The Circle (2020) s05e07 Episode Script

Glam Party Twist

[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Bruno,
played by model Billie-Jean,
has been blocked from The Circle.
"Bruno is on his way
to meet one of you now."
This is Daddy Bruno! Oh my God!
[Buteau] But who is she catfish-walking
down the hall to see?
[Marvin] Man, I gotta go hide in here.
[suspenseful music continues]
-[footsteps approaching]
-[music stops]
[door closes]
[both scream and laugh]
Oh my God! What the fuck?
What is happening right now?
No! No, no, no! Wait, what?
-No fucking way!
-[Billie-Jean] I know. I know. I know.
-[Billie-Jean] I know.
[laughs loudly]
I had to come see you.
-I know. I'm gonna explain everything.
-[under breath] What
No, you Like, wait.
Hold Wait. Like, my heart is like
[inhales] Oh my gosh.
Chaz, I had to come see you,
because out of everyone,
I really connected with you,
and I absolutely love you,
and I fucking hope you win!
-[laughing] Oh my God!
-[Billie-Jean] I love you, Chaz.
I love you. What the fuck?
[Billie-Jean] Can we cuddle?
Or am I gonna have to come over there?
-[Chaz, muffled] Oh my God. [laughing]
[Chaz, muffled] I love you. [inhales]
-Oh, wait
-I'm gonna
-[Billie-Jean] Can I sit down?
-I am so What is your real name?
[Billie-Jean] My real name is Billie-Jean.
Oh Oh!
-You wanna take a seat? [exhales sharply]
-[Chaz] Let's take a seat.
[Paris sighs]
"Bruno, I guess
he didn't want to come see me."
I am so glad that is over.
I think he's probably seeing
maybe someone in his alliance.
-[Chaz] Wait. Billie-Jean?
-[Billie-Jean] My name's Billie-Jean.
-Are you really a model? Oh!
-[Billie-Jean] I am.
So, the reason
why I came in as a catfish is
because, as a female model,
I've had so much judgment passed at me,
and I thought, "You know what?
I wanna come in The Circle as a man
because I wanted to know,
do men get less judgment?"
And you know what?
I kind of feel like they do.
[Chaz] So a question.
Tell me how you feel about each person.
Like, don't hold nothing back.
-[Billie-Jean]The real real?
Okay. Number one, Sasha.
Me and Sasha had
a private chat yesterday, right?
She private chatted me and said,
"Do you want an alliance?
I have your back to the end of the game."
Basically just saying She was like,
"Do you want to have an alliance?"
I was like, "Yep," and she blocked me.
So you definitely gotta beware.
Tamira, I'm not 100% percent sure
about Tamira.
I feel like Tamira is very surface level.
I don't really get real, genuine vibes.
I tell you the people
I do get genuine vibes from is Sam.
-[Chaz] Yes.
-[Billie-Jean] Sam's real.
[Chaz] Yes. That's my wife.
-[Billie-Jean] She's trustworthy.
-[Chaz] Yeah.
What do you think of Jennifer?
[Chaz] I like Jennifer.
-[Billie-Jean] That's how I feel.
-[Chaz] You know?
-She's cool.
-How can you pick her apart?
You know, she's just like the cool aunt.
Don't think with your heart.
Think with your head.
-I thought with my heart.
My ass got blocked,
and I probably should have been
just as savage as Sasha.
-Okay. Okay.
-[Billie-Jean] Do not trust anyone.
Listen, you're very popular.
Do you understand that? Okay?
So everyone is gonna want
to be your friend and be lovely to you,
but any chance they get to kick you out,
they will, Chaz.
I so badly want you to fucking win,
so be savage and go get the bag, Chaz.
-That's my advice.
-I'm gonna try to go get the bag. [laughs]
[Billie-Jean] Get your bag, honey!
Get the bag!
Oh my God. I'm in tears right now.
-Get the bag! I'm so happy I met you.
-[Chaz] I'm so happy I met you.
Listen, when you're out [claps]
holler at me.
I just was not prepared for this,
because you are epic,
and I really meant every word I said.
I know you did.
Every word.
Don't ever let me hear you say
you are struggling to love yourself.
You are so lovable.
-Please don't forget that or me.
-I love you.
-[inhales] Bye, Bruno.
-[Billie-Jean] Bye, babe.
Oh my gosh. This is see you later.
This isn't goodbye.
I know. No, no, no.
This is like, "See you on the flip side."
[both laughing loudly]
-I love you.
-[Billie-Jean, muffled] I love you, babe!
[muffled] Thanks for coming to see me,
babe. I love you.
Listen, go win, Chaz. I mean it.
-[Chaz] I will. Thank you so much.
-I don't wanna hear your ass is out.
-So, you best bloody win. I mean it.
-Okay. Bye, Bruno.
-[Billie-Jean] Bye, Chaz. [laughs]
[Chaz exhales]
[door closes]
[Buteau] Bruno has been blocked,
but there were two catfish in that net,
and the one that got away
is feeling pretty relieved.
[Xanthi] We were so close
to being blocked today.
I never want to feel that feeling
ever again. [laughs]
Jen, here's to you.
I said I'd have your back.
You're absolutely brilliant.
Let's keep going.
It sucks, and it hurts so much,
because now, without Bruno,
I really don't know
how everyone else feels about me.
You know, this is a game,
and Bruno's right.
I gotta stop thinking with my heart
and literally start thinking with my head.
Tomorrow, we're gonna be optimistic.
Strategy Sam is working.
-[Buteau] Good night, Circle.
-Good night, Sam.
May all your dreams be leopard printed.
-[lively music playing]
-[Buteau] Bonjour, bitches!
Our players have slept
like adorable Circle babies,
but guess what? Momma's here
and wants to be entertained,
so get up, please.
Good morning, Circle!
[Sam] Ten more minutes!
Don't make me come down there, girl.
[Sam groans]
You can feel that it's the truth
Clear the way ♪
Good morning, Circle.
I slept very well.
I went on a date last night with Tamira.
I slept very, very well.
I'm sure she did too. [grunts]
He got all sexy and all horny last night,
so Tamira is his queen.
I really, really,
really want to get a girls' chat going
with Sam and Raven.
You know, that's what girly girls do.
They go on dates. They tell their friends.
I'm assuming that
that would be the best play
to get Raven on my side.
Ugh. Raven. Poor Raven.
I feel so guilty.
I feel like I'm cheating on her.
[Paris] "If Marvin's a real man,
then I know that he will respect me
and keep it respectful
with the date that he had with Tamira."
No alerts until I have my coffee.
[Buteau] No one sasses The Circle.
Okay, maybe Sam can, but no one else.
And we're feeling generous, so no alerts,
but we do have one of these.
[Tom] "The Newsfeed has been updated."
What's in the news?
-[Paris] "Circle"
-[both] take us to the Newsfeed!
[Marvin] Oh!
"Bruno has left a message for The Circle."
Everyone is about to freak out
once they find out Bruno was a catfish.
-I don't think Bruno's a catfish.
-Bruno is not Bruno.
[all] Circle, play Bruno's message!
This is about to be wild.
This is about to be wild.
-[Billie-Jean] Hello, everyone.
-[Chaz titters]
-[Billie-Jean] My name is Bruno.
-[Chaz laughs loudly]
[shouting] That's not a dude!
Actually, it's Billie-Jean.
I'm sorry I lied.
Oh my God! He was a girl!
[both] I knew it!
I thought Bruno was going to be a catfish,
but definitely not a girl.
[Paris] "Definitely not
who I was expecting."
The reason I lied and came in as Bruno
was purely because I wanted to know,
do men have it easier?
Guys do have it a lot easier
than girls do,
so I I I commend her for
For playing that way.
I'm not sure where I went wrong.
I thought I was good at being a man,
but clearly not. [laughs]
-I thought you were a really good guy.
-I think I might actually fancy Bruno.
Sasha, I thought we had each other's back.
I was clearly misled by you,
so all I'm gonna say is,
everyone needs to watch their back.
[shouting] Oh!
This is worst-case scenario!
[Billie-Jean] I'm so gutted
that I got blocked from The Circle,
but you know what?
I'm happy that I got blocked
over someone
that I genuinely have love for.
Go, Jennifer!
Oh, yay!
I didn't know Bruno and Jennifer
were close friends. I didn't know that.
[Billie-Jean] Goodbye, everyone!
Wishing you
the best of luck.
You've got this!
Holy shit!
She threw Sasha under the bus,
and I didn't have to.
Oh my God, I'm effed!
Who's gonna trust Sasha after this?
Sasha cannot be trusted,
and that means that Sasha better stay
far away from my DMs,
'cause I don't like dat.
Oh my God.
Now they're gonna wanna confront me.
-I gotta hear what everybody has to say.
-Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Bruno called you out.
This is your opportunity
to just say what it is.
We gotta defend ourself.
Message, "First of all,
I want to say I feel terrible"
"about what happened to Bruno."
[blows raspberry]
"We had a connection,
but I felt Jennifer radiated
such a motherly vibe for The Circle." Oh!
Circle, message, "LMAOOO."
"Good morning. When Bruno walked
into my apartment last night,
I screamed at the top of my lungs."
but I absolutely loved her.
Heartbroken emoji."
"Chaz was fighting so hard for Bruno."
"So, I mean, I'm happy."
"I'm happy that they got a chance
to see each other in person."
Message, "Chaz, I'm curious what she meant
about people not having her back."
Yes! Now! There we go!
Now I can throw it in there.
I didn't wanna be the one
to shoot the gun. You know what I mean?
Are you kidding me?
What do you mean "curious"?
We gotta do damage control.
The fact that Bruno was a catfish helps.
That is really good.
We're gonna use this to our advantage.
You wanna throw me under the bus.
I gotta defend myself.
Message, "Tamira, we were friends,
had a connection"
"but because of the inconsistencies
Bruno was telling me,
I had to make a decision
that was best for The Circle."
Okay. I mean, I guess.
What are the inconsistencies, girl?
Like, what are they?
[Paris] "Message,
'Sasha, I'm a little confused.'
'If you had a connection with Bruno'"
"and you thought you were friends,
what were the inconsistencies?"
[squeals, laughs] Oh, Raven! Yes, Raven!
Yes, Raven! Yes! Yes!
Like, it just seems like it's turned
a little bit negative if you ask me.
Oh my God, I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble.
Message, "Billie-Jean told me Sasha asked
for a friendship and an alliance,
and that's the only reason
she chose to follow #TeamSasha"
"because she believed you."
"I'm not attacking you. I just think
that an open dialogue would be cool."
I need a chair.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, no.
Bloody hell, Chaz.
She's not looking good
in The Circle right now.
We're taking the narrative for ourselves.
Message, "In chats with Bruno,
he was using hashtags
that made me question
if he was who he said he was"
"but I had two people to choose from.
I had to make a tough choice."
Well put, Sasha. Well put.
Good girl, Sasha.
You're coming out of this very,
very well right now.
This is all very good.
You should be very, very happy.
Sharky Shubham, the catfish hunter,
caught a catfish.
Look, I know it looks bad, but come on.
[Paris] "Message, 'Sasha, thank you
for speaking your truth.'"
"'You had a tough decision to make.'"
"I have to put myself in your shoes
to see it from your perspective."
Aw, thank you, Raven. That's so sweet.
Raven said "your truth."
You know, not "the truth," "your truth."
I have so much love for The Circle.
It does not end here.
There's no way my journey ends here.
[Buteau] Wow,
what an eventful morning all around.
And as the others try to get ready
and focused for the day ahead,
it seems relationships
aren't the only thing souring around here.
I don't [gags, retches]
I don't know if that [gags, coughs]
Brett, come smell this milk.
-[Brett laughs]
-[Xanthi gags]
[Buteau] Chronic food poisoning
will have to wait, 'cause we got a game.
[all] "Let's Get Quizzical!"
It's a quiz.
[Buteau] That's right.
We're gonna take it back to high school
as we find out who are the nerds
and who are the class clowns.
I hope this isn't exercise for the mind.
[Buteau] But is it even a Circle game
if there aren't hilarious outfits?
Don't answer that.
That was a rhetorical question.
"You should collect
your team outfits now." Go!
[Raven squealing]
-[whimsical music playing]
-[Raven squealing]
Oh, a blue shirt!
Oh man. These are some tight shorts.
This shows off the legs and everything.
[Buteau] The Circle's picked our teams.
Team Pretty in Pink
are Marvin, Jennifer, Tom, and Tamira.
You look great.
[Buteau] And in the blue,
we've got Sam, Sasha, Chaz, and Raven.
The Circle picks who's answering.
First in the hot seat is Jennifer.
Okay, fine.
Only because we look so darn cute.
[Buteau] And 'cause we ain't that mean,
the players get to pick a category.
I think Jennifer's gonna pick animals.
Jennifer would choose animals.
If we do animals, and we're dog trainers,
and we get it wrong, it's gonna look bad.
We won't know about every animal
in the book. We're dog trainers.
Circle, our category is animals.
[Buteau] And a correct answer
equals one point for the team.
No, presh, Jen.
"Felis domesticus is the Latin name
for which animal?"
-Like, butterfly?
-[Paris] "A lizard."
Like, when you think "felis,"
you're thinking "feline."
Like a sexy lion or something.
And then "domesticus" like "domesticated."
Okay, put those two and two together,
and we get a cat!
-[shouting] Yes! Yes!
I knew it!
-Let's go, Jennifer! You out here!
-Ooh! Go, Jen! Go, team pink!
Maybe she tries
to protect her dogs from cats.
So therefore she needs to know about cats.
That would make sense.
[Buteau] Go ahead, Jennifer.
But no one else can pick animals now,
'cause once a category is chosen,
that's it.
Animals. [clicks tongue]
-That shit is gone.
-[Buteau] That's right, it's gone.
One point for the pinks.
First up for the blue is Chaz.
Let's go, Chaz.
Let's go, baby!
Biology is a big beast,
and, like, I am not an expert.
Chaz is a nurse.
If he doesn't pick biology,
that's really odd.
I feel like this is a no-brainer.
You should pick biology.
I can do this. No pressure on yourself.
Circle, pick biology as my category.
That makes sense if he's a nurse.
Here we go.
"A normal resting heart rate
for adults is"
"A, 40 to 60 beats per minute."
[Paris] "B, 60 to 100 beats per minute."
"Or C, 100 to 140 beats per minute."
[heartbeat thumping]
Am I even alive? Where's my pulse?
Where's my heart at?
I know everybody is probably like,
"You better get this right."
"If you're a freaking nurse,
you better know this shit."
If he says it's C, he's a catfish.
[Paris] "Chaz, you are a nurse.
I know you learned about this."
One hundred to a hundred and forty
is a little too high.
Circle, choose B.
Lock that in as my answer.
-Is it B? Seriously?
-Yeah. I mean, that makes sense, right?
[screaming excitedly]
[Buteau] Careful, Chaz.
Keep that heart rate down, honey.
-[Raven screaming]
-[Paris cheering]
He got it right!
Put your catfish suspicious vibes away.
Who is going to be next on pink team?
[Tasia] No!
"The next question is for Tamira
from the pink team."
"You should now choose your category."
The whole team is gonna expect
for me to pick health and beauty.
That's her field. She knows
skin care, hair, nails, makeup.
If I don't pick health and beauty,
my team will say, "What are you doing?"
[Buteau] Oh, yeah.
It was a complete coincidence
that category was in there, huh?
Tamira will pick health and beauty,
and that takes that category away
from Sam.
I'll be surprised if she picks anything
but health and beauty.
Circle, choose category health and beauty.
That is the correct decision, Tamira.
Come on, girl, you've got this.
I am not happy
that Tamira took my category.
Bravo, Tamira.
Just get it right, baby girl.
"Which of these products
do you put on first
to help even out skin texture?"
"A, bronzer. B, primer."
"C, concealer. D, highlighter."
-Oh, I know this.
-She better know this as a cosmetologist.
Fuck. I knew I should've
fucking watched a tutorial.
I'm glad I am not
in Tamira's shoes right now.
I have no idea.
Oh my God. I don't even know
what the freak bronzer is.
If she gets this wrong,
she is not in cosmetology.
Circle, I don't like you!
Everybody knows it's primer, Tamira.
I'm gonna just guess.
I'll say, "B, primer."
If I got this wrong, I'm fucked.
[shouting excitedly] Yeah! Yes!
Prime the face, homie!
[shouting] Correct!
Well, at least we know
she's really a cosmetologist.
Ain't no catfish over there.
Congratulations, Tamira.
And it's two-one in the quiz.
[Buteau] Thanks, Tom.
You're pretty good at math.
Trailing by one, it's the blues next.
And you don't get more blue than Raven.
Pick your category, girl.
[pop music playing]
[Paris] "I'm a dancer, so I feel confident
that I will know dance information."
-"Message, 'Dance.' Send."
-You got it. We're rooting for you.
"In which country
did the Tango originate?"
"Argentina, Spain, Brazil, or Mexico?"
Oh! I know.
[Paris] "I don't know nothing
about Tango."
"But I know for sure
it's not Brazil or Mexico."
[both vocalizing]
That's like a tango.
-[nails tapping]
-I'm gonna say Spain.
I don't know why, but Spain is calling me.
-Spain or Argentina?
-[Brett] Spain.
-I think it may be Argentina.
-[Brett] I think it's Spain.
[Paris] "Circle, message, 'Spain.' Send."
"Spain." Okay, Raven guessed Spain.
[mimicking drumroll]
[Paris] Oh!
-It was Argentina.
-[Paris] "It was Argentina!"
Raven, no!
It's all good, Raven. It's all good!
[clicks tongue] Sorry, team.
[Buteau] A misstep from dancer Raven
gives the pinks a leg up.
'Cause with Tom next,
they're still leading two to one.
[upbeat music playing]
I don't know. I don't know.
Like, I can totally see
Tom being like a little history buff.
Come on, Tom. It's only four topics left.
Circle, select history.
[Xanthi] History!
[Brett] I told you.
He's gonna get this one right.
I have faith in you, Tom.
I just don't wanna let the team down.
This is the chance for us to go ahead,
and then I'll be a hero.
We love Tom Tom, but, Tom Tom,
we hope you get it wrong wrong. [laughs]
Please don't get it right.
Which player won the first season
of The Circle?
Oh, what the
This is the most easiest
fucking question ever!
I'm dead! [laughing]
[Brett] Chris was probably the funniest.
Shubby was probably the most sincere
and hates influencers.
Everyone was just like, "Shubby,
are you actually this great of a person?"
"You just can't be
this great of a person."
Circle, please select Joey as my answer.
-[Xanthi] Yes! Three to one, baby!
-Good job, Tom!
-Oh! Team Pink is about to crush this.
Man, I got nervous. I thought
he was gonna mention Shubham.
Circle got me on that. That was good.
[laughs] I didn't expect that one.
Three to one so far.
Even though we're losing,
at least this game is so much fun,
and I look good.
[both] "The next question is for Sam
from the blue team."
Let me think what's left.
Geography, science, and sports.
Sam would probably admit
that none of those categories
are her go-to category.
I think she might pick science
or geography.
Geography? What are they gonna ask me?
What if they ask me how many bricks
they used to make the Great Wall of China?
I don't fucking know.
All right. Come on, Sam.
What will you choose?
Circle, select sports as my category.
Sport? Okay, interesting.
"Which American sportsperson has won
the most medals in the Olympic Games?
-[Chaz] "Carl Lewis."
-"Simone Biles."
"Michael Phelps, Dara Torres"
-Simone Biles! Simone Biles!
-I would've said Carl Lewis.
-I think this is a tough one for Sam.
-If Sam gets this wrong, pink team wins.
[Sam] "Carl Lewis."
That sounds really familiar,
but I don't think your name
is ringing bells the way Michael's was.
He was really wiling out
with the swimming stuff.
-I think I'mma go with Michael Phelps.
-Oh, she says Michael Phelps.
Michael Phelps won a bunch of them
for swimming.
Please, we need this point.
[screaming excitedly]
Two. It's two-three.
We just need Marvin
to get this one wrong.
[Buteau] With the scores at two-three,
and only one question left for each team,
if Marvin answers correctly,
team pink will be the winner.
"The next question is for Marvin
from the pink team."
"You should now choose your category."
This is a very big moment.
This is for This is for the win, Marvin.
Marvin's gonna pick geography.
I have to go with sciences.
I'm an engineer. This is what I do.
[Buteau] Marvin, remember in The Circle,
you're a personal trainer.
In his profile,
he put down he likes to travel.
So if he's really into travel,
he should be picking geography.
Circle, message, "Science."
[gasps] Marvin picked science.
Marvin, why have you picked science?
Having a degree in chemical engineering,
mathematics, and chemistry,
come on, this should come
pretty easy to me, right?
[Buteau whispering] You're supposed
to be a personal trainer, dude.
"What is the first element
on the periodic table?"
What are the elements? Earth, water, fire
What is it? CO2?
Aluminum. I think it's A.
That's a hard question.
I know Marvin might be
regretting science now.
Oh! H2O.
"Oh! H2O."
"Hydrogen." Send message.
[sighs] I don't think that's right.
-[shouting] "Correct!" Yes, Marvin!
-Holy shit!
-Man! Do my victory dance now.
-See that dance? Running-man style.
-We won! We won! We won it!
Go, team pink!
Oh no!
How did you know that?
You're highly suspicious.
Oh, the other players might see this
and say, "This guy might be smart."
"He might not be a personal trainer."
[gasps] Hopefully, they know this.
This is easy, right?
They all know hydrogen is
the first element in the periodic table.
-Everybody knows that, right?
-[Buteau, sarcastically] Right. Uh-huh.
Let me find out Marvin is more
than just a bag of muscles.
I am surprised yet angry,
because the pink team won.
[Tom] "Congratulations, Pink Team,
for answering
all the questions correctly."
"You are the winners
of Let's Get Quizzical."
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Tsk. Pink team fucking won.
[Tasia] "Your winner's trophy
is now at the door!"
[Tom] Oh, yes! Thank you very much!
[Buteau] And to rub that in,
Team Pink are now gonna get
the most prestigious trophy we could find.
Let's get quizzical!
This one goes out to all my teachers
who didn't believe in me.
I'd like to thank my parents,
and my school, my fellow teammates.
[Buteau] It's evening here in The Circle,
and Sam has reached a point
in her Circle life
which all players go through,
becoming completely obsessed
by a jigsaw puzzle.
I literally think about this puzzle
when I'm going to sleep.
I just wanna complete one outfit.
Can I just have one outfit?
I have a legless cowboy,
a torsoless woman,
and this girl who's missing
two pieces of her skirt.
[Xanthi] You ready?
This is like, "I'm Brett,
and I'm taking you out on a nice date
and picking up the bill."
Ready? Set!
-[Brett] This is nice.
This isn't too bad, right? We just gotta
I don't think I would ever do a ponytail.
Why? You really don't look bad.
It shows off your face.
Look at you doing your little model look.
Okay, Brett! I like this.
[Buteau] While Brett continues
to lose the power struggle
in Jennifer's apartment,
resident Brit, Tom,
is going full Sherlock.
Marvin's been getting increasingly popular
since I joined The Circle,
and in the quiz just now,
he didn't pick geography,
which I thought, for a man
who says he's into travel,
would've been the natural choice.
I do have my suspicions about him.
Circle, invite Marvin to a private chat.
[teaspoon clinging]
[Marvin] "Tom has invited you
to a private chat."
Hey, Tom. I have a tea. Look at that.
I'm just missing a saucer right now.
So I can look just like Tom.
Circle, open the private chat with Tom.
Message, "Marvin, ol' buddy ol' pal!"
Exclamation mark."
"Thought I'd swing by
to deliver you some admiration"
"for the roll you are currently on."
What! "Trophy emoji, fire emoji!" [laughs]
"You nailed making your beast
of a ceramic arm."
"#WeGonnaNeedMoreClay." [laughs]
"And saw us home in the quiz.
Hopefully, he doesn't know my secret,
but yes, I am brains and brawns.
"How was your time in the Hangout
with Tamira? Question mark."
"Laughing emoji."
This is good. Okay.
Okay, message, "Bro, my Hangout
with Tamira was hella freaky."
"She was the whole experience and more."
"Guess what? #WaitForIt Dot, dot, dot."
What? What could this be?
Message, "Tom, bro,
she wasn't only being freaky."
"She also sent me a pic,
and whoa, she was slaying in the pic."
"LMAO. I wasn't expecting
to receive a pic just yet."
"LOL. #FirstDate."
The thing is, mate, Marvin,
is that your profile says
you're into LGBTQ rights,
equality and feminism.
So the fact
that you're now sort of spouting
[mocking] "Mate, I got this pic
from this girl on the first date."
"She was, like, freaky as shit."
It's like Ah, I don't
You You never fully marry up in my
In my head.
[Marvin] Tom is my boy,
but I need to hold back
a bit of the details of the date from Tom,
'cause he just might go tell Raven,
and that wouldn't be good for my game.
Message, "Bahahaha Dot, dot, dot.
Sounds like she's a quick mover."
"#IGotACougar. #YouGotACheetah."
That's right. That's my boy Tom, man.
"Fingers crossed we are
on the same team again in the future."
"Till our next chinwag."
Message, "Stay positive!"
"I am always here for you, bro.
100% emoji. Hashtag"
He's still feminism and equality.
I don't Honestly, Marvin,
you are such an enigma.
That is good. No?
This is the boys just chatting it up.
Secret Squad, Marvin and Tom,
in the building, in The Circle.
Oh, I ran out of tea.
[Buteau] Let me tell you what, Marvin,
there is never a shortage of tea
in The Circle, honey.
Speaking of which, after the drama
of last night's near blocking,
Jennifer wants to check in
with some of her Circle fam.
I feel like we need to check in
with our girl Sam.
Circle, take me to a private chat
with Sam.
Jennifer has invited me to a private chat.
We got some newbies in here,
and I wanna make sure
that our connection
is just as fabulous as always with Sam.
Circle, open private chat with Jennifer.
Message, "Hello, darling.
I'm so happy to be here."
"I wanted to check in with my girl."
"How are you? Smiley face
with the hands out emoji." Send.
Message, "Jennifer, it's very difficult
for me to imagine the game without you."
"Rainbow-heart emoji."
Exactly what I wanted to hear.
Message, "Laughing face emoji.
I'm so happy to hear that."
[Sam] "I must say, you always know
how to put a smile on my face."
She's just so nice,
but it's like, it feels so genuine.
Message, "In this group,
you and Chaz are my support systems."
[Xanthi] "I'd love
for the three of us to connect."
"Would you be against me adding him in?"
No, this is perfect!
Oh, wow.
We couldn't have asked for a better layup.
Hook, line, and sinker!
For my own sense of sanity, I need to know
that Jennifer and Chaz are good.
-Message, "Chaz has such a kind soul."
"Let's definitely add him in." All right.
"Sam has invited you to a group chat."
Circle, open up Sam's group chat.
Sam and Jennifer. This is somewhat random.
-"Chaz entered the chat."
Yay! Chaz is here!
I'm just really wondering
what specifically it's about.
Message, "Gusband! Exclamation point."
"Aunty Jen and I were chatting,
and I wanted to add in
some extra positivity. Sparkle emoji."
Oh, so they wanted me
to just give some positivity?
Oh, I can do that. That's easy.
Message, "Oh my God,
thank you for inviting me."
"Wifey, I missed you."
"Yo, Cool Aunt Jen."
"It's always a positive vibe
when you're near. #AquariusEnergy."
"Sending love and extra kisses
to you both. Heart emoji. Kiss emoji."
Yes, gusband! As long as you know
who your wifey is.
Message, "OMG, you are so sweet."
"Are you also a fellow Aquarius?
Water sign emoji."
Message, "No, I'm a Gemini,
but Aquariuses and Gems match perfectly."
Message, "Jennifer, I am an Aries."
They are my favorite sign!
I knew that there was a reason
why me and Sam just was like
on it with everything.
Message, "Ooh! Winky-face emoji."
"An Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries.
I love that."
"You two are always welcome to come
and chat it up with your cool Aunt Jen."
Like, that's Jen.
Like, what can you say bad about Jennifer?
This is a good conversation.
This is the best conversation
that Jennifer has had with Chaz so far.
Message, "Can't wait
to be at the finish line
with you two by my side."
"#WeAreInThisTogetherTillTheEnd." Send.
[Chaz] Message, "This was incredible.
Us until the end. Red heart emoji."
Hands-up emoji. Period." Send.
Okay, Chaz, look at you
doing another little alliance.
That's another alliance,
and those are his words.
Perfect. Boom.
Ah, I love my friends.
I would 100% love
if Sam, myself, and Jennifer,
all three, make it to the finale.
I want to believe that
we just cemented in a relationship.
[Sam] They're all I need,
my gusband and my aunty.
[Buteau] Team Astrology over there proving
birds of a feather do flock together,
but Sasha's got a more specific bird
in mind. Can you guess?
Oh, yeah. It's a Raven.
[Paris] Ooh.
"Sasha has invited you to a private chat."
I strongly believe that Raven is part
of the top three of the game right now
and is a power player.
If we can build a genuine connection,
then just maybe we have a fighting chance
to stay in this game.
[Paris] "What? What does Sasha
wanna talk about with me?"
"I think for me,
it's too soon to trust her."
"She's made an alliance with Bruno
and then sent him home after."
"Circle, open private chat with Sasha."
Message, "Raven"
"I really appreciate you allowing me
to explain myself in the Circle Chat
and your encouraging words for me
since the beginning."
I want Raven to see how fun Sasha is.
She's got a big personality,
and she's here to stay.
I would love to do
a speed dating, like, mixer with Raven
where we ask each other, like,
rapid-fire, fun personality questions.
Message, "Raven,
I'm super inspired by you."
[Paris] "Let's play a speed mixer
with rapid-fire questions. Down?"
"Message, 'Girl, yes, I'm down!'"
Message, "Yes, girl!"
"What's your best pick-up line!?
Exclamation mark, question mark."
"Winky face, winky face." Send.
[Paris] "Message, 'Damn, foxy lady!
You ain't tired?'"
"'Cause you've been running
through my mind all day. Winky face."
Oh shit, Raven! [laughs]
Message, "Gotta know.
If you're going out"
[Paris] "are you a clubber,
or do you like to hit the bars?"
"Message, 'I'm definitely a clubber.'"
"I take over the dance floor
with my badass twerking skills."
"Dance emoji, peach emoji."
Ah, nice, nice.
Message, "We gotta have
#TwerkWars one day."
"Cake emoji, cake emoji." Send.
[Paris] "Twerk war, Sasha?
You sure you wanna go against the queen?"
Sasha's twerking is probably good.
Shubby's twerking, not good. [laughs]
Message, "Raven, you've got
a dynamite personality,
and this mixer was fire. Fire emoji."
"I just wanted you to know,
I have your back in this game"
[Paris] "and you've always got a girl
who's looking out for you. Heart emoji."
[laughs softly]
Let's see what she says.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Paris] "I don't wanna make any promises
to be like, 'Yeah, I got your back too,'
because I'm still unsure about you."
"Message, 'Sasha,
this was a very fun game.'"
"'Definitely what I needed for tonight.'"
[Shubham] "I loved getting to know
"I'm looking forward
to chatting with you more. Heart emoji."
[Paris] "I just feel like
I'm getting different sides of her,
different personalities,
and I'm not sure which one I'm seeing."
I'm just a little scared,
because I threw it out there
I've got her back,
but she didn't say that
in her response back,
and that kinda tells me, you know,
she can't commit to that right now.
She's looking at Sasha
as a potential blocked person
if she's influencer.
[Paris] "Before tonight,
I was unsure about Sasha,
and I have to admit
I'm still unsure about her,
but I am willing to see
what happens in the near future
to see if I have a change of heart."
[Buteau] Tell you what I see
in the near future, Raven.
I'll give you a clue.
It starts with an A, ends with a T,
and makes everyone scream
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all in commotion] "Alert!"
-[lively music playing]
-[Paris] "What's about to happen, Circle?"
"Glam Party." What does this mean?
Ooh, a glam party!
Yay! This sounds like my kind of party!
"Time to get yourself
all glammed up." Okay.
I'm excited.
I haven't gotten pretty in so long!
[shouting] "You can collect
your party items from your door now."
[laughing] Oh my gosh! Yes!
[gasps] Whoa!
-[Shubham] My God, this is sick!
-[Tom] My God!
Oh my God! What?
This could not get more epic! Whoo!
[Sam] I wonder how many balloons
they have to give Jennifer.
-I love getting glammed up.
-Just another Tuesday night for me.
Let us go get ready!
Absolutely fabulous.
This is my glam!
We need lips.
This party was made for me.
Bitch, I look like fucking Dracula.
-I can't wait to hang out with my friends.
I always get this part wrong.
My mom or dad always do the last part.
I feel like a million dollar.
Yay, Glam Party!
Welcome Raven.
[lively music continues]
She has arrived. No pictures. Paparazzi!
I'm about to steal
the fucking scene tonight. Yep!
-Twirl. Show them what you got.
-You gonna catch me? Catch me. [laughs]
Who's ready for the party, bitches?
[Buteau] Oh, I am now, Tom.
Okay, Circle, you know how it goes.
Split those screens
and get this party started.
[Xanthi] Okay.
-You know I like the funk ♪
-[Chaz] Hey!
I like a little bump now, baby.
I like a little bump!
She's fire, she's fire ♪
-[Sam] Holy shit. It's all in the hips!
-[Paris] Hey!
-[Raven laughing]
You know I like the funk ♪
-Everyone knows she's fabulous ♪
Everybody says she's fabulous ♪
Down right, just fabulous ♪
[Chaz] Ow! [laughs]
You know I like the funk ♪
-[Chaz] That's it. Party's over.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
Agh! Why, Circle?
"Circle! We were just partying."
"You should now upload your most"
"glamorous picture onto the Circle Chat!"
Too easy for Tamira.
I don't know
if I've got any glamorous ones.
Jennifer's glamorous.
What are you talking about? Look at us.
I don't do glamour.
My style is either 12-year-old boy or ho.
-Please take me to my private albums.
-Take me to my private albums.
Oh my God. Sash She looks beautiful.
[Paris] "Open up the picture
on the middle."
"I love this picture."
That's me graduating
as a chemical engineer.
I don't want them seeing that.
[Tom] This is me with my dad.
[laughing] Oh baby!
She looks hot and beautiful.
Circle, open the picture
of me in the pink dress.
I look good.
This is my most glamorous picture.
Circle, please put this pic
into Circle Chat.
[upbeat music playing]
Okay, Marvin, yes!
Oh! He's about to bust out that suit.
Bust out the seams.
[Marvin] I think I'm looking glamorous
in this picture,
and I'm wearing the same glasses,
so they know that I'm not a catfish.
That's dope,
that bleached hair and those sunglasses.
Look at Aunty Jennifer!
More like Aunty Fire.
[Brett] I think this really shows
the authentic Jen.
She's free-spirited.
She's by the water. She looks stunning.
Jennifer, as usual,
note perfect. Wonderful.
Oh, Tom! [laughs]
Is this UK's version of glamorous?
Is this how London boys give it up?
Whoo! Look at Raven.
That just gives off the queen vibe.
Yes, baby. Yes!
Damn, Sam! I know everybody's looking
at Sam's titties right now.
[Raven laughs]
The girls sitting!
I wanna see what Sasha's gonna put,
because I think she's a dude.
Me and Sasha have definitely showed
the wholesome, family part,
but now we gotta show
the fun, flirty, glamorous.
I don't know about glamorous,
but that outfit right there is sexy.
Beautiful smile, beautiful girl.
If this is your glam, girl, hey
She's still sexy with it.
I still don't think
this is a girl, though.
[Marvin] Oh my God. This girl, man.
She's just giving off the fire right now.
I'm glad she's my second queen.
-[screams] Ah! Chaz!
-[Chaz] I think this is a killer photo.
I look great. Look at the thighs,
the smile, the watch.
Even though the watch doesn't work,
look at the watch.
[Buteau] Honey, I don't need
to look at a watch that doesn't work
to know that it's time
for another Circle bombshell.
[tense music playing]
What in the world? Who is this?
Okay, who is this?
"Oliver has joined the chat"?
Who the fuck is Oliver?
Oh my gosh! We just got another player.
[both screaming]
Oh my God!
This is not good for me,
because his glam right now
is looking glamorous.
I look good in this photo,
and by the looks of all their profiles,
something tells me none of these bitches
can't even top me on my worst day.
Can we get started? [laughs]
Voilà ♪
Hi, y'all! My name is Oliver Twixt.
That's T-W-I-X-T.
I'm 26, I live in Atlanta,
and I'm a hip-hop artist
and a content creator.
About me rapping,
it started when I was in high school.
I was a nerd, the geek.
So, one day, the kids were freestyling,
and I grabbed the mic,
and the energy that I got
just gave me confidence in a new identity.
It's never been the same since.
Last of your dreams
On your insta-fantasy ♪
The Circle has become
the Olympics of social media.
I really want to win a lot.
Three, two one ♪
-Voilà ♪
So, I will be entering The Circle
as myself,
because why the hell not?
I love myself, and I'm sure
the other people are gonna love me too.
They better,
or their ass gonna get blocked.
Any any image you want ♪
I'm fierce, I'm fun, I'm fabulous,
and I'm ready to fuck 'em up!
Can I curse?
It's kinda too late for that, ain't it?
Circle, take us to Oliver's profile.
[Brett] And then let's do some snooping.
-[Xanthi] He's single.
-[Brett] Single.
"Oh my gosh!"
[Sam] "I'm your nerd boy cutie
reporting for duty." All right!
I'm rolling out the welcome mat
for Oliver.
I've gotta be honest.
I'm a little bit intimidated.
"I live life to the fullest by painting
with all the colors of the wind."
"Kissy face emoji, pride love emoji,
toe-painting emoji."
I'm happy that we have
another gay guy here in on The Circle!
Look at that beautiful smile
and his style.
[Brett] I love his style.
-Yeah, his style looks banging.
-He is out there.
Circle, take me back to Circle Chat.
Message, "Welcome, Oliver, to The Circle.
You look absolutely stunning."
"Love your profile.
Red heart emoji." Send!
That is the right step, Chaz.
You've You've You've placed
your feet in front of you perfectly.
Message, "Oliver,
talk about making an entrance. Confetti."
"I think you'll fit right in with this"
"#CircleGang. Pride heart emoji."
Okay, Miss Sam, I feel the energy.
Message, "Oliver, you are the definition
of #GlamGuy."
"I am loving the white on white."
[laughing] "You're putting
my cleavage to shame, honey."
"You better work!"
Now, Tamira, you gained some ground
with me with that, girl.
Message, "Love!!! Exclamation mark,
exclamation mark, exclamation mark."
"Praise hands."
"There was us glamming it up,
and then glamour
just walked through the door."
"Hey, nerdy boy cutie.
Welcome to the squad. #NerdLove."
Aw, Tom that was sweet.
I mean, it's typical first day.
Everybody shows so much love.
Wait until Oliver has to make a decision,
and they'll probably
jump down his throat like Sasha.
Circle, message,
"Wha Wha What's going on, y'all?"
[Brett] "Sorry I'm late to the party.
A bitch was stuck in traffic."
"Laughing emoji."
"The category called for glamorous,
so I decided to serve y'all a little piece
of Grace Jones-Snow White realness."
-"Laughing my fucking ass off."
[Chaz] "Nice to meet all of you."
"Thank you for the love you're sending.
It makes me feel welcome."
Yes! I love that.
He's funny as well. This is good.
We're gonna have proper back and forth,
I think, me and Oliver.
Message, "Oliver,
no worries about being stuck in traffic"
"Dot, dot, dot."
"I was only a car in front of you."
[Oliver laughs]
Right, you give me late-girl tease.
I knew that about you.
This is great what Tamira's saying.
You know what?
There was a bunch of us stuck in traffic.
The newbies outnumber the OGs.
So what are we gonna do?
Are we gonna go against each other,
or are we gonna stick together?
[Sam] Message, "Oliver, you're the first
rapper of the group, so I expect
#Bars soon. Kissy emoji." Send.
I got you, Miss Sam.
Mwah. She wanna hear me rap.
I love this. I think Oliver
literally has such a good energy,
and I think he's gonna fit in so well.
Message, "Again, kisses to all y'all
for sending me love."
"This makes this first night
not as scary."
[Chaz] Aw!
[laughing] I like that.
[mysterious music playing]
[Buteau] And with fabulous newbie Oliver
on the scene,
our players are ending their Glam Party
how all glam parties should end,
by shutting them blinds,
brushing their teeth,
and quietly going to bed.
My goodness.
It is time for bed,
and I couldn't be more happier.
It's mission complete for the first day.
Once I learn what the dynamics are,
I will feel more comfortable
employing some tactics
to fuck this shit up,
because I need to gain ground
within The Circle.
[Marvin] I'm feeling great.
Right now, Raven is still my number one.
Tamira is my side queen. [chuckles]
That is amazing.
I am sitting comfortably in The Circle.
I am loving my allies.
Good night, Circle.
[Buteau] Don't get too comfy,
'cause Tamira wants to catch up
with Raven and Sam
about her date with you.
[Sam gasps] Ooh.
Tamira, I'm not young like y'all.
It's bedtime!
"And here I thought the party was over."
Same, girl. I was taking off my bowtie.
-I swear.
Chatting up with them and telling them
about how the date went with Marvin,
it would strengthen my alliance with Sam
but also bridge
and build a connection with Raven.
Okay, so message, start with this.
So let's say, "Hey, lovelies."
And then we're gonna throw
the dancing emoji,
the girl that
The girl with the red dress.
"I wanted to #SpillThe
about my date with Marvin."
"And who better" Whoa!
Hold on, Circle.
Wait. I need my popcorn. Hold on.
"I wanted to spill the tea
about my date with Marvin."
-"And who better to tell than my girls?"
-[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Oh yeah. And Tamira has zero clue
Raven and Marvin
have been damn near having cyber-sex.
I'm back! I'm back.
But Raven had a thing for Marvin.
[Raven laughs]
[Paris] "What What tea is she spilling?"
Message, "Oh snap."
"With everything going on,
that definitely slipped my mind."
"#ReadyForTheTea. Eyeball emojis."
Matter of fact,
put three sets of eyeball emojis.
Put two more, 'cause I'm super nosy.
[Tasia] All right. Yeah, this is good.
I want them both to know
that they're my homegirls.
"Message, 'Hey, Tamira.'"
"'I got my cup ready,
so let the tea spill.'"
"'Looking emoji.' Send."
This is about to be messy.
I'm so glad to be front row center.
She wants to spill the tea,
so obviously some shit happened.
Message, "I had his muscly clay arm
in front of me,
and he had my clay boobs in front of him."
"The conversation got extremely flirty
extremely quick,
and by the end of it,
I think we both wanted our clothes off."
"Fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji."
[tense music playing]
[closing theme music playing]
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