Nip/Tuck s05e09 Episode Script

Rachel Ben Natan

Previously on Nip/Tuck Hi, Julia.
I made some fruitcake as sort of a peace offering.
What's are you all right? I'm Rachel Ben Natan, your burn rehabilitation counselor.
How did it happen? I sat down across the table from a very handsome boy when he blew himself up.
Who knows you're screwing each other? We love each other, Sean.
Season 5 Episode 09 Rachel Ben Natan I see some kind of calcification.
Rachel's not a complainer, dad.
She's been through enough surgeries that if she says the pain's bad OK.
Let's see.
How does this We call that exquisite tenderness.
Pain so bad it's been causing me nightmares.
I've been waking up all edgy and hopeless.
The fact that the pain is shooting indicates to me that it's a neuroma, which means that the calcification has severed the nerve, and the 2 ends are trying to fuse, but they've turned in on themselves and become a ball.
Can you repair it enough to stop the pain? Absolutely.
We would reset the neuroma, harvest a section of nerve from your leg, which we would then use to bridge that gap between the 2 nerve endings.
You need to remove a nerve from my leg? Dad's one of the top cranio-maxillo facial guys in the country.
So you do want surgery.
You just prefer daddy number one over daddy number 2.
It's cool.
I get it.
I'm not here for facial reconstruction, Dr.
We're fine here, Christian.
I have it covered.
So how you doin', Mattie? Gettin'better every day with Rachel's encouragement.
That's good.
- What's this? - I said we're good here.
Looks like a tooth to me, big guy.
How did I Miss that? Based on the architecture of the shape, I'd say it's a central incisor.
Must be one of yours dislodged from the blast - or something.
- No.
I lost 8 teeth in the bombing, but no incisors.
No wonder I'm having nightmares.
My bomber is alive and well, living inside of me.
_/Yellow Sub\_ Metalmarco::ITA-SA:: The B.
is 180 over 60 and dropping.
- Dr.
Casey, I need that toe now.
- Bone cutter.
190 over 50.
- Cut the toe, doctor! - Which one do you want? We are rebuilding this woman's clitoris, doctor.
There was a terrible car accident.
The vaginal canal was severed by a gearshift.
I'd say the big one.
I want this woman coming hard.
Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Damn it, he needs more class, you know.
Think Clooney.
I think you should give the lines to Sean.
Dawn, darling, I'm the director.
I say, "Cut.
" If you have a problem, wait until after the take, and then we can discuss it.
Well, you know what? Time is money, Nigel, my money.
I agreed to pay for all the overages on this show, which are considerable, in exchange for a producer credit.
If I want your opinion, the topic'll be bad teeth.
And, you, you know, this story already strains credibility.
Can you try some freakin'reality? How they let this beast on the lot, OK? I mean, they don't let animals in here.
Director, why don't you do something? Excuse me.
Dawn, this is a medically accurate story.
Christian and I operated on a woman who suffered a female castration in her native village.
You see that? That is the way you play a leading man.
He has the courage of his convictions, yet he is classy.
He is always classy.
I believe everything I say.
I trained I have some good news.
I have some bad news here, Freddie.
Glad you showed up, OK, because your twin over here is trying to mess up all of my magic sauce.
I really do I wanna share my victory.
As of today, we have officially become a cultural phenomenon.
I just got off the phone with the grand marshal of the west hollywood gay pride parade, asking us if we would like to ride on our own float! Why would you wanna ride in that parade, Freddie? Butter bean, it's not easy to grasp.
When you get embraced by the gays, you officially become a card-carrying member of the Zeitgeist club.
No man of mine is ridin'in a fruit float, Freddie.
Don't you call homosexuals fruits.
Don't you dare, woman.
I am loved by the homosexual community, and I for one Freddie migh I'm gonna I won't stand for it.
You know, sweetie, your publicist got you a cover of out.
You know why? They passed at people and us.
Big shit, OK? Listen, I'm straight out of the park, but I'm no bigot.
Bigots always say that.
No, listen.
No, this is not personal.
It's not.
I know a lot of gay people my hairdresser - Oh, really? - My stylist.
Good for you! How about father Fabrizi from St.
Simon's? Father? How is he doing? He gave me my first holy communion.
It was a fantastic event, just for your information.
We have to rember, darling, we have our fan base.
What about the god-fearing part of our fan base, Freddie? Start thinkin'like a producer, sweetheart.
This parade could really hurt your program.
I'm going back to my office, where there are no buzz-killers.
What?! What?! Maybe all your girl needs is an invitation to sit up there next to you on the on the float.
Is that it, petal? Is that all it is, because, honey No, no, because it's our first year, they just give us a little, tiny float.
It's a tiny, little float, and there's only room at the top for me and Aidie, OK? Back to work, everybody.
What the hell are you lookin'at, huh? Chop-chop, people.
We got a clit to build.
- Oh, my God! - What? What? - Oh, Jesus! - Jesus! What? Did I knock you or something? No, it's my third one in 2 days.
Maybe you need a humidifier in your room at the Chateau or something.
I don't think it's the dryness.
You know, sometimes No.
Nosebleeds are a sign of elevated blood pressure.
Do you have a cuff or something? Come on.
We been to an internist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist.
Nobody thinks you're sick.
It's becoming pretty obvious.
- I'm sorry.
What is becoming obvious? - You're avoiding something! You're hiding behind these symptoms, All right? I think you're scared to tell Olivia, because you're scared of us.
You finally get what you want, and you can't handle it.
You are just You're such a bully.
I'm the only person who tells you the truth.
Look, you're a grown woman, and you're acting like a neurotic teenager.
You know, quite frankly, i'm gettin'pissed off.
Well, you have certainly pissed me off.
Look, I'm just frustrated, you know.
I just f feel like I've waited so long, you know? I just I just want it to be us, you know? Can you please forgive me? Please.
Would you like your messages, Dr.
Troy? And you are? I'm Betina, your new receptionist.
They're great, right? They're not bad.
- Who did them? - Dr.
He's known for preserving full sensitivity in the nipple area.
You need to fire the new receptionist today.
Why? She's bright, well educated, and she's got a great attitude.
You didn't hire her because of her MBA.
You hired her because you knew those tits would be like catnip to me.
You're tryin'to sabotage me.
You know, I'll fall into my old patterns, cheat on Julia, our relationship will blow up, and you'll come swooping in like some kind of knight in shining armor.
I don't have to lift a finger to blow up your relationship.
You'll detonate it all by yourself.
Don't be a petty bitch.
Just fire her.
Do it yourself.
I already tripped over those tits on my way in, OK? She'll file for some kind of harassment suit or something.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it? I've been reading about suicide bombers.
They say most of 'em are educated, hold down jobs, and have no criminal history.
They make it sound like almost anyone could be a suicide bomber under the right circumstances.
Well, most of them are raised in a misogynist society and live in cells with other men.
Imagine the thwarted testosterone totally devoid of love and affection, tenderness, all that repression and bitterness.
Kinda like life at the Malibu compound, huh? That is my tooth.
You know, we're all smiling the second before we blow ourselves up.
We need to clean this area.
God knows what filth the bomber had in his mouth.
I looked around me at all the students eating their lunch, so arrogant, so sure that this cafeteria belonged to them.
This cafeteria built on land that belonged to me was a source of happiness to them.
I looked at her smiling at me, no cares at all except for her own selfish desire.
Just before I push a detonator, I ask Allah to purify my spirit and bless my mission so that I can take out as many students as possible with me.
And then all in an instant, an exquisite and majestic instant, all earthly pain exploded into a million pieces.
The door to heaven opened, and I was free.
I was free.
Come out to the beach.
I'll take a look.
Uh, the spot's inflamed? Any pus? Well, I tell you what.
Why don't you let Olivia apply the goddamn calamine lotion? Morning.
Would you like your messages? Yes, in my office.
Who else called? Your hairstylist.
She said it's time for a trim, but it looks good to me.
- And? - And the health club called.
God, you're in great shape.
Troy's office.
Can you hold, please? Ohh! Julie called.
She's not feeling good.
Oh, doctor.
Oh, doctor.
- It's Julia - Yeah.
Not Julie.
How can you even call yourself a receptionist when you can't say people's names right? You're stupid.
- What? - Be out of here by lunch.
You're fired.
Seidel, Dr.
Pleasure to meet you.
Why don't you come back to my offi - I need to talk to you.
- Rachel, - I have an appointment.
I just - He's still inside me.
He can't stay inside me.
OK, I'm gonna ask nurse Linda to give you a sedative.
You can wait comfortably in recovery.
I'll get to you within the hou No! Think if a pill could do the trick, I'd be here? I haven't slept in 4 days.
She survived the blast, but I can still ruin her life.
That's OK, Doctor.
I can wait.
Thank you.
I don't know who I am.
I never raise my voice.
I'm the one who makes jokes to get my way.
Something's going on I can't control.
Did you ever feel like your anger was a physical presence inside you, like you're possessed? OK, OK.
Take a breath.
Sit down.
Tell me what's going on.
After the explosion, there was a lot of detritus left inside me, you know, fragments.
The doctor said we didn't need to remove them, that the metal shavings would work their way out naturally over time.
And so many great things happened to me.
I came here.
I found my work.
I made a certain peace with my new face.
I actually had hope.
Rachel, you're a survivor.
You have a powerful spirit.
Nothing can change that.
And the cliches just keep on coming.
There are some wounds that do not heal, you know! You're not listening to me.
After I found out about this tooth inside me, I did a body scan.
I was suddenly sure the fragments inside me were not just metal.
I was right.
I am riddled with him.
He's human shrapnel.
Saaed Hotary's bones and tissue are inside me.
His anger and his hatred are destroying me.
Please, take him out of me.
- What are you doing here? - You're being ridiculous.
Why keep her under for twice as long when I can assist and cut the surgery in half? This should be treated as medical waste.
Technically those are the remains of a dead person.
I think we should notify somebody.
My mother would like those.
Maybe she'll put them in an urn in the living room, and they'll inspire my little brother to follow me.
Send the boy's bones home to his nice family.
They may be terrorists, but, hey, they're only human, didn't I fire you earlier? She's still here, because apparently you made an inappropriate sexual overture.
Rather than deal with a lawsuit, I asked her back.
Could you excuse us for a moment, please? You need to deal with your resentment and anger.
What can I do to move this along? Maybe try to avoid my sightlines, definitely my surgeries Do we need some kind of mediator? No.
You're right.
I'll work something out with Betina, some kind of payout, and I'll find a suitable replacement.
Sorry to interrupt, but Dawn Budge and her fiance are in your office.
- They're in my office.
- She's my friend.
I'm out for blood.
That lame Lezzie is gonna regret gettin'out of bed and gettin'on her harley, let me tell you.
I feel like this is all my fault.
This happened at the Gay Pride parade? Can you believe it? Something so terrible on such a beautiful day.
Everybody was was bursting with joy, creativity, the freedom to to be themselves.
I guess I just got caught up with the fans.
You certainly did get caught up.
The Hearts'n Scalpels float was next to last.
I was behind the protestors.
You were protesting? Dawn, why would you do that? I said I was behind the protestors, Dr.
Troy, not a protestor.
I also wanted to be close by just in case, you know, he got dosed and taken advantage of.
- Dosed? - Yeah.
Roofies or some shit.
Dawnie, I was never in any danger of being drugged by the gays.
I just wanted to make sure that violation did not occur on my watch.
I was so concerned about Freddie's reputation, what with the television camera crews and all, that I failed to notice the approaching deadly posse of ladies on their hogs vroomin'by me.
Freddie! Get your Freddie! Freddie, keep your shirt She purposefully ran me over.
Back up, people.
Back up.
Back up.
Give her some air.
Get back.
I'm gonna take her house.
I'm going to take her power tools.
I'm gonna take her K.
Lang CD's.
If you ran right in front of her, I can't imagine she did it on purpose.
And, sweetheart, she felt terrible.
She was so upset, she was crying.
Who is the injured party here? I think Dawn's outrage is perfectly understandable.
She's got a face full of gravel.
She's lucky she's not hemorrhaging internally.
Why is the onus on her to forgive? Bravo, doctor.
It's a start.
OK, Camille.
If this doesn't make you feel better Then I'm no doctor.
My favorite.
Oh, just a sip for me.
- Just a sip.
- Thank you.
Complain away if you need to.
I'm all ears.
And I promise nothing you say is boring.
How are you feeling, Julia? Oh.
I'm fine.
Um, better.
Christian brought home sushi.
Come on.
Sit down, buddy.
Have some sake.
Actually, I, uh I want to talk to you guys.
We should talk.
You two need your space.
I've decided to move out.
There was this sensationally talented young man.
He was all dressed up like Cher, and he was singing "If you could turn back time".
I swear to God I thought it was her.
It was uncanny.
I I wish you'd have been Mom, I've gotta call you back.
I love you.
How's my Dawnie? Oh, she's as good as new.
She's a little groggy.
You wanna come see her? Of course I do.
You look good.
Freddie, I saw you at the parade.
I was there.
- Really? - Oh, yeah.
You were happy like a pig in shit.
You were feelin'the pride, huh? Oh, and I do.
I-i'm so proud of our show, and and the gays, they've just been wonderful, the way they've embraced us.
Freddie, look into my eyes and tell me that you are not gay.
Um, you're lookin'away.
Uh, excu excuse me, but, um Aren't you sick of holding it all in? Don't you wanna blow it sky-high and be who you really are? If you could have seen yourself on that float.
You were beautiful.
You were beautiful.
No do you have any takeout menus at this clinic? Um, Dawnie and I have been through such a traumatic event, and we need a snack, a yummy snack.
The remains of Saaed Hotary.
Saaed Hotary.
A suicide bomber.
My mother's still mourning the fact that I don't look like Natalie Portman anymore.
And I know your mother's really proud.
I thought it would be easier once he was out of me.
That's why you're returning the remains to his family, sn't it? Look, hopefully this can be the last chapter, Rachel, forgiveness.
I hope so.
No, forgetting is easy.
Forgiveness is really, really hard.
You don't have to do this, you know.
- It's not required.
- No, I made a commitment to myself.
I'm in awe of your efforts, Rachel.
I really am.
These are his parents Fayed and Reem Hotary, "A hate crime is when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a certain social group, which is defined by race, religion " thank you.
"ethnicity, gender identity, or political affiliation.
" Honey, I was targeted by a heterophobic, right, Freddie? I mean, think about it.
It's right there.
Oh, speak of the devil.
Look who has the nerve to show up here.
Freddie, it is her.
It is her, the woman who ran over my face and made it look like lunchmeat.
Well, shame on you, sister.
Um Dawn and Freddie, you are being ridiculous.
This woman is not hannibal lecter.
Her name is Jan Tooney, and she showed up asking if she could speak to you.
You need to listen to what she has to say.
You are takin'advantage of my kind and generous nature, Liz.
You got 3 minutes, honey, and it better be good.
I I appreciate your time.
To begin with, I'm very sorry.
See, what happened was is my bike's a crotch rocket, you know, real fast, and I told 'em I was havin'clutch problems and that I probably shouldn't be up front, in case somethin'like this happened, which it did.
A bad clutch? A lame lie if I ever heard one.
Well, my mistake was lettin'my pride in my bike cloud my judgment.
I should have said no.
See, the thing is is I've got a kid.
Her name's Felicity.
What, is she one of those turkey-baster babies? - Dawn! - Dawnie.
-What? That's not nice.
Oh, believe it or not, I was married.
I I was a soccer mom in my previous life, and I Anyway, she got accepted early admissions to Yale, and she's a good kid.
She's a good girl, and she worked real hard to get in, and so if you sue me, she's the one who gets screwed.
Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you accelerated over my face.
Sweetheart, I think we all know by now that Ms.
Tooney did not accelerate on purpose.
Whose side are you on, Freddie? W I just this is so unlike you.
I've never seen you like this.
It You're simply not yourself.
Is it possible that you are angry at somebody else and are acting it out on this poor lady? Someone like me, for instance? Why would I be angry at you, Freddie Christopher Prune? OK, you know what, Jan? Let's give them a minute.
OK? Dawn, I think you're struggling with a subconscious fear that I'm gay that you're sublimating into a vendetta against Jan Tooney.
I said it.
Subconscious? Honey, I've been dreadin'this day since the moment I fell in love with you, and I knew if you went to that gay parade, that would be the end of us.
I I never imagined it would be such a glorious and profound event.
All the dancing and the music and the feathers and all these beautiful souls waving at me and sending me so much love, and they all just seemed so brave and so unafraid to be who they were.
I felt this profound sense of freedom, and all of a sudden, my people's choice award just wasn't the most important thing in my life anymore, and that's when the light bulb went on.
- The gay light bulb.
- Oh, honey.
How did you know before I did? It's the story of my life, sweetie.
You're not the first one.
I been fallin'in love with gay boys since high school, you know.
They were the only ones who seemed to get me.
They would laugh at all of my jokes, spend time givin'me makeovers.
Oh, for hours, we would listen to my Streisand records.
I knew you were too good to be true.
Really, but I was just so lonely.
Dawnie, I will always love you.
I don't deserve your love, Freddie.
- Oh, yes, you do.
- I really don't.
I talk a good game about unconditional love, but you know, I spend my nights at a church lightin'a candle, prayin'to God that you don't come out of the closet.
What kind of love is that? I'm not a homophobic person, Freddie.
I'm not.
I'm just jealous, you know.
All you guys, you seem to know where you belong, where you fit, what club you're a member of, but me, i'm not so sure.
Aw, sweetie.
I wish I could take your pain away.
That's just what Tony Famigliano said when he left me for the tight end.
Hey, asshole.
To what shitty twist of fate do I owe this extreme displeasure? Sean called.
He offered me the job of receptionist.
Gina fits the job description perfectly, if you recall your mandate.
Oh, you mean someone so hideous that I'd never even in the pain of death be tempted to screw them.
That mandate? Who wants to screw you, asshole? I just got my California real estate license, and I thought what better place to meet clients than in your lobby.
Why don't you start off by meeting people down at the carwash? - My Lamborghini needs detailing.
- Sure.
Your wish is my command, boss.
You know what they say about holding a grudge? It's like taking poison expecting the other person to die.
I thought Gina was a stroke of genius.
Not only is she not screwable, but you've got built-in child-care.
You and my ex-wife can have more alone time.
Oh, why don't you stop being such a bitchy little cheerleader, all right? Let's get it all out right now, huh? Just say it to my face.
Come on.
Nothing I wanna say.
You're such a passive-aggressive little shit, aren't you? You can't even say it, can you? You can't even say it, can you? - Come on.
Say it.
- I'm done here.
- Say it.
You're not done here.
- Do not touch me.
I'm sick of your holier-than-thou bullshit.
I'm not gonna apologize She's all yours! Just both of you leave me alone! We gotta deal with this, Sean.
Just an asshole.
What is going stop it! What is going on?! Stop! - Oh, my God! - Idiots, stop! Stop! Stop! Damn it, boys.
- You wanna take any of these? - Aw, no.
They're all from Freddie.
Just makes me sad, really.
You can have whatever you want.
Listen, do you mind if we make a little stop here? Just wanna show you somethin'.
Yeah, just just open that for me if you don't mind.
State-of-the-art hog.
Dawn, I know that you feel guilty about your behavior, but I have a news flash for you.
Not all lesbians ride motorcycles.
I never got past my traing wheels.
I know I owe you an apology, Liz, but the bike ain't for you.
- It's for Jan Tooney.
- You gotta be kiddin'.
No, it is, and it's a nice one, too, so tell her no wheelies, OK, whatsoever.
Go ahead.
Look at the card.
$30,000? - $30,000? - A year's tuition at Yale.
I couldn't put my own kid through college, so what the hell? - Dawn! - Listen, Liz, I know I haven't been really gracious with you, so there's somethin'I gotta do.
The bad ju'll ruin your health.
I know that.
I hope that you can forgive me, too.
I really didn't mean those things I said about you.
I should hope not.
It was making me feel very uncomfortable.
It was like I was walkin'around with a hostile kidney.
Come on, listen.
I got a new idea I wanna tell you about.
I'm thinkin'of puttin'my considerable wealth and style behind the - you know pflag? - Yeah.
- The parents and friends - Right.
- Of the lezzies and the gays.
- Right.
- Well, I'm thinkin'of doin'odflag.
- Odflag? Odflag.
"organ donors" is what the O.
is for.
- Oh, that is brilliant, dawn.
- Yes, thank you, because I think all of us who have given our body parts, our hearts, and our soul to you gays, we could all get together.
I think we're looking at 6 or 7 surgeries to restore your face.
We'd do a bone graft from your skull to rebuild the nose, but we'd start by inserting tissue expanders what, Matt? Uh, dad, come on.
You look like you just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.
- You should see the other guy.
- Yeah, no, I talked to Christian.
I know the whole story.
Look, I I can't imagine what that must be like for you.
I mean, Christian being with mom now? It's hard even for me, but still, you guys have got to deal with this like adults.
I appreciate your concern, Matt, but we're not here to talk about me.
We're here to talk about Rachel.
So let's talk about the financial end of this.
Uh, people in your line of work are famously underpaid.
Yeah, no, I told her you might be willing to do this pro bono.
- Matt, I can speak for myself.
- Look.
Dad, if ever there was somebody worthy I mean, she's become such an inspiration for others and especially for me.
Matt, I'd like to speak with Rachel alone.
Could you give us a minute? OK, I'll be outside.
Rachel, between us, what are your expectations from this series of surgeries? Something's, um, shifted in me since my bomber's gone, Dr.
I've begun to think about a real life.
I've actually allowed myself to have fantasies about a life with love in it, you know.
Are you in love with Matt? - Is he in love with you? - We don't discuss things like that.
We're just good friends.
Facial reconstruction is a long, painful road filled with huge psychological challenges.
You've had so much pain already in your life, so much brutality.
I guess I just wanna be certain that your expectations are realistic.
You need to be honest with yourself whether you're doing this for you - or someone else.
- Listen, your son's a great guy, but he's not the only fish in the sea.
As far as pain goes, i'm not afraid.
I've lived through the worst there is.
The pain of being betrayed by someone you love could in some ways be worse than physical pain.
That's what your black eye's about, isn't it, a betrayal? Because I'll tell you, when I sent those remains off to Palestine, I slept through the night for the first time since the explosion.
The trick is forgiving the unforgivable.
Let me do that.
Remember when we moved into the dorm room junior year and we dropped that 400-pound desk on my foot? You were such a baby, screaming, carrying on.
You were the first person who ever really looked out for me.
My mom could handle only so much when my dad left.
You carried me into that emergency room.
I felt so covered, like you were the brother I never had.
Then Julia showed up with margaritas camouflaged in coffee cups.
You're a betraying son of a bitch, Christian but you still are my brother, and I know you're just tryin'to be happy.
I see you have Rachel Ben Natan on the schedule.
It's a big surgery.
Maybe you could use an extra set of hands.
Yes, I could.
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