90210 s05e10 Episode Script

Misery Loves Company

Previously on 90210 You think just because you cheated on me, that you'll be able to walk out of my new company? I own you.
We loved each other once.
If I could ask for one gift from you, it'd be to stop torturing me.
You know, maybe we should skip the presents this year.
Megan, about your-your dad and the accident I was in the other car.
That's how I got hurt.
I thought you'd hate me.
Where is this coming from? No talking.
I'd like to be our child's father.
That's really sweet, but it it wasn't in the plan.
You can't ask him to give up the right to be a parent to his own child, so unless you want to take this seriously, we're gonna take you to court.
- They voted to fire me.
- What? Thanks to you not listening to me, I have nothing and no one but you.
"I have to think.
Went to the gamer conference in Iceland.
" I get paid to protect you so you can have some semblance - of a normal life.
- I'm sorry.
I keep feeling like someone's lurking around, ready to pounce.
Guess someone's been watching me for months.
Now this creep wants money? Make the drop, I'll videotape the whole thing.
It's the only way to find out who's doing this.
Vanessa? You're still alive? That's who sent me the letter.
- I got to go see Vanessa.
- I can't let you do that.
Well, if you didn't do anything to him, then where the hell is Liam? Have we calmed down enough to eat? I'm sorry.
I know this stings.
Uncuff me.
I told you, this is only temporary until I can be 100% sure you're no longer in danger.
I am in danger now.
You have me shackled to a pipe! For your own safety and protection.
You have a long history of trusting the wrong people, Liam.
You would be running back to Vanessa if I hadn't stopped you.
Now open up for oatmeal.
Until now, I thought Vanessa was dead.
Don't lie to me.
You were on your way to meet her with a backpack full of money.
She obviously has her hooks in you again.
She was blackmailing me.
I just didn't know it was her! And at what point did you tell the security officer assigned for your protection that you were being blackmailed? Liam, you need to trust me.
Well, see, you know what doesn't inspire trust? A cop that knocks me out and ties me up! I'm not just a cop.
I'm your biggest fan.
Tattoo guy didn't quite capture those bedroom eyes, but it'll do.
I have to go run some errands.
Hopefully, your appetite will return when I do.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Uh wow.
- Are you hungry? - Mm.
Yes? I could whip up breakfast.
Um, except I wasn't expecting company, so I think all I have is frozen pizza.
Well, I happen to love pizza for breakfast.
- Perfect.
- Yeah.
- You do heat it up, though, right? - Yeah? Oh, yeah.
For you, oh, yeah.
Got you.
Dixon, we need to talk! Um Megan, this is Ade.
Adrianna, this is Megan.
Seriously? Yeah.
I'll be right back.
Hey we broke up, so why are you barging into my house? Okay, well, I thought we should discuss the new material that you want me to sing at the label launch party tonight.
I didn't know you'd be so busy.
It's a song.
What's there to discuss? Um, I don't know.
For starters, it's called "Scarlet a-drianna.
" Dixon, what happened with Taylor was a mistake.
I wasn't trying to hurt you.
But you did.
Okay, that type of thing doesn't just go away.
Look, you signed a contract.
You have no choice.
I'm sorry.
Um, you know, sorry about that.
Hell hath no fury like an angry ex.
Uh, you going? I should probably go.
Um, I'll I'll see you around, Dixon.
W wait.
Uh I was gonna make pizza.
Got a second? Actually, didn't know if I'd see you again after last night.
Shane was a bit out of line.
It wasn't his place to say we should hire lawyers.
I am so happy to hear you say that.
But he's right.
Three months ago, you were fine just being the donor.
Well, my situation's changed, and having a kid seems possible now.
I'm not trying to stop you from having this child, but I want to be the father.
And if you can't accept that, then we're gonna have to take it to court.
Is this just Shane talking? This isn't Shane, this is me.
And you can't do anything without my consent.
Do you not understand how important this is to me? Yeah, I do, because it's important to me, too.
But so is saving our friendship.
Silver, the mistake we made was not going through the proper process.
I just think it's probably best that we only talk through lawyers until we can come up with a compromise.
Ugh! I'm so glad you're home.
Me, too! I I've just been enjoying some me time since Max has been away on a conference.
Would you like an everything bagel? I never get to eat them because Max is allergic to well, everything, and I love everything.
Okay, when you ramble like this, something's wrong.
Nothing's wrong.
I'm fine.
Max and I had a tiny little spat before he left, but everything, including my little bagel, is just fine.
Well, I'm not fine.
I'm pissed.
Dixon is sleeping with some girl to try to get under my skin.
Um, considering what you did with Taylor, you're lucky he isn't using the Laker girls to get even.
And I mean all of them.
Yeah, okay.
Well, sleeping with a random girl isn't all that Dixon's doing.
For the past week, I have been like his puppet.
"Change your hair.
" "Dress sluttier.
" "Sing a song about a whore.
" Oh, my God, I love a good whore song.
I know what I did was truly awful, but I'm already beating myself up over it.
I don't need his help.
Hey, you know what? Stewing over a guy never did any girl any good.
I think we should take a drive along the coast today.
I wish.
It's Dixon's label launch party tonight.
- Hmm.
- You know what? And he's probably gonna use it as an opportunity to torture me with that tramp.
Well, I just so happen to be lending my house to Dixon for his little party, so he can lend me you.
We'll hit the open road, leave all our drama behind us.
It'll be like Thelma & Louise.
Minus the Grand Canyon suicide dive, of course.
I'm in.
And if we happen to find a young Brad Pitt on the way, I will not complain.
I haven't had such a dramatic breakup since Dewey Mitchell in the fifth grade.
Do you remember him? He got so heartbroken, he vom'd on my notebook.
- Spewy Dewey! - Yes.
Oh, my God, and then we toilet-papered his house to get back at him.
Oh, remember? I slept over, and we crept into the neighbor lady's backyard and went skinny-dipping in her pool.
Yeah, and she was supposed to be out of town, and then the old bag came out of nowhere and chased me down Roxbury Drive with a garden rake.
Oh, my God.
You know, my guesthouse has been empty since Ivy left.
I'm just saying, it would be a 24/seven slumber party if you moved in.
What? I would totally love that.
But don't you think you should maybe ask Max first? Yeah.
No, no.
I mean, obviously, I will when we talk.
And he'll totally be cool with it.
He will love it.
Oh, Hot Springs.
Think we're a little overdue for that skinny-dip.
What do you say? I think, in honor of my crazy neighbor and her rake I'm in.
Let's do it.
Liam's not here.
His bed hasn't even been slept in.
If you've done something to him, I swear to God Didn't that priest you ruined teach you it's not polite to swear? This isn't funny.
Okay, Liam's disappeared, and I know you're behind it.
I'm a lot of things, but a kidnapper, a murderer? Get real.
You pretended to be dead just to extort him.
I cannot imagine what you're capable of.
I just wanted him to pay for what he did.
He left me for dead.
Okay, who do you keep calling? An off-duty cop who's Liam's bodyguard.
Damn it! She must have turned her phone off.
Liam has a bodyguard, and it's a woman? How appropriate.
The studio provided Ashley for protection from conniving psycho skanks like you.
The studio? Are you sure about that? Yes.
Why? Frank, hey.
It's Vanessa Shaw.
Yeah, listen, do you guys have any contact info handy on the officer you assigned Liam? That's what I thought, thanks.
Liam's contract didn't provide for security.
If the studio won't even reimburse a mani-pedi, do you think they're gonna pay for a bodyguard? Well, then, who sent her? I don't know, but I do know one thing: Officer Ashley isn't who she says she is.
I want this stage to scream, "Dixon Wilson has arrived," okay? Perfect.
- Hi.
- Hey, hey.
You're about six hours early to the world premiere of Unfaithful Records.
Right, well, actually I got to ask a favor.
- Do you have a minute? - Yeah, sure.
Cool, I can't exactly talk to Liam or Navid about this, and Ade and Naomi already left on some last-minute road trip.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay.
Um, Adrianna, the only artist on my label, who is also performing tonight, went on a vacation? Yeah, that's typical.
All-drama Adrianna is back.
What about you, man? She said you're sleeping around with some girl just to get back at her for hurting you.
Megan? No, Ade totally misread that.
And I bet Megan did, too.
I thought she was acting weird because Ade busted in on us, a and it's probably 'cause she thinks I was using her, too.
I I got to put out this fire.
Wait, first, um, why I came here.
Okay, so you know how Teddy offered Don't, don't say "sperm.
" To father my, my child.
- Okay.
- Well, now he wants to fight for custody.
Will you be a character witness for me? Silver, I I I don't want to choose sides.
Yeah, but, I mean, Teddy is about to ruin my chance at having this baby.
If you don't have this child, are you sure it's a bad thing? Look, I I'm just saying, I I don't think you're ready to be a mother right now.
Silver, Silver, look, look, I care about you and I know you've been going through a lot, which is why I haven't really said anything.
You shouldn't have a baby just because you think you're gonna be missing out on something.
Oh, well, you just don't understand.
I do understand.
My birth mom wasn't ready to have a child.
Look, Silver, you're young, you really don't have a job, and your family is I have my friends.
At least I thought I did.
I feel like I just washed away all my troubles.
Skinny-dipping is so much more fun when nobody is chasing you around with a rake.
Where are our clothes? They were right here.
Did somebody steal them? No.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Okay, um, stay calm, let's think.
There is a truck stop, like, half a mile back down the road.
We could be decked out in Nascar apparel - before we know it.
- No, Ade, my wedding ring was in the pants pocket.
What, why'd you take it off? I wasn't gonna wear my ring in a mud pit - in the middle of nowhere.
- If you're looking for something, we saw some bikers snooping around your car earlier.
Bikers, like hairy rednecks on motorcycles? Right on.
Those Clydes hang out at a bar about a mile up the road.
Great, thank you.
Come on, Ade, we're gonna go get my ring back.
Naomi, what about clothes? Uh I got a surprise for you.
You know, you can't keep me here forever.
I'll press charges, you'll never be a cop again.
It's too late.
The force suspended me months ago for "erratic behavior.
" It's like nobody will let me do my job.
What? If you weren't assigned to me, then w why are you doing this? You needed me, Liam.
I'd rather die than let anything happen to you.
You can't protect me by keeping me here.
I know.
That's why I need to take you somewhere safe.
How, huh? I can't buy a cup of coffee without a stampede of paparazzi following me, and I'm not going anywhere with you.
That's why you'll be traveling in this.
You're gonna put me in a box? Just long enough to ship you to Southern Mexico.
Don't worry, I'll make it very comfortable.
Plenty of water and food.
You're insane.
I'm not insane.
I'm doing this for you, and if you won't get in that box willingly, I have my stun gun and plenty of sedatives.
Oh, oh, good God.
He thinks we're Ivy.
No, no, this is not our usual couture ever.
Okay, um we were wondering, have you seen a woman or a man; I don't really judge wandering around these parts, wearing a pair of fuchsia-colored designer pants? They belong to me.
You're in the wrong place, sweetheart.
No, n no, uh, some bikers stole our clothes, and we were told that this is their stomping ground.
Will be by later on this afternoon.
Pretty much every biker within a hundred miles comes here for happy hour.
Thank you.
Okay, let's get cozy.
Looks like we're hanging out in a Sons of Anarchy episode until my ring shows up.
Well, we might as well make the most of it.
Oh, my God, my song is on the jukebox! Somebody give me a quarter! Quick! Hey, uh, Megan, you got a second? Uh, I'm late for class but sure.
Uh, you, you, you kind of bailed out pretty quickly this morning.
Look, um, if you think I'm using you for any sort of revenge on Adrianna, I'm not.
Okay, um, got it.
Um if, if we're okay, then, then, why'd you leave like that this morning? The whole point of last night was to hang out with you and have fun and not think about my dad's accident, and then you started talking about it, and I 'Cause I thought you deserved to know the truth.
I didn't want to know, Dixon.
That accident didn't just take away my dad.
It took away everything, and I I guess when you told me you were a part of it, I I thought it was going to take you away, too.
I get it.
But, look, I'm, I'm still here.
So what's the problem? The problem is, you still have feelings for Adrianna, so I think it's best if I just walk away now.
May I help you? I hope so.
I need to talk to you about Teddy.
And you are? Erin Silver I'm having your nephew's baby.
Welcome to Ashley's.
Nice work, Wilson.
Yeah, well, you conned the cops into giving us her address, so now we're even.
Oh, my God.
Who's the psycho skank now? It's my favorite part of the song! Everybody now, let's do this.
Look at you your moves might be better than your voice.
Look who's talking.
Right? All right, okay, here, this part.
- Whoo.
- Very nice.
Very nice.
Would you like to see my hog? Your what? It's another word for motorcycle.
Come on.
Oh, okay.
Um, actually, hold that thought, okay? Hey, any luck? No, not yet.
Okay, I know it's your wedding ring, but you could totally just go buy a new one and Max wouldn't even know.
I'll always know.
Hey, cheer up, okay? You and Max have a perfect marriage.
It's bigger than some ring.
You ready? Billy was going to go show me his new motorcycle.
- Really? - I would.
I'll be out there.
Excuse me! Those are my pants.
Your name's Diane Von Furstenberg? Nice try, twiggy.
- Empty your pockets.
- What? Empty your pockets.
Oh, my God.
Where is it? Where's my ring? What ring? I bought these pants for ten bucks from a guy who said he needed gas money, and he's probably to Oregon by now.
And wh why exactly should I believe a roughneck, road-warrior she-male like you? Because actually I'm a pediatrician from Pasadena.
And this is just my weekend thing.
Look, I will give you your pants back, but I don't know anything about a ring, I swear.
I'm sorry.
Me, too.
Well, I guess the, uh good news is he's not all gay.
No, Teddy is still gay.
We're not having a baby together like that.
Look, I'm sorry that I'm coming to you with this.
I know that you guys are speaking again, and family is so important to Teddy.
It is.
To all of us.
The Montgomery family can take care of situations like this.
How much do you want? What? Like, money? You're pregnant, Teddy's the father.
We'll honor the financial liability.
That's not what I want.
And I'm not even I'm not even pregnant yet.
So Teddy donated sperm, but now he and Shane want to co-raise the child with me.
But that is not what I want.
I don't want a complicated situation.
I don't want shared custody.
I just wanted a donor.
I see.
He respects you, and he cares about what you think.
I need you to convince Teddy that I should raise this child alone.
You just leave it up to me.
This is your clutch right here, all right? You just want to grip that nice and tight.
Like this? - Just like that.
- Okay.
I'm gonna take this hand I'm gonna put it over the handle, just like this.
All right? And then all you got to do is just touch that little start button.
- Okay.
- And get ready.
Oh! - I did it! - Hell, yes, you did.
Nice job.
You're a popular girl.
It's my boss.
He won't stop bugging me.
Actually, you know what? I'm supposed to go to this record label party tonight.
How do you feel about giving me a ride back to L.
And being my date? Damn straight.
- Let's do it.
- Good.
Straight up.
No chaser.
You're too damn pretty to be so sad.
Name's Bear.
Bottoms up, Bear.
I can cheer you up.
Got a motel room nearby.
I'm a real good listener.
I am flattered, really, but I am a married woman.
You sure? There's, uh no ring on that finger.
A ring is just a ring; It's not the marriage.
So where's the hubster? He's away on business, and he will be back.
Sounds like your marriage is TNT, darling, and the fuse is lit.
Bear knows a thing or two about shaky marriages.
I remember my mom doing exactly what you're doing when daddy left.
Drowning her sorrows, hanging with sleazebags, telling herself everything was a-ok.
You know, I was never very close to my mom after that.
I know what you mean.
So what do you say your place or mine? I say there's somewhere else I have to be.
That's what happens when you deface my face.
- Can you keep it down? - What, says the girl who busted in here like a honey badger? - Did you find something? - Yeah, Ashley bought a ton of high-tech equipment.
Lots of cameras.
I'm familiar.
All this equipment was delivered to an address at the pier.
- The Offshore? - No.
This address is under the offshore, and that shop's been empty for almost a year.
I think we found Liam.
Hi, mom.
When I heard you got married, I nearly fell out of my chair.
Uh, did you get my gift? - Yeah.
I meant to call - Oh! It's okay.
I know you're busy.
And the newspaper announcement, I put it on my fridge.
You looked like you're really happy.
Even smiling in your mug shot.
Just 'cause I was smiling doesn't mean I was happy.
It's something we do to cover the pain, right, mom? I don't know what you mean.
I was so angry when you and dad got divorced.
That's why I never reached out.
I mean, obviously, I had to blame dad because he was a man-whore, but if I'm really honest, I mostly blamed you for ignoring all of the problems in your marriage, and now I am ignoring all of the problems in my marriage and I don't know why because I swore to God I would never make the same mistakes that you did.
Why do we do this, mom? What's wrong with us? Deep down, I think I always knew that your dad wasn't the right guy for me.
So I didn't fight for him when I found out he was cheating or even when he left.
But you always pretended like everything was so perfect.
Why? Well, I told myself that I was doing that for you girls.
Look, what I know is that I have spent years being miserable.
And you're smarter than me, Naomi.
You're here.
You are fighting for your marriage.
But what if it's too late? Max is gone.
My wedding ring's gone.
God, mom, how can I hold on to a marriage if I can't even hold on to a ring? Wh I planned to give it to you, assuming that you ever talked to me again.
Don't tell your sister.
It's beautiful, mom.
It was your grandmother's.
She was happily married for 60 years.
So, yes, denial is a major trait in our family, But Clark women can find happiness.
You need to decide, is Max the man you're gonna fight for or let go of? Ladies and gentlemen, Rita Ora! We gold, we gold we shine we gold, we gold, we shine hey there rock stars turn up your radio I can hear you coming start up the video you're still standing they'll never knock you down the beat never ending let me hear your heart pound hey, ya, hey, ya, hey, ya Teddy! Teddy, you made it! Wouldn't miss it, buddy.
Thank you, thank you.
It, uh it means a lot, you being here.
It really does.
You know, everybody else is M.
I actually called a few producer friends and pulled some strings and we got Rita Ora to perform.
When's Ade go on? Ade's awol, dude.
She's trying to ruin my label launch party like she ruined things with this new girl, Megan, who now thinks that I'm still hung up on Ade.
Isn't that crazy? Not really.
I mean, you and Ade just broke up, you know? There's bound to be unresolved feelings.
No, no.
There's nothing unresolved about the way that I feel right now.
After what she did with Taylor? Look, if I think about it too much, I'm actually sure I hate her.
Dixon, hate is a strong feeling, man.
You got to learn to let go of that anger.
You'll never move on.
Come on, man, it's your party.
Ade, look over here! Who's the new guy, Ade? Ade, over here! Adrianna, Adrianna! Look over here! Hey, ya, hey, ya, hey, ya hey, ya, a shining star hey, ya, hey, ya, hey, ya no matter where you are whoa shine ya light whoa, set the world on fire whoa, shine tonight whoa set the world on fire.
Ashley has installed security cameras all over the Offshore.
She's gonna see us coming.
I'm counting on it.
Since she views me as her biggest threat, I'll lure her away from Liam.
You'll call 911 while she's busy with me.
Vanessa, Ashley is obviously dangerous, not to mention you're wanted by the cops.
They'll arrested you as soon as they get here.
After everything I did to Liam, I owe him this much.
I know it might be hard to believe, but I really did love him.
Well, be careful, okay? Okay.
Let's get this bitch.
Okay, soundproofing is complete.
Now, just food and water and you're good to go.
You really don't have to do this.
I wish there was another way, Liam, but you've left me no choice.
No, I I mean I'll do whatever you want me to do.
I'll go wherever you think I should go.
You were right.
Vanessa's been screwing me over.
I mean, I should be thanking you for all that you're doing for me.
I don't know why I keep fighting it.
I'm so stupid! You're not stupid, Liam.
You're perfect.
No, I am stupid.
I don't know why I keep falling for all the wrong kinda girls, and that's especially stupid when the right girl is probably right underneath my nose.
Who? Someone like you.
You're smart and you're beautiful.
I don't know why I can't fall for a girl like you.
Maybe you can.
Liam! Liam, we need to talk! Damn it.
I know we can work this out.
Don't worry, Liam.
I'm never going to let Vanessa bother you again.
Come see me.
I'm sure we'll both feel better.
Come on.
to the girl you used to see her days are over baby, she's over I decided to give you all of me baby, come closer baby, come closer Nice of you to finally show up.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
Billy and I totally lost track of time.
But, um, we're here now, so it's all's good, right? Yeah, yeah.
Uh, hey, um, you got a second? Yeah.
Can you hold that for a second? Uh, okay, so, um, look, I know you think I was using Megan to get back at you, and and although torturing you does feel good, um it's not right.
So I'm gonna stop.
Thank you.
You, know, I just realized that torturing you is just another way of hating you, and I don't want to hate you, Ade.
I don't.
Actually I don't want to feel anything for you at all.
to the girl you used to see her days are over baby, she's over ah-ah, I'm ready for ya I decided to give you all of me baby, come closer baby, come closer ah-ah, I'm ready for ya huh, nothing on, I strut around I do it big Hey.
Silver, and Uncle Charles.
What are you guys doing here? Hopefully, uh, saving you from making a huge mistake.
Come on.
Let's, uh, talk over here.
Teddy, I know this is all about family for you obviously, that's what having a baby is all about.
Your friend here wants to have a family, and you offered to help, but you didn't think about the family you already have.
Actually, I did.
I thought a lot about our family and how I didn't want to make the same mistake.
So now you thought you'd make a new one? Son, you can't keep doing things like this.
A nationally-telecast gay wedding is one thing, but now you want to have a child with an unwed mother and your friend? He has a name.
It's Shane, and we're in a relationship.
Why can't you just accept that? Actually, this isn't about Teddy and Shane's relationship.
This is about sticking to what we agreed on.
This is about me not walking away from the people who are important to me.
I'm committed to Shane and having a family.
Oh, a family.
You two boys will never be a real family, and you're definitely not fit to raise a child.
Hey, not what we came here to discuss.
You know what? I'm not listening to this anymore.
I can't believe you'd do this to me just to keep me from getting custody of my own child.
Both of you keep talking about this like it's a custody battle.
Embryos are legally considered property, and since you can't see reason, I'm prepared to file a motion in court demanding family rights to keep the embryos frozen indefinitely or to have them destroyed.
That's what? You can't do that.
You just watch me.
Ted Looking for me?! Annie? We're getting you the hell out of here.
I knew you couldn't stay away from him.
Give me one reason why I should? Oh, thank God.
All right, let's go.
The cops are on their way.
Oh, my God.
I don't know how much time Vanessa can buy us.
Come on.
Wait, wait.
I can't just leave her here.
Teddy! Teddy, I didn't mean for that to happen.
What the hell did you mean, huh? Was it to ruin our friendship, 'cause congratulations, we're not friends anymore.
Please wait.
Let me fix this, okay? I can fix this.
We're way past fixing, Silver! I'm never signing that form, and you're never having my baby.
You're never hurting Liam again.
Stay back, Liam.
I have this under control.
Not anymore.
Come on.
I'm trying to help you.
Vanessa's helping me.
How can you still care about her after everything she did to you? Because she cared enough to come back for me.
Liam, the police are on their way.
You have to get Vanessa out of here now.
No! I would have done anything for you, but if you won't let me protect you, you leave me no other choice.
No! Dr.
Sukaly, I'm so sorry to bug you this late.
Um I wanted to let you know that I got my my donor's signature giving up his paternal rights.
Yeah, so, uh, I just wanted to know the quickest way that we could get started implanting the embryos.
Yeah, I'll I'll overnight the forms to the clinic.
Thank you.
Annie! Annie.

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