The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s05e06 Episode Script

Camp Thunder

-[screams, grunts]
[all growling]
-Okay, Thunder Sisters.
Game faces!
Time to throw some crow.
So says
Queen o' Wimmins!
-[laughs] No problem.
This is nothing compared
to our last few fights.
[all cheering]
And a few crowverines
are no match for
-And this is
a piece of cake for
Also, piece of cake?
-Don't mind if I do
because I'm Thunk!
[loud eating]
-And these crowverines
can't handle my moves!
'Cause I'm Fireheart!
-Those crowverines
are going down!
Down to the ground!
Even lower than
the ground! In a hole.
Because that's
how holes work. Also,
I'm Sister Sunset!
-Let's do a victory cheer!
-A victory cheer?!
Your fight hasn't
even started yet!
Where's Seeker?
[echoing coo]
Seeker, too?
So you all took
your eye off the beak.
Well, you better get your eye
back on it before--
Ah! [grunting]
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this well
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark becomes
a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
we're stuck together
In one big family tree
-[birds chirping]
What's all this?
-We're going
to the warm springs.
To celebrate our victory!
-Your victory?
I beat the crovwerines on my own
while you skinbags were busy
patting yourselves on the back!
-EEP: Who's the best?
-ALL: We're the best!
-[crowverine roars]
-So forget the warm springs!
-You're going to Camp Thunder!
-I'll never get used to that.
-Camp Thunder? What's that?
-Let me tell you a little story.
Many moons ago, there
were some Thunder Sisters
who were used to winning,
just like you.
But winning
was so easy for them,
they stopped trying.
Long story short,
they ended up trapped
in an underground labyrinth
being chased by badgerillas.
-And how did that end?
-How do you think it ended?
-With a group hug?
-No! They were never seen again!
-Okay, but we're not them,
so that'll never happen to us.
-That's right.
Because you're going
to Camp Thunder!
-[Thunk yelps, sighs]
-Every time.
-Maybe Gran's right.
Maybe we aren't
trying hard enough.
-Only because we don't have to.
-Exactly. We're amazing.
So, warm springs?
this is important to Gran.
And camps are fun,
-so why don't we give it a shot?
-Sure. Fresh air,
good friends, thunder.
What's not to like?
-What about Dad, Grug, and Guy?
Remember what happened
the last time we left
them home alone?
-Cocobooms away!
-[clears throat]
-H-hi, honey. Welcome home?
[nervous laugh]
-As long as they're busy,
they can't get into trouble.
I'll handle it while
the rest of you pack.
THUNK: So, what are
you guys gonna pack?
Should I bring my nice pelt?
-So while we're gone,
we need you three
to guard the well
in case it's attacked.
-Who would attack a well?
Roving marauders,
driven by
an unquenchable thirst.
-Uh, yeah. Wellions.
Exactly. So, good luck!
-Gran, what's Camp Thunder like?
-Yeah! Are there zip-vines?
-And wind rafting?
-And warm springs?
-And a fire
to roast mossmallows?
-And maybe warm springs?
-GRAN: No!
It's cold and dark,
and it's always wet,
and there's nothing but dirt
and sticks and other sticks.
And definitely
no roasting mossmallows!
You'll be too tired and filthy
and miserable!
-But nothing!
That's it! You egg yolks
have forgotten what it means
to be a Thunder Sister.
We don't just fight
when we feel like it.
We bring the thunder every time,
no matter what!
-Unless we don't need to.
-Every! Single!
-[Thunk shrieks]
-Ugh. That sounds exhausting.
-Because you've gone soft!
And Camp Thunder
is gonna make you
hard as the rocks
you're gonna sleep on!
-Can I get a soft rock?
If it isn't,
I won't sleep a wink.
-This is ridiculous.
We don't need any of this!
It's beneath us.
-Or maybeit'll be good for us.
After all, Gran hasbeen doing
this a lot longer than we have.
-Gran's been doing everything
a lot longer than we have.
And the last thing
we need is to get better.
We're already the best.
-Thunk, what happened?
-The wind blew on me. Ow!
HOPE: What now?
I hurt my mouth saying "ow!"
[Grug grunting]
-Are we surethe well
needs to be guarded?
-Yes, because Ugga said so,
and she's never wrong.
-And how do we know that?
-Because Ugga said so!
-Also, water is
the source of all life,
so the well is an irresistible
target for sabotage by
lawless Wellions.
Are we sure that's a thing?
-Of course, it is, Guy.
-But how do we know?
-Because Isaid so.
-So what should
we call ourselves?
The Well Guards?
-No way! We're the Wellions!
-No. The Wellions
are our adversaries.
-Aw, but that's a cool name!
Can't webe the Wellions, too?
-No. Too confusing.
Which is why
we are now the Guard Wells!
-Guard Wells?
I said Well Guards.
You just flipped
the words around.
-Yes, Guy,
it isthe perfect name.
Because we're guarding the well,
and we're doing it well.
It works on two levels.
-Does it, though?
-Welcome to Camp Thunder!
-SANDY: [confused grunting]
-[wind blowing]
-Right here!
-Is it underground?
-No! You're looking at it!
-So it's invisible! Cool!
-GRAN: What?
No! This is it!
-You weren't kidding
about the sticks.
-Or the other sticks.
But at least it smells good.
-What is that? Huh?
-THUNK: Roasted mossmallows.
How do you like yours?
Totally uncooked or on fire?
-I said no roasting mossmallows!
They'll attract alli-goaters!
And who said
you could make a fire?!
-Oh, that wasn't me.
That was Carlos.
-[stomach growls]
-[whisper] Sorry, Carlos.
Somebody had to take the heat
for this eat.
-Okay. Are you ready
for some brutal Thunder drills
to get your heads back
in the Thunder game?
-Do they have to be brutal?
-Yes! Some old-fashioned mud,
sweat, and tears is the only way
to get your thunder back.
Any questions?
-Is there a no tears option?
-Is there a no sweat option?
UGGA: What drills?
There's nothing here.
-Where are we supposed to sit?
-And eat?
-And go to the bathroom?
[laughs] Rocks wear
a lot of hats around here.
-No more questions!
Now, the first thing
you gotta do at Camp Thunder
is makeCamp Thunder.
So you're gonna chop down a tree
and get some wood.
Then, you're gonna use
that wood to build a hut.
-That's it? We can do that
with our hands tied.
-Funny you should say that.
-[Thunk shrieks]
-[all grumbling]
-Okay, guys. This time,
that tree is going down.
[grunts, groans]
-Why are we even doing this?
I mean, if we were
fighting a ramaconda, sure.
That's worth the effort,
but chopping down a tree like
this is a waste of our time.
-But, isn't that what Gran
was talking about?
No matter what it is, we should
try our best every single time?
-Sure. Except this time
because there's
a bunch of wood right there.
-This is a real dilemma.
-Woodpile it is!
-[all panting]
[panting continues]
-Ow! Splinter!
-That's not a splinter.
That's dirt.
-And that's not a pile of wood.
It's an alli-goater nest!
-[growling, snarling]
-[all scream]
[Thunk shrieks]
-Ugh! Are we done?
My splinters have splinters!
-Mm, still dirt, Hope.
[yelling, grunts]
-What is that supposed to be?
-What do you mean? It's a hut.
-Not from where I'm standing.
-Okay, so it's not
the tree house.
-True. It's definitely
not the tree house.
-But, it could be a relative
of the tree house
that no one likes to talk about.
-It's pretty good considering
our hands were tied.
-Is it? Or is that just
another excuse for not trying?!
-Does it matter?
We're not gonna live here.
We're just staying
here for a little bit.
-How? There's no door!
THUNK [muffled] Oh, yeah?
Then how did I get in here?
How do I get outta here? Help!
-Now, follow me. Maybe you
won't blow the next challenge.
[sighing, groaning]
THUNK [muffled]
Hello? Anyone?
[Thunk shrieks]
-Your next challenge is proving
you can bring
the thunder anywhere.
So you're gonna climb
to the top of Slippery Hill.
-Easy. We got this.
I mean, how slippery can it be?
Ah! [grunts]
[muffled] Pretty slippery.
-No problem. We'll just
get some sappy leaves,
put them on our feet, and
we'll be up there in no time.
-You didn't let me finish.
[straining, groaning]
-Ah! What does this have to do
with being a Thunder Sister?!
-What are you
talking about, Hope?
There are moments in every fight
when you have to stop
and push a giant boulder
up a slippery hill.
-There are?!
UGGA: Of course not!
This is ridiculous!
-Pipe down!
Less talk, more rock.
Also, look out for this rock!
-Ah! Mom!
-[straining continues]
-Can we take a break?
My sappy leaves
are losing their sap.
-And maybe have a snack?
My happy Carlos
is losing his hap.
-[stomach growls]
-Easy, Carlos. I'm on your side.
Thunder doesn't take a break,
and it doesn't eat snacks!
-Guys, the challenge
is to make it to the top,
so we gotta keep trying
until we get there. Right?
-Couldn't have said it
better myself, other girl!
-Well, I'msaying
we're close enough.
-Yeah, Gran.
The top's right there!
And I'm all sapped out!
-And I've had enough
of Slippery Hill.
I'm going down.
-You sure are going down.
[yelling, grunting]
[both yelling]
[all yelling]
-[Gran grunting]
How is Gran so good at
[gasps] steering boulders?
-I try!
You should try it sometime!
-[back cracks]
-At least we're not slipping.
-I'm slipping! I'm slipping!
[all screaming]
-Oh, SlipperyHill!
Now, I get it. [laughs]
PHIL: Mm-hmm.
All clear in the pigator pen,
nothing to report
in the burnip patch,
and the lagoon is undisturbed.
No threats whatsoever
from any direction.
-Huh, that's weird, because Ugga
said the well was in danger,
and it was up to us
to keep it safe.
-Is it possible
that Ugga told us
we needed to protect the well
just to keep us busy
while they're gone?
-No way!
-And why are you so sure?
-Because Ugga said so.
-The danger is real, Guy.
But so was the error in our
approach to this critical task.
-And what error is that, Phil?
-The Wellions are no fools.
They understand a no-win
situation when they see one.
I mean, look at us!
We're an invincible rampart!
If you were them,
would you attack us?
-You? Definitely.
You? As soon as you fall asleep.
-Ha! I never fall
-You're not a Wellion, Guy.
They're far more clever
than you and Grug,
and they'll never attack
if they can seeus.
That's why
we need to be invisible.
-Or, if that's true,
we could stand here,
and they won't attack.
-We can't stand
here forever, Guy.
-I can 'cause I don't fall
-The only way
to protect the well
is to stage an ambush
in the last place
the Wellions would expect.
-[echoing] Where's that?
-Alright, Thunder Sisters!
For your next challenge,
you're gonna clear
all the grass from this field!
I don't wanna see
a single blade left.
And whyare we doing this?
-Well, I thought it'd be nice
to put in a swimming hole.
-Really? Yes!
You're gonna dig deep
to prove you can dig deep!
If you can work
the land with thunder,
you can fight
the enemy with thunder!
Also, sometimes you need to bury
things in a hurry. Like bodies.
-So, you want us to try to
mow a lawn?
-Ah, thanks for waking up
and joining the party,
-What's the catch?
There's always a catch.
-No. No catch.
All you gotta do
is cut the grass.
With your teeth!
-[Hope gasps]
-[maniacal laughter]
-There it is.
-Alright! An eating challenge!
It's about time.
-You wantto eat grass, Thunk?
-[whispers] Shh! I'm trying
to throw Carlos a bone.
He is so over Camp Thunder.
-Come on.
Let's just get this over with.
The sooner we're done,
the sooner we can go home.
-That's the spirit!
[screeching, munching]
-Hey. This grass isn't so bad.
It tastes like
Grass! Yup, definitely grass.
-Ugh! You know where
you don't haveto eat grass?
-The warm springs!
-[Sandy chewing, gags]
You said it, Sandy!
-Well, the good news
is we're almost done.
-What are you talking about?
We've barely made a dent!
I meant we're almost done
with thispart
of a much bigger field.
-Come on, guys!
We got to keep going
if we ever wanna see
that swimming hole.
-Thunk! There's not gonna
be a swimming hole!
-Not with thatattitude.
-What are youtalking about?
You're not even helping!
-[chewing] Mm!
I think I ate some grass
in my mossmallow.
I gotta say, kinda works.
Didn't Gran say mossmallows
attract alli-goaters?
-Thunk! Get rid of those!
-On it! [loud chewing]
-Hold on. I got a better idea.
-Now, thisis how
you clear a field.
-[roaring, chomping]
-[Sandy cheering]
-[Gran grunts]
[all scream]
-It's a shame you log bumps
don't try as hard as
you're trying to avoid trying!
-Can you say that
again but slower?
-No! Chew on it while
you're getting chewed on!
-Ah! Run!
-[all yelling]
-[Sandy cheering]
[Thunk shrieks]
No more grass.
-Happy now, Mom?
Because now, you snail leeches
can start digging.
-For a swimming hole?
Nice plot twist.
-No! For your next challenge!
You gotta prove that nothing
stops your thunder,
even dying.
So you're gonna
bury yourselves alive!
And then,
you're gonna dig your way free,
using nothing but these!
[all groan]
Groaning won't move that dirt.
-No what?
-No. We're not doing this.
-Think again, Bloodhorn.
-Yeah, I don't need to because
we've done everything you asked,
no matter how pointless,
but it's never enough.
And now, you've gone too far.
-Too far, huh?
Do you all feel that way?
-ALL: Mm-hmm.
-To be fair,
I thought you went too far
before we started.
-Sorry to hear that.
There's only
one thing left to do.
-[all yelp]
Thunder or bust.
Ha! Those Wellions
will never see us
coming from down here!
And thanks to my genius,
the Dinner-Go-Round
is now a Well-Go-Down.
-Except the Dinner-Go-Round
was my idea.
-So was the Well-Go-Down.
-Ha! Good one, Guy.
Grug? Are you sure you secured
the vine properly?
Of course. I know vines.
-Is this a dream?
Because most of
my dreams start in caves.
-Mm, feels real to me. [groans]
Especially the rock
digging into my back.
I just had the weirdestdream.
We moved to a farm
and lived in a tree house
with a family named
Hm. Starts with a B
-No, th-that's not it.
-Yes, it is.
That wasn't a dream.
That's reality.
-Oh, yeah?
Then why are we still in a cave?
Game, set, Thunk.
-Oh, good!
We made it to the warm springs.
Except I remember
the warm springs being warmer
and more springy.
And definitely not this cavey.
-Because this isn't
the warm springs, Hope.
This is another one
of Gran's challenges.
-How can you be so sure?
-Two reasons.
One, Gran isn't here,
and two, sleep dart,
courtesy of Gran.
-Oh, yeah.
She loves those things.
Almost as much
as she loves teeth.
-[Ugga laughs]
-It's okay, Sandy.
We'll beat this,
just like we beat every other
challenge Gran has thrown at us.
-Because we're Thunder Sisters!
Let's go.
-Are we Thunder Sisters?
-Of course, we are.
-Okay. Name one thunder thing
we've done since
we got to Camp Thunder.
-Well, we built that hut.
-With no door.
-We pushed Gran andthat bouldr
to the top of Slippery Hill!
-Almost. Then, we quit.
-Ugh! Is this tunnel
going anywhere?
This cave is like a labyrinth!
-What about the grass, Dawn?
Who ate that?
-The alli-goater!
-Okay, fine!
But, we couldhave done
all those things.
-Yeah, but we didn't.
Look, I'm not saying
we're not awesome
because we are, whenwe give
all the thunder we've got.
But, we don't always do that.
Sometimes, our thunder
is more like a rattle.
-So, we're
Rattle Sisters, too? Nice!
-[Sandy coos]
-EEP: Hm
-Dawn's right.
-And we're so wrong.
-Yeah. So, what do we do now?
-We bring the thunder for real.
-Really? That worked? Woo!
[intense voice]
How you like me now, Thunder?!
-Thunder Sisters on three.
-Thunk? Come on!
We're doing a cheer.
-I-I think we should
do a scream instead.
Wait. Badgerillas.
Labyrinth. [gasps]
This is just like Gran's story
about those other
Thunder Sisters!
-Oh, no!
That story didn't end well!
-EEP: It's okay, guys.
Because we decide
how this story ends.
And what doesn't take a day off?
-Close, but I was looking for
-Not quite.
Thunder doesn't take a day off!
-Yeah! Care to join me?
-With all my thunder.
[both laugh]
-[Dawn and Eep yelling]
-After you, Bogwater.
-Oh, no.
I'll follow you, Bloodhorn.
-Or we could
just do this together.
-Even better. Yeah.
[both panting]
-Hey, Sandy.
Wanna go for a spin?
-Oof! Gotta say,
trying feels a lotbetter
than not trying.
-[badgerilla roaring]
-DAWN: Oh no.
Our company has company!
-Maybe we should try
to get outta here?
-Way ahead of you!
-Lava leap!
-[all grunting]
-Rock rush!
-[all panting]
-Vine time!
-[all cheering]
-Crevice Wait.
Is this a crevice or a crevasse?
-Pretty sure
it's a crevice! [grunts]
-Thanks. Crevice crush!
[grunts] Hm
That would have also worked
for a crevasse. [grunts]
-Labyrinth lost!
-Okay. We've definitelybeen
in thistunnel before.
-Right! Because we're lost!
-You know, it's almost as if
you're meant
to get lost in this place.
- Yes.
That's what a labyrinth is!
-Lucky we're not in
one of those then. [sighs]
[all panting]
There's light! We made it!
-[all gasp]
-[slow clap]
-So you finally decided
to start trying again.
Took you long enough.
-Okay, Mom. You were right.
We were talking the talk
instead of walking the walk.
-And even though
the warm springs
would have been lovely,
Camp Thunder
is exactly what we needed.
-Because you brought us here
and put our lives in danger
to remind us
what thunder is all about.
Wait, is that what happened?
-That's right, Sandy.
From now on,
we're gonna bring the thunder
every time, no matter what.
-Good. Camp Thunder worked.
Just like it always does.
You've done this before?
All of this?
-Every time some Thunder Sisters
got a little
too big for their pelts.
Nothing like a few badgerillas
to scare that thunder
back into you.
-But, we could have been eaten!
-Nah, you were fine.
Because you're Thunder Sisters!
-Tell that to the Thunder
Sisters from your story.
-That was just a story.
They were fine, too.
-Yeah! I love a happy ending!
[all sigh]
-Before you start
your bellyaching
like a bunch of crowverines
I supposedly poisoned,
follow me.
I've got a surprise for you.
-A surprise? [loud giggling]
Higher! Lift me higher!
I can almost taste freedom.
-That's as high
as we can go, Phil!
-[sighs] I guess we'll have to
wait for the others to return,
but we'll be fine until then.
-Or not.
-Why'd you say that?!
What's wrong?!
Gran, I've already forgotten
all the awful things
you did to us today.
Thanks to these warm springs.
-Camp Thunder is mostly stick,
but there's also some carrot.
-Can I hug you?
-Not if you wanna keep that
skull mop of yours, Hairicane!
-I gotta hand it to you, Mom.
This is quite a surprise.
-Oh, no.
Thisisn't the surprise.
-[badgerillas roaring]
That'sthe surprise.
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