The Circle (2020) s05e11 Episode Script

Circle Power Couple

[tense music playing]
We do cliffhangers real good here.
'Cause when we left,
influencers Sam and Raven
were just about to announce
who they're blocking from The Circle.
Here we go.
[Paris] "Message, 'The player
we have decided to block is'"
This is not me.
This is not going to be me tonight.
Who in the hell are they about to block?
Oh my God. Oh my God.
[suspenseful music playing]
[shouting] Oh no!
-[shouting] Oh! Oh!
-[shouting] Oh my God! Oh my God!
[sighs deeply]
[breathes deeply]
Oh my God. I apologized to her, but yet
Damn. This is what I was trying to avoid.
Marvin? What the fuck?
"Karma has blue hair."
-[Brett tapping feet]
[breathes deeply] Oh-ho-ho.
Marvin, that ass got to go!
Get your shit and get to steppin'!
Man, right there, I think
talking to the two girls in The Circle
definitely ruined everything.
[Buteau] You better call Tyrone, Marvin.
Call him.
I should be happy.
I'm just relieved, though.
It's not me. Marvin's gone. Okay.
[breathes deeply]
[Chaz] Marvin is blocked. He's gone.
He's grayed out. Like, it's done.
But y'all decided
to keep a mysterious hacker
and two people
who knew about this rebellion here.
I I wanna know,
how did y'all come to this decision?
They kept the other strongest alliance
in the game.
They did that blocking totally emotional.
Dude! And Tom stayed?
Jennifer, I hope you think you're safe.
Because once I find out what's going on,
and trust me, I'm taking notes,
we gonna learn how to fix you.
We gonna figure you out and fix you.
[Buteau] Marvin and his beautiful biceps
have been blocked.
But before he finishes packing
the least-worn shirts in Circle history,
we got one more
you know what.
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-"Alert!" Okay.
"Marvin, before you leave,
you will meet one player face to face."
Oh, this is where it gets interesting.
Right now, I'd like to go meet someone
that I can really get answers from
and really find out
what was the reason for me being blocked.
It'd be kind of interesting to go meet Tom
because, right now,
I'm pretty confused about Tom.
We had a really good relationship
in The Circle, but then he betrayed me.
I'm not really sure
if that was Tom or the hacker.
I would like to go meet Raven,
because we've had our connection
from the start of The Circle
up to this moment.
Apologizing to Raven face to face
would definitely be great.
Let's do it.
[tense music playing]
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all in commotion] "Alert!"
-[Tasia laughs]
She just busts out. [laughs]
Ah, God! More?
"Marvin is on his way
to meet one of you now."
Well, I'll be damned.
I need to clean up my damn apartment
before Marvin comes up in here.
[intense music playing]
Go see Raven, please.
[Paris] "Marvin, huh-uh.'
-[Tom] Shit.
[Xanthi] Go get the cowboy hat.
Go get the cowboy hat.
Someone is at the door.
[all scream]
-[shouting] Oh my God! What is going on?
-[shouting] Oh shit!
Yo! Yo!
Oh! I wanna give you a hug.
Come here. [chuckles]
Yeah. This is lit.
-[Paris] Oh shit.
-[Marvin] What?
-Oh! [laughs]
-[Raven laughs]
Oh wow, it's so nice to meet you.
And I'm so sorry. Like, oh my God.
[laughing] I feel like I really hurt you.
Like, I'm so sorry.
It's so nice to, like,
tell you face-to-face.
I messed up. I messed up with you.
We had something good going on,
and I screwed up. I know.
"No, you did screw up."
-I did! [laughs]
-[Paris] "Sorry. Let me quickly explain."
"This is Paris."
-Oh wow.
-"He's interpreting for me."
"So he never played the game. Just me."
-Wow. Nice.
-[Paris] Yeah, yeah. [laughs]
Oh, you taught me the fire.
I still remember.
-Fire! [laughing]
-[Paris and Marvin cheering and laughing]
-[Paris] Yeah.
-I learned something new.
[Buteau] Glad you learned something new.
We should probably
tell the others to stand down.
He made his choice. He didn't come here.
[Xanthi] You definitely don't need the
[clears throat]
I'm putting that back in the fridge.
[Tom] Okay. I've got to put
all the furniture back now.
In hindsight,
I feel I may have overreacted.
[light music playing]
-[Paris] "But wait. What happened?"
-Oh. Oh my God.
Like, you were always my number one.
Like, I called you my queen in The Circle.
I meant it, like, 100%.
When Tamira got into The Circle,
then I got, like, all carried away,
lost in the moment,
and that's when I, like, messed up.
[Paris] "Actually, what made it worse
was that I found out through Tamira,
and I wanted it to come from you."
"If you were to come up to me first
and tell me,
I feel like the whole game
would've been different."
Wow. I know. I screwed up. [chuckles]
[Paris] "Tom messaged me yesterday"
Oh, no.
[Paris laughs] "about your behavior,
like, about what you did."
"And asked me He was like"
'He told me
that you were bragging about Tamira,
like sending each other pictures."
Oh! [laughing]
[Paris] "So I was like,
'Oh, he's a liar!'"
[Marvin] No!
[Paris] "'I don't want him here anymore.
He's gotta go.'"
-"I was like, 'That's it. That's it'"
-Oh man!
[Paris] "Anyway, at this point I was like
I was discussing with Sam tonight,
and I was like, 'Look,
there's a few players that we don't trust
that we're concerned about,
but the other players
are more suspicious.'"
"But with you, I was 100% sure
that I knew that I didn't trust you."
But I knew, like, I messed up.
I got in a private chat with Chaz.
I was like,
"Chaz, how do I apologize to Raven?"
"I know Raven's your bestie.
Like, right now, you gotta give me tips."
I really needed to be honest with you
because I know I messed up.
"But I was so disappointed in you, Marvin.
We could have made it to the end."
-We should have, honestly.
-[Paris laughs]
[Marvin] But wait.
Why would Tom reach out to you, though?
Because I and Tom have
a really good relationship.
I'm starting to think
that might be the hacker.
"Okay, so Tom told me
that he didn't want to block Sasha."
"He really wanted to block you."
"Tom said that you were bragging,
that you were showing your pictures,
and Tom was like, 'I don't like that
about Marvin. I'm concerned.'"
That's crazy. So now I'm, like
I'm curious about Tom,
because Tom, you really,
probably gotta watch out for him.
I think Chaz is playing an amazing game.
I stay in my apartment.
I'm just thinking like,
"Wow, Chaz is so smart."
-Like [laughs]
Every single time, I had you number one,
and I had Chaz number two.
-Every single time. That never changed.
-[Paris] "Wait. Before you"
"Before you betrayed me,
you were my number one as well, Marvin."
-No way! Oh my God.
-"Yes, you were my number one."
And you know what?
I'm rooting for you right now, like,100%.
Like, I want you to win this.
You are doing an amazing job.
-[Paris] "Thanks."
-[Marvin] Keep it up.
-[Paris] "I'm happy to see you in person."
-I am so glad I came to see you.
-I am so glad. Oh my God.
[Marvin] Thanks. It was amazing.
Hey, you're still my number one.
So bring this home.
All right, you guys do good.
-"Have a good one."
-Good luck.
-"See you soon, yes?"
-Yes, absolutely.
-[Paris] Yeah. Okay. All righty. Bye.
-See you soon. [kisses, laughs]
All right. [chuckles]
-[mellow music playing]
-He left.
[Marvin] That was good! [chuckles]
He was He is beautiful. [chuckles]
His personality is so cool.
Like, his personality did not show
anything of what he did in that.
I know.
Which is like [scoffs]
[Buteau] As the hottest chemical engineer
on Earth heads home to hit the books,
the remaining players are getting ready
for their first night in The Circle
without him.
What a freakin' night.
We literally got called out
for being the hackers,
and we saved ourselves, clearly.
Mind-blown emoji.
I just really feel like
Oliver is the hacker.
It was only him, Tamira, Tom,
and Jennifer in that chat.
Jennifer is fighting the fact
that it's not her.
Jennifer is fighting the fact
that it wasn't Tom.
Tamira, why would Tamira hack my profile
to talk bad about herself?
I just don't
I don't know. I'm tired.
My original strategy of staying low
and staying out of drama
went completely out the window
once I became influencer.
Now, it seems like
I gotta get my hands a little bit dirty.
Circle, I'm going to sleep.
You can stay up, but I'm gonna rest.
Good night, girl.
[Buteau] Girl, I'm finna rest too.
Where's my bonnet?
We got a big day tomorrow.
-[happy music playing]
-[Buteau] Welcome to Circle AM.
No, that doesn't mean morning.
It means "After Marvin."
And the players are waking up
to this brand-new age
thankful for the Circle Gods
that have smiled down on them.
-[all] Good morning, Circle.
Number one! [whispers] Yeah.
We're still here, guys.
We survived last night's blocking
by a hair.
Oh, totally.
Even though I didn't get rid
of you, Jennifer,
I still feel good that Chaz knows now,
and now Raven is aware
that you and Tom
are up to some shady stuff.
I feel like I owe Tamira a little apology,
but I wanna make sure
that I don't apologize yet
until I know what the hell is going on.
Let's get this day started.
[Buteau] Though it's early,
Jen has already had
an earth-shattering revelation.
We filled this bin liner so quick.
That's because we eat like two men.
Samantha, you don't know how to swim,
so let's not fall in.
[Buteau] And with Marvin gone,
Chaz is definitely working his way
to being the new muscle man in The Circle.
Slow down, though, bro.
[happy music continues]
"The Newsfeed has been updated"?
Oh God.
Lightning bolt emoji.
Hold on, y'all. We gotta shimmy.
I'm going at full speed, Circle.
Circle, please take me to the Newsfeed.
[Oliver] "Marvin has left a message
for The Circle."
This is what I wanted to see!
[Paris] "I need to get closer to this.
Let's move to the couch."
I hope he throws shade
and throws someone under the bus
because he's pissed.
I hope he doesn't bad-mouth me in any way.
That'd be very, very mean.
No. Ain't no big, buff personal trainer
no damn where.
[all] Circle, play Marvin's message.
I need to be as close as I can.
This is gonna be crazy.
[Marvin] What's up, guys?
It's Marvin. What's poppin'?
Oh, my
-As you can see, I'm 100% real.
How cute is he?
He's hot.
But there is a twist.
I said I'm a personal trainer.
I am a chemical engineer.
I just couldn't say that in The Circle
because I was so worried
that you guys might think I'm a catfish.
Coming into The Circle, I knew
attractive girls would be my weakness.
And guess what. They were.
Raven and Tamira,
I really messed up. I'm really sorry.
-I hope you can forgive me.
So you're a dog with a conscience.
He seems like, actually,
in real life, he's a lovely guy.
The best piece of advice I can give you is
make sure you are sticking with people
that are sticking with you.
He could be talking about Tom
because it almost seems like
Tom just turned on Marvin overnight.
[Marvin] I had so much fun in The Circle.
I'm wishing you all the best,
and I can't wait to see you all.
Yes, Marvin, you sexy thing!
Good luck.
[screams] Ow!
[exhales deeply]
[Sam] Look at that. Marvin, you flexing,
and your t-shirt
is screaming for dear life.
How do you even shop for clothes?
Brett, you better go do some push-ups
or something.
He looks great.
-Y'all blocked the wrong player.
After he was telling me, Raven, and Sam
to stick together
because the four of them
cannot be trusted.
I still can't get over the fact
how amazing Marvin looks.
-Well, put your head back in the game.
-Right. I'm back, I'm back.
[Buteau] Before Jennifer gets more jealous
with, um, herself, let's open a chat.
"Circle Chat is now open."
Here we go.
Message, "Wow! Marvin. Star eye emoji.
Star eye emoji. Star eye emoji."
"What a hunk!"
"I love a man
who takes responsibility for his actions."
"Sam and Raven, thank you
for giving us all another chance." Send.
Message, "I am gagged and shocked,
and my mouth is on the floor
Dot, dot, dot, dot."
[flirtatiously] "Chaz, you got a hand
to come help me pick it up?"
"LMFAO. Heart emoji." Send.
And look at Oliver like, "Chaz, you got
a free hand to help me come pick it up?"
Get out of my face right now, bro.
Like, we just
Like, somebody just got blocked,
and you over here joking and shit?
Like, get outta here.
'Good morning, everyone.'"
"'Last night was not an easy decision
for Sam and I to make.'"
"'There's been a lot going on,
which caused a lot of trust issues
in our family.'"
"'On a brighter note,
Marvin did come visit me last night.'"
"'His personality is the same
as his profile.'"
"'He just made a bad mistake.'"
Real shit, I'm just glad
he did not come here,
because he would've been
very disappointed.
Message, "Good morning, everybody.
That video was really hard to watch,
but, ultimately,
I respect the influencers' decision."
"I am not sure where we're gonna go
as a unit from here
with so much chaos going on."
"It just hurts that this rebellion
and a hacker caused so much nonsense."
Big fucking
Oh, I just wanna throw one of these trees.
I'm so
[groans] You are absolutely right.
Oh, Chaz, you aren't letting that slip,
are you?
It was part of the game, Chaz.
It was part of the game.
The hacker obviously did something.
We just don't know what it did, though.
Message, "Chaz, I hear everything
that you're saying. Broken heart emoji."
"Trust me. The hurt is real.
#IThoughtWeWereAFamily." Send.
Mama, well, you thought wrong.
You thought wrong!
I want Jennifer to know
that she's not off the hook.
You're not my family.
[Brett] I mean, that's Sam
throwing shade at Jennifer.
The only person
she'd be hurt by is Jennifer.
She doesn't give a fuck about Tom.
I don't know about Oliver,
and it wasn't Tamira.
Message, "All families have their issues,
but the most important thing
is that we can all work on it
and come together as a whole.
Red heart emoji."
"The truth always comes out."
Shut up, Jennifer.
"All families have their issues."
Nope. Nope. Nope.
I don't wanna hear it.
Message, "We've gone from catching catfish
to people who are just fishy."
"Going forward, I'd love to talk openly
about any truth issues
regarding hacking/rebellion.
#MyDoorsOpen. #LoveToYouAll."
I hope that people will see that
as me being honest and open.
I hope that
I hope that puts me in good stead.
Message, "Yes, Tom, I would actually love
to ask you a personal question right now."
"In our last blocking, when we talked
about blocking Sasha and Marvin"
"why did you not bring up
this rebellion to me?" [shouting]
-[chair clatters]
Bitch, I done broke the chair.
"Also, not to mention that my profile was
the profile that was potentially hacked."
Who the fuck would wanna hack Chaz?
Oh shit. Here we go. Here we go.
Everybody's only got like
a message or two left.
-[laughing] You're sweating so
-I know, dude.
Message, "Sasha's rebellion
was shut down immediately."
"All of us dismissed it and forgot it."
"I hope the fact I did block Sasha
shows I was stupid rather than malicious."
I think that's a great response.
We blocked Marvin
for making stupid mistakes.
Should we block you next?
[Paris] "I feel like
everyone is just so paranoid."
Message, "The original eight always
welcomed new players with open arms."
"To find out there was a group formed
to potentially put me at risk,
and my so-called 'friend' said nothing,
your silence spoke volumes."
"The hacker led me to believe
that I had a conversation with Chaz
that did not happen." Send.
But it was potentially formed.
Nothing actually happened, Sam.
Yep. There you go.
I'm fucked.
Sam and Chaz have made it
very, very, very, very clear
in their final statements,
"We don't care.
We only trust the originals."
At this point in the game,
they're not gonna believe anything
any of the new players
have to say, period.
One of y'all cannot be trusted,
and the fact that Tom
and Jennifer did not say shit,
they just cannot be trusted. I'm sorry.
It's a much better thing to be honest
about your mistake and faults
rather than try and be defensive.
So I'm only hoping
that people can forgive me for that.
[pop music playing]
[Buteau] It's another completely
normal afternoon in The Circle.
Sam is giving a pep talk
to a tray of partially baked cookies.
[Sam] Right now,
you're not looking unified.
You look like
you all play for a different team.
[Buteau] And Raven's also looking
for a talk with something sweet
as she's about to have a chat
with lovable, trustworthy,
actually a catfish played by two people,
Aunty Jen.
[Paris] "Sam told me
that she has suspicions of Jen."
"I need to do a little bit of digging
to find out for myself what's true,
to see if Jen will continue
to put on this innocent persona,
or if she'll actually be honest."
"Raven has invited you to a private chat."
Oh my God. Here we go.
[Brett] Holy cannoli.
Okay. Let's see where Raven's head's at.
I'm I'm happy to hear her out.
All right. Circle, take us
to private chat with Raven.
[Paris] "Message,
'Good morning, Aunty Jen.'"
"'There has been a lot going on.'"
"'How are you feeling today?
Hug emoji.' Send."
Okay, Raven comes in peace.
Raven comes in peace.
Okay, let's Let's hit her back.
Message, "Good morning, my lovely Raven."
"All of this upsets me
and has completely blown my mind."
[Paris] "I'm feeling very grateful
you and Sam have kept me another day."
We'll just see where this goes,
but we have nothing
We've never had anything against Raven.
-Other than she's a strong player.
"Message, 'I can't believe
there was a hacker
pretending to be another player.'"
"Do you have any suspicions
on who the hacker could be?"
She's just fishing for information.
[Paris] "This question
will give Jen the opportunity
to actually tell me her thoughts,
or see if she'll deflect."
Message, "It appeared that,
in the Circle Chat today,
there seems to be a lot of tension."
[Paris] "It seems as though everyone
has an opinion and is sticking to it."
"Is there something I'm missing,
any clue?"
"Aunt Jen, you ain't that clueless."
"What is your opinion?"
"Message, 'It started with Sasha
admitting about the rebellion
with the new players.'"
[Brett] "It seemed the new players
hadn't mentioned the plan
to the old players
until the truth was already revealed."
"That caused a lot of suspicion,
especially since us old players
didn't see you and Tom as new players."
"We considered you to be one of us."
Exactly, Raven.
"Honestly, I just want to know
what Jennifer is thinking."
"I want her to tell her true feelings."
Like, why are we on the defense here?
You guys very clearly
are working together.
[Xanthi] Right.
[Brett] But you're mad
that other people were working together.
Message, "I'm really upset
about how my relationships
have been affected by this."
"Broken heart emoji."
"My intentions in this game were always
to share all the love I have."
"I can't control how Sasha put us all
in an awkward position." Send.
[Paris] "When people sit on the fence
and not tell their truth,
it shows me
that they have something to hide."
"Message, 'You always share
your aunty vibes with everyone,
and I really appreciate it.'"
"'There's no player
you feel we should watch out for?'"
Raven, exactly what you just said.
We give our aunty vibes with everyone,
and Aunty is not going to dish out
one of her nieces and nephews for another.
It's very clearly a trap,
and it's going to be used against us.
"This is my second time asking Jen
about who she is suspicious of
or who we should watch out for."
"The first time she deflected,
and now, this time,
she better give me an answer."
Message, "I understand your question,
but the only speculation I can give
is who the hacker was not." Send.
"Aunty Jen answered the questions
exactly how I expected her to."
"I want to believe,
but I'm having a hard time
with everything right now."
This was the fakest conversation
literally ever.
[Xanthi] Boom.
And "Raven has left the chat."
She just wanted to get information.
She didn't get it. She was like,
"All right, whatever. Goodbye."
[Buteau] Ooh, the atmosphere
between those two might be frosty,
but at Oliver's, it's absolutely buzzing.
Bitch, you don't pay rent here.
[Buteau] I mean, technically,
neither do you, Oliver.
Meanwhile, Tom has done what all Brits do
[in British accent]
before a jolly frank confrontation.
[in usual accent]
He's made himself some tea.
I want to start a chat with Chaz.
I'm still feeling very guilty
about not telling him
about the rebellion immediately.
"Tom has invited you to a private chat."
If you're looking for my honesty,
I hope you can handle it,
because I am not gonna hold back.
Circle, please open up Tom's private chat.
Message, "Chazberry, I'm coming to you
with my tail between my legs."
"I want to reach out
in case you have any further questions."
"I want to be as open as possible
going forward. How are you feeling, pal?"
Message, "Tom, can I be honest with you?"
[Tom] "At this point,
I'm extremely hurt by you."
[inhales] I think he's really hurt,
and I think he's got a right to be.
"I understand the damage I've done.
It's completely my fault, and I'm sorry."
No, it's not completely your fault.
It's partially your fault,
because Jennifer should've spoken up
as well. She also knew about it.
I don't blame Tom for this.
This isn't all Tom's fault.
It's such a shame as well,
because I was number one.
Like, everyone was thinking
I was this lovely guy.
Message, "Tom, even though I am hurt,
I still would like to see you as a person
and offer my forgiveness,
because I can't help the fact
that I have a soft spot for you."
[Tom] "Things are really wild
in The Circle right now,
but I want to give you
the benefit of the doubt."
That's about as good a message
as I can expect to get back.
Message, "The best I can do
is be completely honest going forward."
"With that in mind,
let me tell you my hacker story."
What is his hacker story?
What the hell is going on right now?
Message, "Jen, brackets, my bestie,
came to me saying
Tamira had randomly started accusing her
of being two-faced about the rebellion."
"It was a very odd thing for Tamira to do.
I know it's untrue."
Message, "Tom, something is strange."
"Someone messaged Sam as me
and referred to her as 'wifey.'"
[Tom] "Those are nicknames
that only Sam and I knew
before Jen found out in the group chat."
"In the rebellion chat,
Jennifer said her loyalty was with Chaz
and his wifey, Sam,
revealing that name
to you and everyone else."
"I'm sorry to say, but someone
in that rebellion is the hacker."
I'm thinking that is the biggest mindfuck
I have ever, ever read on a page.
Message, "I agree."
"The hacker is definitely one
of the rebellion members."
"I don't want
to point fingers yet as well."
"This is all best discussed as a group."
[Chaz] "#OpenAndHonestFromNowOn."
"I'm so glad we've had this chat, pal,
and I will endeavor
to learn from my mistake."
"I'm sorry again. Much love."
Tom, you do not have to apologize anymore.
We moved forward.
We talked about it, and it's done.
[tense music playing]
[shouting] Oh no!
Oh God!
Oh-ho-ho no!
I think the hacker is Jen.
Ah, you m
I think Jen has stirred some shit,
and then she's come to me
and said Tamira's been acting weird
'cause she thinks I'll have her back.
[inhales sharply] Oh, well
Jen's the hacker.
[Buteau] Well,
Tom might be a stand-up comedian,
but he definitely didn't see
that punchline coming.
Now the players are enjoying an afternoon
reading, writing, and relaxing.
And if you don't know what happens
when everything looks peaceful like this,
then I don't know what to tell you, honey.
[upbeat music playing]
[Paris] "'Dress to Impress.'"
I'm an artsy-fartsy bitch.
[Buteau] Me too. On my mother's side.
"Players, The Circle loves your style"
"but now you'll be putting your flair
for fashion"
[snapping fingers] "to the test."
Oh, this is perfect.
Real me, I don't even dress myself.
"Today's challenge, has been set"
"by a very special guest."
Who's the special guest, Circle?
Oh, who could it be? I mean, I'm hoping
it's Margot Robbie, but I doubt that.
[Buteau] That's so funny.
She was our backup.
Hi, everyone. I am Tan France.
[both screaming] Oh!
Oh my God! I love him so much!
Fashion icon right here!
On Queer Eye, my job
is to evaluate people's fashion choices,
and that is exactly what I'm gonna
with you today.
[Paris] "So you've got
an eye for fashion, honey."
"Yes! I'm excited."
I don't know
if I feel confident about this.
I'm setting you a very "simple" challenge.
I would like you to create one look
that is stunning, eye-catching, memorable,
and shows me exactly who you are.
You really wanna see
my sweatpants collection?
Very, very shortly,
you'll be receiving a majestic mannequin,
some accessories,
some fabric to create your clothing.
Oh my God, we gotta impress you.
We gotta impress you.
Do we get to dress a doll up, or do we
We're dressing a mannequin.
He just said it. [scoffs]
I can't hear anything
'cause you're screaming.
So I want you to get ready
to dress to impress.
I gotta win this. I got to win this.
The player that I select as the winner
will receive a fantastic award.
[grunts] Reward me, bitch!
Everything you could possibly need
for this challenge is waiting for you
right at your door,
so I don't know what you're waiting for.
Go on. Get going.
[Buteau] You heard Tan.
Come on, people. Let's go.
-[playful music playing]
-[Raven screams]
-[Chaz] Whoa. Oh my gosh.
-[Tasia] Jesus. That scared me.
[Sam] Oh, this is creepy.
-I wanna borrow this.
-[Tom] Oh God, there's loads of stuff.
[breathes heavily]
And now, here we go. Oh shit.
I love fur.
-[door slams shut]
-All right, we've got our lady friend.
Uh, my name is Tom. If you hold my hand,
I'll show you around the room.
I'm feeling like
none of these colors match right now.
In case you're looking
for any kind of help,
here are my tips on how you can style
your mannequin gorgeous.
Okay, let's watch this.
It's you and me together.
Tips are good. I could use some tips.
[snapping fingers] Set the trend.
You guys, I don't want you
to be a follower.
I need you to use your creativity,
blow me away, and stand out in the crowd.
We are all about standing out.
[Paris] "I always stand out
from the crowd,
especially with my blue hair."
I want you to express yourself.
Fashion is an extension of you.
So use bright colors, use bold prints,
use accessories, and make it pop.
[Paris] "Okay, I can do that."
All right, everyone, you have
just one hour to create these looks,
and then I will be back to judge
and decide on who will be the winner.
Time starts now.
No pressure.
-[screams] Okay.
-[upbeat music playing]
Right. Let's go.
-Oh, boy. I'm starting.
-All right, Tan. One hour. One hour.
What do you think about this?
-I like that. But does it pop?
[Sam] Let's think Selena,
sequins, Madonna.
Suck it in for me. [grunts]
All right, glue stick,
you saving the day, girl.
[Sam] Glue sticks!
And I just wanna show a little bit more
of, like, a snazzier version of myself.
You look good, girl.
[Chaz] I think Jennifer might do
exceptionally well.
You know, I think she's gonna make,
like, a beachwear look.
I like a skirt that has, like,
one of those slits in it.
I love that idea.
-[Tom] Fashion's really hard.
-Oh God. I'm gonna break your arm.
Trying to serve
"Bidi Bidi Bom Bom" realness.
[Chaz] Okay,
how do I get these pants through?
You gotta give a little cleavage.
Girl, you
Of all days to leave your titties home!
That looks so stupid. Oh. [chuckles]
The trick to making this outfit look chic
is add more shiny shit.
[Buteau, sarcastically]
Pretty sure Coco Chanel said that.
[Tom] My vision is coming to life.
I think Tamira is going to do, like,
something very sexy. That's Tamira.
Oh, hell, yes, mother-mmm.
Heh-heh. Look at that.
[Paris] "It's a new-age Great Gatsby."
[Buteau] Okay, Daisy Buchanan.
[Tasia cheering] Oh!
-Um, hi, everyone. Hello? Yep. Me again.
-No, go away.
Don't look. We're not ready yet.
You have just a few more minutes
to add things, take things away,
and do all you can to impress me.
A few minutes?
[Tom] I'm a clown,
not a bloody seamstress.
Now is most definitely not the time
for modesty. It has no place here.
More is so much more.
[Chaz] I heard you loud and clear,
Tan Fran.
"We've only got a few minutes left."
[Tom] Vivienne Westwood, Versace, Gucci,
they all wear it like this.
[Buteau] Paris Fashion Week, watch out.
Mr. Tan, he's gonna be like,
"I need an assistant, you bitch!"
-I'm talented, damn it. Look at this.
-[Tom] Okay, that's great.
Fuck, that looks stupid.
I feel like I made it worse.
-"Time's up!"
-"Time is up!"
-My masterpiece is completed.
[squeals] She looks so good.
Tan France is gonna be so proud.
I'm disappointed.
I don't deserve this cookie.
[Buteau] Let me tell you something.
You always deserve a cookie.
Pray for the best.
"You should now take a photo
of your outstanding outfit." Okay.
-He just called you outstanding.
-Please let it be outstanding.
You use the word "outstanding"
real loosely, Circle.
[Buteau] Now,
you guys use those Circle cameras,
'cause Tan will be judging
those creations later.
[shutters clicking]
-You are officially a cover girl!
-[shutter clicks]
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] After turning the fashion world
on its head,
Jennifer is doing the same damn thing.
[Xanthi grunts]
-Now do a push-up.
-[Xanthi] Stop. Let go.
-[Brett] Do a push-up.
-[Xanthi] Let's see if I can hold it.
[grunts] Almost.
[Buteau] Raven and Paris are doing
a new kind of cardio.
[Buteau] And Oliver,
hungry for even more fun and games,
has started to chat with Tamira.
"Let's play a little game
I'm calling #LetMeSeeYouStrutYourStuff!"
Message, "Oliver, you know
I'm coming in hard. #LadyMarmaladeStyle."
Tamira got a little pizzazz about her.
I like that.
Walking with a purpose.
Slo-mo, the turtle walk.
I can strut it all day.
Message, "I knew
that I could have fun with you."
"I have always gotten
a great sense of freedom from you,
which I totally admire,
especially at your age."
[Tasia] "I did not become so liberated
until I moved away to Atlanta
for college."
Wow. So he's giving me
some personal information here.
I wanna talk to her
more on a serious level.
I see her and I have a lot in common.
So I want to know more about Tamira
and what her journey was like.
Message, "I come
from a Southern Baptist family
who taught me
the cliché pray the gay away."
"It wasn't until I started following
my own creative passions
that I finally found myself.
What was your journey like?"
In reality, I can actually really relate
to this a lot.
Once I left my mom's house,
I really was free to be who I wanted to be
and do what I wanted to do,
and that's when I came out.
For a long time, I really had to suppress
who I really was,
and it was not until I was blessed
with the opportunity to go to college
I became Oliver,
the Oliver that everybody sees today.
I'm definitely gonna bring Tamira in
to have a similar story like mine, right?
Message, "It's crazy
how our paths are so similar."
"I grew up Christian non-denominational,
and a lot of my family told me
liking women was a phase."
"Over time, I realized that it wasn't."
"Once I left home,
I discovered peace within myself,
and now I feel comfortable to love
who I want to love. Pride flag." Aw!
-[sentimental music playing]
-I know that feeling. [sniffs]
This is really dope
that Oliver is, like, reaching out
and, like, really, like, giving
some information about himself to Tamira.
And I really like
that I'm telling the truth
and, like, sticking to my truth.
Message, "It touches my heart
that you now found peace,
and you are free to be who you wanna be."
[Oliver] "#DontEverChange."
[smacks lips]
Thank you, my queen. I appreciate that.
A lot of Black families
will not accept homosexuality,
and it's because they're so religious.
But if we're made in God's image,
then, I mean This is who I am.
Message, "I usually don't open up
to people so easily."
"So, thank you for allowing me
to be vulnerable with you."
Aw. That was amazing.
And I'm so glad that she trusted me enough
to share those things with me.
I was myself throughout this whole chat.
I really didn't have to pretend
to be a catfish.
Now I'm starting to see that,
no matter how nice you are,
no matter how much you compliment people,
no matter how much you get them
to talk about themselves,
they wanna know about you too.
That wasn't something I was thinking about
coming into the game.
Oliver really changed
my perspective on that.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] The sun's down,
so that means it's nighttime,
and Raven has found a way
to turn a cake into an evening meal,
while Jennifer has found an excuse
to stand really close to herself.
Something's wrong
with the green ones, okay?
[Buteau] But before they have
another tiff Dot, dot, dot.
"The results of the Dress
to Impress challenge are in."
[gasps] We get to see
everybody else's designs.
"Okay, bring it on, Tan.
I'm ready. Let's go. Let's go."
Hello, everyone. I hope you had
so much fun creating these masterpieces.
I've got to say, I'm blown away.
You guys are so talented.
Okay, that's a good start.
Now is the time
for some honest, constructive feedback.
Tan France don't hold shit back.
He is about to rip everybody a new one.
Good luck, mate.
I think we're gonna do well.
First up, we have Jennifer.
[Tom applauding] That's very good, Jen.
Not really what I was expecting
from Jennifer.
She did the shit in an hour?
This look really made me happy, Jennifer,
because it made me feel like you care
about how you present yourself
to the world
and you understand what a good outfit does
for your self-confidence.
Jennifer, you seem like someone
who's young or young at heart.
Yes! Young at heart is
exactly what we were trying to captivate.
You're probably, like, 13,
and you're a Girl Scout pretending
to be a 51-year-old dog walker.
[Tan] Next up, Sam.
I'm scared.
This kind of brings me back
to, like, the 1800s.
I like this for Sam. This is cute.
[laughing] But it looks like
it's squatting down and taking a piss.
Sam, I think you did a beautiful job.
I love what you did with the bodice.
I love the denim skirt with it.
I didn't love the floral
on the skirt, quite frankly,
but take that away,
and I think that this is a great look.
I have flower print on mine,
and now I'm fucking nervous.
Sam, well done.
I think your look is great.
Is he telling me I have a new calling?
Should I be doing this on the regular?
Next, we have Tamira.
My palms are just sweating so hard
right now.
-[Paris] "I think it's okay."
-That is risqué.
Has she got the corset on
the wrong way around?
I'm not trying to throw shade your way,
but there's nothing cool
or sexy about this, Tamira.
Tan France, tell us how you really feel.
It's giving me village wench
from, like, 1870s.
[laughing] Did he say "village wench"?
[Tan] Next up, Chaz.
[Chaz] No! No! Oh my God. It's my turn!
Chazberry, that's not bad, you know.
Your look was really well considered.
It's busy in a cool way. It's current.
This look has effortless sex appeal.
The shirt is completely unbuttoned.
I love to see a little bit of skin.
If you had had more time to work on this,
I actually would've considered
wearing something like this.
I think you did a great job.
[shouting] Oh my God!
Are you serious right now?
[Paris] "I know that you're just jumping
all around your apartment right now."
-[Paris] "What great feedback!"
-Thank you, Tan France. Thank you so much!
[Tan] Next, we have Oliver.
I feel like
I'm about to be ran out of town.
It even has Oliver's hair.
[Brett] Interesting.
He went with a skirt look,
which is different, but kinda cool.
Oliver, I love this genderless look.
My personal opinion is
that you are a trendsetter.
You're kind of giving me
a really clear idea of your story,
and I love that I'm getting that
from your outfit.
-That's what your clothes should do.
If I saw someone in this,
I'd be really impressed.
I would stop them and take a picture.
That feels so great! Yes! Yes.
Next up, we have Raven.
Oh no. No.
I like this.
I've got a feeling you are an extrovert.
You know that you can command a room,
and this look does exactly that.
I love your use of color.
Raven, based on this look,
you are somebody
that I think I want to get to know.
Well, he really liked that one, didn't he?
"I know nothing about fashion." [laughs]
And finally, Tom.
Tom, I need you
to literally suck so hard right now.
I am excited to see Tom's,
but I can see him taking the funny route.
-[Xanthi chuckles]
-[Brett laughs]
It looks like Santa went
and got a corporate job.
I think he's gonna love us.
Tom, what were you thinking?
-[whimsical music playing]
-This look is all over the place.
I would like to believe
that you tried really hard on this look,
but you are not comfortable
with style or fashion in any way.
A for effort, because it's clear
that you really tried hard.
You put in so many components.
However, I think you may have gone
with two or three too many components.
What? What?
Sometimes you manne-can,
and sometimes you manne-can't.
We'll be the ones laughing
when they're wearing it this Christmas.
Honestly, you guys,
you should be so proud of yourselves.
I was blown away by the effort you put in.
But, as you know,
there can only be one winner.
I feel like I could potentially win this.
I can now announce that the winner is
[screaming] What? What? Bitch, me?
-Oh, wow.
I knew that was coming.
Yeah, Gusband.
[Tan] Chaz, the reason
why I chose you as the winner
is because you are giving me sexy.
You are giving me effortlessly cool.
You are giving me modern man. I loved it.
[Chaz] Oh my gosh! I'm about to cry.
[Tan] Chaz, as the winner,
you get to enjoy a fabulous Hangout date
with a player of your choice.
I have had so much fun.
Thank you all so much
for sharing your creativity with me.
I have loved it. Good luck and goodbye.
Thank you, Tan France. Thank you!
[laughing] Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
The most obvious choice is me
considering how we kicked it off
in the hot tub.
If he doesn't choose me,
that would make him plummet in my ranking.
I'm gonna take Sam on a Hangout date
because, one, that's my Circle wife.
I just wanna take my girl out
and just have some fun.
"Chaz has chosen to take Sam"?
[shrieks] I'm Sam!
You is going
straight to the bottom, playboy.
Ha! That's right, baby. Ha, ha, ha.
What the hell am I gonna wear?
[Buteau] Anything, girl.
Your date can't see you,
but we can, but he can't.
Let me give my outfit some love
and wear my outfit on the date.
I look like my mother. Ugh!
It's off to my date with my wife, Sam.
She's ready. Let's go.
[lively music playing]
[Chaz] Ah, oh, wow.
Oh my gosh, yo!
I am in fashion heaven right now.
Wow! Look at my trophy.
[Sam] This is a little piece of romantic.
There has been so much nonsense going on
in The Circle,
and all I wanna do
is just have some fun with my wife.
I deserve You know what?
Let me pick the girls up. Mmm.
I deserve this.
[Chaz clapping] Yes. Yes! Okay.
Message, "Hey, Wifey.
"I have my good cologne on tonight
just for you."
"Eye ball emoji. Devil face emoji." Send.
Ow, all right, Gusband.
But you don't want me like that,
but it's okay.
We can pretend for the night.
Message, "Gusband, heart emoji.
I don't know why,
but I was actually nervous
getting ready for this date."
"I have not been on a real date
in a long time."
"I appreciate you so much.
#IPutABra" [laughs]
#IPutABra" [laughing]
"#IPutOnABraForThis." Hey!
I love it, yo.
That is such a Sam thing to say.
Message, "LMAO. I'm over here screaming."
[Sam] "Tell me about your funniest
or worst date experience." [laughs]
Sam has stories for days.
I know whatever she's about to say
is about to be funny as hell.
Message, "One that sticks out
and haunts me is, met a guy."
"He invited me to a group dinner
for one of his friend's birthdays."
"And when the bill came,
I noticed people started to sneak"
[laughing loudly]
"I noticed people
started sneaking out of the restaurant."
Message, "He leaned over to me and said,
'I'm sorry. I didn't bring any money.'"
Oh my gosh. Been there, done that,
but it was not on a date, Sam, damn.
Message, "I walked three blocks
in the rain to an ATM in heels."
"Damn near broke my ankles."
"After I paid my portion of the tab,
this man had the nerve to ask me
if I was going home with him."
"#IThoughtIWasOnAPracticalJo" [laughing]
Yo! "#IThoughtIWasOnAPracticalJokeShow."
No way!
You would've thought this happened
right now. I'm mad all over again.
Message, "LMAO. I am screaming."
Message, "So what's the perfect man
for Chaz?"
Okay. Ooh, yes.
Now we're getting somewhere.
I'm pretty much at this point
about to be describing my fiancé.
So here we go.
Message, "The perfect man for Chaz
is an athlete, amazing personality"
"educated and definitely gotta be
a freak in the sheets. How about you?"
Message, "Samantha's ideal man
has to be book smart/street smart."
"I love broad shoulders.
I love a man with a beard."
[Sam] "Eggplant emoji.
Laughing emoji." Send. [giggles]
Yes, Sam! [chuckles]
Oh my God, yo.
This is the most fun
I've had on a date in forever.
[Buteau] As our Circle's
gusband and wife team bond over dates,
downstairs, Tom is about to have
a way less fun chat
with his Circle bestie, Jennifer.
I have my suspicions
that Jennifer might be the hacker,
and as her biggest ally,
I need to know going forward
what the actual truth is with her.
Circle, please open a private chat
with Jennifer.
[Xanthi] "Tom has invited you
to a private chat."
Thank God. We needed a little Tom time.
Circle, open private chat with Tom.
[Tom] Message,
"Hey, Jen. We need to talk."
"I need you to be honest with me now
Dot, dot, dot."
"Were you the hacker? Question mark.
Laughing face emoji." Send.
[tense music playing]
Oh s
Oh wow.
-Why does he think we were the hacker?
-He knows we were the hacker.
-[Brett] Why does he think it, though?
-He knows we were the hacker.
[Brett] But why does he think it?
Me and Jen have been very, very close
from the moment we got into The Circle,
and this is a real T-junction
of our friendship.
Because if she is the hacker,
and she has lied to me,
she's going to be feeling very conflicted
about whether or not she keeps on lying,
or she does tell me the truth
now that I've been so blunt with her.
Do we tell him, or do we deny?
-Look, we've
-I think we deny.
-[Xanthi] Look
-Fucking deny.
[Xanthi] Look
Tom, we have been brutally honest with
since day one.
Whatever we did
had nothing to do with anybody else.
I feel like Tom wants to know
so he could have our back.
At least if she says she isn't the hacker,
we can then move forward
from a point of truth.
Whereas, if she says she is the hacker,
we're now both in on a lie.
We had a conversation with Tom
that we need to get Tamira out.
Chaz has definitely told Tom
that whoever was the hacker
wanted Tamira out.
Tom is so smart. Tom knows.
Don't be the hacker, babe, please.
Don't be the hacker, Jen.
This is The Circle. We need alliances.
We're also just handing him,
on a silver platter, a way to execute us.
We're gonna get executed anyway.
We can't be in The Circle alone.
At least if we go, we got Tom with us.
Dude, I don't think this is a good idea.
The fact that she's taking so long
to respond
really does not bode well for this.
[dramatic music plays]
[Tom] "Tom, this has not been fun for me.
Laughing face emoji."
"I couldn't wait to reach out."
[tense music plays]
"Yes, I was given the power
of the hacker."
[dramatic music plays]
-[tense music playing]
She even put a laughing face emoji.
I'm not laughing, Jen.
I'm not laughing at all.
"My intention was to get Tamira out,
and nothing in my strategy
was going to ever hurt Chaz
or Sam's integrity in the game."
You fucking lied to me. Jen!
The most important thing is
that he knows our intentions
were never to hurt Chaz and Sam
in the game whatsoever,
just to get Tamira out.
But why would you tell me
that Tamira is being weird?
I don't I don't understand
what that lie was meant to achieve.
Jennifer's actually told me a lie
as if I'm going to peddle the lie.
This is a lot to take in.
This is so much.
I hope he reads this all,
and he's like, "Holy fuck."
[Xanthi] He is. He is.
What am I meant to do with this?
She knows how everyone's
got their back up at me
because of the bloody revolution thing.
I need to show everyone
that I've learned from that mistake.
At least now
that we gave this information to Tom,
Tom knows that Jennifer trusts Tom,
and hopefully Tom trusts Jennifer.
She's sort of stuck me
in this horrendous position,
and now I really don't know what to do.
My heart is saying, "Stick with her
and try and get her through this."
But my head is going,
"Last time you withheld information,
and it came back and bit you."
I'm so happy Tom knows
that we were the hacker.
He has always had her back.
Why would he stop now?
Do I pretend that this conversation
just never happened,
or I tell everyone this
because you have been lying?
[tense music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
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