The Circle (2020) s05e10 Episode Script

The Hunt For The Hacker

["Single Life" by Cameo playing]
Single, single ♪
[Buteau] What's good, Circle fam?
Guess what.
Life ♪
[Buteau] We started another day
up in The Circle,
and our single-ish players are waking up
after their sexy safari party.
-[Oliver yawns]
-Single guys, clap your hands ♪
[sighs] Good morning, Circle.
[Buteau] And like at any good party,
honey, there was some heat.
I just like having fun ♪
I'm not gonna lie. Chaz is cute to me.
I am very impressed with his steelo.
I think he is smart, handsome, nice,
all those things
that make a girl feel good, okay?
He is, to me,
the strongest player right now.
[Buteau] Well, honey,
there's another strong player in here,
and I don't mean
just 'cause she's powerlifting.
Innocent Aunty Jen used her hacking powers
to chat to Sam as Chaz,
and she threw all that shade at Tamira.
[Xanthi] We just continue forward,
go about our day,
acting normal and innocent.
Going forward with Tamira,
I'mma keep it cute.
But if you cross my path,
and you say, "What's up," I'mma say hi.
But in the next ratings, sis,
you not going to be high at all, at all.
She better hope and pray
that I don't get influencer.
[Buteau] Wow,
catfish genius Jennifer's plan
is coming together nicely.
I wonder what she's plotting now.
Do 15 jumping jacks. [panting]
[Buteau] Maybe that's catfish genius code.
Anyway, she about to start a chat
with tower-dwelling Tom.
We just haven't chatted
with Tom in a while.
He seems like he's getting
really chummy with Chaz,
and he blocked Sasha,
so I don't know what's going on.
[Xanthi] I mean, this is a game.
We do need to know where Tom's head's at.
Circle, open a private chat with Tom.
Message, "Hey, my little sugar pop."
"I'm so proud of you
on becoming an influencer."
"#WereOnOurWayUp. Red heart emoji."
"How did it feel being number one?
Star-eye emoji." Send.
Well, that is a very good opening message.
She's still talking about us
as a "we." That's great news.
I'm going to show her all the love back
and be very doting.
Message, "Thank you so much.
You are my number one always."
You tell all the girls that, Tom.
Aw, Tom, I see what you're doing there.
It's working just a little bit.
I feel like we're a married couple
just having our nice morning coffee,
and I'm reading the papers.
Message, "Us being rated so highly
was so exciting,
but it was definitely pressure."
[Xanthi] "I don't feel I handled
the revolution revelation perfectly,
but I'm still confident
we're in a good spot."
I think this is a perfect transition
to, "I'm not feeling so hot with Tamira."
Message, "Speaking of the revolution,
Tamira has become a liability
Dot, dot, dot."
"She reached out yesterday
to point the finger at me
for calling her two-faced
in the Savage Questions game."
It's interesting to know
Tamira has made a play for her.
Message, "That's odd from Tamira."
"You handled the two-faced question
as sensitively as you could."
"I don't think you need to worry,
but it's good that I know."
[Brett] I love that.
[Xanthi] Message, "Thanks, Tom."
"I appreciate you always.
Chat soon, my dear."
"Kissy face emoji."
We like this?
-I love this.
[Tom] I trust this woman.
Me and Jennifer are solid.
[claps] Jennifer, I love you.
[Xanthi] I like that Tom
kind of had our back
and reassured us, you know,
"I wouldn't worry about it."
Jennifer, I got you. You got me it.
In it till the end.
[Buteau] Aw, it's so nice
to see players really goin' the distance
to nurture their relationships up in here.
Anyway, here's Marvin,
and he's an expert in that stuff,
and he's about to show us why.
I apologized to Raven last night,
and I think it's just right
that I apologize to Tamira as well.
Oh shit.
Let's see what he has to say, I guess.
Message, "Hey, Tamira,
hope you are doing good."
"I have had a lot on my mind lately,
and I just couldn't figure out
the right way or time to tell you."
"When you came into The Circle,
I was talking to someone else"
"but rather than tell you
I had a serious connection with Raven,
instead I got carried away
by how beautiful you are."
-[humorous music playing]
Thinking with that dick.
"I am truly sorry for misleading you."
"I honestly didn't mean
to hurt your feelings"
[Tasia] "and I hope you can find
a place in your heart to forgive me."
My feelings ain't hurt. [laughs]
I am a lesbian at heart. [chuckles]
My girl is waiting for me back at home.
Oh man. Marvin!
Man, I really made a mess this time.
I see him trying to apologize,
but in reality,
I really feel like he's only apologizing
because he got caught.
Oh, Tamira. "Thank you for letting me know
about your previous connection with Raven,
but I am curious
if you are only saying this now
because you got caught up
in the Savage Questions game?"
"Question mark."
"You are completely right."
"The Savage Questions game
triggered me to speak up,
and I'm glad that I did,
because I don't want to hurt you
and Raven anymore."
Marvin is scared right now.
I'm really curious
if he's talked to Raven,
and if Raven bought this shit.
[Marvin] "Did you also reach out to Raven
and apologize to her?"
"It takes a real man to come forward
to both women in this situation."
Perfect. This is good. This is good.
Message, "My goal to you and Raven
is to be completely honest and open."
"I reached out to Raven last night,
and I told her everything
just as I am telling you now."
[Tasia] "I could sleep better
knowing that Raven forgave me."
"Could you please find it in your heart
to forgive me?"
Raven seems like
she'd be like, "Oh, I forgive you,"
and she's like, "Nah, bitch,
I see you for who you really are."
My fingers are crossed that
that is how Raven's playing it.
Because that's how I'mma gonna play it.
Message, "Marvin,
I appreciate you coming forward
and telling me the complete truth."
"You stepped up to right your wrongs."
"Sleep peacefully tonight
as I forgive you."
"Smiley face emoji."
This is good right now. Oh my God.
I'm hoping that he takes this like, "Yes!
I got her. She forgives me. We're good."
I'm finally making things right
with Tamira and Raven.
That feels so good.
I think that this was
the best way I could play it.
I'm loving this.
Marvin, you are doing the right thing.
Good job.
Good job.
[Buteau] Look at Marvin giving himself
a high five for a job well done.
Now, after Oliver shot his shot with Chaz
at last night's party,
Raven wants to play Circle Cupid.
And instead of firing arrows,
she's firing chat invites.
"Raven has invited you
to the Work Hard Twerk Hard Group Chat"?
[Oliver] Mmm.
[squealing] Oh my God!
Chaz, you've caught me
at the perfect indecent moment.
[laughing] Oh my God!
I am engaged,
but I came into this game single,
and I have not been able
to use that to my advantage,
and Oliver has already thrown out there
that he's attracted to me in a way,
so this could be
very beneficial right now.
[Paris] "'Good morning, boos.'"
"'I don't know
if you two had the chance to chat,
but I thought it would be a great idea
to make a group chat
with my favorite people.'"
"'Two heart emojis.' Send."
Message, "I knew you were my sis,
and you were gonna stick to your word
in blessing me with an introduction
to your bestie Chaz."
"Chaz, how are you, my friend?"
"Eye emoji, smiling emoji." Send.
[Chaz laughs]
He is definitely, like,
feeling me right now.
"Oliver wastes no time."
Oh! Okay!
Message, "Good morning, bestie.
Red heart emoji."
"I'm so happy to be in this chat
with you two."
"Oliver, thank you
for the name-drop last night."
"Handsome face and thicc cake.
Eyeball emojis."
"Tongue sticking out emoji,
tongue sticking out emoji." send.
[screams excitedly]
I'm spitting game right now, yo.
I am spitting game.
Like, I'mma make Oliver come and chase me.
Like, you want me?
Come and get me. Come and get me.
Message, "Chaz, I have always respected
how you've moved in this game."
"From your photos,
I felt you and I could have a good time."
"And of course I had to rap about you,
because I wanted to let you know
I had my eyes on you."
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes! I love this. I love this right now.
"Oliver got game, baby."
It just got hotter in this tub, I promise.
My fiancé is going to have
a field day with this shit.
Luckily my fiancé is so cool.
He is so laid-back.
We're gonna laugh at this,
maybe even invite Oliver over for a drink.
#NoThreesomesThough. [laughs]
"Like, I don't even know
what else to say at this point."
"They've already started the conversation
with each other."
"Y'all don't need me anymore." [sniffing]
"I already feel like the third wheel."
[laughing] Okay, Raven goes,
"Well, looks like my work here is done."
"Heart emoji. Smiley face emoji.
Y'all don't waste no time."
"#WingWoman. #Cupid. #ImGood."
[shouting] "I'll leave you boos to it."
[Paris] "Circle, please leave the chat."
[laughing] Oh!
This is what a best friend does.
"Oliver, meet Chaz. Chaz, meet Oliver.
Yes? All right. See you later. Bye."
[Buteau] Oliver is swooning over here,
giving me Home Alone face in a hot tub.
Message, "Oliver, thank you
for your kind words."
"Your confidence is so sexy."
"I have my eyes on you as well."
"Maybe it's possible
that we can have more than"
[shouting] "just a good time."
[shouting] Oh my God. Where's this going?
Don't get caught up, Oliver.
Pull it back, bring it back, and think.
How can we go with this
but still make sure
you're walking in your mission?
Okay, message, "Ooh, Chaz!
Boy, you better stop!"
"I'm currently in the hot tub on the roof,
and that message
almost made me spill my drink."
[Chaz] "and that massage
almost made me spill"
Oh, "and that message."
Oh, look at me. "That massage." [laughs]
Let's roll with it, baby.
I'm with it. Let's roll with ii.
Message, "Damn. No invite to the hot tub?"
"I still have some leftover
champagne and strawberries
if you want me to bring it up."
[Oliver] "Eggplant emoji.
Eye-covered emoji."
I was so ill-prepared for this.
I like to flirt. I am a flirt.
I just find it to be so, like, enticing,
and the fact that I can't even see him
makes it even better,
because I can flirt as much as I want
and not have to be shy about it.
I don't know
if this is part of his strategy
to knock me over the head
with his hard eggplant. [laughs]
[laughing] I gotta stay focused!
I think it will definitely help me
in my game
if I can get Oliver on my side
for all the right reasons.
Circle, take me to The Body photo album.
I want him to see
what he is missing out on.
[Chaz] Whoa. He did not just send me that.
He goes, "So sorry you're not here."
"As a forgive-me-please, here is a photo
of what I'm wearing right now."
Oh shit.
I hope he's real. Please let him be real.
I just want to touch him just one time,
just one time. [laughing]
[Buteau] Can we switch that hot tub
to cool for a few minutes?
[high-pitched] Oh!
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] It's a constructive day
in The Circle.
Oliver's been building
on his flirty relationship with Chaz
Marvin's building his education
of numbers and colors
Oh no.
and I'm building your anticipation for
Wait for it. Wait for it.
-Okay, just go.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[dramatic music playing]
-Take it easy on us, Circle.
-Oh God! It's ratings now?
-I'm not feeling good about this.
All right, first to seventh, baby.
So even Oliver's in the game.
No one's safe.
I've been working hard in The Circle,
trying to get friends,
and now it's time
for me to see how it all plays out.
I really apologized to Raven and Tamira,
so hopefully that helps.
After finding out everything
that I found out yesterday,
I was ready to do a ratings
right then and there.
So I'm very sure about what I need to do.
-Circle, open my ratings.
-Circle, take me to my ratings.
And so
the games begin.
Circle, place Raven in the first position.
I mean, ever since I got in The Circle,
I and Raven has had
a very good connection.
She saved me once in The Circle.
It's only fair I rate her number one.
So the player I'm gonna put in first place
is the amazing Raven.
Out of all the people I've spoken to,
she is the only one telling me
that she cares about our friendship
and wants me to be in cahoots with her.
[Paris] "Circle, please put Sam
in the first position."
"Sam is the only person other than Chaz
who I trust a lot in The Circle,
and I would like
to see Sam become an influencer."
Circle, I'd like to place Raven
in my first position.
Raven is always gonna be my bestie,
and she's definitely gonna always be
my number one.
Circle, I'd like to place Chaz
in first position.
I don't doubt you for a second.
You could've kept any information
to yourself and played a selfish game,
but you looked out for me,
and I'll look out for you.
Go ahead and put Oliver in my first spot.
He really just seems
like a nice, genuine person.
I'mma go ahead and put Chaz
in the second place position.
I had an exhilarating time
talking to him earlier,
and I feel like
I need to keep this energy going
and protect him,
because I do believe,
if he is an influencer,
he'll protect his beauty, me.
Circle, we're putting Sam
in our second position.
She's Jennifer's second bestie
in the game,
she's been openly loyal to Jennifer,
and I trust Sam.
And don't forget,
after our little hacker maneuver,
we know that Sam's number one target
right now is Tamira.
Sam, if she becomes the influencer,
will take Tamira out for us.
Circle, please lock in Marvin
for my third place rating.
In fourth place, we'd like to put Oliver.
In fifth place, I wanna put Tom.
I'm putting Tamira in sixth place.
In last place goes Jennifer.
I still feel like Jennifer
has something against Tamira.
She said I was two-faced,
said she didn't know where I stand.
If Jennifer is an influencer,
Tamira's going home.
[Paris] "I'm placing Marvin
in the seventh position."
"While I appreciate Marvin's
apology to me, I still don't trust him."
Circle, I'd like to place Tamira
in seventh position.
I really thought you were real.
Everything about you seems so suspect.
I don't wanna play a game
with somebody who plays the game like you.
Hopefully, I'm not the only one
that sees that.
I feel like Tom really betrayed me
when he bad-mouthed me
in front of the other players.
I am hurt by what Tom did,
and maybe he really wants me
out of The Circle.
For that reason,
I'm placing Tom in the last position.
Circle, in my seventh place,
please put Marvin.
He knows I'm after him. I also think
his conduct is suspicious and wrong.
I've had a bad feeling from him
ever since the start.
He is definitely my least favorite person.
-Circle, submit my ratings.
-[Oliver, Tom] Please submit my ratings.
[high-pitched] Oh my God, it's done!
I hope I made the right choices.
I'm trying to spin three plates at once.
I'm trying to protect my main woman.
I'm trying to destroy my biggest rival.
I'm trying to survive myself.
I think I did a good job
at putting everybody
that I need to put in the right spots
to make sure that I stay here.
[Xanthi] I'm super happy with these.
[Brett] Honestly, this is probably
my most confident ratings we've ever done.
I don't think
Jennifer's getting blocked tonight.
I mean, I did some damage control,
but I don't know if that's going
to help me this time around,
so I just need to keep my fingers crossed
and hope
that these people rate me really good.
[pop music playing]
[Buteau] You know what I rate really good,
Marvin, my man?
Number one, indoor catfish aerobics.
Open up, 'cause the airplane's going in.
[both mimicking airplane engine revving]
[both laughing]
[Buteau] Number two, when people check off
bucket-list achievements.
[party music playing]
Yes! Curious Cats, baby!
I finished that shit!
[shouting] Yes!
First puzzle ever! Let's go!
[Buteau] Number three,
Sam doing absolutely anything.
And number four, one of these.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[exclaims] Oh!
[both] "Alert!"
[Sam] Ouch!
I could have choked, Circle.
What could it be? Come on, Circle.
Let us know what is going on right now.
[dramatic music playing]
"The player"
Wait. What the fuck?
[whispers] What?
"Players, there has been a hacker
in The Circle"?
[sarcastically] A hacker? Who could it be?
What does that mean?
[shouts] I'm like,
"What the fuck is going on?"
What do you mean there's been a hacker?
Alright, hackers. What do hackers do?
They break into things.
Did some
Did somebody take over an account?
"One chat in the last 48 hours
was not as it seemed."
[dramatic music intensifies]
What the fuck is happening right now?
Like, what is actually
I I I don't I don't
Pfft. [laughs]
[Paris] "I had a lot of chats, Circle."
"The hacker had the power
to pose as another player in that chat."
Oh my goodness. Now I'm questioning
every chat with everybody.
I'm thinking over every mistake I've made.
I'm thinking over
every connection I've tried.
I feel like somebody
just opened up my phone
and went through all of my messages.
Like, who the hell told you
to read my messages?
What if somebody hacked and played as me?
"The hacker no longer has this power."
[Paris] "So, what you gonna do
with that information, then? Huh, hacker?"
You only need a couple of minutes
to stir some shit up, Circle.
"Their identity will never be revealed."
Oh, thank God.
Oh, I thought they were about
to drop a bomb, dude.
[laughing] I almost peed my pants.
-"This is some sneaky shit, Circle."
-The Circle not gonna tell us who it is.
And I know nobody gonna own up to it
that they was being a snake.
Someone has now got
a severe advantage over everyone else.
They're in the know.
More than likely, you'd probably choose
your enemy and destroy their reputation.
[Sam] I just hope
that whoever the hacker was
didn't drag me into any BS.
Tom really saved me in The Circle,
and then he betrayed me
over the Circle Chat.
That could have been the hacker.
I need to talk to Jennifer.
I need to see if she was
who I really talked to yesterday.
If it was, then cool.
But if it wasn't her
then somebody played me, dog.
If anybody knows me
and had a weird conversation with me,
you'll know that that was not Chaz.
Couldn't have been my conversation
with Chaz.
There's no way that conversation was fake
because only Chaz and I know
Jennifer knows that me and Chaz
call each other husband and wife.
But she's the only one that knows that.
Does it really matter
if they think it's Jennifer?
It's gonna matter
if they find out it's Jennifer.
Jennifer doesn't have
any bad blood with anybody,
especially Chaz.
So if they find out that Chaz got hacked,
it's more likely to point the finger
at someone who has a problem with Chaz.
[Sam] If that conversation with Chaz
was a hacker conversation,
whoever it was
literally just made me rank Tamira low.
There's no way. I have to believe
that was Chaz. I have to.
I have to believe that was Chaz.
He called me wifey.
I don't wanna I can't believe that.
[softly] It can't be.
No. I don't wanna believe that.
We need to figure out a way
where the trail
doesn't land back to Jennifer
[Buteau] I'd be nervous
if I were the hacker right now,
and I'd be more nervous
if there was a cybersecurity expert
in The Circle,
and I'd be even more nervous
if they were about to start
a private chat with me.
You see where I'm going here?
Oh, "Tamira has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh shoot! Why?
You know what? I fucking hate hackers.
They keep me employed,
but God damn it, they also fuck with you.
Circle, take us
to private chat with Tamira.
Message, "Hey, Jennifer,
after seeing that there was a hacker
in The Circle,
I wanted to follow up with you
and see if it was really you
that I talked to yesterday." Send message.
Yes, Tamira, that was Jennifer.
Message, "Hi, Tamira. Red heart emoji."
"This hacker thing is ridiculous.
It was you and I in the conversation."
"I hope today we can start
on a better note."
"I was definitely planning
on reaching out."
"What's on your mind, love?"
Okay, perfect. Perfect.
[Tasia] Okay, so, message,
"Phew. I did not get hacked.
Laughing face emoji."
"With there being a hacker in The Circle,
I just wanted to validate
you were who you said you were yesterday."
"You said
you were planning on reaching out,
so I'm curious, what's on your mind?"
Also, Tamira mentioned,
"Okay, phew, so I didn't get hacked."
We could also say, "Thank God.
That means neither did I."
Do you want to say that?
No. Because then it's like,
"Okay, Tamira didn't get hacked.
Jennifer didn't get hacked."
That's one person closer to them
understanding that Chaz got hacked.
I don't wanna give her any information
she doesn't need to know.
There's no need for her to know
we didn't get hacked.
[Xanthi] Right, this is either gonna go
really well or really bad again,
but we're just gonna kill her
with kindness once again.
Okay. Message,
"Yesterday was
a very emotional conversation."
"It upsets me that you may have
the wrong impression."
"Red heart emoji."
"My intentions are
to make everyone feel included
and give them a safe space
to come chat with their Aunty Jen."
"Are you still up for some #JenAndJuice?"
Girl, no. Hell no.
I like that.
Are you still up to fix this?
[Tasia] She has deliberately excluded me
in my opinion.
Let's tell her the truth.
Message, "I appreciate the fact
that you're saying this."
"It did hurt my feelings that someone
I felt we would have so much in common
was excluding me."
"If you agree,
I'd love to wipe the slate clean."
Done deal.
-That's exactly what we wanna do.
[Tasia] "This is sounding
like music to my ears."
"Of course
we can consider the clean slate."
"Please feel free to reach out
whenever you need a friend."
Yep. I don't feel bad
about putting her in last.
Circle, you can leave this chat.
"Tamira has left the chat."
So then who got hacked?
Somebody has information out there.
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and Sam's tongue,
I mean, it's working so hard
it should be paying taxes. Okay, girl.
[Buteau] Circle, give her
something else to do.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all, in commotion] "Alert!"
-[Marvin] "Alert!" What?
-[exciting music playing]
-"We going to church!" [chuckles]
[Chaz] Oh my gosh. Here we go again.
"The rating results are in."
[nervously] "The rating results are in."
I am not ready to see this.
If I come last place again,
this is just terrible.
Circle, please take me
to the rating results.
In eighth position
Please don't let it be me.
I need to be high in the ratings,
so this way,
I know the hacker didn't mess with
With me at all.
We definitely want it to be Tamira.
I wanna see anybody in eighth,
but not Tamira.
I apologized to Raven and Tamira.
I hope that changes things.
-[suspenseful music playing]
[shouting] No!
-[angrily] Why?
-[banging on table]
Just give me a reason! [laughs]
-Wow! Jennifer bump, baby!
-That means it worked.
That means it worked.
That's what I'm talking about!
I'm not eighth place!
Fuck, dude. This is balls.
This sucks so bad.
[Tom] I'm really hoping it's Marvin.
He can't have done enough
to rebuild that damage. He can't have.
I succeeded in not being eighth place
and definitely don't wanna be
in seventh place.
Just don't be Jennifer.
That would be a big jump
from third place to seventh.
That would.
[Paris] "I better not see my picture
in seventh."
Please don't be me.
Oh my God, man! I'm in the bottom again.
Oh, what is happening?
-Oh shit, Marvin.
-[gasps] Marvin!
Okay, that's That's good. That's good.
That means he still has
a lot of people after him.
"I'm not shocked
that Marvin is here in seventh."
Seventh place
is just as bad as eighth place.
I am trash right now.
He's burned a lot of his bridges
that he could have carried on with,
and then I've been messing him up
behind the scenes. [chuckling]
Man, these guys in The Circle are fake.
Please be Jennifer
so I can at least be happy
about something.
I want it to be Raven.
I think sixth position
is between Jennifer and Oliver.
I was fifth last week.
It's too close. It's too close.
Calm down, bitch. Calm yourself down.
I knew it.
I knew Jennifer was gonna be rated lower
this time around.
-[exhales forcefully]
-I knew it. I knew it.
[screams] Jennifer?
"I'm confused."
I really thought you'd be higher, Jen.
Why? What have you done wrong?
Something's going on,
and now clearly
there's people out to get Jennifer.
Obviously, I'd like to be higher,
but I do think
this is probably gonna be me now.
I could see Sam potentially.
You could give it to me.
I was fifth last week.
I am okay with that.
Me. Yeah.
This is where Chaz, Raven, and Sam
are coming on top.
This is what Sasha was talking about.
Tom. [sighs]
Tom really betrayed me.
So for that reason,
I don't really mind
him being in fifth place.
I don't know
if Tom would've saved me again,
but I still don't want him to be this low.
We might be screwed.
[Tom] The fact that Jen and I
have both dropped there is quite alarming.
If they put two and two together,
they'll think it's either Jennifer or Tom
who was the hacker.
[Paris] "In the last ratings,
I placed fourth."
"I wouldn't be mad
if I placed fourth again."
I don't want fourth.
Please be Chaz. Please be Raven.
I wanna be in a number one,
even two position.
[inhales] It's me.
Okay, that makes me feel great.
[shouting] Oliver baby!
[Oliver] I'm not an influencer,
but I'm not at the bottom.
I'm okay with this.
Shoutout to my Circle flirt. [chuckles]
I thought Ollie would be more popular.
First time being rated,
and he's up there with the OG's.
We have Sam, we have Raven, and myself
in the top three.
So I'm feeling like I can breathe again.
That power three really are
all sticking themselves up at the top.
The top three
are the runners of The Circle now.
Three's my favorite number.
I was born on the third, so three is good.
-Personally, I hope this is Raven.
-"Oh my God. Oh my God."
What the hell?
[mimicking a siren]
Oh, wow, it's me. Wow, okay.
I'm I'm in the top two?
I'm an influencer?
I am gonna cry.
I'll take third and take my deep breath
based on the fact
that Sam and Raven are in the top two.
Do you know what?
I feel like that's not bad news for me.
I feel like it could be
disastrous news for Marvin.
Oh my goodness.
I'm a bad influence,
but I'm an influencer!
[Paris] "Let's go for first."
[banging on dresser]
[both screaming]
Go ahead, sis!
Look at us.
I'm serving this. You serving this.
Yes, Raven!
Back up on that number one spot.
I'm glad I asked for her forgiveness,
and hopefully she might just give me
a chance in The Circle.
[shouting] I got a blue check!
[Paris] "The queen has
her blue influencer tick back."
To be an influencer
at this stage of the game.
Oh, I cannot wait.
[mellow music playing]
[Buteau] As most of the players
are taking some time
to process those rating results
-[hands slap]
-[Marvin sighs]
[Buteau] my girl Raven is baking a cake
just made out of butter
[Buteau] and first-time influencer Sam
is showing her wild side
by finishing a puzzle
with a side of salsa.
She's also about to check in
with her gusband Chaz.
Message, "Gusband, I cannot believe it."
"I think it goes without saying
you don't have anything to worry about,
but I do need your advice."
"You've been in this position before
and keep what's best
for the group in mind."
"#ITrustYou." [laughing]
Oh! My baby!
Guide me, Sensei, please,
with your great knowledge.
Message, "My blue-tick wifey,
my best advice is
to think about all of the players
you don't want here. What are the facts?"
"Have they done enough to impress you?
Are they beneficial to you?"
"And last but not least,
do they add value to the group?" Send.
Those are all great questions to ask.
"What are the facts?
Have they done enough to impress me?"
"Are they beneficial to me?"
Message, "Yo, what are your thoughts
on this #CircleHacker?" Send.
Message, "It really threw me off
seeing that there was a hacker."
"I've only spoken to you and Oliver,
and both of those conversations were"
[tense music playing]
[Chaz] Sam, you did not talk to me.
I already wrote my fucking notes down.
I have her name right here with an X.
I never spoke to Sam.
Yo, somebody posed as me, bro!
Message, "Sam, the only players
I spoke to in the last 48 hours
were Jennifer, Marvin, and Raven.
All three of those chats were private."
Capital letters,
"Somebody hacked my profile."
[tense music playing]
Message, "You cannot tell me
that it wasn't you."
"Who have you told that you call me wifey?
Swear to me that it wasn't you."
Nobody knows that Sam is my wife.
I never told nobody this, not even Raven,
and Raven is my best friend.
Whoever that person was
knew to call me wifey.
Who could you have told?
Who have you told?
Message, "Yo, I put this on everything,
it was not me you spoke to."
"Nobody even knows that you're my wife,
not even Raven."
"That's always been on the down low."
"What were the details
of this conversation?" Send.
Message, "Whoever it was made it clear
to me that Tamira was not to be trusted,
that she was just as guilty
of this rebellion as Sasha was."
"I've never told anyone
that you and I were married."
"I'm literally floored." Send.
I feel like somebody just violated me.
I feel so violated right now.
Who would do that?
The only person Okay, hold on.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Only time I've ever addressed you
as gusband outside of our private chats
was with Jennifer.
Message, "GTFOH."
"The only time that you and I
have ever exchanged these nicknames
in front of anyone was
in the group chat with Jennifer."
"Could Jennifer have been the hacker?"
Yo. Yo, yo.
So you mean to tell me
Jennifer was the hacker?
Chaz will be the perfect person to hack
because everyone loves him.
It makes sense.
So whatever it is that happened
in this revolution newbie rebellion group,
maybe Tamira wanted nothing to do with it,
and to save face, Jennifer and Tom said,
"Okay, we got to get rid of Tamira
before she exposes us all."
And I rated Tamira last.
I feel like an idiot. Sorry, Tamira!
[Chaz] Message, "I think it might be smart
if we invite Jennifer to this chat." Send.
It's literally the only way,
because we can speculate all night long,
but you gotta block somebody tonight, Sam.
And I think it's better to have facts
instead of speculations.
"Chaz has invited you to a group chat."
With who? Oh my God. All right.
All right. All right. All right.
Circle, take us
to the group chat with Chaz.
Oh God.
What is this group chat and with who?
[screaming, laughing] I can't.
Bro, what is going on right now?
-[laughing] I can't. I can't.
-[laughing] No! No. No.
Message, "Hi, cool Aunt Jen.
I invited you to this chat
because we found out
there was a Circle hacker."
"Sam mentioned she had a conversation
with me in the last 48 hours."
"Also, no one knows that Sam is my wifey
except you from our last group chat."
"I think you know
what I'm trying to ask you."
-[softly, laughing] Oh shit.
At this point, I just need to know
if Jennifer used my profile.
All right. Settle down. Settle down.
Game plan. Game plan.
Game plan. Game plan. All right.
We can mention that we said
Chaz and Sam are wifey and hubby,
so other people do know
about the wifey and gubby thing.
[Brett] Message, "Hi, Chaz and Sam.
Red heart emoji."
"I totally understand
where you guys are coming from,
and I respect the fact
that you came to ask me first,
but I'm a little bit offended."
"In my decline to the newbie revolution,
we were asked if we had any connections,
and I had mentioned that my loyalty was
to Chaz and his wifey, Sam."
Oh, so she mentioned it to them.
She's lying. She's lying.
The newbie revolution chat happened
before we had our group chat. She's lying.
Message, "Jennifer, I've always
looked at you as a genuine friend."
"I was offended when I found out,
in a group setting,
that there was a possible group forming
that could put my position at risk,
that you were aware of, yet you said
nothing to me about it." Send.
-[Xanthi] Oh God.
-[Brett] No way.
But how are we supposed to get ourselves
out of this situation?
This is the We're doomed.
Yes. Let's get to the bottom of this.
All right, message,
"What's also interesting, Sam,
Tom didn't mention anything
about this rebellion to me
during the last blocking."
"Funny how he was trying to protect Sasha,
the #TimidGirl." Send.
The way I'm feeling about Jennifer,
that's probably
exactly how Chaz feels about Tom.
Wow, so Chaz doesn't think it's Jennifer.
Chaz thinks it's Tom.
We're in a shit position.
Look, I think the fact
that Chaz kind of has Jennifer's back
and is kind of putting the attention
away from Jennifer is a good thing for us.
Now the bad thing is that
Chaz is kind of thinking that it's Tom,
and we can't have that either.
Message, "My question is,
who would want to shake all of us up?"
"Tamira, Tom, and I all have relationships
with the original players."
"Who came in at the same time
of the rebellion?"
Yo. Oh my gosh. Oliver. Wow.
Now she trying to spin this on Oliver.
[unimpressed] Okay, okay.
Sorry, Oliver, we love you,
but this is a game,
and we're trying to win this thing.
[Chaz] He's the Circle hacker.
I don't trust Oliver.
I'm seeing a side of Jennifer
I didn't even know existed.
It's not about whether or not
you participated in the rebellion.
It's not whether or not you chimed in
or did anything. You didn't speak up.
Message, "I don't want to leave Oliver
out of this discussion."
"The rebellion is clearly thriving." Send.
Message, "This is a lot to take in."
"I pride myself on the fact
that I've never played a messy game,
and been honest and genuine
with everyone."
[Chaz] "This situation
has left a sour taste in my mouth."
I couldn't agree any more.
This is bullshit.
Don't get too emotional, Sam.
It's a game.
It's a game. It's not personal.
She doesn't know who to trust right now.
She only thinks she can trust Chaz.
She's either gonna send Jennifer home
because she feels like
she can't trust us anymore,
or she's sending Tom home
and hoping for the best.
Either way,
Jennifer is in a shit hole right now.
We totally just pushed them
closer together.
Talk about mind just My mind is blown.
It is It is on the roof.
My mind is not even here right now.
[Buteau] Sam,
you better get it together, girl,
'cause you need to go to the Hangout
'cause you have some thinking to do.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[shouting] "Alert!"
"Influencers Raven and Sam,
you must now decide
who to block from The Circle."
It's never easy to block someone.
I gotta tell her everything
that I just learned. I have to tell her.
The thing is, is she gonna believe me?
If anybody should go,
it should be Marvin, bro.
Let karma take care of his ass.
Oh man. I think I have
a pretty good relationship with Raven,
but, you know, I hurt her once,
so maybe she might use that against me.
[Paris] "Go to the Hangout
to make your decision."
"Let's do it."
This is about to be
a challenge and a half.
If we get out of this, what the fuck?
[thrilling music playing]
[Buteau] Raven might have
frequent flyer miles up in here,
but this is Sam's first visit
to the Hangout.
This is cute!
I wanna stay up here.
[Paris] "The queen is back
where she belongs."
Never been an influencer before,
and this is not easy.
So I need to hear Raven's concerns,
see what she has to say,
but I'm also going to make her aware
of there's a lot more snakes
in the grass than we thought.
"I've been wanting to chat with Sam
and catch her up on what's been going on,
especially what Tom told me about Marvin."
"Circle, you know what to do.
Let's do this."
[Buteau] Honey, I got my Tabasco sauce
on my popcorn. Let's do this.
Oh, here she comes.
Here she comes, bubbles blazing.
[Paris] "'Sam! Congratulations, girl.'"
"'Heart emoji. #LetsDoThis.' Send."
Girl, I couldn't have said it any better.
Message, "Good sis Raven,
did we just become sisfluencers?"
"Yes. Yes, we did."
"Message, 'Before we get down to business,
I have to update you on the tea.'"
"'Tom messaged me yesterday
wanting to check in with me'"
[Sam] "and to inform me of something."
"He was concerned
about Marvin's flirtatious behavior."
Of course he's gonna update you on Marvin
because he's trying to keep
his newbies in the game,
and Marvin's an original eight.
[Paris] "'He said that Marvin was bragging
to him about Tamira,
sharing sexy pictures of her to him.'"
"Last night, Marvin did apologize to me
for hurting me,
but unfortunately,
I still don't trust him."
Girl, I don't blame you.
I wouldn't trust him either. He a dog.
All right. All right, let me do this.
[Paris] "What is the tea!?"
[exhales] Message,
"A lot of things have unraveled,
and as much as it pains me to say it,
Jennifer and Tom
may be keeping a lot from us."
[Paris] "I've had a chat with Chaz,
and a lot of things
were brought to light."
"The role that they played
in this so-called rebellion may be more
than what they both openly admitted."
"Tom wanted to save Sasha,
and I believe
that Jennifer hacked Chaz's profile."
"I was the victim of the hacker.
#TooManyThingsArentAddingUp." Send.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Paris] "Sam was talking to the hacker."
I just want you to be safe.
I want you to be aware of everything.
Don't be so trustworthy of these people.
[Paris] "Message, 'My head is spinning.'"
"'Who the hell can we trust?
#NeedAnswers.' Send."
"I'm overwhelmed."
All right. [exhales]
Message, "I think it goes without saying
that Chaz isn't going anywhere."
"Based off of what we discussed so far,
I think it's safe to assume
that Tamira and Oliver aren't a concern
at the moment. Do you agree?" Send.
"Yeah, Chaz is not going anywhere."
Oliver and Tamira are new,
and I'm not threatened by their presence.
We have two snakes, Tom and Jennifer,
and then we have the dog, Marvin.
So, let's focus on the task at hand.
[Paris] "Message,
'Sis, I 100% agree with you.'"
"'This is our decision together.'"
"'Let's discuss Tom, Jennifer,
and Marvin.' Send."
Message, "Here are the facts."
"Tom was adamant about removing Marvin
and keeping Sasha." Send.
Message, "Jennifer stood very strong
in defending Sasha,
despite knowing her
for a brief period of time."
"So it's very interesting that Tom
and Jennifer were defending Sasha
after knowing that she started a rebellion
to try to get rid of us."
Message, "Marvin created a connection
with you under false pretenses,
to then try and create a connection
with Tamira." Send.
"The only thing that I know
is 100% fact is Marvin."
"Everything else is just new."
Aunty Jen, she's like a wicked stepmother,
and Tom is just suspicious.
Marvin did something terrible,
something just shady and downright low.
And whatever decision we make
is going to send a clear message.
Do we take down the duo
that might be behind all the chaos
in the game,
or do we take the dog out?
"We've gotta keep our eyes open.
The game is becoming more competitive,
and we We have to protect our own ass."
[tense music playing]
[Paris] "Message,
'I think we made our decision."
"Glad we were in this together." [kisses]
Me too, sister.
[Paris] "Now,
it's time to give them the news."
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert!" Let's go!
Now it's time to get down to business.
Oh man.
This makes me so nervous right now.
-I don't feel good about this.
-I'm full of the nerves.
"The influencers have made
their decision." Oh shit.
[Marvin] "All players must go
to the Circle Chat now."
This is it. I'm really hoping
that Raven really forgave me.
Circle, take me to
[both] the Circle Chat.
[laughing] Oh shit. I'm scared.
Oh man!
[dramatic music playing]
-[Paris] "Message"
-[Brett] Oh no. Raven's typing.
Oh God.
We're getting right down to business.
Since Raven is typing,
maybe that should make me
feel a little better.
[Paris] "'This was a tough decision
for Sam and I.'"
"'It's really hard to know
who to trust in The Circle right now.'"
"'This was the main topic
of the influencer chat.' Send."
[sighs] That's not good. That's not good.
Hopefully, she's not referring to me
when she mentions trust.
You can't trust Marvin, dog.
-They're sending Jennifer or Tom home.
[Xanthi] I think that,
because Sam is so emotional,
we might be up for blocking tonight.
I just have a really bad feeling
they're gonna block me.
[Paris] "Message, 'However,
we have come to a decision.'"
Oh my God! This is so scary.
"Message, 'The player
we have decided to block is'"
This is not me.
This is not going to be me.
This is not going to be me tonight.
Who in the hell are they about to block?
Oh my God. Oh my God.
[dramatic music intensifies]
[Paris] "Send."
[tense music plays]
[theme music playing]
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