The Circle (2020) s05e08 Episode Script

An F-Boy Is Exposed

[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] It's bedtime,
but we don't want no cocoa.
We are here for the tea, honey.
'Cause after her hot date with Marvin,
Tamira's just spilled it to Sam and Raven.
"The conversation got
extremely flirty, extremely quick,
and by the end of it, I think
we both wanted our clothes off."
"Fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji."
I like you, Tamira. I do.
I really, really do,
but I don't know if you know
what you're getting yourself into.
-Are you okay?
Yep, I'm fine.
That is, like, hot, boiling tea.
[Paris] "I guess he flirts with everyone
and not just me."
Marvin is a bad boy.
"I thought Marvin and I had a connection,
but I guess he's still open."
If Marvin was flirting to Tamira
to the point that they wanted
to get hot and heavy,
I can guarantee he never mentioned
having a connection with Raven.
[Paris] "Message, 'Oh shit, really?'"
"'I did think he would have
a bit more respect for me,
as we had a few chances to connect."
"#IfYouGetMyDrift." Oh shit.
Oh shit!
[shouting] No! Oh my gosh!
[whispering] Raven just flat-out said it!
So Marvin out here playing game!
I was his number one. I was his queen.
I'm confused.
I am too.
Message, "Shocked emoji, shocked emoji,
shocked emoji. Wait, what? I had no idea."
"He never said anything."
"Girl, I am #ChicksBeforeDicks
all the way."
"I'm really glad you said something
because that's not how I get down."
Message, "I can't imagine
how either one of you are feeling,
but I hope together we can get past this."
"#HeKnewBetter." Thank you, Sam!
He's the one at fault.
You shouldn't have led Raven on
if you weren't
genuinely interested in her.
You should've been transparent with Tamira
that you did make a connection with Raven,
because right now, you put these two women
in an uncomfortable conversation,
and you're probably sitting back
having a snack right now.
He thought he could just flirt his way
to the finale dinner?
"Message, 'Did he really think
that we were not going to talk?'"
"Tamira, I have so much respect
for you being real."
"Y'all are still my girls."
"I'm glad to be talking
to you two right now. Heart emoji."
For sure. Oh man.
I'm glad I said something now.
I think that I have now
gained the trust of Raven
because I did straight-up
tell her the truth.
So message, "I appreciate both of you
for being open and honest with me."
"I would never let a man stand in the way
of my friendships."
This could've got so catty.
This could've gotten so messy,
but they handled this with so much class.
If this ain't girl power,
I don't know what is.
I know Scary Spice is somewhere
shedding a tear of joy,
because this is just unity.
[Paris] "Message, 'Tamira and Sam,
even though the chat
is not what we expected,
I definitely bonded with you.'"
"'Always keep it 100 with each other.'"
"'#ItsAPact. #IGotYourBackLikeASweater.'"
Now I know for a fact
that they won't see Tamira as a threat,
but they see Tamira as a friend,
and that is what I needed
to stay in this Circle.
If Raven is anything like me,
she not gonna let this go.
Trying to use me to stay in the game.
Fuck you.
[Buteau] Wow.
Tomorrow is gonna be interesting,
and morning can't come quick enough.
-[lively music playing]
-[Buteau] Oh, look, here it is.
Yes, honey, another bright
and breezy morning in The Circle.
And with all that drama,
you may have forgotten
that we have a brand new player
who's joined our happy, little family.
-[Marvin groans]
-[all] Good morning, Circle!
[Brett] Good morning, Jennifer.
My first night in The Circle
was surprisingly amazing for me.
I enjoyed the love they sent me.
They made a bitch feel real good.
I do know I need to get myself out there
so people can feel my energy.
So the goal today is
to talk to as many people as possible.
[Buteau] That's a good plan.
Maybe don't mention Marvin to Raven
for now, though.
Another day in The Circle.
[sucks teeth] This is good.
[Buteau] Oh, Marvin,
three college degrees,
but you still can't figure out
what's coming?
"Marvin didn't come up to me
and let me know himself."
"I would have appreciated
knowing directly from him,
but I didn't get that."
"At this point, you've given me
a reason not to trust you."
[Buteau] But, Raven, you can always trust
The Circle to do stuff like this.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Oh, "Alert!"
-[all] "Alert!"
What is going on? We just woke up.
[chuckling] That wasn't even, like,
five seconds of being up. Ah!
I haven't even had my first mimosa yet.
[Buteau] Jen-Jen, you are a whole mood.
"The Circle is complete."
-What does that mean?
"There will be no new players."
[cheering] Whoo!
We are the final nine.
"The winner is among you." Yes!
Yes! Let's go.
[shouting] "you." Oh my God! [laughs]
Oh my gosh! It could be me.
It could be me. I could win. I could win,
and I wanna win,
and I'm gonna try so hard.
"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Hit it. Hit it. We made it, baby."
-Wow, this is We're in the home stretch.
-Oh my God.
I hope you brought
your big-girl Jennifer panties
'cause we got ball to play.
It's a battle royale to the end now.
May the best person win.
There's five new players.
If we stand strong and stand together,
we can knock them out, one by one, by one,
by one, and every single new person
can sit at the end.
That would be amazing,
and we're gonna do it.
So that's the plan. Unite the five.
That's it. Unite the five.
[Buteau] Ooh, some serious gameplay
about to happen.
But as the morning unfolds,
Oliver's starting off
a little more chilled.
This ain't got nothing on a Rubik's Cube.
[Buteau] The others start  the day right
with food and exercise.
[screams] Ah!
[Buteau] Sasha, who was so distracted
by game tactics, she wore jeans to yoga,
wants to hit up her fellow newbies.
I want to start a chat
with the four other newbies in this game.
Five strong is all I need to unite us.
Circle, open a private chat
with Jennifer, Tom, Tamira, and Oliver
and call this chat
The Newbies Revolution Chat.
-Ooh! "Sasha"
-"has invited you to"
[Tom] "The Newbies Revolution Chat."
Wow, Sasha.
You're not wasting any time, huh?
She might as well have entitled it
"Please save me,
people who are more popular than me."
[Shubham] I have one chance
to make this count.
The thing I have to let them know is,
guys, it's now or never.
We can't do this later.
We have the numbers.
For the first time, we have the numbers.
If it backfires, so be it.
I went down swinging.
[exhales sharply]
[breathes out] Compose yourself. Message,
"With the arrival of the amazing Oliver,
the newbies outnumber the originals
five to four."
"I know some of you have connections
on the other side,
but if you think for one second
they will take you to the end,
you're playing Russian Roulette."
"This is only going to work
if all five of us stand together."
This is definitely a very bold move.
This is a massive risk,
but everything in my heart is saying,
"We're here. We gotta make it count."
What was the point?
We gotta make this count.
Miss Sasha's trying
to overthrow the people. [laughs]
This is heating up. I think I'm gonna have
to get closer to the action.
[Tasia] I'm cool with Sam and Raven,
and I don't want this to be something
negative about the old players,
and then they feel
like I didn't tell them. Fuckin' A.
Message, "Wow, you weren't kidding
when you said #NewbiesRevolutionChat."
"Shocked emoji.
I think we should take a step back
and figure out who has connections
with who Dot, dot, dot." Send.
Tamira wants to know
how strong this group is,
and who's likely to jump ship on the plan.
Message, "Sasha, thank you so much
for inviting me to this chat."
"This anarchy shit
has woken me up this morning."
"I am very intrigued.
Tell me more. Tell me more."
[laughing] "This anarchy shit."
[Brett] I love that.
[laughs loudly]
[laughing] Poor Oliver.
Oliver just got swept into the game,
and I just threw
this massive thing at him.
To betray and backstab people
that I built a connection with,
I just don't feel, in my gut,
that's the right thing to do.
Message, "This is definitely
something new. Laughing face emoji."
"Sasha, what are your plans
for this revolution?"
[Shubham] I feel super stoked
and excited to kick off this plan.
It's a massive risk,
but I'm taking the shot when it counts.
Message, "Step one, ensure one of us
gets to the influencer spot."
"Step two, we have each other's backs
and take out an original."
"Step three,
we can't tell anyone about this
and must have each other's backs
until the final table."
"I'm willing to get blocked for this.
The drama, baby!
You're willing to get blocked?
Then what was the point?
If you get blocked, then we're fucked!
That just sounds desperate.
You're not willing to get blocked.
Sasha is coming strong this morning.
[Shubham] If If everyone is down,
I could very well win this game.
If this doesn't work
and this backfires on me, I'm gone.
Message, "Oliver, the only reason
I'm still in this game
is because of Sasha."
"Prayer hand emoji.
She has been loyal to her word."
[Shubham] "And, Sasha,
I admire your courage. Thank you."
Jennifer, yes!
It shows Sasha love but doesn't say
that we're in for the revolution.
If Sasha can't read between the lines,
like, that's her own fault.
Ooh, this is getting spicy!
[Shubham] Message, "I have genuine love
for the four original players."
"I just personally feel that,
instead of us fighting for a final spot,
all five of us could guarantee
we get to the end as newbies together."
I don't think Sasha has genuine love
for everyone. I think that's just
not true.
Uh, message, "Damn it, Oliver!"
"I was really hoping our first chat
would be nerd-ing out together."
"I feel like you've arrived at Hogwarts,
and the Dementors
are already taking over."
This is his literal first morning
in The Circle,
and already five people are saying,
"We're new. Trust us. Believe in us.
We got your back until the end."
[Tom] I think Sasha will have been hoping
that I'd say something more affirmative,
but I I just don't want to rock the boat
that much at the moment.
Message, "Oliver, I'm sure this was a lot
to take in this morning"
"and I don't want you to feel ambushed.
How are you feeling so far, my love?"
I wasn't trying to ambush anyone.
Guys, I was trying to get us to the end.
Tamira is giving me every vibe
that she is not up for this union.
Personally, if Sasha had left Tamira
out of this chat from the beginning,
I would've been way more on board.
I I thought people would be down.
I just didn't anticipate this.
Message, "All of you have made me feel
welcome and so appreciated."
"So I have no reason
to go against any of you."
"As your fellow newbie,
I will have your back
as long as you have mine."
[Tom] But what does "have your back" mean?
That's such an ambiguous phrase.
"I'll have your back."
That was potentially
the most important chat
I could've had in The Circle, um,
and it didn't go the best,
but I've no regrets, and we're still here.
We're still here.
We can still make some moves happen.
So let's see. Let's see.
It's not over till it's over.
If this chat did not tell me anything,
it definitely screamed out very loud,
"this has gotten real."
[Buteau] Queen Raven
is on top of The Circle.
Literally, y'all, she's on the roof.
And she's about to have a chat
with the dude who always has
something insightful to say.
I love how you can do so much with eggs.
"Last night, I received interesting news
that made me feel unsure about Marvin."
"Now Marvin, Chaz, and myself
have an alliance."
"So I want to chat with my bestie
to let him know what's going on
and where I'm at,
and also to see
if he has any advice for me."
"Raven has invited you to a private chat."
Oh my gosh.
I was about to eat my breakfast, girl.
[Paris] "Message, 'My bestie!'"
Oh my God! Raven goes, "My bestie!
I am excited we have made it this far."
"I started this chat because I know
I can keep it real with you."
"I received interesting information
last night that I wanted to share."
"Are you sitting down? #BuckleUp."
Oh shit. Oh my gosh.
What the hell?
What information did you get, girl?
[Paris] "Honey, spill the tea, girl."
"Message, 'So Marvin and I had a chance
to build a connection between us two.'"
"'The conversations have been
clearly more than friendship.'"
"'He buttered me up. He called me
his queen and his number one.' Send."
[Chaz] Marvin, what the hell did you do?
What the hell did you do?
[Paris] "Message"
"Then Tamira slid in the DMs
and spilled the tea all over my carpet."
"She basically said, on the date,
it got hot and heavy."
"There was a lot of flirting,
and they were feeling each other."
Marvin, why did you do that?
Why would you do that, Marvin?
Why would you do that?
Okay, message, "Wow.
I knew that Marvin really likes you."
"He talks about you all the time."
"I had a feeling, after that date,
something like this would happen."
"I just thought Marvin
was more of a loyal one." Send.
Now he talking about me all the time.
Well, you wasn't talking about me
with Tamira.
[laughs in frustration]
[Paris] "Message, 'I trusted Marvin,
and I thought if anything happened,
he would let Tamira know
that we had a connection,
you know, out of respect.'"
"'That's what a real man would do.
Straight face emoji.' Send."
It's like, Marvin,
you just shot yourself in the foot.
I think Marvin really hurt Raven,
and it's like
Marvin, were your feelings true?
That's what I'm wondering.
[Paris] "Message,
'I have respect for Tamira
because she made a girls' chat.'"
"'She was excited
to share about the date.'"
"'She didn't know
about mine and Marvin's connection.'"
[Chaz] "When she found out,
she was shocked."
"She let me know she doesn't play
those types of games. #GirlCode."
Okay, message, "Bestie, if a man is proud
to call his girl a queen,
then no other woman
should be able to change that."
"You are beyond valuable."
"You're so beautiful,
and I think self-love is more important."
"You don't deserve anyone to be disloyal
to you, male or female." Send.
Marvin, you might be in some trouble.
I don't know where we stand with this,
because if you will disrespect your queen,
you'll disrespect me.
You'll disrespect anybody.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Ooh, The Circle
has not been short on drama today!
And as newbie Oliver settles in,
he might have to make sure
those claws are sharpened
How did I do this to my nail?
Oh my God.
[Buteau] especially
for what The Circle's about to drop.
-[all] "Savage Questions.
-"Savage Questions." Oh mother
This is gonna be bad.
I feel like something's about to go down.
[Buteau] You might be right,
cause in Savage Questions,
the players get to ask another player
a question completely anonymously.
-[Tasia] So [chuckles]
-Ooh. Lorsh.
"Everyone grows balls anonymously."
All of our cards are about to get exposed.
We're about to see tactics, true colors,
and some pretty mean gameplay.
[Buteau] First up, our players will decide
who they want to target.
Whose game is so strong
that we want to hurt their game?
Maybe this is my chance
to call Marvin out.
My Savage Question is for Sam.
"Which three people would you want
to take with you to the end?"
[Buteau] The question is then uploaded
straight to The Circle Chat
so everyone, and their mama,
and their cousin can see the tea.
Ooh, that's a tough one.
I wouldn't wanna be asked that question.
That question right there Ooh.
I'm curious if she's gonna say Tamira.
If she doesn't, then maybe I don't have
a strong connection with Sam
like I thought.
I'm gonna be totally transparent
because it's the truth.
Message, "Chaz, Jennifer, and Raven.
"That's my girl."
She said out loud and proud
who she wants to take to the end.
I respect that.
I bet you Sam put this in order.
I like that we're second.
I'm, like, pissed.
I definitely thought that Sam
was rooting for Tamira, had Tamira's back.
The Circle's full of surprises, Tamira.
Up next is newbie Oliver.
Is you as real
as you say you is, Jennifer?
I am trying to stir the pot with her.
I am trying to ruffle her feathers.
"Who do you believe
is the most two-faced player?"
-Oh my God!
-[laughing] Damn, man!
Wow, this is savage right here.
Oh, my question was a breeze!
Whoever she calls two-face
is going to be pissed.
She's not gonna say Tom.
I don't think she'll say Sasha
because she has love for Sasha.
Jennifer is gonna answer
this question like Jennifer.
We are handling this question like a lady.
[Brett] Message, "I'm not a big fan
of using the word two-faced,
but if I do have to choose,
I'm a little confused
on where Tamira stands."
"#ToughOne. Broken heart emoji." Send.
[all gasp]
-[Chaz laughs] What?
-Oh my God.
You're confused on where I stand?
I've been nothing but nice to you.
If we have to throw someone under the bus,
which we do,
she's the weakest player
who's against us right now.
"And Aunty Jen still finds a way
to soften the blow."
I wanted to stir the pot,
and the pot is stirring. It's boiling.
Damn, fuck that.
Y'all just awoken a beast.
[Buteau] You better look out
cause Sam's up next.
My Savage Question is for Tom.
[Tom groans]
[breathes out] Okay. Okay. Okay.
What could you ask Tom? Like,
I don't even know what you would ask Tom.
I wanna know more about you.
You keep pushing these jokes
to the forefront. Everything is a joke.
Message, "Do you have any depth?"
"Is there more to you than just jokes?"
Oh shit.
That's a mean question.
What else is there about you?
Are you using humor to hide something?
So in my book, this is narrowed down
to Sam or Tamira.
[Tom] To be perfectly honest,
I think this is gonna give me a chance
to open up, so
Message, "I grew up in a military family."
"As such, we moved house all the time"
"so I was sent away
to an all-boys boarding school, aged six."
"Being separated from my family
and bullied was hard
"and only got better
when I used jokes as a defense mechanism."
"Still to this day,
I naturally go to laughter
as a way to feel validated."
"But there's more to me.
I just need to be asked more questions."
I could just cry.
I feel bad.
[Paris] "Honestly, I was expecting him
to answer with a joke,
and it's nice to finally have him share
something about himself."
I applaud you, Tom.
I applaud you for that.
I do rely on humor
as a way of just having a defense
and not letting people in.
It's something that I'm working on and
Yeah, that's all you can do, isn't it,
is just work on it?
[Buteau] Wow, Tom, that one got me.
Next up is Chaz.
My Savage Question is for Sasha.
I'm nervous. I'm so nervous right now.
[Chaz] I don't feel
it's a girl playing Sasha right now,
because that was a savage thing
that you did to Bruno.
You made somebody believe in you
just to turn around and block them.
No, I don't believe that for one second.
Stop acting timid.
Whatever the question is,
I hope it alludes to the fact
that you're a catfish.
Good luck, Sasha.
"Why are you acting like a timid girl"
"when you are a man with a plan?"
Are you kidding me?
[all gasping and shouting]
-I actually think the exact same thing.
We work with her,
but I still think it's a catfish.
What point will someone give me a chance?
Like, I'm trying to fight for my life.
What could you possibly say to this?
[Shubham] I'm not timid.
I find that offensive.
I've expressed my opinions
to people in chats.
I've shown all different sides of me.
Get to know the real me.
We're gonna go really aggressive.
"I'm not a fucking man.
What part of me is timid?"
"I literally had to get rid of someone
in front of everyone
and defend myself multiple times."
"I've shown I'm way more
than a timid girl."
"Don't ever use that word on me again."
Whoa! Okay.
Oh my goodness.
Why are you so angry right now?
Yes, Sasha! That's my girl.
Ah! [laughing]
Oh my God!
That's a different side of Sasha.
When people get really defensive
about something,
that's when you know it's the truth.
[laughing softly]
I shouldn't be enjoying this so much,
but I do.
[Buteau] We are so with you there, honey.
And after being torched
by Jennifer earlier,
now it's Tamira's turn.
-[Tasia] My Savage Question is for Marvin.
-Oh boy, here we go.
This is something I want to see.
What are they going to ask me?
They could ask me anything.
Asking Marvin
if he's really here for the ladies,
or if he's just full of it.
"Are you really loyal to the women
you have been talking to in The Circle"
"or are you just using them to win?"
[shouting] "#FeministOrNah."
Oh my God.
This question is not good for me.
This is savage question. This is savage.
This is coming from a woman scorned.
You know, he claims he's a feminist,
so that's not really feminist energy.
There is no way
that he could answer this question
and not look like a dirty dog.
[Paris] "How are you gonna answer
this question, Marvin?"
I'm going to let them know
that I am not, like, using anybody.
Message, "Wow, you sound like the person
that would use others"
"for your own advantage,
and that is not me."
"I'm a huge supporter of feminism
because I was raised by a beautiful,
strong, and powerful woman."
"#LoveToStrongWomen. Heart emoji."
You didn't even answer the question.
I hope that Raven and Sam
are like, "Bullshit."
If you would've mentioned my name
or shown your loyalty,
you would've earned
a little respect back from me.
All you did in this response was attack
the person asking you the question
and then deflect it
by bringing up your mother.
This seems like the most basic story
for why you'd be a feminist,
"'Cause I really love my mom."
Yeah, well, we all love our mums.
[Buteau] Let's hope Marvin loves questions
from women he done dirty,
'cause he got another one.
"My Savage Question is for Marvin."
He tried to weasel his way out
of the last question,
so I hope this one is just as severe.
Who are these people
coming at me right now?
"I'm hoping with the second question
that Marvin
will reconsider his actions
and actually own up to your shit."
"Message, 'Are you trying to flirt
and take advantage of all the girls
as your strategy just to get to the top?
Question mark.' Send."
"All the girls."
What are you talking about?
I have only two.
I am so glad that two people
have called Marvin out.
This person is making it really hard
for me right now.
Marvin, "All the girls? Laughing."
"I am a single guy,
and I've been real about that."
"I've been completely honest
about everything I've said
and the connections I've made
since I got in The Circle."
"I am not in here
to take advantage of anybody."
"I'll be a lucky guy
if I can find someone."
[laughs] Wait.
But I thought Raven was your queen.
Are we missing something right now?
There's two girls in here
who think Marvin is two-timing them.
[Tasia] Didn't he just say
Tamira was his queen?
And he's not even saying
that shit publicly.
[Paris] "He's called me his queen,
so is that an implied message to me?"
[suspenseful music playing]
You have now completed Savage Questions."
The game was definitely savage.
-No one will enjoy the rest of their time.
-[laughing] #NoMoreHappyFamily.
I feel like Marvin just shot himself
in the foot. [laughs]
To be honest with you, I I think
this is not looking too well for Marvin.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Another day,
another fun, wholesome game.
And as night draws in,
Jennifer's just like me,
congratulating herself on being so funny.
[Xanthi] You have smile lines
under your eyes.
I definitely do.
I never stop fucking laughing.
[Xanthi laughs]
We make each other laugh, aw.
[Buteau] Aw, and Marvin is working hard
to achieve the same level
of physical perfection as Tom.
-[Tom breathes out]
-[Buteau] This will get him up.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-[Brett] "Alert!"
-Oh my gosh.
What is this about now?
"You must now rate each other." Oh my God.
I'm getting throwbacks
to when I used to do this.
[Marvin] Oh, finally!
[dramatic music playing]
Are we about to rate each other
based off of what just happened?
Or is everybody gonna keep in mind
everything prior?
I'm obviously nervous about this,
but to be honest, I feel like
it's come at a good time for me.
I've just opened up to the group.
"As Oliver is a new player,
he can rate but cannot be rated." [sighs]
[shouting] Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you, Circle.
I can just twerk a little bit. Ah. Ah.
Okay, so that actually
could work in Tamira's favor.
You know, I feel pretty comfortable
going into this rating.
"Rate your fellow players"
"from first to seventh."
Tamira does not wanna be in seventh place.
At this point, I don't know
how anybody feels about anybody.
[all] Circle, take me to my ratings page.
Circle, I wanna put Tom in my first place.
Tom is somebody
who would potentially keep Tamira here,
but I also feel like,
after him explaining himself today,
I really feel like he does deserve
the first place as of as of right now.
I'd like to place Jennifer in first place.
'Cause I have a genuine connection
with her, I directly saved her.
Putting her first could ensure
that she's in the top two spots,
which is great for Sasha's game.
[Brett] Circle, I'd like to place Tom
in our first position.
[Xanthi] Amen.
[Brett] He's been nothing but loyal to us.
If Tom becomes influencer,
then we know we're safe.
Now this is an important decision
for me to make.
Circle, I would like to place Sasha
in the first position.
And I trust she will make a decision
that will benefit the newbies
in the long run.
In first position is Raven.
I really have huge trust in Raven.
She's my number one.
She's my queen in The Circle.
Come on. She gets the number one spot.
She's a queen.
[Paris] "Circle, in first place,
I put Chaz."
"Chaz has been my circle bestie
since day one."
"He's been real and honest,
and I never doubted him,
and I've never doubted his loyalty."
Circle, I'd like to place Jennifer
in my second position.
In third place,
I'd like to put my girl Tamira.
Circle, in fourth place,
could you please put Sam?
Circle, please lock in Marvin
as my fifth place rating.
Circle, we would like to place Raven
in sixth position.
I really don't trust Raven at all.
So we have to reduce some of that power.
Circle, I'd like to put Chaz
in last position.
He doesn't trust Sasha.
Chaz just, I feel,
has so many connections already.
So there's a sure chance
I'm going home if he's at the top,
so he's gotta be seventh place for sure.
Circle, in my seventh position,
please put Marvin.
I've had a really weird feeling
about Marvin
ever since I began on The Circle,
and today, with the questions
that he received,
confirmed that my suspicions
are being had with other people as well.
The player I would like to place
in seventh position is Sasha.
She gives me 100% catfish vibes.
She is quite inconsistent in The Circle.
I am not the only player in The Circle
that thinks Sasha is a catfish.
"Circle, I'd like
to place Marvin in last."
"I was not satisfied with his answers
during the Savage Questions."
"I don't trust him.
Marvin's going to seventh."
-Circle, submit my ratings.
-[all] Submit my ratings.
Ooh, it's done.
I am happy with my decisions.
I cannot wait to see the results.
I feel like I am influencing some shit,
and I ain't even the influencer. [laughs]
This game is coming to an end.
We need to make sure
Jennifer and her people
are there with us in the finale.
At this point, it's literally do or die,
sink or swim, eat or be eaten.
[light music playing]
[Buteau] It's a chill evening
after a hectic day.
Some players are relaxing,
some are eating,
and Chaz has just watched Spider-Man.
[Buteau] My Spidey-chat-senses
are tingling, though,
'cause Sam is about to check in
on newbie Oliver after his first day.
Message, "Oliver, red heart emoji."
"I know today was a lot to take in,
especially because you've just got here."
"How are you feeling?"
Thank you. I appreciate that.
I can't imagine
what it was like for Oliver.
A lot has taken place today.
So I just want him to know
that, like, this is a safe space.
Ain't no beef in these streets,
and I ain't got no time for that.
Getting this chat from Sam
makes me feel so much more confident.
Message, "It's been very crazy
since I have been in here,
but I honestly felt your genuine energy,
and it made me want to connect with you
and possibly be friends."
[Sam] "#RealRecognizeReal."
This makes me feel good.
He's probably looking
for, like, a big sister kind of vibe.
I love me an older woman
because they are seasoned.
They usually tell you
all about your man problems.
Message, "Any advice
for a young queen like me?" Send.
He's so fucking cute, like, ah,
and he just seems so genuine.
Message, "The number one
most important thing to remember is
know your worth and add tax. 100 emoji."
"#YouGotABigSisterNow. Heart emoji."
That really made me feel good.
Like, I want to guide him
like a big sister.
Like, I just wanna make sure
he don't get in none of this BS.
Don't fall into it.
Message, "As your new big sister,
let me tell you this."
"Stay out of all the nonsense."
"Continue to be your amazing self,
and we gonna ride this thing out."
Oh my God.
This feels amazing.
Message, "I am happy
to know I have a big sis."
"You know you have a new little bro."
He's so fucking cute, my little baby.
[inhales, sighs]
[Buteau] Okay.
Oliver's been here long enough
to know that whenever you get comfortable,
this happens.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-"Alert!" [elongated]
-"The rating results"
-"are in."
Oh my giddy aunt.
-[Chaz] Open up the results.
-[Brett, Xanthi] Take me to results.
-[suspenseful music playing]
-Oh my God, eighth place.
[Paris] "Don't pick me.
Don't be me. Don't be me. Don't be me."
I hope Tamira's in eighth place,
but I think it's likely
that it'll be Sasha.
Please, just not Sasha.
I hope this is not me.
Fingers are crossed right now.
[exhales sharply]
Eighth place, who is it?
Please don't be eighth. [inhales]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music plays]
Oh my God.
-[shouting] Oh my God!
-[dramatic music playing]
[shouting] "Marvin." Whoo! Yes!
[Paris] "I did not expect that."
Maybe this will give him some shit
to think about.
I I don't know what's going on.
I can imagine you right now
in your apartment feeling so dumb.
This is bad. How am I eighth place?
I don't believe it.
-Holy shit.
"He was flirting with other women,
and he wasn't loyal, but I did not expect
majority of the other players
to rate him low as well."
Seventh place. Who's next?
I still don't wanna be seventh.
Please don't be seventh.
Fingers crossed that it's not me.
[exhales] I hope I don't get seventh.
Oh, damn!
[laughing, whispering] Yes.
Sorry, Sasha,
but that was sort of inevitable.
I don't think that the person
behind the photo is this beautiful girl.
Obviously, it's not where we want to be,
but we're not at the bottom.
Um, I gotta do major work.
"I am really glad
that I'm not in the bottom two spots."
I'm feeling a little bit more safe.
We don't know what's gonna happen next.
We don't control shit here.
If it's not Tamira, it's Tom.
I'm hoping this is Chaz.
[groans] Oh my God.
Dang it, Tamira.
The people don't like you either, mama.
Fuck, I was at least hoping
to get fourth or fifth, like
[sighs] Shit.
At this point, I'm all right.
I don't care what I get.
I think fifth is gonna be Jennifer or Tom.
That's That's absolutely fine.
I don't mind being
in the middle of it all.
And it It could be Chaz
just because I tanked him hella.
[gasps] Me?
I was so cute at the top.
[Paris] "No way."
I'm really happy for Sam right now.
That's my wifey.
I just want her to make it to the finale.
Wow! We are killing it!
Dude, Tom and Jennifer?
They just gotta get top two.
Tom got higher than me.
Well, isn't that a kick in the coochie?
Four would be brilliant.
Four is actually, absolutely perfect.
I'm gone if Chaz and Raven are at the top,
either or. Give me a fucking Chaz.
If Raven is in fourth place,
I think I'm fucked.
"I can take that. I accept that."
-Raven! Yes!
Aw, we did it!
Now, I'm convinced,
I might definitely be going home.
Are opinions changing of Raven?
I'm not gonna think
that opinions of me aren't changing.
[squealing] I'm so excited!
Right now,
it's between me, and Jennifer, and Tom.
Third is unbelievably good.
Oof. Oof.
-Come on, give it to us.
-I feel like I'm about to get blown away.
Oh my God! Let's see who's in third.
It's me. It's definitely me.
My heart is honestly fucking racing.
[suspenseful music playing]
[sighs anxiously]
-It was close.
Way to go, Jennifer.
-[shouts] I'm an influencer! [screams]
-[crackles, shouts] What? No fucking way!
Then Tom's not gonna let us go.
Oh, my beautiful angel,
I will I will I will look after you.
I cannot believe this.
Dude, Chaz is an influencer again.
Like, he's running the game.
[Chaz] No fucking way!
What the fuck just happened right now?
Let's see who are our influencers.
-Let's go, baby, Tom.
-[Xanthi] Wow.
-[Tom chuckles]
-[crying] I'm in second fucking place.
[sniffs] I am so fucking happy right now.
[exciting music playing]
[Paris] "Tom was really vulnerable today.
He shared a lot about who he is."
What are you doing up there, Tom?
Tom, what are you Come here. Come here.
I need Tom to come through
so hard right now.
[clears throat] That's very nice.
[sniffles, chuckles]
[Xanthi kissing]
Kisses for you, baby.
-[laughing, shouts]
-I have a blue tick! I have a blue tick!
I'm mother fucking verified, bitch!
I normally make a living using words,
and I, um
And I And I haven't got any
other than just thank you.
[Buteau] Well, thank you.
Those are the magic words,
and The Circle's got some magic words
for you too.
"Influencers Chaz and Tom,
you must now decide
who to block from The Circle."
Now? We don't even get a night?
I'm still trying to process the fact
that Tom is in the number one spot.
What do you wear to block someone?
I've never blocked someone before.
"Chaz will probably be like,
'Damn, again?'"
I'mma push hard for who I wanna block.
I think that Tamira
might be in trouble tonight.
I'm hoping that us coming in
as new people is enough,
and that they just end up getting rid
of an old person.
"Go to the Hangout to make your decision."
Oh God, this is not good.
Somebody's getting blocked. Yeah! [laughs]
[Buteau] Well, don't sound too excited.
What Chaz meant to say was
that he and Tom are headed
all the way up to the Hangout
to carefully consider the fate
of another player.
This is mad. This is mad.
[Buteau] Tom, you should feel comfortable.
Doesn't he live in a tower?
[claps] I am so happy
to be back in the Hangout room, baby!
This is gonna be very hard,
especially as it's got to be a decision
that both Chaz and I come to together.
I'm reasonably sure
about what I want to do,
but that might not marry up
with what he's got going on.
This is gonna be interesting,
because I haven't seen Tom have
a forward opinion about anyone just yet,
so tonight is gonna be very,
very interesting.
Message, "The Chazberry Ripple!
Exclamation mark."
"I'm overwhelmed. It's such an honor
to be sharing the top spot with you."
"But oof, this is hard."
Tom, I hear you.
Message, "Hey, my banana Tommy float.
LMAO. Laughing face emoji."
"Congrats on that number one spot, baby."
[laughing] That's brilliant. I love that.
We love each other. Boom, great.
Now let's talk business
because that's why we're here.
Message, "I definitely think
it's time that we get started,
so I'm gonna jump right in."
"Why don't we take
one player off the table each
that we wanna save?" Send.
I think that's a very good plan, Chaz,
and I think I know
exactly who you're gonna pick.
"Up first, I wanna save Raven." Send.
That was very obvious,
and you know what I'm gonna say,
so I'm gonna reply straight away.
Aw! "My pick is, of course,
the wonderful Jen."
Of course, Tom! We knew this.
Okay, perfecto.
Message, "Up next
for me to save would be Sam."
"I absolutely love her.
What are your thoughts?" Send.
Sam is not even up for discussion.
Yes. She's the person
I also want to save as well,
so I'm going to throw agreement
back to Chaz.
Message, "Again,
we're in complete agreement."
"Complete agreement."
[laughs excitedly]
Message, "This leaves Tamira,
Sasha, and Marvin."
"I guess we should talk through them all
and make our decision."
I absolutely agree with that.
I love an open dialogue.
Message, "I'll start with Tamira.
I don't know much about her. However"
"I think there's
something worth exploring."
"She could potentially add value
to the group."
Good. That's exactly my feelings
as well, Chaz.
Message, "I agree. She has good energy,
and I find her funny."
[Chaz] "I think we keep her."
All right, so Tamira is off the table.
That leaves Marvin and Sasha.
This is all very good.
Me and Chaz
have not butted horns once yet.
I feel this is
where the conflict may come.
Message, "Next up,
I wanna talk about Sasha."
"What are your thoughts?" Send.
[sighs] Right, so he's throwing the ball
in my court to go first.
If I save her,
she's gonna be my ally for life.
I'm hoping
Chaz will be sympathetic to her.
[Chaz] "Sasha has had
a nightmare game so far,
and I feel she has handled
the situation poorly."
Okay, message, "I definitely agree
Sasha has had a nightmare game so far."
"We were all in the hot seat today,
and all of us responded
in a classy fashion."
[Tom] "Do we want people to feel like
they have to walk on eggshells
around her?"
It's an absolutely fair point, Chaz.
She didn't do herself any favors.
Message, "What are your thoughts
on Marvin?"
[Chaz] I kinda agree with everybody
why Marvin should go home.
However, I paid very close attention
to all of those Savage Questions.
And even though
Marvin fell in eighth place,
at least he handled that pressure well.
I give him my respect for that.
Message, "I really do like Marvin."
"It's clear that the ladies seem
to have something against him."
[Tom] "How do you feel about Marvin?"
The Savage Questions today really hit home
how people are just not being fooled
by his act anymore,
and I even know other bits,
just privately between him and me,
that have made me
really question his sincerity.
Message, "Marvin's profile stated
that he was a feminist,
and he's been
distinctly laddy several times."
[Chaz] "I believe he is false,
and the women have seen through it."
"The ratings clearly reflect
the group's opinion."
It's a big move I've just made.
I do want to get rid of Marvin.
And who knows if it will pay off?
I'm not mad at this response.
I I agree with this response 100%.
If Sasha never did what she did today,
I would've been totally on board
with Marvin getting blocked.
But I think,
if we're gonna think strategically,
I wanna block Sasha.
Damn. Me and Tom are at odds right now.
[mysterious music playing]
Okay, message,
"I guess we have come to a decision."
"Who will announce it to the group?" Send.
Message, "Well, my friend,
I feel as I am number one,
it's my duty to."
Tom. You got it, brother.
My job here is done.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-[Marvin] Oh God!
-[Xanthi] To the living room.
Oh, I don't even know what to expect.
I'm really nervous.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Just give me a chance.
I'm begging you. Please.
Do I, like, cross my fingers,
or, like, what do I do right now?
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
"Circle, please take me to Circle Chat."
[dramatic music playing]
All right, let's get busy.
[Marvin] Oh, here we go.
Here we go.
This is it. This is it right now.
It's about to go down!
[Buteau] Not for you, Oliver,
cause you're immune.
I know people
probably won't be 100% happy.
I do think everybody has enough logic
to understand why we made this decision.
Tom's the one delivering the news.
Wait. This is good then.
"Firstly, thank you so much
for putting me in top position."
"It truly melts my heart."
"I am so sorry.
It's now my duty to deliver bad news."
[Sam] "This was a tough decision
for both Chaz and I,
and I want you to know that our motivation
was for the good of the group as a whole."
This could be good for Sasha,
'cause I don't even know
a lot of the group,
so it's not like
I'm affecting a lot of the group anyways.
I feel like it's Tamira.
She's caused nothing but issues.
It's gotta be the drama
between Tamira and Sasha.
This has Marvin's name
written all over it.
Come on, Tom and Chaz,
we both have good connections, bro,
like, you can't block me.
Marvin is the one causing all the conflict
in the group by, you know,
bothering the ladies.
But Sasha Sasha snapped today.
Like, she was really nasty in that game.
"The player we have decided to block is"
Tom, have my back, dog. Newbie to newbie.
My stomach is jumping right now.
Oh man, I'm not watching this.
Ah, hell no, I don't wanna see this.
Let's go. Please, Tom, please.
[suspenseful music playing]
Tom is dragging this out. [chuckles]
It's getting on my damn nerves. Tell us!
[music stops]
[shouting] "Sasha"?!
-[introspective music playing]
[shouting] Oh my God!
That's what we talking about!
Oh, fuck yes! [laughing]
No, Tom.
You don't even know
what you just did, Tom.
[Shubham] "Blocked."
[chuckling] Yeah, I see it, Circle.
[Tom] "Sasha has been blocked
from The Circle."
I do feel sorry for her.
She did have a terrible run.
She got thrown into awful positions,
and I think the problem was
that she just didn't handle them well.
I thought Tom was my boy.
I don't understand.
I think it was the Revolution Chat.
I shouldn't have done that.
"You're here one minute
and then gone the next."
Marvin really got lucky tonight.
Because if Sasha
never would have responded that way,
Marvin would be blocked.
[tense music playing]
[laughing] What do I do now?
I've never done this.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[Shubham] "Alert!"
[laughing] There cannot be something worse
than the one I just got.
"Sasha, before you leave,
you will meet one player face to face."
Who will I pick? [chuckles]
"Choose the player that you think
deserves a special power."
Oh, wow.
This special power could be massive
and be the game changer.
At least I can have one last influence
in The Circle. [chuckling]
I wouldn't give it to Tom or Chaz
because they got rid of me.
I'd consider giving it to Aunty J.
Jen's a great person,
and I think she's playing a great game.
Maybe Oliver?
He's the newest player.
Give him all the help he needs.
All right, let's do this.
[Buteau] And as Sasha/Shubby sashays
down that hallway,
let's see
if this alert button's still working.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Oliver screams]
Another alert?
Circle, girl, how many alerts you got?
What is possibly happening now?
[Buteau] Oh, come on. For real?
Y'all really don't know
what's gonna be going on?
[both] "Sasha is on her way
to meet one of you now."
-[Paris] Ooh.
-Circle, lock the door.
-I do not want Sasha to come out here.
[tense music continues]
I don't know if I should, like, clean up,
if I should pour her some cranberry juice.
Heat up the kettle. Heat up the kettle.
[tense music continues]
-[utensils clattering]
-[Raven screaming]
-[Paris screaming]
-[Raven screaming] No!
-[Tasia] Sasha's on her way.
-[chuckles] Don't come and see me, Sasha.
I'm gonna hide.
I'm gonna hide. I'm gonna hide.
Please go see Jennifer.
Please go see Jennifer.
[scary music plays]
-[Xanthi] Oh my God! It's fucking Shubby!
-[laughing] What's up?
-[shouts] You guys are a duo?
-[shouts] Oh my God!
-Wait. Big Brother!
-[Brett] Dude!
-[Shubham] Holy shit, dude. Oh my God!
Dude, what's up? How are you?
-[Xanthi] It's Shubby! [screams]
-[Shubham] What's up?
-Dude, you are a guy!
-Oh my God!
-[Brett] You are a guy! [laughing]
-It's Shubby.
I'm so shocked.
Dude, we're so happy you came to see us.
We were here in the very beginning
and we got blocked day one.
-You got blocked day one?
-[Xanthi] And we came back as Jennifer.
All right. We gotta sit.
We gotta sit. Okay. Okay.
Let me explain this to you.
Let me explain this to you. Okay.
All right, my name's Xanthi.
Oh, your real name's Xanthi.
-I'm Brett. [laughs]
-Yeah, Brett, hell yeah.
-[Xanthi] And together
-I'm Jen. This is Iffer.
-[Brett] Jen-Iffer.
-[Xanthi, Shubham]Jen-Iffer.
-[Shubham] So I guess I'll explain mine.
-[Xanthi] Yes.
The Circle, like, they gave me
a second chance to come back.
So they gave me Sasha, which is like
I got the catfish profile on the, like
The day I came here.
-So I was like, "Oh shit, it's a girl."
-[Brett] Right.
-[Shubham] Yeah, and it was shitty.
I literally go, "That's what I would say."
-"That's a guy."
He did. He did. He was like,
"She has not used one emoji."
Dude, I know.
The emojis and hashtags,
I never learned them.
-Dude, I knew you were a man.
-Oh, yeah.
I thought I was killing it.
-[Shubham stammering]
-[Brett] Did you think we were a catfish?
-I had no idea.
-I thought you guys were my aunt.
-Yes! [laughing]
I can't believe
we have legendary Shubby in front of us.
I just wanted to say,
like, after two seasons,
this is the only meet I got to happen,
and I'm stoked it was you two, honestly.
-Oh! Stop!
-Oh my God! You're even better in person.
-You're gonna make me cry.
-He's even better in person.
[Buteau] Aw, you're gonna make me cry.
And for the others,
their Circle existence will continue,
for now, without knowing
a Shubby walked among them.
All right, she's not coming.
I was scared.
I do think it would have been nice
for her to come
so I could at least give her a reason
as to why she was blocked.
[Tom] Does this mean
she hasn't come to see me?
Wow, Shubby. You never know
what The Circle is bringing in.
-Now I'm like, "Who else is in here?"
-Yeah, I know. That's so sick.
You guys can do this.
Stay vigilant, fight to the end,
and every day it changes quickly.
-[Buteau] Hell yeah.
-In the end, watch your back.
Should we have eyes out for anyone?
You know what? I put Chaz in eighth place,
and he still got influencer.
We put Chaz in, like, fifth place.
He's powerful.
Dude, he's I know.
He's good with everyone.
I think you also have to look out, though.
Raven and Chaz are best friends.
So you gotta remember
there's so many connections,
but at the end of the day,
just trust your gut and your heart.
I think whatever you want,
at the end of this,
just make sure you have no regrets,
and you did everything you could.
-Hell yeah.
-I love that.
Like, I'm rooting for you guys.
If I gotta put someone to bet on,
I'd bet on you guys.
Yes! Hug it out!
-Oh, my man, dude.
-[Brett] Dude.
-Oh, I love that you're betting on us.
-Big hug, Sasha, my girl.
[squeals] It was so good meeting you.
[Shubham] Do what I couldn't. Win.
-Yes! We will see you at finale.
-[Shubham] See you, guys.
-Later, buddy.
-[Shubham] See you.
-[Xanthi] Bye, Sasha.
-Bye. [laughs]
Mind-blown emoji. [laughs]
We just met fucking Shubby.
He knew who I was!
[both laughing]
-[Xanthi inhales] Wow!
-[Brett] Nobody knows we're a catfish.
-Wow! [laughs]
-They have no idea.
[upbeat music playing]
Today was probably one of the most
wildest days in The Circle hands down.
I've now shared with Chaz
my thoughts on Marvin.
I still absolutely think
that he is not who he says he is.
I was really in eighth place.
I was so close to going home today.
Today has been quite a scary movie.
[Buteau] Oh, yeah, but I think we got time
for one more jump scare. Boo, bitch!
-He really loved us.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Brett] "Alert."
-[Brett] "Alert."
-What now?
-[Brett] We got another alert?
-[dramatic music playing]
-[Xanthi] Oh my God.
"Jennifer, you were selected by Sasha
as the person she feels
deserves a special power."
-[Brett shouting] Yeah!
-[Xanthi] What is the special power?
[Brett] Sasha, you're an absolute legend.
[Xanthi] "Please go
to the Inner Circle immediately."
[dramatic music continues]
[Xanthi] Oh my God! [echoing]
[Buteau] Coming up, things get personal
Ooh, this is about to get juicy.
-[Buteau] a hacker infiltrates the group
-This could change the game.
I feel so violated right now.
What if somebody hacked and played as me?
"Swear to me that it wasn't you."
[singsong] Someone is a-lying ♪
Oh my God.
[Buteau] Friendships?
They gonna be tested.
I don't trust you.
-She's just full of shit.
-[Paris] "I am beyond pissed."
[Buteau] So put on your Sunday best.
Hi, everyone. I am Tan France.
[Tasia] Oh!
[Xanthi] Fashion icon!
[Tan] Get ready to dress to impress.
I'm a clown, not a bloody seamstress.
Don't look. We're not ready yet.
More is so much more.
[all] "Alert!"
[Buteau] And the twists just keep coming.
-[Oliver screams]
-[Xanthi] Wow.
"The lowest rated player
will be blocked immediately."
-[Xanthi] Oh my God.
-No! No!
No one's safe.
[closing theme music playing]
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