Space Ghost Coast to Coast (1993) s05e10 Episode Script


Sorry, future man, but I've used my reverse polarity ray
to spoil your plans.
Not so fast, space clown.
My time-space manipulator has
assembled an army of invisible cavemen
to block your reverse polarity ray.
That's a neat trick, future fool,
but my frequency demodulator rerouted your cave creeps
but my frequency demodulator rerouted your cave creeps
to the victorian era, where they will be mocked
for their ill manners and crude mode of dress.
That's unlucky.
I suspect my future is not so bright after all.
That's all well and good, space dud,
but I've saved the best for last.
Take this!
It seems to be some kind of gas.
It seems to be some kind of gas.
Ha ha ha ha!
It is the ancient vapor of kintave, space goon.
You will now be driven to feed off
the flesh of humanoids to survive.
Greetings. I'm Space Ghost.
My guests tonight include the symbol
of man's epic struggle against a
mysterious and complex universe Moby!
Plus, the very-difficult-
to-work-into-a-show comic, emo Phillips!
And Richard crenna, right?
Uh, no. I put him in my mouth and ate him.
I'm kidding. Richard had to go. He had An appointment.
You know Richard.
You know Richard.
No, I don't know Richard.
Oh, go grapple with your lever.
Zorak, please play me to the desk, if you please.
Oh, excuse me.
Not now.
What do you want?
Well, my name's Moby, and I'm from New York City.
Where are you from?
I'm from outer space, Moby, home of the universe.
Are there any trouble spots in the universe
right now that you can talk about?
What did you think about the shoemaker-Levy comet
that crashed into Jupiter?
Shoemaker what-y?
The shoemaker-Levy.
It was a 3-stage comet that crashed into Jupiter.
Yeah, and they said that if a comet
like that hit-- was that on a Tuesday?
Because I think I had a guitar lesson that day.
Yeah, but you would think something like that
That's like being a policeman--
listen, I can't worry about every little snafu.
I have celebrities to talk to Like Moby.
Celebrities, huh? So celebrities are
more important than the safety and
well-being-- nobody cares, Moby.
Nobody cares.
No one.
Are you sort of new to this interview process?
Are you sort of new to this interview process?
I've been doing it for thousands of years, Moby.
Well, you can't tell.
Oh, wellThank you for the compliment.
It wasn't intended as one.
Well, sometimes those are the best compliments of all.
I tell you, Moby, it sure hasn't felt like thousands of years.
But I guess that's because on my planet, it's still only tues--
Tuesday?! My guitar lesson!
Hey Biscuit! Biscuit!
Not now!
Stuff you!
Stuff you, too!
Zorak's a villain, Moby.
And what about this lava character?
Another villain.
So if you're such a nice, benign
Feed off the flesh of humanoids to survive!
How come you surround yourself with so many miscreants?
This guy has got a nice, bony head.
I reckon.
Um I'll bet that bucket's got some treats inside.
Are you a vegetarian?
Not really.
Moltar, send out another tender celebrity for me to interview.
You ate Moby.
No, I didn't!
You sure about that?
Am I sure?
Moltar, I think I'd know if I ate a guest, ok?
Now, send him out here. It will be all right.
Huh Huh Uh Um, watch yourself out there.
Space Ghost is acting kind of funny.
You know what? Forget what I just said.
Go out there and have fun with it.
Dead man walking.
Hello, universe.
Welcome to my show, emo. How do you like deep space?
I like outer space.
In outer space,
no one can hear the audience scream.
Emo, you're uncommonly funny.
Where do you get your humorous ideas?
I've found You can often find humor
just by turning something upside down.
LikeA small child.
Once again, very witty, emo.
My compliments to you.
Zorak, you're an intelligent being.
Do you like riddles?
Stuff you!
I'd rather do a riddle.
What's green, obnoxious, plays the keyboard Zorak.
Don't give it away.
And, uh
Oh, forget it.
Emo, have you ever considered slathering yourself
in hot honey mustard sauce?
It hasn't come up yet
As opposed to the breakfast you guys provided for me.
I noticed you didn't finish your stuffing.
I'm very disappointed.
Why don't you finish it now?
I left the bowl down by your That's a boy.
And the butter. Don't forget-- there you go.
Greetings, citizen.
What the Yeah!
Whoo-hoo! Baby!
What's that schmeg on your face?
Anymore guests?
I got somebody on standby, but, uh I don't know.
Send him out. It'll be all right.
All right.
Oh Oh
Uh, do you have anyone thicker?
Haven't you had enough, Space Ghost?
More guests. More guests now.
Space Ghost-- bring me more guests!
Space Ghost, you're out of control.
You have a problem.
I'll tell you the problem.
The problem is the crummy service in this place!
I'm never eating here again!
Come on, zorak. We're leaving.
You need help. Butt out, Moltar.
Yeah, butt out, Moltar!
I can stop anytime I want.
Yeah? How about now?
Yeah? How about now?
Stop looking at me.
I'll need some tools I don't think I'd taste very good.
To crack the shell Crack the shell?!
Pinch the tail You don't want to do that.
SuckThe head.
I don't bathe. I carry many diseases. I, uh
Pinch the tail, suck the head!
Pinch the tail, suck the head!
Use the vest for a napkin Throw away the eyes.
Aw, shoot.
Moltar, you're looking rather Plump today.
Plump today.
Mm-mm. I'm out of here.
Hold it, boy!
You don't want me. I'll burn the roof of your mouth.
Not if I blow on you.
Aren't you full?
I'll make room.
No. No! No!
You want some?
No, I'm not into that kind of thing.
Suit yourself.
I just had the most horrible dream
In space!
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