The Circle (2020) s05e06 Episode Script

A Desperate Alliance

[lounge music playing]
[car horns honking]
[Buteau] It's morning on The Circle,
and our players have got a lot to say
in their own ways.
[yawning loudly]
-[Tasia groaning]
Oh my gosh.
[yawning, groaning]
[Billie-Jean grunts]
You good?
Come on!
Okay. Love you.
[in Spanish] Slipper.
Another slipper.
Let's go.
[in English] I'm like I'm shell-shocked
from what happened yesterday.
I feel like I gotta change it up,
'cause what I did yesterday did not work.
[Buteau] Bruno and Jennifer are gonna have
to bring their best chat today
'cause they're both at risk
from a Sasha blocking.
I'm definitely feeling quite unsure
and a little bit apprehensive.
There is a massive possibility
that I could be blocked.
Did you get any sleep last night?
[Brett] I tossed and turned.
-[Xanthi] Oh God.
It's important to me to keep Jennifer here
because Jennifer is my main ally in here.
If Jennifer was to go,
it would be a really, really big blow.
How are we gonna make sure
that Sasha chooses
to save Jennifer over Bruno?
Throw her in a group chat with Tom.
Safety in numbers.
I don't know how the hell
I'm in this position again. [chuckles]
[Chaz] I really fought for Bruno,
so to see him
back up on the chopping blocks,
I'm really worried for him.
[Shubham] I have to cut one of 'em.
Either Bruno,
the only friend I have in The Circle,
or Jennifer, the dog mom,
who seems so motherly,
who believes in Sasha
and wanted to follow me.
Circle, take me to my Newsfeed, please.
Sasha. "Feel wretched
and absolutely horrible
about the decision that I have to make."
"I just wanted to say
no hard feelings to anyone
about the choice they made yesterday."
"I really want you all
to get to know the real me."
"Feeling wretched." Why do you write
like you're a 60-year-old English teacher?
I feel sorry for Sasha. Bless her.
She probably does feel really horrible.
"I do not envy you, girl."
I mean, the only good thing, hopefully,
is whoever I save, I'll have a friend.
"Good morning, everyone," all caps.
"Sun emoji."
"Feeling blessed
to be waking up to another day."
[Shubham] "Sasha and Tamira,
you handled yesterday
with such love and grace."
"Sending loving energy
and positivity. Your Aunty J."
-Oh, what a beautiful woman.
-[Buteau] That's half correct.
Jennifer's probably sending loving energy
and positivity 'cause she's like,
"Please don't block me,"
with those praying hands.
[Paris] "That's a really nice message,
Aunty J."
"Even though she's at risk
to being blocked tonight,
she still showed
some love and positivity."
This could be our last day here,
so I feel like having a good status
is super important.
Bruno, this is a big one for you, mate.
This has to be a good status.
You're about to possibly get blocked.
Let's hit them
with all that personality you got.
"Good morning, everyone. I hope
the start of your day is a positive one."
"Another day, another blessing.
#DaddyBruno. Laughing emoji."
[sighs] Oh, Jesus Christ.
I feel a little let down
about Bruno's status.
I was expecting Bruno to tell everybody
what it means to be in The Circle,
what it means to possibly be blocked.
He didn't take that approach.
If Sasha chooses him,
all of that fighting that I did for Bruno
is going straight down the toilet.
I'm like, "Damn."
I mean, he's a super positive guy.
He's funny. He stayed loyal to me
when it mattered the most.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Cougar Jennifer
is starting the day right.
[Xanthi] Making me breakfast?
[Buteau] Aw, look at these guys
with a cute, little breakfast vibe.
Most important meal of the day.
[Xanthi] I want my eggs over hard.
[Buteau] Ooh,
there ain't no other way, honey.
Before they start talking
about sausage, it's strategy time.
I say we get in on a little chat
with our boy Tom.
Yeah. I mean, I think it's essential.
Um, our only goal here right now
is to get past this blocking
'cause nothing else matters if we don't.
Circle, take us to a private chat
with Tom.
[clears throat]
"Jennifer has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, Jen. Yeah. We need to chat, mate.
We need to have this conversation.
Her and me need to have a plan
about what's happening going forward.
Circle, take me to a private chat
with Jennifer.
[Brett] Tom's our number one ally.
I think that we're Tom's number one ally.
And if we're not here past this blocking,
that's bad for Tom.
It's actually beneficial for Tom
to leverage Jennifer right now
to mend the relationship with Sasha.
[Xanthi] Message, "Tom. Sad face emoji."
"I'm super happy I have you in my corner.
#SOS. #SendHelp."
"I'm not loving this situation.
I have to get in good with Sasha today."
"I want to let Sasha know
that, if she keeps Jennifer,
she has my main man Tom
on her side as well."
"What are you thinking?"
Jennifer, I'm thinking
exactly the same thing, mate.
As usual, you and me are the power of two.
Message, "Jen. Panicky face. I know."
"As soon as the results
came through last night,
I started plotting how to help you."
Yes, Tom!
We love you!
I knew that Tom would have our back,
but we need to get to the game.
Like, how are we gonna do this?
Message, "I will connect with Sasha
via an apology for not voting for her,
give her my honest feedback"
"all the while singing your praises
and subtly dismantling Bruno."
I feel like it's gonna be a good thing
that another guy is telling Sasha, like,
"Hey, don't fall
for Bruno's sexy stylings,
but you know for a fact
you'll be able to trust Jennifer."
He's gonna praise us,
like he wants us here.
[Xanthi] Message, "I love that idea."
"Sasha needs to see what I see
and get to know
how absolutely fabulous you are."
"Star-eye emoji." Send.
Message, "I'm going to reach out to her."
"We got this. #Tennifer. #Jom."
[chuckling] "Heart emoji." Send.
Tom, you brilliant man.
We're gonna hit Sasha head on.
Tom's gonna hit her from the flank,
and hopefully
that falls in Jennifer's favor.
We're going to take
this young whippersnapper under our wing,
and we're gonna make her feel very,
very welcome.
She is gonna love us.
I feel like it's only right.
-You're not gonna let me say no.
-Jennifer bump.
[Brett blows out air]
[Buteau] Really channeling
that #CoolAunty energy though, guys.
Meanwhile, Sam is straight-up channeling
her inner exotic kitty cat,
and she's ready to pounce
and chat to fellow makeup artist Tamira,
aka Tasia, a cyber security professional.
Hope she can hack this shit.
Oh snaps. Oh my gosh.
[clapping] Let's go.
So far, she and I have
so many similarities
that I'm eager to speak to her.
Like, I look at her profile,
and she literally reminds me of myself.
She's the only person I can talk to
about makeup. So, why not connect?
I wanna I wanna see if it's just me,
or is it a mutual connection?
Message, "Good morning, babe."
"Congratulations on last night.
Confetti emoji."
"I'm here getting ready to beat my face
and thought, 'Why not get cute together?'"
"I'll let you pick the look.
Lipstick. #TwinningAndWinning."
What does that mean?
"I'll let you pick the look."
If Tamira is a makeup girl, this should be
a one, two, three, no biggie.
We're gonna focus on complexion.
Like, I know the lingo.
[chuckles] I don't wear makeup.
I definitely have, like, research,
like notes on all the makeup.
[Buteau] Don't worry.
Catfishing as someone
who knows about makeup
has never turned out bad in The Circle.
Message, "Good morning, gorgeous.
Sun emoji."
"You must be a mind reader
because I wanted to talk to you today."
"Of course, we can get cute together.
I'm applying my"
[playful music playing]
"foundation as we speak."
Because foundation is the base of makeup,
and it helps create
a balanced, neutral skin tone.
So if she doesn't get that,
maybe she doesn't do makeup.
And send message.
[Buteau] Deflection instead of reflection.
I should use that.
"Base and balance."
You saved it with the hashtag. All right.
I'm hoping that she's like, "Yes, base."
[snapping fingers]
"Balance that skin tone, bitch."
So she does foundation first?
We're backwards.
I do eyeballs first. Okay.
I knew
I should've watched more YouTube videos.
Message, "I usually do eyes first,
but I'll follow your lead. #"
"#ComplexionCuties." Let's go.
This just feels weird to me. I don't know
how girls can do complexion first.
If she's saying
she's gonna follow my lead,
she's gonna want me to say, like,
what my next step is.
This is a little piece of backwards.
Maybe you put blush
over foundation, though.
I don't know.
I have no dimension. I look
I look like this.
No. We gotta fix Powder.
[Tasia] Message, "Great idea.
Let me grab my mascara."
Send message.
Message, "Grabbing my mascara,
trying to keep up with you."
"#WhatsNext?" Send.
Girl. What? Come on.
[laughs] Like, I can't keep doing this.
Oh, yeah, eyeliner.
This face is giving old porcelain doll
that's been in the attic for 48 years.
Oh, I look a little piece of dusty.
Message, "You already know the deal.
Grab the eyeliner to make those eyes pop."
Send message.
"Grab the eyeliner
and make those eyes pop." Okay.
Eyeliner I could do. [scoffs]
I'm eyeliner mamí.
Ah! I can feel the just girly energy
flowing through my body.
Foundation first, mascara, and that's it?
She literally just put on foundation,
mascara, and eyeliner.
She must be really pretty,
'cause really pretty people
don't need a lot.
[light music playing]
[Buteau] Speaking of makeup,
Tom is all about foundation,
building one that is.
He's starting Operation Save Jennifer
by hitting up Sasha, aka Shubby.
"Tom has invited you to a private chat."
This is phenomenal.
I like Tom.
[in British accent] Let's see
what old chap guv'nor wants to say.
[in regular accent]
Maybe he can help me with the decision.
Circle, take me
to the private chat with Tom.
So message, "My dear Sasha,
I just had to reach out
after the less-than-perfect start
you had yesterday."
[Shubham] "I know what it's like
to be a newbie,
and I know what it's like to lose,
and trust me, you're gonna be fine."
"You came across wonderfully."
[shouting excitedly] Oh my God. Yes! Whoo!
This is great.
Tom is so nice.
Message, "My Tom Tom,
thank you so much for reaching out."
"I studied in the UK for a summer program,
and I know firsthand
that the UK chaps are good people,
and I know damn well you are one of them."
Oh, well, this is great news.
This couldn't have gone better.
Oh, no, hang on.
Bruno's from the UK.
[shouting] Oh no!
Message, "What the hell
has been happening in this game,
and do you have any advice
for the decision that I have to make?"
[Tom] "#NewbiesAreStickingTogether."
Okay. She's giving me an opening there.
I just hope Tom gives me specifics
about what's been happening in the game.
Tom, please, just be blunt with me.
[exhales] Message,
"I had a diabolical start
when I lost a chat-up line competition
to fellow newbie Jen
trying to win a date in the Hangout."
"I'm a stand-up
who lost a witty line competition."
"I tried reaching out to Bruno,
but he didn't ask me any questions back."
"Such a shame, as I thought
we'd have the UK connection. #ITried."
Damn, this sucks.
This sucks, because I like Tom,
and on one hand, he doesn't like Bruno.
Message, "Thanks for giving me
advice on Bruno."
"Jennifer does seem really fun,
and I do really appreciate
that they both followed me."
That's not a great message.
"I really do love you, my UK"
"My UK Tom Tom."
"I'm 1,000% down
to make an alliance with you."
[blows forcefully]
Well, Sasha,
that's very forward, isn't it?
I need to be blunt now.
I just don't have time to skate around.
[Tom] I think Sasha
needs to be used as a tool here
in order to get Jennifer out of this pitch
that she's found herself in.
I'm going to give the impression to Sasha
that we're absolutely under an alliance,
but I will have Sasha's back.
She's lovely,
and I actually think
she'll be a great little alliance for me.
Message, "I have an immensely strong
connection with #AuntyJ
as well as several others
now I've been here a while."
"If you want a UK alliance,
you've got it with me."
"I'll be your sat nav through this,
your Tom Tom."
I feel like Tom is powerful.
He has a great connection with Jennifer.
He didn't tell me
anyone else who's powerful.
Message, "#MyTomTom. I love it."
"US-UK alliance, here we go!
Exclamation mark."
"I really appreciate
all the information you gave me
regarding the decision I have to make."
"Keep being the light you are."
Thank you, Sasha.
I hope you make the right decision.
There's a lot to digest.
I guess Bruno is not doing well
in the ratings.
I made a great alliance with Tom.
So now the question is,
if, by keeping Jennifer,
do I have two people on my side?
Whereas, if I keep Bruno,
do I lose Tom's support?
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] Tom and Sasha ain't
the only US-UK alliance
in The Circle right now
'cause New Yorker Sam has just united
with biscuit dunking.
Hold on. Get a good grip. Get a good grip.
And we do the bounce dip.
We bounce, and we dip.
[gasps] This is like me working out.
Marvin would be so proud of me right now.
Look at me.
[Buteau] And from hot tea to a hottie,
Marvin is, you guessed it, in the gym.
Oh, Raven. "Raven has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, girl. Raven, you can interrupt
my workout all you want.
"I want to start this chat with Marvin
because, well, I miss him."
"I love flirting with him,
and I want to keep the flame burning."
Hopefully, she doesn't know
that I'm talking to Tamira.
Okay, Circle,
open private chat with Raven.
Raven, come on. Let's do this.
[Paris] "Message, 'Marvin, my boo.'"
"'How are you? I'm happy we're both safe.
#TeamTamira.' Send."
Raven, "Marvin, my"
She called me boo, though.
Oh my God. Like
That just got my heart racing.
I wanna play with her a bit,
gonna tease her a bit, you know?
Make her feel good.
Message, "What's up, sexy?"
Let's be like "y, y, y, y, y" on the end.
[Raven] Oh!
-"What's up, sexy?"
-Ah! Ah!
"Guess what? Question mark.
I'm in the gym right now.'
[Paris] "I'd rather pick you up
than these weights."
"The gym is not the best place
to burn calories."
[squeals, laughs]
-[Paris] "#BedroomTalk."
-[Raven] Ah!
Like, the best way to lose calories
is definitely not the gym.
The best place to lose calories,
we all know, is in the bedroom.
Man, you could burn,
like, 1,000 calories, easy. Easy.
-You okay?
No. [laughs]
Are you fanning your vagina right now?
That's how you flirt right there.
That is how you talk to a lady
right there.
[Paris] "Message, '#TalkDirtyToMe.'"
"'Winking tongue-out emoji.'"
"'I'd rather be doing squats
with you underneath me.'"
[Raven] Ah. Ah. Ah.
Like that!
"I'll give you the best workout.
You'll never need to go back to the gym."
Oh my God. "#MagicMarvin." Wow.
"I can already see Marvin right now.
I know he's hot and bothered."
Message [laughs]
"Yo, my Leaning Tower of Pisa
is not leaning anymore."
"Ready to be underneath those squats."
"You are my queen,
but behind closed doors,
you can be anything you want."
[both laughing]
This is a taste
of Marvin's love right here.
Oh my God.
[Raven breathing heavily]
[exhales sharply]
She's gonna look at this,
and her heart is gonna start racing.
-How am I in the middle of this? [laughs]
[inhales] Whoo!
[Marvin] I can see Raven in the bedroom,
just laying there,
and I come in like Magic Mike
with my shirt off.
Just slowly. You gotta do it real slowly.
And I show her how to like
That's Magic Mike. That's what you get
when you mess with Marvin.
[Paris] "Message, 'As your queen,
it's only right that I take care of you.'"
"'It's getting hot in here.'"
"'I'm gonna have to go for a cold shower.
Water emoji.'"
"Talk to you soon, babe.
Kissing emoji.' Send."
You need holy water in that shower.
[Raven laughs]
We have a good connection,
and now I think
we have a physical attraction going on.
Raven is my número uno, my number one.
[Buteau] Oh, okay,
before 50 Shades of Marv over there
sets the whole damn gym on fire,
let's cool things down
with a little language lesson.
Let's say you just met
a nice, beautiful Greek girl.
You wanna take her out for a good drink.
You would say
[speaking Greek] Pame gia poto.
-[repeats after Xanthi, in Greek]
-Um, no. Let's try that one again.
How do you say, hypothetically,
"My teacher is not a good Greek teacher"
in Greek?
[Buteau] It's time to give these guys
something else to do.
[loud chiming]
"Getting Clayed"?
Sounds like "getting laid."
What is this? Is this a game?
Are we about to do something with clay?
Have you ever done clay molding before
or anything close to it?
Yeah, one time I did a date.
I held her from behind
where romantic music was played,
and we played with the clay. [laughs]
Oh my God.
[Buteau] It's time to get messy.
Whoo! I love games. This is great.
"For today's game,
you'll be turning yourselves
into works of art."
What are you talking about, Circle?
I'm already a work of art.
[Buteau] Then you'll like this one,
'cause players have to create a clay model
of their best physical feature.
I mean, I have really nice feet.
"I love all of my physical features,
but my ass, though."
"Dat ass."
Feel like everyone's gonna think
this is something Jennifer would do.
I mean, I don't wanna go too crazy
'cause they'll definitely be like,
"What the hell is this?" [chuckles]
Oh, this is great.
This is a great way to showcase Sasha,
um, to show her layers, you know?
Definitely would either do my teeth
or my gorgeous eyes here,
but since I'm playing Tamira
[clicking tongue]
it's boobies all day.
I was thinking maybe the foot.
Her heart is her best physical feature.
Bruno's feet would be hairy and big.
I can make this,
or I can make this, or I can make this.
Oh! "The player with the most likes
will win a date in the Hangout."
I definitely wanna win this now,
because this could give us the opportunity
to have an intimate,
one-on-one conversation with Sasha
and block out Bruno
from getting a chance to talk to Sasha.
A date right now will be nice.
I feel like this could benefit me.
If Bruno does get rated very high,
maybe Sasha will think twice
about getting rid of Bruno later.
[doorbell rings]
[Buteau] Chop chop, artists. It's time
to carefully prepare your studios.
See you later, jigsaw. We don't need you.
[all] "Clay time starts now. Get molding."
It's booby time.
-I'll do the foot. You start with the leg.
-Should I make, like, a really big arm?
Eyes just don't float around in the air.
So right now I need to make
what almost looks like a head.
Gotta mold it. It feels good.
Now, I need to get
a perfect mold of my foot.
Juicy titties.
I want them to know
that I'm girly. I'm feminine.
This is not good.
This is not good right now.
That is a lovely bunch of teeth.
This is terrible. Hold on.
That is not as attractive
as I thought it would look.
-What the hell is this?
-[Raven grunting]
This is gonna haunt me in my dreams.
This does not look like a heart.
Oh my God. We need tubes.
[squealing] Oh.
Hair it up. Hairy scary.
Oh my God. Sasha's shitting it.
Somebody else wins
and picks me to go on the date,
hey, I'm still winning.
Oh, game changer.
I'll be surprised
if anybody else does better than I did.
Hey. [laughs]
I'm feeling the pressure.
My heart is beating faster
than this thing.
I would suck on these toes.
[all] "Time's up."
I am absolutely in love with that.
That is a work of art.
Yeah, I'm proud of this.
[Buteau] Time for the players
to upload their photos anonymously
-[shutters clicking]
-for all to see.
-Tilt back. Tilt back. Okay, and
-[shutter clicks]
"All clay models have been uploaded."
"Go to the Newsfeed now
and like your favorite."
[both] Circle, take me to the Newsfeed.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] The first masterpiece
we'll step into is Chaz's foot.
Oh my gosh. There's my foot.
Ah! [laughs]
We got some freaks in The Circle.
What the [chuckles]
They are weird feet.
[Buteau] Bruno's gonna hope
we didn't put the best foot forward
'cause his is next.
Yeah, I think it's good.
Yeah, I'm really happy with it.
Damn. That is a really good foot.
-It kind of looks like a spatula.
That's a hairy-ass foot, dude.
You mean to tell me you could buy
five different shades of nail polish,
but can't buy a razor blade?
[Buteau] Sasha's next to bare her heart,
It looks great. Oh my God.
-[quirky music playing]
-It looks freaking phenomenal.
What's that?
What is this even?
I'm thinking this is a heart.
This is terrible. This is so terrible.
I have no idea what this is.
It looks like roast beef gone bad.
[Buteau] Time for Tom's teeth.
There's mine.
Oh my gosh.
I love that. That is so creative.
They even got a booger.
We have an artist in the house.
Gotta be a female, right?
This is the best masterpiece so far, 100%.
[Buteau] Oh, hold the phone, honey,
'cause you ain't seen Jennifer's yet.
Oh, here we go.
Oh, it doesn't look so bad.
That's pretty dope.
What is your best feature?
Your foot? Your shoes?
I'm a sneakerhead.
I would never wear those.
-Round of applause for whoever did that.
-Oh, wow. This is a great artwork.
[Buteau] I would like to see
Sam's creation now.
"Eyeisha Rockelle", come through, sis.
-[Chaz, Marvin] Wow.
-[Shubham] Whoa!
[Paris] "Oh, wow. These are pretty."
It looks like an owl. Like [hoots]
The eyes are the nipples of the face,
so picture number six and mine
are neck and neck.
This is good. I can see Tamira doing this.
I feel like those are Sam's eyes.
I feel like I would know my wife's eyes
from anyone else.
We're a talented bunch.
And now they know
you're a force to be reckoned with.
[Buteau] Next is Marvin's bulging bicep.
Ah, that's a champion right there.
[Paris] "Ah."
"This has to be Marvin's."
That's the arm muscle emoji.
The guns. Marvin knew what he was doing
with that shit.
Look at that. Beautiful.
The vein's a different color.
It look a little X-rated from this angle.
Look at that. Look at this.
Exactly the same.
Yo, Marvin, you got some competition.
Welcome. Welcome.
[Paris] "Circle, take me back."
[Buteau] How to follow that?
Step up, Tamira.
Oh, shit.
[Marvin screams]
What in the world is that?
Are those titties? [laughs]
[laughs loudly]
Enlarge this photo.
I'm assuming that isn't a set of eyes.
This has gotta be Raven, right?
Wait. Raven has some nipple piercing?
Oh my God.
[Chaz] Tamira made these or Sam,
because they're definitely, like,
get-my-nipple-pierced kind of girls.
Please no one think that this is me
because my boobs look way better
than that.
[Buteau] Aw. It's a rear ending
with Raven's creation.
[Paris] "That's the best one."
That is a fat ass.
Look at the thong in between.
That is a pert bum. I would love that bum.
This is definitely a big, juicy booty.
This is a long butt shape.
If the butt's this long, I want to see it.
It looks like the family jewels.
Some beach cheeks right there.
I feel like Raven made those
because I think
Raven's favorite color is blue.
That's got Raven written all over it.
Just a giant ass in a thong sticking up,
twerking out into the sunlight.
I'm sure it won't clap back
if you go slap it.
-That's sex appeal right there. [chuckles]
-[blowing kisses]
With our little Circle Swayzes all done,
it's time for them
to vote for their favorites.
Circle, I'd like to like
picture number seven.
It's a good, girthy arm. [laughs]
Like number seven.
Circle, my answer is number six.
Circle, please like photo number seven
'cause I wanna go on a date with Marvin.
Like number four.
Circle, please like picture number three.
Going off of
what's your best physical feature,
I feel like Jennifer
will really appreciate the heart.
[Paris] "Marvin did a great job
with his muscular arms,
so I'm going to like number seven."
-"The clay model with the most likes is"
-[drum rolling]
[shouting excitedly] Oh!
Who won?
What? What? That's what I'm talking about.
-No. [groans]
-Yay. It's the arm.
The artist in the house!
I am so excited right now. Wow.
I finally get to go on a date.
I'm taking Raven on a date.
Oh! Interesting.
"Congratulations, Marvin."
"Tonight, you will go on a date with"
"the creator
of the clay model you liked."
-[Raven] Oh!
-He doesn't even get to pick.
-"Plot twist."
Oh my God. Circle, please!
The model that I liked
Hopefully it's Raven.
Hopefully my model is Raven.
[both] "This was"
[Paris] "I'm hoping
he liked my ass clay model."
I'll be surprised if this is not Raven.
Please be Raven. Please be Raven.
-Yeah! [laughs]
-Oh my God!
-I knew it! I knew it!
-This is Tamira?
Oh, I called Raven my queen.
You know, I told her she's my number one,
and now she's gonna know
that I liked Tamira's boobs.
[Paris] "I'm not jealous
of Tamira going on this date."
"Marvin's an awesome guy,
so I know that they will enjoy
getting to know each other."
I knew the titties would win, dude.
Everybody likes boobies. I'm telling you.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Well, that was fun,
but for some,
not even making body parts out of clay
is enough to take their minds
off the looming blocking.
[sighs] We haven't talked to Sasha yet.
It makes me nervous.
Keeping Jennifer, I ensure I almost go
to her number one or two in the rankings.
I know that for sure.
Tom, he's close with Jennifer,
so I have a top-three ranking
with two people.
The con is I broke my word to Bruno.
I'm very morally conflicted.
[Buteau] Anxiety is high right now.
Bruno's so nervous he's been cleaning
a completely clean table for 40 minutes.
And while Bruno enjoys an exciting night
busting dust,
these guys are busting moves
as they get ready
for their date in the Hangout.
This matches, right? This green?
Yeah, that matches, right?
Raven is not going to like this.
This is not good.
Let's go!
[chuckling] Ah, I'm excited right now.
[Buteau] Ah, love is in the air.
And as the most popular sculptor
in our game earlier,
Marvin got to go on a date
with his most favorite sculptor,
and surprisingly, it was the person
that made a big pair of clay titties!
Romeo and Juliet?
More like Romeo and Tittie-et.
This is super dope!
Oh my gosh, they gave me his arm.
Okay. So you know that means
he has my boobies over there.
Oh! Is this my meal? [laughs]
I actually get to see it in person.
Can I touch it? Ah!
I know that Marvin is gonna be in there
motorboating Tamira's titties.
Oh my God.
He's been here from the start,
so if I'm good in with him,
I'm thinking that I'm gonna be good
in with whoever else
he has already made an alliance with.
I'm definitely ready to flirt
and ready to secure my alliance
with Marvin.
My life couldn't be any better.
I got Raven. I got Tamira.
I need to play both of them
right now off of each other
because that's good for my game, right?
Because then both of them
can keep me safe.
If Raven knows I'm on a date Tamira,
so that is not good.
I wonder how she feels.
He seems like a respectable man.
He said I'm his queen,
and that I'm safe too.
-[sensual music playing]
-[Marvin] Oh boy, here we go.
Message, "What's up, sexy!!
Exclamation mark, exclamation mark."
"I've got your boobs
right in front of my face."
"#LovingIt. Wishing for the real thing."
[chuckles] "Winky face. Eye-heart face."
Not these boobs, dude. [laughs]
Message, "You know
I had to look sexy for you tonight."
"I've got on a nice shirt and nice pants,
but I can take it off"
[Tasia] "for you. The question is,
what have you got on, sexy?"
"#Curious. Winky face emoji."
Okay, perfect.
Oh, she probably looks so good.
She probably has on
some really short gown,
long, black, sexy with like a little bit
where you can see her legs.
The irony, I guess.
I'm wearing a shirt my girlfriend got me
on a date with some dude. [laughs]
Message, "Eye-heart emojis.
Eye-heart emojis. Eye-heart emojis."
"I can only imagine."
"Just the thought of you near my body
sounds sexy. Winky face emoji."
Send message.
She's loving me right now.
She's feeling me right now. I like this.
Circle, please take me
to my private albums.
Circle, please open the Me Me Me album.
Yes, that one.
Circle, please upload the picture
with the red top.
It's just so funny.
I would never wear anything like that.
Oh! Wow!
Yo, this picture is gorgeous.
Oh my God, I should send her a picture.
Message, "I wasn't expecting that.
"Now I just have to repay the favor.
Here you go Dot, dot, dot."
Oh, I see him.
I actually really like that shirt.
I would probably wear a shirt like that.
So that's super awesome. [laughs]
I think Tamira is gonna look
at that picture and say, "What a man."
"What a man."
[Tasia] As Tamira, we're not gonna say it
like that, right?
We're not gonna ask to borrow the shirt.
We'll definitely play it like
Message, "Oh my gosh,
you look #SuaveAndSexy."
"Drooly face emoji."
"Although your shirt would look way better
on the floor."
[Tasia] Now, all we have to do is verify
that Tamira is the only queen
he has in The Circle.
Message, "I'm so glad
I got some alone time
with my Nigerian King."
"Maybe that means I can be your queen?
Question mark." Oh shit.
Oh my God. No, you can't be my queen.
I already got a queen, Tamira.
[mysterious music playing]
-Oh my God.
-[shoes stomping]
Don't be thinking all hard about it,
Marvin. Just say yes, dawg. [laughs]
Tamira, the night was going good
until now.
How do I go about this?
You know,
a king gotta look after his queen.
I don't think Tamira knows
about me and Raven.
So really if I tell her
she can be my queen,
that should be okay, right?
[exhales sharply]
Come on, Marvin.
I claimed you in my messages.
You better claim me in the next message.
Claim Tamira.
Oh, I still
I still, like, really like Raven.
You know, Raven is still, like, my main.
She might probably feel so bad about this.
I need him to say
Tamira is his Nigerian queen. I need that.
It's so difficult, like, juggle both,
but you gotta do what you gotta do.
[Tasia] This is it.
[fingers tapping]
I got it, though.
"I got your crown right here with me."
-[sensual music playing]
Let's go. Let's go.
I have this in the bag with Marvin.
That is great. That is great right there.
I think I'm doing an amazing job.
I'm being very strategic with this.
Now I know for a fact
that Marvin is not gonna let me go home.
Oh, Tamira, you did this, girl.
I'm sitting comfortably right now.
I'm feeling good.
I got Raven,
and I got Tamira in The Circle.
As long as Raven doesn't know, I'm good.
[Buteau] Move over, Mufasa,
'cause we got a new Lyin' King
in The Circle. Hmm.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Meanwhile,
Chaz is currently trying
to give his boy Bruno a pep talk
before tonight's blocking.
Message, "I'm really fighting
for you, Bruno,
but I need you to fight
for yourself as well. Red heart emoji."
"#SashaIsWatching." Send.
It sucks to see Bruno
back up there on the chopping block
for another blocking,
and what more can I do
other than to just root for Bruno?
You have that fire in your belly
and fight for your place in The Circle.
Message, "I really am fighting
to stay in The Circle."
"It really does mean the world to me."
"I hope others can see
that I'm fighting too
because it's so easy to shut down."
I know you're trying
to see the positive side of things,
but, like, you're up for blocking.
Message, "Bruno, there's no way in hell
I'm gonna allow you to shut down."
"I love you too much for that."
"I need you to get to Sasha
before Jennifer does
and allow Sasha to see who Bruno is,
the person you showed me. #ShowSasha."
That's very sweet. Love you too, Chaz.
I feel like
that conversation went really well.
What people have not seen
from Bruno yet is vulnerability,
and you have it in you.
You show it to me all the time,
but I don't think
you've showed it to everyone.
[Billie-Jean] I think he's right.
The person I did show Chaz
was definitely a vulnerable side of me,
so maybe that is a conversation
I need to have with Sasha.
Circle, invite Sasha to a private chat.
-Oh my God.
-[introspective music playing]
Bruno's invited me to a private chat.
It might just trigger some thoughts
about what she might decide for later.
I just think it's very important
just to refer to the fact
that, yeah, I had your back,
and I would never break that.
All right, Circle,
open private chat with Bruno.
I don't know what I'm going to say.
[chuckles nervously]
Message, "Hey, Sasha, how are you?"
"I just wanted to reach out,
as last night took me by surprise."
"I'm so happy I chose Team Sasha.
I wouldn't change it for the world."
"I felt our connection was genuine."
He thinks our bond was really good,
and I do too.
The fact that he's saying
he would've stayed with me
if I won or lost, it means a lot.
I feel so bad. I took this guy,
and I put him in harm's way.
Message, "Although I came across positive
on the Newsfeed,
I'd be lying
if I said I didn't feel shit."
"This is why I'm reaching out to you
to let you know how I'm feeling." Send.
Oh, shoot.
I would really hope that Sasha does feel
exactly what I'm saying.
I feel like it's coming
from a genuine place.
[Buteau] Said the catfish
talking to another catfish.
I think Bruno knows
that the clock is ticking,
and he's trying to do what he can.
It's nice to see that fight in him.
Message, "Hi, Bruno. I'm so sorry
for everything I brought you in,
and the position you're in
is all my fault."
"You are my friend,
and what I felt from the beginning
was a genuine warmth for you." Send.
[whispering] Oh, shit.
I think he really wants me
to protect him, and I do too.
I made the bond with him
and the connection.
How do you turn that out? You know?
Message, "It's not your fault."
"I'm still Team Sasha,
and I will always be your friend."
"I made a promise to have your back,
and I'll never break that." Send.
[voice breaking]
It is my fault though, man. It's not
It is my fault that [chuckles nervously]
It is my fault you're here.
He's saying, win or lose,
he would have chose me,
and that's people you want.
People that don't just like you
because you have a status or title,
but that like you for you and if that's
That's good. That's the type of people
I need for this game.
"Jennifer has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh God. I'm gonna be sick.
[Buteau] Please don't.
This is a rental, Shub.
[Brett] Sasha has two people
that she can select to be blocked,
and we are one of those people,
and the only interaction
we've really had is just our profiles.
It is so important
that we make a good impression
in this private chat.
[whispers] Ah.
Come on, I've had your back.
I put myself on the line for you, Sasha.
Oh, Sasha, come on.
I haven't had a chance
to talk to Jennifer,
so I think it's only fair to her
that we get to chat.
She picked me for my team.
Tom said she's a good person,
so I think it'll be good to chat
with Jennifer before this decision.
So maybe I should finish up
the chat with Bruno,
and then I'll hit the chat with Jennifer.
Circle, message,
"I will always be your friend"
"and sending love to you."
Circle, leave private chat with Bruno
and enter private chat with Jennifer.
It's quite mysterious, that message.
[gasps] "Sasha has left the chat."
That could be,
"I'll always be your friend,
but I might block you,"
or it could be,
"I'll always be your friend,"
meaning "I've got your back."
All right. All right. All right!
How do we wanna start this?
All right, so, message,
"Hello, Sasha. Red heart emoji."
"I know you have had a lot of thinking
to do today,
but I just wanted to say hello
on a more personal level."
[Brett] "I followed you
because you remind me
of a younger version of myself."
"You are driven, independent,
and genuine."
Should we add, like, a fun emoji?
Oh, let's do the little blushing face,
like the face.
-[Brett] I wouldn't do that. That's weird.
-[Xanthi] Should we do this one?
I don't mind that. Yeah.
Okay, let's do the smiley face
with the hands out emoji, please.
[Shubham] "#GreatMindsThinkAlike."
She sees myself in her,
and that could be a connection enough.
Message, "Hey, Jennifer"
Sasha's typing.
-Give us something good, Sasha.
"Thank you for the warmth you showed me
in the status update."
"It meant the world that you followed me,
and I'm truly sorry
for the position I put you in. Period."
Sasha, don't you say sorry, girl,
because you're gonna be
Team Jennifer, right?
[Brett] Message, "This game is tough,
but it makes it easier
when you have real connections."
"My bestie Tom and I
are also newbies in the game."
"We base our relationship on loyalty."
"Rest assured you can always count on me.
#MakeItThree. Heart, heart, heart."
[Brett] I feel like we've done
everything we can,
and I feel really good and strong
about the message that we put across.
I feel super confident with it.
She didn't write "my friend."
She wrote "my bestie Tom."
I'm just very nervous
they'll save each other before me.
Message, "Jennifer, you're super sweet,
and I'd love
if you'd take the role of Aunty J."
"Tom Tom's a good person.
I can see why you both connected."
Message, "I'm so happy
we got to connect tonight."
"I hope to have many more chats
and see our relationship to the end."
"Heart emoji."
God, I'm gonna be sick. [chuckles]
I've done so many of these chats.
I've done so many chats in The Circle.
Gah, these ones might be
the knife to this appendix.
Every play we could have made,
we have done.
Now it's at the fate of Sasha.
-There is nothing else we could have done
to get a better result.
I'm torn because I gave my loyalty
to Bruno in the beginning.
And now, Jennifer's thrown a curveball
where, if I save Jennifer,
I have Tom as well,
but maybe I still have Tom
if I keep Bruno as well.
This is so tough. Fuck, fuck.
-[tense music playing]
-[Buteau] A super tough dilemma for Sasha.
I think we'll give her a little time
to mull that over.
[shouts] Sike!
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
"Alert, alert."
Hold on. What is this?
[shouting] No!
[gasps loudly]
Oh my God.
Yo, it is hot in The Circle
right now, bro.
I think this alert has everything to do
with the decision I have to make.
You're not just a pretty face, Shub.
[Xanthi shouting] Ah!
"Yesterday Bruno
and Jennifer were put at risk."
Yeah, you can say that for sure.
I'm truly sorry. I'm so sorry.
This shit sucks. And I truly feel
for both Bruno and Jennifer.
[Xanthi] Oh my gosh.
"Sasha must now decide
who to block from The Circle."
It's not gonna be us, right?
Me and Bruno are not ready to go home.
Really hope
you've made the right decision.
I bet you they're wishing
they chose Team Tamira now.
"All players must go to the Circle Chat."
God damn it.
I don't wanna see their faces
when I do this.
[Buteau] Well, technically, you won't.
[Paris] "Damn, Sasha must be feeling
like shit right now."
I don't wanna leave yet.
Sasha, I hope you see what I see in Bruno.
Come on, Sasha. The least you can do
is honor this alliance.
What has to be done has to be done.
Circle, please take me to the Circle Chat.
Oh my God.
This is it.
My head is very conflicted right now.
The reason to save Bruno is
he was my first friend in The Circle.
I look at him as my brother,
and he has a great connection to me,
and we have a lot of similarities.
[blowing forcefully]
The reason to save Jennifer is
it might help me keep
my genuine connection with Tom.
That's something
in the back of my head as well,
but I have a huge kinship
and connection to Bruno.
In the chat, he really fought to show
that he's my friend no matter what,
and that even if he knew
I'd lose that competition,
he'd do the same thing,
and someone who believes in you that much,
that's such a rare type of person to find.
[dramatic music playing]
Whatever happens, I'm turning my back
against someone who trusted me,
someone who I consider my friend.
[dramatic music continues]
Message, "This decision
has absolutely broken me."
"And I'm truly sorry that you,
Bruno and Jennifer, are in this position."
"It's my fault,
and this person doesn't deserve this."
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Jen has just been such a positive
and different energy in the group,
and she's just She brings so much.
Oh my gosh, Bruno. Please, please, Bruno.
Come on, Sasha. Don't send Jennifer home.
Come on, Sasha. I had your back.
You need to have mine right now, man.
Don't do me dirty.
Message, "The player
I've decided to block is"
[dramatic music intensifies]
I can't watch.
Oh my God. I swear to God
I'm gonna pee my pants.
I swear to God I'm gonna pee my pants.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Billie-Jean gasps]
[both shouting] "Bruno!"
-[Xanthi screaming, laughing]
-[Brett laughing, muffled]
[softly] Wow.
I did not expect that.
"Bruno." What the hell? Oh my gosh, no.
[Sam] "Bruno has been blocked
from The Circle."
Now, watch
that little Circle picture evaporate.
[Xanthi shouting] Yes, Sasha!
[in Greek] Wow! Well done, my friend.
[in English]
That's what I'm talking about.
If I went with my head over my heart,
I probably wouldn't have been blocked,
which is mad.
[Shubham] God, you trusted me,
and I didn't do anything.
I wish I protected you, man. I'm so sorry.
[Buteau] But before he leaves,
Bruno gets his final one of these.
It rhymes with "I'm hurt."
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[Billie-Jean] "Alert."
Do you wanna give me a break?
Do you wanna leave me alone?
"Bruno, before you leave,
you can meet one player
face-to-face." [chuckles]
Bruno isn't quite Bruno,
so yeah, kinda need to think wisely
about that one.
I really got along with Raven.
I mean, I definitely would love
to see Raven face-to-face.
Chaz, I'd definitely love to see
in person,
because I do feel like
I really did connect with Chaz.
I did have an alliance/connection
with Sasha.
Maybe we can talk about
why she blocked Bruno.
I am a catfish.
Fingers crossed they're not too shocked.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
What now?
"Bruno is on his way
to meet one of you now."
Oh okay.
Get the snacks, Brett. I'll clean up.
Shit. Shit.
I'm out. I'm out. [chuckles]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Chaz] This is Daddy Bruno. Oh my gosh.
[dramatic rock music playing]
-I want to know if he's a catfish or not.
-Don't come see me.
[rock music continues]
-[music stops]
-[door creeks]
[theme music playing]
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