Star Trek: Discovery (2017) s05e10 Episode Script

Life, Itself


Previously on Star Trek: Discovery
I want to be with you.
I do believe it would be only logical,
given this development, for us to
codify our mutual commitment.
Are you asking me to marry you?
We've been calling them the Progenitors.
They created life as we know it.
Life as in
Every humanoid species in the galaxy.
We have to get the Progenitors'
power and keep it safe.
And now we're on this quest
to find the thing that created us.
I mean, it's all so big.
What do you know about Breen leadership?
Succession, specifically.
Another Primarch controlled our planet.
Tahal. Put up a hell of a fight,
but I'm the only one of
my family that made it.
Our intelligence indicates
that one of the five Primarchs,
Tahal, intends to take
Ruhn's soldiers for herself
in order to strengthen her bid
for the throne of the Imperium.
RILLAK: We need some way
of stopping her fleet.
I would like to volunteer.
If the gesture is misunderstood,
it could be a suicide mission.
This isn't how our story ends.
The power we seek created life.
It can also renew life.
That is why we need to find it.
In the mindscape, I was
told that there would be
another obstacle
inside of the structure,
and I got information on how to beat it.
- What information, exactly?
- A phrase.
"Build the shape of the
one between the many."
A portable pattern buffer.
Once we find the tech,
learning how to use it could take time.
This will preserve
L'ak's body until then.
[WHISPERING]: I will bring you back.
BOOK: What the hell is that?
- BURNHAM: Some kind of portal.
It has to be what leads
to the Progenitors' tech.
- I have to go in there.
- Wait.
You do not know what is inside.
If I can't bring L'ak back,
I might as well be dead.
- BURNHAM: She's gonna go in.
- ARISAR: Moll, you need to learn more.
- Not yet. Moll! Wait!
RAYNER: Our captain is in there.
The Progenitors' tech is in there.
We're getting them both back.
Failure not an option.
Let's do this.
MOLL: I have to go in there.
ARSINAR: Wait. You do
not know what is inside.
MOLL: bring L'ak back
if I can't bring L'ak back,
I might as well be dead./i
BURNHAM: Come with me.
BOOK: Michael!
Discovery, do you read?
Do you read?
If you can hear me, I
made it through the portal.
And I cannot explain what
I'm looking at right now.
Readings don't make sense, either.
But I am picking up an energy signature.
There's this bright light.
That has to be where the
Progenitors' technology is.
Okay. I'm on my way to secure it now.
I haven't seen any of the
Breen that came in here.
Or Moll.
Computer, any life signs?
SUIT COMPUTER: Inconclusive readings.
Discovery, if you're
listening, there's a series of
I don't know what to call them, windows?
And they seem to be
gateways to other worlds.
Maybe they use this place as a lab
to test lifeforms in
different environments.
Or maybe that's how the Progenitors
seeded life throughout the galaxy.
Let's try this way.
- [BUZZ]
Burnham to Discovery, can you hear me?
Wait, we can help each other!
Hurricane windspeeds detected.
Stop it!
Computer, how much more of this?
SUIT COMPUTER: Windspeed dropping now.
Computer, tell me when
the next gust is coming.
Hurricane windspeeds detected.
Oh, hello, gravity.
BURNHAM: Come on.
- MOLL: Don't move.
Someone nicked your femoral vein.
Yeah, well, I bashed his helmet in,
so fair trade, I guess.
I'm gonna toss you
my dermal regenerator.
Close that up or you'll
bleed out within the hour.
I assume you know how to
get through this place.
What makes you think that?
You did the entire clue trail.
Must've learned something.
But I won't do it as your prisoner.
You're in no position to negotiate.
Neither are you,
if you want a chance to bring L'ak back.
Drop your weapon.
Or shoot me and spend
the rest of your life
trying to get out of here.
Your choice.
It's as good a deal as you're gonna get.
For now.
Let's go get what we came for.

RAYNER: Status report.
TILLY: Still no sign of Captain
Burnham from inside the portal.
RAYNER: Keep trying.
Commander Jemison, can you get
a transport lock on the portal?
Negative, sir, still
too much interference.
It's the gravitational fields.
Tractor beam is the only way,
and for that we have to be in range.
That'll take time. A lot
of debris to navigate.
Anybody have any good news?
The dreadnaught's damaged
from our trip through the shuttle bay.
We still have some time before
they're back in the game.
I'm guessing not much. Where's Tahal?
Her fleet will be here in 60 minutes.
That's our clock.
We need to get to the
portal and be gone by then.
Commander, the dreadnaught's
sending out fighters,
at least 40 of them.
All auxiliary power to shields.
Asha, stay on the portal.
Our mission does not change.
They're coming in now, weapons hot.
Discovery is running out of time.
Tahal will reach them in 60 minutes.
She cannot learn of
the Progenitors' power.
I believe my strategy will convince her
to turn her fleet around.
A strategy based on disabling
your shuttle's photon torpedoes.
Diplomacy cannot succeed if
both parties threaten violence.
You'll be defenseless.
I cannot in good
conscience order my officer
to take you on this mission.
Doesn't have to be an order, sir.
I volunteer.
The crew of Discovery
is family to us both, Admiral.
We must try,
and we have no other options.
NHAN: The pathway drive is
calibrated. We're good to go.
The Federation is counting
on you, Ambassador.
On both of you.
MOLL: No matter how far we walk,
we're no closer to
the end of the tunnel.
- How's that possible?
- It's not.
Nothing in nature is truly infinite.
So, what happens after we
find the tech? You shoot me?
Not if you let me have it.
If there's a way to bring L'ak back,
the Federation will make it happen.
After we learn how to safely use it.
I don't trust the Federation,
or the Breen for that matter.
But at least they have a vested interest
in getting me what I want.
I've seen the future
that's ahead for all of us
if we don't protect that power.
Only so much you or the
Federation can control.
But there's no way I'm letting
the Breen anywhere near it.
We'll see about that.
It doesn't have to be this way.
- Your choice, not mine.

JEMISON: Commander, I've
lost visual on the portal.
RAYNER: Find a way to get
it back. Stay on target.
RHYS: The Breen fighters
are gaining on us.
RAYNER: Asha, evasive action.
I can't lose them without going to warp.
If you go to warp, we lose Michael.
RHYS: Torpedo impact incoming.
Shields down to 60%.
Asha, I'm registering a large
region of high-energy plasma
orbiting around one of the black holes.
We're heading right for it.
- Meaning what?
- TILLY: If we create one spark too many,
the whole thing will blow. Not
a good idea to fly through there.
You don't have to
tell me twice. Hang on.
RHYS: Fighters are following us.
Damage report.
Moderate structural damage.
Minimal injuries. We can't
take much more of this, sir.
- This is like the avalanche all over again.
- Sir?
Q'Mau. Mission changed, Burnham saw it.
If we keep going, we'll never make it.
The Breen will get her and the tech.
Change of plans.
We take out the fighters
first, come back for the portal.
Give me a shuttle.
I'll get the portal,
you handle the Breen.
You wouldn't survive all
of five seconds out there.
With Discovery
distracting them, I can slip past.
Hey. Let me do this.
Linus, prepare a shuttle.
Aye, Commander.
Sir, our shuttles are
not designed to withstand
the level of radiation that's out there.
He'll need help.
Engineering, find a way for Booker
not to get irradiated to death.
Good luck.
Okay, so, uh, you attach
this to the deflector array
and it'll boost the shuttle's
built-in radiation protection.
But the thing is, a-at a certain point,
you just won't survive.
Thanks for the tip.
I mean, it-it will increase
the absorption capacity
of shields against high-velocity
subatomic particles for at
least an hour, so there's that.
CULBER: Hypospray coming in.
Book, you'll need this to counteract
- any radiation sickness.
- All right.
And I'm coming with you.
What? No, come on, it's too dangerous.
A pilot can always use
an extra pair of hands.
Hugh, what are you talking about?
Paul, this isn't a debate.
Book is going to need me.
I don't know how I know it, but I do.
There are black holes out there, Hugh.
I have to do this.
Hey. Ever since Jinaal, I've been trying
to figure out what it means,
this change inside of me,
or whatever it is.
I'm not sure if this will give
me the answers, but it might.
At the very least, I can help him.
I know I can.
I'm coming.
I'll be okay, I promise.
Okay, let's do this.
If we keep fighting like this,
we're both gonna end up dying in here.
You got a better idea?
Stand down.
I'll get us out.
I know what it's like to lose somebody
who means everything to you.
I do.
But thankfully
I got him back.
So I promise you
I will do everything in my
power to help you and L'ak.
But I need you to trust me.
And the Federation.
I give you my word.
All right.
All right.
How do we get through?
Weapons first.
Right boot.
You've been trying to get to it.
And your pattern buffer.
If there were weapons in there,
I'd have used them already.
Then why do you have it?
You have L'ak in there.
I needed to know he'd be safe.
Follow me.
Mr. Booker's shuttle is on its way.
Commander Asha, is Book in the clear?
The Breen fighters are
still on us. He's good.
All right, then. Time to
switch from defense to offense.
Sir, I-I have a kind of crazy idea.
No need to qualify it, spit it out.
Uh, there's way too many fighters for us
to pick them off one by one,
but I've been reviewing the
data from that plasma region.
I think there's a way for
us to use it against them.
Yes, it's genius.
If the fighters were to follow us in,
we could ignite the plasma
and take them all out at once.
We'd have to get out of
there before we lit it up.
The timing would need to be perfect.
RAYNER: It's us or them.
Set a course for the plasma.
Aye, Commander.
So, on every step of the
trail, finding the clue
required thinking like
the individual who hid it.
We have to do the same here
and think like the Progenitors.
They went extinct
four billion years ago.
But if you look around,
gravity and space function
differently in here.
It suggests that they may have
existed beyond the dimensions
that we do, so we have to
look beyond three dimensions
and find what's beyond what we can see.
The negative space here
at the edge of this light.
It's a shadow with nothing to create it.
I thought it was an optical
illusion at first, but
Holy shit.

NHAN: I have Tahal's
fleet on scans, Mr. Saru.
Disengaging pathway
drive. Ready to intercept.
SARU: On your mark, Commander.
NHAN: Hang on.
Coming into position now.
- They're arming weapons.
Primarch Tahal, this is Ambassador Saru
of the United Federation of Planets.
As you can see, our own
weapons are not armed.
We pose no threat. I
request an audience.
She will respond.
Okay, then.
Here we go.
Ambassador Saru, are you insane?
Not to the best of my knowledge,
but I do require your attention.
And this was necessary
as you failed to respond to President
Rillak's efforts at diplomacy.
The Federation has no role to play
in a conflict between Primarchs.
That would be true,
were a Starfleet vessel
not presently engaged
with a Breen dreadnaught.
Your arrival risks
escalating that conflict
into war with the Federation,
which will not serve your interests.
The most prudent choice
would be to return
your attention to the Imperium throne.
I am curious, why would you
engage with dreadnaughts
that are so vastly superior?
For that matter, why
would a Starfleet ship
do the same in the vicinity
of black holes, no less?
Something there must be of great
interest to the Federation.
It might be of interest to me as well.
You speak of maybes and mights.
I offer certainty.
If you reverse course,
the Federation will formally establish
a trade route from your border
through the L'Tar Nebula.
Your sole access to this route
would bolster your claim to the throne.
Your offer is of no interest.
You may depart.
This audience is over.
Sir, is that is that it?
Not at all. She gave me
the information we need,
now I must determine how we use it.
Where are we now?
Is the technology here?
We're standing on it.
The technology, it's this entire place.
Strange place for a pile of rocks.
BURNHAM: It's a monument.
One of the scientists was killed here.
Trying to use the power.
That center disc up there,
that's where we need to go.
It must sense our presence.
It's an interface.
- They move.
- No, stop, stop, stop, stop.
When I found the last
clue, I was given a phrase:
"Build the shape of the
one between the many."
I think these triangles are the many.
Nine. That's the number you
need to make a larger triangle.
The many building the one.
No, the message was "between
the many," not-not "with."
Could it be a translation error?
The scientists
they left messages with every clue.
They had cultural context.
They were honoring difference
and self-reflection.
It was all about
meaning. Deeper meaning.
Looking beneath the surface. I
It's definitely not an error.
We need to get this
back to the Federation
before we try to use it.
BOOK: Michael, do you read?
- Book?
- Do you read?
- I can hear you! Book?
- I'm in a shuttle with Hugh,
almost at the portal.
We're coming to get you.
- Book?
- Do you read?
- I'm in a shuttle with Hugh.
- Book?
Damn it.
I'll try to amplify the signal.
But I can't wait any longer.
I don't know how this thing works.
But I will figure it out.
And I will bring you back.
I promise.

The Breen are still in pursuit!
Entering the plasma region now.
Are all the fighters behind us yet?
- Negative, Commander, not yet.
BOOK: Discovery, we've
almost made it to the portal,
but something is happening to it.
Incredible. It appears
to be using the black hole
as some kind of power source.
If one black hole loses mass,
it'll throw the entire area
into gravitational chaos.
Booker, you have a gravity problem.
Try to secure the portal, we'll
be there as soon as we can.
- BOOK: Understood.
Last of the fighters
entering the plasma behind us.
- Rhys, you're up.
- Launching photon torpedoes.
- Did we get them?
We got 'em.
Every single one.
Tilly, get a team on repairs.
Asha, get us to the portal now.
- Aye, Commander.
- RHYS: Wait.
Sir, the dreadnaught's
back in commission.
It's heading directly
for Book and the portal.
They're gonna beat us there.
Can we jump ahead of them?
Negative, there's still too much
debris for us to land safely.
Asha, set a course to
intercept the dreadnaught.
Aye, Commander.
RAYNER: Book, Culber,
we handled the fighters,
but we have a dreadnaught problem.
They're headed your way.
We're going to intercept.
Grab on to the portal, we'll
get to you as soon as we can.
Whatever process just started,
it's pulling the portal
towards the black hole.
If we don't get to it before
it crosses the event horizon
Gone for good, I know.
We're in range. Engaging
the tractor beam now.
beam lock failure.
Tractor beam lock failure.
The portal's repelling the beam.
I don't understand.
beam lock failure.
Tractor beam lock failure.
subspace resonance frequency.
- What?
- 5.1732.
There are tens of
thousands of frequencies.
How could you possibly know that?
I know, I'm a doctor,
not a physicist, but
this will work.
I can't explain it, I just feel it.
Trust me, please.
Okay, Doc.
Come on.
beam lock successful.
Whoo! [LAUGHS]
How the heck did you know that?
Warning, proximity alert.
Well, we won't survive
much more of that.
Can you get us out of here?
Uh um, it's taking
all the power we need
to keep the portal steady.
So, what, we just hold on?
Michael's in there, we can't let go.
NHAN: Sir, we have a new
transmission from Tahal.
We have 30 seconds to leave
or they'll destroy us.
Primarch Tahal, I came
here because I believed
you would have the courage
to take a step toward a
future with the Federation,
but you are just as cowardly as
our admirals believed you to be.
We will leave now knowing that truth.
No, Ambassador, you will not leave.
You have sealed your fate.
If you take my life and
continue this expedition,
you will never claim the
throne of the Imperium.
I may have arrived as an
emissary of the Federation,
but I am Kelpien first and foremost.
My species are predators,
and I've studied you like prey.
Your bases in the L'Tar Nebula
were rumored in Federation intelligence.
Now I know they exist, or you
would have welcomed our help
to secure a trade route.
Clever, yet I fail to see
why that should intrigue me.
Because, Primarch, I have the ear
of numerous planets in that region.
Even now, many are preparing to
attack your bases without mercy
unless I order them to stand down.
They would lose thousands of lives.
And you will be weakened,
allowing the other Primarchs to strike.
That will cost you the throne.
The only way to avoid such an outcome
is to turn your fleet around.
You are bluffing.
You do not have this kind of power.
Don't I?
Look into my eyes and tell me if you see
even the slightest glimmer of doubt.
You are insane.
They're changing course.
Remind me to never play
you in Ferengi rummy.
Do you really think that's it?
She would like us to believe as much.
Take us out of warp.
We should cloak and watch carefully.
Discovery may yet need our assistance.
BOOK: Michael, we're all in danger.
Something happened.
Something the portal started doing
is causing gravitational chaos.
We've taken some damage,
but we are not letting go.
Book, if you can hear me, Moll is hurt.
Okay, I'm gonna get you out.
Gonna try to help all of you.
I just got to stop whatever
this portal is doing.
All right, okay.
"The shape of the one between the many."
The scientists figured
this out on their own,
and all they knew is what they saw.
Here, in this place.
Every clue has prepared us for this.
[SIGHS] One last test.
"The one between the many."
"The one between the many."
The shadow.
It's the negative space.
One between many.
In the negative space between them.

You're one of the Progenitors.
I've been waiting for you.
BURNHAM: How is this possible?
Aren't you
Dead? Yes.
My species went extinct
billions of years ago.
But our minds yours
and mine are here,
in this liminal space-time
adjacent to my own.
Why did you bring me here?
It is my duty to share instructions
on how to operate this technology.
It's going to take
you some time to learn.
- We should begin.
- Wait.
I'm sorry, uh
We'll definitely get to that, but
whatever's happening,
whatever this place is
doing to my space-time,
can it be stopped?
Yes, Moll, the person
that I came here with,
she used the interface,
she activated something,
it's altering gravity
in my space-time.
My crew, my friends,
they're all in danger.
You engaged the safety protocol,
but your friend Moll did not.
But she'll likely survive.
They all have time.
Wait, I
I don't know if you understand.
Time functions differently in here.
In your present moment,
the technology is merely
gathering the power
it requires to perform its function:
designing and creating life.
Can it be used to restore life?
A new being can replace a lost one.
But though the new replacement
would be genetically identical,
it would share none of its memories,
none of its fundamental essence.
Still, the speed of
creation is adjustable,
as is scale, if you wish to try.
Wait, if speed and
scale can be controlled,
somebody can use this
to engineer an army.
A brick is just a brick.
It can create a home
or destroy a body.
That's why we chose only to seed life.
You may have seen evidence of it
in the tunnel that brought you here.
Those were all worlds you created?
We found them here.
You found them?
You didn't build this?
We theorize that whoever created this
created us.
But perhaps it goes even further back.
A cycle of creators and creations,
countless times over,
this place predates them all.
I have something to show you.
Shields at five percent.
Radiation levels now
I'm holding on until
Discovery gets here.
Or this shuttle comes apart.
- You should let me beam you out.
- Book
You have a family, Hugh.
I'll go if I have to.
But I'm staying as long as I can.
How'd you know how to
grab it? The portal?
A memory of Jinaal's.
The scientists ran into the same problem
when they started to build
the Structure around it.
I thought you didn't have
access to his memories.
I don't.
This is the first time it's
ever happened, and I'm
I'm sitting here,
wondering: Why that one?
- Why now?
- BOOK: Right.
How did I know that I
had to come with you?
I was hoping for an answer, but
there isn't one.
Not long ago that
would've driven me crazy.
I remember.
It's still a process, but
maybe there's something
kind of beautiful about the mystery.
I don't know. I just
I'm glad I could help.

ETA to intercept is five minutes.
Commander, I have a call incoming.
It's Mr. Saru.
- Put him through.
- Aye, Commander.
Ambassador Saru, tell me
I don't have more to
worry about right now.
Primarch Tahal and her fleet
have reversed course, Commander.
However, she did leave a
scout vessel to continue on.
It is cloaked, presumably
intent on learning
what the Federation is so
determined to keep from them.
- We are following its course.
- Sir,
if that scout catches wind
of the Progenitors' tech,
Tahal's coming back here with an army.
I know.
SARU: If you must jump to safety,
we will pursue the
portal as best we can.
Hang tight. We'll get back to you.
Can't destroy the dreadnaught.
Can't let the scout report back either.
Only move take 'em both
off the field of battle.
But how?
Like Saru said, we jump.
Say we disable all the safeguards,
all of 'em, on the spore drive,
could we jump something
that's not Discovery?
Oh, no. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
Absolutely, absolutely not.
- Maybe.
- Uh, no. No way. It's impossible.
Well, in theory,
if we quantum-entangled the spores
And they were separated by distance
a-a-any distance, really
and Discovery were to jump,
then the spores would
behave as they always do
- By jumping whatever was between them.
- Yeah.
Is that a yes?
We'd need, uh, two poles
to extend the
entanglement field between.
Yes, yes, yes. We can
separate the saucer
from the secondary hull
and place them on either
side of the dreadnaught.
- Then do it. We've got three minutes.
- Two and a half, sir.
But who's counting? Get a move on.
Um, sir, uh, where do we jump them to?
The-the Breen, that is.
Galactic barrier.
Take 'em a couple decades to
get back, but they'll live.
That's more than they gave my family.
This is Commander Rayner.
We're gonna take a hell of a risk.
If it doesn't work, well
Good crew.
I appreciate the trust.
We ready?
OTHERS: Aye, sir.
CHRISTOPHER: Comm channel's open.
Ambassador Saru,
you got two minutes to get Tahal's scout
in the vicinity of the dreadnaught.
Understood, Commander.
Black alert.
Sounds like it's time
to decloak and open fire.
Invite the Breen scout to pursue.
Decloaking now.
BURNHAM: It's incredible.
PROGENITOR: I'm so honored
to share this with you.
You're only the second
being to make it to me.
The other was Dr. Derex.
A Betazoid, I believe.
She believed that
civilization wasn't ready
for this technology yet.
I agreed to wait if
she would build a path
to better prepare the next
visitor for the responsibility.
And that visitor is you.
You will become its steward.
No single being should
control this kind of power.
Dr. Derex and I discussed the path.
And you have traveled it.
You've learned its lessons,
and you've faced your darkest sides.
Yes, and I'm far from perfect.
I'm afraid.
Lost sometimes.
Every sentient being,
myself included,
is all of those things.
Yet some strive to be
the best of themselves.
I see that in you.
It's not just about me.
Right now
a battle is waging out there.
My crew is risking their
lives to protect this portal.
To protect us, to
protect this technology.
How can I
how can any one of us
know the right way to use it?
To bring peace and not more conflict?
That's a question only
a steward can answer.
You must ask yourself what
is most meaningful to you.
There are, of course,
many possible answers.
Some find meaning in the
advancement of science.
Some in devotion to duty.
Some through connection
and love.
Others in the beauty of the unknowable.
Some in family
and community.
- Or in their capacity for change.

Their strength in the
face of great challenges.
I found my meaning in
embracing difference.
You see,
we were alone in the cosmos,
a single sentient culture.
Our wish was to create
a diversity of beings
in the galaxy,
a richness of variation.
Now it is your turn to consider
what is most meaningful to you.
I have been struggling with that.
I trust that the answer
will become clear to you.
I need time
to think about this.
I, uh
I can't do that while
my friends are in danger.
Then I shall return you
to your present moment.
You may stop the technology
by removing your hands
from the interface.
It's that simple?
Important things often are.
We will finish your training when,
or if, you next join me.
So it's truly my choice to decide
whatever I think is right with this?
I have faith that you
will choose wisely.

Can you hear me? I need
to get you out of here.
[PANTING] What happened?
Can we save him?
Noth-nothing here
can bring him back.
I'm so sorry.
We need to go.
Come on.
Okay. Come on. Come on.
RAYNER: Booker.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Look,
what-whatever was happening, it stopped.
And we're picking up two
life signs inside the portal.
Locking on now.
[GASPS] We got them!
She needs medical. [PANTING]
Is Discovery okay?
BOOK: Beaten up but okay.
And you?
You okay?
I heard you in there.
Thank you for holding on.
RAYNER: Captain, we're
coming to get you.
Commander Stamets is ready
to receive the portal
- in the shuttle bay.
- Okay.
Have him meet me in my ready room.
You, too.
There's something I need
to share with all of you.
I found this guy wandering around.
Hello, Captain.
BURNHAM: Hello, Saru.
Look at you.
Why do I get the feeling
Action Saru came out today?
He may have.
STAMETS: Captain,
I've reviewed the data
from your tricorder, and
it is not hyperbole
to say that this is
the greatest scientific
discovery of our lifetime.
I met one of the Progenitors.
I saw the last four billion years.
And all the incredibly complex events
that had to happen for me to be alive.
For any one of us, each one of us
to be alive
right here, right now.
It was
And I realized
we already have infinite diversity
and infinite combinations.
There's no need for
this technology anymore.
Wait a minute, y-you
you're not saying
- we should leave it here?
- Oh, no.
It's too powerful for one person
or one culture to access or control.
I think
we need to let it go.
Captain, we have orders.
We need to study it.
W-we need to understand it. I-It
This is not about
your legacy, Commander.
- I didn't say mine.
- I'd give anything to see the look on Vance's face
- when you tell him that.
- We have a duty
- I understand.
- Stop.
The Progenitor trusted
me to make this decision.
I'll talk to the admiral
and the president.
I know they'll agree.
It's the right thing to do.
I get it mostly.
BURNHAM: I'll keep you all posted.
Hey, um
so this mission has been really amazing,
I mean, you learned a lot, right?
Maybe that's enough.
I mean, that's really
all you can control,
anyway, right?
When did you get so wise?
BURNHAM: This is Captain Burnham.
I want to commend you
all on a job well done.
In safeguarding this technology,
placing it beyond the event horizon,
we trust that what the
Progenitors created for us
is enough, and we trust
that those who came before,
who developed this power,
must have the ability to recreate it
should they still exist
and should they wish to do so.
- May I?
- Sure.
Not in the mood for a speech.
I just came to see how you were doing.
Well, I hear my brig has a window.
What's there not to be excited about?
You know, after I lost everything
I didn't know how
I'd find my way again.
But I did.
I hope you will, too.
Still not in the mood.
If ever you need me, I'll be here.
And who knows?
You know, maybe someday
you might even stop hating
the name Cleveland Booker.
Don't count on it.
How long will she be locked up?
Not sure,
but I have standing orders to bring her
to Dr. Kovich after.
Apparently, he has plans for her.
Dr. Kovich, you asked to see me?
KOVICH: I did.
I thought you should
know, the Red Directive
has been officially closed.
All records will be classified.
No one will know the technology existed.
I'm familiar with how
those things work now.
I heard you're gonna be
seeing Moll one of these days.
She's a capable individual.
I-I think she could prove useful.
She'll be given the choice, of course.
To take one of these, you mean?
I figured you'd want mine back, so
I've lived many years,
Captain, and many lives.
I've met few who have impressed me
but also aggravated me as much as you.
Keep it, just in case.
If I may, sir.
Kovich is a code name, isn't it?
Who are you, really?
My real name is a bit of a
Red Directive in and of itself.
Well, I'm familiar with those now, too.
Captain Michael Burnham,
USS Discovery.
Agent Daniels,
USS Enterprise and other places.
Nice to meet you.

May I present: the newlyweds.
Thank you all so very much.
Please enjoy.
I'm so happy for you both.
It was a beautiful, beautiful ceremony.
Thank you, Captain.
Now, I see all who are here,
and I cannot help but
think of the Progenitors,
our shared ancestor.
A reminder that we are all,
in the most fundamental ways,
We are. That we are.
Admiral, Madam President,
T'RINA: Thank you.
RAYNER: Captain, Lieutenant Tilly
was just saying we've inspired her.
Well, he's grown so much
since he's been on board,
and I was just saying
that your relationship
reminds me of me and Adira
but, well, with ages reversed
and, um, more crabbiness.
But the dynamics themselves,
that one-on-one connection,
it made me realize, that
is what we're missing
at Starfleet Academy:
a mentorship program.
So I'm gonna start one.
- That's a wonderful idea.
- RAYNER: I think so, too.
Did you just call me crabby?
Excuse me.
RAYNER: Cheers. To crabby.
- BOOK: Hey.
- You are late.
I know. Had a run-in with some
Talaxian pirates on my way back.
- Yeah.
- I'm glad you're all right.
- Me, too.
I think this is the most
dressed up I have ever seen you.
- You like it?
- Oh, very dapper.
- Why, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, that World Root from the Archive,
did you find somewhere to plant it?
Sanctuary Four. Same place
we took Molly. Remember?
Yeah, she almost ate
me, so, hard to forget.
She had a baby, by the way.
- [LAUGHING]: What? Really?
- Yeah.
- Well, that's great.
- Yeah.
Shall we?
Actually, I'd like to
talk with you first.
Alone, if you don't mind.
Well, um,
I just want to say thank you.
This mission helped me find my way.
I feel hope again.
And, as of yesterday,
my sentence is commuted.
I heard.
What's next?
You know, Grudge and I
are still figuring it out.
"Future" is still a bit of a scary word.
"Future" is a scary word for me, too.
But you're here.
You're alive.
That's more than a lot of people have.
I'm lucky and I'm grateful.
I was going to wait
until after the reception,
but we're here now,
and you should know
I never stopped.
You love me.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Possibly since the moment we met.
You were annoying as hell back then.
And you still loved me.
I did.
- Can we just do this?
You and me, no matter what?
And Grudge?
Unless you want your leg
clawed to bits in your sleep.
You and me and Grudge it is.
Impeccable timing.
Guess he's got another mission.
Would you want to?
- Could be fun.
- It might.
I'm sure Saru would understand.
Yeah, you got all dressed up, though.
So did you.
But, never hurts to look
good wherever you go.
What are we waiting for?
Let's see what the future holds.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Oh, smells good.
- And foam.
- Mm-hmm.
First ever from our
very own Gexara bees.
I wanted to surprise you.
Hang on.
Are you sad?
- Now you have wax in your coffee.
- And honey.
Could be tasty.
Could be.
- Mmm, it's not, but thank you.
BOOK: Big day.
I can always come with you.
That's okay.
Kind of feels like I should go alone.
It's because I put wax in your coffee.
Yeah, you're not allowed
to go anywhere with me
- ever again.
- COMPUTER: Sorry to interrupt, Admiral.
Your shuttle is arriving momentarily.
Thank you.
Hills for days, and all you
want is what you can't have.
It's fenced for a reason, Alice.
I tried to tell you.
I thought you'd be on your
way to Crepuscula by now.
Pushed a day so I could
be the one to come get you.
You didn't have to do that.
Yes, you did. Come here.
- I missed you, Mom.
I missed you, too.
BOOK: Hold up.
No hugging without me.
- BURNHAM: Oh, Captain.
- BOOK: Mm.
Really does suit you.
I'm trying to up my swagger a bit.
- How am I doing?
- Mm-hmm.
Let me just say, you
are your father's son.
Yes, you are.
I'll take it.
Go get that swagger on
in outer space, young man.
All right, I'll see
you in a couple of days.
Aye, aye, Admiral.
BOTH: One "aye."
Yes, ma'am.

LETO: Tilly says hi, by the way.
LETO: Yeah, ran into her
at Fed HQ when I was meeting
with Admiral Vance.
Did she tell you that, as of last week,
she is officially the longest
tenured Academy instructor ever?
Yeah, time flies.
Feels like I was a cadet
myself just yesterday.
It's okay to feel nervous.
Getting your own command.
I've been thinking
about what I'm gonna say.
That-that first speech to my crew.
I want them to be inspired, you know?
A long time ago, someone asked me
what was most meaningful to me.
I had always looked for it
in whatever mission I was on.
Of course you have no idea
what I'm talking about.
None whatsoever.
Those pips can bring pressure.
But they're supposed to.
And at the end of the day,
every member of your crew
has to find their own sense of meaning.
So, do you know how you'd
answer that question now?
Yeah, just being here.
You know
Sometimes life, itself,
is meaning enough.
How we choose to spend
the time that we have.
Who we spend it with.
And the family I found in Starfleet.
On Discovery.
In time,
you and your crew will
become family, too.
So you're saying I got this?
You do, Leto.
You do.
COMPUTER: Approaching
Starfleet Headquarters.

There she is.

Last dance.
I'm just glad I'm the one
leading her final mission.
And that I'll have a
chance to say goodbye.
ZORA: Welcome back, Admiral Burnham.
It's been a while.
It's been too long, Zora.
So happy to hear your voice.
I'm happy to hear yours, too.
If you don't mind my asking,
what exactly is our mission?
I'm gonna bring you to a set
of coordinates in deep space.
Then me and your crew will leave.
After that, you wait.
For what?
This is a Red Directive.
We both know how transparent those are.
I did hear a word in passing.
I'm not sure if that's
a person or a vessel or
Well, I'll find out eventually.
Really gonna miss you, Zora.
I won't see you again
after this, will I?
I'm guessing your wait will
be longer than my lifetime.
I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Everything ends someday.
But there will be a new
beginning when you come back.
You can find our descendants.
Meet the next generation of your family.
I would love that.
It has been a hell of a journey.
Indeed it has.
The Federation has so many
wonderful possibilities ahead
because of you and your crew.
Because of all of us.
I'm told we're nearly
ready for departure.
Perhaps you'd like to sit.
Feels like home.
TILLY: Captain on the bridge.
SARU [MUFFLED]: Captain.



So many memories.
For us both.
All right.
Are you ready, Zora?
I am.
Last time, then.

Let's fly.

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