7th Heaven s05e09 Episode Script
My uncle only let me have the car for the day.
If we don't do it now, we'll never do it.
I have to study.
You don't have to study right now.
I know what you're doing.
You just want to wait for Heather to show up.
Look, she left me that note.
She wants to talk to me.
And it's not easy to get in touch with Heather.
I can't just call her up on the phone and see what she wants without someone like her mother passing along the message.
And maybe Heather doesn't want her Mom to know she came to visit me.
Or maybe you don't want to talk to her mother since you haven't talked to her since you and Heather broke up.
You know, it's-it's not just that.
You know, I think Heather wants to get back together, and Or something I don't And I don't.
You know, I'm happy the way things are.
Yet, you want to stay home to see if that's what she wants.
Okay, okay, I'll drive you.
Let's go.
You're going to stay home just to reject her? No, I just want to see what she wants, that's all.
And do you want to go for a ride or not? Let's go.
Whoa! Whoa! Get right here.
What's up? Ooh.
Get in the car.
What is wrong with you? What's wrong with you, and when did you start hanging out with guys like that? They-They go to my school.
They asked me if I wanted to hang out today, and it's all we're doing Hanging out and listening to music.
No, I've-I've heard the music, I know the music, and when did you start listening to that music? It's rap.
I like it.
No, no, that's not rap.
It's some kind of perversion of rap.
In fact, I think it's an insult to the African-American community for you to call that rap.
So, don't be looking to me, Simon.
I'm not going to help you here.
Get in the car.
And by the way, who I hang out with and what music I listen to is none of you business.
Did you see those guys? Those are not guys Simon should be hanging out with.
And I really find that music disturbing.
I do, too, so, maybe the thing to do is get Simon over here and hang with him.
Talk to him.
It's hard to be cool at that age.
He's just trying to find that certain bad attitude that attracts women.
At least guys that age think a certain bad attitude attracts women.
Well, they aren't going to attract women by blasting music that talks about beating women, are they? Not likely.
I'm taking the car back to my uncle, then I'm going to work.
I'll see you when you come in.
I'm working a double shift.
You're not just going to sit around here all day waiting for Heather, are you? No.
I'm going to sit around here and study.
Who is it? Pants.
Pants, who? Pants Daddy.
Your mother went pants shopping.
I'm dropping off your share of the pants.
What? Well, evidently, everyone in the family needs pants.
Wow! These are nice.
They're like, uh Big boy pants? Yeah.
Why-Why'd she buy these? Evidently, she felt you needed them.
For? She thought you might want to go out sometime.
Uh, I believe she put it, uh, "in something other than jeans.
" So, she thinks I want to go out sometime.
With Heather? With Heather? I-I asked you.
Well, are you seeing Heather again? No.
She came by to see me.
But I'm not going to see her again.
I'm not interested.
I met someone.
But-But I think Heather is interested, which is why she left the note, and Mom bought the pants.
That's quite a theory.
So, who are you interested in? Oh, just a just a girl I met.
So, um, you know where Simon is? Uh, he was hanging out with some new friends at school.
What? He's not hanging out with new friends from school? Oh, he's hanging out with them, all right.
Have you met them? No.
Have you met them? No, but I've seen 'em.
Have you seen 'em? No.
I'm going to talk to him.
Why are you going to talk to him? Well, you'll know when you see these guys.
Where did you see them? When I was driving John around in his uncle's convertible.
Why were you driving John around in his uncle's convertible? So, he could sing a B.
King song.
And you're worried about Simon? Yes, and-and by the way, do you know what kind of music Simon and his friends are listening to? You know, our whole relationship has become just a-a series of questions and answers, hasn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, so, answer me this.
Why is it that mothers just know how to pick out pants? I mean, have mothers been buying pants for their sons since the beginning of time? Did Mary buy pants for Jesus, hmm? So, you think Jesus wore pants, do you? Ring, ring.
Is that the phone? Oh, thanks for coming by.
Look, love to Mom.
Great pants.
Ooh, hey.
Uh, I'll see you in church.
All right.
All right.
You're not just waiting around here so that you can tell Heather you're not interested, are you? No.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, well, I'm going to church.
If you happen to bump into your brother again, tell him to drop by or call.
Mmm, look at you.
You look like you need a man.
I think he just called you a bad word.
A really, really, bad word.
Hey, look, the little one knows what I called her sister.
But the sister don't know.
Or she know what true? She know what true? Look, you ignorant little What are you, a pimp? Get away from me.
Dude! Hey.
Nice one, man.
All right.
Got her good.
Do something.
Like what? Like, get that guy out of here.
He didn't hurt you.
He slapped me.
From the looks of you, it couldn't have hurt.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, man.
- All right, let's go.
- You're disgusting.
In fact, you're just as disgusting as he is.
I want to see the manager.
That'd be me.
Next in line.
Go on.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Do it Cool.
What's a pimp? It's a guy that hates woman.
Hey, congratulations.
Congratulations on what? On being a woman? On my being slapped? Or being called that name? But maybe you didn't see or hear that guy.
Or maybe you didn't think that he did anything other than hurt my dignity.
And that's okay, huh? Is that what you think? No.
I meant congratulations on being our one hundredth customer today.
You just won three tickets to the 39 concert and a free CD.
No way! Who? teen band in America? I've never heard of them.
You can drive me.
I've heard of 'em.
Thanks, Mister.
Isn't that Simon with the women hater? Let's do it again.
Wait up.
You know that guy? That's Norton.
He's a friend of mine.
Why? A friend from where? Where'd you meet him? At school.
Where did you get these clothes? Oh, these are my clothes.
I just made a few adjustments, like it? No, not especially.
Simon, your friend, called me a name and slapped me on the butt in the record store.
Norton? He was just kidding around.
Believe me, he couldn't have been serious.
Simon, he slapped me.
Well, he didn't hurt you, did he? Yes, he hurt me.
He humiliated me.
And that hurt a lot.
Well, what do you want me to do about it? I want you to understand that I am not a punching bag.
I am not a trash can that guys can throw their filthy thoughts or words into.
I'm a person, Simon.
I'm your sister.
Do something.
Oh, no.
Hey, Mom, that pimp behind you just called Lucy a bad word.
This is my mother.
This is my sister.
So this is your mother? I see the resemblance.
And I like it.
What you say, Mama? I say you're all pathetic, go home.
Why don't you go home? You don't belong on the streets.
'Cause you got no respect for me.
For no man.
Maybe I should teach you some respect.
You want a piece of this? I brought seven kids into this world.
I can take one out.
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me, huh? Well, you better be looking at me 'cause I'm one good-looking man and it's ladies night, so come on over here.
Look, if this is about Mary I don't think this is a good time for you to be This is Reverend Camden.
Reverend Camden, this is Cheryl.
This is about us.
We want to get married.
I just saw Ruthie.
What's up? One of my friends was goofing around and he may have gone a little too far.
May have? Ruthie, upstairs please.
You, too.
What the heck happened? Simon's little friend Norton.
Simon's little friend, Norton, harassed Lucy in the record store.
He called her a name, slapped her on the derriere before exiting the record store where he then harassed and threatened me.
And the name he called Lucy? The "B" word.
What? I I'm gonna I'm gonna No, I took care of it.
She threatened to beat him up.
Talk to him, then I'm going to talk to him.
Then I'm going to go over to his little friend's Norton's house and talk to Norton and Norton's mother.
Where did you get those pants? Matt's they're his old ones.
Do you know where that particular fashion trend got started? Prison.
You know where you're going if you keep wearing your pants like that? Prison.
Come on.
But we can get back to the pants.
Who's Norton? He's a guy I go to school with.
And yeah, other than that? What made you want to choose to be friends with this guy? Norton chose me.
And he asked me if I wanted to hang out today.
He's probably not someone I want to be friends with now, but aren't you making too big a deal out of this? Back up to "probably.
" He's probably not someone you want to be friends with? Probably? Which brings us to Can we make too big a deal out of someone calling your sister that word? Are you out of your ever-loving mind? I'm not happy about it, Dad, but guys do say that word all the time.
Well, you actually think there's a justification? It was probably a really, really bad word when you were growing up, but I don't think it's that bad anymore.
It's lost some of its edge because it's on TV, it's in movies, it's on practically every CD.
You really don't get this, and rather than hear any more about the extent to which you don't get it, I'll explain it to you.
You know, this is the oldest hate crime on Earth.
This is the hatred of women.
It's wrapped up in a thing called harassment.
Okay, I get it, but please, don't let Mom go over to Norton's house.
Let me handle this, I'm begging you.
If either of you go over there, this guy is just going to make me look like a big baby and that's all I need.
Well Robbie and Cheryl, his fiancé, are in your office? I didn't have a chance to tell you.
That jerk has a fiancé? Yes, and it's not our daughter.
Well, I hope you're not planning on marrying them because we know how Robbie Palmer treats women.
Which could mean, of course, that he's just telling us that he's getting married, so that we'll tell Mary that he's getting married, so she can track him down and tell him not to get married.
I think the bride-to-be looks a little too happy to be up to any scam.
No, I They want to get married.
Well then, she's got to be pregnant because he's not the marrying kind.
Well, I've married pregnant couples before, it's not the best way to begin a marriage, but it's not the worst either.
No, the worst place to begin a marriage is with a partner who has no respect for women.
Maybe he's changed.
You wouldn't marry the guy off just to keep him away from our daughter, would you? Of course not.
I shouldn't keep them waiting.
Is this a good time? It's probably not going to get any better today.
We'll get out of your way as quickly as possible.
May we please go to the concert? I don't know, you seem a little young for a concert.
Are you familiar with this band? Uh, 13 or 47 or 79 or whatever? I listened to the CD and there's nothing harmful about the lyrics.
Other than they say the same thing over and over and over again.
Well, what are the songs about? Love.
Love? Right.
It's really innocent.
Their biggest hit is called.
"Puppy Me, Puppy You.
" It's about puppy love, real puppy love.
A Golden Retriever puppy to be exact.
But if it's a rough crowd, I want you to come home immediately.
I sincerely doubt it will be a rough crowd.
But, if it is, we'll be right out of there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I've got to go get ready.
Do you think Mary still talks to Robbie? Mary doesn't talk to me, so I don't know.
Do you know that Robbie's getting married? I knew you were listening.
Sort of.
How do you do it? How do you just get past being called that name? And forget about it and go on? I told you, I don't like it, but I've just become immune to it.
Don't become immune to it, because it's wrong, it's just wrong.
Are you stacking the CDs for the ORs? Yes, Dr.
Walker, I am.
I'm scheduled for OR3 at 7:00 a.
Put this in the mix.
I listened on the way over here.
It's great.
Uh, hold on, Doc.
I'm sorry, I can't help you out.
Why not? Because I can't take responsibility for putting this into the consciousness of the world, much less the subconsciousness of some poor patient.
If you want to hear that, you've got to take care of it yourself.
You're kind of making yourself not needed, aren't you? And if you're not needed, well, what happens to your job? That was a threat, wasn't it? It's okay.
Really it is, because I am certain, absolutely certain, that if it came down to firing me for refusing to play this music, that nobody on the hospital board would do it.
How dare you talk to me like that? How dare I not be afraid of you? Because I'm right and you know it.
I would have thought that you liked this type of music.
Why, because I'm black? Well, that's a very wrong assumption, Dr.
Walker, and prejudicial.
Which doesn't surprise me at all because when a man listens to this kind of music, it means he has a prejudice against women.
And men who hate women, hate a lot of other people, including minorities.
I think that's a wrong assumption on your part.
I don't hate anyone.
That CD has sold millions of copies.
You think everyone who listens to it hates women.
Yes, I do.
Really? Yes, really and truly.
Okay, maybe you're right.
I never really thought about it.
I apologize.
I'm under a lot of pressure and there's no justifying it really.
I apologize.
Apology accepted.
Maybe I can buy you a cup of coffee sometime.
I overheard you talking to Dr.
Walker and I was wondering if I might buy that cup of coffee for you myself? Maybe when I get off work? No, you may not.
But I'd be more than happy to buy you one.
Um, my name is John Hamilton.
I know, I've seen you here before.
I've asked around about you.
Um, I'm Pricilla Carter.
I'm a volunteer.
So what time would you like that coffee? Um, afternoon shift is over at 4:00, I usually take a break then.
Okay, so I'll meet you in the cafeteria at 4:00.
Oh, Heather.
That your girlfriend? Uh, I just met her.
But it would be nice to have a girlfriend.
How are you doing? Really well, thanks.
Matt got your note.
I was hoping I'd find him here.
No, he didn't make the schedule today.
Matt has a lot of studying to do, so he's probably at home right now.
So if you want to go over, I can give him a call and make sure he's there.
I just came from there.
But if you talk to him, could you tell him I'll be dropping by again around 7:00? I have something I want to tell him.
Oh, what's going on? I didn't see you come in.
He came over to pick me up.
I hadn't really pictured you leaving the house quite yet.
I'm not sure I pictured you leaving the house before Christmas.
Mom, you have to let me talk to Norton.
And I want to talk to him over at Matt's where it's just the guys and no parents around.
Well, isn't that what went on today, "just the guys and no parents around"? Look, let him talk to him.
If you and Dad go over there, you're just going to make him look bad in school.
I feel bad about what he did, it was wrong.
And I want to tell him how wrong it was.
Me, not my Mommy or my Daddy.
You guys are just dying to embarrass me.
The only reason you're talking to me is 'cause you don't want me to talk to him.
That doesn't make you the man here.
You have to want to talk to him because what he did was wrong.
Fine, it was wrong.
But I want to know that he knows that it was wrong.
I want an apology.
I have to get him to apologize? Yes, and it'd better be a real apology.
Those the new pants I bought you? Yeah, thanks.
Don't they look great, huh? It's kind of a shame wasting them on us.
You know, those pants need to be dry-cleaned.
What are you smiling about? Did Dad tell you Heather left me a note? She wants to talk to me.
He didn't tell you that? No, but he didn't even tell me that Mary's old boyfriend Robbie wants to marry his old girlfriend Cheryl, and that they want your father to tie the knot.
Robbie's getting married? Unless your father comes through and does the right thing, yes.
I don't want to sound redundant.
I know I probably said this like a half a dozen times already, but now that I think of it, it actually is a classic.
Marriage is a big step.
Yes, a step in the right direction.
Still, it is a big step.
It is.
I'm just agreeing with the Reverend.
Robbie and I have been together for a long time.
We love each other.
It's time we were a family.
Well, it's nice to have a family.
My family split up years ago and my mom lives with her boyfriend.
And you live? I live in the apartment I've had since I was 16 and my mother's boyfriend wanted me out of the house.
And the two of you will be living at her apartment or what, with Robbie's mom? Robbie's mom just took off.
Robbie your mom took off? We were having financial trouble.
She moved to Florida.
My oldest brother is in school down there.
What about the house? The bank came after her.
She gave it up.
So where are you living now? Oh.
Is that why you're in such a hurry to get married? Because you're living together? Any answer will do.
Look, I'm not here to judge you.
I'm just trying to get to know you.
I don't have to live there.
I have a job.
But he likes living there.
Is there any particular reason why you wanted me to marry the two of you? It's not like we know a lot of ministers and I want a church wedding.
Robbie said he thought you'd do it.
And it's just that, well, you already know what kind of guy I am, so I wouldn't have to explain that to anyone.
Is there something you're not telling me? No.
Well, um Cheryl and me Cheryl and I Well, uh we're going to have a baby.
We're leaving! Have a good time.
Remember the rules.
W-Why are you wearing that? Why are you wearing that? Is that Happy's collar? I borrowed it.
I'll give it back.
No! No? You've got to be kidding.
Me? Yes, you.
You can't go out in that, that, w Costume.
Who are you dressed up as? I think she's dressed like the band.
Now can we go? We're going to be late.
This whole day is making my head hurt.
I wasn't going to let her out of the house like that.
Thank you.
Look, I volunteered for this evening and I'm responsible.
Please, I'll take her upstairs and explain to her why she can't dress like that and But everyone is going to be dressed like this.
All the girls going to the concert dress like this.
You're the one who's going to look weird.
I'm not changing.
You are changing, first your clothes and then your attitude.
What are you going to say to Simon? I'm going to tell Simon that he needs to have a word with his mother about the way she treats his friends.
Then I'm going to try to get his sister's phone number.
So you don't think this music has anything to do with the way these guys act around women? It's just music.
I swear Norton was just kidding around.
It was supposed to be a joke.
He just made a bad choice in words.
He wasn't going to try to teach Mom anything.
Come on.
So e-explain it to me.
What's the joke? No, seriously, what's funny about intimidating or humiliating.
Mom or Lucy or any other woman with words like that? Who are you? Tipper Gore? What's wrong with Tipper Gore? You know, I happen to think she's right.
I-I do.
A-As crazy as that sounds, I do.
I mean, you can't print the lyrics to these songs, so how can you sell the stuff? I would have been better off with Mom and Dad.
Yeah, probably.
When did you get so conservative? Oh, maybe after watching a long line of battered women come in and out of the emergency room.
But that has nothing to do with this music.
This music never hurt anyone.
You're kidding yourself.
Millions of guys listen to this music.
Do you know how many copies of that CD were sold? No, I-I don't, and I don't care, and I don't hate anyone personally.
I don't care to be part of some larger group hate against half the population.
You say this is about hate? The guys who make that CD, they say it's about love.
Have you ever seen these guys in concert? Th-There are black people, white people, all kinds of people.
Again, you're kidding yourself.
This is about anything but love.
I mean, there's no justification for making it seem as if any segment of the population is less than human.
Th-That's what this music does, and when you take that idea and you say it over and over, that idea becomes part of the overall consciousness.
It's propaganda, Simon.
That's how propaganda works.
And the fact that it's propaganda in song and people are making millions of dollars off of it doesn't mean that it's right.
Yeah, but right or wrong, this is about free speech.
What happened to the First Amendment? What happened to it? Schenck v.
The United States, that's what happened.
You can't yell fire if there isn't one.
There's no fire, Simon.
There's no enemy.
Women aren't the enemy, ignorance is the enemy.
I know that.
No, no, I-I don't, I don't think you do know that.
And if you have no understanding of the issue, what's your strategy for getting this Norton to apologize to Mom and Lucy? How are you going to do that when you're really Norton's protector and advocate? I am not.
I-I barely know him.
I just don't want to ruin my reputation in high school.
Exactly what do you want your reputation to be? & Yo, Dirty, how you feel? & & I feel like gettin' ill & & Then won't you let your nine milli spill? & The concert starts in 15 minutes.
We can still get there if you want.
I'm not changing.
Fine, don't change, but you're too young to dress like that.
Let me give it a shot.
I don't want Ruthie to miss her concert.
I cannot let you go to the concert dressed like this even if every single girl there is dressed the same way.
You don't understand.
What don't I understand? It's fun to dress like this.
It's sexy.
What is sexy? Do you think you should try to be sexy if you don't know what sexy is? Ruthie, I don't think you're too young to dress like this.
I think you're too smart to dress like this.
Oh, boy, here it comes.
A lecture launched by a compliment.
See how smart that is.
What a great observation.
Luce, come on, sit down.
This is for you, too.
I think you should be able to dress any way you want.
Your hair, your makeup, your clothes should be an expression of who you are.
In an ideal world, you should be able to walk down a dark alley late at night wearing a tube top and a miniskirt if that's what you want.
You're both beautiful girls.
And you both have beautiful bodies.
However And this is a big however, so pay attention This is not an ideal world and you cannot walk down a dark alley late at night in a tube top and a miniskirt any more than you can go to a concert wearing a dog collar and a bikini.
There are some men who think of women as things.
To them, we all look alike, sound alike, behave alike because, to them, we are things Things to be owned, things to be dominated, things to be used and abused because we are less than they are, we are less than human.
Those men have all sorts of excuses for their bad behavior towards us.
They saw the bad behavior at the movies, they are animals and their bad behavior is part of their nature, uh, we are worthless and their bad behavior is their right Every excuse in the world But these excuses did not begin with bad TV or movies or music or tube tops and miniskirts.
These excuses have been around probably since the first man tried to explain away his bad behavior or be punished for it.
Blaming the way we dress for their bad behavior is wrong.
It's also wrong for you to take away your own individuality by mimicking what you see instead of being who you are.
Be brave, be you.
Be an individual.
You know, I haven't heard anything yet that would make me want to apologize if I were Norton.
What's with you? I just had a date with Ms.
I'm not kidding you.
I just met my future bride.
Uh-huh, well I met mine last week and this week, I don't even know where she is.
Well, I have an address, a phone number, and I'm taking her to church tomorrow.
Did I interrupt something? Simon's friend Norton is coming over.
Uh-oh, what? I forgot to call you and let you know Heather's dropping by.
When? How do you know this? I bumped into her right after I bumped into Ms.
And she should be here around 7:00.
Uh, Norton should be here around 7:00.
Back off before I hurt him.
Do something before this idiot hurts someone.
These guys tried to attack me.
No, it's, it's okay.
Simon, my man, we were just having a little fun.
Let me up.
I don't what happened.
I got out of my car and all of a sudden, they came up to my face and started pulling on my clothes and What is wrong with them? You are going to go over to my house and you are going to apologize to my mother and my sister for what you did.
But not before you apologize to Heather.
That's my brother's friend.
She's deaf, man.
How could you? I didn't know she was deaf.
Lighten up.
You knew she was a person didn't you? Looks like the apologies are going to have to wait.
These guys are attacking me.
Nice try, sonny.
One of the neighbors called it in.
She has it all on video.
Shh, babies sleeping.
Come in.
Thanks, but no thanks.
What, is Robbie with you? No.
I wanted to talk to you alone.
And then maybe you should talk to Robbie alone.
I'm not pregnant.
I thought I was, but I'm not.
I've known for a few days, but I don't want to tell Robbie because I know he won't marry me.
I guess he has to know.
But, remember, if you don't marry us, he'll end up with Mary.
He thinks he loves her.
But I know he loves me, too.
And I love him.
I really, really love him.
I know you do.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be telling me this.
Are you sure you're okay? I'm fine.
It wasn't the first time I had to defend myself.
But I'm happy you came out of the building when you did.
Well, it looked as if you had everything under control.
Mom thought it was a good idea for me to take some classes back in high school and she was right.
What? I never knew that about you.
You know, that you knew self-defense.
There is a lot you don't know about me.
New pants? Uh, yes.
My mom bought them.
They look good.
I came over here tonight to tell you something.
I'm dating someone.
And before anyone else told you I thought I should.
Before anyone like my mom told me.
She doesn't know.
But I was afraid she would see us or you would see us.
Why is that? He's a professor at Crawford.
Is that ethical? I mean It's fun.
Really, he's a nice man.
He's a little older than me, but he's a very nice man.
And I'm not in his class.
He just teaches there.
I hope the new pants weren't for me.
No, no, they're just new pants.
You were the best-dressed man at the police station.
Uh, thanks.
I never liked that kind of music.
But I never really thought about how much it affects our society until I saw those tapes of the young women being attacked in Central Park last summer.
I felt so bad.
For them.
For my sisters, for my mother, for women in general.
For all of us.
That kind of humiliation and assault happens every day in this country.
We hear it on the news.
We read it in the newspapers, but we never see it up close and personal like those tapes show it.
And you have to ask Who was making the tapes? Why? Where were the police? Why didn't anybody stop those guys? Then I realized those guys are everywhere.
They're all over the world, and as the world gets smaller the hatred of women seems to be getting bigger.
Everywhere you look there's men trying to prove their manhood by how much they can oppress women.
I thought we were past all that.
But I guess we're back to all of that.
The only way I know how to stop it is to voice my concerns about it and not support that type of mentality in any way.
I don't buy music with lyrics that are oppressive.
It's wrong, Simon.
It's wrong for all of us.
Matt told me what happened.
What are you going to do when Norton comes to school on Monday? Norton's not my biggest worry.
My biggest worry is that you might never respect me as a man.
Because I acted like a stupid kid today.
I'm just trying so hard to find a way to fit in.
I'm still trying to justify my stupidity.
You raised me better.
You deserve better.
I'm still learning about this stuff, but I promise you I never want to be a part of anything that humiliates you and Lucy a-and Ruthie.
I love you, Mom.
And I'm really, really sorry.
I can't believe she would trick me.
Well, she did eventually tell you the truth.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about she tricked me into having sex.
Tricked you? She told me she had some kind of female problem that would clear up only if we had sex.
Some sort of plumbing disorder.
A birth defect.
That could only be cleared up with sex? You really should not be out there having sex if you don't know any more about women than that.
No, you shouldn't be having sex, period.
Take some time off.
Absorb some of the lessons you've learned here today.
Like Oh, just give me a for instance.
For instance, you don't have sex when you're not married.
One reason being, you might get pregnant and marry someone that you don't want to be with for the rest of your life.
Yeah, that's good.
Not to mention, that it's not right to have a child suffer through a lifetime of being in the middle of a bad relationship, because you couldn't sacrifice one night of sex.
That's good, too.
Not to mention that the only way to get respect from a woman is to show respect to a woman.
Well, what does this have to do with respecting women.
I mean, I respect women.
You took my daughter to a motel to have sex with her.
Trying to talk her into it by telling her how much you loved her, all the while, still seeing Cheryl Your girlfriend of several years.
You're still mad about that, aren't you? Yes, I am.
But my point is that you don't lie or cheat or use women if you have respect for them.
I think you might want to write that down.
Good evening, ladies.
Is that what you wore to the concert? No, I changed my mind about the concert.
We went to a hamburger drive-in, ate in the car and talked.
Now, I don't have to get dressed for bed.
Isn't that cool? Yes, it's very cool.
So, have you talked to my sister lately? Yeah, I told her I was getting married.
I heard.
Good night.
Good night.
Uh, I'd better be going.
Uh, wait.
Will you be talking to Mary again? I don't think so, Reverend Camden.
I think I should just let her think I got married.
That way, she knows for sure it's over and she can find someone in Buffalo.
It'll help her settle in there.
Maybe she'll go to school and make some real friends, you know? On the other hand, if I'm to be respectful of my daughter, I have to tell her the truth.
I hope she gives you the chance.
Look, I know she's not talking to you, but she can't stay mad at a nice guy like you forever.
Thanks for saving my life.
I mean that.
If we don't do it now, we'll never do it.
I have to study.
You don't have to study right now.
I know what you're doing.
You just want to wait for Heather to show up.
Look, she left me that note.
She wants to talk to me.
And it's not easy to get in touch with Heather.
I can't just call her up on the phone and see what she wants without someone like her mother passing along the message.
And maybe Heather doesn't want her Mom to know she came to visit me.
Or maybe you don't want to talk to her mother since you haven't talked to her since you and Heather broke up.
You know, it's-it's not just that.
You know, I think Heather wants to get back together, and Or something I don't And I don't.
You know, I'm happy the way things are.
Yet, you want to stay home to see if that's what she wants.
Okay, okay, I'll drive you.
Let's go.
You're going to stay home just to reject her? No, I just want to see what she wants, that's all.
And do you want to go for a ride or not? Let's go.
Whoa! Whoa! Get right here.
What's up? Ooh.
Get in the car.
What is wrong with you? What's wrong with you, and when did you start hanging out with guys like that? They-They go to my school.
They asked me if I wanted to hang out today, and it's all we're doing Hanging out and listening to music.
No, I've-I've heard the music, I know the music, and when did you start listening to that music? It's rap.
I like it.
No, no, that's not rap.
It's some kind of perversion of rap.
In fact, I think it's an insult to the African-American community for you to call that rap.
So, don't be looking to me, Simon.
I'm not going to help you here.
Get in the car.
And by the way, who I hang out with and what music I listen to is none of you business.
Did you see those guys? Those are not guys Simon should be hanging out with.
And I really find that music disturbing.
I do, too, so, maybe the thing to do is get Simon over here and hang with him.
Talk to him.
It's hard to be cool at that age.
He's just trying to find that certain bad attitude that attracts women.
At least guys that age think a certain bad attitude attracts women.
Well, they aren't going to attract women by blasting music that talks about beating women, are they? Not likely.
I'm taking the car back to my uncle, then I'm going to work.
I'll see you when you come in.
I'm working a double shift.
You're not just going to sit around here all day waiting for Heather, are you? No.
I'm going to sit around here and study.
Who is it? Pants.
Pants, who? Pants Daddy.
Your mother went pants shopping.
I'm dropping off your share of the pants.
What? Well, evidently, everyone in the family needs pants.
Wow! These are nice.
They're like, uh Big boy pants? Yeah.
Why-Why'd she buy these? Evidently, she felt you needed them.
For? She thought you might want to go out sometime.
Uh, I believe she put it, uh, "in something other than jeans.
" So, she thinks I want to go out sometime.
With Heather? With Heather? I-I asked you.
Well, are you seeing Heather again? No.
She came by to see me.
But I'm not going to see her again.
I'm not interested.
I met someone.
But-But I think Heather is interested, which is why she left the note, and Mom bought the pants.
That's quite a theory.
So, who are you interested in? Oh, just a just a girl I met.
So, um, you know where Simon is? Uh, he was hanging out with some new friends at school.
What? He's not hanging out with new friends from school? Oh, he's hanging out with them, all right.
Have you met them? No.
Have you met them? No, but I've seen 'em.
Have you seen 'em? No.
I'm going to talk to him.
Why are you going to talk to him? Well, you'll know when you see these guys.
Where did you see them? When I was driving John around in his uncle's convertible.
Why were you driving John around in his uncle's convertible? So, he could sing a B.
King song.
And you're worried about Simon? Yes, and-and by the way, do you know what kind of music Simon and his friends are listening to? You know, our whole relationship has become just a-a series of questions and answers, hasn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, so, answer me this.
Why is it that mothers just know how to pick out pants? I mean, have mothers been buying pants for their sons since the beginning of time? Did Mary buy pants for Jesus, hmm? So, you think Jesus wore pants, do you? Ring, ring.
Is that the phone? Oh, thanks for coming by.
Look, love to Mom.
Great pants.
Ooh, hey.
Uh, I'll see you in church.
All right.
All right.
You're not just waiting around here so that you can tell Heather you're not interested, are you? No.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, well, I'm going to church.
If you happen to bump into your brother again, tell him to drop by or call.
Mmm, look at you.
You look like you need a man.
I think he just called you a bad word.
A really, really, bad word.
Hey, look, the little one knows what I called her sister.
But the sister don't know.
Or she know what true? She know what true? Look, you ignorant little What are you, a pimp? Get away from me.
Dude! Hey.
Nice one, man.
All right.
Got her good.
Do something.
Like what? Like, get that guy out of here.
He didn't hurt you.
He slapped me.
From the looks of you, it couldn't have hurt.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, man.
- All right, let's go.
- You're disgusting.
In fact, you're just as disgusting as he is.
I want to see the manager.
That'd be me.
Next in line.
Go on.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Do it Cool.
What's a pimp? It's a guy that hates woman.
Hey, congratulations.
Congratulations on what? On being a woman? On my being slapped? Or being called that name? But maybe you didn't see or hear that guy.
Or maybe you didn't think that he did anything other than hurt my dignity.
And that's okay, huh? Is that what you think? No.
I meant congratulations on being our one hundredth customer today.
You just won three tickets to the 39 concert and a free CD.
No way! Who? teen band in America? I've never heard of them.
You can drive me.
I've heard of 'em.
Thanks, Mister.
Isn't that Simon with the women hater? Let's do it again.
Wait up.
You know that guy? That's Norton.
He's a friend of mine.
Why? A friend from where? Where'd you meet him? At school.
Where did you get these clothes? Oh, these are my clothes.
I just made a few adjustments, like it? No, not especially.
Simon, your friend, called me a name and slapped me on the butt in the record store.
Norton? He was just kidding around.
Believe me, he couldn't have been serious.
Simon, he slapped me.
Well, he didn't hurt you, did he? Yes, he hurt me.
He humiliated me.
And that hurt a lot.
Well, what do you want me to do about it? I want you to understand that I am not a punching bag.
I am not a trash can that guys can throw their filthy thoughts or words into.
I'm a person, Simon.
I'm your sister.
Do something.
Oh, no.
Hey, Mom, that pimp behind you just called Lucy a bad word.
This is my mother.
This is my sister.
So this is your mother? I see the resemblance.
And I like it.
What you say, Mama? I say you're all pathetic, go home.
Why don't you go home? You don't belong on the streets.
'Cause you got no respect for me.
For no man.
Maybe I should teach you some respect.
You want a piece of this? I brought seven kids into this world.
I can take one out.
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me, huh? Well, you better be looking at me 'cause I'm one good-looking man and it's ladies night, so come on over here.
Look, if this is about Mary I don't think this is a good time for you to be This is Reverend Camden.
Reverend Camden, this is Cheryl.
This is about us.
We want to get married.
I just saw Ruthie.
What's up? One of my friends was goofing around and he may have gone a little too far.
May have? Ruthie, upstairs please.
You, too.
What the heck happened? Simon's little friend Norton.
Simon's little friend, Norton, harassed Lucy in the record store.
He called her a name, slapped her on the derriere before exiting the record store where he then harassed and threatened me.
And the name he called Lucy? The "B" word.
What? I I'm gonna I'm gonna No, I took care of it.
She threatened to beat him up.
Talk to him, then I'm going to talk to him.
Then I'm going to go over to his little friend's Norton's house and talk to Norton and Norton's mother.
Where did you get those pants? Matt's they're his old ones.
Do you know where that particular fashion trend got started? Prison.
You know where you're going if you keep wearing your pants like that? Prison.
Come on.
But we can get back to the pants.
Who's Norton? He's a guy I go to school with.
And yeah, other than that? What made you want to choose to be friends with this guy? Norton chose me.
And he asked me if I wanted to hang out today.
He's probably not someone I want to be friends with now, but aren't you making too big a deal out of this? Back up to "probably.
" He's probably not someone you want to be friends with? Probably? Which brings us to Can we make too big a deal out of someone calling your sister that word? Are you out of your ever-loving mind? I'm not happy about it, Dad, but guys do say that word all the time.
Well, you actually think there's a justification? It was probably a really, really bad word when you were growing up, but I don't think it's that bad anymore.
It's lost some of its edge because it's on TV, it's in movies, it's on practically every CD.
You really don't get this, and rather than hear any more about the extent to which you don't get it, I'll explain it to you.
You know, this is the oldest hate crime on Earth.
This is the hatred of women.
It's wrapped up in a thing called harassment.
Okay, I get it, but please, don't let Mom go over to Norton's house.
Let me handle this, I'm begging you.
If either of you go over there, this guy is just going to make me look like a big baby and that's all I need.
Well Robbie and Cheryl, his fiancé, are in your office? I didn't have a chance to tell you.
That jerk has a fiancé? Yes, and it's not our daughter.
Well, I hope you're not planning on marrying them because we know how Robbie Palmer treats women.
Which could mean, of course, that he's just telling us that he's getting married, so that we'll tell Mary that he's getting married, so she can track him down and tell him not to get married.
I think the bride-to-be looks a little too happy to be up to any scam.
No, I They want to get married.
Well then, she's got to be pregnant because he's not the marrying kind.
Well, I've married pregnant couples before, it's not the best way to begin a marriage, but it's not the worst either.
No, the worst place to begin a marriage is with a partner who has no respect for women.
Maybe he's changed.
You wouldn't marry the guy off just to keep him away from our daughter, would you? Of course not.
I shouldn't keep them waiting.
Is this a good time? It's probably not going to get any better today.
We'll get out of your way as quickly as possible.
May we please go to the concert? I don't know, you seem a little young for a concert.
Are you familiar with this band? Uh, 13 or 47 or 79 or whatever? I listened to the CD and there's nothing harmful about the lyrics.
Other than they say the same thing over and over and over again.
Well, what are the songs about? Love.
Love? Right.
It's really innocent.
Their biggest hit is called.
"Puppy Me, Puppy You.
" It's about puppy love, real puppy love.
A Golden Retriever puppy to be exact.
But if it's a rough crowd, I want you to come home immediately.
I sincerely doubt it will be a rough crowd.
But, if it is, we'll be right out of there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I've got to go get ready.
Do you think Mary still talks to Robbie? Mary doesn't talk to me, so I don't know.
Do you know that Robbie's getting married? I knew you were listening.
Sort of.
How do you do it? How do you just get past being called that name? And forget about it and go on? I told you, I don't like it, but I've just become immune to it.
Don't become immune to it, because it's wrong, it's just wrong.
Are you stacking the CDs for the ORs? Yes, Dr.
Walker, I am.
I'm scheduled for OR3 at 7:00 a.
Put this in the mix.
I listened on the way over here.
It's great.
Uh, hold on, Doc.
I'm sorry, I can't help you out.
Why not? Because I can't take responsibility for putting this into the consciousness of the world, much less the subconsciousness of some poor patient.
If you want to hear that, you've got to take care of it yourself.
You're kind of making yourself not needed, aren't you? And if you're not needed, well, what happens to your job? That was a threat, wasn't it? It's okay.
Really it is, because I am certain, absolutely certain, that if it came down to firing me for refusing to play this music, that nobody on the hospital board would do it.
How dare you talk to me like that? How dare I not be afraid of you? Because I'm right and you know it.
I would have thought that you liked this type of music.
Why, because I'm black? Well, that's a very wrong assumption, Dr.
Walker, and prejudicial.
Which doesn't surprise me at all because when a man listens to this kind of music, it means he has a prejudice against women.
And men who hate women, hate a lot of other people, including minorities.
I think that's a wrong assumption on your part.
I don't hate anyone.
That CD has sold millions of copies.
You think everyone who listens to it hates women.
Yes, I do.
Really? Yes, really and truly.
Okay, maybe you're right.
I never really thought about it.
I apologize.
I'm under a lot of pressure and there's no justifying it really.
I apologize.
Apology accepted.
Maybe I can buy you a cup of coffee sometime.
I overheard you talking to Dr.
Walker and I was wondering if I might buy that cup of coffee for you myself? Maybe when I get off work? No, you may not.
But I'd be more than happy to buy you one.
Um, my name is John Hamilton.
I know, I've seen you here before.
I've asked around about you.
Um, I'm Pricilla Carter.
I'm a volunteer.
So what time would you like that coffee? Um, afternoon shift is over at 4:00, I usually take a break then.
Okay, so I'll meet you in the cafeteria at 4:00.
Oh, Heather.
That your girlfriend? Uh, I just met her.
But it would be nice to have a girlfriend.
How are you doing? Really well, thanks.
Matt got your note.
I was hoping I'd find him here.
No, he didn't make the schedule today.
Matt has a lot of studying to do, so he's probably at home right now.
So if you want to go over, I can give him a call and make sure he's there.
I just came from there.
But if you talk to him, could you tell him I'll be dropping by again around 7:00? I have something I want to tell him.
Oh, what's going on? I didn't see you come in.
He came over to pick me up.
I hadn't really pictured you leaving the house quite yet.
I'm not sure I pictured you leaving the house before Christmas.
Mom, you have to let me talk to Norton.
And I want to talk to him over at Matt's where it's just the guys and no parents around.
Well, isn't that what went on today, "just the guys and no parents around"? Look, let him talk to him.
If you and Dad go over there, you're just going to make him look bad in school.
I feel bad about what he did, it was wrong.
And I want to tell him how wrong it was.
Me, not my Mommy or my Daddy.
You guys are just dying to embarrass me.
The only reason you're talking to me is 'cause you don't want me to talk to him.
That doesn't make you the man here.
You have to want to talk to him because what he did was wrong.
Fine, it was wrong.
But I want to know that he knows that it was wrong.
I want an apology.
I have to get him to apologize? Yes, and it'd better be a real apology.
Those the new pants I bought you? Yeah, thanks.
Don't they look great, huh? It's kind of a shame wasting them on us.
You know, those pants need to be dry-cleaned.
What are you smiling about? Did Dad tell you Heather left me a note? She wants to talk to me.
He didn't tell you that? No, but he didn't even tell me that Mary's old boyfriend Robbie wants to marry his old girlfriend Cheryl, and that they want your father to tie the knot.
Robbie's getting married? Unless your father comes through and does the right thing, yes.
I don't want to sound redundant.
I know I probably said this like a half a dozen times already, but now that I think of it, it actually is a classic.
Marriage is a big step.
Yes, a step in the right direction.
Still, it is a big step.
It is.
I'm just agreeing with the Reverend.
Robbie and I have been together for a long time.
We love each other.
It's time we were a family.
Well, it's nice to have a family.
My family split up years ago and my mom lives with her boyfriend.
And you live? I live in the apartment I've had since I was 16 and my mother's boyfriend wanted me out of the house.
And the two of you will be living at her apartment or what, with Robbie's mom? Robbie's mom just took off.
Robbie your mom took off? We were having financial trouble.
She moved to Florida.
My oldest brother is in school down there.
What about the house? The bank came after her.
She gave it up.
So where are you living now? Oh.
Is that why you're in such a hurry to get married? Because you're living together? Any answer will do.
Look, I'm not here to judge you.
I'm just trying to get to know you.
I don't have to live there.
I have a job.
But he likes living there.
Is there any particular reason why you wanted me to marry the two of you? It's not like we know a lot of ministers and I want a church wedding.
Robbie said he thought you'd do it.
And it's just that, well, you already know what kind of guy I am, so I wouldn't have to explain that to anyone.
Is there something you're not telling me? No.
Well, um Cheryl and me Cheryl and I Well, uh we're going to have a baby.
We're leaving! Have a good time.
Remember the rules.
W-Why are you wearing that? Why are you wearing that? Is that Happy's collar? I borrowed it.
I'll give it back.
No! No? You've got to be kidding.
Me? Yes, you.
You can't go out in that, that, w Costume.
Who are you dressed up as? I think she's dressed like the band.
Now can we go? We're going to be late.
This whole day is making my head hurt.
I wasn't going to let her out of the house like that.
Thank you.
Look, I volunteered for this evening and I'm responsible.
Please, I'll take her upstairs and explain to her why she can't dress like that and But everyone is going to be dressed like this.
All the girls going to the concert dress like this.
You're the one who's going to look weird.
I'm not changing.
You are changing, first your clothes and then your attitude.
What are you going to say to Simon? I'm going to tell Simon that he needs to have a word with his mother about the way she treats his friends.
Then I'm going to try to get his sister's phone number.
So you don't think this music has anything to do with the way these guys act around women? It's just music.
I swear Norton was just kidding around.
It was supposed to be a joke.
He just made a bad choice in words.
He wasn't going to try to teach Mom anything.
Come on.
So e-explain it to me.
What's the joke? No, seriously, what's funny about intimidating or humiliating.
Mom or Lucy or any other woman with words like that? Who are you? Tipper Gore? What's wrong with Tipper Gore? You know, I happen to think she's right.
I-I do.
A-As crazy as that sounds, I do.
I mean, you can't print the lyrics to these songs, so how can you sell the stuff? I would have been better off with Mom and Dad.
Yeah, probably.
When did you get so conservative? Oh, maybe after watching a long line of battered women come in and out of the emergency room.
But that has nothing to do with this music.
This music never hurt anyone.
You're kidding yourself.
Millions of guys listen to this music.
Do you know how many copies of that CD were sold? No, I-I don't, and I don't care, and I don't hate anyone personally.
I don't care to be part of some larger group hate against half the population.
You say this is about hate? The guys who make that CD, they say it's about love.
Have you ever seen these guys in concert? Th-There are black people, white people, all kinds of people.
Again, you're kidding yourself.
This is about anything but love.
I mean, there's no justification for making it seem as if any segment of the population is less than human.
Th-That's what this music does, and when you take that idea and you say it over and over, that idea becomes part of the overall consciousness.
It's propaganda, Simon.
That's how propaganda works.
And the fact that it's propaganda in song and people are making millions of dollars off of it doesn't mean that it's right.
Yeah, but right or wrong, this is about free speech.
What happened to the First Amendment? What happened to it? Schenck v.
The United States, that's what happened.
You can't yell fire if there isn't one.
There's no fire, Simon.
There's no enemy.
Women aren't the enemy, ignorance is the enemy.
I know that.
No, no, I-I don't, I don't think you do know that.
And if you have no understanding of the issue, what's your strategy for getting this Norton to apologize to Mom and Lucy? How are you going to do that when you're really Norton's protector and advocate? I am not.
I-I barely know him.
I just don't want to ruin my reputation in high school.
Exactly what do you want your reputation to be? & Yo, Dirty, how you feel? & & I feel like gettin' ill & & Then won't you let your nine milli spill? & The concert starts in 15 minutes.
We can still get there if you want.
I'm not changing.
Fine, don't change, but you're too young to dress like that.
Let me give it a shot.
I don't want Ruthie to miss her concert.
I cannot let you go to the concert dressed like this even if every single girl there is dressed the same way.
You don't understand.
What don't I understand? It's fun to dress like this.
It's sexy.
What is sexy? Do you think you should try to be sexy if you don't know what sexy is? Ruthie, I don't think you're too young to dress like this.
I think you're too smart to dress like this.
Oh, boy, here it comes.
A lecture launched by a compliment.
See how smart that is.
What a great observation.
Luce, come on, sit down.
This is for you, too.
I think you should be able to dress any way you want.
Your hair, your makeup, your clothes should be an expression of who you are.
In an ideal world, you should be able to walk down a dark alley late at night wearing a tube top and a miniskirt if that's what you want.
You're both beautiful girls.
And you both have beautiful bodies.
However And this is a big however, so pay attention This is not an ideal world and you cannot walk down a dark alley late at night in a tube top and a miniskirt any more than you can go to a concert wearing a dog collar and a bikini.
There are some men who think of women as things.
To them, we all look alike, sound alike, behave alike because, to them, we are things Things to be owned, things to be dominated, things to be used and abused because we are less than they are, we are less than human.
Those men have all sorts of excuses for their bad behavior towards us.
They saw the bad behavior at the movies, they are animals and their bad behavior is part of their nature, uh, we are worthless and their bad behavior is their right Every excuse in the world But these excuses did not begin with bad TV or movies or music or tube tops and miniskirts.
These excuses have been around probably since the first man tried to explain away his bad behavior or be punished for it.
Blaming the way we dress for their bad behavior is wrong.
It's also wrong for you to take away your own individuality by mimicking what you see instead of being who you are.
Be brave, be you.
Be an individual.
You know, I haven't heard anything yet that would make me want to apologize if I were Norton.
What's with you? I just had a date with Ms.
I'm not kidding you.
I just met my future bride.
Uh-huh, well I met mine last week and this week, I don't even know where she is.
Well, I have an address, a phone number, and I'm taking her to church tomorrow.
Did I interrupt something? Simon's friend Norton is coming over.
Uh-oh, what? I forgot to call you and let you know Heather's dropping by.
When? How do you know this? I bumped into her right after I bumped into Ms.
And she should be here around 7:00.
Uh, Norton should be here around 7:00.
Back off before I hurt him.
Do something before this idiot hurts someone.
These guys tried to attack me.
No, it's, it's okay.
Simon, my man, we were just having a little fun.
Let me up.
I don't what happened.
I got out of my car and all of a sudden, they came up to my face and started pulling on my clothes and What is wrong with them? You are going to go over to my house and you are going to apologize to my mother and my sister for what you did.
But not before you apologize to Heather.
That's my brother's friend.
She's deaf, man.
How could you? I didn't know she was deaf.
Lighten up.
You knew she was a person didn't you? Looks like the apologies are going to have to wait.
These guys are attacking me.
Nice try, sonny.
One of the neighbors called it in.
She has it all on video.
Shh, babies sleeping.
Come in.
Thanks, but no thanks.
What, is Robbie with you? No.
I wanted to talk to you alone.
And then maybe you should talk to Robbie alone.
I'm not pregnant.
I thought I was, but I'm not.
I've known for a few days, but I don't want to tell Robbie because I know he won't marry me.
I guess he has to know.
But, remember, if you don't marry us, he'll end up with Mary.
He thinks he loves her.
But I know he loves me, too.
And I love him.
I really, really love him.
I know you do.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be telling me this.
Are you sure you're okay? I'm fine.
It wasn't the first time I had to defend myself.
But I'm happy you came out of the building when you did.
Well, it looked as if you had everything under control.
Mom thought it was a good idea for me to take some classes back in high school and she was right.
What? I never knew that about you.
You know, that you knew self-defense.
There is a lot you don't know about me.
New pants? Uh, yes.
My mom bought them.
They look good.
I came over here tonight to tell you something.
I'm dating someone.
And before anyone else told you I thought I should.
Before anyone like my mom told me.
She doesn't know.
But I was afraid she would see us or you would see us.
Why is that? He's a professor at Crawford.
Is that ethical? I mean It's fun.
Really, he's a nice man.
He's a little older than me, but he's a very nice man.
And I'm not in his class.
He just teaches there.
I hope the new pants weren't for me.
No, no, they're just new pants.
You were the best-dressed man at the police station.
Uh, thanks.
I never liked that kind of music.
But I never really thought about how much it affects our society until I saw those tapes of the young women being attacked in Central Park last summer.
I felt so bad.
For them.
For my sisters, for my mother, for women in general.
For all of us.
That kind of humiliation and assault happens every day in this country.
We hear it on the news.
We read it in the newspapers, but we never see it up close and personal like those tapes show it.
And you have to ask Who was making the tapes? Why? Where were the police? Why didn't anybody stop those guys? Then I realized those guys are everywhere.
They're all over the world, and as the world gets smaller the hatred of women seems to be getting bigger.
Everywhere you look there's men trying to prove their manhood by how much they can oppress women.
I thought we were past all that.
But I guess we're back to all of that.
The only way I know how to stop it is to voice my concerns about it and not support that type of mentality in any way.
I don't buy music with lyrics that are oppressive.
It's wrong, Simon.
It's wrong for all of us.
Matt told me what happened.
What are you going to do when Norton comes to school on Monday? Norton's not my biggest worry.
My biggest worry is that you might never respect me as a man.
Because I acted like a stupid kid today.
I'm just trying so hard to find a way to fit in.
I'm still trying to justify my stupidity.
You raised me better.
You deserve better.
I'm still learning about this stuff, but I promise you I never want to be a part of anything that humiliates you and Lucy a-and Ruthie.
I love you, Mom.
And I'm really, really sorry.
I can't believe she would trick me.
Well, she did eventually tell you the truth.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about she tricked me into having sex.
Tricked you? She told me she had some kind of female problem that would clear up only if we had sex.
Some sort of plumbing disorder.
A birth defect.
That could only be cleared up with sex? You really should not be out there having sex if you don't know any more about women than that.
No, you shouldn't be having sex, period.
Take some time off.
Absorb some of the lessons you've learned here today.
Like Oh, just give me a for instance.
For instance, you don't have sex when you're not married.
One reason being, you might get pregnant and marry someone that you don't want to be with for the rest of your life.
Yeah, that's good.
Not to mention, that it's not right to have a child suffer through a lifetime of being in the middle of a bad relationship, because you couldn't sacrifice one night of sex.
That's good, too.
Not to mention that the only way to get respect from a woman is to show respect to a woman.
Well, what does this have to do with respecting women.
I mean, I respect women.
You took my daughter to a motel to have sex with her.
Trying to talk her into it by telling her how much you loved her, all the while, still seeing Cheryl Your girlfriend of several years.
You're still mad about that, aren't you? Yes, I am.
But my point is that you don't lie or cheat or use women if you have respect for them.
I think you might want to write that down.
Good evening, ladies.
Is that what you wore to the concert? No, I changed my mind about the concert.
We went to a hamburger drive-in, ate in the car and talked.
Now, I don't have to get dressed for bed.
Isn't that cool? Yes, it's very cool.
So, have you talked to my sister lately? Yeah, I told her I was getting married.
I heard.
Good night.
Good night.
Uh, I'd better be going.
Uh, wait.
Will you be talking to Mary again? I don't think so, Reverend Camden.
I think I should just let her think I got married.
That way, she knows for sure it's over and she can find someone in Buffalo.
It'll help her settle in there.
Maybe she'll go to school and make some real friends, you know? On the other hand, if I'm to be respectful of my daughter, I have to tell her the truth.
I hope she gives you the chance.
Look, I know she's not talking to you, but she can't stay mad at a nice guy like you forever.
Thanks for saving my life.
I mean that.