Ancient Aliens s05e11 Episode Script

The Viking Gods

A mighty people worshiping powerful gods.
Thor's hammer was enormously powerful.
It had great accuracy.
It could smash mountains.
A celestial bridge linking mankind to a divine realm.
Was it possible that this rainbow bridge was some kind of wormhole that would take people literally to another planet? And epic journeys to the far ends of the planet.
Very few people would have set sail across the Atlantic not knowing that there was something on the other side.
How were the Vikings able to develop such an advanced civilization? Were their achievements in technology and exploration their own? Or did they receive otherworldly help? Our ancestors thought they were visited by gods, when in reality they were visited by none other than ancient aliens.
Physical beings.
Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? If so, might there be evidence in the history and mythology of the Vikings? Barbarians.
Bloodthirsty bandits whose reputation for brutality would follow them through the centuries.
When people think of the Norse or the Vikings, they think of crazed marauders jumping in boats, where they rape, pillage and plunder.
And it's, uh, an unfortunate image because it's one-dimensional.
A lot of these expeditions that they went on were not purely, uh, expeditionary or pirate raids.
A lot of these were efforts to open trade routes.
If we got back to the eighth century, ninth century, we find that a lot of the Norse societies were well-functioning.
They had well-established agricultural economies, and they had a culture of technology.
The Vikings, or Norse people, flourished from the late eighth century to the Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
But unlike other ancient civilizations, like Greece, Rome or Egypt, relatively little is known about this mysterious people, as few written records or hieroglyphs have survived.
People typically don't think of the Norse as particularly sophisticated, but they were enormously sophisticated in terms of technology.
Ship building, bridge building, fortress building.
And I'm thinking here primarily of the circular fortresses in Denmark.
They are absolutely circular.
They consist of ramparts with an external ditch, gateways at each of the compass points.
Although their civilization was divided among numerous kingdoms, the Norse Vikings were united in their belief in the power of the individual.
They had a kind of early assembly that was very advanced for its time before the other areas of Europe had any kind of democracy.
So they actually came up with the idea that power belonged to the people, not the royalty.
They had something of a proto-democracy, and people would come from that particular region in order to argue issues of law or other kinds of cultural issues of political significance at that time.
But perhaps most incredible to historians was how far the Vikings traveled from their Scandinavian homeland.
Hundreds of years before their European counterparts, the Vikings set out from Scandinavia to explore and conquer vast territories in Europe and even the Middle East.
They were the ones that invented ships, and they were the ones that traveled about much more extensively than the other German tribes further south.
The Norse criss-crossed half the world in their long-ships.
In the east, they sailed down the rivers of Russia to the Black and the Caspian Sea.
In the west, they sailed down the coast of Europe, through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean.
They reached out across the then-unknown Atlantic ocean.
They went almost everywhere there was to go.
According to archeologists, artifacts discovered in Newfoundland, Canada during the 1960s proved that the Vikings were the first Europeans to set foot in North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
I remember a time when it was very contentious about the Norse getting to America when I was young.
This was a major, major argument.
Now, we have found their settlements there from about clear that they made it to northern North America.
The main advantage of the Norse was their excellence in ship-building.
And, indeed, the ship has become the symbol of the Viking age.
Those who have sailed replicas of Viking ships have commented on just how incredibly seaworthy and fast these ships were.
It's their ship that allowed them to travel over these long distances.
They were the ones, uh, that really sort of perfected the keel, which meant that the ship wouldn't flip over when going across the Atlantic.
The development of the long-ship was an incredible innovation.
These were very sleek, very supple craft that could be equally effective on rivers and in the high seas.
They were very light and extremely strong craft that was also slightly flexible, so in a high seas or storm or something, it could survive.
They had a very solid understanding of hydrodynamics.
In some of the ships, we also found advanced signs of metallurgy, smelting and different types of alloys that they were using.
And this is all out of context from other cultures they seemed to be interacting with.
But many researchers remain baffled at how the Vikings became so socially, politically and technologically advanced, especially while living in the cold, harsh environment of the north.
When we look at ancient cultures such as the Maya and Egyptians, they never wandered very far from their homeland.
Even the Greeks stayed close.
But the Vikings, they were everywhere.
And you wonder, were they just extremely curious people? What motivated them to go to these extraordinary lengths to explore the world? What was it that they were looking for? Just how were the Norse Vikings able to manage such technological and geographical feats? Are their fortresses and journeys to unknown continents evidence that the Vikings had access to extraterrestrial knowledge? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and believe the proof can be found by examining the religious beliefs of this mysterious people.
Lindisfarne, England.
Several hundred Viking raiders make landfall on this small tidal island off the coast of Northumbria, to plunder a great monastery of its rumored treasures.
An account of the attack on Lindisfarne says the assault coincided with extraordinary whirlwindslightning and fiery dragons crisscrossing the skies.
Could these strange events be coincidence? Or could it be evidence that otherworldly forces may have been allied with the Vikings? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer can be found by examining the divine beings that form the basis of Norse religion and mythology.
The Norse gods were worshiped over a very wide range of time and space throughout northern Europe, from the continental German lands through the British islands, the far northern islands, such as Iceland and Greenland, and all throughout Scandinavia.
Because little information has survived related to the origin of the Norse, or Viking gods, modern scholars depend on a pair of Icelandic books written several hundred years after the Viking Age called the Eddas.
And so we find that there's the god Odin, the god Frey, the god Thor.
Those are probably the best known.
But there are a bunch of other supporting gods who flesh out this mythology.
The gods live in a world of their own, but it's closely connected to the world of men.
The Norse had some of the richest descriptions and references to the cosmos.
In fact, they referred to the cosmos as "Yggdrasil," meaning the tree of life.
That was the symbol of their idea of the cosmos.
And they were very specific in stating that their cosmos contained nine different worlds, one of which is ours, the Earth.
We often hear about the Nine Worlds of the Nordic mythological realm.
There's Asgard and that's the home of the gods Thor and Odin.
There's the world of humans.
We call this Middle Earth, or Midgard.
If we go step a little bit further outside of Asgard and Midgard, we confront Jotunheimr, or the land of the giants.
We'll encounter Muspells, which is an area of fire.
We'll encounter Niflheimr, which is another world where the frost ogres live.
We'll encounter Alfheimr, which is where the elves live.
According to the Eddas, Asgard was home to the most powerful of the gods.
It is described as a beautiful and peaceful realm, full of glimmering halls and fertile fields cut by shimmering rivers.
Odin is the chief of the gods.
He lives in the highest of the heavens, Asgard.
He had one eye.
He'd given up an eye to drink of the water of truth.
So he has this depth of wisdom.
So he's a warrior god able to bring fury and danger to the enemies.
Odin was the god that gave people written language in the runes, he was the god that gave them the poetic mead, he was the god that gave them many aspects of what would be considered a sort of noble way of life.
But was Odin perhaps something other than a mythic deity? Could he have actually existed? And if so, how? Ancient astronaut theorists believe clues to Odin's true identity may lie in the myths describing his two ravens Huginn and Muninn.
Odin's Ravens were his scouts.
They were his research team.
Huginn and Muninn represent thought and memory.
So Odin had these scouts, these spy satellites that would go out and see what he needed to learn for today's activities.
According to Norse legends, every morning Odin sent out his two magical ravens, Huginn and Muninn, and at night those ravens would return and he would listen to them, and they would tell him everything that they observed throughout the entire day.
Scholars believe Odin's two ravens translated as thought and memory were simply mythological creations.
But is it possible that Huginn and Muninn were actually something else? Something perhaps more technological? Whenever he wanted to observe other worlds, find out what they were doing, he would send these two ravens out, and they would be like spy drones or something, and they would go to these other countries and then come back to Odin and report to him what was going on.
And it would seem like what Odin had was some kind of spy planes or spy drones that he was sending out much as we do today.
The question is whether the Norse really stated that these were ravens, or whether they were instead something else, that they were somehow flying objects.
So we have details here of something mythical, of ravens being able to speak to the gods, or the ravens are some kind of spy drone or some other kind of spy satellite technology by which Odin is able to get information.
Could it be that Odin was actually an extraterrestrial explorer? One who sent flying machines like modern-day drones to gather intelligence on the ancient Scandinavians? And if so, might there be more evidence of Odin's otherworldly technology contained within other Viking myths? When Odin sits in Asgard, it's almost like he's got total situational awareness.
He's got these ravens who fly out every day and come back and tell him the news of the world.
But he can also sit in this high seat.
Odin's high seat, which is a name that basically translates as the "watchtower," is a place where he can sit and look out over all the worlds of creation and see everything that's happening in the world.
Is it possible that this high seat, or watchtower, is yet another example of advanced extraterrestrial technology, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? Some of these stories that come out of our past of the god Odin, and having the ability to actually sit above Midgard, or the Earth, and see everything from a vast distance, we have to wonder if this isn't actually mythological but potentially technological.
It sounds to me as if Odin was sitting in some type of a captain's chair in a spaceship above the Earth, which allowed him to have this view.
So the moment we have stories of gods needing all this type of equipment in order to find out first what is going on leads me to think that we are not talking about actual gods, but we are talking about space travelers who had access to technology, and our ancestors witnessed all of this and they said, well, obviously these guys are gods.
Was Odin's high seat actually referring to an orbiting spaceship from which the chief god could look down on Earth, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? And if so, might this also help explain the incredible technologies attributed to other so-called Viking gods? As the god of thunder and lightning Thor was able to summon storms and battle giants with his magical hammer.
Thor is the son of Odin.
He is a sky god.
He is in charge of thunder and lightning.
He has a great hammer.
He is he's a terrifying presence, a power god.
Thor was usually seen flying through the skies in a great cart pulled by goats.
If Odin was the chief god, Thor was the god for all of us.
Thor, in a sense, is the quintessential sky god.
Our word thunder comes from Thor.
In Swedish, the word for thunder evokes the idea of driving Thor's chariots over the vault of heaven, and you can sort of see the crashing and the burning of that chariot going across heaven as being the lightning and the thunder that we experience in a storm.
He's a remarkable character.
He's very strong, uh, and he's a protector.
He goes out, and he basically beats up and kills giants.
Not only to protect the gods, but as an offshoot, kind of collateral damage, he protects us humans, as well.
According to Norse mythology, Thor derived his power from several seemingly magical tools.
One was Menginjoro, a belt that is said to have magically doubled Thor's already awesome strength.
It was called Thor's power belt.
So the moment I hear stories about that you put on a belt, and it doubled your strength? Then I have to ask myself, well, is it possible that what we're talking about here is some type of a technological device? Today, we have actually come to the point whereby these prosthetics are actually able to listen to brain commands.
So what we've actually done is recreate some kind of exoskeleton, an exterior, an artificial nervous system, whereby our brain gives commands to our limbs.
All of this through technology.
Thor's belt of strength seems to have a very similar description to modern technology where we would call it a bionic exoskeleton.
The ability for a soldier to put on a device that would increase their speed and their strength is possible today.
So when we look at this description of Thor's strength in this belt, it's very possible, this is some type of an extraterrestrial technology.
When the ancients are describing technology, it's clear that they couldn't have known exactly what this was, and it opens the question, is it possible that what we today would interpret as bionic exoskeletons was an actual advanced technology possessed by the Vikings or their gods.
Is it really possible that the Viking gods Odin and Thor were, in fact, extraterrestrial visitors? Alien beings who possessed advanced technology? If so, where might this advanced species have come from? How did they get here? And what was their agenda? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answers may be found in the stories of the other, lesser known, Viking gods.
And in Nordic legends that tell of cosmic bridges linking planet Earth to an otherworldly realm.
Gamla Uppsala, Sweden.
This small town, 40 miles north of Stockholm, is one of the oldest, continuously-inhabited sites in Scandinavia.
Beneath this church, archaeologists have found what they believe are the remains of a famous temple called Ubsola.
According to a fourteenth century text called The Deeds of Bishops of the Hamburg Church, this ornate temple was built to honor the most powerful Viking gods, Odin, Thor and Freyr.
Freyr is the main fertility God in Norse mythology.
The rituals that we do have evidence of connected to Freyr seem always to be connected to peace and prosperity.
So, all of these characteristics show him in a relationship with humans that's centered around prosperity and fertility of various types.
Freyr was believed to control the weather, and was renowned for his diplomatic skills, quieting the feuds among the numerous Viking gods and giants.
And in the Viking pantheon, it was a deity named Loki who provoked the most conflict among these gods.
Loki is actually not a god.
He's a giant who is counted amongst the gods.
And at the end of time, he actually leads the dead and the giants against the gods.
He's that transgressive character who makes possible all of these conflicts that the gods then have to solve.
Without Loki, a lot of the conflicts disappear, and you don't have a mythology at all.
According to the stories compiled within the books of the Eddas, Loki tries to atone for one of his many acts of mischief by giving Freyr a ship called Skidbladnir.
Freyr's ship, Skidbladnir, was the most fine craft that ever was in the water.
It could go anywhere at great speed, and then, if you needed it to be small, you could put in a small pouch to carry it around.
Skidbladnir is remarkable, because you can fold it up and stick it in your pocket.
But when you unfold it, it's one of the greatest Viking ships ever.
It always has a wind.
It always has a fair wind.
So you don't have to tack.
It always gets you where you're going in a hurry.
And then, once you get it to shore, you don't have to worry about where you're going to stow it.
To be able to fold up your boat and put it in your pocket really has to be about the greatest thing that you can imagine if you're a Viking shipbuilder.
But could it be that Skidbladnir was not the product of mythic imagination, but was, in fact, an actual spacecraft? One that was witnessed by early Scandinavians? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and believe the proof lies in the legends of a race of beings who are believed to have built the magical tools used by the gods.
In Norse mythology, the Sons of Ivaldi were these dwarfs who made these special weapons for Thor and Odin and the other Norse gods.
And so, here were these dwarfs, these gnomes, these small people.
They're making these special, very high-tech weapons.
The Norse gods are using them.
So you have to wonder just who these mini people are.
The Sons of Ivaldi were the master craftsmen of the gods in the Norse system.
And they made each of these special things that are going to be needed by these heroic gods to do their deeds.
Might the Sons Ivaldi actually be the engineers behind the building of Skidbladnir, the magical ship used by the Norse god Freyr? If so, who, or what were they? Now the question is, whether the Sons of Ivaldi are real dwarfs, the way we know dwarfs today, or whether they are somehow more mythical, or whether the label "dwarf" actually stuck to them because they were somehow smaller.
And of course, today, we quite often describe the Grey alien archetype as dwarfish, as well, simply because they are smaller.
Is it possible that these little people who are making these high-tech weapons were really Grey aliens, and because they didn't known how to describe them, they were called them dwarfs or little people? And these little people are the ones who are making these high-tech weapons for these Norse gods.
It would seem that these weapons are extraterrestrial in nature.
Now when you think of dwarfs, and think of extraterrestrials, you think of little Greys, and I think the dwarfs might have been alien Greys.
Might the dwarf like Sons of Ivaldi described in the Viking mythologies really be the alien visitors we know today as the Greys? And is it possible that the Viking or Norse gods themselves were in fact entities from another planet? If so, how did they get here? According to ancient astronaut theorists, the answer lies in a Viking legend that speaks of a rainbow bridge called Bifrost, a portal that links the realm of the gods with the world of men.
Bifrost is a bridge that connects Asgard to Midgard.
And the Bifrost conceptually is very interesting.
It allows there to be a very clear connection between humans and their gods.
The gods would travel along this rainbow bridge to their meeting, which was by a divine well.
The red in the rainbow bridge was burning hot, so it was quite a trick to use this effectively as a place of transportation.
Some scholars have speculated that possibly this was inspired by the Milky Way.
So, here was this rainbow bridge that-that could be traveled upon to get to this home of the gods, land of the gods.
So, is it possible that this rainbow bridge, the-the Bifrost, was some kind of wormhole that would take people from a star gate on our planet to the home of the gods, literally to another planet? Say you wanted to get from here all the way around to China.
It's actually longer to go around the earth than to cut through the earth.
A straight line is always the shortest path.
So, you can imagine if you could make a wormhole, a cut through space that connects the two points you want to get to, you could make the distance effectively shorter and get there in a faster time.
Ancient man would not understand a technological description to describe a wormhole, but this path of light sounds very similar.
Might the mythical bridge of Bifrost really have been an interstellar wormhole? A cosmic tunnel in space through which the so-called Viking gods could travel to Earth? Ancient astronaut theorists believe further evidence can be found by a closer examination of the Viking gods' incredible weaponry.
Balingsta, Sweden.
Just outside this small town located 40 miles northwest of Stockholm is an ancient carved granite block.
Known as the Boksta Runestone, it is one of the few remaining relics that depict the mighty god Odin holding his magical spear: Gungnir.
The Boksta Runestone is an extraordinary ancient relic that has runic inscriptions which were used by the Vikings.
It shows Odin riding on horseback with a spear.
So, one of the things we find with the Norse gods is they each have remarkable possessions, and among those is a spear that Odin claims for himself called Gungnir.
And Gungnir is a remarkable spear in that, whatever you throw it at, it's going to hit.
According to Viking, or Norse, mythology, Odin's spear was made by the Sons of Ivaldi, the very same creatures who built the ship Skidbladnir.
They imbued the spear with special properties that not only made it incredibly accurate, but gave it immense power.
Gungnir was some kind of high-tech weapon.
No matter who he threw it at, it would hit it.
Like some laser-guided cruise missile or something like that, that just simply could not miss its mark once it had been set to its target.
And we know that when he uses this in war, it always reaches its target.
This is not something which is simplistic.
This is something which clearly is advanced weaponry.
And to find that a deity has this at his disposal can be read in two things: one, it is all made up; or two, it is actually factual.
And today, we know that there are such weapons.
Precision weapons, like laser-guided bombs, cruise missiles and satellite-guided munitions are staples in the world's most sophisticated military arsenals.
Is it possible that Odin possessed similar technology? Could Gungnir actually have been a guided missile created by otherworldly beings? When the ancients are describing technology, i-it's clear that they couldn't have known exactly what this was.
And it opens the question, is it possible that the weapon Gungnir was an actual advanced technology, maybe even possessed by the Vikings or their gods? If Gungnir was in fact a precision guided missile similar to today's so-called smart bombs, then what might be the facts behind Thor's mighty hammer, Mjolnir? Thor's hammer had interesting origins.
It was made by dwarfs under duress.
So, the handle wasn't quite as long as a hammer might be.
But it was enormously powerful and it had great accuracy.
He could throw it and it would hit anything that he intended it to hit, and then it would come back to him, almost in boomerang style.
What Thor's hammer, like the weapons of many of the Norse gods, would seem to be some high-tech real weapon, perhaps one given to them by extraterrestrials.
And when he uses it, it is actually said that this weapon is able to crush mountains.
Now, imagine a weapon which is able to destroy an entire mountain.
The hammer does not cause explosions; it is really the physical force which destroys the object.
That is something which today we describe as a kinetic weapon.
At the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain - View, California - locked.
scientist Peter Schultz is studying the enormous power of kinetic energy using a device called a vertical gun.
This is a giant cannon, essentially.
Then it goes up on a corkscrew so we can hit things at different angles.
This gun gets up to very high speeds, and if you get really up there, you'll start melting and vaporizing material.
In a sense, this is a kinetic weapon, except we're not pointing at anything except the target inside the tank.
To study the effects of high-speed kinetic impacts, scientists use the vertical gun range to fire projectiles into objects placed in this reinforced steel chamber at speeds of up to Today, we're gonna take this small ball bearing, which is about 1/100 of an ounce, and we're gonna fire it at three miles per second.
That's almost 11,000 miles per hour.
And we're gonna send it into this block.
Now, when you go that fast, with even an object that small, that's kinetic energy.
And kinetic energy is the mass times velocity squared.
So if you're going fast enough, you could do some serious damage.
Let's see what we do.
Using a battery of high-speed cameras, some capturing images at 40,000 frames per second, Schultz investigates how speed and mass can combine to create devastating force.
Moving 15 times the speed of sound, the projectile slams into the solid stone block.
Oh, my gosh! Look at this thing.
Blasted to smithereens.
Ancient astronaut theorists believe the destructive power of this gun displays uncanny similarities to Thor's hammer.
The question we have to ask ourselves is whether the whole concept of kinetic energy weapons is something new or if it already existed in the ancient past.
And with Thor, we have such a reference.
What if Thor's hammer was some type of a kinetic energy weapon and what we have here in modern times is nothing else but history repeating itself? Is it possible that what the ancient Vikings described in their myths were in fact alien technologies? And do the various accounts of Odin's spear and Thor's hammer really help to prove that Vikings were in contact with extraterrestrial beings? If so, then where might these beings have gone? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answers may lie in the strange and sometimes violent burial rituals of the Vikings.
Tonsberg, Norway.
ruins of Oseberghaugen, a Viking burial mound.
During excavations in 1904, archaeologists unearthed the remains of two people buried inside a Viking long-ship.
Dated to the early ninth century, the discovery revealed for the first time some of the Vikings' ancient burial rituals.
What's very interesting about the Oseberg ship is the fact that the Vikings actually chose to bury their dead in these boats.
Now, this seems very similar to some type of a conveyance, possibly going into space.
You see similar references in other cultures, such as the Egyptians and even the Chinese.
Throughout Scandinavia, the British Isles and Iceland are similar Viking burial sites, many containing boats and other ship-like markers.
Is it possible the Vikings, like the ancient Egyptians and Chinese, buried their dead in boats in an effort to help their deceased on their journey to the afterlife? And if so, why? According to ancient Norse mythologies, slain Viking warriors joined Odin in his fabled hall, Valhalla.
Odin's hall in Asgard, the realm of the gods, is known as Valhalla, which literally means "the hall of the "slain.
" The way that Valhalla itself is described is that it's a place where the dead warriors that Odin has gathered from the battlefields spend all day fighting each other and killing each other and then are brought back to life to spend the night in feasting on an endless supply of meat and pork.
The courage of the Norse explorers and warriors was directly related to the structure of their fables.
Valhalla was this great reward.
If you served well with great bravery, you found eternal life in the company of kindred spirits in a great banquet hall.
Stories and legends about Odin's enormous palace describe it as being almost metallic, with shimmering walls and a golden roof.
During the day they drink and they eat along these long tables and with fires down the center of the hall.
And then after they've eaten, they clear the tables and they all battle.
So this must be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands the imagination boggles at how big this hall must be.
But is there evidence that Valhalla was more than just a mythic place? Could it have been an extraterrestrial spacecraft, as some ancient astronaut theorists believe? Valhalla was not a figment of our ancestors' imagination, but it might have been some type of an orbiting space station.
The reason why I'm saying this is because whenever we have a description of Valhalla, it is an incredible description of a place that has weird attributes.
Various descriptions of Valhalla give it the reference of being some type of a large metallic ship, but they actually bury their dead in the ships as well.
So is this some type of reference of them actually trying to replicate sending their dead to the heavens or just like their gods would be returning to the heavens in some type of a large metallic ship? Archaeological evidence as well as contemporary accounts also indicate, that in addition to burying their dead in boats, the Norse Vikings also sent many of these burial boats out to sea and burned them.
But why? Was it simply a fiery tribute, one meant to honor the deceased? Or did the ancient Vikings simply replicate something their ancestors had once witnessed, perhaps the launch of an alien spacecraft? So my question is whether or not our ancestors witnessed rockets or spaceships taking off and landing with all of this fire and this smoke and the earth trembling, that they over time thought that by burning their dead they would imitate what they saw in the past.
Were the Norse Vikings really in contact with extraterrestrial beings? And were these beings thought of by the early Vikings not as alien visitors but as gods? If so, then where might these celestial visitors have gone? What we know is that in the tenth century, the Norse begin a really extensive exploration of Europe.
We don't know why they begin to explore.
It is also clear that we don't know whether they were helped by other beings.
In fact, there is another theory which suggests that they were going to go in search of the deities.
It suggests that the Vikings were absolutely convinced that the residence of the deities was physical, somewhere on planet Earth.
Did the Norse gods return to their homeland, prompting the Vikings to travel the Earth in search of them? Or did the so-called gods simply inspire their earthly hosts to explore the planet in an effort to spread their extraterrestrial influence to other parts of the globe? All this knowledge of the universe according to the Norse mythologies was given to them by the shining ones.
And the shining ones were said to have descended from nowhere else but the sky.
So is it possible that extraterrestrials in fact guided events in our human history? And the answer of course is yes.
Because we can find stories like this all around the world.
It was very deliberate in order to direct our history.
Thor's destructive hammer, Odin's all-seeing throne and a mystical bridge linking Earth to the heavens.
Are the legends of the Viking gods really evidence that alien beings visited mankind in the distant past? And if so, might these beings have been instrumental in the efforts of the Norse to explore the globe? Perhaps we will find the answer deep in a Viking burial mound or carved on the surface of an ancient stone.
Or possibly the truth will be revealed to all mankind on the day when they return.

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