Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s05e12 Episode Script

Sky High

We're doomed! Pack everything! Hurry! Run! Run! Faster, faster! Ohh! As many as you can.
Hurry! Come on! Here.
Now, go! This way! Gather your families and head for high ground.
If everyone stays calm, you'll all be fine! Out of the way! Stupid wench! Run! I'm right behind you! Thanks for listening! Are you all right? Here.
Let me help you.
Please, hurry.
The road west is blocked with refugees.
You'll find safety in that direction.
Ephiny, it's good to see you.
You too.
I, uh, heard about lolaus.
I'm sorry.
What brings you to Mount Pelion? I can't imagine it's the weather.
My son's visiting his father's Centaur colony just south of here.
Is that as bad as it looks? We got a day, two at most.
Such a nice village.
We got to get these people out of here.
I wish it were that simple.
Volcano's been causing earthquakes.
A lot of these people are too injured to be moved.
They'll be killed.
I know.
- Unless - No! Hercules, even you can't stop a volcano.
But maybe I can tame it.
Meet me at the sea.
What do you got? Wait! Diamonds? What are you gonna do? Bribe the volcano not to explode? And they say Amazons have no sense of humor.
They're not diamonds.
They're crystals from an island called Atlantis.
Atlantis? You don't believe that place really exists, do you? Not anymore.
What's so special about these? Wait! Don't! They're a little sensitive.
We'll use 'em to blast a hole in the far side of the mountain.
Away from the village.
And then when the volcano blows, the lava will drain out to sea.
You're gonna cart these things up the side of a live volcano? Yeah.
Out of curiosity, what if it explodes? Then we'll just go with the flow.
This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Hail! I wish there was an easier way to do this without risking innocent lives.
I went to the Centaur village.
Xenon wasn't there.
It seems his cousins have taken him on some kind of ritual hunt just north of here.
In spite of the volcano? Mmm.
Boys will be boys.
Three carts, three chances to divert the lava.
I asked your elders to send me all the unmarried men in the village.
You're lookin' at 'em.
We need four volunteers to help take these wagons to the top of Mount Pelion.
The volcano? Some of us might not come back.
But if even one of these wagons gets through, we could save the village.
- How? - Explosive crystals, powerful enough to blow a hole in the side of the mountain.
So who's coming? If we make it, we'll be heroes, right? I'm go.
No guts, no glory.
An army man never volunteers.
But I've been cashiered.
Count me in.
Not me.
Me too.
How old are you? Old enough.
Anyone else? We need one more.
Let's go.
They have to be crazy.
I can't blame them.
Even for a soldier, a life's a precious thing to risk losing.
Unless you've got no life to lose.
Come on! Come on! We came here for a hangin'! Aye! A hangin'! People! People, listen here.
Hercules and I are looking for volunteers.
To jump in a volcano! Yeah, we heard.
What you need is a virgin sacrifice.
Too bad.
We're fresh out.
What we need are men with courage.
Looks like you're fresh out of them too.
If you don't want to help, fine.
But you should get out of town.
When justice is done.
Not before.
Nagus, here His son Okan was our friend.
The scum who killed him swings at sunset! Yeah, if we live that long! These people could use your help getting to safety.
Where were they when my boy was killed, huh? All I want is justice.
Revenge isn't justice.
Strange words from an Amazon.
People aren't always what they appear to be.
Is this a joke? I'm giving you an opportunity to do something worthwhile with what's left of your life.
By getting myself killed? Kurth, they're about to hang you.
If I do this, do I get a reprieve? Kurth's been trouble ever since he wandered into town.
Drunken brawls, petty theft, murder.
Least I know how to have a good time.
If you help us and we survive, I'll speak for you at the village council.
You'll tell 'em to set me free? A man is dead.
You have to pay for what you did.
But if you help save other lives they should at least reconsider your punishment.
I just spend the rest of my days locked away in here? I think your options are limited.
Hang him! Hang him! Come on! Stop wastin' time! Bring him out or we're coming in! Swing time, baby! Stretch his neck! Bring him out! You've got a deal.
Bring him out! Open it.
Let him out.
Hercules may give you a second chance.
But I won't.
Hey! You can't come in here! So it's true.
No you don't! They said you were setting him free.
I didn't believe it! - He killed my son.
- And he'll be punished for it.
Then hang him! We need his help.
Nagus, I am sorry about your boy.
But think about the people we can still save.
I'll seeyouin Tartarus.
He'll be back.
We've got a job to do.
Move it.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stay here.
Whoa, whoa.
Don't take any chances.
Keep a safe distance between the wagons.
Can I drive? Maybe later.
It's the foothills I'm worried about.
This shouldn't be too tough.
Guess again.
The volcano's heating up the groundwater.
All that pressure has to let out somewhere.
How do we get throughthat? Very carefully.
One person from each wagon walks ahead and clears a path.
Let's move out.
Stay close.
I'm right behind ya.
Come on now.
Whoa, there.
Five copper coins say they don't even make it round the corner.
Come on.
Come on.
Up, up.
Come on.
Get up.
That's it.
Come on.
Come on.
Be careful.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
You're getting too far ahead! Don't walk so fast! Faster we go, faster we get out of here.
All we have to do is follow them and we know we're safe, right? Watch your step.
Look out! Whoa! Ooh! I can't stop! Whoa! Look out! Whoa! Whoa! Jump! Get off! No! Look out! Mmm! Told you they wouldn't make it.
Lucky you didn't take the bet, eh, Nagus? Shut up.
Hercules! He's dead.
I'm gettin' out of here.
The only place you're going is up that mountain.
We haven't even started and four of us are dead already.
Well, that leaves two of us to finish the job.
It's hopeless! It's never hopeless! Great.
Let's be heroes and blow up a mountain.
Like the man said, let's go blow up a mountain.
Come on.
Easy, girl.
Come on.
Come on.
They're still kickin'.
You lose.
Come on.
Cough it up.
Gimme, gimme.
Let's go.
That's it.
That's it.
Come on, girl.
Come on.
Good girl.
Good girl.
Come on.
Looks like the kid's learned his lesson.
Some people don't have to make the same mistake twice.
Meaning what? Meaning I know how the Centaur died.
Whoa, whoa.
Then you know it was an accident.
I know you were drunk, not for the first time.
I know you got in a brawl with the village gang, not for the first time.
I didn't mean to kill him.
And I believe you.
But you still haven't learned your lesson.
You meant to get drunk, and you meant to get in a fight, right? Hercules.
My horse has lodged a stone in his shoe.
It'll take a moment to fix it.
Catch up when you can.
Linxus, gimme a hand here.
The Centaur kid.
It wasn't my fault.
Like I said, people don't have to make the same mistake twice.
My son hates it when I have to change his shoes.
But the way he keeps growing.
Scared? Sorry.
With what we're carrying in that wagon, if you weren't scared, I'd be worried.
Your family are farmers, aren't they? Is it that obvious? Your hands.
Working with the earth, that's a high calling.
You think so? But you're an An Amazon? Know why warriors fight? To defend our families, our homes and our land.
Father always says land matters more than anything except family.
Does he know you're doing this? No.
I wanted to show him that I'm more than just a farmer.
You have any sisters, brothers? No.
Then go home, Linxus.
The land needs its farmers.
And more than that, a family needs its son.
That's where you really belong.
Good luck.
One shot, and boom - One dead Amazon.
- No! What's your problem? Her people hunt your people.
I don't care about her.
I want Kurth.
So do I.
We're on the same side.
Are we? Okan was our friend.
Don't remind me.
What're you looking at? Nothin', boss.
Nothin' at all.
We're losin' water! If they overheat, they'll explode! Hercules! The wheel! Whoa.
Get that rock over here.
Hurry up.
Come on.
I can't! Before you give up, try.
What happened? Ah, we lost a wheel.
Lucky you caught it.
That'll work.
You call that luck? Unhitch the horse.
We'll have to move the crystals to your wagon.
Still miles to the top.
Will one wagon get us there? It has to.
Ah! I'll stop them.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Kurth! Hey! Hyah! Hyah! Heads up! Come to Mama.
Get her.
Hyah! Whoa, boy.
You should have been nice to me while you had the chance, Amazon bitch! Let's get out of here! Come on.
Move it! Move it! Hyah! Hyah! Oh! Stupid horse.
Could have killed me.
You'll wish he had.
No! Kurth! On your feet.
Ah! He could have killed me.
Why didn't he kill me? Yeah.
That's a good boy.
He'll be all right.
But he can't pull a wagon, can he? With that wounded shoulder, no.
So that's it? We lose.
It's over.
Not if we can get some help.
Don't! What'd you do that for? The lava flowing underground has made the water acidic.
See what I mean? Thanks.
We lost two horses.
The other's been wounded.
We can't get the crystals to the volcano unless you pull the wagon.
You expect me to help you? HelpKurth? And an Amazon.
People are gonna die.
If you've got a better idea, I'd love to hear it.
Why don'tyou pull the wagon? Where are your friends? Opakus and his thugs? My son's friends, not mine.
You couldn't have been too happy about that.
I warned Okan.
They only wanted him because a Centaur makes a handy partner in crime.
And I'm sure you did everything you could to stop him.
He wouldn't listen.
Kurth says you could have killed him, but you didn't.
I missed.
Really? You're not a killer, Nagus.
Neither is Kurth, not intentionally.
In your heart you know that.
I know my boy is dead.
And someone has to take the blame.
But who are you really blaming? Kurth or yourself? If we leave now and cut through the foothills, maybe we can make it to the highlands before the volcano blows.
No? Listen, whatever chance this crazy plan had is long gone.
Sure, you got a reason to continue.
I can see that.
But what about me? Why should I? Because you said you would.
Oh, please.
Look, you make a choice, you accept the consequences.
You've got no right to complain.
Anyone ever tell you you're a lousy conversationalist? And if that's not reason enough for you, how's this? You owe the world a life.
We're almost there.
I knew this was gonna be a lousy day when I woke up.
I figure we can catch them at the canyon if we follow the ridgeline.
Come on.
Do we have a problem? We, uh, we We talked it over.
- We're turning back.
- Excuse me? Volcano's gonna blow any time now.
Kurth's a dead man.
It's crazy to keep going.
What's the point? The point is I'm in charge! Anybody who doesn't like it can get out.
Get out! All right, then.
Let's go.
This way.
This way.
They just don't make bridges like they used to.
Let's not kick our way across, okay? Just when you think things can't get any worse.
They always do.
Okay, here's the plan.
We carry the crystals over.
You follow with the wagon.
We better hurry.
I hate it when that happens.
Ready? One at a time or all at once? Uh, all at once.
Go! Ladies first.
Oh, well, you try to be nice.
Aah! I got you.
Be careful.
Be careful? Now there's an idea.
Just watch your step.
You guys are just full of good advice.
Whoa! Look out! This can't be good.
Can you get up? Yeah.
Like I said, be careful.
On second thought, send me back.
I'm better off with the hangman.
Kurth, nobody's laughing.
Just keep moving.
Looks like I'm with you guys till the bitter end.
Lucky us.
Hang on! Nagus! He's in the bushes! Hurry! Go! Ow! Here, grab on.
Take my arm.
Hercules! Here.
I'll be right back.
You're mine now.
Why'd you turn on me? I didn't like the company I was keepin'.
Oh, yeah? You can tell your son when you see him in Tartarus that I never liked him! Hercules! You helped me back there.
I promise I won't make it a habit.
Hercules, help! You know something, punk? It's guys like you who give scum a bad name.
I can't I can't hold it! I got you.
Hold on.
Should've sent him over with the wagon.
Opakus has done all the damage he's gonna do.
He tried to kill me.
Bad luck he didn't.
All right.
That's enough, both of you.
Nagus, I need you to stay with Ephiny and take care of her.
Ephiny? Kurth and I will handle it from here.
Give me one of those.
Oh! Come on.
My son's down there.
Without a wagon, you can't take enough crystals to blow up the mountain.
- You're in no shape to be - I can do this.
We don't need a wagon.
I'll carry them.
I'll go cut some rope from the bridge to make a harness.
That's a good idea.
I'll go with you.
I'll just make myself at home.
I didn't realize.
You're the Amazon who was Phantes' mate.
You bore him a son.
That's right.
I heard Phantes was killed by Mitoans.
I was with child.
Wasn't exactly at my fighting peak.
He died protecting me.
Then you know how I feel.
Hercules talks about letting go.
He doesn't understand.
He lost his wife and children to Hera, his best friend to Dahak.
He understands just fine.
I hated the Mitoans for killing Phantes.
You know what I finally realized? What? I hated myself more for not saving him.
You were with child.
There was nothing you could do.
Easy to say.
Harder to believe.
Isn't it? Remember what I said before.
People aren't always what they appear to be.
Good luck up there.
Whoa! I'm sorry.
That wasn't a crack.
I mean, I didn't mean whoa as in whoa! I meant whoa as in whoa.
Kurth, shut up.
Look, I'm I'm not proud of what I've done.
I live every day with what I did to your son and that's no way to live.
It's easy to be repentant when you're about to die.
Your apology won't bring my boy back.
What can I do to make right what I did? Tell me, and I'll do it.
Go to Tartarus, where you belong.
This is it.
If we can make a break in the crater wall, the lava should flow down into the sea.
I hate to say it, but, uh, how do we set them off? Don't tell me we just throw a rock and run like crazy.
Once the volcano blows, it'll do the job for us.
I think.
What's wrong? We lost too many crystals off the bridge.
We've still got enough to do the job, right? Not from here.
Go pick up Ephiny.
What are you doin'? What we came here to do.
You're gonna throw them into the crater.
It's the only way to be sure.
You'll never make it up there.
Heat sets them off.
That's a furnace! I'll make it! And make it back? Of course.
I see.
I won't let you do it.
The world needs Hercules! I don't have time to argue with you, Nagus.
You and Kurth get as far downslope as you can.
I'll be right behind you.
Kurth, would you Kurth.
Kurth! He won't make it.
He already has.
Go! It's a miracle! It's a new day! Brought you a staff.
Youarea god.
I've had word from my son.
He's back from the hunt.
He'll meet me on the road home.
And just how do you plan on getting there? I'm walking.
Looks more like limping to me.
Don't start.
Be safe.
You know, now that he's dead, I don't feel any better.
Truth is I feel responsible.
He didn't do it just for your forgiveness.
He did it for himself.
And for all of us.
I was a poor father, Hercules.
I should've learned from my mistakes.
Have you forgiven Kurth for his? Yeah.
Then you've learned the most important lesson of all.

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