Nip/Tuck s05e06 Episode Script

Damien Sands

Previously on Nip/Tuck I'm afraid I've never done this before.
Paid for someone.
You're one hot mama.
I'm surprised you two never went for it.
I sort of assumed that you were straight.
I know about your little tryst with Julia, Dr.
You don't want to play this game with me.
You're going to get yourself hurt.
I'm Mrs.
I'm from the Shelter drug rehabilitation center.
Rehab? You need professional help.
There's been a bed reserved for you.
You'll be there for six weeks.
When I come back, Sean is going to know everything.
Why aren't you in your scrubs? It's just another tit job.
**** What I try to say is that it's just another tit job.
You can handle it.
I got Sally Hershberger at 10.
I got a manucure at 11.
And, I got official at noon.
Camera is a cruel mistress, my friend.
I can't have a hair cuticle *** police.
I told you.
I'm not doing a reality show.
Fiona worked very hard for this.
Because you pushed her, relentlessly.
Come on, Christian.
We already have enough exposure through Hearts'n Scalpels.
Hearts'n Scalpels Dramas are going by the way of sitcom, my friend.
Into the shit of "reality is the future".
In fact, reality is the present.
All right.
No overpriced writers.
No actor to suck up, too.
It's exploitation and I won't be involved in it.
The all point of those shows is to make fools out of people.
Those people are foolish, all right? We're different.
We're doctors.
And we have the opportunity to show people how we operate.
You mean it's your chance to be in the spotlight.
Yes Sean, this is important to me, OK ? I'm star and I'm tired of feeling like a supporting player.
All right? Look.
We'll make it interesting.
We'll we'll make it classy.
It'll have to be much PBS than VH1.
All right.
Go ahead.
Do the show.
Just without me.
I can't.
Look, they're not gonna green light the show without you in it.
They think you're some kind of draw or something.
Sean Please? Look, just do it for me.
YST, Loky & Metalmarco Season 5 Episode 06 Damien Sands Hi.
I'm Dr.
Christian Troy.
I'm a board-certified plastic surgeon, and this show is about me and my partner and the fascinating world in which we live and work.
While there are a number of programs focusing on plastic surgery Hearts 'n Scalpels, for example, on which I play Dr.
Peter casey Arterial hemorrhage, doctor! He's going into shock! None analyze the whys and hows of the process as much as look for the faux drama in the situation.
We're doing this pilot to revel the truth about plastic surgery.
Sean I have been together 20 years.
I'd say we've seen up to 40,000 undressed women.
You could double that number if you're talking about my personal life.
Every single one of them is special.
Every single one of them is different.
I think you could go up to a double-D.
I like that.
I see "D.
" Maybe even a double-D would be fine.
Double-D sounds delicious.
I think you should go down to a double-D, sweetheart.
Can I go bigger? I mean, I've always loved the letter "H.
" I even named my cat Heathcliff.
We'll focus on the health benefits of plastic surgery, which quite frankly all too often are buried under media slander that claims our industry is unnecessary and caters only to the wealthy and vain.
I think everything's gonna change for me now.
Don't you, Dr.
Mcnamara? Ladies will be lin' up to meet this stud.
We'll examine our patients' psyches and their bodies, ask them why they would undergo a painful procedure just to have their appearances altered.
I think the audience will find their reasons very sympathetic.
The difference between this reality show and others, simple.
The others don't have me and Sean, and in the end, that's what this show is all about, us.
And we're fantastic.
Don't want no saggy bottom, don't want no droopy eyes.
I'm like a piece of candy, go up one more cup size, everybody wants to look like me, plastic fantastic.
The most important thing we do every day is floss.
Just kidding.
It's actually the first time we meet a consult.
We, uh-- we say, "tell me what you don't like about yourself.
" it's a-- it's a line I came up with.
It's kind of our signature line.
Actually, I came up with it in med school.
No, you didn't.
You, uh-- I-- I came up with it, Grubman's first consult.
I knew that she was a well of self-hatred and, uh, she'd-- - she'd be on the table for years.
- It was in Weintraub's seminar.
You weren't even there that day.
You stayed in bed with a belly dancer.
Tell me what you don't like about yourself? Mr.
Sands? I don't like that the world we live in rewards youth over experience.
You see, that's what's so great about plastic surgery.
We have ability to give people with experience back their youth.
I'll never be 20 again.
I know that.
Frankly, I wouldn't want it.
up their asses, and they stick their dicks in any moist hole they can find.
Even at 40, 45, you think you know yourself and what you're good at, but you really don't, do you? These types of patients are quite common.
They're really just looking for someone to talk to, and sometimes the best that we can do is listen and advise them not to go under the knife at all.
But you are here to talk about getting cosmetic surgery, aren't you? Yes, of course.
I would like a neck tightening and an eye-lift.
May I ask, Mr.
Sands, what type of business you're in? I see you left it blank in your questionnaire.
Oh, I'd rather not divulge that information.
Knowing your profession can be quite helpful in planning your recovery schedule.
Blurred vision, for example, is a common side effect after a blepharoplasty.
- An airline pilot or a truck driver-- - That's not a concern.
Most of my work is-- uh, it's done in the dark.
So you're a vampire.
No, Sir.
More like a Marquis de sade, a Casanova, a libertine.
Naturally I was shocked when my partner informed me he believed our consult was a male escort.
I don't like to judge, but really, of all the people out there we should be helping, I'd have to say that a male prostitute is pretty far down the list.
Most of the time, I would have to agree with Dr.
Troy, but there was something about this patient that makes him quite a unique case, something I don't believe has ever been on television before.
I don't want any drugs in my system during the operation.
I've been clean for 20 years, and I'd-- I'd like to keep it that way.
We practice western medicine, Mr.
Pharmacology is necessary in anesthesia.
Well, it's not a problem for me, Sean.
If he wants to feel the pain, I say we go for it.
I assume you're looking for a more holistic, alternative approach.
I love all this California, new age crap.
It's hilarious to me to think that you can stick a needle in your head and that your whole body's gonna go numb.
You know? It's-- it's just a lawsuit waiting to happen.
If he signs a release and our staff anesthesiologist stands by ready to jump in, I think it's a totally viable request.
I mean, more and more people have been turning to eastern medicine to treat a number of ailments, and we do know an acupuncturist who studied in china.
When Sean first asked me to treat one of his patients, I must admit I was quite surprised.
I have my degree at the Nanjing university of traditional chinese medicine, but I've only assisted on acupuncture anesthesia a few times.
What? Sean didn't tell you she's his ex-wife's girlfriend? I'm not sure why my opinion matters, but, well, I mean, no.
Of-- of course I-- I completely trust Sean and Olivia, you know? I-- I feel that this patient's in very good hands.
Uh, I-- I think I should go and check on him.
I'm gonna check on him now.
She's still a little shy about P.
I'm not gonna talk about my ex-wife and her personal life.
If you have any questions about medicine or surgical procedure, I'm all ears.
Preparation is key before surgery, so we're doing a dry run of the acupuncture anesthesia.
Troy has volunteered to be our guinea pig.
There are approximately 20 points that can trigger analgesia in a patient.
After examing Dr.
Troy, I've isolated 3, and about a half-hour before surgery, we'll insert needles into large intestine 4, liver 2, and heart 3.
You're not sticking any needles into my heart.
- Oh, can I do it? - Keep your hands off me, all right? I don't wanna catch that, uh, rash festering all over your face.
Sure, Christian and I joke around, but we've been working together for a long time.
We don't mean it.
We really love each other, like Bill and Hillary, Ike and Tina.
Heart 3 is on the inside of your elbow, Christian, and the needles will only go in about a centimeter.
- You'll barely feel them.
- OK.
Felt that.
These people are crazy.
The only reason I moved out here was because they threw a bunch of money at me.
And the golfing opportunities.
We'll slowly turn it up to 100 hertz on the continuous mode.
- What's the electro-stimulator for? - It calms the shen, which is the patient's emotional experience of the surgery.
That's right, Liz.
I took a couple of night classes back in Miami.
I'll have the intravenous anesthesia ready for Mr.
Sands if he feels anything, but I have the utmost confidence in Olivia and her techniques.
She's really great.
Close your eyes for me, Christian.
- Can you feel this? - Of course I can.
How about you, Ollie? What do you feel when you're in the sack with Julia? Can you feel her disappointment when she reaches down between your legs and comes up empty-handed? I can assure you, Christian, that when we are undulating in the sheets together, there are no empty hands.
Heart rate is 60.
You know, I don't think this is working, Sean.
I mean, it might make great tv, but how do you operate on a patient who is screaming bloody murder? Right? You know, Olivia, it's just a matter of time before Julia gives up the gay ghost.
You know, our private life is exactly that, private.
It's for us to know and for you to have masturbatory fantasies about.
I think she's talking to you, Lizzie.
Lay off, Christian.
You're the one who said she wasn't a carpet cruncher, not me.
Liz? You don't think Julia's gay? I think that people can fall in love with whom-- whomever they want, and I totally understand why julia fell in love with you.
Patient's ready, Dr.
I'm gonna go get her so that she could take out the needles.
Good work there, Liz, all right? I really don't think this is working.
You and Julia are a great couple you belong together Julia is gay as a jicama salad Christian is just trying to get a rise out of you I know.
It's just he can't just go around saying stuff like that and not think there's going to be consequences.
I know I'd appreciate it if you kept it on the surgery and out of the bedroom.
You know? I mean, you promised me this show would be professional, not exploitative, remember? Just trying to spice things up a little, all right? You know Julia's not a lesbian.
That's why you're overcompensating by having Olivia here.
You know, i'm trying to be supportive.
You're trying to break them up.
Look, if you want to be supportive, all right, then tell Olivia to take a hike, all right? And we'll get rid of grandpa.
I'll have 20 tit jobs in here that'll have much more eyes on the tv screen than his saggy ass? All right? Right.
The run-through was a complete success.
How are you doing, Mr.
Sands? Just great, thank you.
Fully anesthetized, doctor.
Then let's get this started.
Hit it, toots.
Because the surgeries can take up to 6, maybe even 8 hours, we here at McNamara/Troy have a tradition of playing music to keep us dancing.
I'm really glad we're doing this surgery, Dr.
I only wanna hear you speak if there's any pain, Mr.
My competition's getting more ferocious - Younger.
- We gonna have to sew your mouth shut? Give me a bovie and a 2-prong hook.
Metz pickups, Linda.
While Dr.
Troy lifts the skin and cauterizes the bleeders, i'll separate it from the muscles.
Why so much hostility, Dr.
Troy? What are you afraid of? Certain information might come out, perhaps? - What are you doing? - Needles are not working.
- He's perfectly sedated.
- I'm the operating physician.
It's my call.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
right, Sean? I don't know what what was going on between Dr.
Troy and Mr.
Sands, but for some reason, christian has a bee in his bonnet about that guy.
The patient is stable, doctor.
Maybe we can cut around that last part, yes? Eden, this is a sterile zone.
You got what you wanted, right? They attacked me in rehab.
Get the hell out of here, or you'll go someplace much worse than rehab.
You are a liar! You put the pills in my bag,! Coming up next You know, you just wanna get rid of me again because you don't want your little secret out.
I have no secrets, Eden.
Really? She's a drug addict and a liar, and she'll do anything she can to score some more pills.
Lying isn't gonna help anybody.
Who's the liar, Sean? You want me to tell them about our little masturbation party, or they know about that, too? She's a drug addict and a liar, and she'll do anything-- Anything to get some pills.
I don't give a crap about that little bitch Eden or about Julia and Liz and Olivia and their muff-diving bullshit.
This show is supposed to be about me.
Me! - How did this happen? - How do you think it happened? The real junkies in rehab attacked me.
And I'm sure you'll all be proud to know that i'm a pack-a-day smoker.
Good job, everyone.
I'm sorry.
Do we have to have these things here? I mean, this is a family matter.
Do we have to share it with the world? Keep rolling.
Cigarette burns, probably second-degree.
Did a doctor at the center see these? They don't care.
All they do is cash your check.
So you ran away before you even got the treatment you need, right? That's why I'm here, head.
Why don't you just stick some needles in her, send her on her way? Go to hell, Christian.
You just wanna get rid of me again, because you don't want your little secret out.
I have no secrets, eden.
Really? So then I guess Sean knows that you already Julia.
No, Sean.
Like a month ago.
Lying isn't gonna help anybody.
Who's the liar, Sean? Want me to tell them about our little masturbation party, or do they know about that, too? What I believe Eden Lord was referring to is an exam I gave her after a previous operation.
Another female was present.
It was completely clinical in nature.
My medical opinion, the little bitch belongs in an institution.
I-- somewhere deep down, I know that Eden's a good kid.
I just have no idea why she hates me so much.
I'm sorry.
Can we-- just stop a minute.
This camera business is really intrusive.
Can I-- I signed the release form.
- Do you have a moment? - Yeah.
What? Well, you know, I know that it's not easy, you know, being in a new city, finding someone.
Well, you tell me about it, huh? You don't know how lucky you are you found Olivia.
You mean before you did? No, excuse me.
Can you stop taping me, please? No, I'm serious.
No, stop taping me now, or I'm gonna just leave.
Am I making myself clear? I've watched you, Liz.
You can't keep your eyes off her.
We're friends, Julia.
You might not have gotten that handbook yet, but 2 lesbians can be just friends.
Then, I hope that you and I can be friends and you can respect our boundaries.
And maybe you wanna talk to your girlfriend about that instead of me.
Do they know about the overhead cameras I had put in? I don't think so.
But it's pretty sexy stuff, right? their turf is ratings gold.
This cream will help your scars heal faster.
Why are you doing this? Don't you hate me like everybody else? I'm doing this because I'm a doctor.
This is what I do.
Now, you'll need some surgery.
Are they gonna scar? Not if I'm your surgeon.
I lied earlier.
Julia and Christian didn't sleep together.
I just I was so angry, I had to say something.
I'll see you in a few days, OK? We'll schedule some time in the O.
for your grafts, and afterwards, this whole thing can just be forgotten.
I don't give a crap about that little bitch Eden or about Julia and Liz and Olivia and their muff-diving bullshit.
This show is supposed to be about me.
Me! OK, why don't you just go do something glamorous, you know, like go shopping on rodeo drive.
- People eat that shit up.
- That's ridiculous.
I see that shit all the time.
Go have lunch at Fred Segal.
OK, that place is just crawling with celebrities.
I just saw Jason Priestley having a nosh there last week.
That's good.
You came here with no contact except for me, right? I got you this job, and that's the best you can come up with? Where's Fiona? Get Fiona on the phone? She's unavail, Christian, OK? Sean Penn just got back from Iraq.
She's got damage control to do.
Then you better come up with something fast, Bliss, all right? I'm sick of hearing about this "Hearts 'n Scalpels" bullshit.
This is my show.
I know, I know, OK? I will think of something, I promise.
When I found out my first assignment as a Los Angeles P.
Queen was to work on the launch of a reality show, well, I was beside myself.
Here's the thing.
Reality shows are my jam, OK? Charm school, project runway, hey Paula the one where they spend every episode convincing us that Paula Abdul's just tired.
Well, I watch every one, OK? I'm just obsessed.
So suddenly it came to me.
Who better to give Christian advice on how to navigate a reality show than the biggest star in reality TV, right now? Oh, that's right.
New York herself.
I'm sitting next to New York.
She's huge.
That's right, honey.
I am big, and I'll save your ass from cancellation, because I know how this genre works.
And after we explained to Christian about the whole New York phenomenon, he really seemed to get with the program.
New York gave it to him straight.
I love New York.
I'm just gonna cut to the chase and give it to you straight.
You need to be way more interesting, homeboy.
- Interesting? - Like, seriously.
- Interesting? - Yes.
See come in.
- Interesting? - Interesting.
I am interesting, all right? If you want this show to go, you are going to have to create conflict, be the center of controversy.
Controversy, conflict.
Oh, what do you mean, so everybody can hate me? Is that what you're talking about? You know what? Everybody is not gonna hate you.
Just don't take responsibility.
Deny, deny, deny.
And then, just move on to the next thing.
- It's simple as that.
- Deny? I think that what New York is saying, Christian, is that people have very short attention spans, so you just need to listen to New York, 'cause New York knows what's goin' on, OK? You feelin' it? Could you guys, uh, just give me a second here? I care about Julia, and I don't wanna see her get hurt.
You know, I should never have let - What's goin' on here? - Olivia anywhere near you.
You are a bitter, dried-up How we feelin, Mr.
Sands? I thought you had forgotten about me, Dr.
- Or did you stay away on purpose? - I heard you asked for some morphine.
What happened? Acupuncture not the answer you thought it would be? There are some side effects to morphine.
They include hallucinations, delusions of grandeur.
This is not a healthy environment.
The peace and quiet that acupuncture requires for success are nonexistent here.
Keep saying that, Mr.
If I develop an addiction to these painkillers, I'll be saying lots of things to my lawyer.
To be fair, you did request a service that our acupuncturist couldn't provide.
We've decided to eat the costs.
Your procedure is free of charge.
That seems fair.
I could be 44 again, - don't you think? - 45 at the most.
Remove the wrinkles, not the wisdom.
You and your partner have done a very good job.
This puts me back on the game.
Will I be seeing you on the playing field? The only playing field I have is that surgical table back in there.
Let's keep it that way.
This town isn't big enough for the both of us.
Doesn't he look fantastic? Patient satisfaction is a priority here at McNamara/Troy.
Tell me, are you satisfied, Mr.
Sands? Very.
As it turns out, Dr.
Troy is an excellent doctor.
He's not who I thought he'd be.
Actually I could probably send him some work.
On second thoughts, maybe not.
He doesn't really seem to need any help, now, does he? While Eden lord was not originally scheduled to be a patient, she does need our help.
Her forearms were badly scarred in an accident, so we're gonna graft some skin from the back of her thighs and sew it onto her forearms, here you can see what i'm talking about.
We pick an area of unaffected skin, shave it off, and then roll it through this machine here, which creates a meshlike quality, allowing the skin to expand when sutured to the affected area Where are you?! She's in here goddamn it.
- Goddamn it, how could you? - What are you talking about? And of all the people that you had to choose, Liz and here? - Slow down, Julia.
- What, were you hoping - You don't know what you talking about.
- Oh, don't even, you know? You know, I should never have let Olivia anywhere near you.
You are a bitter, dried-up You looked me in the face, and you told me that "lesbians could be friends.
" I mean, I just can't believe that I fell for it.
OK, who told you what? You weren't even there, Christian! Come on.
Get in here.
- Just get off me.
- Get in.
- Wasn't even there to see what, Liz? - It's not her fault.
Don't blame Olivia.
Those were my lips.
You don't need to defend me, Liz.
I kissed her, OK? I was hurt and confused and in need of some kind of comfort.
Look, I screwed up, OK? I screwed up, but so have you.
Look, I'm sorry, but you know, when I told you about the indiscretions that I've had since we've been together You know, I know I'm not perfect, but I thought you understood.
I trusted you.
- I wish you'd trusted me.
- What what indiscretions? Listen, Liz, Liz, Liz, don't interrupt people when they're trying to make a reconciliation, all right? Nothing more.
It meant nothing.
God, you have been so unavailable to me lately.
I I don't know if it's the cameras or what, but sometimes when I'm with you, I have never felt more alone.
Look, I just can we Not here.
Turn it off.
The show's over.
Turn it off.
God, you have been so unavailable to me lately.
I don't know if it's the cameras or what, but sometimes when I'm with you, I have never felt more alone.
Look, I just can we Not here.
Turn it off.
The show's over.
Turn it off.
This is the cut they wanna air? The producers love it.
They won't change a frame and won't consider any edits.
- We're screwed.
- I knew we shouldn't do this.
I did this for you.
You fix it.
Oh, come on.
Like you don't love being Mr.
Famous plastic surgeon.
There's a camera around these days, you're like a heat-seeking missile.
I wouldn't be surprised if I turn on the TV next year and find you oncelebrity fit club.
I am not fat.
I'm in terrific shape, and I don't need to go on that show! - I have standards, you idiot! - All right, all right.
I'm sorry, OK? I thought getting that TV show would even the playing field.
I'm sorry that I single-handedly destroyed our reputation.
Well, nobody made me sign the consent form.
I admit it.
I like getting attention.
After years in your shadow, I liked being in the limelight.
I've become deeply superficial, haven't I? I've gone Hollywood.
- What are we gonna do now? - We have to move back to Miami.
They have cable television in Miami, too.
Then we can't shoot any more episodes.
- We're contracted to do 13.
- Well, then, we're screwed.
There's only one thing to do.
You're right.
We gotta hang Fiona and that dumb-ass Bliss Berger by their press-on fingernails.
I don't know what to say.
Then let me help.
Crawl back to Fiona and tell her that you've both been fired by McNamara/Troy.
The show is a complete embarrassment.
It's not about doctors.
It's about 2 sex-crazed lunatics and their crazy family.
If people want to watch a cheesy soap, they can watch "Hearts 'n Scalpels".
You hid cameras without our consent.
Sorry, but watching you guys interact when you think no one's watching is where all the action is.
Well, during surgery, fine, but not with our wives and children and friends.
This show will hurt people in our lives.
And we have to do because we signed that consent form.
You didn't protect us.
You screwed us.
So you wouldn't agree to any more reshoots, - that sort of thing? - No.
Well, then, fine.
Hey, good news.
The show's not happening.
I hope you're happy.
You could have become huge stars from this.
Wait a minute.
You got us out of it? I didn't have to.
The network tested the show this morning.
The network tested us? How high'd we score? Bet you we scored huge.
Actually, killer, it was just the opposite.
Let's have a look.
The test audience rated you low, on the likability scale, uh, a 2 on a 1-to-10 scale.
And they thought the tone of the show was, and I quote, "pushing credibility.
" Said one tester, a Mrs.
Lois Gene: "This show jumped the shark End quote.
The, uh, lesbians tested high, though.
They always do.
Guys find that hot.
What? This is bullshit.
We're hot! You tell her, sean.
- So we're not picked up? - Nope.
The show's not happening, especially without reshoots, so thanks for killin' my baby.
I appreciate it.
By the way, boys, before you consider firing myself and Ms.
McNeil, I suggest you wait a beat.
If this report gets leaked to the bloggers, and it will, you'll need somebody around to do damage control.
- I thought we were kinda cute.
- Well, me, too.
How much you think it costs for reshoots? But you know, when I told you about the indiscretions that I've had since we've been together you know, I-- I know I'm not perfect-- When I told you about the indiscretions that I've had since we've been together-- you know, I-- I know I'm not perfect, but I thought you understood.
When I told you about the indiscretions that I've had since we've been together-- You know, I-- I know I'm not perfect, but I thought you understood.
I trusted you.
I wish you'd trusted me.
What I don't get is how you knew about olivia and me, and you were nowhere around when we kissed.
Maybe a little birdie told me.
Maybe I have a hidden camera of my own.
Oh, yeah? Where did it happen? In the ladies' bathroom.
Oh, you have a hidden camera in the ladies' bathroom.
How else would I know you have stretch marks? Look, I admit I was shocked to find out that Olivia kissed you first, and I was even more pissed that they didn't capture my reaction on camera, because I think it would have made for brilliant television.
But I'm not surprised that Olivia made the first move, because despite your flaws-- and you have many-- Trust me, you are still a very cute little cupcake.
Oh, I am so happy those cameras aren't around anymore.
Aren't you? We can finally get life around here back to normal.
And in the spirit of normalcy, I think you should insult me.
Oh, no, no, no.
No, I am done with name-calling, Christian.
Oh, come on, Lizzie.
I just apologized.
You can't still be mad at me.
Besides, you're the one who kept lying about your crush on Miss Muffin Muncher.
You know, Christian, sometimes you have to lie to protect other people's feelings.
You know I don't think Julia's a lesbian, but there's no reason Olivia has to know that.
You're right.
I guess she would have figured it out on her own.
You know, in a perfect world, you'd be with Julia, and I would ride off into the sunset with Olivia, but maybe that's not the way it's meant to happen, huh? How are the arms? They itch like hell, Sean.
All right.
Let's, uh, give the graft some air.
Hey, easy, easy.
You'll rip your stitches.
They look like they're healing well.
You just can't scratch like that.
What am I gonna do? My mom says I have to go to public school now.
I think that could be good for you.
Are you insane? I don't belong in public school.
I won't survive.
Where do you belong, then? Nowhere, I guess.
Or maybe with you.
You're the only one who's even pretended to be nice to me.
Pretty much everyone else wants me to go to hell.
You need to get some rest.
Will you stay with me, just for a little while? Maybe for a moment.
So is this it? You're moving out? - Is that what you want? - Of course not.
I want to be with you, but first you need to realize that who you are and what you are is nothing to be ashamed of.
Then why am I so scared? Because-- I don't know.
You've only known one thing your whole life.
- Change is hard.
- Yeah.
But it's not that.
I love being with you.
It-- It's just You feel judged for being a lesbian in public.
Why do you think so many of us are still in the closet? It takes a strong individual to be gay in this world, Julia, a strong personality.
You're very strong.
It's one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with you.
I don't feel strong at all.
Trust me.
You are.
It's just so much easier when we're alone.
Well, the cameras have all gone.
Promise me something.
If I'm ever not being as open as I should be, let me know about it first before you'd run to Liz.
I do promise, but you need to give me the same respect and stay out of Christian's bed.
When Eden burst into the surgery suite that day, do you believe anything she said? Of course not.
Stupid little bitch'll say anything.
So you didn't put those pills in her bag? What? No, of course I didn't.
She told me she lied about you and Julia sleeping together again.
I wonder why she finally admitted she lied? Guilt, I guess.
Maybe she felt like too much damage had been done and it was time to stop hurting people.
_/Yellow Sub\_ contact@yellowsubteam.
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