The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s05e05 Episode Script


-[screams, grunts]
-[soft laugh]
-[Guy grunts]
-Good luck, Guy!
-Dawn! Guy's not
on our team, remember?
DAWN: Oh yeah!
Then I hope you're ready
for the heat, Guy,
'cause Eep's got the heat,
and she's gonna give it to you!
And it's gonna be so hot,
it's gonna start a fire,
and then everything on the farm
will burn to the ground,
and we'll have nothing left!
Maybe we should
get some buckets of water.
-It's fine, Dawn!
I can handle the heat!
-Hey, are we playing
stick fruit here or what?!
'Cause this heat's
starting to cool off.
-I was ready to play before
any of us were even born!
-Yeah, scratch that.
It sounded better in my head.
Can you throw
the fruit now, please?
-Ho, ho! Gladly.
-Please don't hit it to me.
Please don't hit it to me
Wait. I'm the only one out here,
and I can't handle the heat.
Why did I agree to this?
[winding up, grunts]
Oh no!
-Did I catch it?
-EEP: Sure!
That's what
the crashing sound was!
-Nice try, Dawn,
but for next time,
I find keeping
your eyes open helps.
-Well, where'd it go, then?
-Into your mom and dad's hut!
I'll go clean up the mess
before they see it.
In and out
like it never happened.
-No, I'll do it.
I'm the one
who missed the catch.
It was close, though, right?
-Sure! Close!
Let's go with close!
- Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark becomes
a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
we're stuck together
In one big family tree
-Mangotato? C'meeere, mangotato.
Tato-tato-tato. [gasps]
[snores, mumbles]
What are you doing in here?
[yelps, grunts]
-I wasnapping,
thank you very much.
-You know this is
my parents' hut, right?
And that theysleep here?
-Weird. Who knew
your parents and I
had so much in common.
-Don't you have
your own hut to sleep in?
-Don't hate the nap player.
Hate the nap game.
-Hm. Mangotato!
Come here, mangotato.
[gasps, yells]
Oh, it's just a picture.
Wow. Mom sure likes
looking at Mom.
There you are, mangotato!
You made quite a mess.
[gasps] Aw!
I was a cute baby!
And Dad was
a bearded baby?
[gasps] Whoa
-Uh, you mind keeping it down?
I thought you left.
-I didn't choose the nap life.
The nap life chose me.
-EEP/GUY: Whoa
-DAWN: That's what I said!
GUY: Shiny.
-You look different.
Like a grown-up!
-I kind of feel
like a grown-up.
It's the bracelet. Who knew
the coolest thing on the farm
has been on the farm
this whole time! Check it out.
-Ah! Why is it brighter
than the sun?
-Sorry! But, that's
not even the bestpart.
If you hold it up to your ear,
it sounds like the ocean.
-HOPE: Dawn!
-Sounds more like
your mom to me.
-Is that my bracelet?
-No. It's a bracelet I found
in a basket in your room.
-Oh, which makes it
-I haven't worn
this bracelet in moons.
-Why not? It's beautiful!
If I had a bracelet like this,
I'd wear it all the time.
Early morning, morning,
late morning,
pre-noon, noon, early afternoon,
-Yes, Dawn. All the time.
But I only wear it
on special occasions
because it's veryspecial.
Your father gave it to me
when you were born.
It was the second best gift
I got that day.
-What was the first?
-Oh! Me. That's sweet, Mom.
The shell is so pretty.
Can I borrow it?
-Oh, I don't know, Dawn.
-I promise nothing
will happen to it!
- Sure. Just like nothing
happened to my vase.
Dawn! Can you bring me
a vase for these flowers?
-You got it, Mom!
I'm all about that vase.
-[vase shatters]
-HOPE: Or my wind chimes.
-Hey, Mom!
-Just chimingin.
Get it? [giggles]
-HOPE: Or my lamp.
-DAWN: Light it up, Mom!
-Or another lamp that you're
moving now for some reason.
-Just trying to
keep things light.
Heh? Whoa! [grunts]
-Why yes, Dawn! I wouldlike
-a closer look at this lamp.
-This bracelet is
very important to me, Dawn.
Maybe you can borrow it
when you're a little older.
And a little more responsible.
And a little less droppy.
-Please, Mom!
I'm responsible now!
I swear! I can prove it!
[hopeful whine]
-Hm Hm!
You know what? You're right.
How can you be responsible
if you never get a chance
to learn responsibility?
So, yes.
You can borrow the bracelet.
-Really? Woo!
Uh, that's a responsiblewoo.
-But, you have to promise me
you'll take care of it.
-I will!
-And that you won't lose it,
-break it, or drop it in lava.
-I won't!
-And that you'll bring it back
before dinner! [sighs]
Seeing it after all this time
makes me want to wear it again.
-[intense voice]:
It's on like Dawn, Mom!
-Hm Too much?
-Just a touch.
-[Eep grunts]
-[laughing] Higher! Higher!
-Now, you're talking
my talk words.
[Guy screaming]
Maybe we take a swing break.
And a moving break.
Oh! Broken ribs.
-Hey, guys! What's up.
-Dawn? What are you doing
in the progress pod?
-Being responsible!
This is the only way
to make sure
nothing happens
to my mom's bracelet.
-Could I borrow that
before Eep breaks me?
-You're fine, Guy.
You just need harder bones.
Don't you think that's
going too far, Dawn?
You can't do anything
in that thing.
-You can't be too careful.
And I can do lots of things
in the progress pod.
Check this out!
[Dawn grunting]
Pretty sweet, huh?
-You barely moved, and now,
you're stuck in a hole.
-Sounds perfect. Sign me up.
-You know what? You're right.
I've got a better idea.
Be right back.
[Dawn struggling, straining]
Am I moving yet?!
See? Much better, right?
-Boarnet nest?
This should be fine.
-Guy, it's an empty nest.
And now, I can actually move!
-Yeah, but why a boarnet's nest?
-Think about it.
When's the last time
with a boarnet nest?
-Never. Oh! Got it!
-Huh, clever.
-Yes, it is.
There's just one drawback
to boarnets' nests.
-Yeah? What's that?
-The boarnets!
-Oh no. They're coming home.
-[all screaming]
What if I freeze myself
in a block of ice?
And that way, you could
actually seethe bracelet?
-Ooh. We could use you
as a human sled,
and the bracelet would be safe!
-Sounds like a win-win to me.
if the bracelet is already safe,
-then how can I keep it safe?
-Wait, what?
-Which means I need to put
the bracelet in danger!
-I don't think that's what
Hope meant by "keep it safe."
-Or it's exactly
what she meant.
Either way, Dawn,
I support your decision,
no matter how great
or terrible it is!
-Eep, you having my back
means everything to me.
[intense voice]:
Now, let's go lava jumping!
I mean, what's
the worst that could happen?
-Not a lot of good things
come after the question,
"What's the worst
that could happen?"
-That's the spirit! [laughing]
-[laughing] Hey, I say that!
-What just happened here?
[laughter, cheering]
-[Guy gasps]
-[Dawn grunts]
-DAWN: Yeah!
-EEP: Whoa!
Nice save, Dawn!
What do you wanna do next?
GUY: Go home
and take off the bracelet!
-[intense voice]:
Or feather gliding!
[laughter, cheering]
Yeah! [laughing]
[all gasp]
[grunts] Where do you
think you'regoing?
-Maybe it wants to go back to
the farm where it'll be safe?
-Hm, I don't think so.
I think it wants to go
[intense voice]:
-On the rollercoaster!
-[laughter, cheering]
Dawn! The bracelet!
-I got this!
[grunts, giggles]
-Relax, Guy!
What's the worst
that can happen?
-Why does everyone
keep saying that?!
-That was amazing!
-Which part?
-All of the parts!
And of course nothing
happened to the bracelet
because I knewit wouldn't!
-I was wrong, Dawn.
You took that bracelet
to the limit
-and brought it home safe.
Because she's responsible,
even when she's not!
-That's right!
This bracelet has never
been in safer hands.
-Okay, but maybe those hands
should stop
throwing it in the air.
-Guy, relax!
-What's the worst that could--
happen? No!
[all panting]
Okay. This is obviously not
the best-case scenario,
but it's also not the worst.
I mean, my mom said
she hasn't worn it in moons,
so she's probably already
forgotten about it.
-Unless she's planning on
wearing it tonight,
like she said.
-[gasps] Thank you
for that reminder, Guy.
Well, looks like I have
until dinner to fix this.
-Or you could do
the responsible thing
and tell your mom what happened.
-Pretty sure
the responsible thing to do
is to nottell my mom
I was irresponsible.
-That actually makes sense.
-Guy! Stop being so negative!
Oh. I just realized you agreed.
Never mind!
-Great! We're all on
the same leaf page.
Now, let's go. I have an idea.
Uh, do we get to hear what it is
before doing it?
DAWN: Nope!
My mom will never know
the difference!
I totally nailed it!
-Uh, you mean you hit it
with a hammer?
EEP: O-oh Uh
I thought
the bracelet was shinier
and had less lumps
and didn't make me shiver
when I looked at it. [shivers]
-Dawn, do you think this looks
like abracelet,
let alone your mom's bracelet?
-Not even a little,
but you heard my mom.
She's planning to wear
that bracelet tonight.
Maybe she won't notice?
-Sure! If your mom
forgets how to see.
- Orif she forgets how to see!
-I already said that one.
And problem solved.
-Ah! You're right!
Even before it turned to dust,
it didn't look like a shell.
[hyperventilating] Oh!
But I know where
we can finda shell!
-There are so many shells,
but none of them look like
the one from my mom's bracelet!
-No, but
Ah, this one looks like Thunk!
-Hang on! I think I got it!
-Guy, you did it!
It looks exactly the same!
-Beep, beep, beep,
beep, beep, beep
-Dad? What are you doing?
-I'm looking for lobstingrays
using my latest invention,
The Betterman Sand Scan. Beep.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
-Why are you making
that beeping noise?
-I can't explain it.
It just feelsright.
That shell. It reminds me
of a shell I gave your mother.
May I? Same luster.
Same spiral pattern!
-[echoing goat scream]
But it's not the same.
I tuned the shell
I gave your mother
so that when you blow into it,
it makes
a very particularsound.
And that'sdefinitely
not the sound.
-[Hope groans]
your mother's shell
is truly one of a kind.
Completely unique
and utterly irreplaceable.
-What sound did it make?
-Well, it was-- Ah!
-Why would anyone
want a bracelet
that sounds like that?
-Well, I guess there's only
one thing left to do.
-Tell your mom the truth?
We have to go get the bracelet
back from that eelgle.
-Yes! Road trip!
-They have formed an alliance!
It's a briny uprising!
-Okay, we should probably
help my dad first. But then
BOTH: Road trip!
-Ah! They attack in threes!
Threes! Ah!
-[bird screeching]
-GUY: So there I was,
surrounded by eelgles!
To my left! Eelgle!
To my right! Eelgle!
-Behind me!
We get it, Guy-baby.
You were surrounded.
-Sorry. Anyway,
they took me to their nest
at the top of the spire.
So, that's where we're going.
-Ooh, if only my mom could see
how responsible I'm being.
I mean, sure, it's to fix
the irresponsible
thing I did, but still!
Thanks for coming with me
to get the bracelet back, guys.
-No problem, Dawn.
Although the chance of this
working is about the same
as the chance
of Thunk running voluntarily.
-Which means there's a chance!
-You know, Dawn, you're right.
I'm on board!
Because I'm in too deep
not to be!
-Get on board
or get left behind, Guy!
Oh. You're on board!
Never mind.
-Uh, I think someone else
is on board, too.
EEP: Thunk?
THUNK: [gasps]
Ah, what? Seriously?
Where must I go to find
a moment's nap peace?
Why won't anyone respect
my nap boundaries?
Now, turn this beast around
and take me home!
-Sorry, Thunk. There's no time
to turn back now.
And definitely no time for naps.
I have onechance to prove
I'm responsible!
So we're getting
that bracelet back
if it destroys me and everyone
I have ever loved!
Which I really hope
doesn't happen.
-Okay, I'm with you all the way,
right after I catch a few Z's.
-[Chunky grumbles]
-[snarling, growling]
-You can do it, Chunky!
You can jump this ravine!
-Or we could take the bridge?
-There should really be a sign.
-[grunting, yelling]
-[Chunky growling]
Almost made it that time,
Chunky! Let's try it again!
-And maybe we can use
the stairs this time?
-Yeah, and a sign
would have helped.
GUY: Well, I think there's
an obvious path to take here.
-Right. The one that
looks like a dream.
-[birds chirping]
Seriously, this area
needs a bunch of signs!
-[creatures roaring]
Good news.
The bracelet is in the nest.
GUY: Bad news.
There's also an eelgle.
And if you thought eelgles
were a problem in the wild,
wait till you invade their home.
-Well, we don't have a choice.
We haveto get
that bracelet back,
and I've got a plan.
But we're gonna
need feathers, bamboo,
and the part of Guy's brain
that builds stuff.
-My brain is in your hands.
-Here it is! I've taken feather
gliding to the next level.
I'm calling it the Guy Glider.
-What about the Guyder? [laughs]
-You're a genius!
Guyder's so much better!
[both laugh]
-Is it, though?
-Love the energy, guys,
but let's go over the plan.
By harnessing
the power of the wind,
Guy will silently glide
over to the nest,
grab the bracelet noiselessly,
and then,
without waking the eelgle
with even the hintof a peep,
glide back here,
pick us up, and head home.
All without making a sound.
-So, I'm sensing
you want me to be quiet.
Oh, and one more thing, Guy.
Be quiet.
Are you sureyou
don't want a Wing-Eep?
-No. Not a chance.
This is mytime.
My moment.
-And this is my nap time.
My nap moment.
-You really think
this will work?
-Of course, it'll work!
Because it has to work.
-Exactly. This works or Hope
never trusts Dawn again.
Here we go. [grunts]
[screaming, fading away]
Woo! Yeah!
-Look at him soar.
He's like a majestic eelgle.
[cheering, laughing]
-He seems so
comfortable up there.
It's like he owns the sky.
And the birds and the clouds
are his sky furniture.
-Yup. He's in complete
and absolute control.
-He's the coolest.
-[wind blowing]
-[Guy yelling]
-GUY: Wind!
-blowing away!
[Guy yelling]
-Just missed it! Ah!
Missed it again!
[screeching, zapping]
Uh Oh I, uh,
I'm a nest cleaner?
H-here to clean your nest?
[screeching, zapping]
[Guy screaming]
-At least he got the eelgle
out of the nest.
-Which means the nest
is up to us. [giggles]
-Nice one.
I've been sitting
on that one for a while.
Like how an eelgle sits
on an egg? In its nest?
-Yeah, no, I get it.
-Chunky, you're up! [growls]
All we need to do
is zipvine to the nest,
grab the bracelet,
and get out of there.
[both cheer]
Seems solid.
Time to put it to the nest,
and put usto the nest.
Because we're
goingto the nest.
-Every joke has its limit, Dawn.
-Wait, what's Thunk gonna do?
-What he does best.
-And he's already doing it.
-Let's do this.
[both grunt]
BOTH: Woo!
All clear. Where's the bracelet?
-This is just a-- Ah!
I was just-- Whoa!
Stealing something you love
from your home!
Wait, no! That sounded
better in my head! Ah!
-Uh, not sure how much
longer Guy can hang on,
-so we've got to move fast.
-[giggles] Yeah.
-We don't wanna nestthis up.
-Sorry. I have a problem.
Not a scratch on it!
Mom will never suspect a thing.
[intense voice]:
Who's responsible now, Mom?!
-You are, if she
never finds out about this.
Now, let's get outta here
so Guy can land that
whatever it's called.
-It's called a Guyder! Aah!
I thought you were napping!
-I was until your "woos"
rudely woke me.
Also, vertical napping
is not ideal.
But then, I saw something
soft and cozy and realized
this nest is
the perfectnap nook.
-You mean a nest rest?
-[Eep groans]
-I need help.
-You can't take
a nap right now, Thunk.
We gotta get
this bracelet out of here
before Guy crashes and burns.
-Pretty bird! Pretty bird!
-[vine straining]
-Oh, no, no, no! Ah!
-That's not good.
-Neither is that!
Thunk! [grunts] Get up!
You're not an eelgle!
You can't nap here!
-Lemme try.
You brought a berry cake?
-I always travel with snacks.
Never know when there's gonna
be a Thunkmergency.
[grunting, sniffing]
-Sleep eating? That's new.
[grunting, panting]
Hang in there, Guy-boy!
-I'm trying!
-Dawn! What do we-- Ah!
Dawn, you mind putting
that bracelet away?
-It's kind of bright.
-Oops. Sorry.
Wait. That's it! The bracelet!
-[gasps] You did it!
-Yeah. If by "it,"
you mean got the eelgle's
attention, then I sure did.
-Yeah. That's about it.
GUY: Coming in hot!
Guyder grab!
[Dawn and Eep grunt, cheer]
-Thanks for the lift, Guy-boy!
-No problem!
Except for all the problems.
Did you get the bracelet?
-I sure did!
-Nice! [laughs]
What's with Thunk?
-He finally found
his perfect nap spot.
I almost feel bad
about moving him,
but we had to.
Because Eelgle.
-Guy, are you sure this Guyder
can hold all of us?
-Nope. Not at all.
But someone wise once said,
"What's the worst
that could happen?"
[all yelling]
-[all scream]
[screaming continues]
-We're never
gonna lose that eelgle!
-Yes, we are.
Because it doesn't want us.
It wants this!
-Dawn! No, you can't!
-I can because I have to.
We're not going down
because of a bracelet!
-Dawn's right!
We're going down
because the Guyder
is about to die-der!
-[all screaming]
[slow motion screaming]
[slow motion growl]
[slow motion screaming]
[slow motion roar]
DAWN: Great catch, Chunky!
-Can someone close that window?
It's a little drafty in here.
-[Chunky growls]
-I can't believe you did that.
I think you would
have been better off
if that eelgle got us.
Because that's nothing compared
to what your mom is going to do
when you tell her
you lost her bracelet.
-You mean
-[Eep and Guy gasp]
-How? When? Why?
-What? Where? How?
-I already said that one.
-Oh, right.
-I gave the eelgle the bracelet
with the shell
we found at the beach.
Thisis the real one.
Now, let's get it back home
before anything else
happens to it.
Maybe you should hang onto it,
just in case.
You're the responsible one.
[insects chirping]
-And done.
Like nothing ever happened.
-Dawn? Wait for me, honey!
We'll go to dinner together!
Just wanna grab my bracelet.
You put it
back in my hut, right?
-Uh, yup!
-I still can't believe
I'd forgotten about this.
Thanks for reminding me about it
and for taking
such good care of it.
-Okay, fine! I can't take it!
I lost your bracelet!
And then I tried
to make a new one,
but it looked like something
Chunky threw up.
Then I found another one
that looked like it,
but it wasn't, so then
I went to a mountain
and found the real one.
And now I'm returning it
because you were right
and I was wrong, and I'm sorry!
Please don't be mad!
Whoa! I'm getting dizzy.
-Head between your knees, Dawn.
-Do you think I'm irresponsible?
-Well, you did lose my bracelet,
which was very irresponsible.
But, you did tell me the truth,
and that's pretty responsible.
Which is bittersweet.
It's hard for me to accept
that you're growing up.
Seems like just yesterday,
you could barely walk.
And now, look at you.
A smart, beautiful young woman.
Maybe I need to stop treating
you like you're a little girl
because you're
not little anymore.
But you will always be my girl.
Besides, I'll always have this.
-[echoing baby laugh]
-Whoa. What is that?
-That's you! I told your dad
I never wanted to forget
the sound of my baby laughing.
He figured out a way to make it
so I never would.
-So, I'm not in trouble?
-Oh, sweetheart.
You're in more trouble
than you know.
-That's fair. Love you, Mom.
-Love you, too, Dawn.
-THUNK: I love you, Hope's bed.
-[both gasp]
HOPE: Get out of my bed, Thunk!
-[gasps, shrieks]
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