Unforgotten (2015) s05e06 Episode Script

Season 5, Episode 6

JESS: Are we saying that
we think this was Hume?
Worst case, maybe three months.
Which is not enough. Gatwick?
They said you were a person
of interest in a murder.
'If you could present
yourself at Bishop Street.'
Help! Help! SHOUTS:
Armed police!
I'm not Joseph Bell.
I'm Joe's half-brother.
I need a break.
I'm sorry, my love.
Steve, are you in there?
The first company that Hume
worked for was the same company
that Ebele Falade walked
into with an air pistol.
She was shouting,
"I wanna speak to my
dad, Tony bloody Hume."
Did the caller say
who the body was?
A young man named Joseph Bell.
MUSIC: 'All We
Do' by Oh Wonder
All we do is hide away
All we do is All
we do is hide away
All we do is lie in wait
All we do is All
we do is lie in wait
I've been upside down
I don't want to be
The right way round
Can't find paradise
On the ground. ♪
SUNNY: And it is male?
Looking at the brow ridge, the
mastoid process, I'd say yes.
And young. Anything
else jumping out?
Aside from the two bullet-shaped
holes in his skull? Apart from them.
Not yet. This level
of decomposition,
might that suggest how long
he's been here for, roughly?
If you mean could it have
been around the same time
as Precious Falade was killed,
then, yes, it's not inconsistent.
OK. Thanks, Leanne.
DNA sample as soon
as soon as, please.
So, we need to speak
to the letting agency,
get a list of everyone who's lived
here over the last ten years. Boss.
And Anthony Hume
what have we not yet
done to place him
at the scene of
Precious's murder?
If he was there. He was there.
All suggestions
gratefully received.
I'll message the team.
Anthony Hume?
Wojski takes 2K
out of his savings
on the 27th, in cash,
puts them right
back in on the 28th.
So, what did he do to
get his laptop back,
without handing any money over?
We have nothing to say to you.
So whichever tawdry
rag your working for,
you're wasting your time.
I'm his daughter.
What kind of messed up
power game is this, Steve?
It's no power game.
I just want to talk.
So we do it on the phone.
You don't just turn up here.
You left this house,
remember? I'm sorry.
And FYI, any phone call's
going to be relatively brief,
on account of the fact
you screwed my sister.
Except I didn't. What?
I did kiss her, once.
Which itself is
unforgivable, I know, but
..we never slept together. It
was more of an emotional thing.
So, my sister is telling me a
lie that makes her look worse?
Your sister has a lot of
issues. I think we know this.
Look, Jess, I messed up, massively,
and I'm incredibly sorry for that.
But I felt that you'd abandoned me,
and I wanted you to hurt like I did,
which is why I said
I wanted to leave.
But now I've calmed
down a bit, and
..I know I don't.
I don't think I believe
a word you just said.
Jess, please, I
swear it's the truth.
Jess! Can we at
least talk tonight?
I found out on my 18th birthday
and contacted him when I was 23.
I'm now 59.
And what sort of a relationship
have you had with him in that time?
In the multiple decades
he's lied to you, you mean?
Yes. Almost
entirely financial.
He's given you
money? Reparation.
Yes. So can I ask what
it is you came here for?
Well, obviously to see him.
There were things
that I wanted to say
before it became impossible.
But I can see that I
am already too late,
so maybe you can
pass on a message.
Can you tell him, please
..that I loathe him?
That I have always loathed him.
And I always will. Right.
But for all your loathing, you
still obviously took his money.
And there we are.
You screwed multiple
generations of my family over,
and then think it's OK
because I got some money?
I didn't screw any one over.
Maybe not as directly as him.
But your privilege, your
comfort, your happiness,
this house, in fact,
were all built on the
bones of people like me.
Weren't they? I'd like
you to leave now, please.
You knew what he
did, didn't you?
You knew the policies that
he espoused for decades.
You knew the millions
of lives that it ruined.
Mine included.
And you did nothing.
You just looked the other way.
So I didn't really
come to speak to you.
But now I'm here
fuck you, too.
I loathe the pair of you.
So, what I really need is a list
of all of the ground-floor tenants
from the past ten years.
Now, I realise that
might take a while,
so can you start by telling me
who the tenant was
in July 2016, please?
And that was from when to when?
OK. A list of other tenants
would be very useful.
You've been very helpful.
Thank you very much.
Yes! Thank you, God.
So, the tenant of the garden
flat from May 2015 to August 2016
was Ebele Falade.
MAN ON RADIO: 'The body,
discovered buried in the garden
'of a flat in Greenford,
'is believed to be connected to
the recent discovery of remains
'found in a house
in Hammersmith.'
FADING: 'Police investigators
on the scene'
Local authorities were
dealing with huge cuts,
and we were all basically
doing the jobs of two people.
So you were perma exhausted.
Multiple 12-hour days,
and from dealing, day in, day
out, with people who had been
People who were angry
and in constant crisis.
People who blamed you.
And over a sustained period, that
really began to take its toll.
I was living on my
own at this point,
and I'd started to feel
very isolated, very low.
And I-I just started
to fixate on some
..on some really bad thoughts.
About women and
taking certain
sorts of photos
of them
..in public.
And then in late 2015, I
was attacked on the street.
And then in February 2016,
outside my synagogue.
And it was about a week
after the second attack
that I took my first photo.
On the tube. You think
the two are connected?
Well, maybe. I don't know.
I'm certainly not trying to
offer it up as an excuse.
I'm just saying, you grow up
being made to feel different.
When we first moved to
UK, all through school
then actually being physically
attacked for being different.
And it can affect you.
Make you do bad shit.
And these photos, they
..made you feel,
what, better or?
In the moment, maybe, but
..in the long term, they
made me feel much worse.
But you carried on
taking them, Karol.
Eventually even
taking them at work.
Yeah. Why?
Why do any of us do
things we know are wrong?
Because that momentary relief
is better than nothing.
I'd like, if I may, to take you
back to the 26th of June 2016.
Er, which was the day that
you visited Precious Falade
in a house in Hammersmith.
And it was also the last
time you ever saw her,
according to your statement
when we spoke in Paris. Yeah.
And was this also the day that you
accidentally left your laptop there?
You should assume we
know everything, Karol.
Yeah. And on that laptop,
she found a number of
your upskirting photos
and tried to blackmail
you for them.
Yeah. For £2,000?
Showing the suspect
exhibit KW01,
a bank statement
belonging to him.
And if you have a look at the
highlighted entries there, Karol,
you can see that you did in fact
withdraw 2,000, in
cash, on the 27th.
But then, just below that entry,
you deposited the exact
same amount again in cash
into the same
account on the 28th.
Which suggests to me that
you never paid her the money.
I didn't.
So, could you tell
us, then, please,
how you did manage to
get your laptop back?
Can I, erm drop these
off for a patient, please?
What ward? Erm
I dunno, but her
name's Sophie Coulson.
She hit her head and
Just tell her I'm sorry, yeah?
The first thing I noticed
as I walked up the drive way
was that there was a
car parked up outside.
OK, and this was the day after
you say you last saw her?
Yeah. So, you went in?
Yeah. And what happened then?
Well, I couldn't see anyone,
so I called out her name.
No-one answered, so I
walked straight ahead
into the sitting room, where
we'd met the day before.
The floor was wet.
Like, all over.
Like someone had just
mopped it. But no Precious.
And then in the corner, I
saw my laptop on the table.
This was my property, you know?
So I walked over and
took it and then left.
It was as I was heading for
the front door that I saw him.
An old man at the
end of the corridor,
with a mop and bucket.
Did you speak to him?
I called out, "Hello," and
he turned, clearly surprised.
I introduced myself and told him
that I'd come to see Precious.
He quickly said that she was out
and that he'd tell her that
I'd come over. Anything else?
He'd asked if I'd been into
the main room to look for her.
I said no and then left.
Could you describe him?
Late 60s, early 70s.
Well-spoken. OK.
Erm So, the day after
this, you resigned.
And then three weeks later,
you left the country for good.
I assumed that she'd have
downloaded the images elsewhere
and would continue to extort me.
I felt my life in
England was over.
..you'd be hard-pressed to
find a man who hated himself
more than me for what I did do.
All the women I abused
by taking those photos.
I hope I've become
a better person,
but I'm also fully aware that
I may well be kidding myself
that I only did it because
I was depressed or lonely.
I mean, maybe I actually did it
because I'm a fucked-up human being.
I genuinely don't know
the answer to that.
But one thing I am sure of
I never saw Precious
Falade after the 26th,
and I never hurt her.
DNA tests confirm that Jay Royce
is indeed the child of
Precious Falade and Eric Royce,
and the body in the garden
is the child of Precious
Falade and David Bell.
Joseph Bell. Mm-hm.
Ebele never mentioned she
had a second grandchild.
Do we think it's
possible she didn't know?
I think it's perfectly
possible. The boy was invisible.
Off the radar of social
services, the education system.
The real question is,
what does he know?
Indeed. OK.
Murray, what have
you got for us?
Forensics have
confirmed that a bullet
found in the wall
at Waterman Road
was fired from the same gun as
the one that killed Precious.
Yeah. Not a surprise. Excellent.
Anything else? Yeah.
You wanted to try and place Hume
at the murder scene on the 26th.
I mean, my name was on the contract,
but he paid the actual rent,
so he absolutely knew
where the flat was.
He probably had keys. Who did?
And the day after
it all happened,
he paid for me to go
away for a few days.
He sent me away to bloody Cornwall,
Dave! Calm down, Bele. Who did?
My father! He put Joe there.
I thought you never
knew your father.
Did you kill your
granddaughter, Mr Hume?
I don't have a granddaughter.
I have three grandsons.
I'm talking about
Precious Falade.
What evidence do you
have that Precious Falade
is Mr Hume's granddaughter?
We can do DNA checks
in time, but, for now,
I think his daughter Ebele
Falade will confirm this.
And if he denies
Ebele is his daughter,
well, then I'd simply ask why
he's been paying her money
via standing order for the
past 30-something years.
No, I didn't kill her.
Did you kill your
great-grandson, Joseph Bell?
No, of course not.
Were you with either of
them the night they died?
Or at or near 64 Waterman Road, on
the 26th and 27th of June, 2016?
No. And when was the last
time you saw either of them?
I've never even
met either of them.
I'm showing the
suspect exhibit TH01 -
a copy of a credit card
statement belonging to Mr Hume.
Mr Hume, could you read out
the fifth credit down, please?
It's a payment to an Esso
filling station for £60.
26th of June, 2016.
Thank you. And the address
of the petrol station?
Inverdale Road. Postcode?
W67 CX.
Which is, in case you
don't know, Hammersmith,
and Inverdale Road is the road
at the bottom of Waterman Road.
And, er, do you see a time
for the payment there?
So just before half seven, on
the night that Precious died,
we now have you no
more than 100 yards
from the house in
which she died.
Is there anything you'd
like to add? No comment.
So, erm, the day after
this, the 27th of June,
we also have a witness
who says they saw you
with a bucket and mop
near a room shown by forensics to
have been spattered with blood,
which we have since identified
as Precious Falade's.
What witness?
Her social worker.
You refused consent
for a video ID earlier,
so we took a covert
ID in custody,
and our witness identified
you very easily, Mr Hume.
What's your response to that?
WHISPERS: Lord Hume, I think
the best course is to
No comment. Really?!
Because maybe there's a perfectly
innocent explanation as to why,
the day after a murder was
committed in that room,
you were seen in that house,
clearly having just mopped
blood off the floor.
And if there is, then
this is your chance now
to tell us your
side of the story.
Or Corfu.
Mike and Liz went there last
year and absolutely loved it.
Said it was the prettiest
village. Water's crystal clear.
They said they'd go
back in a heartbeat.
Hello. You all right, love?
There's something I
need to tell you about.
I'm gonna go and stay
with Jordan for a bit.
He's found a new
squat with hot water.
You need to sort your
life out, J, man.
I only found out about Bele
..when she was in her early 20s.
The result of a very
..brief relationship I'd
had with her mother in 1963.
The mother died
when Bele was young.
And so as soon as I found
out I had a daughter,
I obviously offered
her financial support,
which she accepted.
There was little further
contact, which was her choice.
I knew that she had had a
daughter herself in the
in the mid-'80s,
but I had no contact
with her until late 2015
when she called me
out of the blue
..and also wanted money.
Which, again,
willingly, I-I gave her.
A few weeks before she
..she died
I got a call from Bele telling
me that Precious was homeless.
Waterman Road was
empty at that time
and, of course, I
wanted to help, so
I met her
..to give her some keys
and let her in, and
The meeting was
brief but cordial.
She'd obviously lost
her way in life,
and I felt very sorry for her.
The night she died
..a man identifying
himself as Precious's son
called me from Waterman Road.
He, er
He was threatening all sorts of
things, and again, wanted money.
I rang Bele, and
..she said she'd drive
there immediately.
But, erm
Well, I-I also decided
to drive there myself.
I got there first.
To find that Joseph,
Precious's son
..was in a very bad way.
He seemed to be coming
down off something
and was clearly very disturbed,
threatening violence
to me and his mother.
Unless I took him to a cash machine
and got out thousands of pounds.
And then
..quite without warning, he
..he pulled out a gun.
Which he proceeded
to point at me.
Precious was horrified, and
and before I could stop her,
she lunged for it, and it
It went off.
Hitting him in the head.
He fell.
I went to help him, and, er
..as I was trying to get him
into the recovery position
..there was another shot.
And I looked around, and Precious
had turned the gun on to herself.
Straight into her chest.
She died pretty instantly.
Joseph's heart stopped
within seconds.
I never even had a
chance to call for help.
And into this
nightmare walked Bele.
I explained to her what
had happened. I'm
I'm not sure she
entirely believed me,
even though it was true.
Obviously, we were
both in pieces.
And that was how I
..I ended up saying
that I would
..dispose of Joseph's body.
And how I ended up leaving
Bele with her daughter.
So, you buried Joseph Bell
in the garden of your
daughter's flat in Greenford?
Yes. And why there
I had keys.
It was private.
Not for deflection?
To incriminate her if
anything ever went wrong?
So, why did you anonymously call
the front desk of this station
last night and tell
us where his body was?
I panicked.
And did you know that Bele had
hidden Precious in the fireplace?
She told me she'd buried
her in woods somewhere.
So this
this is the truth now?
Because you've lied to
us repeatedly, Lord Hume.
Both times we've questioned you.
This is the truth.
I swear.
We need Ebele Falade.
Firstly, we need to clean our teeth.
We need to do our stories.
Time is running out.
Wait. Five, four, three
His behaviour has been
disgraceful, which he realises.
He loves you, Jess.
And needs you.
And the kids need him.
I don't believe him, Mum.
No, I'm sure you don't,
and it's shite, but
nothing's perfect.
Not even you. Hm!
Call you later. OK.
So, my mum, Yetunde, was a
second-generation Nigerian.
Her parents came over
here after the war,
and she was born in 1946.
And in August 1963, age 17,
she got a job as a cleaner
in the city stockbroker's
where her parents already
worked in the canteen.
The son of one of the directors
was working there in the months
between Wallingham
and Cambridge,
and one night, after
drinking with work friends,
he went back to the office
late to pick up some papers
and encountered my mum,
who was working nights.
And after pressuring her to
have a few drinks with him
..raped her.
She went back home that night
and, of course, told her parents.
Who blamed her.
And she did consider going
to the police, but, er
in the end, didn't because
he was the rich,
white, son of the boss.
And she wasn't.
A few weeks later, she
realised that she was pregnant
and wrote to the son, who
was now at university.
And he didn't reply,
so she wrote to his father -
Sir Henry Hume
..who asked her to
come into his office
and told her that if she
pursued this any further,
he'd sack her and her parents.
Morgan Lavelle had
originally made their money
from the sugar trade,
so she really shouldn't
have been so surprised.
And on the 3rd of
March, 1964, I was born.
Three weeks later,
she wrote me a letter
which, erm, was meant to be
given to me on my 18th birthday.
And deposited it with
a local solicitor
..jumped in the Thames.
I was raised by my
grandparents, who
saw me as a child of evil
and filled me with
shame and self-hatred.
And after I read
that, I realised why.
So if he told you that
he was decent about it
when I finally approached
him, then, again, he lied.
He was much more interested
in protecting his reputation
and made a number of threats
of violence against me.
I ignored them, and I
got his DNA from a glass
at a lecture that he did,
and had a test done and
told him that I would go to
the News Of The World
with the result.
That was 1988. Yeah.
After that, he was a pussy cat.
So nothing about him
is what it seems.
And whatever he told
you about that night,
whatever he told me, won't
be what actually happened.
So, why don't you tell us
what you witnessed there?
He called me and said that
Joseph had called
him, threatening him.
Did Joseph know that this
was his great grandfather?
I had told Precious about
Hume a few months before.
I guess she had
then told Joseph.
And why hadn't you told
her about him before then?
Because I knew that she would
mess up the financial arrangement.
Which I needed.
So? So, erm
After my father called me, we
both headed to Waterman Road.
And when I arrived,
I walked in
..to a vision from hell.
My daughter was already dead,
and my grandson was dying.
And my father told me that my
daughter had shot her son
accidentally, and
then shot herself.
Did he tell you
how that happened?
He said that Joseph
had taken drugs,
and that there'd been some
sort of row about money,
and that he'd pointed
a gun at Hume,
and that Precious had
tried to get it off him,
and it had gone
off, hitting Joe.
And she'd then
turned it on herself.
OK. And did you ever question
this version of events?
Oh No, not in the moment, no.
You know, I was in
shock, obviously.
And also, I'd only met
Joseph three or four times,
and I knew that
he'd already been in
a young offenders institute
for assault using a gun.
And in that moment, in
the panic and horror,
being told that by
Lord Anthony Hume,
I'm embarrassed to say that
I I I believed him.
Do you believe it now? No. No.
So, what do you think happened?
I don't know.
I just know that he is
an evil, lying bastard,
and he could have done
absolutely anything.
He Maybe he shot them both.
I don't know.
And the disposal of the bodies?
He told me that if we
called the police
..they might not believe
it was an accident,
because of MY
criminal record.
He-He wanted to
take them both
QUIETLY: but I said I wanted
to look after Precious.
And I spent the
..whole night with
her, just holding her,
and rocking her,
and singing to her.
Saying sorry to her.
And then
And then it was morning.
..I walked out to the car,
and there were
workmen in the street.
I have regretted what I did.
Every single day since.
Because it was a dreadful
way to treat my daughter.
..that was me.
A few weeks later, I took
Precious's keys to get back in
and had some friend
put a plasterboard.
Just Just one last question.
Does the name Jay Royce
mean anything to you?
Who's Jay Royce?
Jay? What d'you want?
Can we talk about
that night, please?
Why? Nothing ever changes.
People like me don't win
against people like him.
I'm so sorry that was yours
and Joseph's experience.
But we're here to tell you
that if you trust us,
we will change that.
We will listen to you, and we
will act on what you tell us.
But if you stay silent, then
all I can say is, yeah
..he probably will win again.
I was one floor up.
My mum didn't want me to
meet my nan or him, so
I was playing on my Game Boy.
I saw Hume arrive in his
car out of a bedroom window.
So he arrived first?
Good ten minutes before my nan.
I weren't interested in
meeting either of them,
so I was just waiting
for them to leave.
Except then I started
to hear shouting.
Joe mainly, but Mum as well.
Both screaming at Hume, really.
So I walked out
onto the landing.
My brother was
obviously off his face,
pointing and jabbing at Hume.
Telling him he was
a dirty bastard,
and that he should
fuck him up proper
for what he had done
to our family
to our nan's mum.
And he's screaming
right in front of him,
and all this spit's
getting in Hume's face.
Then suddenly, Hume's got
his hand round Joe's neck,
and he slammed him
up against a wall.
Said he could have him disappeared
in an instant if he wanted.
Cos he was that
fucking powerful.
And he's squeezing Joe's neck.
And squeezing and squeezing,
and I'm thinking
he's gonna choke him.
He's gonna kill him.
Which is when Joe pulls out this
gun from the back of his trousers.
And Hume goes very
fucking quiet very quick.
Starts to back away
with his hands up.
My mum's shitting herself
and telling Joe to put
it down, but he won't.
And he's still shouting
back at both of them.
And then my mum just
makes a grab for it,
and it all goes quiet as
she wrestles with him.
Then there's a bang.
And she goes down.
And Joe's in shock, man, and
not really taking it all in.
My mum's eyes are rolling
up into her fucking head.
And Hume's asking for the gun.
Joe just gives it to him.
Meek as a lamb now.
Then Joe kneels by Mum
to take her hand
..which is when Hume shoots him.
In the back of the head.
And there was obviously
nothing I could do.
You know, I was 14.
I was also terrified he'd
hear me and he'd kill me.
So I sort of just
I sort of just froze.
And then I heard my
nan's car arriving,
and she walked in and
just started wailing.
So I used the noise
to go upstairs.
To the very top floor and hide
in a cupboard under the eaves.
I stayed there for
two whole days.
When I finally came down
the bodies had gone.
Hume had gone.
The blood had gone.
Some of my mum's things
were still there, like
Like, her laptop was
was in the drawer,
and, erm a few of her
clothes, which I took.
And then I just ran.
We wonder how kids like
him turn out like they do.
Right, let's see what
Hume has to say now.
The lies that we tell ourselves.
That that wasn't rape.
That she liked me.
That I was a good man,
who'd led a good life,
who'd leave good behind.
Best part of my life
I truly believed that.
Then in one instant
one look
..it all fell away.
I saw myself honestly.
I couldn't bear it.
To see who I really was.
The awful truth.
So I
I snuffed it out.
So you shot Joseph Bell?
Yes. I did.
And I have tried so hard
for the last six years
to make some amends.
But, of course, it was never
even close to being enough.
For that
..for what I did
..I am so, so
..so sorry.
I mean, I wouldn't
give up the day job,
but, er, there's
definitely something there.
You weren't trying to
make amends, Mr Hume.
You just saw the catastrophic
effect of your life's work
and realised that that's
how you'd be remembered.
You were just trying to
improve your Wiki page.
Yeah. We see you.
Well, consider this,
Lord Anthony Hume,
you will only ever be
remembered as a rapist
who murdered his
own great-grandson.
That's your fucking
legacy, fella.
I hope they throw away the key.
We'll get someone to
take you to your cell.
Are you Jay? Yes.
Do you know who I am?
I think so.
I'm your nan, Jay.
I'm Bele.
Hello, Nan.
I am so sorry, little one.
I am so, so sorry.
I told them, Nan.
I told them he did it.
I know, sweetheart.
They rang.
So now we know the
truth. Except you don't.
Sorry? I lied.
Mum killed Joe.
Accidentally, trying
to get the gun off him.
Then shot herself. SHE GASPS
But it was all his fault,
what happened to our family.
'From him raping your mum to
everything that come after,
'it was all down to him.
'So I just thought,
"Fuck him," y'know?'
What's good for the
goose, man, innit?
Just fuck him.
There you are.
Sorry about earlier.
That was, er that was
a bit unprofessional.
No apology needed.
You took the words
right out of my mouth.
CPS call yet?
Said we can charge him with
the murder and the rape.
Wasn't expecting both.
That's a 57-year-old
crime, DCI James.
A Bishop Street
Well, for now.
And it's Jessie, please.
Jessie James. SHE CHUCKLES
So, you ever held up a
stagecoach? Held up a bar!
Well, now you're talking.
I'll get my horse.
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