Damages s05e05 Episode Script

There's Something Wrong With Me

Previously on Damages Naomi Walling found herself entangled in an insider trading scandal.
She went to Channing McClaren intending to be a whistle-blower.
Walling's e-mails were included in the leak.
As a result of which, she took her own life.
Suppose Naomi Walling refused to leak what she knew.
The easiest way would be to steal it from the Princefield system.
A guy like McClaren would have no problem hacking in.
The S.
has seized everything for their own investigation.
I'm not about to let my agency get drawn into a civil suit against Channing McClaren.
Your leak-- you don't know the whole story.
Have you ever known me to pay for information? What is this information exactly? It involves Naomi Walling and Princefield.
We can't get the cash.
We were hoping you could.
- This thing you're doing - I'll be fine.
They're both going to pay.
Good luck with your case.
Come and give me the information, and I'll transfer the money.
Come in.
You okay? Yeah, yeah, I must have nodded off.
I haven't been sleeping very well.
It's probably just the stress of the case.
Patty just called.
She's on her way up for your 10:00.
Okay, I, um, I think I need to meet with her alone.
Of course.
Little lamb When I am through with you There won't be anything left When I am through with you There won't be anything left When I am through with you I like your office.
Thank you.
It's sweet.
Have a seat.
Can I offer you coffee, tea? No, thank you.
Shall we get down to it, then? I had exposed brick in my first office.
Back then it was considered kind of edgy, daring.
So I was hoping we could discuss the discovery calendar.
There's a piece of discovery in particular that we may want to address.
What's that? Well, I think you know.
No, nothing's popping to mind.
Think a little harder.
I know he approached you.
And who are you talking about? The hacker gentleman.
Oh, him.
Samurai Seven.
He did.
I bought the information.
I thought it was a small price to pay for something of that significance.
Yes, it is.
As CEO for Princefield Investments, I have called this press conference to address the recent allegations of insider trading at Fund 23.
In light of the information unearthed by McClarenTruth.
org, I have disbanded Fund 23.
We are working alongside the S.
to determine the reach and extent of the damage and to return funds to our investors.
This is a dark chapter in Princefield history, but I am confident that we have turned the page.
To our investors, we appreciate your patience, and I give you my personal pledge to right our course.
I-I would also like to extend a personal thank you to Channing McClaren and his organization for making this information public, and if Naomi Walling leaked the wrongdoing at Fund 23 to Mr.
McClaren, I want to thank her as well.
I am deeply saddened by Ms.
Walling's tragic passing.
Our hearts and prayers go out to her and her family.
And as to this lawsuit, I take no sides.
I'm back.
Yeah, yeah, uh, did the Samurai sell that information to Parsons, too? Hard to tell.
She's developed quite a poker face.
Well, I, for one, am assuming she has it.
I mean, I've been through everything the hacker sent us.
What did you find? Well, it's like you said.
Bennett Herreshoff, the CEO of Princefield, was conducting an internal investigation on Naomi Walling.
Yes, the question becomes, if Herreshoff was investigating Naomi, what did he find out about her? Go talk to Herreshoff.
Say my name.
Say my name.
Say it.
Will you open these for me, please? Is there something wrong with you? Seriously, is there something wrong with you? Why is that so important right now? Have you ever been in a serious relationship? What do you mean? Where people communicate.
Have you ever been serious with anyone? What are you doing? I'm leaving.
This was waiting for me at my office when I arrived.
Addressed to you, care of me.
No stamp-- someone must have dropped it off.
Who is it from? I have no idea.
What does it say? It says I can't stomach the smell of your lunch.
You guys enjoy yourselves.
I'm going for a walk.
Hey, did you get to meet with Patty Hewes? Yeah.
She asked me about the hacker information.
What did you say? I lied.
I told her I had it.
Does she have it? I don't know for sure-- I couldn't read her-- but I think we have to assume that she does.
Can't the judge force her to disclose it? I can formally request it during discovery, but I have to prove that Patty has it.
And Patty will lie about having it, which is illegal, but that's exactly what she'll do until I have evidence to prove otherwise.
Well, we've been keeping our eye out online for Samurai, but there's been no sign of him.
I've got my own investigator looking into it on the ground.
We did discover through other leads that he has someone else that he works with.
Do you have a name? Not a real one-- a screen name.
We're not familiar with him.
I'll see what my guy can do with it.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms.
I've been a long-time admirer from afar.
That's a surprise.
I haven't been much of a friend to your industry.
I respect conviction.
Please sit.
So obviously I've been following your case.
I have to say it's hard for me to take sides.
And why is that? What Naomi Walling and Channing McClaren did together revealed a growing cancer within my company.
And as a cancer survivor, I don't use the term lightly.
I'm grateful to them both.
I hate to see Naomi's daughter and Channing McClaren at each other's throats.
So Naomi Walling was a valued employee of yours? Nice woman, very smart trader.
Then, why were you conducting an internal investigation on her? These are copies of documents I have obtained that clearly indicate that Princefield Investments was actively investigating Naomi Walling.
How did you get them? The point is, I have them.
Has this been leaked to the public? That's not how I work, Mr.
The memos indicate that you suspected Ms.
Walling's trading patterns.
Yes, she was involved in the insider trading before she decided to blow the whistle.
Why are you showing these to me? I'm representing Naomi's daughter.
I need to know everything I can about what happened to her mother.
Of course.
So, what do you have on Ms.
Walling? Where did your investigation lead? I would love to help, but unfortunately I can't.
The S.
took over the investigation.
I am bound by law not to talk about it.
The S.
? Yes.
We felt it was best handled by an outside agency.
And who at the S.
did you speak to? Reinsdorf.
He'll tell you we've done everything the S.
has asked of us to cooperate.
I'm not coming after you, Mr.
That's a relief.
Not yet, anyway.
I'm glad you got my letter.
I saw on the news you were back in New York.
I didn't know how else to get in touch with you.
I thought our arrangement was more than fair.
It was, but things change.
How's that? Charlie's getting worse.
What's wrong with him? No one really knows.
One doctor says it's autism.
Another one says it's Asperger's.
All I know is he's not relating to the other kids.
No one knows how to get close to him.
He just shuts out the world, holes up and draws.
Draws what? I don't know, maps, fantasy shit.
Worlds that he makes up in his mind.
You are the last fucking person I want to beg from.
But something's wrong with him.
I need to put him in a school where he gets help.
He and Jeff just don't mix.
Who? No one.
Who is he? Just some guy I shouldn't be seeing.
So are you gonna help us out or not? I'll send more money.
But first I want to meet him.
You do not want to meet Jeff.
I'm talking about Charlie.
Charlie does not need another man in his life.
He's got enough going on.
You want the money, you heard my condition.
Look, you really want to help him, why don't you put him in a program? But I don't need you dicking with his mind.
I want to meet my son.
Yeah, well, why don't you go fuck yourself? So? Your man, Samurai Seven, is not so easy to find.
Did you try contacting him online? Yeah.
No response.
Then I went and talked to some computer guys I know from the corps.
Military intelligence guys.
They know something about hacking.
They ever heard of Samurai Seven? Heard of him.
But only his handle.
They don't know his real name.
What about the bank account that I transferred the money to? I looked into it.
The account number belongs to a shell company, an S7 Enterprises? S7, that's him.
Yeah, but there's no name on the account, just the company address.
I've been staking out the place for the past two days.
And? A few women have come and gone, but there's no guy.
You sure Samurai Seven is a man? Yeah.
Yeah, I spoke to him on the phone.
Then I don't know what to tell you.
You get anything from McClaren's people? Apparently Samurai Seven hangs out with this guy.
They work together sometimes.
It's just his screen name; I don't know how that will help.
Bennett Herreshoff sent you here.
He claims he turned over the Naomi Walling investigation to your agency.
Is that true? Yes.
Herreshoff contacted us after he suspected Walling and her fund of placing improper trades.
What did you find? The nature of the fund's returns was highly unusual.
If you knew there was insider trading, why didn't you do anything? The investigation is ongoing.
We aren't finished.
Is that the best you can do, Mr.
Reinsdorf? It's the truth.
But what will the public think? Channing McClaren blew the lid off information the S.
already had but didn't act on.
That is completely unfair.
Perception is everything.
What's that? It's just a little press release I've prepared.
It exposes the criminal inaction on the part of the S.
in regards to insider trading at Fund 23.
There's a reporter at the Times waiting on my call to print it.
Fuck you.
I'm not looking to sink you.
I just want you to do something for me.
And what would that be? Get me access to everything you know about the Walling investigation.
How about narrowing it down a little bit? All right, specifically, did you find any evidence that Naomi Walling was in communication with Channing McClaren? Well, offhand I couldn't tell you.
We have thousands of recordings of Walling's communications.
But we were just looking at insider trading.
Do you still have the recordings? Of course.
Go through them.
Get me anything that will help me in my case.
Otherwise, first thing tomorrow, your name's on the front page.
I will see what I can find.
Now get the fuck out of my office.
Yeah, leave a message.
Call me, please.
I'm leaving you the messages.
I'm not hearing from you.
I'm scared.
I think maybe I should leave town.
Well, this witness list has hardly changed from the last one.
Nevertheless, you requested it.
I thought Ellen would have made more progress by now.
Well, the burden is on the plaintiff, isn't it? Yes, it is.
Thank you for bringing this by.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
I brought cookies.
Ever since Ted died, I have those nights from time to time, and it's hard to sleep in an empty bed, so Well, I bake.
Well, thanks for the offer, but You know what? In case you change your mind.
I can see that you're busy, but there is something that we need to discuss.
You received my letter? Yes, I did.
You never responded.
No need to.
I'm focused on the McClaren case.
I have no further business with your other client.
But he would very much like to sit down with you.
He is ill, and given his condition, there are certain matters that he would like to tie up.
That case is long settled.
Tell your client there is nothing more to discuss.
Yes, Ms.
Would you show Mrs.
Franklin out? No need.
Oh, you can get the Tupperware back to me whenever.
This is desert.
These are mountains.
The only way to get from here to here is to drive in an all-terrain vehicle.
This is desert.
These are mountains.
The only way to get from here to here is to drive in an all-terrain vehicle.
Charlie, did you order? You have ten seconds or you're not eating lunch.
The only way to get from here to here is to drive in an all-terrain vehicle.
I'm serious.
My shift starts in 20 minutes.
I'm not waiting here the rest of my life.
- This is desert - Let me call you back.
Order your goddamn lunch.
The only way to get from here to here I'm serious.
Are you gonna order? This is desert.
These are mountains.
Are you gonna order or not? - is an all-terr - Fuck it.
You're done; let's go.
You ripped it.
Yeah, you don't shut your face, I'm gonna rip your fucking head off.
Ow! Why do you got to be such a fucking idiot all the time? Yeah, leave a message.
Hi, it's me.
I'm getting on a plane to see my parents.
Call me, please.
I'm very worried.
Who is it? I'm a friend of the Samurai.
I need to talk to you.
You Blackbird? You know who I am? Yes.
He explained everything to me.
Then you know your friend didn't follow through on the deal he made with me.
This is not true.
You pay him, he provide data.
No, I paid him and he ran off with my money before he provided anything.
How did you know I paid him? I s I see your funds come into his account.
I monitor at home everything, so to see nothing will go wrong.
So you have access to his account? Not monies, just records.
So you must know if Patty Hewes paid him.
She did.
Yes, absolutely.
She meet with him before you meet with him.
She pay him, he provide data.
So if I didn't get the information, how do you know that Patty Hewes did? He s he send me confirmation transaction was complete.
Then Samurai meet with you.
- You give him money, but - But what? I never hear from him again.
So he ran out on both of us? No, not run away.
Not without laptop, hardware.
Everything still here.
Something must happened to him.
This information he sold Patty Hewes, do you know what that was? This he does not tell me.
I really need your help.
Can I help you? You're Jeff, right? Who are you? I'm a friend of Sally's.
I was hoping we could talk.
About what? Charlie.
You got a problem with Charlie, talk to his mother.
I want to talk to you.
I don't think you understand Charlie.
Oh, really? He thinks differently than most people.
He sees things differently.
No shit.
There's something wrong upstairs.
No, you don't understand.
There's nothing wrong.
Yeah, I-I've heard the bullshit-- he's "special.
" So he acts like a fucking moron.
The kid can't talk to people, okay? He's a freak.
He's not a freak.
A kid like Charlie will never be good with people, and that's okay-- he'll be good at other things.
Very good.
He just needs a little patience.
That's the last thing he needs.
He is the way he is because Sally lets him do whatever he wants.
He needs discipline, okay? She can't give it to him.
That's why she needs me around.
What you're doing doesn't help.
You're making things worse.
I'd like you to be a little more patient with him.
Can you do that? I'd like you to get the fuck out of my face.
It's clear you don't know who I am.
I can do things to you, Jeff.
I can get to you if I want to.
Are you threatening me? 'Cause it sounds like you're threatening me.
I'm asking you nicely.
Do not touch Charlie.
You leave him alone, I'll leave you alone.
You want me to leave the kid alone? That's all I'm asking.
There's your answer.
Now, get the fuck out of here, you fucking faggot.
She's not in right now.
What's this? Discovery request.
Parsons is demanding you hand over the Samurai information.
So she didn't buy it from him after all.
No, guess not.
She lied.
Now she's using the court to make you cough it up.
Your Honor, I simply don't have the information that Ms.
Parsons is requesting.
Hewes is lying.
She bought the information for $500,000 from a computer hacker.
How do you know this? For starters, the same hacker offered to sell the information to me.
That means nothing, Your Honor.
Really, Ms.
Parsons, you're just tossing out accusations.
You want me to help you, you got to help me.
Yes, Your Honor.
Is there anyone who can attest to the validity of your claims? Okay, you can come in.
And how do you know the money was transferred from Ms.
Hewes to your boyfriend? I see it go into his account.
Why isn't your boyfriend here to tell me this himself? He's missing, Your Honor, since his meeting with Ms.
Alleged meeting.
Your Honor, this is a very colorful story, but hardly evidence that I bought information.
I have bank records.
Here's a copy of the transaction.
The timing and amount of the transfer back up Ms.
Kim's story.
And this is Ms.
Kim's sworn statement.
I'm not gonna ask you if you have this Samurai information, Patty, because that would just be awkward for both of us.
But I am going to require that you hand it over to Ms.
One week.
Tomorrow morning.
Good day, all.
They said you had a rough night.
How you doing today? Like a brittle pile of old cow turds scorched by the sun and run over by a train! Oh, good.
Better, then.
They're trying to kill me.
Who are? The fucking nurses! Every goddamn one of them! I told you before, getting angry just makes it worse.
They want me dead! No, they are trying to save your life.
What's to save? I'll be dead in a month.
What are they trying to prove? So did you talk to her? Yeah.
Well? I warned you when you asked me to approach her that she probably wouldn't be interested.
And I was right-- she's not.
Well, keep chipping away at her.
She's not half as smart as everybody thinks.
All right.
In the meantime, I got you these.
I don't read anymore.
Suit yourself.
But there is an article in American Lawyer that you may find particularly interesting.
See ya.
Try and behave.
Bottom line is, we agreed to financial terms about nine years ago when she got pregnant.
I didn't want her to keep the baby because I knew we weren't gonna be together long-term.
And Sally was aware of your position on this? Couldn't have been clearer; I was definitive.
And has she abided by her side of the agreement? Yes.
But now she wants more money? Yes.
In exchange for what? The money isn't the issue.
I can get her additional funds.
It's her current boyfriend that I'm pissed off about.
Is he physically abusing Charlie? I want the guy removed from the picture.
He doesn't understand that Charlie is a complicated kid.
How can I make that happen? Well, legally, you would need evidence that abuse is occurring, which, if it isn't physical, can be very difficult to substantiate and take several months to prove.
I want the guy out today.
Best thing to do is be aggressive and start the process, but it will be a process.
I don't have time for that.
Well legally, it's our only option.
You've been very helpful.
Thank you for your time.
I'm sorry we can't tell you what you want to hear.
No, thank you.
You sure? Just tell me what you found.
Well, that's the thing, Ms.
There's nothing.
We have no record of Ms.
Walling ever having communicated with McClaren.
Do you spell Reinsdorf with one "F" or two? What are you doing? I'm e-mailing my friend at the Times.
Oh, whoa, wait-wait, stop, stop, please.
Come on, come on.
What what do you want from me, huh? I mean, I tried.
There is nothing in the Walling investigation that will help your case.
Maybe we're looking at the problem from the wrong angle.
Maybe you've got something that would help my opponent's case.
Such as? In your investigation, did you ever turn up anyone who may have wanted to hurt Naomi Walling? Who may have been motivated to expose her personal life? I'd have to go back and look.
Do that.
You have 24 hours.
After that, I make the call.
Hello, Patty.
Is it wine or Bourbon tonight? Wine.
Well, I wanted to touch base.
Tomorrow's the deadline for handing over the information to me, not that you need reminding.
No, of course not.
I'm just calling to ask if I could get a hard copy, as well as the disk.
Anything you want.
That would be great.
And Patty, if for some reason you decide not to comply with the judge's order, I have a motion for summary judgment all ready to go.
You'll have the information, Ellen.
Have a good night.
Sorry I'm late, Judge.
The three train must have been stuck in molasses.
That's okay.
Have a seat.
I'll be right with you both.
Still scrambling for a defense, are you? Well, too bad, Toots, 'cause there's nothing in there.
It's funny that Patty would lie about having it then.
Well, it cost her half a mill.
Must have felt proprietary.
Anyway, lots of luck.
I'm sure it'll make for interesting reading.
So you've brought everything that Ms.
Hewes procured from this hacker? You betcha, Judge.
Here's a copy of the disk.
And these are the files.
Oh, Ms.
Hewes is sorry she couldn't be here to deliver them herself.
Satisfied, Ms.
Parsons? Yes, Your Honor.
Samurai's documents clearly indicate that Princefield and Herreshoff were investigating Naomi Walling.
Why would Patty Hewes lie about having this? I mean, what good does it do her? Knowledge is power.
The question is, where does this information lead? If Princefield was investigating Naomi prior to the leak, what did they find out about her? Exactly.
I'm going to look into that.
Well, this is of no concern to me, Ms.
Our investigation of Naomi Walling followed standard protocol.
We dotted every "I," we crossed every "T.
" Patty Hewes approached you already, didn't she? You two came to some sort of arrangement? Oh, you lawyers-- you all think alike.
Always some conspiracy.
No, there's only one reason Patty wouldn't have leaked this information to the press.
Whatever it is you're implying, I don't appreciate it.
You cut a deal.
She sat on the information, and you helped her with her case.
You are way off base.
Yes, Ms.
Hewes did approach me.
And I explained it to her like I'll explain it to you.
The S.
's investigation is ongoing.
We had no intention of taking action against Naomi Walling until we understood the full scope of her illegal activity.
With all due respect, that's bullshit.
Jeff's in jail.
He got arrested this morning.
Tell me that you didn't have anything to do with it.
This is for a fresh start.
Oh, my God.
Should be enough for a while.
And I want you to put Charlie in the right kind of school.
You want to meet him? Now? No, he's in school right now.
I mean, when he's free? You sure? Yeah.
Yeah, I'd like that.
Thank you.
Tell me, Naomi.
Bennett, calm down.
Who is this new guy you're seeing? It doesn't matter.
It fucking matters to me.
You're married.
Did you really think that I wouldn't start seeing someone else? Do not fuck with me, Naomi.
My daughter's coming home soon.
I have to go.
Do not fuck with me.
Naomi Walling was having a relationship with Herreshoff.
And it sounds like it didn't end well.
Do you have any other conversations between them? No.
This is the only one we picked up.
I think you'll agree that I've given you everything you asked for.
This call is a silver bullet for Ellen Parsons.
She gets her hands on it, your case is sunk.
Then she better not hear it.
Oh, she won't.
I deleted the call from our records.
And I'm leaving the only copy with you.
Thank you, Mr.
I trust your friend at the Times won't be running the story.
No, he won't.
Your total incompetence will remain just between us.
Your friend is very late.
Yes, he is.
When is your friend gonna be here? Soon, baby.
You're not going to answer that, are you? The other day, you asked me a question.
The answer is yes.
There is something wrong with me.
I was told you wanted nothing to do with me.
I don't.
Then why are you here? I heard you were dying.
So you wanted to come and see what that looks like.
You look so much like your mother.
Don't talk about my mother.
I don't mean to trample on sacred ground.
I know you two were devoted to each other.
'Course, she was always easy to boonswaggle.
Never really had a clear idea of what kind of a person you really are.
Well, she certainly knew what kind of person you really are.
What do you want from me? What if I told you, I put you in my will? I'd tell you to take me out.
Is that all? Don't you ever try to contact me again.

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