9-1-1: Lone Star (2020) s05e05 Episode Script


THERAPIST: So how are we doing today?
How are we doing today?
Can you be more specific?
Like terms of our current temperament
or the state
of our relationship generally?
I think she just means
how, how are we doing, babe?
but I'd also like to know
how things are going
between you two as a couple.
Well, in that case, uh
- we've been better.
- We're doing great.
(CHUCKLES) Is the first
session always this awkward?
No, usually it's worse. (CHUCKLES)
Why don't you start by telling
me what brought you here today?
Because my husband thinks
that I'm not as present
as I could be some nights.
TK, would you say that's fair?
"Some nights" is fair.
All nights would be more accurate.
That's not true.
Remember when I wanted to take
guitar lessons together
but you had softball?
So that was six months ago,
and he's never brought it up since.
What about dinner the other night?
Tell her about dinner.
Come on. That was a one-off.
No, you said I'm not present all nights.
I'm just saying that if you
told her about dinner,
then she would agree that
"all nights" wasn't accurate.
Yeah, I'm not so sure she would.
Either way,
someone should probably
tell me about the dinner.
Hey, babe. I'm home.
What is all this?
Brisket and kugel.
You made brisket?
And kugel?
The best comfort food
my people have to offer.
- Well, that was sweet.
- CARLOS REYES: You hear that?
It was sweet.
It was sweet. And it was delicious.
So why'd you say you weren't sure
I'd think the dinner
wasn't a nice gesture?
TK STRAND: It wasn't the dinner.
The red flag happened after dinner.
He fell asleep during sexy time.
No one has ever fallen asleep
on me during sexy time.
It's not about your sexy time.
- No, it's about our sexy time.
- Please stop saying sexy time.
- And I was tired.
- You're always tired, Carlos.
Because he's up all night on the phone
with God knows who,
poring over his case files.
Carlos, do you feel
that's an accurate statement?
My father was murdered last year.
He was shot in his own living room.
I am so sorry.
He was a Texas Ranger like me.
Carlos believes that
his death is connected
to one of his dad's old investigations.
It's true.
My father had over 300 open cases,
so I spend a lot of my time
going over files, fielding calls.
And I have tried to be supportive.
You've been more than supportive.
You've been incredible.
Thank you for saying that.
But as hard as
he's been working, he (SIGHS)
he is no closer to solving this
than the night it happened.
It's true. I'm stuck.
You're not the only one.
Our first anniversary
is coming up and
I don't know, I-I feel like
we're already starting to drift apart.
Carlos, how does it feel
to hear him say that?
It hurts.
I don't want that.
HORATIO: I founded this as a sanctuary,
a place for folks to enjoy
a craft beer or a pinot grigio,
play some cornhole,
and escape the craziness of
a crazy world for an afternoon.
But you two have done everything
you can to ruin that today.
Buddy, don't you think
you're exaggerating just a bit?
These stacking blocks
are custom-made Japanese maple,
and now they're covered
in your children's
strawberry ice cream goo.
Well, we don't know for sure
that it was them.
Look at their little goo hands.
Of course, it was them.
Where did you raise them, a barn?
Yes, just like a horsey.
No, really. Horsey.
Have we talked to Animal Control?
I think we might need a tranq gun.
Yeah, they're trapped out in Round Rock.
Apparently, a cassowary got loose.
Nature's most dangerous bird.
Hey, you gotta get
that animal out of here.
He's tearing things up for fun.
Abe, if you can hear me,
I'm adding every cent of damage
to your tab.
Yeah, I-I don't think
that he can hear you.
Do you know who the rider is?
HORATIO: His name's Abe. He's a regular.
Comes by for pints after trail rides.
Usually hitches the horse outside.
But he was slumped over when he came in.
Now, let's get this area secured.
We got some people who need
help over here and over here.
- Alright, we gotta get him off this thing
before he breaks his head open.
Cap, EMS is two minutes out.
Alright, Judd, you're the
livestock expert. What's the plan?
I mean, that horse is bone tired.
I guess we could use that
to our advantage to corral him.
Uh, he don't look tired to me.
Well, look how dark his coat is.
He's soaked in sweat and he's panting.
So we lead a horse to water. I like it.
No. I know something
he likes more than water.
Boy, I hope horses love IPA.
Why wouldn't they? They're
filled with hops and barley.
Everybody knows
horses love hops and barley.
Okay, y'all, as soon
as he starts to drink,
I'ma put this towel over his eyes
and that should calm him down.
- And, Cap, you take the reins.
I guess it's true.
Horses do love hops and barley.
OWEN: No, no.
- Watch out, he's spookin'!
JUDD RYDER: Watch out!
- So much for that idea.
- Judd.
How are you with tying knots?
Oh, God.
- Oh, God. Oh, God!
- Oh, God!
- Damn, that was close!
- How we doing there, Judd?
- Going as fast as I can.
We're coming up on Travis Road.
That intersection is really busy.
If Mr. Ed blows through that light
Did you hear the part where I said
I'm going as fast as I can?
Hey, you need some help?
I was in Scouts.
No, I don't need any help.
- You were in Scouts?
- MATEO CHAVEZ: Oh, yeah.
Could've gone Eagle,
but tapped out at Webelo.
JUDD: Alright, here we go. Hey.
Alright, pull up alongside him.
Nice and easy.
Okay, slow down. Slow down.
Yeah, just like that.
- JUDD: Ow!
- Oh! Yeehaw, Cap!
I feel like Texas has been
rubbin' off on the captain.
Hyah! Hyah!
Easy, easy, easy.
Slow down. Nice and easy.
Don't spook him.
On three. One, two, three.
Cap, I'm not feeling a pulse.
He's starting to go rigor.
Alright, we'll just
call it in from the bus.
Are you thinking heart attack?
Could be a stroke maybe.
That's for the M.E. to decide.
MARJAN MARWANI: It was a good try, Cap.
- MATEO: Whoa.
I'ma call Animal Control, Cap.
MATEO: Come on. Whoa! Hey, hey!
MARJAN: He's bolting!
No, he's not.
He's saying goodbye.
- Shaun Westen?
- Yes, sir.
Come on in.
You must be Captain Strand.
Yeah. Call me Owen.
Hey, uh, can I get you
a coffee or something?
Uh, no, thank you. I had plenty
on the drive up from McAllen.
Besides, I gotta get to
Austin PD's stables first thing
to get my father's horse back.
Well, I've got something
that belongs to you.
SHAUN: Thank you.
I can't tell you
how much I appreciate you
keeping it safe for me
till I could get back.
I know how much a saddle
means to a cowboy.
- I'm sorry about your father.
- That's very kind of you.
Think I'll start using it as my own.
It'll be like having a piece of
Daddy out there with me on the trail.
Bet the horse will like it too.
You mean Thunder? (SCOFFS)
No, I am not fool enough to take
that mean SOB out on rides.
Nobody is.
Was. Except for Daddy.
I always warned him
Thunder'd be the death of him.
Well, the M.E. said
he died of a heart attack,
so it's not his fault.
(SCOFFS) Brought on, no doubt
by extreme Thunder-induced stress.
You saw what he did
to that bar and grill.
Phew. Yeah. Part of me
thinks the only reason
he ran through it
was to get your dad help.
I've never seen that
kinda grief from an animal
when he saw your dad was gone.
Anyway, he's not all bad.
It ain't his fault.
He's had recurrent colic
since he was a yearling.
It's amazing he's lived this long.
- Poor thing.
- SHAUN: Yeah.
That's why after Daddy's
funeral, I'm taking him in.
Taking him in?
Put him out of his misery.
You can't sell him
or put him out to pasture?
Not in good conscience. He's dangerous.
I raised enough horses to know.
When you know, you know.
Are you gonna say something
or are you just gonna keep lurking?
How did you
I have two 13-year-olds.
I'm used to sneaky.
What's going on?
Uh, I kinda need
to talk to you about a, a thing.
It's a non-work thing.
Okay, well, what kinda thing is that?
Well, it's the kinda thing
I used to call my mom about.
Hey, sit.
How can I help?
(SIGHS) Carlos and I are going
through a bit of a rough patch.
Oh, I had no idea.
Alright, well, what's the problem?
He's really obsessed
with finding his dad's killer.
Yeah, very, very understandable.
And that's what makes it so much harder.
He's as consumed with it
as the day it happened.
Kinda feels like living with an addict.
I mean, I should know, right?
Then maybe you know best
what he needs to hear.
I wish, but I feel like
the harder I press,
the more he tunes me out.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
How do you and Trevor do it?
You know, a preacher and a paramedic.
How do you stick together
with all that pressure?
Uh, well, we, um don't.
Didn't. We Hmm.
We broke up.
What? I'm sorry.
Please, please forget I asked.
No, no, no. It's, it's fine.
And, listen, Trevor and I
didn't go the distance,
but Charles and I did.
And it wasn't easy all the time.
I mean, can you imagine a sous chef
and a paramedic living together?
Yeah, it's a lot of stress
under one roof.
(SIGHS) And we didn't always
handle it in the healthiest ways.
Let's just say that,
that one of us started coming home late
with bourbon on their breath.
And, um, how'd you get him to stop?
It wasn't him.
- It It was you?
- TOMMY VEGA: Mm-hmm.
Yeah, no, I was the jerk.
I felt like I needed to decompress
after everything
that I had seen at work.
And, and that would upset him,
because it was the only time
that we ever got to spend
together back then,
and dinner would get cold
and we'd fight,
and then I'd stay out later
because I wanted to avoid him.
That sounds like a vicious cycle.
- How'd you guys break it?
- TOMMY: Well, I didn't.
No, I came home late again one night
expecting a knock-down drag-out,
and instead, there was Charles.
With a porterhouse steak
under a heat lamp and a smile.
And he said, "I'm going
to enjoy our time together,
whether you like it or not."
And from that moment on, I did.
Well, I guess I gotta make
Carlos a porterhouse now.
Well, it worked for me.
Campbell, can I ask you something?
How would you feel if you
got this from your wife?
What is that, stationary?
First anniversary is paper.
Well, nothing says I love you
like letterhead.
What else you got?
You have to tell me
what I'm looking at here.
CARLOS: It's the lyrics
to a song from our wedding.
In the shape of our silhouettes.
It's called "Being Alive."
From "Company."
The Sondheim musical?
Looks like y'all are choking each other.
God, it is terrible, isn't it?
My husband doesn't think that I've given
two thoughts about our anniversary,
and pretty soon he'll know he's right.
I know your pain, brother.
Any chance you remember what you
gave your wife your first anniversary?
(SIGHS) A dozen red roses, ten tulips,
six pink peonies
and some stargazer lilies.
How long y'all been married?
Shoot. Going on, what, 11 years now?
And you remember
the first arrangement that well?
Same one I've given her
every anniversary, birthday,
and Valentine's since.
Doesn't she ever feel like
you're phoning it in?
No, man. She, uh (SIGHS)
She gets it.
Gets what?
Right now, on your desk,
you got a double homicide
and maybe a half dozen open kidnappings.
- Am I right?
- So?
So I bet every one of those folks
depending on you for justice
would hope you can find a better use
of that big brain of yours
than worrying about stationery.
- Damn, probie.
I think this is the cleanest I've
ever seen the apparatus floor.
Well, thank you, Lieutenant.
It's so shiny I can practically
see my reflection in it.
- Sure. Right there.
- I've seen shinier.
Oh, yeah. When?
When I was probie.
Oh, my God, Mateo.
Are you getting probie envy?
No, I'm not getting probie envy.
I'm just saying, when I was probie,
you could eat off these floors.
I once ate toast off the ground.
Butter side down.
Let me ask you something.
- Would you eat that, probie?
- No, I wouldn't.
Because you know
it's not as clean as it looks.
No, 'cause I just put down
an industrial-grade polish,
and because I'm not an animal.
But he is.
Hey, everyone, I wanted
to introduce you to Thunder.
Yeah, that's that horse
from the bar and grill?
Oh, the one that Hulk-smashed
that bar and grill?
He has a medical condition
that gives him unwanted
physical responses.
Yeah, like what? Like he goes berserk?
And his owner was puttin' him down,
and I couldn't just do nothin'.
So you adopted him?
No, I'm just gonna board him
until I can find somebody who will.
I already got a lead on some good folks.
Board him here? How?
The owner's son let me borrow
his trailer and gave me
what I need to put up a temporary stall.
Cap, isn't that a little bit
of a safety hazard?
I mean, that horse seems
a little spooky to me.
You're probably right. But I
figure if we just avoid his triggers,
you know, we should be fine.
Which are?
He gave me a list.
Don't put your hand near
his muzzle if you wanna keep it.
Um, a few other bugaboos
that set him off.
Ball caps, balloons, sunglasses,
eyeglasses, goggles,
plastic bags, puddles.
Anything else?
What about flashing lights and sirens?
No. I specifically asked about
that, and I guess he's okay with it.
Well, probably 'cause he's
used to causing the emergency.
Look, Cap, I really like
where your heart is at.
But do you really believe
that this is the best idea?
Is it the best idea that we
run into burning buildings?
No, but we do it anyway. Why?
To save lives.
Couldn't save the owner's life,
but we can save his.
Well, see, look, he's a good horse.
He's a good horse. Look at him.
- Oh!
Oh, my God.
Judd, we're gonna need the mop.
Cammie, will you please put that down?
I'm almost done.
Just one more sec.
WHITNEY: You said that 30 miles ago.
And like, 80 miles before that.
We had spotty Wi-Fi for two days, Whit.
I'm playing catch-up here.
Well, I'm sorry that
the beach trip to Mexico
was such a hardship for you.
Do you think that
it's too passive aggressive
to say to a partner,
"Please see previous email"?
- Definitely.
- Yeah.
Good call.
Okay. Sent. What's up?
(SIGHS) There's something
that I've been meaning
to tell you, like, all weekend.
Wow. Sounds ominous.
What is it?
I just wanna thank you
for taking the time
to do this with me.
You know, I know you're
really busy with the firm
and now with the baby.
Come on. You're my sister.
(EMOTIONAL) It really means a lot.
Oh. I had fun.
Yeah, for the three hours
you weren't working on that brief.
Whitney, was that really
all you wanted to tell me?
There's something else, isn't there?
What is wrong with this guy? Hey!
Excuse me? Sir? What are you doing?
Have you been drinking or something?
- Oh, my God!
What the hell just happened?
Is everyone alright?
Is-is there a doctor? (GAGS)
- Whit, you're a nurse.
You should go help.
Whit? Whit?
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Whitney?
Alright, try to stay calm for me, ma'am.
Do you know what kind of
vehicle hit your bus?
No, it wasn't a vehicle. It was poison.
Police are on their way.
APD was first on the scene.
Evacuated all healthy persons
off of the bus.
Officers are in there
now giving first aid.
Do we have any idea how this happened?
Bus driver had a seizure
behind the wheel.
A passenger was able
to get the bus pulled over,
but that's when all hell broke loose.
Half a dozen people started
spontaneously convulsing.
Spontaneously convulsing?
Hey, should we mask up in case
it's carbon monoxide poisoning?
No. APD ran tests for CO, CO2.
She told dispatch that the air
in there is clean,
but everything else is a total mess.
Don't bother. He's gone.
How long has she been seizing?
At least two minutes.
Alright, Nancy, take over for her.
Make sure the airways are clear.
Start a line.
Push two mils of Ativan.
TK, help me triage the rest of 'em.
Y'all have any idea
what could have caused this?
No, but I need you to call dispatch.
We need backup.
Hey. Can you hear me?
I'm gonna check you out, okay?
Cap, you think this is meningitis?
Could be, but with meningitis,
you see a fever
and-and vomiting and rash.
- I don't see any of that.
- Help!
I think my sister's choking!
Alright, put her on her side.
There's something in her mouth.
TOMMY: It's probably her tongue.
Check that.
That is not her tongue.
- What is it?
- I don't know. TK,
get me Magill forceps
and the LIFEPAK back here.
- TK: Here you go.
- TOMMY: Okay.
- What is that? Is that a condom?
Condoms. There's more.
- TOMMY: There.
Is your sister
involved in drug smuggling?
Whit? No, of course not.
You think this is body
packer syndrome, Cap?
Makes sense if they're all
moving the same shipment.
What's body packer syndrome?
It's an overdose that's triggered
by a ruptured baggie
that's filled with drugs.
Usually in the body of someone
that's smuggling them.
Cap, mine's coding!
Start compressions and give her NARCAN.
Give it to all of them.
- TOMMY: It's okay. Okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
- Oh, thank God! Whit.
It's gonna be okay. Hang in there.
That'll do the trick for now, Cap.
But they're all in pretty ragged shape.
I thought I lost you. Hey, Whitney?
Hey, how are you feeling? Whitney?
Hey, talk to me.
- Why can't she speak?
- It's the NARCAN.
It can revive them, but it can't
counteract everything in their system.
And we have to assume she has
more ruptured baggies in her stomach.
She's gonna need a surgeon
to take out whatever's left.
They all will. TK, radio West Park.
Tell them to have their
mass casualty units on standby.
Who do you wanna load up first, Cap?
All of them.
Our bus only carries two, Cap.
Yeah, we're not taking our bus.
Nancy, how do you feel
about driving stick?
OPERATOR (OVER PA): Dr. Patel, 2771.
Dr. Patel, dial 2771.
- CARLOS: Cameron Parker?
- Yes?
I'm Ranger Reyes.
This is Ranger Campbell.
We're really sorry for your loss.
Our condolences, ma'am.
None of this makes any sense.
The doctors are saying they found
three baggies of drugs
in my sister's stomach.
Why would she do that?
She was a nurse, for God's sake.
Desperate people
can do desperate things.
You have any idea why your
sister might have been desperate?
No. Whit had money problems
back when she gambled
but she hadn't for two years.
At least, I didn't think she had.
APD has turned over
its investigation on this
to the Texas Rangers.
We're gonna need you
to answer some questions.
I can try.
Do you have any idea
where your sister got the drugs?
Does she have any friends
or associates in Mexico?
No, she, she'd never even been.
Do you recall if Whitney met
anybody while you were down there?
Maybe on a tour or in a bar?
Yes. There was a guy.
Uh, uh, our last night
in the hotel lounge.
Can you give us
his name and description?
I just met him for a second,
and it was dark and loud,
and I just went back up
to the room to finish a brief.
Did your sister tell you anything
about him on the bus ride home?
I was too busy
catching up on work emails.
God, what does it say about me
that I didn't even ask?
It says you had a lot on your mind.
Cameron, this isn't your fault.
It's the traffickers who used
your sister to smuggle the drugs.
What about the others?
The other sick people
on the bus. Are they okay?
Our lab's saying this is some of
the strongest stuff they've ever seen.
Oh, my God.
Whoever did this is gonna
kill a lot more people
if we don't stop 'em.
Are those Whitney's belongings?
We'd like to take Whitney's phone.
There might be information that
could help us identify who did this.
But I don't know her passcode. (SCOFFS)
Just one of the many things
I apparently didn't know
about my little sister.
It's alright.
We're hoping that she can
help open it for us.
- MARJAN: Good boy.
- OWEN: Alright, alright.
Now, I don't mean to humiliate you,
but this is better
than a lethal injection.
Damn. Lookin' sharp, Thunder.
Doesn't he?
Yeah, but do they put
bows on boy horses?
He's not a "boy horse." He's a stallion.
Yeah, they wear bows.
I read that 60% of pound dogs
are more likely to be adopted
if they're wearing a little bandana,
so I figured, you know, what the hell?
Smart. Helps you con these
suckers into thinking he's sweet.
I haven't conned anybody.
He is very sweet.
Alright, look, I've been
very straight with everybody,
and all the people coming in
are expert equestrians,
so they'll be, they'll be okay
with the challenge.
Well, I hope so, 'cause they're
about to have their hands full.
Okay, so, uh, if the tones go off,
Paul, you're gonna take the call,
I'll stay here with the horse.
Mateo and Marjan,
I want you to make sure
nobody comes in here
with a baseball cap,
glasses, sunglasses
- or any of his other triggers.
And, Judd, you might wanna
have Medical standing by.
Oh, looks like we have our first victim.
OWEN: Hey.
- You must be Randy.
- RANDY: Howdy.
- Nice little stall you got there.
- OWEN: Oh.
- Thank you. We did the best we could.
- RANDY: Well, you done well.
It's about as cute as that,
uh, riding uniform there.
(LAUGHS) I'm just messin' with you, man.
So, uh, you told me on the phone
that your outfit does backcountry tours?
Oh, that's right.
At Exotic Ventures, we like to say,
"We go deep into
the Hill Country's bush."
Oh, hey. He's a big son
of a gun, ain't he?
Just like me.
I bet he's trouble like me too.
Well, I'm glad you can say that
with a smile on your face,
'cause truth is, he's, uh,
a little complicated.
As an equine therapist,
I believe almost all of them
can be saved.
Embracing difficulty and pain
is the only way to heal from trauma.
Well, Thunder certainly
has his share of trauma.
His owner literally died
in the saddle on his back,
so I think he has trouble
letting people get close to him.
- Where did it happen?
- It's funny you should ask.
It was an outdoor bar
and he just galloped
right through a game of cornhole.
You have to love someone who
knows how to make an entrance.
I got a voice ♪
I love to sing ♪
I sing like a girl ♪
Lacey Ellington.
And I sing like a frog ♪
I'm a lonely boy ♪
What a magnificent specimen.
Thank you. Uh, yes,
he's, he's wonderful.
So, um, I read
that your family is involved
in the competitive circuit.
Ellington family has produced
dressage and jumping Olympians
for five generations.
Oh, what do you need him for?
- I need a stud.
- Alright.
Is she talking about the horse or Cap?
Well, I should tell you,
he has chronic colic.
Hmm. In my experience,
that just gives him more fire.
That's quite alright.
Our facilities have access
to the best livestock vets in Texas.
- That's no problem in hoggin' season.
- Hoggin' season?
Wild hogs are
an invasive species in Texas,
so we can legally hunt them for sport.
Our tour business caters
to that refined enthusiast
who has a, a passion
to kill on horseback.
- Seriously?
- Oh, yeah.
I mean, they come from coast to coast.
Use all manner of weapons too.
You know, we got people who use rifles,
bow and arrows, crossbows.
The top priority Is
that we make them feel safe.
Long swords, broadsword, samurai sword.
If they're not in the mood,
we don't force anything.
My only condition is that
he's always in the mood.
But if not, I have a secret weapon.
Submachine guns, flamethrowers,
grenade launchers.
Peppermints. They're like
little blue pills for stallions.
I just need to make sure he'd be
willing to take his medicine.
Medical condition, well, you know,
that ain't a deal breaker,
since most of
the working stock is tusked
after a month or two
of being on the trail anyhow.
- Tusked?
- RANDY: Yeah.
You know, gored by a wild boar.
- Those bastards are mean.
- Get out.
Come again, partner?
Get out of my firehouse!
You know you want it, boy.
- I-I wouldn't do that.
- Oh, don't worry.
One thing I understand
is masculine energy.
EMS we need you horse-side, right away.
MARGUERITE: His energy seems so calm.
But sometimes still waters run deep.
Do you mind if I look in his eyes?
To stare into his soul?
To make sure
he doesn't have conjunctivitis.
- Oh.
- It's incredibly contagious.
- Hmm.
- MARGUERITE: And if he has it,
I wanna treat it before we stable him.
Does that mean you're gonna take him?
I think he'd be a wonderful
addition to our family.
Don't you, boy?
(DISTORTED) Oh. Oh, oh, oh.
(DISTORTED) No glasses!
- MARGUERITE: Oh, my word!
- OWEN: No, no, no, no, no!
- Heel, heel, heel!
- JUDD: Hey, hey, hey.
- Easy. Easy.
I hope this doesn't change your mind
about using him to stud.
Some boys just aren't worth the trouble.
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ♪
MARGUERITE: I'm afraid
this isn't going to work.
I-I-I thought you said
all horses can be saved.
I said "almost all."
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
JUDD: Hey. You packing him up?
Yeah, I'm just loading up the trailer.
JUDD: Does that mean
that you found him a home?
No. It means somebody on the B-shift
ratted us out to the chief, so
Moving out.
In the middle of a shift?
Yeah, Paul knows.
He's gonna be captain while I'm gone.
- JUDD: Where you going?
- Colorado.
Why Colorado?
'Cause the ranch in Lubbock
that was gonna take him,
turns out they supply
to a slaughterhouse in Quebec,
where apparently it's still
legal to kill horses for meat.
Can you believe that?
Well, you're sure the one
in Colorado don't?
It's not a ranch.
It's a wild horse range.
One of three in the country.
Thunder can't go to a wild horse range.
OWEN: Why not?
Because he can't go
from being in a warm stall
and eating oats to, to foraging around
in a frozen valley for clover.
I'll take him to the one in Nevada.
It's a lower elevation.
JUDD: Owen.
What is all this?
What do you mean?
I mean this.
Look, his bad behavior
is the behavior of an animal in pain.
Now, don't nobody like to do it,
but people put 'em down all the time.
I don't care what people do.
I'm not gonna give up on somebody
just because it's inconvenient.
Somebody? We still
talking about the horse?
When I look in his eyes, I see a soul
that's worth saving.
So I'm gonna do it.
I don't care what anybody says.
JUDD: Well, I mean, if that's the case,
then I guess there is one last option,
but you ain't gonna like it.
confirm this is your sister?
Yes. That's her. That's Whitney.
And you give your consent for this?
I do.
Alright. Let's hope this works.
It's asking for the passcode.
Face ID usually stops working
when lividity and pallor mortis set in.
In other words, we're too late.
And whoever did this to her
gets away with it?
We'll have our encryption team
take a run at it.
Maybe they get lucky.
I'm so sorry, Whitney.
I can't believe you're gone.
What am I gonna tell Mom and Dad?
- Wait.
- What?
You look so much like her.
When we were kids,
people thought we were twins.
Hey, hold still for me, please.
It worked. We're in.
Look. Active text chain from last night
with an unnamed phone number.
"Please don't make me
go through with this."
"If you wanna repay your debt,
deliver the package by 5:00
tomorrow or watch your back."
At least he was gentleman enough
to drop a pin.
Police! We have a search warrant!
- Hands in the air!
Oh, God. Don't shoot!
- What is going on here?
- CARLOS: We got a search warrant.
For what? I'm-I'm-I'm
licensed. I'm fully certified.
This ain't about acupuncture, ma'am.
We believe this address is tied
to a drug trafficking organization.
(GASPS) This is a drug house?
No, Mrs. Garfinkle,
this is not a drug house!
Th-There has been a big mistake.
We need to talk to
the homeowner, Daniel Rubio.
Oh, well, good luck. He's been
in a nursing home for seven years.
Um, I've rented this place from
the Rubio family since 2020.
My name is Julia Hearn.
Can I, can I please see
that, uh, search warrant?
Thank you.
Oh, a series of anonymous text messages?
That's what this is all based on?
Wow. Talk about abuse of power.
I want all of your
badge numbers right now.
Rangers don't have badge numbers, ma'am.
JULIA: Oh, you think it's funny?
Well, I look forward to seeing
how funny you think it is in court.
Campbell, you got something?
Oh, just a hunch.
Yo, brother, gimme help with this.
- CARLOS: Here.
- Two, three.
Huh. What do we have here?
You know, now I'm looking
forward to that court date too.
We believe your sister
borrowed money from loan sharks.
They handed the debt off
to a woman named Julia Hearn.
She forced your sister
to make the drug run.
Common practice, unfortunately.
She's a trafficker with
ties to the cartels.
We believe she used
her acupuncture business
as a money laundering front.
Thanks to the new
Drug Induced Homicide charges,
the state can charge her
with your sister's murder.
Along with everybody else's
who died on that bus.
Thank you for getting justice
for Whitney and for all of them.
We couldn't have done it
without your help.
All weekend she kept saying
she wanted to talk to me.
I think she was crying out for help,
but I was always too busy
working on a brief to notice.
I lost my sister, my best friend.
And for what?
For a brief that my boss has
already sent back to me to redo.
It was all for nothing.
Um, what are you doing here?
You said you were working late.
I thought you said you had a meeting.
- You lied.
- So did you.
- You're hiding something.
- No, I'm not.
CARLOS: What are you
holding behind your back?
Fine. Busted, officer.
It's your anniversary gift.
It's a guitar with lessons
for us to take together.
And I was hoping to gift wrap it
while you were at work.
Why do you have wrapping paper out?
- Do I?
- Yeah.
With bows and ribbons.
(SIGHS) Fine.
I got you something too.
But you can't open it until tomorrow.
No way. You know what I got
you. It's only fair we both know.
Yeah, but yours is so
much better. Mine is dumb.
I'll be the judge of that.
It's an empty box.
But not for long.
Every time when I come home,
I'll open it up and put away
all my work files.
My phone.
All my obsessions.
You, you really don't have to
promise me that, Carlos.
I do.
Every second I get with you is a gift,
and I'm done wasting it.
I can't believe you, you gift wrapped
an empty banker's box.
I told you it was dumb.
No, baby.
It's the sweetest gift
anybody's ever gotten me.
there's one obsession
I was really hoping
you wouldn't put away tonight.
OWEN: Thank you. Judd.
This really means a lot to me.
JUDD: Don't thank me yet.
We haven't done anything.
And from what I hear,
this can be pretty intense.
My whole career has been intense.
My second marriage was intense,
so I got it.
Well, I don't know anything
about your second wife,
but I promise she couldn't
put a glove on her.
When you took me home
You knew who you were takin' ♪
Not some Debbie Debutante ♪
Standin' in an apron
- Hey, y'all.
- JUDD: What do you say, Marlene?
This here's Owen Strand.
He's my best friend and my boss.
Owen, this is Marlene.
She's the mother of my firstborn.
So in the interest of, uh,
things not gettin' awkward,
I, I hope y'all get along.
We'll just have to
wait and see, won't we?
Who's this?
OWEN: This is Thunder.
- What's wrong with him?
- He's complicated.
Wouldn't you say he's complicated, Judd?
- Uh, I would.
- OWEN: Yeah.
Can you be a little more specific?
He bites, he bucks,
and he genuinely seems to enjoy
the sound of people screaming.
horse only pulls that crap
'cause he knows he can get away with it.
And most of my training
isn't on the horses,
it's on the riders.
Behaviors you described,
not a stable in town would take him.
Yeah. Tell me something I don't know.
If you wanna save this animal,
I need full buy-in.
What does that mean, exactly?
Subjecting yourself
to the most humbling, grueling,
quite possibly lethal experience
of your life.
And no matter what happens,
there are no refunds.
Well, then giddy up.
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