Star Trek: Discovery (2017) s05e09 Episode Script

Lagrange Point


Previously on Star Trek: Discovery
This clue is the most important thing
in the Federation right now.
We have to get the Progenitors'
power and keep it safe.
TILLY: Remember how scared you were to
be on the bridge when we went to
Halem'no? You did a great job.
In general, you're really
finding your way,
and you shouldn't be afraid
to take on more.
Thanks, Teach.
ZORA: I've found a match
for the phrase inscribed
upon the metal card.
Labyrinths of the Mind
is the title of a Betazoid manuscript,
Has anyone else ever
come looking for this?
Our records show you are the first.
AVATAR BOOK: Your consciousness
has been transported into a mindscape.
- BURNHAM: Book?
- My form was generated from your subconscious.
- So why do you look like you?
- You tell me.
- We talked earlier and
- And what?
We didn't fix it. That's why
my subconscious picked you,
because I want to fix it,
but I don't know how.
AVATAR BOOK: There's a crystal
in viewing room seven.
Once you wake up, just go in,
get it, and break it open.
Clue's hidden inside.
There's one more thing
you need to know first,
about something inside
your final destination.
RUHN: Give me the clues,
or more blood will be on your hands.
Stand by for transport. Discovery out.
TILLY: Coordinates to
the Progenitors' technology.
Get a scan of that map to Stamets.
We've received an item
from Discovery via transport.
Materialize it.
- Is the object authentic?
- It is.
- They're locking onto us.
- Evasive maneuvers.
We're gonna vent and
jump simultaneously.
Primarch, we've confirmed debris
and traces of warp plasma.
Discovery has been destroyed.
BURNHAM: Commander Asha, where are we?
ASHA: 22 light years off-target.
Commander Stamets?
The spore drive malfunctioned.
We cannot jump again until it is fixed.
Would your Scion be this selfish?
He left for a human.
He loves me, but he left because of you.
Primarch, don't.
I am the wife of L'ak.
True ruler of the Imperium.
- Long will he reign.
- CREW: Long will he reign.
ALL: Long will he reign.
My dearest T'Rina,
it is
good to see you again.
And you, Saru.
I bring these as a gift
from the planet Elpanah.
They believe them
to be good luck for those
with impending nuptials.
They are lovely. Thank you.
If I may, I cannot help but
notice concern in your demeanor.
That and all of the activity
Is something amiss?
As you were already in transit
from your diplomatic mission,
it was deemed best to wait
to tell you directly.
Discovery came into conflict
with a Breen vessel.
- Oh.
- They have sustained damage,
but no casualties.
- Well, that is a relief.
- That said,
the situation has become complex.
President Rillak has convened
an emergency meeting.
She requires us both.
RILLAK: Primarch Ruhn is dead.
Moll killed him.
The news has spread faster
than we anticipated.
Within a matter of hours,
the remaining five
Primarchs have become aware.
They smell blood in the water.
I have just returned from planets
near the border of Breen space.
They are already on edge.
The potential ramifications
of this development
could cause panic.
RILLAK: We'll have to deal
with that another day.
Right now, we have
more immediate concerns.
Our intelligence indicates
that one of the five
Primarchs, Tahal,
intends to take Ruhn's
soldiers for herself
in order to strengthen her bid
for the throne of the Imperium.
She has mobilized her fleet
to pursue his dreadnaught,
which is already on its way
to the location
of the Progenitors' technology.
That is where Discovery
will travel as well,
once damage is repaired.
RILLAK: Discovery needs
to secure the technology
and jump away before Tahal gets there.
If she learns that we're after
the literal power of creation
well, I think we all know
she won't let that one go.
Discovery barely escaped
one dreadnaught.
Were they to face
Tahal's entire fleet
Are we able to send reinforcements?
Admiral Vance is mobilizing
every ship in the sector,
but most won't make it in time.
Excuse me, Madam President.
Moll's dreadnaught just exited
a transwarp tunnel.
They've picked up time.
They'll be at the coordinates
of the Progenitors' technology
in 15 minutes.
Notify Discovery. They
need to get moving now.
SARU [OVER COMMS]: I do wish
I had better news, Captain.
And here I was, hoping
you were calling to say hi.
SARU: I trust you will find a way
to succeed, and I assure you
we will do all we can to prevent Tahal
and her fleet from joining the conflict.
I know you will, Saru. Thank you.
We're almost done with repairs,
and we'll be on our way soon.
Good luck, Michael.
And, please, stay safe.
Damn right I will.
I got a wedding to go to
when this is all over.
Hey, we need to go.
Moll and the Breen are
almost at the coordinates.
Any other good news?
Primarch Tahal may be coming, too.
Well, basic power and auxiliary systems
are back online.
Lights are a good sign.
What about the other repairs?
Left nacelle's fully functional,
right's almost there.
Shields are in progress.
What about the spore drive?
That's a different story.
Okay, w-we can jump, but I just
can't guarantee that we'll land
precisely where we intend to.
How "not precisely" are we talking?
Well, nav system was damaged
during Ruhn's attack,
and Book is helping.
Yeah, shouldn't you be in sickbay?
Culber patched me up.
You know me, couldn't just
sit around relaxing, could I?
Um, we've improved the
margin of error considerably,
but I would feel much more confident
in our landing accuracy
if we could have another
hour and a half?
Not gonna happen, Commander.
No, we need to jump right now.
Do your best.
- Coordinates are set, Captain.
- BURNHAM: Thank you.
How's it looking out there, Tilly?
Long-range scans are unclear
I'm not sure why
but I can tell it's in an area
of gravitational turbulence,
so we'll need to be careful.
Discovery, this is Captain Burnham.
Everyone to stations.
Prepare to jump, and
expect a hard landing.
The Breen may already
be on site, so eyes up.
Commander Jemison, get us cloaked.
Aye, Captain.
Okay, let's jump.
Red alert. Stamets, where are we?
Okay, I got us as close as I could
with the margin of error
and the nav system damage.
What the hell's happening
to the viewscreen?
BURNHAM: Those are gravity distortions.
Well, we've landed in the
accretion disk of a black hole,
- Captain.
- ASHA: At this distance,
I should be able to get us out.
Asha, we're getting closer
to the red zone.
It's pulling us in.
I don't understand why.
Engineering, we're gonna
need more power.
STAMETS [OVER COMMS]: I'm working on it.
Open the plasma injectors,
- keep them locked at full.
- Got it.
And, uh, we should override
the tolerance limiter.
Which relay?
- Over there.
- On the left?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
I'm giving you everything I have
unless you pull from the cloak.
BURNHAM: Rayner?
No, we can't risk that.
Maintain cloaking.
Commander Asha, what is our status?
Gravitational pull's
still too strong. It doesn't make sense.
TILLY: No, it's because it's not
one black hole,
it's-it's two black holes.
It's a, it's a binary system.
And they're-they're
primordial black holes,
which is in that's interesting.
- Tilly.
- TILLY: Yeah, no. Yes. Uh
If we can change our heading
to 320 mark seven
and move closer to the other black hole,
we can use its gravity to pull us away.
That-that, plus our, uh,
engines, that should be enough.
- Good thinking, Lieutenant.
- Do it, Asha.
Everyone hold on tight.
ZORA: Warning.
Significant gravitational
shearing detected.
ASHA: The second black hole
is coming into range.
TILLY: It's gonna work. It'll work.
ASHA: And we're clear.
Drinks on me tonight.
It's "tonight" somewhere.
Do we have to wait?
[LAUGHS] Nice work, everybody.
Rhys, any sign of the dreadnaught?
No. Seems we beat them here.
RAYNER: Can't be by much.
Asha, how far are we
from target coordinates?
Approximately 60,000 kilometers, sir.
- Set a course.
- Aye, Captain.
Lieutenant Tilly, now
that we're more in range,
what can you tell us about the target?
Coordinates are in the
Lagrange point of the two black holes,
which means that the Progenitors' tech
has been in gravitational
equilibrium since
I mean, the
these black holes, they
predate everything else
in the galaxy, so
So since they put them there.
Can we get it on screen?
That's odd. Nothing's
registering on scans,
but if we filter out all
the environmental debris,
seems like what we're looking for is
There it is.
Any idea what's inside of it?
TILLY: No. Spectral analysis
shows the structure is composed
of a duranium alloy, which
is impenetrable to scans.
Sounds deliberate.
Yeah, if we were any further away,
we wouldn't even know it was there,
but it's, uh, it's about
the size of a small shuttle,
and it was made
approximately 800 years ago.
So it was built at the same time
the clue trail was laid.
The scientists must've constructed it
to hide the Progenitors' technology.
Until the "worthy seeker" arrived.
RHYS: Power of creation.
Thought it'd be bigger.
BURNHAM: The tech has to be in there.
We have to get it on board.
Captain, we have a warp signal incoming.
It's Ruhn's dreadnaught.
- How long till they're here?
- Right now.
RHYS: Weapons ready if we need them.
LINUS: They're taking the structure.
- Asha.
- I-I can't get us there in time.
Can you stop the tractor beam from here?
We'd have to drop our cloak.
It doesn't matter. Too late.
The Breen have it.
So, what what do we do now?
We're gonna find a way to get it back.

Okay, we know that
Moll's holding the structure
inside the Breen shuttle bay,
and my guess is,
it won't take her long
to open it. So, Tilly?
Initial scans of the object show this.
It appears to be a small
opening or access point.
If you compare it with the map
of clues we gathered
It's a keyhole. And Moll has the key.
Yeah, but it's not enough
alone to gain access
to the Progenitors' technology.
In the mindscape, I was told
that there would be
another obstacle inside of it,
and I got information on how to beat it.
Moll doesn't have that.
What information, exactly?
A phrase:
"Build the shape of the one
between the many".
That's cryptic.
I trust it'll make sense
when it needs to.
BOOK: We do have another advantage.
They think we're dead,
so that buys us time
if we can figure out how
to get the structure back.
Well, that's why we're all here.
Stamets, what are our options?
Um limited. To get the structure,
we'll need to beam it out,
but we can't do that
unless we take down the shields first.
And even then, locking
onto it will be tricky.
We'd need to be
in extremely close proximity.
We'd be destroyed before
we got anywhere close
to the shuttle bay.
What about a transpo-lock?
W-We used them when I was in the E.D.F.,
Mars had a lot of interference.
Point being is, if we attach it
to the structure,
we can, uh, lock on
and beam out instantly
- once we take down shields.
Good, that's good. [CHUCKLES]
RAYNER: Problem is, we can't
do any of that unless
we can get ourselves on board
the dreadnaught.
Then that's what we'll have to do.
We'll need two teams.
Our scan data from
the run-in with the Breen
shows there's a gap
in the shield coverage
right at the exhaust port.
That's a weakness,
and that's where we infiltrate.
We'll fly a shuttle in, and
we'll beam aboard from there.
Alpha Team will go to the bridge.
Hack into systems and stand by
to take down shields
for the rest of the ship,
while Bravo
goes to the shuttle bay.
Once inside, they'll find a way
to attach the transpo-lock
onto the structure.
Then Alpha Team will drop shields,
and we'll beam both teams
and the structure
back to Discovery.
This is insane.
but it could work.
And it is our only other option.
- I agree.
- BOOK: Okay,
um, using the exhaust ports is clever,
I'll give you that, but
Good, because you're gonna pilot us in.
TILLY: Okay, even if
we can get on board,
Breen programming code is base-duodeca
- and hacking that is incredibly complex.
- ADIRA: I-I can handle that.
I analyzed the code
behind the Breen
shield-tunneling technology.
I-I-I know my way around it already.
Are you asking to go
on this mission, Ensign?
- Yes.
- What?
- I am.
I-I can do the hacking.
Maybe not as quickly, but
Speed will be crucial here.
What do you think?
I think they can do it.
BURNHAM: Then it's settled.
You'll be on Alpha Team,
and I'll send Commander Rhys
for security backup.
Book and I will be on Bravo Team.
And Rayner, you have the conn.
Tilly, I'll ask that you serve
as my acting first officer.
Yes, sir. Thank you very Good.
BOOK: Okay, not to be
a stickler for details, but,
once we're on board,
how the hell do we plan to move
around on a Breen-infested ship?
In plain sight.
Scans of soldiers from the Archive
will let us replicate Breen suits.
We'll just need to add translation tech.
Breen culture is rigidly hierarchical,
so as long as we look the part
and don't draw attention to ourselves,
we shouldn't be challenged.
For the record
it's still insane.
We leave in ten.
Take down the quarantine field.
Is there any way of knowing
what's inside?
Our scientists report that
the metallic composition
make internal scans impossible.
Then we'll just have to open it.
Your Scion will reward you
for your service.

MOLL: What the hell just
happened? Where'd he go?
MOLL: In my language!
What are we looking at?
What do you know?
Our soldier no longer
registers on scans.
This appears to be
an extra-dimensional gateway.
To where, we cannot yet say.
The Progenitors' tech must be
on the other side, then.
I would suggest you return to
the bridge until our scientists
can determine if it is safe to enter.
Something I have to do first.
A portable pattern buffer?
Once we find the tech,
learning how to use it could take time.
This'll preserve L'ak's body until then.
[WHISPERING]: I will bring you back.
Not long ago, I was the one
going into the unknown
on the Ten-C planet, and
you were wishing me luck.
It's my turn, I guess. [CHUCKLES]
I'm proud of you.
Also nervous. Very nervous.
I Look, I am gonna be fine,
and I will see you both
on the other side.
- ZORA: Attention, please.
Ensign Tal to shuttle bay.
Okay. Here we go.
The away team is prepared
for launch, Commander.
[CLAPS] On your toes, everyone.
Mission's up.
Is it just me or does he never
sit in the captain's chair?
Avoids it like the plague.
We've all noticed.
JEMISON: Shuttle is leaving
shuttle bay in three,
two, one.
BOOK: Getting close to our entry point.
Raising shields now.
Wait, we're going in there
while it's firing?
It-It'll be at least
3,000 degrees Kelvin in there.
But the heat will camouflage
our transporter signals
so we can beam in undetected.
How long will shields hold
at that temperature?
About 60 seconds.
- And after that?
- The shuttle burns to a crisp.
Glad I asked.
Our sensors indicate we're
entering the exhaust field.
BOOK: Okay, 60 seconds starts
Thermal radiation is
exceeding recommended levels.
55 seconds. 54. Are we in position?
Not yet.
The exhaust fields are
a bit more than I expected.
Then again, the last time I did
something like this was on my ship.
50 seconds.
Okay, you're stressing me out here.
BURNHAM: Yeah, well, I thought you might
want to know how long before
we're deep-fried. 45 seconds.
We're good. Ready to beam.
ADIRA: No! No, we're not.
Our-our-our transportation
radius is being limited
Science later, problem now.
There are two Breen life signs
right where we have to beam in.
Why can't we beam someplace else?
Science later, problem now.
We just can't.
Hull breach imminent in ten seconds.
- You said we had more time.
- Ensign Tal?
- eight, seven
- The life signs aren't moving.
- six, five
- All right, we'll figure it out.
Helmets on. Now, now, now.
three, two, one.
Stay calm.
What are they saying?
BURNHAM [OVER COMMS]: Give it a minute.
Our suit will start translating
in real time.
I said justify yourselves.
- Captain?
- BURNHAM: I've got it.
You pathetic achworm!
Well played.
Nobody likes a disgusted Scion.
Well, we all know what we're
here to do. Let's get to it.
ALL: Aye, Captain.
I send this message
to the eminent Breen Primarch
Tahal of the third flight.
This is President Laira Rillak
of the United Federation of Planets.
I request an immediate
audience on a matter
of utmost urgency.
I await your reply.
Message was, once again, received.
Still no response.
Then she is choosing to ignore us.
Damn it. We need some way
of stopping her fleet.
With its Pathway drive,
the Mitchell could intercept.
We can't risk escalating this further.
The sudden arrival
of a Federation starship
could be perceived
as an act of aggression.
What if it were not a starship,
but a relatively harmless shuttle?
One was outfitted for testing
at the start of the Pathway program.
A shuttle wouldn't be remotely capable
of engaging her entire fleet.
Yet it could force
the face-to-face dialogue
needed to slow her down,
or alter her course.
If the gesture is misunderstood,
it could be a suicide mission.
If we wish to aid Discovery,
it is our best option.
GREER: Madam President,
if the effort were to fail,
we would need you here
to negotiate with the Breen.
I'll need to send a delegate
who can speak on my behalf.
I will draw up a list
of suitable candidates.
If I may,
uh, given my experience
with both tactical
and diplomatic missions,
as well as the fact that
it is my former ship at risk
I would like to volunteer.
Begin preparations.
I'll inform the admiral.
You'll need to leave immediately.
BOOK: Disguises seem
to be holding up so far.
BURNHAM: Mm-hmm.
joining the sarkaress
He's using words that
aren't in the database.
A sarkaress is a Breen feast day.
Okay. What do we say back?
joining the sarkaress.
Of course we will join.
Thank you, xenoanthropology.
The gift that keeps on giving.
BOOK: You good?
BURNHAM: What makes you think I'm not?
BOOK: Cock of the head when I just
asked you that. Dead giveaway.
Worried about the mission?
BURNHAM: No, it's
Come here.
There's something I need to tell you.
Now is not an ideal time, but
In the mindscape,
I had to look at some things
about myself.
About us.
Why I let us drift apart.
I felt like I failed.
And it was just easier to turn away.
I've been meaning to say that I'm sorry.
You deserved better.
I did the same thing. Same reason.
I'm sorry, too.
BURNHAM: Heads up. Looks like
there's about to be a shift change.
- BURNHAM: We should go.
- BOOK: Yeah.
Our scientists have been
unable to determine
what's inside the gateway.
They believe the only way
to get reliable data
is to send someone inside
with the proper equipment.
Choose your most trusted soldier.
we're on the bridge.
And Moll is here.
find a console and get to work.
RHYS: There, that symbol on his arm,
he's the lowest ranking soldier.
That's our mark.
Everyone always picks on the ensign.
There's a malfunction at your station.
You must vacate it while we fix it.
That's an order.
RHYS: It's all you.
Hey, you got this.
Captain, I'm at a console.
Hacking into shield systems now.
BURNHAM: Good. We should be at
shuttle bay in about five minutes.
Commander Rayner?
All set, Captain. Soon as shields drop,
we'll get the structure
and all of you out of there.
Commander Stamets
is standing by to jump.
keep you posted. Burnham out.
All right,
let's run through this again.
No surprises.
Lieutenant Linus, cloak status?
It remains at 100%.
Jemison, Naya, shields and scans?
Shields are nominal, Commander.
Still no evidence of any scans
from the dreadnaught.
They don't seem to know we're here.
Good. Gallo, what about tactical?
All systems armed and ready.
Tilly, what's the latest on Tahal?
TILLY: Mr. Saru says she and her fleet
are less than two hours away.
Hopefully, we'll be long gone
with the Progenitors'
technology by then.
We'd better be.
Excuse me, sir, um,
respectfully, the pacing,
you're making everybody nervous.
You can sit in
the captain's chair, you know.
If I felt like it, I would.
Captain Burnham, she
trusts you to lead us.
We all do, and it's bit of a road
to get there, but we really,
um, we really do.
You know why I asked you to serve
as my Number One today, Lieutenant?
No, sir. Actually, I don't.
It's because you're smart as hell,
you're a good leader,
and if we were stuck
in a foxhole together,
I wouldn't kill you.
That is, unless you gave me more of that
warm and fuzzy encouragement
that I don't need.
Shuttle bay's through there.
You think these replicated suits
will get us through?
Only one way to find out.
Go ahead.
How many times must I remind you
to complete your clearance forms?
You said you turned them in for me.
How dare you accuse me?
BREEN SOLDIER: All right, that's enough.
BURNHAM: If you say so.
BOOK: Well played.
BURNHAM: You, too.
Let's take care of these guys
and get to work.
BOOK: We'll hide 'em over here.
They're sending someone inside.
BOOK: What the hell is that?
BURNHAM: Some kind of portal.
That has to be what leads
to the Progenitors' tech.
BOOK: Damn it, they put up
a quarantine field.
I'm gonna have to take that down
if we want to secure the transpo-lock.
Field draws power from that box.
Cut the power, field goes down.
BURNHAM: I guess I'm
joining the science division.
You you're on distraction duty.
- BOOK: What?
- BURNHAM: Mm-hmm.
BOOK: You excited for the sarkaress?
After our Scion is reborn,
we'll hold the greatest sarkaress yet.
BOOK: [CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah. No question.
Hey, so, um
Do you know who you're going with?
maybe we could, uh
Wow. Flirting. Bold move.
to be one of my sarkmates?
Sure. Why not?
I shall prepare a space
for you in the oil bath.
Hurry up, Michael,
this is getting weird.
BURNHAM: Are you sure you
don't want me to slow down?
Try to get you that oil bath?
Rhys, Adira, how are things
going on the bridge?
- ADIRA: Got it.
- Shields ready to drop, Captain.
- BURNHAM: Good work.
I'll tell you when.
What do you mean they
couldn't pull him back out?
The cable was bonded to the floor,
they saw what happened last time.
The force of it was too great.
- Wherever it leads, it seems
What are they saying?
There are guards missing from their post
outside shuttle bay.
I thought your troops were
better trained than that.
They are.
Put the shuttle bay in full lockdown.
All credentials checked.
Captain, I've got bad news.
This is gonna be a problem.
I am told that your shuttle is ready.
I had ordered all relevant
intelligence files
on Primarch Tahal
to be transferred to you.
I hope some of it will prove useful.
Uh, yes. Uh
It already has. I just
finished reviewing it.
You have only just returned.
I'm sorry you must depart again.
I know you did not want this.
The list you offered
to draw up at the meeting
I understand your desire
to protect me. However
The intent of the list
was to protect the mission.
While I do worry
for your safety, of course,
it is of critical importance.
I feared you may hesitate
to take the necessary risks,
as we are so close to our wedding.
Surely you know I would never
allow personal considerations
to interfere with my
professional responsibilities.
Not consciously, perhaps, but
Vulcans are not the only species
capable of choosing logic and duty
over emotion.
Fair point.
We have both chosen lives of service.
To balance that with
our love for one another
will never be easy.
But at least
we can face that struggle together.
It would be illogical
to ask that you promise to return.
So, instead, I only
ask that you will try.
I shall see you when I return.
BOOK: They're gonna find us any second.
I just need a few more minutes
to get the containment field down.
BOOK: We don't have a few more minutes.
We need that field down now.
I have an idea, Captain.
It's risky, but
it is, I trust you. Just do it.
Okay, then.
Nothing grabs the attention
like an unwelcome guest.
Especially one that they think is dead.
Lieutenant Christopher,
hail the dreadnaught.
Aye, Commander.
I'm heading down to the shuttle bay.
Tell them I want to see
the crew personally.
Moll, wait. We are being hailed
- by Discovery.
- What?
Are you sure?
Yes. It is them.
They survived.
Put us on alert.
Weapons armed.
You heard her!
On alert, all weapon systems armed now.
Answer the hail.
This is Commander Rayner
of the USS Discovery.
MOLL [OVER COMMS]: Where's the captain?
She's dead.
You and your Breen friends
killed her in your attack.
BOOK: Whatever he's doing, it's working.
BURNHAM: Good. Stay alert.
Let me know if anything changes.
Whatever happened, it wasn't me or us.
It was Ruhn,
but he's dead now, too,
and I have the Progenitors' tech.
So we have nothing more to talk about.
Yes, we do. You need our help.
MOLL: With what, exactly?
Primarch Tahal. She's on her way.
Wants your dreadnaught
and every soldier on it.
Check long-range scans.
You can run, but she'll track you,
and keep tracking you.
Believe me, I know.
She won't give up, but
if you turn yourself in,
give us the technology,
the Federation will protect you.
I don't need you
or your Federation.
Captain, how close are you?
BURNHAM: Almost done.
Rhys, Tal,
what's Moll doing?
She's leaving. What does that mean?
Nothing good.
Captain, you're running out of time.
Commander, stand by. We're attaching
the transport lock now.
MOLL: Transpo-lock. Clever.
Lose your helmets.
MOLL: Hmm.
Not so dead after all.
Commander Rhys, Ensign Tal,
it's Discovery.
Do you read?
Yes, sir.
Bravo Team has been captured.
- Is your position secure?
- RHYS: So far.
- Yeah.
- RAYNER: We need to beam you all out of there.
Prepare to lower shields.
What about the structure?
RAYNER: We'll have to find
another way to get it.
Stand by. Captain's
comms are still live.
She'll give us a sign when she's ready.
MOLL: Respect where it's due.
How'd you get on board?
A good courier never
reveals their secrets.
Did your "mentor" teach you that?
BURNHAM: Listen, Moll,
- we know you want to get L'ak back.
- MOLL: Don't.
Don't you say his name.
Throw them in the brig
and take us to warp
before Tahal gets here.
Jemison, get ready to transport.
BURNHAM: Wait, wait.
I haven't gotten a chance
to get my grum of osikod,
as the saying goes.
It's a message. She's
sending me a message.
BURNHAM: Remember when we first met?
When I was hanging off
the side of your ship.
What about it?
Well, I knew you wouldn't stop,
but neither would I.
And the difference is,
when I thought I was gone
your shields were fried,
I was flying out there all alone,
out in space
I always knew my crew would come for me.
Just like they'll come for us now,
whatever you do.
Good talk.
Throw them in the brig.
We'll drop you off somewhere
once we're in the clear.
I know what she wants us to do.
- I definitely don't.
- RAYNER: Ensign Tal,
stand by to lower shields on my mark.
- We're gonna need access to that shuttle bay.
- What?
RAYNER: Commander Stamets, you
have two minutes to figure out
how to rip through the
shuttle bay containment field
without destroying ourselves
in the process.
- STAMETS: On it, Commander.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
If you do that, you're gonna
blast everything in there
out into space, including
Michael and Book.
Exactly, and then we beam them
and the structure on board
the Discovery. That's her plan.
Oh, holy shnoodle.
Red alert. Decloak,
set course for the Breen shuttle bay.
And start firing with
everything we've got.
I just heard. Are we really doing this?
Apparently. But I-I think
I've got a way,
as long as shields hold.
BURNHAM: Come on!
We just lost torpedo bay seven.
Gallo, keep firing.
Don't let up.
Jemison, what's our status?
We're-we're okay for now,
but we can't take many more direct hits.
Stamets, time's up.
How do we do this?
Okay, uh, i-if we fly at full impulse,
tilted down 35.2 degrees
with, uh, modulating shields
concentrated on the deflector dish,
we can pierce the containment field
and still maintain structural integrity.
Do you actually think it'll work?
Math doesn't lie.
We're gonna get Adira out.
We'll get them all out.
How much longer, Rayner?
90 seconds to impact.
BURNHAM: We'll try to
hold them off that long.
As soon as that structure
gets blown into space,
- grab it with a tractor beam.
- Aye, Commander.
RAYNER: Tal, drop shields now.
- Done.
RHYS: Heads up, guards coming our way.
ADIRA: What do we do?
RHYS: Stay put. I got this.
RHYS: Discovery, get us out of here.
They're going to ram us.
So they can send it
"out in space".
- I have to go in there.
- Wait.
You do not know what is inside.
If I can't bring L'ak back,
I might as well be dead.
- RAYNER: Ready to beam you, Captain.
- Not yet.
She's gonna go in. Cover me.
Moll, wait!

BOOK: Commander, you have
to grab that. Michael is in there.
- She went into the portal.
- What?
Jemison, lock on. Engage tractor beam.
It's moving too fast.
There's too much debris.
Asha, get us closer. Tilly,
scan the portal. What's it telling us?
TILLY: No, sh
No, there's no sign of her.
She's just
- She's just gone.
- No.
She's not.
She's alive.
I know it.
Listen up.
Our captain is in there.
The Progenitors' tech is in there.
We're getting them both back.
not an option.
All right.
Let's do this.
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