Friday Night Lights s05e06 Episode Script


This is Karl Gauge from over at TMU.
Why don't we just bring you out to TMU and talk about your plans? I got six tickets from the recruitment office for anybody that wants to go.
And when I walked in, they were all just sitting there waiting to meet me.
I said, "I thought you wanted Cafferty.
" Does anyone else know about this? - No.
- Keep it that way.
Hey, guys, I'm Derek Bishop, head T.
Derek's my husband! Julie Taylor is a slut! I will walk on fire for you guys.
Do it! Do it! Aah! Hey.
I was just talking with doc Frankel.
He went to TMU.
Aw, you should have seen his face when I told him they want you on the team.
Now, dad, I don't want you telling people before they actually I know we butted heads about college.
I know, but I'm proud of you.
- Put your noose back on.
- Yeah.
Mom wants to get some pictures of the pastor and the football star.
Do do up your top button.
- Yeah, do the top one.
- Yes, ma'am.
There you go.
Thank you.
So what do you think about your husband, the preeminent national high school football magazine, on the cover, picture? - What? - It's an article.
Just an article.
"Eric Taylor: Kingmaker.
" Kingmaker? Good lord.
It says "kingmaker"? Well, you'll see it tomorrow.
But I'm gonna need a copy, 'cause I need to autograph one for the bar.
And here is Julie Taylor, home from college.
What are you, on break? UmNo, I'm just, um, kind of tidying up a few odds and ends and stuff.
You remember Buddy Jr.
? Hey.
Yeah, I thought you were in California.
Yeah, I was, then I got shipped out to old Tejas.
So Nice.
How are you? I'm good.
I need more drink.
Uh-oh, I need to take this one on home.
All right, sweetie.
Look at look at those two, all grown up.
What a good-lookin' couple.
Look at that.
Uh-oh, we gotta go! We gotta go.
- Great to see y'all.
- Bye, y'all.
Stop! Stop! Get away! You can't run from me.
You can't run from me.
Those boys, I tell you, they are just loving Vince.
I tell you, that boy has been nothing short of a godsend.
Been so hard on 'em, their daddy being gone so long.
Yeah, you know, boys need their daddy.
You know what, I think it's time we had us a big ol' dinner.
How about Friday night, our house? Right after Vince whup them rattlers.
Oh, no, are we talkin' about pie? Baby, you ask me about my pie? You know, I make the best pie you ever tasted, next to yours, of course, girl.
Oh, okay.
Thank you.
You want to do that? - Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
We're gonna take you up on your offer, bird.
- We'll be there.
- That's nice.
I'm gonna look forward to that.
All right, you little monsters, come on.
It's time to go home.
What they eat? I don't know.
They tire me out.
We still seeing that movie later on? Yeah, we can go.
Doesn't matter what we're gonna watch, because you're gonna be all over me in the back seat.
Oh, someone loves their self so much, you know? Yeah, we can go, though.
- I gotta run.
- Yeah, me too.
Three miles.
Oh, well, try not to trip over your ego when you're running.
- Bye.
- Ooh, did you hear that? You see what I gotta deal with? There's the snap.
Play action, rolling to the right.
Looking, lookingHe is sacked! Come on! Oh! What a hit laid on Glen Dickey, ladies and gentlemen.
Hey? Tim.
Tim, what's going on, man? No, I'm having a little trouble hearing you.
You there? - I want to talk to him.
- No, uh, one second.
Can you turn that down? Hey, do you want me to turn it off? No, don't turn it off, don't turn it off.
The Cowboys'll lose if you turn it off.
Don't turn it off.
What No, I'm having trouble hearing you, man.
You there? Hey, Tim, can you hear me? I'm gonna grab the other phone.
- You are gonna sit.
- Well, I just want to say hi.
Yeah, just watching the game, man.
Can you guys watch it there? Yeah, no, uh, hey, trust me, man.
I have made all the payments on that place.
When you get out, that land is gonna be there, I promise you.
Hey, did you did you get the money that I sent over there? No, I sent it on Tuesday.
I will go by there tomorrow, okay? How's everything else going? Tim? Tim! Hello? Oh, hell, look at you, man.
Hey, where you going, son? Look at you with your new kicks, looking like a new man.
'Cept you ain't.
Same punk wouldn't stand up for his boy Calvin.
Gotta go for a run right now.
You owe me five Gs, man.
Well, I ain't got your money.
You know how I finished it? I put two holes in that sumbitch's guts, watched him die.
You got two days to come up with my money.
Who knows what'll happen? Let her go now.
Think you got all the little dirt specks you're gonna get with your hankie.
- Do you have cash? - Yeah.
How much you got? Uh, I've got like 50 bucks.
All right.
Careful, sweets.
Come here.
- Bye, dad.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye, guys.
- Be safe.
- All right.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye.
- Be careful! Here you go, sweetie.
So you don't have to drive me back to school or anything.
I can just wait until the car's done.
Oh, no, honey, I do not mind one bit.
I don't want you missing any classes.
I was just gonna do a little bit of rescheduling.
Yeah, but I'm not gonna miss anything technically, because we're just studying for our midterms, and I can do that here.
Well, what'd that mechanic say? Uh, he's gonna call later on with the estimate.
Did you find the number of the insurance guy? - Mmm - I need that.
Oh, here it is.
Here it is.
I'm really sorry about the car.
Honey, don't worry about the car.
It was an accident.
It's a good accident.
Everyone was safe.
Yeah, but the dog just ran out in the middle of the road.
Well, let me tell you something, that dog's gonna have his day.
But I wrecked the car.
It's okay.
It happens.
You're safe.
That's all that's important.
I'm taking you back.
Honey, the only thing I need to work out is just Gracie Belle's afternoon's the only issue.
I don't know, maybe first, we should talk to your dad.
Like they used to run together, right? Yeah, but my dad's on parole.
He gets messed up with Kennard, he goes back in.
Well, he don't have to do anything that gets him in trouble.
No, my dad's trying too hard to straighten up his life.
He's not going back because of me.
Besides, I got money.
Okay, you ever heard of a bank? Hey, bank's not always open when you need the cash.
How many hiding places you got? Obviously not enough.
Okay, you know what? We'll talk to coach.
- Yeah, right.
- What? We talk to coach, we gotta tell him about everything.
What really happened with Calvin, stealing cars.
It's way too much explaining to do.
Look, I know cheaper parts are available, But it's my daughter's car.
All right, well, when you get that number, if you'd leave a message.
All right, thank you.
Hey, coach.
Coach, um, Vince told me what happened down at TMU, that they're interested in him, and then he told me that you said not to say anything to me about it.
Is that true? That is true.
Look, I'm sorry.
I meant to tell you this myself.
Tell me what? Sit down.
No, coach, I don't want you to sugarcoat it.
I just want you to tell me straight.
What is it? They don't want you.
They want Vince.
They knew you were friends.
They went through you to get to him.
I should have seen it, and I didn't, and I apologize.
I'm pretty sure they want both of us, coach.
I talked to Karl Gauge yesterday I'm pretty sure that I know what I'm talking about.
I was blindsided, and I apologize for it.
I should have been watching out for you better.
All the tickets and the taking me down there and everything? Let me tell you something.
You're a hell of an athlete.
You're gonna have a hell of a lot more opportunities.
Sit down a second, would you? No, I'm all right.
Thank you.
Coach, aren't you gonna suspend somebody? Coach, I'm not gonna suspend anyone for doing something that stupid.
Hell, it's not like we didn't do anything worse.
I took a dump in a mailbox once.
Sorry, coach.
I didn't even know you.
It was your first season.
I got them in the bleachers, coach.
You gonna rip 'em a new one? I would rip 'em a new one.
I'll take that under consideration, thank you.
Here he comes! You ready? Get ready now.
Listen up.
It's come to my attention Put 'em down.
It's come to my attention that several of you have permanently scarred yourselves by branding your bodies with a What the hell was it, a salad fork? Coat hanger, Mr.
Kingmaker, sir.
Let me tell you something.
You know, it's every coach's dream to experience the highest level of idiocy that his team can muster.
And, gentlemen, collectively us coaches, we are living a dream.
But we'd like for you to live your dreams too.
So we're gonna allow you to live the dream of realizing just how far it is you can run before you can run no more, led with the tutelage of coach Traub.
Begin living your dream.
Hop to it.
- Let's go.
- Live the dream! We were just being a team.
Live the dream! Let's live it! Vince! Yes, sir.
Didn't I ask you to not say anything to Luke? Yes, you did, but it just kind of slipped out.
I didn't want to lie to him.
I didn't ask you to lie to him.
I simply asked you to keep your mouth shut.
I di I tried, but I'm sorry.
I'm I'm gonna run.
I am dying to hear about school, and I am trying not to be pushy, but you haven't said a word.
Can you tell me about it? How's it going? Classes? Mom, they make you take all G.
s your first semester anyway, so It's just whatever.
Boys? Don't know.
What's going on? If I tell you something, can you promise not to freak out? Mm-hmm.
I kind of was messing around with this T.
, who is married, but was supposedly separated, but it turns out he's not as separated as I thought he was.
And his wife is crazy and came to my dorm room and physically assaulted me in front of everybody and Did she hurt you, hon? No, I'm fine.
It's just She slapped me in front of everybody, the whole dorm.
I can't go back there, and I don't know what to do.
With her teacher? Her T.
With her married T.
, who's how old? I don't know.
Did you ask her how old this guy is? No, honey, I didn't ask her.
I was in shock.
And, you know, just come here.
Just come sit down so we can talk.
I don't want to sit down.
Then stop thinking what you're thinking.
I'm gonna go up there, and I'm gonna kick that kid's ass - is what I'm gonna do.
- No, you're not.
What the hell is someone doing, running around with the students up at the school? Running around with my damn daughter? - Honey, shh! - One of the T.
s? - Honey! Honey! - A married T.
? She is humiliated Damn well hope so, honey.
And ashamed.
Honey, our daughter is destroyed right now.
That's what we need to focus on.
We need to be compassionate.
You know she wrecked that car on purpose.
Think about it.
No, she did not.
- Think about it.
- No, she did not.
I knew something was wrong.
Think about it, honey.
Honey, she wouldn't do that.
- Hey.
- How you doin'? Okay.
Dad's pretty pissed, huh? Well, I think he's worried about you.
But he loves you.
We both do.
Always will, no matter what happens.
I need to ask you something.
Did you really swerve the car to avoid hitting that dog? No.
Why'd you do that, honey? It was a stupid, stupid, stupid decision.
I just I didn't know what else to do.
And I'm sorry, and I will pay for whatever it costs to fix the car.
It's not about the money.
I'm not talking about the money.
I'm talking about, what are these choices that you are making? I understand that the choices that I have been making recently have not been the brightest, but I feel like I just jumped into this whole college thing.
It was way too premature, and maybe I should go traveling.
Maybe I should go to Europe.
- Maybe this whole thing isn't me.
- Honey, honey, honey No.
You're not running away from anything.
You are an adult right now.
You need to think about your choices, and you need to take responsibility for them.
That is what you do.
That is the girl that I raised.
I just don't understand why Billy wouldn't let me say hi to Tim for like five minutes.
I just wanted to say hi.
Yeah, Becky, 'cause it's a prison and not a dorm.
I know that.
You know what, I really feel like you need to put your focus somewhere else.
Release a little tension With someone.
Sex? Oh.
I don't know.
Well what about that, uh, cutie farm boy, Luke? He's hot.
Yeah, I've kind of been there, and that didn't go so well.
You dated him? Well, we didn't exactly date.
It's It's a long story.
Good, 'cause I think someone your age should have a boyfriend.
Or 12.
Mm, winner.
Mm-mmm, rhinestones make me look trashy.
Roll back, roll back! Come off the ball now! Let's go! Hike.
Downhill, downhill! Hit it hard.
Cafferty, come on! You gotta get off your block and make a tackle! Hey, that kid didn't even play football last year, and he's taking you out of the play.
What the hell's the matter with you? I don't know.
Why don't you ask the kingmaker? I'm asking you! Coach, it's like we're going half-speed.
You want to run 'em, maybe get their mind right? You do me a favor? Sure.
Finish up this practice.
All right.
Where's where's coach going? All right, call it again.
Same set.
Go again.
Same set.
Did you know he was married and had a wife? What's up? What the hell is this? Yo, where the rest of my money? That's all I can get.
- I'm working on it.
- You working on it? Man, where the rest of my money, man? You gonna get your money, a'ight? - Just get off my ass a little.
- Yo, hold that down.
I own your ass, remember that.
I ain't one of your fans over there at the field.
You gonna come up off my money, man.
Hey, man, you gonna get your money, a'ight? So just take that and step off.
I've got a lot of people watching my back.
You gonna be sorry you ever messed with me.
What are you doing? Just finishing up with some things.
You're hiding.
I'm not hiding.
Well, I don't blame you.
It's a little strange in there right now.
What do we know about this guy? Nothing.
She's running away from him.
Doesn't seem like true love to me.
Our daughter slept with another woman's husband.
She doesn't seem to understand her actions at all.
She seems to be in complete denial.
Maybe what she needs is a good kick in the ass.
Well, that's probably true.
I don't know that girl in there.
Yeah, you do.
She needs her parents right now.
Good morning.
Here's what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna call the mechanic this morning.
I'm gonna have him fix that car.
And I'm gonna pay for it myself, and then you're gonna pay me back, because it was your responsibility.
When that car shows up here this afternoon, you're gonna get in that car, and you're gonna go to school.
I'll see you later this afternoon.
- Bye, honey.
- See you.
Bye, have a good one.
Rip 61 "x" choice.
What's my read? Look, Hastings, just get open, all right? I'll throw you the ball.
Just catch it.
I think what QB1 is trying to say is that your read's the free safety, all right? If he stays deep, you run a hook, and if he comes back, then you run the slant.
Right? All right, Luke, you know your stuff.
Keep working on that arm, maybe you be qb1 one day.
Yeah, maybe I should be.
Then I'd have TMU all over my ass instead of yours, and I'd be on magazine covers, huh? Yo, dude, you all right? They came after me.
You asked me to go to that game.
I didn't have anything to do with this.
I'm aware of what happened.
You've told me about 5 million times that's how I know.
Well, I thought I was doing you a favor.
How are you doing me a favor by taking my scholarship, Vince? I took your scholarship? Do you hear this guy? Thanks, man.
Thank you.
See you guys later.
If you need help, come ask me.
If you was mine, you wouldn't be taking out no trash.
- Okay, get - Where you goin'? - Don't touch me! - Where you goin'? - Get off of me! - Where you goin'? Now, your boy owe me money.
He's trying to get your money.
Ain't tryin' to hear about no tryin'.
It needs to get done.
Otherwise, buildings might start bursting into flames.
Yeah, it's a barbecue joint.
Lot of grease, baby.
All it takes is one match.
Best smelling burn job ever.
I have never seen a kid with more fortitude than Tim Riggins.
No fear.
Becky! Ahem.
One second, chief.
Hold on.
Is Becky here? Uh, no, no.
She's with mindy right now.
Well, I gotta I really gotta talk to her.
- She's not here.
- All right.
She's with Mindy.
They'll be back in a little while.
Where you goin'? Tell her that Tell her that I need to talk to her, okay? Are you drunk? Yeah.
You got a game tomorrow, Cafferty! You think that's a good idea? It doesn't matter.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where the hell you think you're going? - I'm all right.
- No, you're not all right.
And you're not driving like Hey, come here! You're not driving like this right now.
You hear me? Get your ass inside, all right? I'm taking out the trash, I turn around, and the little twerp is right here up against my face.
He grabs me, and he throws me up against the trash can.
I literally am struggling to get away.
He put his hands on you? - Yeah.
- All right, I'ma handle him.
I-I-I'm about to call the cops.
No, no, no, no.
Just give me a chance, okay? Give me a chance to make things right.
I'm gonna take care of it.
Look, I know that look in your eyes.
Look, we gotta call the cops, okay? We gotta just tell them what happened.
We can't go to the cops! We gonna have to go to somebody.
I don't know, talk to somebody.
Maybe coach, somebody.
I'ma handle it.
Lock the door, and I'ma handle it.
Lock the door.
Lexxxie to the stage.
Amber, you're on deck.
Hi, monster.
- Hey, mama.
- Hi.
We were just talking about how good you are.
How'd you do? Um, good.
Not the best night, not the worst.
- Looks like you did good.
- Yeah.
You're not gonna be one of those boys that comes in here, are you? Who are the guys that come in here? Everybody.
Uhh! Come here.
Go see mommy? Hello.
You, by the way, are super awesome for coming in here and doing this.
Yeah, I don't mind.
I mean, I don't mind making extra money to help Billy, but I don't like being away from him.
Whoo! Oh.
The hell with TMU.
So so they They came after you to get to Vince.
So what? Who cares? So bye-bye, scholarship.
When's the last time you actually enjoyed playing football? Were you worried about scholarships when you were eight years old? No.
You were playing because you loved the game, right? You gotta go back to that place where this game used to be fun.
Where it used to be a joy every single day to strap on those pads and put on that helmet.
Hey, listen to something.
Aaah! What was that? That's a war cry, mofo, all right? That's what you gotta have.
I may have been the smallest guy on my team, but I played with heart.
You gotta get your heart back into the game.
'Cause right now, you don't have any heart.
Let me hear your war cry.
Hold on.
What are you doing? One second.
I'm gonna call coach assface at TMU.
- Okay, yeah.
- Ass.
Now we're talking.
That's playing with heart.
Hey, tell him, you know what, coach? I want you to eat the corn out of my turds.
That's what you should tell him.
I don't think I should say that.
Well, hey, it's your call, but, I mean, you gotta say something.
Hey, coach! Hey, Mr.
TMU! This is Luke Cafferty, the guy you think isn't good enough.
Well, I gotta tell you something, coach.
That I got heart.
Listen, listen! Aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaah! Whoo! That's it! All right? Glad you came to me with this, son.
How much you into him for? He gave me till Friday.
That ain't no time.
You did good, okay? I mean, getting that money to look after your mama, you did good, man.
Yeah, but now what? Used to be Kennard wasn't nothing but a little corner boy.
Little punk.
Went and got himself a little gun, uh-huh, a little rep.
Surprised he ain't, uh, recorded a rap album yet.
Hey, you smoke, man? Nah.
That's good.
It's a nasty habit.
I'ma take care of it.
Now on, you ain't nothing but football, hear me? Yes, sir.
All right then.
Dad, I don't want you doin' nothin' to mess up your parole.
Nah, man, I'm gonna call in a few favors, pull the money together, and, you know, pay him off.
That's it.
I still got a few friends up in this town.
Don't worry about it.
I appreciate it.
You ain't gotta appreciate nothin'.
'Cause of me, your mama got caught up in all this mess.
You got her out.
I'll always owe you for that.
What's happenin'? Mom, I told you, I'm not going.
I'm not going.
It's time for you to be responsible.
Let's go.
Car's packed up.
I'm not going.
I know what I said, but I'm not going.
Car's packed.
It's time to go.
I've got a game to go to.
I don't have time for this.
Well, then go to your game.
I need to figure out my plan.
I need to maybe go to a different college or No, you need to take responsibility.
Maybe even a community college, - maybe Texas Tech, or - This is what you gotta do.
- Come on.
- I am not Dad, I am not going back.
I am not going to go! - Let go of me! - Come here.
- Come here.
- Let go! - No! No! - Come here! Eric! Eric! Eric! Eric! Come here! - Stop it! - Get in the car! I wonder where coach is.
This is weird, man.
Where's coach? We need him to win the game.
No one knows where he is.
Maybe something horrible happened to him.
No, it's coach Taylor.
I never seen him leave practice before, much less be late to a game.
He said he'll be here, he'll be here.
You've got a game to go to.
I know.
We got, like, ten minutes to kickoff.
We gotta do something.
Let's take 'em out.
You want me to do it? Yep.
Spivey, get' em up.
Come on, coach, you got this.
- Take a knee.
- Let's go.
Um Everybody, listen up.
Um So coach ain't here, um, and I ain't coach.
So this is what you get.
Men, it's Friday night.
It's Friday night in our house.
And these fellas in the locker room next to us, they want to come in here, and they want to dance around on our field and think they can walk off with a win.
They want to have a party in our house.
Well, I say we give 'em a fistfight.
I saw we go out there, and we play 48 minutes of Lion football! Yeah! - Like we know how to play! - Yeah! And we leave it all on the field tonight! Yeah! So cinch up your laces, put more tape on your hands if you need it, and you make sure that helmet's on good and tight, and you hurt the first son of a bitch you see tonight.
- All right! - Yeah! Let's go kick some ass.
Let's go, fellas! Let's do it! It's a good job.
Gentlemen, I apologize for being late.
Let's go play some football.
Listen up.
Listen up! You hear that? This is it right here, right now.
Who you are on that field tonight is who you're gonna be for the rest of your life, fellas.
I know you know that to be true.
Let's go show 'em some pride.
Whoo! Hey, you're missing the game.
This ain't gonna take long.
That's what I like to hear.
I ain't got your money.
What the hell you call me here for then? Settle this business with my boy.
Look, I'ma tell you just like I told your boy and that hot little bitch he knockin' off.
Till I get all my money, ain't a damn thing settled.
Now, I done been in prison a long time, boy.
You think I'm scared of you? You crumbs to me, son! Aah! You little bitch! Ohh! I'ma talk to you straight up, 'cause we got history.
You ever mess with me and mine again, I'ma put you down for good.
Feel me? Huh? We straight.
- How are we? - We straight! East Dillon Lions Yeah! I'll have to say some of the great traditions involve winning! Game ball tonight, in honor of the best player of the game, Mr.
Luke Cafferty! Come on up, Luke! Luuuke! Way to go, Luke! Let's hear that roar! Roar! Hey, Cafferty, come here.
What's up, man? - Hell of a game tonight.
- Yes, sir.
I'm gonna take credit for everything that you did tonight, and I'ma live off that for a little while.
All right, fair enough.
- We're not over yet, all right? - All right.
We're gonna get this thing worked out, and by the time we're done, we're gonna give you a scholarship to any school you want to go to in this country.
I'm taking you under my wing.
Under this wing right here, all right? Coach, you smell, man.
Breathe it in, little bird.
- Breathe it in.
- All right.
Your hottie farm boy keeps looking over at you.
Yeah? Yeah, I kind of think he wants you.
So, seriously, you're telling me that could never happen.
I don't know.
It's Luke's great and everything.
It's just he's not Tim Riggins? No.
Oh, baby girl, you know you are not Tim Riggins' girlfriend.
I know that.
Do you know that I am sure he said a lot of really pretty things to you, and he also says a lot of really pretty things to every pretty girl he sees? When he gets out of prison, he's not gonna be with any of them, and he's not gonna be with you, right? Yeah.
Okay, screw this.
- Mindy.
- No, just wait.
Oh, boy.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! We're in the middle of having a conversation here.
I'm sure it was very important.
Kids, um, I don't know what's going on between you, and I don't really care, but you need to get over it, because you're both young, and you're both hot, and you both need to get laid, so I'm gonna go back over there with my husband, and you two can stay here and screw like bunnies, but, you know, be safe and use protection and all that mommy talk, and, um, enjoy.
You're totally welcome.
I didn't tell I didn't tell her to say that.
I promise I didn't say anything to her about that.
It must be good then.
Hold on, we need some more plates.
Y'all running out of plates.
You don't even need ice cream.
Oh, I'd love to have some ice cream.
What's up? This is my third piece of pie.
Don't say nothin' to your mama, 'cause she, uh She get a little touchy about pie, okay? Hey, pop, we, uh I need to talk to you about that situation.
Yeah, it's taken care of, man.
What you mean, it's taken care of? Like I said, it's taken care of.
Do I need to go get the money? No! No, no, man.
You ain't got to worry about nothin'.
Just play football.
Do what you do, okay? Good game today.
It was crazy.
It was.
Yeah, I'm proud of you.
Come on.
Let's go be social, hmm? Ladies is waiting.
Hey, hey, look who I got here.
- Whoo! - All right now.
Boy, you done whupped their butt.
I mean, you You hurt 'em.
And, o, don't think I didn't see you over there with all that pie.
Might as well have another slice.
- Oh, come on.
- Leave him alone.
Come on, baby, now, I ain't had no dessert in four years.
I got some catching up to do.
What was jail like, Mr.
Howard? You mind your mouth now, Caleb.
I'm, uh I'm real sorry.
Oh, no, it's okay.
It's okay.
Um Jail sucks, little man.
You don't never want to go there, okay? I mean, you sad all the time.
Matter of fact, you don't know if you're ever gonna be happy again, 'cause you missing all the people that you love.
You know, like how you miss your daddy.
And I guarantee you that he is missing you.
He is counting the days when y'all can all be together again as a family.
Yeah, like I did.
Um, who gonna help me finish this pie now? 'Cause I can't do it all by myself.
I will! There you go! Boy, you better start eating.
I didn't mean to disappoint you.

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