffy,
shaped like a teddy bear,
and had a dad bod, I would 100% tap that.
Circle, submit my profile.
Let's stir the pot, Jen.
[upbeat music playing]
[all] "Your dating profiles
are now going live."
I'm excited about this right now.
I have concerns that there's gonna be
some negativity around Brittney's profile.
I really hope
that this is not no BS right now.
[Buteau] First up,
popular kid Chaz's profile,
which has been made by class clown, Tom.
[excitedly] Hey.
Oh, wow. I went first. I'm first.
"My worst habit
is stealing people's ice cream."
If Chaz does realize it's me,
it's a brilliant bond
for us to begin our friendship on.
The first person
that came to my mind is Marvin.
I wish it was just, like,
maybe a little meaner,
because he's literally been an influencer
twice in a row.
[Buteau] Next to enter
The Circle dating scene
is Marvin's profile made by Sam.
Oh my God.
It's mine.
[Marvin] "The emoji that best describes me
is the muscle arm emoji."
He should like this. I hope he likes this.
They probably think all I do is workout.
I'm more impressed by the
His photo than everything else in there.
I think they need a bigger arm emoji.
I need to hire whoever did this profile
to make all my dating profiles.
So far the two profiles that we've seen
have been like super nice, super safe.
No ruffled feathers.
[Buteau] Now it's cougar catfish
Jennifer's profile made by Chaz.
[both] Jennifer.
"The emoji that best describes me
is the lipstick emoji."
This is how I would've made
Jennifer's dating profile in real life.
This is cute,
and I can tell that somebody
who's cool with Jennifer made this.
I have really spruced up Jennifer,
and it works.
[Buteau] And Raven made Tom's.
-It's me.
-[screaming] Ah!
"Tongue out emoji."
That definitely describes Tom.
His pickup lines are lame,
but #HeStillGetsTheLadies.
"Cheesy"? [laughs]
Yeah. Okay, fine.
"I don't think anyone
would guess that it was me."
Brittney's profile for Bruno is next.
Oh, I love that.
"Three words that describe me
are pretty, witty, and fit."
[Paris] "I probably would've added
mummy's boy."
It's boring. I don't
I don't like this profile.
This profile is really nice.
I'm not going to go after someone
just to save my place in this game.
I'll be tactical. I'll be smart,
but I'm not gonna go low.
All of them right now
are so consistent with playing it safe.
[Buteau] Let's see
if Bruno returned the favor.
Oh, Brittney. Wow.
Oh, man.
"My worst habit is I'm a people pleaser.
I try too hard with people."
Oh my God. This is not good.
Well, I can't help but feel
that that's a bit of a stab
in referencing that she's just very quiet
and doesn't say anything.
I agree. That means
that somebody else saw what I saw.
This is a hardcore jab.
"I agree with this profile.
I feel the same."
I don't love whoever made this.
I just hope
that I've not done this profile,
and it's just gonna make Bruno look bad,
or anyone's gonna think it's Bruno.
It's either Sam or Bruno, 100%.
[Buteau] Let's see how Marvin's profile
for straight shooter Sam is looking.
That's me!
Hold up!
"My worst habit
is a difficulty with loyalty"?
Oh, I I wouldn't be particularly happy
if I was Sam and that came out.
Whoever did this threw a shot at Sam.
I wonder how she's taking that right now.
She's probably like, "Oh my God."
Someone came after Sam for sure.
I hope they don't think it's Brittney
because it definitely was not.
Brittney definitely has to be behind this.
She's the only person
I've spoken negatively about.
You're difficult to understand.
You're difficult to read.
Hopefully you're not difficult
to get rid of.
Like, if that's how you feel about Sam,
make that clear.
Quit all this I love you bullshit.
You know what? Sometimes
when you say bad things about people,
it comes back
and smacks you right in the face.
Anonymous rhymes with coward.
[Buteau] Oh, honey. Not even a little bit.
I think it's gonna cause a lot of shock
when Raven's profile comes up.
[Buteau] So weird.
It's almost like you did it on purpose.
[Paris exhales]
-Oh God.
-[tense music playing]
-Oh God.
[gasps, exhales]
Ooh. What?
"Someone grew some balls."
Who did this profile?
I thought Raven's
supposed to be super popular.
These is definitely shots fired.
"'Worst habit is I can't stay loyal'"?
"'Three words to describe me are fun'"
"insensitive, shady"?
[huffing] Oh.
Who made this up?
[Tom] This feels like it's too malicious
and mean to be Brittney.
This definitely won't be Chaz
because they're friends.
I think possibly this could be Sam.
"Someone feels threatened by the queen."
It makes me wonder
if there's a side of Raven
I need to worry about.
There's some shady people in The Circle.
Look how people show their true colors
when they're given the opportunity
to be anonymous
because shots is fired right now
in The Circle.
[Brett] I mean, I feel bad,
but she just needs
to be taken down a little bit.
[Chaz] "Circle Chat is now open."
Oh, shit.
[chuckling] Oh, buddy.
I wanna get early to this
to make 'em think
Brittney had nothing to do with this.
I don't want to mention anything
about how catty Raven's profile was.
I kind of want to keep the attention
on how Jennifer's was fun and positive.
Perfect. Message,
"My first time on a dating app!"
-[Xanthi] "Exclamation mark."
-"Exclamation mark."
[Tom] "How exciting.
I was such a fan of my profile."
"I couldn't have done it better myself."
Because yours was nice, Jennifer.
Of course you're gonna like yours.
Message, "Heart emoji you all."
"I think all of you
are beautiful and wonderful"
"and I would swipe right
on every one of you."
[blows raspberry]
That's how I feel about that.
Yeah, I'm kissing butt,
and I'm not afraid to admit it.
Message, "Not quite
how I imagined my profile would be
for the first time"
"but I know
how to focus on the positive."
"#IDontDoApps. Ugh emoji."
Sam didn't like her profile. It was shade.
It was a little shady.
I think Sam right now is learning
how to be more temperate
and holding her tongue back a little bit
because clearly,
it's a couple of chickens in this group.
I think Raven's definitely
a little hot and bothered right now.
"I do wanna pull
at their heartstrings a little bit
and make whoever made my profile
feel bad."
"Message, 'Damn!'"
"'Who's trying to make me stay single
for the rest of my life?'"
[Xanthi] "Laughing my ass off."
"It's all good in my hood.
My energy speaks for itself."
"That's what matters the most to me.
I knew she was gonna act
like she didn't care.
[Paris] "Anyone can make an assumption,
but #ImAlwaysLoyal,
and the people
who I made alliances with, know it."
[Marvin] That's a queen right there.
Replying and just being like
Look at that reply. Look at that response.
That response is perfect.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Now Brittney,
played by real-life dad, Brian,
might be here to catch a catfish,
but first, he's gonna talk to a Raven.
This is do or die for Brittney
in this chat here today.
I need to convince Raven
that Brittney is here for her,
and that she will ride with Raven
until the end.
[Raven clicks tongue, chuckles]
[Paris] "I'm wondering if she's
trying to get me
to save her tonight or what?"
You gotta ease into this.
You can't just go in and be like,
"Hey. How are you?
By the way, save me." You can't do that.
[Paris] Brittney. "Hey, Raven."
"I just want to check in
after that tough Single Pringle game."
"Are you okay? #ImHereForYou."
"That is sweet, Brittney."
I want Brittney to spread
the love and positivity to everyone.
I'm not a threat.
I'm just little, harmless Brittney.
I care more about you than I do myself,
and that's Brittney in real life.
[Paris] "Message, 'Hey, girl.
Thank you for checking in on me.'"
"'I really appreciate that.
How are you doing?'"
So, I really like this message from Raven.
It shows she's taking
an interest in Brittney,
and I like that.
Now is the time to really send it in
and start playing the game.
I don't want her to feel
that it's gonna be an easy decision
to get rid of Brittney.
Brittney, "I'm doing okay."
"I'm really missing my baby Riley Bug,
but I'm doing this for her,
and I want her to be proud of her mama."
-"#GirlEmpowerment. #RoleModel."
She just tugged at my heartstrings there.
"Message, 'I can tell you right now,
I know your baby girl
is already proud of you.'"
Um, that is amazing. That is incredible.
Message, "Tell me more about your family.
Are they close to you in Maryland?' Send.
"Message, 'My family
actually still live in Alabama.'"
"'It's just been my grandparents,
my brother, and me
since my mother passed away
three years ago.'"
[Brian] Raven's opening up.
She's talking about her mom.
She said something really personal,
and losing your mom is a personal thing,
so I'm giving her a hug
because she must be feeling a type of way,
and she must be feeling close
to Brittney right now.
What she said about her daughter, like
she's here to make her daughter proud,
like "girl mom,"
talking about being a mom,
is making me miss my mom.
[laughs gently]
It's been an emotional day for me.
Message, "Raven, I can't imagine
how difficult it must've been
for you to lose your mom."
"There is nothing like
the love from your mother."
"I moved far away
from a lot of my family recently,
and it's so hard to be away."
"Outside of this game,
I want to get to know you more
regardless of the outcome. #RealFriends."
"I heart emoji you, I respect you,
and I'm here for you until the end." Send.
[Paris] "Message, 'Brittney, I enjoyed
getting to know more about you.'"
"'Thank you again for checking in on me.'"
#GirlEmpowerment.' Send."
[Brian] I think that's a great way
to end this conversation.
I've given it all.
I've done all I could do,
and I can leave here
knowing that I gave it 100%.
So, if that doesn't save Brittney,
I don't know what will.
[Paris] "I feel like I have a better idea
of how I'm going into this
with my decision."
Definitely redeemed herself for me.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] It's an educational evening
in The Circle.
Sam's learning to shoot hoops.
How do people do this in real life?
[Buteau] Bruno's learning
to draw pizza toppings.
Not bad, right? I know. I know.
[Buteau] And Tom
is looking for a lesson in shenanigans.
Message, "What mischief would you suggest
two eligible bachelors such as ourselves
should partake in? Question mark."
"Please, please,
can I ride a bull in a cowboy hat?"
[Marvin] "#TheHatsForMeNotTheBull."
I'm going crazy right now. [laughing]
Message, "Tom, I swear,
whenever you say something,
I just start laughing."
[Buteau] That is truly the best thing
you could ever say to a comedian.
And before these guys
get too settled for the evening
Come on, you guys,
you know what's gonna happen!
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Billie-Jean] Ooh!
-[all] "Alert."
Oh my gosh. What's about to happen, bro?
"Is it time for blocking?"
"Influencers Chaz and Raven"
"you must now decide
who to block from The Circle."
Bruno, I don't know if I'm ready for this.
[exhaling] Ooh!
Oh my gosh. I'm so scared.
I'm freaking out right now.
-"I don't know how this is gonna go."
-Raven, do you have the answers?
Because right now, Shampoo Papi
is having a Shampoo Papi anxiety attack.
[Paris] "Shit's about to go down."
[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Oh yeah, it is about to go down,
but first, you gotta go up
to decide in our Hangout, honey,
the most dramatic
jungle-and-gold-themed room in existence.
[Chaz] Damn, baby, okay.
Got my glass chair,
and I got my influencer notebook
and a gold pen.
I'm feeling like a million bucks.
"Now this is how you treat a queen."
I have two people
that I got to speak to Raven about,
and one of them has to get blocked.
I don't know where Raven's head is at.
I've got my boxing gloves on
to fight for Bruno.
"Right now with Brittney,
I feel like I do know her more,
and I don't think I'm ready
to block her tonight."
[Raven exhales]
[Paris] "Now, it starts."
"Message, 'Hey bestie.'"
"'I am beyond honored
to be here with you right now.'"
"'Hug emoji.'"
[Chaz] "Hoping you are feeling
as excited as I am."
"Red heart." Yes, we absolutely are.
Message, in capital letters,
"Hey, bestie!"
With more E's at the end than hers.
"Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"It's a privilege to be
in the Hangout with you. Period."
"I'm so excited, comma,
the feeling is mutual."
"It's time to rip the Band-Aid off
and hop in about how we're feeling
about Bruno and Brittney."
"#NoHoldingBack." Send.
"Chaz is definitely right.
No holding back."
[Chaz] Message,
"What I like about Brittney is
that she's a soft-spirited person
and has kind energy."
[Paris] "I feel the exact same about her."
"Message, 'To be real with you, Chaz,
I agree that Brittney brings
a sweet and positive vibe.'"
"'After the Single Pringle game,
she messaged me and checked in on me,
and for that,
I have nothing but love.' Send."
It makes sense
that Brittney would check up on you.
She knows she's up for blocking.
Do you really trust that?
Message, "What's getting on my last nerve
about Brittney
is that she's too guarded
and too reserved."
"I don't think those are the qualities
to survive in The Circle."
"Not to mention,
people talk shit about her,
and she doesn't defend herself.
Shrugging face emoji." Send.
[Paris] "A person can grow
and learn how to defend themselves."
"Maybe she just needs that chance."
I just really feel like
I was as honest as I possibly can.
There's nothing more I can possibly say
at this point about Brittney.
I'm just hoping that Raven agrees with it.
Message, "To keep it 100 with you, Raven,
I think Bruno is a stand up guy."
"He's funny, he's sweet,
and he seems to be someone
that adds value to the group." Send.
[Paris] "If Chaz's heart is set on Bruno,
then this will be more difficult
than what I thought."
"Message, 'With Bruno,
I take him at face value. He seems cool'"
"but we don't have a connection,
and I don't know much about him."
Oh my gosh.
I I I kind of expected this.
Just because you take him at face value,
and you don't have a connection
and you don't know much about him
You also don't know much
about Brittney either.
[Paris] "Message, 'I guess
this is where it gets hard.'"
"'How can we come to an agreement
about this? Question mark.' Send."
[suspenseful music playing]
Bruno, who knows what's gonna happen?
But you know what? We did good.
You know, I'm super nervous,
but I'm relaxed because I know
that I put it all on the line.
I pulled out every single card I could,
so I'm hoping I did enough
to stay in the game.
[Buteau] Let's see how Chaz and Raven feel
about that up in the Hangout, shall we?
We're literally
about to roll the dice on someone,
but I wanna make sure
we're blocking the correct person
for the sake of the entire group,
not for personal feelings.
"I'm hoping that he sees
that I don't see Bruno like he does."
Message, "Bestie,
I value all of your opinions,
and everything you have said,
I agree with 300%. Red heart emoji."
"Between Brittney and Bruno,
who do you feel adds more value
to the group,
moving forward
without own personal feelings?" Send.
[Raven] I'm stuck.
[Paris] "I wanna give Brittney a chance
to show who she really is."
"Message, 'I do believe
that Bruno adds value to the group,
but it's hard for me
to put my feelings aside about Brittney.'"
And it's hard for me
to put my feelings aside about Bruno.
I understand that. Like
I do understand that.
Like, I do understand that.
[Paris] "We both feel like both players
haven't shown their true selves."
The last thing I wanna do is
make Bruno feel like I didn't protect him.
Oh man. This is down to the wire.
"Message, 'This was hard as fuck.'"
"'Seems like
we have made a decision.' Send."
[Chaz] Message, "Bestie, as always,
I have your back."
"#IReallyLoveYou. Red heart emoji." Send.
[loud chiming]
-[all] "Alert."
-[alarm blares]
[Brian] What?
[gasps] Oh!
Oh. Let's go, guys.
Someone's getting blocked tonight,
and it's not Jennifer!
Where's our popcorn?
[Tom] "The influencers
have made their decision."
God, those words sound scary.
[high-pitched] Ah!
Come on, Raven and Chaz.
You've gotta keep Bruno in.
You've gotta keep Bruno in. Come on.
Chaz and Raven make me nervous.
I don't know which way this is gonna go.
"All players must go
to the Circle Chat now."
This is what it all comes down to.
All right, let's do it. I'm ready.
[Sam] Circle, take me to the Circle Chat.
[tense music playing]
I am on the edge of my seat.
I am so nervous right now. I'm shaking.
I just hope that everybody connects
with this decision.
[Paris] "What's done is done.
I can't change it now."
[Billie-Jean] Oh my God.
Chaz is typing. Chaz is absolute typing.
[nervously] He's typing!
"The reason we have chosen
to block this player
is based on the lack of connection."
"This decision was
more than incredibly hard to make."
"Neither one of us
made this decision lightly." Send.
I've literally been saying me and Raven
haven't had a strong connection.
I have a connection with Raven,
but Bruno has a connection with Chaz.
This whole game
is about connecting with people,
and if someone isn't connecting,
then they've got to go.
[tense music continues]
[Brett] The smart answer is Bruno.
That is the smart answer.
The easy answer is Brittney
because she comes off as a catfish.
Tom thinks so as well.
We can't be the only two
that actually think that.
Message, "The player
we have decided to block is"
Boy, here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Okay. I'm super nervous right now.
Oh, he's typing again. Oh God.
[dramatic music playing]
[music stops]
-[introspective music playing]
-[gasping excitedly]
Yes, Chaz!
-They chose Brittney.
[frustrated] I knew it!
[Brian] "Blocked."
Ah, no. "Blocked." Ah.
[Billie-Jean] Bruno is safe.
[whispering] Oh my God.
Oh my God.
[Paris] "Just like that,
she's been blocked."
Good luck to them all. Sending hugs.
Grandpa out.
We know how it feels, Brittney.
We have a lot of work to do.
I don't regret
the power and the responsibility
that comes with being an influencer.
But when it's time to make a decision,
we gotta make a decision,
and it's best to do it
on facts over feelings,
and that's exactly what I did today.
"We made a decision, but
it doesn't mean that I like it."
[Buteau] Oops, they did it again.
Become influencers, that is,
and this time,
Raven and Chaz have blocked Brittney.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert."
Oh my God.
Another alert?
You gotta knock
before you just come bursting into people
in the bathroom. You can't do that.
-"Before Brittney leaves"
-"she can meet one player."
Let's go give somebody
the surprise of their life.
She won't pick me.
Will she? She might pick me.
There's a few people I would love to meet.
Go see Marvin.
Just don't come knocking on my door.
I've been wanting
to let the cat out of the bag forever,
and now the catfish can speak.
It'd to be interesting
to find out if Brittney's a catfish.
I would love to meet Raven and Chaz.
Jennifer was great and cool.
I'mma scare somebody.
Be like, "What you block me for, bro?"
-"Brittney's on her way to"
-"meet one of you now."
[Chaz, nervously] Oh my gosh!
No. No.
[dramatic music playing]
Hopefully she might walk in and be like,
"Oh my God, Bruno's not here."
"I best go home," and then walk out.
[Paris] "We gotta clean."
[Marvin] Get my bed ready.
You never know what could happen.
Prosecco, or tea,
or half an orange squash if she wants it.
I'm not about to let somebody come
and see me, and I'm not looking my best.
No way.
[dramatic music intensifies]
The door is opening. She's coming in?
-What? What?
-[Raven and Paris scream]
[Brian, high-pitched] What? What?
Get outta here. It's Brittney.
-Oh my God!
-[Paris] He said "Brittney."
-[Brian laughing]
I'm Brittney's dad.
[Paris] "I'm Brittney's dad."
[Brian] I'm Riley's grandpa.
"I'm Riley's grandpa."
Oh my God.
I did this for Brittney.
I came on the show
"I did For Brittney."
to win the money for Brittney and Riley.
[Paris] "I literally thought
Brittney was real."
Oh my God. So I pulled it off?
[Paris] "No, you did pull it off.
I mean, the first day, I was like
[gasps] 'I have so much in common
with you, Brittney. That's my girl.'"
"And then later, I was like" [gasps]
"In the chat, I was like,
'She's not opening up.'"
"I was like, 'Come on, Brittney.
Where are you?'"
"Like, 'I wanna see more from you.'"
Um, "Ah."
"I mean, like"
I just wanted to let you know,
do not feel bad.
I love you. You're amazing,
and you're an inspiration.
So nothing but love.
[Brian laughing warmly]
[Paris] "Oh my God."
[Raven and Brian laughing]
[Paris] "This is Paris.
He is the interpreter here."
"He's also my good friend.
We met in college."
I'm so happy for you, um,
that you had someone here.
-I wish I had me a Paris.
-"Wish I had a Paris."
-[Raven laughs]
-I need a Paris.
-I'm gonna put that on a shirt.
-[Brian and Raven laughing]
You see? Look. I made this. I made this.
[sighs in relief]
She's not coming to me. Yes!
I'm glad she did not come here.
I think Brittney was a catfish,
so the genuine person behind the screen,
the actual person,
might wanna go to the source
and find out why they were blocked.
I don't know who came after you today,
but, girl, you need to watch out,
because whoever did that
is still in the game.
Who do you think did it?
[Paris] "I'm still trying
to figure that out honestly."
"I haven't been shady or insensitive.
Where's this coming from?"
"But I also feel like,
'Oh, someone feels threatened
because I'm an influencer again.'"
"So I guess they were trying
to throw off my game. Know what I mean?"
"Then, like, I appreciated
when you reached out to me today and, uh"
[Paris] "I just felt it was so heartfelt,
and I really appreciate it."
Um, there has to be more catfish.
Who do you think is a catfish?
[Paris] "Oh" [clears throat]
-"My catfish radar is awful."
-[Brian laughing]
"I thought you were real,
so clearly, at this point,
I have no idea who who who's a catfish."
Look. Now hold on. Let's talk about this,
because I think Bruno is a catfish.
"Really? Why do you think that?"
Well, his smile is just like this.
He couldn't come up with a better picture?
Like, you're a model
and don't have a better picture than?
-[Paris] "I'm hoping Jennifer is real."
-[Brian] Mm-hmm.
"Because I just think that she brings
so much balance to the group."
"You know, she's an older player,
so I'm hoping she's real."
"So I was really playing the game
truthfully as myself 100%,
and I was really looking
to make connections with people,
and I didn't care
if they were catfish or not."
-"You know, this example now."
"I don't care. I just wanted
to play the game like that."
Well, you succeeded. We made a connection.
We're Circle fam for life.
So no matter what happens in the game
-[Paris] "For life."
-[Brian] I got you. We are good.
And anytime you come
to Portland, Oregon, that's where I live,
-you are always welcome. Drinks on me.
-"Drinks on me."
-If you drink.
-"If you drink."
-"Oh, I drink."
-Good. Well, we're gonna drink. Okay.
[laughs] Aw, yeah. Ooh!
Come on in. Come on here.
Let's do this. Let's do this.
-Oh my gosh. [laughs]
-[Paris] Aw, thank you.
[happy music playing]
Thank you. Yeah. There we go. [laughs]
-I love you. I love you guys.
-[Paris] "Love you."
I love you. Whoo! Whoo!
[Buteau] Aw, she was the first
real Grandpa we've had in here,
and now she's the first
to actually leave. Bye, Brittney.
-Mind blown! [mimics explosion]
-Mind blown! [mimics explosion]
[mouthing] He was so sweet.
So sweet!
It all makes sense now.
And it doesn't matter
that he was a catfish.
I still felt a connection. I love him.
What a night. [sighs]
It's just so quick.
They say her name, and then she's blocked.
It's just brutal.
Bruno's still here.
We have a million question marks,
but we're gonna get to the bottom
of that tomorrow.
Bruno was so close to being blocked.
He needs to do better
because I don't wanna be
in that position ever again.
We had to make a really hard decision
and block Brittney,
but I feel as though me
and Raven handled that very well.
I think Jennifer smashed today,
but we have our work cut out tomorrow.
-Get some rest.
Good night, Brett!
Circle, until tomorrow.
-[all] Goodnight, Circle.
-[Billie-Jean] I love ya.
[Buteau] Aw. Love you guys too,
but not as much as The Circle
loves doing stuff like this.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Hold up.
Just Just hold up a minute.
Is anyone else
What is that feeling?
I am getting a little déjà Shu!
-[Shubham] I'm back! [echoes]
-[thrilling music playing]
[Buteau] Coming up on The Circle,
new players
Let's go!
"Sorry I'm late to the party.
A bitch was stuck in traffic." [chuckles]
[Buteau] and familiar faces
Bam, bam!
-[shouts] What the
[Buteau] bring new challenges.
Who's ready for the party, bitches?
[Buteau] As romance
Raven is my número uno.
"The thought of you near my body
sounds sexy."
She's feeling me. I like this.
-We both wanted our clothes off.
-[Sam] Oh!
Wait. I need my popcorn.
[Buteau] turns to betrayal.
"I'm turning my back
against someone who trusted me."
-What the hell?
-I am trying to ruffle her feathers.
Y'all just awoken a beast.
Who are these people
coming at me right now?
-[all] Oh!
-[Buteau] And the revolution, it's coming.
We have the numbers.
If it backfires, so be it.
We're about to see
some pretty mean gameplay.
[Xanthi shouting] No!
[closing theme music playing]
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