The Circle (2020) s05e09 Episode Script

Return of the Inner Circle

[Buteau] Previously
I made it to Circle City, bitch!
[Buteau] we said hello to new players
-I'm back!
[Buteau] and goodbye to an OG.
-[Billie-Jean gasps]
-What the hell?
The Circle became a love triangle
Raven, she's my queen in The Circle.
I need him to say Tamira is his queen.
"and I got your crown
right here with me."
As long as Raven doesn't know, I'm good.
"we both wanted our clothes off."
"My Hangout with Tamira was hella freaky."
People are just not being fooled
by his act anymore.
[Marvin] Oh my God!
[Buteau] and things got savage
[Oliver] "Who do you believe
is the most two-faced player?"
"I'm a little confused
on where Tamira stands."
-[Chaz laughs]
I've been nothing but nice to you.
and Sasha tried to rally the troops
Circle, open The Newbies Revolution Chat.
We have the numbers.
If this doesn't work, I'm gone.
[Buteau] before Chaz and Tom
stopped her in her tracks.
[Buteau] But Shubby gave a parting gift
-What's up?
-[shouting] My God, it's fucking Shubby!
[Buteau] to catfish Jennifer.
"You were selected by Sasha as the person
she feels deserves a special power."
[Brett shouting] Yeah!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Sasha, aka Circle OG Shubby,
has been blocked.
But as a parting gift,
he has given Jennifer a special power,
and she's heading down that hallway
to our super-secret Inner Circle
to find out just what that is.
Buckle up!
[Xanthi] Oh my God!
[both] "Welcome to the Inner Circle."
I feel like we're actually
inside The Circle.
[both] "You are now the hacker!"
[both] "Tomorrow you will hack
another player's profile."
Oh my God, this is what I wanna see.
"You will be able to start a private chat
with one player posing as another player."
"as another player!" This is massive.
Are we the first hackers
to hack The Circle?
"Think carefully about your choice."
Oh my God.
This is the power
I am talking about, baby.
This could completely change the game.
[tense music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Ooh, that is my jam.
Morning, everybody.
Now guess what.
Not everyone is as they seem today,
and I'm not just talking
about the catfish,
because we've thrown a hacker
into the equation now too.
Man, we just spoil you guys.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
Oh my gosh. I need to get myself together
because I know today is going to be
another crazy day in The Circle.
[Buteau] Like it always is, boo-boo.
Ding-dong, Sasha gone.
[Marvin] I don't want to come
in last place again. That sucked.
I wonder what I did. What did I do?
[Buteau] Just a guess,
but tried to play two women
till it blew up in your face.
I think Marvin is in trouble,
and whether or not
he's being genuine as a feminist,
or whether or not he's playing the girls,
it's absolutely my goal to make sure
that as much trouble
goes his way as possible.
Push it real good ♪
[Brett] Good morning, my little hacker.
Good morning, my little hacker number two.
Today means business.
[Buteau] And speaking of business,
our players are prepping for the day
like bosses.
Eye masks, eggs, exercise,
four whole-ass chicken breasts
covered in garlic.
I'm thirsty looking at it.
[Tasia] That's how I roll.
[Sam] The Circle isn't ready
for all of this shoulders.
Maybe do a little this.
People really don't understand that
"The Newsfeed has been updated."
[Chaz] Oh boy.
We about to see who Sasha really is.
Circle, take me to my Newsfeed.
"Sasha has left a message for The Circle."
Oh my goodness. Here we go.
I wanna see this.
[nails tapping]
Circle, play Sasha's message.
[Shubham] Hi, guys. It's Sasha.
Wait. No, it's not.
It's Shubby from season one.
[shouting] Shubham!
Yep. That's right. I'm back!
[both shouting] Oh my God!
-[Chaz laughs, screams] Oh my God!
Ah, no!
Last time I didn't wanna be a catfish.
Now I know why. It's super difficult.
[both laugh]
Coming late into the game,
I knew the cards were stacked against me,
so I had to play hard.
So I tried to lead a rebellion
by getting all five newbies
in a group chat
and essentially waging war
against the originals,
but obviously it didn't work.
You tried to lead a rebellion like that.
Everyone, it's been a true honor
and privilege of a lifetime
to come back to The Circle
and play it with all of you.
It's truly my full circle.
Take care and goodbye.
[Tom] Wow! [laughs]
What a twist!
What a twist that is!
I did not see that one coming, Circle!
Had I known it was him,
I would've formed an alliance
with this guy! [laughs]
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I cannot wait to see
what the children got to say.
Message, "Well, spin me around.
That was a twist. Sasha was Shubby."
"Is anyone else
properly fangirl-ing right now?"
"We found another catfish.
We're a proper mystery-solving team."
"#ShoobyDoobyDoo." [laughs]
Hey, that was a fire-ass hashtag. [laughs]
If we say Sasha came to see us,
and for some reason, it comes out
that Sasha picked someone for a power,
it's obviously Jennifer.
Jennifer, "Hello, all. Heart emoji.
I am shocked. Shubby? Star-eye emoji."
"I am totally disappointed
Sasha did not come to see me last night."
"That would've been a pleasant surprise.
Who did Shubby go see?
-[mysterious music playing]
-[Sam] Mm. Okay.
I'm surprised she didn't come and see me.
I thought she might have gone
to see Jennifer. Interesting.
[sighs] That's kinda making me
suspicious about Jennifer.
I think Sasha went to go see Jennifer.
[Paris] "Message,
'Aunty Jen, I definitely thought
Sasha was coming
to visit you last night.'"
"'Who the hell
got the shocking surprise?'"
"'Shocked face emoji. #Shook.' Send."
Right. I want to know too, Raven.
What happened? What's the tea?
Shubham went to go see somebody,
and everybody is saying
that Shubham did not come and see them.
Somebody own up to this now.
Who did she come and see?
There's at least
plausible deniability right now.
Sasha could have gone
to go see literally anyone else,
and they're just not admitting it.
[Sam] I wonder if anybody's
gonna step up and say, "Yeah",
or if they're gonna keep it to themselves.
Someone is lying!
[Brett] Message, "Raven,
clearly it was more important
for Sasha to clear the air
with someone here
rather than getting
some big ol' love from Aunty Jen."
"#NotSoTimid. Laughing face emoji.
Red heart emoji." Send.
[Sam] I really believe
that she got the visit last night,
but why be so secretive about it? Why lie?
Is Jennifer even who she says she is?
Shubby explained that he was leading
a group of rebellions.
I really want to know
who the group of rebellions are.
"Did anyone else catch
when he said he was leading a rebellion?"
Oh, so now they wanna talk about that?
Shubham literally was about
to create an entire rebellion
against all of the old players.
Like, that's scary.
I think honesty
is the best policy here with me,
and I'm much quicker
to throw some shade at Marvin
because I think he's being
very, very disingenuous.
Message, "Noticed Marvin quick
to change the subject
on who Shubby visited there."
"Thinky face."
"Sasha did indeed try a newbie rebellion."
"I will even admit that I argued her case
during the blocking,
but in the end, Chaz and I agreed
she was too much and had to go."
[Paris] "Tom calling Marvin out, though!"
"This is a new side to Tom,
and I'm loving it."
Tom just sent some shade to Marvin's land.
I think that is really me
putting all my cards on the table there.
Tom, I trust you, bro.
You can't say this right now, Tom,
not in front of everybody.
[Buteau] But it's way more entertaining
for us like this, Marvin.
[Sam] Tom wanted Marvin gone.
That means that Tom was probably in there
really gunning for Marvin,
because he's calling Marvin out now
in front of everybody,
and he said he was defending Sasha.
This is about to get juicy.
Message, "Laugh my ass off."
"Tom, if Sasha came to see me,
why would I even hide that?"
[Tom] "I'm as curious as you are.
I have no connection with Sasha."
"So that could mean
she went to see one of her newbies."
Oh, the boys are thrashing!
I'mma give it to Marvin for saying that.
Um, I'm happy he kind of bit back at Tom.
He didn't just, like, crawl into a corner
despite what happened yesterday.
I don't trust you, Marvin.
I don't trust you.
-"Circle Chat is now closed."
-[mischievous music playing]
I thought that was gonna be light
and friendly,
and that people were gonna laugh
and kiki about who Shubham went to go see,
but that turned into more mess.
I'm thinking Sasha went to go see somebody
that's part of the rebellions
and somebody that potentially blocked her,
and that is Tom.
At first, I was a little nervous
with this whole plan,
but honestly,
it totally worked out in our favor,
and everybody is confused. [laughs]
And there was a little bit of back blow
on other people,
which is exactly what we needed.
[Buteau] But 'scuse me,
but I am living for our girl Sam,
still serving up leopard-print realness
all times of the day.
And I hope your milk is good, boo-boo,
because it's about to get sour
elsewhere in The Circle
as Tamira gets ready for a chat
with Aunty Jen.
Kitty cat like to scratch.
I definitely wanna go ahead, reach out,
and have a private chat with Jennifer.
Yesterday she got asked a question
on who she thinks
is the most two-faced player,
and she threw Tamira's name out there,
and I think that was complete bullshit.
I haven't done anything
to anybody in this game.
So I really wanna clear the air.
Circle, take me to private chat
with Jennifer.
[lively music playing]
"Tamira has invited you
to a private chat"?
-Oh no.
-Oh wow.
All right. Let's see
what Tamira has to say.
[Brett] I don't think this is good.
Message, "Hey, Jennifer."
"Yesterday in the Savage Questions game,
you said you didn't know where I stood."
"I wanted to reach out to you
and see where that came from." Send.
I'm just very interested
to see how she's gonna respond.
Best way to handle this right now
is to kill her with kindness.
No doubt.
Message, "Tamira, red heart emoji."
"I'm glad that you reached out to me
and handled this situation with grace."
"Prayer emoji."
"I was forced to select one name
by having to announce
who was the most two-faced person
in the game. Frowning emoji."
[tense music playing]
"That was a trick question
that was posed to make me look bad."
"I would love to make it up to you.
How can we fix this?"
I think she's full of shit.
Sasha was more two-faced than me.
She set up a whole rebellion plan!
This is bullshit.
Message, "Ponder emoji."
"So why not name off a player
that was actually two-faced"
"Dot, dot, dot. I don't know, Sasha?"
"The rebellion plan
seemed two-faced to me,
so I'm not sure
why my name was thrown out there."
"If I've done something to you
or made you feel uneasy,
now would be a really good time
to clear the air."
"#HonestyIsTheBestPolicy." Send.
This is like the last chance
that I'm really giving Jennifer
to just be straight up with Tamira.
Tamira's coming in hot every time.
[Brett] I think she's devious.
I also, in no way, shape, or form,
feel like Sasha starting the rebellion
was two-faced,
because she never fucking had anyone
on her side from the start.
[Xanthi] Jennifer is not intimidated
by you, Tamira.
Message, "Tamira, I'm really sorry
you feel this way."
"I feel like I have been
as honest as I can be."
"I don't know how much more I can say
or how I can change your mind."
"Hopefully, as we get
to know each other more,
I can change your opinion more naturally."
Peace sign emoji. Twinkly emoji."
And Jennifer has left the chat.
I will no longer waste my time
on Jennifer.
[upbeat music playing]
The Circle is a hive of activity, y'all.
Chaz loves getting those reps in
at the gym. Go ahead, Chaz.
Marvin loves Marvin a lot.
And Tom loves sitting on the couch
and getting to the bottom of things,
which is why
he's gonna open up a chat with Raven.
I want to start a private chat with Raven
'cause I really want to talk to her
about Marvin.
It benefits me now to get Marvin out
as quick as possible.
I've sort of publicly
shown suspicion for him,
and so Marvin is not my friend anymore,
and I don't think I'm Marvin's.
So he is my biggest rival at the moment.
[happy music playing]
[Paris] "Tom"?
"Okay, I guess I'll take this
as an opportunity
to learn a little bit more about Tom."
Message, "Raven! Exclamation mark."
"I just wanted to see how you are."
"Have you twerked your kitchen
into oblivion yet? Question mark."
I think I'm gonna wait
and see what she says,
and then I'm going to try
and get the Marvin stuff out of the way.
[Paris] "Message, 'Tom, I have twerked
in every room in my apartment.'"
"'Thank you for wanting
to check in on me.'"
"'I really appreciate that.'"
"'How does it feel now that
you're an influencer?' Send."
It's a very positive message back.
She's laughed
at my little twerky-joke-reference.
Message, "I was honestly blown away,
but as you know,
it comes with so much pressure."
"I did also want to tell you
about something I debated with Chaz."
[Buteau] Let me take my bra off.
I gotta get comfortable for this.
[Raven] Mm.
[sighs] Oh,
what are you about tell me, Tom?
I'm going for Marvin,
because, over his time here,
his profile was very iffy.
None of it adds up
to the person he says he is.
Message, "I have severe worries
about Marvin's conduct."
"He's displayed worryingly laddy behavior
that is not in keeping
with his feminist claims."
[Paris] "He also bragged to me
about freaky pictures he got from Tamira."
"#BetrayingHerTrust. #GamePlayer."
[tense music playing]
[Paris] "Oh, hell no."
I'm very sad
to have given her hurtful news,
but I do think
it's what she needed to hear.
[Paris] "Message, 'Tom,
are you serious right now?'"
"'I am beyond pissed."'
"'He already crossed the line
with flirting with Tamira
and calling me his queen.'"
"'But this is certainly not a feminist.'"
"'He's a liar
and doesn't deserve to be here.'"
"'#ImDisgusted. Angry face emoji.' Send."
That's just a very sad thing to hear,
that she's clearly been hurt by this.
Message, "I'm sorry to be
the bearer of hurtful news,
but I really thought it important
you knew the truth."
"You still are a queen."
"Crown." Send.
[Paris] "I appreciate Tom
coming to me one-on-one
to keep it real with me."
"Even though the news
he gave me was heavy,
he respected me enough to tell me,
and for that, I trust Tom."
[sighs] "Marvin, you gotta go."
[Buteau] None the wiser to Raven's rage,
Marvin is headed to his boy Chaz
for a chat.
[mellow music playing]
Right now, I need
to get in a private chat with Chaz
and really thank him for saving me.
And also I need to find out
if I can get any clue
as to why I ended up in last place.
Maybe I'm doing something really wrong.
I don't know. Maybe he can help me.
"Marvin has invited you
to a private chat."
Marvin! I had another minute
on my treadmill, bro.
Message, "Damn, bro.
Last night my heart was racing."
"I really thought
it was over for me in #TheCircle."
[Chaz] "I just can't thank you enough
for contributing to saving me last night."
"It truly means a lot. #YouARealOne."
"Ending up in last place.
What am I doing wrong?"
I really want
to just be honest with Marvin.
Tell him what I feel as though he can do
to repair a couple
of damaged relationships.
So, Circle, message,
"Marvin, my boy,
you know any day I am fighting for you."
"I love you, my guy. Red heart emoji."
"I can't tell you what you are doing wrong
as I don't know all the facts,
but it sounds like
you are misleading women."
-[humorous music playing]
-[shouts] Ah!
Is that it? That might be it.
[Buteau] Three college degrees, people.
Three college degrees.
Oh no. Oh man.
Man, I knew women
are going to be my kryptonite.
And it's happening. I mean,
I can't keep my eyes off women right now.
I really want to bring back Team Melanin,
and I think we can bring it back
in a way where it's just friendly.
"In yesterday's Savage Questions game,
I think you downplayed your responses."
"You should've taken responsibility
for how you made people feel
and just apologize."
"I do want to hear
your side of the story, though."
I definitely fucked up big time.
Have to reply to Chaz.
Maybe he can give me better advice
on how to handle this.
Message, "Bro,
I really found Raven to be attractive,
and over a private chat,
I even called her my queen,
but then Dot, dot, dot." Send message.
What happened after that, Marvin?
Spit it out!
Message, "Tamira came into The Circle,
and I thought she was attractive as well."
[Chaz] "Unfortunately for me,
she started a private chat."
"It got really flirty,
and I also called her my #SecondQueen."
[sighs] All right,
at least he's not a liar.
I just feel like Marvin is a damn dog, yo.
Message, "Not sure what to do now."
"#HelpNeeded." Send message.
Even though Raven doesn't trust Marvin,
I still believe that Raven still has
a little bit of a soft spot for him.
Message, "Marvin, man-to-man, straight up,
I think you need
to genuinely apologize to Raven."
"It's embarrassing to make a woman feel
like she comes second to anyone."
"And to be honest,
Raven proved her loyalty by saving you,
and you burned my best friend.
Man, this is good.
This is a start to my damage control.
Message, "I understand
Raven is your bestie."
"And I'm glad she is"
"because I really need advice
on how I can go about apologizing to her."
I'm so happy you asked,
because I know Raven to a T,
and let me tell you something,
Raven does not want bullshit apologies.
Message, "The best way
to apologize to Raven
is acknowledging what you did was wrong
without making any excuse."
"Accept that
she may never trust you again,
but at least prove
that you are worth being forgiven."
"Red heart emoji." Send.
Oh man.
She might never trust me again, huh?
Well, like he said, at least prove
you are worth being forgiven.
Message, "Bro, I can't thank you enough.
I really needed this time with you."
"You are an absolute lifesaver
as you gave me all the tips
and advice that I desperately need."
[Chaz] "Thanks a lot."
"Looking forward to letting you know
how it goes. #ChangedMyWays."
Aw, Marvin!
You lowdown, dirty dog.
You better go message Raven,
and put your tail in between your legs,
and flop your ears down,
and let Raven give you a good spanking.
I mean well now,
and hopefully, just hopefully,
they can forgive me.
[acoustic music playing]
[Buteau] It's a coffee-shop singer
kind of afternoon in The Circle,
and the best thing for this Zen vibe?
Some musical comedy.
Chaz is a nice guy
It seems to be working ♪
Raven spends all her time
Dancing and twerking ♪
Marvin is a catfish
I've known from the get-go ♪
Sam's in the corner
Snogging her gecko ♪
Tamira does makeup
It could get pretty graphic ♪
Oliver was late
Because the bitch was stuck in traffic ♪
Jen and I are rocking
In the candy shop ♪
We're one big Circle family ♪
Until one of us gets blocked ♪
[Buteau] I don't mean to sound curt ♪
But there's something
The Circle's got to blurt ♪
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[Xanthi] "Alert!" Oh God!
Here we go.
What is this?
[Xanthi gasps] "Jennifer, please go
to the Inner Circle now."
-We got business to handle.
-[Brett] Should I put a shirt on?
[Buteau] Why bother?
You haven't worn a shirt the whole time.
But a cowboy hat?
Now that would really set the look off.
We're back, baby!
And better than ever.
"Welcome back to the Inner Circle."
[Xanthi] "Jennifer, you are the hacker."
Oh, we know, Circle.
[Brett] "It is now time to choose
which player's profile
you would like to hack
and who you would like
to start a chat with."
"Choose carefully, as it will be revealed
that there is a hacker among the players."
Oh wow.
I'm nervous. I'm a little nervous.
[Brett] "However,
The Circle will never reveal
your identity."
Yeah, that sounds like something
a hacker would say.
We gotta get
our strongest competition out.
Chaz is definitely
the most loved in the game.
But I think Chaz
is also debatably the most trusted.
So if a word comes from him,
people are less likely to
-Question it.
For sure. It's not like a crazy thing.
Originally, I wanted to break down him
and Raven's relationship,
but it's so strong
that someone might second-guess it.
[Xanthi] Right.
We gotta go about this smart.
And also, Tamira started beef
with Jennifer today.
You picked the wrong enemy today.
I totally agree.
[Xanthi] So,
whatever we say that Sasha has said,
nobody can confirm that,
because Sasha's gone.
[Brett] Exactly.
And if Chaz claims
that he heard it directly from Sasha,
it's not hearsay.
We also know
who trusts Chaz the most, Sam.
[Xanthi] Yeah. I'm thinking we've had
a group chat with Chaz and Sam.
We know their dialogue.
We know the little nicknames
they give to each other.
I feel like we could definitely
impersonate Chaz.
[Brett] Yeah.
Okay, Circle,
we wanna hack into Chaz's profile
and have a private conversation
with our girl, Sam.
Get ready, Jen. Channel our inner Chaz.
Chaz! My beautiful gusband!
Let me put on my ring
'cause my gusband's here.
When he's around,
I gotta act like a married woman.
I'm a little nervous.
Circle, take me to private chat.
Message, all caps,
"Wifey!!" Lots of Y's, exclamation points.
We got to make this dramatic.
This is Chaz.
"Wifey, do I have some tea for you.
Eyeball emoji."
"Sasha came to see me last night."
[exhales] Hold on.
That means that he really has tea.
Because why wouldn't you share it
with the group?
Okay. Message, "Gusband.
Mind-blown emoji."
"My mind has been going a mile a minute
since this morning's group chat."
"You literally are the only thing
that I do not doubt in this game."
"Grabs mug. #ReadyForTheTea." Send.
Oh, this was unexpected.
-[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, whoa!
A little mouse in the palm of our hands.
Chaz, I need you
to be everything that you have been.
I can't deal with any more disappointment.
[sighs] Uh
Okay. Now, let's get down to the tea.
Message, "Here's the tea." All caps.
"Apparently, Sasha and Tamira
were the ones that created
the revolution with the new players."
"Tamira was much more on board
than she let on in the chat today."
[gasps] "Sasha said she was all for
keeping the new players in
and getting the originals out.
Mm, mm, mm. Tea dropped.
I agreed to be a Powerpuff Girl
with Tamira.
Everything Tamira has done
seems like a tactic now.
Trying to put on this front
for the group chat
that she's so anti-Sasha, anti-Sasha,
when Sasha and Tamira were in cahoots.
Oh God, I hope Sam answers this
exactly how we want her to answer this,
on board with getting Tamira out.
Message, "My jaw is on the floor."
"Something about Sasha
being the ringleader alone
didn't sit right with me."
[Brett] "This makes so much more sense."
"Now I know
why you kept the visit to yourself."
"I would have done the same."
This gets "Chaz" and Sam
on the same page right now
of getting Tamira out.
The fact that Chaz reached out to me
to tell me this shows
that my connection isn't one-sided.
He's gonna look out for me,
because if it were me,
I would have done the same thing.
He would have been the main focus
to share this information with.
How do you want us
to add a little bit more oil to the fire?
How How should we do this?
Where we going with this?
[Brett] Sam is, like,
a loyal one, so, like, message,
"It's safe to say
Tamira can't be trusted in this game,
and we can't have her ruining
what we've built together."
"#RideOrDie. #EyesWideOpen."
Talk about it.
You don't think
we're putting Jennifer at risk here?
[Sam] Message, "I appreciate you, gusband.
Red heart emoji."
"This is a whole new game.
Nobody fucks with my family."
[kisses] "emoji."
Till next time." Send.
Oh, Sam, we totally tricked you.
My focus is getting Tamira out of here.
[Xanthi] Sam believed this was Chaz.
And you know what?
We accomplished everything we want,
and it's bye-bye Tamira.
[upbeat music playing]
While the skimpiest-dressed supervillain
in history sits back
and revels in that power play,
Raven is making
some bold moves of her own.
[upbeat music continues]
-[Paris] Wait. Am I going this way?
-[Raven laughing]
[Buteau] But before Dancing with the Stars
books this duo, Oliver wants to cut in.
"Oliver has invited you
to a private chat."
Definitely reaching out to Raven
is a great strategic move,
because, to me,
she looks like a strong player,
and right now, the game for me is
getting as many strong players on my side.
Message, "Raven!"
"Girl, I have been dying
to Tootsie Roll with you."
[Paris] "Mama, what's the tea?"
"Message, 'Dip, baby, dip.'"
"'I was just twerking in my living room.
I definitely need you to come join me.'"
[Oliver] "Tongue-out emoji."
This is great. I feel the energy.
"Message, 'You for sure know how to party.
What is your signature dance move?'"
"'I'm a dance hall queen.
Dancing emoji.' Send."
[Oliver] Okay, message,
"My signature dance move
is a #ConvincingBodyRoll." [laughs]
"Laughing emoji."
"I can't dance a lick,
but once the dark liquor settles in"
[Paris] "I can wine this shape
just a lil piece."
-[Raven laughs]
-[Oliver screams, laughs]
[Oliver] Message, "Even though I know
Chaz is your bestie,
I hope after this,
you and I can be the #TootsieRollTeam."
"And by the way, tell him
I think he is cool and cute."
"If I have your blessing,
big up the doll, please."
[trilling tongue] Periodt!
It is just a little piece
of #CircleRomance,
because a bitch like me needs
to make some gains in this piece, okay?
"Message, 'I love Chaz,
and I think you are amazing,
so you have all my blessings.'"
"'I for sure will put in a good word
for you, boo.'"
"'#TheBestWingWoman. Wink emoji.' Send."
[Oliver] I got to love on her
because she's been loving on me,
and it kind of ended good
with her saying she is gonna
put in a good word for me with Chaz.
So hopefully, that means
I have another friendship.
Got Sam. Now we got Raven,
and hopefully Chaz is next.
Oh God!
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] As evening descends,
our players are doing
what all players do at night,
trying to relax while thinking
about what The Circle's gonna do next.
And musician Oliver's having
a little trouble hitting his high C's.
Do, re, mi, fa, so ♪
-[Buteau] Circle, let's help him out.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Oliver continues screaming]
-[all] "Alert!"
What could this be?
[all] Yeah!
"Animal Instincts!"
-Miss Circle, what is this?
Y'all wanna play?
Okay. I got it. I got it.
[laughs] "The Circle is"
"inviting you to an Animal Instincts"
-[Paris] "party!"
Let's get crazy.
[Chaz, Paris] "Collect your party items
from your door now."
-That's what I'm talking about, Circle!
-[Tasia] Animal Party all the way!
-[Chaz] Whoo! Oh!
-[Tom] Oh!
Circle, you could have sent
a handyman to help me.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
A costume. What?
Oh yes, ma'am.
I can live my cheetah girl fantasy.
I'm a tiger, bitch. Mm.
Oh, Circle, we're like that now!
-[gasps] Ooh, I've got some face paints.
-[gasps] I'm a cheetah! I'm running wild.
-How do I look, Jen?
-You look like a lizard.
This is art,
and I take my craft seriously.
-["Karma Chameleon" by Culture Club plays]
Hey, hey, we about to go country style,
and we ain't about to play. Hey!
We gotta bump this up.
Karma, karma, karma, karma
Karma chameleon ♪
You come and go, you come and go ♪
Loving would be easy
If your colors were like my dreams ♪
[Chaz] Ah! Okay! Okay!
-Red, gold, and green ♪
-[Chaz] Ah! Ah! Ah!
[sings along] Karma, karma
Karma, karma, karma chameleon ♪
[Oliver sings along] You come and go ♪
-You flamingo ♪
-You come and go ♪
[Oliver] Death drop. [panting]
[Buteau] Whoo! We had a dance, honey,
and now it's time for a chat, sweetie.
And Oliver knows just how
to keep that wild party vibe going.
"I wanna to play a game right fast
to keep the fun going."
"Let's all make some rhyming rap lines
about another player in the party."
"I'll start it off Dot, dot, dot. Send."
All right.
-[Paris] "Oh shoot!"
"I am horrible at rhyming."
[high-pitched] Oh my God!
This is gonna be so much fun.
Oliver is about to deliver
some bars right now, boy.
"The Circle Eight stormin' parties" ♪
"It's like a stampede" ♪
"Straight styling, and we wilding
We swings so banji" ♪
"The beats banging off our chests
Laid lounge in tall grass" ♪
"I would've loved to see
Chaz shake his fine ass" ♪
Send message. [laughing]
[Chaz] Hey!
Oliver seems like he got a little bit of
Little bit of Little bit of eye for Chaz.
You know what I'm saying?
Raise the fire extinguisher.
[mimicking extinguisher spraying]
Oliver's on fire right now.
"Oliver shot his shot."
-Boom! [laughs]
Yo, let's get it crunk! [laughs]
Right. Let's do this.
Let's get some raps going then, Oliver.
[Buteau] Okay, so I am here for
Oliver's party-planning energy, you guys.
Go ahead.
You heard him, players. Hit that mic.
First up is cheetah Chaz rapping
for tiger Tom.
[Chaz] Message,
"Tom was on The Circle" ♪
"Eating fish and chips" ♪
"Number one, top dog
Yes, he's the shit" ♪
[rapping] "Curry sauce, mash and peas
A couple peppermints" ♪
"Don't confuse his cheesy lines
for romantic bliss" ♪
Eh? What do you mean? What does that mean?
-What the fuck is that?
Is that Are they throwing shade at us?
I threw, like, uh, you know,
like a funny shot, not a shady shot.
I feel as though I told a mini-story
about Tom, and it fits him very well.
[Buteau] Next up to spit bars
is 51-year-old Aunty Jen,
who's also rhyming for Tom.
[rapping] Message,
"Tom, I know you love my cougar vibes" ♪
"Tiger emoji."
"I'll take you on one hell of a ride" ♪
"You'll always be my bestie tribe" ♪
[chuckles] "Monkey, laughing face emoji,
laughing face emoji, laughing face emoji."
[Paris] I gotta sit my ass down.
Jennifer [growls]
you're my cougar, babe. Forever. Forever.
So Jennifer and Tom
are really good friends.
Oh, they're besties.
So Jennifer has a shit ton of connections
in this bitch, huh?
Jennifer got the rhymes.
[Buteau] Jen, like Missy Elliott,
has proved that you can look fire
and spit fire in your 50s.
Next up is Tamira's rap for Sam.
Okay. Message
[rapping] "Sam's got two bearded dragons
So she's a cool mom" ♪
"I know she's good at makeup
And damn she's bomb" ♪
I mean, I think
that Sam is gonna like this.
I'm shouting out her babies.
Is this Is this a strategy though?
I don't I don't trust it.
I don't trust it, not a little bit.
I like it, but I don't trust it.
Tamira's rap did not sound
like a young girl.
I thought, 'cause she's a creative person,
that she'd, um, have some real zing in it.
She sort of dropped the ball there,
I think.
[Buteau] Damn, Tamira, you just got served
by a British guy in a bucket hat.
Tamira showing Sam love
works out perfectly
for our mischievous plan.
[Buteau] And now, an English guy
who lives in a castle raps
about a streetwise woman from Brooklyn.
Sounds like
an awesome Hallmark movie, y'all.
[rapping] "Out of her cage
So you know you're in jeopardy" ♪
"Normally loves lizards
But today she's all leopard-y" ♪
"Tattooed tail wagging
Calling the shots" ♪
[Sam] "Lovely leopard lady
Never change your spots" ♪
Tom! This is really cute. [gasps]
Ooh, you see me? You see me?
What? That was good, Tom!
That's what I'm talking about, Tom.
Give it to 'em!
Cute, Tom.
A little jealous, but cute, Tom.
Okay, Tom, I see you.
[sighs] Oh man. That was such a fun party.
I had fun at the party. I had so much fun.
I shook these cheetah cheeks.
I really embraced my inner leopard today.
I feel like I'm now going
to drag an antelope up a tree,
and eat it, and go to sleep.
It felt good taking charge
for once in the group.
Hopefully, I made an impression.
I think Chaz must be feeling really good.
But I don't know what his type is
[relaxing music playing]
[Buteau] As our Circle safari winds down,
the others get ready for bed,
but Marvin's still feeling nocturnal,
and he's got a certain
leopard-printed bird in his sights.
[mimics bird call] Ca-caw!
Circle, please invite Raven
to a private chat.
Oh my God!
I have to pick my jaw up. [chuckles]
"I Marvin, I don't wanna talk to you."
[Marvin] We had a party,
so she's probably feeling positive.
Hopefully, this is the right time
to really ask Raven to forgive me.
You know?
[Paris] "Circle,
open private chat with Marvin."
"Honestly, I have nothing nice to say."
[Marvin] Message, "Hey, Raven,
I wanted to reach out to you
because we haven't spoken a lot lately
since the Savage Questions game,
and I really have
a lot on my mind to tell you."
[Paris] "To be honest, I just want him
to own his actions and be honest."
"I can at least respect the honesty."
"I sincerely want to apologize to you,
and I'm very sorry for hurting you
and breaking your trust."
Send message.
[introspective music playing]
"So you know you fucked up."
Message, "I really wanted to come on here
and be sincerely honest
and open with you."
"I went on a date with Tamira,
got lost in the moment,
and it got quite flirty."
"Raven, I regret that so much."
"I completely messed up,
and I did not mean to hurt you."
[Paris] "I'm so sorry. And I'm just hoping
you find it in your heart to forgive me."
-"I really miss what we had."
[laughs skeptically]
Message, "Please tell me
how I can make it up to you,
because I really would do anything
to win you back."
[Paris] "You're not gonna win me back.
I'm not a trophy."
"I'm a human."
Message, "Could you possibly forgive me?"
"Question mark." Send message.
Hopefully, Raven makes my night
by coming back
and telling me that she forgives me.
"Marvin poured his heart out to me,
apologizing and asking for my trust back."
"But if this conversation happened
before my chat with Tom today,
then maybe."
She's not typing.
She's not saying anything.
I messed it up. She saved me
in The Circle. She's been loyal to me.
And guess what?
I threw it all in the trash.
Oh, she's typing. Finally.
[Paris] "'In the beginning,
I believed you value trust.'"
"'You were a respectable man,
and we connected on a whole other level.'"
"'I trusted you.'"
"Message, 'What's crazy was
I was hyped about you
going on a date with Tamira.'"
"'I was confident.'"
"'Because I thought our bond was tight,
and that you would respect me enough
to let her know about our connection.'"
"'LOL. You called me your queen.'"
"Imagine my face
when she started a group chat,
having a girl talk about y'alls date."
Oh my God.
[laughs] Oh.
'Like you said yesterday
in the Savage game,
you single, boo, so do you.'"
"I have forgiven you,
but I don't trust you."
[Paris] "At first,
I didn't wanna talk to Marvin."
"But I'm actually happy
that I got all of this off my chest."
"He knows exactly how I feel about him."
This is worse than I expected.
Message, "I am so thankful
you forgave me."
"I don't expect you
to trust me right away,
but I will do everything I can
to make it up to you
and hopefully regain your trust."
[Paris] "I know you don't trust me,
but you are still my number one,
and no matter what happens,
I still got you."
"I respect and trust people
until they give me a reason not to."
"Shit has consequences."
I fucked up. I really fucked up.
[Paris] "Message,
'We'll see what happens.'"
"'It's getting late. I'm going to bed.
Good night.' Send."
Damn, damn, damn.
I was not expecting that.
I don't like my feelings played with.
Not in real life, not in a game.
[Paris] "I appreciate his apology."
"But unfortunately,
it doesn't change a thing."
"Too little, too late."
[theme music playing]
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