The Chi (2018) s05e06 Episode Script

Bring It on Home to Me

Previously on The Chi
I think..
We should chill on having sex
until you take me on a real date.
We're too old to be going on dates.
If you want to keep me,
you better step up.
You were right.
I can't just demand your love.
I gotta earn it.
I'm gonna make sure
I do everything it takes
to make sure I don't lose you again.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
This can't be happening.
I can't be pregnant.
Want to hold my hand?
So what we gonna do?
I'm just gonna have to take care of it.
So I have no say in this?
I care about what you think,
but this is my body,
so the decision is mine.
All right, now. Look at you.
If I'ma be city councilman,
I figure I should dress the part.
You wear it well.
You want to get out of here?
How can I help you, my man?
What can I get you?
Give me all that
motherfucking money in the register.
Put that down.
Where your family?
Not here.
Guess you can sleep
on the couch for now.
The proper response is "thank you."
Thank you.
What's wrong?
Some fool tried to rob Smokey's today.
Are you serious?
Hell yeah.
I'm sorry.
I could look at you
for hours and hours.
Can you handle that ♪
What you gon' do ♪
If I pull out the candle wax ♪
Hot and sticky, dripping ♪
Up and down your back ♪
Better hear you thank me ♪
When I spank your ass ♪
Girl, I got a fetish
for the taste of you ♪
Show me that you like it ♪
Is you nasty too? ♪
Lick it off my fingers
when I'm teasing you ♪
I'ma have you coming
way before we're through ♪
Way before we're through ♪
I get nasty ♪
Girl, that's what I do ♪
Come on.
Say you match me ♪
Time to show and prove ♪
I'm excited, girl, I'm not gon' lie ♪
'Cause you been busy,
but since you've got time ♪
You say you like me on top ♪
Dive deep, don't stop ♪
Push me when you 'bout to come ♪
Baby, what you runnin' from? ♪
Talk shit, back it up ♪
That's it, back it up ♪
Open wide and take my love ♪
Girl, is you a freak or what? ♪
Don't stop, freak or what ♪
Girl, is you a freak or what? ♪
Let me see if you're a freak or what ♪
Girl, is you a freak or what? ♪
I been thinking about us.
What you been thinking, hm?
That it's
it's time for us
to take this to the next level.
What's the next level?
Shit, us splitting these bills
and having the same address
type level, you know?
What, you serious?
Hell yeah, I'm serious.
Shit, we ain't no kids.
Damn it, Darnell.
Look, you know I just went
through this with Suede.
Woman, I ain't no damn Suede.
I'm a grown-ass man.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
It's you for me.
So what you saying?
You know, I'm putting in
my retirement papers.
I'm like MJ in '98, baby.
I'm quitting while I'm still on top.
- Shit.
- Oh, my God.
Put in some hall of fame
numbers in my career, but
it's time for old Darnell
to walk away from the game.
You know you crazy, right?
Completely crazy, completely crazy.
Mm. Yeah, crazy 'bout you.
You know the next man I live with
gonna be my husband, right?
See? That's what I thought.
You're so good at that.
I'm a Scorpio, baby.
You know what I'm saying?
You stupid.
I know that look.
You do?
I know all your looks.
I'm your look translator.
What am I thinking?
You thinking about me.
What else?
You want to know what this.
What is it?
This can be whatever we want it to be.
What do you want it to be?
I want you to be the last ex
I get back with.
Nah, nah, I don't mean it like that.
Uhm, I'm
I don't want to do this shit no more.
I want to be with you for good.
You been riding with me
for a long time.
Yeah, we've been through a lot.
So you in this with me or not?
Yeah, I'm in it with you.
- You change your mind already?
- No.
I'm realizing between us,
we got four kids.
Hell yeah.
What'd I get myself into?
Some real love.
Are you worried?
Hell no.
Ronnie like my son anyway.
I got us.
We got us.
You know what we got to do now, right?
Mm-hmm, we got to go to round two.
No, we gotta tell Tiff.
No, we don't.
She's my friend, and she's
your soon-to-be ex-wife.
Right now, she living
with some random nigga.
He's not random.
I think he's the one for her.
That's cool, but why we talking
about them niggas?
Because we can't hide
that we're together, Emmett.
Tiff didn't tell me shit.
So I ain't gotta say shit to her.
You really about to have me
smelling like weed in church.
Tell Tierra I'm sorry.
I take it you're not a believer.
Why you say that?
Oh, my fault. I
- shouldn't be assuming.
- I believe in all the gods.
- Mm.
- All right?
I wish I could lay here all day.
I feel like a mistress.
You think I want
to keep this shit a secret?
I don't know.
Do you?
Hear me out
Not up-and-coming, I been out ♪
I need the Benz when I spin out ♪
45 seconds, I'm in out ♪
My mom paying the rent now ♪
Yeah, I'm a threat
when I'm banging ♪
You fuck with it?
Y'all should know my name by now ♪
I like the energy.
What you mean, you like the energy?
You've got personality and great voice.
But it could use a hook.
What you mean it need a hook?
People like catchy hooks.
I'm not trying to water down my shit.
Okay. You want people to remember it?
People gonna remember me.
Just let me send you a playlist of
some great rap songs with catchy hooks.
Okay, but that don't mean
I'm gonna add one.
I'm just trying to help.
Did I ask for your help?
You asked for my feedback.
I wanted you to say it was good.
That's not gonna help.
Look, if we're gonna do this,
we gotta be real with each other.
You gonna have that baby?
I don't know.
Well, whatever you need, I got you.
I appreciate that.
See what's going on.
Ooh. Good morning.
What you looking at?
Little nigga, mind your business, man.
Man, I see them hos on your phone.
Ah ah ah, wait a minute.
These are Nubian queens just
wishing me a good day, ya dig?
Man, yeah right.
Come on, man.
Let's get up out of here, man.
We already running late. Let's go.
I'll call you later.
What you want, woman?
Don't talk to me like that.
Well, shit, you got me all hot
underneath my collar up in there.
Look, I don't want us doing
what we always do.
What we always do?
Break up.
Okay. I got a challenge for you then.
What's that?
Why don't you take me out
on a date for a change?
What, that don't work for you?
No, it's just
Just what?
I never thought about it.
Yeah, I mean,
if we gonna do this, you know,
we gotta reciprocate, you know?
I hear you.
Let me know which Red Lobster
you want me to meet you at,
- and I'll be there.
- No, no, no, no, no.
If I'm taking you out,
I'm picking the place.
Okay. A'ight, well, shoot.
Go on and do your thing then.
Mm, I'll do my thing.
Just don't be late.
I told you I don't care
about astrology.
That's like saying you don't
care about the Universe.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is.
It's all connected.
If the stars aren't aligned,
then neither am I.
Never mind.
What do you mean by
Oh, shit.
I just got invited to this
underground gaming group.
What's that?
It's like this secret group for gamers
where they compete for teams
and, you know, play for money.
Is it a lot of money?
Can be.
Hm. Well, congrats.
Want to come with me?
Not really.
Aw, come on.
You know I'm not into gaming.
Yeah, but you into me.
That doesn't mean I want to go.
But I'll come and give you good energy.
Thank you.
I want to meet your supplier.
'Cause sometimes I feel
like I work for you.
You know we partners.
Then come up off that contact.
My connect like to be discreet.
Don't you trust me?
Seem to me like you the one
that got a hard time trusting folk.
I don't like depending on anybody.
I can see that.
I just want a little bit
of independence.
All right.
I'll set it up.
You will?
You surprised?
I like surprising you.
Come here.
Look who finally decided
to come to work today.
Sorry, long morning.
Well, it's about to get even longer,
'cause these burners went out,
and those propane tanks
still ain't come.
What the fuck, man?
It's all right, though.
Those burners stay going out.
- I'll make do.
- My bad.
Let me figure out something real quick.
- Hang on.
- Sit down.
What is it?
I'm in a sticky situation.
You always in some shit.
No, but this shit is crazy right here.
No. It can't be as crazy
as you fucking me,
and then me leaving you
for your father,
and then your father leaving me
for your mother.
Now that right there
is some crazy-ass shit.
Yeah, that is some crazy shit.
So if it's not that,
then it can't be that bad.
Me and Kiesha back together.
And now she want to tell Tiff.
I told you it was some shit.
But she's right.
See, I knew you was gonna
agree with her.
Now that's why ain't
want to tell you nothing.
You always on her side.
You can't hide your new relationship
from the mother of your child.
I'm not trying to hide my relationship.
- I'm trying to be drama-free.
- How you trying to be drama-free,
and you don't want
to have the hard conversation?
Why do niggas always do dumb shit,
but then don't want to fess up to it?
I fessed up to fucking you.
And look where it landed you.
Right where you supposed to be.
I see what you saying.
When are y'all gonna learn?
Everything falls into place
when you tell the truth.
So the truth will set me free?
I mean, it did almost
get your father clocked
for calling me your mother's
name when we was having sex.
Can we not talk about
you fucking my father, please?
I'm saying, your mother is gorgeous,
and if he was honest, then
- I could have been the third.
- Hell no.
Sister Peele.
- Hi. How are you?
- So good to see you.
- Good to be seen.
- Yes.
Would you like to take
a picture with us?
- Oh, sure.
- Yeah. Let's do it.
One. Two. Three.
- Thank you.
- I just want to tell you
how much it fills me with pride
to see two beautiful Black
people choosing each other
and taking that righteous walk
with the Lord.
We need more of this in our world.
- We do.
- Yes, we do.
Thank you.
Sister Peele, your kind words
mean so much to us.
Now, Sister Peele, if I decide
to run for city council,
can I count on your vote?
You better believe it.
And you know I'll have
a block club meeting
and tell all my girls what to do.
- Oh
- Yes, you tell 'em.
Now, you let us know if you need
a ride to the fundraiser tonight.
- We'll have someone pick you up, okay?
- Thank you, baby.
- Of course. Of course.
- Thank you.
Love her.
- Yeah, she's everything.
- Oh, my gosh.
This is great. How you feeling?
Hey. Have you, uh,
made a decision on when you're
going to announce your candidacy?
- Well
- Sometime in the spring.
We haven't quite confirmed it yet.
So we'll keep that between us?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
I wanted to offer up the church
as a location,
for when the big day comes.
Announcing your candidacy
in a church is a great idea.
What do you think, honey?
Uh, we'll think about it.
Whatever you think is best.
Let's get one with the three of you.
- Praise the Lord.
- Praise the Lord.
I'm gonna go get some air.
Thank you so much, Pastor.
- Oh
- We really appreciate this.
Oh, no problem.
It's a nice turnout.
I have to say
that Tierra is something special.
easy on the eyes.
Yeah, she's, um
She's a blessing.
I hope the rumors are not true.
What rumors?
Well, that the relationship is
just for show.
I'm a man of my word.
Be righteous in your walk
with the Lord.
I will.
What are we doing here?
Does this even move the needle?
Did you not hear
what Sister Peele said?
Wow. How big is her block club?
Victor, do not be disrespectful.
She believes in us.
We're a lie.
Black love is powerful.
People need it. It gives them hope.
And right now, people love us,
whether this is real or not.
Oh, and you forgot to open my door.
Always be chivalrous.
You never know who's watching.
- Hey.
- Hi.
All right, we gotta tell Tiff.
I know, nigga.
Who made you see the light?
I-I know.
You scared?
I'm scared as hell.
Yeah, me too.
I just want to do it
the right way, you know?
Me too.
I heard you was looking for me.
I'm looking for my man's supplier.
What the fuck are you doing?
For you to ask me that in public
probably means you're wearing a wire.
She clean.
So you not the opps.
You just stupid.
I'm not stupid.
I just wasn't thinking.
Lucky you made that mistake with me.
would have laid your ass out.
- Man, who the fuck is Q?
- Don't worry about that.
So you the front man?
Nah. I'm the middleman.
- I ain't got time for that.
- Hey.
You want to holla at big dog,
you gotta go through me first.
I swear that's why they actin' shady ♪
The way I be spending,
the way that I'm spending ♪
They sayin' that
I'm going crazy, yeah ♪
I gotta get to the bag ♪
And I promise you, I cannot wait ♪
This is my fate ♪
Hey, it's 100 buy-in, G.
Oh. I could Venmo you.
Nah. We cryptocurrency in here, chief.
I I don't got that.
I'll front you, but
you better be as good
as the message boards say you are.
- Yeah.
- For sure.
Thank you, man.
No interruptions ♪
If it ain't about money ♪
End of discussion, yeah ♪
They see me faster, like ♪
They say that boy amazing ♪
That boy amazing ♪
Yeah, I do this, like they do ♪
I got next.
Nobody play me on they first night.
You gotta work your way up
to this spot.
Who the fuck is you?
You got a stack?
I don't know.
You got it.
A'ight then, let's get it.
Grab the sticks.
You not doing me like him.
Your funeral.
Round one.
Yeah, dope boy ♪
- Mega strike!
- Coke boy ♪
Weed man, that nigga know noise ♪
Pill man, gun boy ♪
None of y'all lil' niggas
making no noise ♪
Murderous, that nigga know noise ♪
A thick bitch, a little curvy ♪
- That's who I am.
- Fuck.
I warned your ass, man.
Get up. Somebody else turn.
- How'd you
- Pass the sticks, man.
Fuck this, man.
Don't be no stranger.
We could use some new blood.
- Sorry, man.
- You good.
I'll win it all back.
- For sure.
- Promise.
Ain't up-and-coming, I been out ♪
Mercedes Benz when I spin out ♪
45 seconds, I'm in out ♪
I'm not mad at the hook.
I told you.
I thank you. I appreciate you for
working with me, especially with
everything you got going on.
I appreciate you trusting me.
Look, I really believe in you.
Shit, I believe in us.
Me too.
So now what?
I guess we gotta find you a open mic!
You about to go off, period.
Nuck is fucking crazy,
and he's the reason
Kiesha got kidnapped.
She was sitting at the bus stop
trying to get to his ass.
You wanted to meet the supplier.
This nigga thought
I was wearing a wire.
Why would he think that?
'Cause I said some stupid shit.
Well, that's on you.
Nigga, you trying
to get us fucking killed?
Ain't nobody gonna get killed.
You watchin' too much Goodfellas.
Why the fuck is Emmett
steady calling me?
Not now, Emmett.
Nah, this is important.
We need to have a real conversation.
Is EJ okay?
He fine. It's
this is about something else.
It concerns all of us.
Emmett, this better not be no
last-ditch effort to get me back, okay?
I'm not trying
to hear you beg right now.
Just come over!
What's going on? You straight?
I don't know.
But it better be fucking important.
This community has come
a long way in the past year.
Fix your posture.
Sup, Mom?
You mind if I listen?
That is a great idea.
Victor, let's take it
from where we left off.
But this is only the beginning.
Don't forget to make eye contact.
But how am I supposed
to make eye contact
and read the speech at the same time?
This is why we're practicing.
Our journey
reminds me of
a battle my mother is currently facing.
I'm still working on this part.
Again, that's why we're here.
She's currently battling
her addiction to alcohol,
and by watching her journey
to recovery,
I've learned that
I-I can't do this.
We've discussed this.
You have to be vulnerable.
No. I don't know about this.
Maybe she could inspire
someone else's sobriety.
Okay. Let's go again.
Shit. All right.
Why ain't we talking at the house?
I wanted to do this in a public place.
What's wrong with you?
You want some pop or something?
Now, what you gotta tell me?
All right.
Me and Kiesha
want to be together.
- Emmett
- But we wanted you to know.
I just wanted to put it out there.
Everything is
is out there. I just wanted
to tell the truth. This is
the new me.
What happened to you being celibate?
I decided
to break the pact
- So y'all fucked?
- Wait.
Hold up.
When was the first time, Emmett?
I ain't bring you here
to interrogate my ass.
Were y'all fucking
when we were together?
Hell nah.
It just started.
Out of all the bitches in Chicago,
you had to go and fuck Kiesha?
It's not just sex, Tiff.
I can't believe this shit.
You the one that said you ain't
want to be my wife no more.
- Remember that?
- Is that why you doing this?
No, but you moved on. So can I.
That morning when I left,
was that Kiesha you was dreaming about?
Fuck you.
Mom, can I tell you a secret?
What kind of secret?
A big one.
Okay, now you're scaring me.
Jemma pregnant.
Oh, Lord.
I'm sorry.
Don't apologize now.
What y'all gonna do about it?
I want to keep it.
What does she want?
I don't know.
Who else have you told?
Just her dad.
What about Victor?
I tried to tell him, but I got scared.
What are you afraid of?
Him being mad.
You are gonna be a better
parent to your child
than I was to you.
You did the best you could.
Thank you.
You gotta tell him.
Baby, you move me ♪
- Just like that old song ♪
- Like a love song ♪
You make me wanna dance ♪
And sing along, yeah, yeah ♪
We're lovin' like this ♪
Lovin' like this ♪
Don't it make you move ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
- Wait, hold up, hold up.
- What?
We at the O'Jays concert?
No. No, no, no, no.
Not quite. Come on.
- Uh-huh.
- Okay. All right.
All right. Here we-here we go.
You brought me to the Stepper's Set.
Aw, shucks.
- Woman, you something else.
- Mmm.
- You know that?
- Mm-hmm.
I had to take my date out for the best.
Yeah, well, I hope you ready
to sweat your hair out.
Ooh, my edges is ready.
- Come here, woman.
- Baby, you move me ♪
- Just like that old song ♪
- Like a love song ♪
You make me wanna dance ♪
And sing along, yeah, yeah ♪
Well, lovin' like this ♪
But this is only the beginning.
Our journey
reminds me of a similar one
undertaken by my
by my dearest friend, Rashaad.
We call him Shaad for short.
was once described
as being a menace to society,
when he was judged
by a jury of 12 people
who had no idea what it was
like to walk in his shoes.
They took years from his life,
and he became a man behind bars.
But now,
now he's dedicated his life
to mentoring boys who remind
him of his younger self.
It's been an honor to watch him
flourish in his freedom
and set others free as well.
Now, for those that have
said they want to see
more positive images of
Black men in our community,
they don't need to look
any further than Rashaad.
He is proof
that who you were
isn't who you always have to be,
and I can't think of a more
positive image than that.
So please
join me as I give a round of applause
to my brother from another, Rashaad.
- Let's do it.
- Absolutely.
This is Peaches, Victor's mother.
Ah, you must be so proud.
I am.
Can I talk to you?
Yes. Excuse us.
What happened?
I wasn't ready to be vulnerable.
You think I'm gonna relapse, don't you?
No, I-I just think we should
give it more time, that's all.
The hell that supposed to mean?
Look, this is not
just your story to tell.
It's me and Jake's, too,
and I want to know how it ends
before I decide to tell it.
What's up, man?
Did she tell you
about the initiative, right?
Thank you.
I would like to thank
each and every one of you
for coming out to support the ROCK.
From what I'm hearing,
we've already exceeded our
expectations for tonight's fundraiser.
You have any idea what this is about?
- Nobody told me anything.
- Hm.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
now it's time for me to unveil
what tonight is really all about
The future.
In 2024,
this will be our new ROCK Center.
- What?
- With your continued
support, we plan on breaking ground
on the new facility next fall.
You ain't know about this?
Fuck no.
May I have a minute?
How long y'all been plottin' that shit?
- I can't tell you everything.
- Mm.
Look, y'all can't be making
moves without telling us.
You know you work for us,
not the other way around.
Hold-hold on. We ain't done.
Excuse me.
- What?
- Where Ma go?
Man, give me a minute, all right?
Nah, I want to know now.
Hey, man, don't be talking back to me.
Give me a minute.
Yeah. We getting old, woman.
- Yeah.
- Please, I ain't getting old.
We would have still been out there
if you wouldn't have
thrown out your back.
Hey, I told you
I can only dip you once.
Nobody told you to be showing off.
Thank you for tonight.
This was really nice.
Well, the night ain't over yet.
Show me what you're made of ♪
You good?
Family just stressing me out,
that's all.
I know the feeling.
Are we really making a difference?
Or are we wasting our time?
Depends on the day.
I feel like I'm losing myself.
No. Tonight, it looked like
you finally stepped into yourself,
like that's where you were
always supposed to be.
I feel like I'm playing a role.
It's working.
What about you?
What you mean?
I mean, don't you feel
like everything we built
is slipping through our fingers?
Sometimes, I feel like I don't have
what it takes to be the face of ROCK.
There would be no ROCK without you.
You started all of this.
You're a real light in this community.
I got a dark side too.
I'm the reason why Coogie got killed.
I sent Ronnie after whoever
killed our son, and
for whatever reason
Coogie had on Jason's chain that night,
and Ronnie shot him.
That's-that's not your fault.
You were hurting.
Well, Coogie and Bakari are friends,
and that's why he killed Ronnie.
It was retaliation.
Sometimes, I think I did all this
just to try to prove to people
that I'm a good person.
Well, you-you are a good person.
How can I be?
- I just
- You know,
hurt people do
fucked up shit sometimes.
It don't make us bad people.
just means we're human.
- Guess who got recruited.
- Recruited to what?
You're not supposed to tell anyone.
Ah, yeah.
Oh, now y'all got secrets.
Not me.
So you're not gonna tell me what it is?
It's supposed to be a secret, you know?
Your girl knows.
Yeah, but she was there
when I got the text.
Yeah, 'cause y'all glued at the hip.
- Nah.
- Yeah.
No. No, we're not.
Yes, y'all are.
I barely see your ass anymore.
My bad.
You gotta get better
at time management.
I told you we should have
talked to her together.
You being there would not have helped.
I get it.
Did you text her?
She text you back?
When you send the text?
Four hours ago.
I hate this.
It's gonna be a'ight.
The mailbox is full.
You finna tell me what's wrong?
You lying.
I don't want to talk about it.
- It's that bad?
- Yes!
If we gonna do this,
we gotta talk to each other.
Emmett and Kiesha are together now.
Your Kiesha?
Yes, my Kiesha.
I guess she his now.
This not funny, Rob.
Why do you care?
Because that's my ex-husband
and one of my closest friends.
But let's just put the emphasis
on it being your ex-husband.
Our divorce ain't final.
That's still messy as hell.
Love is messy.
Rob, why you can't ever
just take my side?
this ain't gonna be
the easiest of situations,
but we grown.
Grown as hell.
You only get one life to live.
If she can make dude happy
let's let them be happy.
You sure you want to do this?
Yeah. Yeah.
Are you excited?
I'm scared.
Me too.
I'm happy.
If you're in there,
can you open up, please?
Okay, Peaches, we're gonna come in.
Guess she didn't come home last night.
It happens.
I know.
Maybe she'll
realize this is where she needs to be,
and she'll make her way back.
I hope so.
Thank you.
I don't know how my story will end
but I know I don't want it to end
with my boys feeling like
I've disappointed them again.
So I'm gonna leave you
with the memory
of me being sober and clear.
I love you both with all my heart.
Goodbye for now.
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