The Circle (2020) s05e12 Episode Script

A Brutal Blocking

-["Tainted Love" playing]
-[Buteau] The sun is rising
on the second-to-last day
in The Circle, y'all,
which means one player is edging closer
to that $100,000.
Comedian Tom isn't laughing, though.
The love we share seems to go nowhere ♪
-And I've lost my light ♪
For I toss and turn
I can't sleep at night ♪
[Buteau] 'Cause he's waking up
and still digesting the news
that his Circle bestie, Jennifer,
was the hacker.
What the hell?
[all] Good morning, Circle.
I am excited to see
what we're doing today.
Today's a new day.
Oh, tainted love ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, tainted love ♪
[Tom] A lot happened yesterday.
Jen came to me.
I asked if she was the hacker.
She said she was the hacker.
She has been lying to me,
and she's put me in an awkward position.
[breathes deeply, sighs]
But, ugh, the thing is,
during my sleep, I've realized
Jennifer is my strongest alliance.
I still do think she is
She thinks I'm her number one.
I think she probably was not very good
at being the hacker.
I think Jennifer tried to do something,
and it didn't really work,
and then she lied to me,
and she's probably
been feeling guilty about it.
[sighs] But it's done now,
and if I do want a chance
of winning this entire game,
I need to stay with my alliance.
So we've got to just move on.
Take my tears
And that's not nearly all ♪
He's always had our back. He's never given
us a reason not to trust him,
and I think we need numbers in this game.
It's important to trust your alliance
and especially your strongest alliance.
We will see. Hopefully, we don't wake up
with a chat from Chaz and Sam
saying that we were ratted out.
We are not out of the clear.
We got a long day ahead of us,
and we gotta be really, really,
really calculated and strategic about it.
I need coffee.
Who knows what today is gonna bring
in The Circle?
That's why I'mma have my toast, my jelly.
Y'all hear my tea screaming.
I'mma have my tea,
and I wanna say I'mma mind my business,
but it seems like Chaz can never do that.
And neither can Michelle, though. Ow.
'Cause as you single Circle-ites
are so close to the end of your journeys,
we thought we'd send in
a little something something
to bring y'all a bit closer.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all, in sequence] "Alert!"
-[mischievous music playing]
Kidding me right now.
The day just started,
and The Circle is already out here
sending out alerts.
Girl, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet.
-[party music playing]
-[both] "Love Day."
-"Love Day."
-"Love Day"?
[Paris] "I love love."
-Aw. "Today players will have the chance"
-"to spread love and positivity"
-"within The Circle."
-Happy Love Day!
Finally! Everybody been clawing
at each other's necks
and trying to kill each other.
I'm trying to get rid of people,
and you want me to bond?
[Paris] "Circle, see,
you know what we need."
-Put your love-and-positivity pants on.
-Oh, I forgot those at the dry cleaners.
[both] "To start the day
in a positive way,
there is a lovely delivery
at your door. Enjoy."
[Buteau] Is it promposal day
at high school or Love Day on The Circle?
This is very nice.
Since when you do cute stuff like this?
[Buteau] I don't know. I thought
the hacker thing was kind of cute too.
Cupcakes and balloons!
Oh my gosh. I am so happy!
Girl, you know I'm on a diet.
See? You a evil bitch. I promise you are.
Have some cupcake.
-There you go. All love.
You lovely. You lovely. You're all lovely.
Come here, guys. Group hug. Group hug.
-[pop music playing]
-Mm. "Circle Chat is now open!"
It's Love Day.
Jennifer wants to share the love.
[all] Take me to Circle Chat.
Let's start spreading some love
'round here. You know what I'm saying?
[Oliver] Oh!
"The Circle. Players, what have you loved
the most about your time in The Circle?"
Oh, that is such a nice Oh my God!
[Paris] "Message, 'What I loved the most
about my time in The Circle
is getting to know each player.'"
"'Y'all have made
an imprint on my heart.'"
-[soft music playing]
-Oh, Raven.
Aw, Raven, you've made an imprint
on my heart as well, girl,
and it ain't going nowhere.
Message, "When I first came
into The Circle,
I was so unsure about myself."
"However, all of the people
I have met through this entire process
have helped me grow as a person."
"I love you all so much.
It's true. You learn a lot about yourself,
and you do make connections,
and it is It's emotional,
and, um, I love you too, Chaz.
That was nice of Chaz.
I didn't expect anything less from Chaz.
Message, "My favorite memory
is Tan calling me the #Village Wench."
"Laughing face emoji,
laughing face emoji."
"Village w" [laughs, inhales]
[in high-pitch]
Oh, he's the village wench.
Message, "What I loved the most
are the genuine people that I've met
and knowing that I now have
some new lifelong friends."
[Oliver] "#YaStuckWithMe." [laughs]
I feel like she being shady
by adding "genuine people."
Girl, who been disingenuine, Sam?
Tell us. Jennifer.
[Xanthi] Sam's still a little pissed off.
That was a calculated message
if you ask me.
[Paris] "I have a lot of love for Sam
since day one."
We need to think
of something sweet to say.
Right up my alley. I love it.
We have to make this
melt everyone's heart.
Message, all caps
Here come Jennifer fake shit.
Circle, eject Jennifer from the chat.
You know that's not how this works, Sam.
[Xanthi] All caps,
"Happy Love Day, everyone."
"Rainbow heart emoji."
"What I loved the most
about my time in The Circle
is that you all included me,
even when I felt like
I was a little bit of the outcast."
[Tom] "I'm genuinely happy I got to know
each and every one of you. #AlwaysLove."
I know that she's
in a sticky situation right now,
and she hasn't helped herself,
but at the end of the day,
I I do I care for her immensely,
and she's my best friend in The Circle.
[in Spanish] She's a bad woman.
She's a bad woman.
Message, "What I will cherish the most
is the amount of warm love
and acceptance I received
on top of the freedom to be myself."
"I was nervous I was gonna be sidelined,
but y'all are truly bomb AF."
[gasps] That's The Golden Girls.
I love that he's still, talking
about being liberated
and just to be himself.
So I love that one.
It's nice to see
everybody just throw love out there
and talk about, like,
you know, the journey.
It's so important,
because I feel like I am not who I was
when I first started in The Circle.
Message, "The Circle has been
a rollercoaster journey
of self-discovery, emotions, and fun."
"But away from all the stress,
I've met a host of people,
who each in their individual way,
have made me smile" [voice breaks]
Oh God. Hang on. [inhales sharply]
"have made me laugh, smile, cry,
and will stay with me forever."
"I'll never forget
how wonderful you all were
after I finally opened up."
"All jokes aside, #LoveYouAll."
That's dope, Tom.
[Paris] "Tom, that was very sweet."
"And I think that's all we wanted
from you, Tom."
"We were waiting for you to open up,
and of course, it was all love for you."
[Tom] This whole thing's been emotional,
and, um, I've ended up playing a game
that I didn't think I'd play.
[voice breaking]
And it's come from, I think, alliances,
and being put into situations
where you have to make decisions,
and making mistakes.
I've made I've made mistakes,
and you learn a lot
about yourself through it.
[Paris] "Circle Chat is now closed."
"We needed that.
We needed that this morning."
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] Um, what I need now is a tissue.
Tom, you're supposed
to make me laugh, not cry.
The Circle Chat might be closed for now,
but Chaz still has
some unfinished business.
Circle, launch group chat
with Jennifer and Tom.
"Chaz has invited you to a group chat."
Oh my God.
With who, Chaz?
This is either really good or really bad.
I think I'm sweating a little bit.
[suspenseful music playing]
Aw, that was not who I was expecting.
[groaning] Oh!
-[Xanthi] All right.
This could be Tom totally ratted us out
to Chaz that we were the hacker,
and this blows up in our fucking face.
I think Chaz might be opening this group
for something to do with the hacker,
and now I know who the hacker is.
[sighs deeply] Oh, I feel sick.
Message, "Hey, guys.
The first thing I want to say is
I genuinely love you
with my entire heart."
[Xanthi] "I'm so deeply sorry
that you two were placed in a situation
that caused everyone to be suspicious."
[Tom] "I'm ashamed
that I doubted you guys,
but I've realized we are human first,
and our mistakes are second."
The guy breaks my heart. He really
He does. He's such a bloody nice guy.
[sighs deeply]
Jennifer, why did you lie?
Jennifer, why have you put me
in this goddamn position?
-I don't think Tom's gonna rat us out.
Why would Tom rat us out
right before we head to finale?
Why would he do that?
Who's gonna be on Tom's side?
[sighs deeply]
If Tom thinks
that it's all gonna get blamed on him,
and he won't make it to finale,
Tom would prefer
Tom to be in finale than Jennifer.
Message, "I want to get back
to who we were before all of this drama."
"The Jennifer and Tom
who I've fallen in love with
are the people I want to remember.
That's what matters most."
"I wanted to say this now,
so when I look back,
I could at least say I tried
to repair what was broken,
apologized for my mistakes,
and offer my forgiveness."
Oh, Chaz! You are forgiven, baby!
We love you!
[exhales deeply]
This is super smart on Chaz
with his game plan.
Because if we do make it to the finale,
Chaz is like, "I want everyone
to put me at the highest spot possible,
so I can win this game."
Chaz is very sweet and genuine,
but he's also very smart
and strategic in this game.
Let's send some positive,
loving vibes back to Chaz.
Message, "Hello, Chaz.
What a way to get started on Love Day."
"Rainbow heart emoji,
rainbow heart emoji."
"I really appreciate you reaching out.
This game definitely gets tough,
but it is so important to stick
to the real connections you have made."
"Your apology means the world,
and I'm also sorry
for putting any doubt in your mind."
[Chaz] "I've always thought highly of you
and admire the way you handle yourself."
You are such a leader in The Circle,
and you should really give yourself
a big pat on the back."
Agh. Jennifer.
I think Jennifer's feeling awful.
I think she'll I think
Jennifer's feeling absolutely awful.
I feel good.
I like when we talk about love.
This is my kind of day.
Love Day. Let's have Love Day every day.
All of us are a slave to The Circle,
and I don't wanna sound like an idiot,
'cause it's gonna sound ridiculous
coming out my English mouth,
but you can't hate the player. [chuckles]
You gotta hate the game.
[Buteau] Aw, how about love the player
and love the game?
[Tom] Message, "Chazberry,
any apologies you make are unnecessary
and forgiven straight away."
[Chaz] "You and Jen have shown me
so much love,
and I can't thank you enough
for being the people you are."
Yes, Tom.
[Chaz] Message,
"At times, I felt it was hard
to see through the smoke,
but to know, even after the dust settles,
that I still have you guys
in my heart tells me
my love for you two have always been
genuine, real, and authentic,
and it always will be no matter what."
"We have been through so much,
but we still have each other." Send.
[snaps fingers] Aw.
This was so nice. Oh gosh.
Listen, all in all, this is a great chat.
I do feel like Jennifer is
in a better position than she was before.
I feel good about it.
It really has made me feel
so much love for Chaz.
And Jennifer, I think, you know
[exhales] She's complicated things,
but I can't help but really love her
just 'cause I'm just connected with her.
It's just very hard
to walk away from something like that.
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] It's still Love Day,
and the players were asked
what they loved most about The Circle,
and no one even thought to ask me,
you know, the host.
And here's what I love.
Thank you for asking.
It rhymes with hurt.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert!" [elongated]
[Buteau] Paris, I'm sorry.
What was that again?
[Paris] "To celebrate Love Day,
you'll each receive a special message."
"What special message?"
Oh, Circle, don't do this to me right now.
I don't know if I'm ready for this. Ugh.
[Chaz] Wait. Hang on! Wait.
I'm in the middle
of making bacon and shit. Hang on.
[Paris] "Players,
it's time for you to hear
from your loved ones!"
[Paris and Raven screaming]
-[Raven laughs]
Mm. [laughs]
I'm so homesick.
I don't even know who this could be from.
I hope it's from my dad,
or it's my brother.
Oh, my heart!
Show me my babies!
I'm excited to get this energy
and remind me on why
I entered The Circle in the first place.
Yeah. I mean, I wanna
I wanna see it. I wanna [stammering]
Can I please watch the message?
[crying] I'm not ready. Wait.
I need tissues, Circle. Wait. [sniffing]
[Buteau] Yeah, Circle, wait.
I need, like, a ton of tissues too.
First to watch their message from home
is Tamira, aka Tasia,
who has a video from her girlfriend.
-My God! Tasia.
You know how much I miss you.
We literally spend 24/7 together.
I know.
And to not have you here has been like,
what the hell
am I supposed to be doing all day?
I have nobody to laugh with.
I have nobody to pawn the dogs off to.
I have to take
all the responsibility for them.
[Tasia laughs]
You came so far, dude.
You came from a small-ass town in Kansas
to The #Circle, bitch.
-Like, let's go!
-[Tasia] God.
-Like, come on! We love you. We miss you.
-Look at Sheldon.
Me and Sheldon are rooting for you.
Casey's rooting for you in the tent.
You know she's asleep.
-Say, "We love you." [laughs]
Ah! I love her! I love it.
That is everything right now.
That is everything right now.
[birds chirping]
Let's go from one catfish to another,
'cause now Jennifer, aka Brett and Xanthi,
have their videos.
-[television beeps]
-Hello, Brett. It's Dad here.
Um, so great that you've made it this far.
I do not tell you enough
how proud I am of you,
how determined you are.
You know, you picked your own path,
um, despite maybe me not encouraging it,
and, you know,
you're gonna be successful at it anyway,
so congratulations on on where you're at.
Stick to your game plan
and remember
that defense wins championships.
Yeah, baby!
Knowing you, I'm sure
you're confident you're gonna win this,
and we're all confident you are too.
I know, Brett, you and all of us
had a pretty tough start to this year.
I'm sure your mother's looking over you,
rooting you on right now from above.
You know that Mom would be proud of you
no matter what you did.
She's always been proud
of everything you've done,
so this would just be icing on the cake.
I'm looking forward
to having you back with us.
[soft music playing]
[softly] Yes.
[Brett] Wow.
That was beautiful.
I did not expect that at all.
I've always been the one
that went against the grain in my family,
so it's funny to hear him say that,
but it was awesome to hear his support.
He loves you.
[chuckles] I know. I'm a pain in his butt,
but he loves me.
-[chuckles, cries]
-[chuckles] Oh.
Oh my God. It's my mom,
my aunt, and my uncle.
Hi, honey. Hi, agapi mou.
-We are so, so proud of you.
-[chuckles, sniffles]
I miss you so much, Xanthi mou.
I love you so much.
I know you're gonna make it to the finals.
You're gonna bring it home
because your love, your laughter,
your smile is so infectious.
There is no doubt you will achieve
anything you set your mind to.
Your constant determination to excel
is inspiring to everyone.
And I know you're gonna bring
that money home, baby girl.
-[Xanthi's mom] You'll bring it home.
Go, Xanthi!
I know, honey, you're gonna do it.
I love you so much, agapi mou.
-[Xanthi] I love you more, mela mou.
-She's so encouraging, like you.
-Oh my God.
Oh my God. It's just, like,
amazing to see their faces.
We're all so close.
My parents are my best friends.
I just can't wait to go home
and give my whole big, fat Greek family
so much love. [sniffs]
[Buteau] Next is Oliver's message
from his mom and friend.
Hey, Oliver, it's me. It's Quay and Mom.
Hey, monsieur,
you know I miss you so much.
-But I am so proud of you.
[Oliver's mom] I'm confident
that you're gonna get through this.
Remember you thought
that your nerd persona
would get you bullied,
when in actuality,
it got you the homecoming king.
Just you being you,
and who you are
is always more than enough.
It was because of you living your truth
at a young age
that encouraged me,
at an adult age, to live my truth,
and I always forever admire you for that.
Come on, son.
Come on, Oliver. You got this.
You almost there. You almost there.
Bring home that bread, baby!
-Bring it home!
-Don't get tired.
[Oliver's mom clapping]
We want it. You got this.
[crying] My God.
I'mma kick they ass when I get out of here
because I did my makeup today. I didn't
Just to be reminded
of who I am, what I can do,
and what I'm capable of just being me,
knowing that I am enough,
that's really what I needed,
and I'm so grateful.
[Buteau] You are always enough.
Now we're gonna see
if all Brits have stiff upper lips
'cause Tom's up next with a message
from his parents and girlfriend.
This is gonna be very emotional.
Well, hi, Tom. Needless to say,
it's your mother and father here.
-It'd be normal to say we're missing you.
I have to say we're not.
I am.
We're hugely proud of you,
that you've got this far.
Normally, we'd just say,
"Tom, just be yourself,"
but within the tactics of The Circle,
you can be anybody you want to be.
-We're your greatest fans.
-Greatest fans.
We reckon the rest of the competitors
will love you as much as we do,
and that means surefire victory.
I love how in control
and sarcastic my dad's being,
and my mum's just being
this giggly mess of,
"Ooh, ooh." [chuckles]
Hi, babe.
I cannot believe how far you've gotten.
You've tricked multiple people
into liking you enough
to keep you around is a miracle.
No, I'm just kidding.
We all know that you're quite the joker,
um, but I also hope that people got to see
a different side of you,
the side that I know, the very caring,
loving side that you have.
Remember, this is still a competition,
and you wanna win at the end,
and we all know you got the fire
and the passion to do this.
Now it's go time.
You're really, really gonna rock this.
I know it. You have it in you.
Go get 'em. Go get 'em, okay?
[kissing] I miss you. Come home soon.
Gah. [sniffs]
Oh. [laughs]
[cries, sniffs]
I miss them all very much.
My mum and dad, Julia,
I love them all, and
I can't wait to see them again.
It's just that final, final bit.
What a better bunch of people
to be waiting for me at the end.
[Buteau] Next up is Raven,
who's got a video message
from her friend and sister.
[crying] Yes.
"The Circle is being mushy."
Hey, Raven, you made it.
Oh my God. I'm so proud of you, sister.
-[gasps, screams]
Hey! It's Jalisa.
I know winning this would mean so much
for you and your family.
I know your parents
would be very proud of you.
Know they're looking out for you,
making sure you win this.
I know the Deaf community
will be very proud
that you're spreading awareness,
making sure that everyone knows
what we're about.
Make sure you do your thing.
Make sure people know
that we can do any and everything.
[Raven's sister speaking]
From here on now, it's game time.
-So come home with that money.
[Raven's sister] You got this.
That's on period. Okay?
[both] We love you. We miss you.
We can't wait to see you.
[Raven laughs]
Love y'all.
Oh! [gasps]
[sniffs, cries] Ah.
-[Paris, high-pitched] Oh my gosh.
[Raven sniffs]
[Paris] "Aw. I miss them a lot.
I miss them so much."
"They've supported me from day one."
"Every crazy thing that I would do,
they always were supporting me
and down for me 100%."
"Oh my God, I'm just so happy to be here."
"I'm happy
to represent the Deaf community."
"That was my goal."
"I wanted to be a representative
of showing the world
that Deaf people can do anything."
"The only thing that we can't do is hear.
We can do absolutely anything."
"We are humans just like everyone else."
"Love you, guys."
[Buteau] She's been waiting for this,
and I just hope she's ready.
It's Sam's message
from her mom and abuela.
[both] Sam! We love you. We miss you.
[gasps] Oh my.
I'm super excited for you.
I knew that you would make it this far,
and I know that this is just the beginning
of so many bigger and better things.
-You got yourself this far being you.
So, you keep being you,
and there is no turning back.
There is no loser.
There is no, "I didn't. I couldn't."
You already won.
I am there for you. I love you.
I love you, too,
with all my heart and my soul.
Please, come home.
Win or lose, you the greatest to me,
the greatest thing. I love you so much.
[sobbing] My mommy.
I miss them so much.
Mommy, I miss you so much.
I just wanna take care of them.
That's all I wanna do.
Y'all took care of me my whole life.
I just wanna take
[sniffs, exhales]
My mom bust her ass my whole life
to make sure
I had everything that I needed. [sobs]
My grandmother took care of me
so my mother could work. Like
I wouldn't be the woman
that I am today without them,
and I just wanna pay them back.
I wanna show them gratitude
by just taking care of them.
I miss these heifers. I miss y'all. [sobs]
[in high pitch] Oh,
y'all get on my nerves, but I miss you.
[sniffs] I'm coming home, ladies.
Hopefully, I'll come home with some coint.
I could buy you
more tacky nightgowns, Grandma,
'cause that shit is beautiful
in the best kind of tacky way. [sniffles]
[Buteau] And finally, it's Chaz,
with a message
from his fiancé and his mom.
Who Oh my gosh.
Like, I'm already about to, like
Hi, Chaz. It's me. [laughs]
If there's one thing
that I don't tell you enough, Chaz,
it's just how much of an inspiration
you are to me.
I know I tell you all the time
how strong you are,
and all the things you've been through
and just how amazing a person you are,
but it really is just an understatement
how much of an influence you have on me.
Continue to be great
and be true to yourself.
Put your head in the game
and get things done.
For you to be where you are right now
is a true testament to your character.
You deserve a win in your life, Chaz.
You deserve this win.
-Hello, my son. I miss you so much.
-[sobs] Oh gosh! You gotta be kidding me.
You're such a wonderful,
wonderful young man,
and I am so proud to have you as my son.
I know a lot of your attributes
are from your brother.
-I know he's the angel over you.
Remember who you are.
Be confident
like the confident person that you are,
and just take it all the way,
and win this.
I don't even know what to say right now.
[cries, sniffs]
Everything that my fiancé and my mom
just said is me through and through.
My brother is always with me,
always with me,
and I'm always gonna carry the spirit
of my brother in everything I do.
It just tells me I am exactly
where I'm supposed to be.
I'm exactly where I'm supposed
to be right now.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] After those
emotional messages from home,
our players are engaging
in their favorite pastime,
pretending to do stuff
while they wait for the next alert.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Miss Alert, what's the tea, girl?
You can't just, like, subtly just ease in?
Everything gotta be that?
Sorry to interrupt the love program,
but we're back
to the regular scheduled program. Alert!
"Players, you must now rate each other."
This will really show us if the players
are rating strategically or emotionally.
"The bottom rated player
will be immediately blocked
from The Circle." Oh.
[dramatic music playing]
That is so bad for us.
Oh, it just got real.
I got the bottom last time.
Fuck, dude.
Somebody just gonna disappear.
Gone, kaput, vanquished, perished!
And I feel confident
about how I'm gonna rate,
um, the same way I've been rating
from day one, fair, honest, and factual.
I think there's a strong chance,
if people continue voting emotionally,
that Tom and Jen will be
in the lower half.
So it's not looking good for us,
because Tom has beaten us
every single time in the ratings.
I really hope people just vote
with how they want to vote.
I just I wish everyone the best.
[Xanthi exhales forcefully]
Literally this is the most nervous
I have been this entire game.
Circle, open
[all] Take me to my ratings.
[mysterious music playing]
All that matters is that whoever's
in the bottom is getting blocked, period.
And every number I crunch,
it's us and Tom at the bottom
with a one point difference or tied.
[Xanthi] We could put Tom to second.
We could put Chaz in our first,
because I feel like
that's where it's going anyways.
[Brett] Listen, we either drop Tom
because we're saving our own ass,
or we keep him there
because we're trying to keep him,
but, like, we pick a choice.
Circle, I'd like to place Jennifer
in my first position.
We came in together.
I said that I would always make her
my number one.
It's the one promise
that I've said I'd keep,
and I will keep it.
So, Jennifer, you are my number one.
Circle, we would like to place Chaz
in our first position,
because no matter what,
we think he's running this game right now,
and no matter where we put Chaz,
he's coming up on top.
Circle, I'd like to place Sam
in my first position.
No competition for this top spot.
I never have to doubt,
never have to wonder where her loyalty is.
I never have to wonder what's on her mind.
We've been through a lot together,
and that's why Sam will always be
my number one girl.
Circle, I'd like to place Chaz
in first position
Gusband, I adore you.
You're honest,
you're genuine, you're consistent,
and I wouldn't have anybody else
in that spot but you.
I want to give the first position
to Tamira.
I don't feel like Tamira has done enough
to impress other people,
and I need to help her out
from being blocked.
"In second, I'd like to place Sam."
Circle, I'd like to place Oliver
in third position.
I don't feel comfortable sacrificing Tom.
If you want to bump him down a little bit
to compromise here, okay.
This isn't about who's influencer.
This is about saving ourselves
from not being the person blocked.
Tom has been our number one
since the minute we walked into this game.
In fourth, I would like to place Jennifer.
I want to put Raven in fourth spot.
"In the fifth position,
I'd like to place Tom."
Tom has beaten us in every rating so far.
Honestly, I'm, like, at the point
that we just drop him all the way down.
[Xanthi] Oh God.
It's a game.
[Tasia] I'm gonna put Chaz
into last place.
I don't have a connection with him.
I have no loyalty to him,
but also I feel like he's really
running this game right now.
I think that by putting Chaz
in the last spot,
it'll help me come up
a little bit better in the rating
so that I'm not immediately
blocked tonight.
Circle, place Jennifer in sixth position.
I never would've thought
Never, never would have thought
that I would be placing this player
in the last position.
You know, she created this family dynamic,
and I really took it.
The disappointment is real
when it comes to Jennifer.
Circle, I'd like to place Tamira
in my last position.
I think Tamira has been lovely
and wonderful.
She's really witty,
but I don't feel like,
in the later stages,
when you wanted to see a bit more
from someone,
that she really came through,
and I feel like she hasn't made
the strong connections.
So, for that reason,
I'm going to put her in sixth place.
[exhales] This is probably
the most difficult decision
that we've had to make the entire game,
and as much as it pains my heart and soul,
this is a game.
So, Circle, please place Tom
into our sixth position.
[Xanthi inhales sharply]
[whispering] I feel guilty,
but it's a game. You're right.
If Jennifer ends up getting blocked,
we were never gonna stay regardless.
-This was a safety move.
It didn't matter. If Jennifer stays,
Jennifer stays to live another day.
my ratings.
"Ratings complete." Now we wait. [exhales]
These are very, very important ratings.
Jennifer's my number one.
She always has been,
and she always will be.
I'm very glad to have her as an ally.
[Paris] "Circle, you're sneaky."
"You started the day with love,
and then,
you throw a wrench in it,
and we had to rate each other."
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] With the ratings done,
and the knowledge that the lowest rated
will be immediately blocked,
the players have a lot of balls
up in the air,
but it's still Love Day,
so let's bring that mood up, all right?
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert."
[Paris] "Alert. Alert."
[growling] Ooh, I hate when you do that!
"Love Day Party!" [laughs]
"The Circle would love to invite you"
[Chaz, Brett]
"all to the Love Day party."
It's time to get crazy.
"You can collect your party items
from your door now."
This guy [grunts]
is ready to get sexy.
[Buteau] And this girl [grunts]
is ready to see what's at the door.
-[Chaz] Oh my God.
-[Raven screams]
[Xanthi] Oh my God.
Ooh, I've got fancy pants.
-[Chaz] Oh my gosh!
-[Paris] Ooh!
Is this gonna cover the girls?
We're gonna hope it covers the girls.
I'm starting to think
they're really trying
to set the mood here.
-[Buteau] Wow, nothing gets by you, Brett.
-Once and for all, baby!
-["Lovefool" by The Cardigans playing]
-[all] Oh!
Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
Love me, love me ♪
[sings along] Say that you love me ♪
-Fool me, fool me ♪
-[Chaz] Mmm. Mmm.
[both sing along] Go on and fool me ♪
Love me, love me ♪
-Pretend that you love me.
-Pretend that you love me ♪
Say why you love me. I need to know it.
-Ah, ah, ah!
-Just say that you need me ♪
Love me, love me ♪
Say that you love me ♪
-Fool me, fool me ♪
-Oh shit. Oh shit!
Go on and fool me ♪
I can't care 'bout anything but you ♪
And that's what you call a Love Day party.
[curious music playing]
[both] "Circle Chat is now open!"
[all] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Message, "Hello, my fellow lovebirds."
"Tommy's had some bubbles
and is throwing sexy shapes
and goo-goo eyes your way,
you pack of sexy"
That is a lot.
Tom can't drink no more. Y'all need
to give her some Kool-Aid or some water.
Message, "Yo, what's good everybody?"
"I'm currently sending you this message
while doing a handstand on the wall."
"I love you guys so much.
Happy Love Day." Send.
Ah! [inhales]
Ooh, I'll keep that one for Chaz.
Message, "Happy Love Day again, my loves!"
"Partied extra hard for all of us tonight
in my pink sparkly dress."
"Love you all so much.
Clinking glass emoji." Send.
I'm willing to put my anger for you aside,
because this is a fun party,
and everybody's being positive.
So, you know what? Clink, clink, Jennifer.
[Paris] "Message, 'This is another party
I'm happy to have with y'all.'"
"'I love y'all. Three kissing emojis.'"
"'I'm signing I love you in ASL
to the screen right now.' Send."
I think that's this.
I'll do a heart.
[in Spanish] I love you.
That's universal. I love you, Raven.
I love you, Keanu Leaves.
I love you, Richard E. Plants.
I love you, Shrubert Pattinson.
I love you, Morgan Treeman.
I'm lovin' all this love.
It makes me nervous.
It's almost too much love.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[dramatic music playing]
-[all] "Alert!"
What is so urgent
that you had to interrupt the party?
Show me love, baby.
"The rating results are in."
What? Why the No. No. No!
Now I'm nervous.
Oh God.
I hope you got your seatbelt on,
little darling.
"The lowest rated player
will be blocked immediately."
Being this close to the finish line,
people may have changed
the way they do their ratings.
People may have done things
that would benefit them.
I don't want to see this!
[gasps] "That player is"
-[Paris] "Like that. Just like that?"
-No, they're gonna do it like this?
I can't believe it's this brutal.
Please let it be Jennifer that's going.
Even my baby Tamira.
Baby, I'm sorry,
but I don't want it to be me.
If Tom goes, then we made
the smartest move we've ever done
by rating him there and saving ourselves.
I'm nervous, actually. I'm very nervous.
There has never been one moment
in my time in The Circle
where I have ever felt safe.
Oh my God.
Please don't be my face.
Please don't be my face.
Everything happens for a reason.
It's all good, baby.
Please don't be me though.
I've kissed ass to be here,
and I don't kiss ass in real life.
-I cannot. I cannot go home.
-I don't want it to say me.
[Paris] "Not me. Not me."
Deep breaths, Jennifer.
[Xanthi] Oh my God.
-[dramatic music continues]
-[blows out]
Circle, who is it?
Oh my goodness!
[dramatic music escalates]
-[somber music playing]
Oh, wow. It's Tom.
Oh my God. I'm blocked.
Tom, it wasn't supposed to be you.
What in the fuck did I just see just now?
[Paris] "I mean, I didn't rate Tom high,
but I'm still shocked."
[Brett] We're still here.
It's bittersweet.
I honestly thought that I'd
I'd survive this round.
[Chaz sighs]
I don't fully understand
how this has happened,
but it's a tactical game, I guess,
and, uh, people are playing their games,
and people want to win.
It's just It's It's my time to go.
I I don't think the right person
was blocked tonight.
Wow. [exhales]
-We made it through these ratings.
-We made it through these ratings!
-It's huge. Oh my God.
-[squeals] Come on.
Bring it in. Bring it in. Bring it in.
-We really did that.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert"? Okay.
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face-to-face."
I could meet Chaz.
He's the person who I have
really looked up to this whole game.
I want to see the man
that I've been talking to.
He seems really, really lovely.
I could go and meet Jennifer
and confront her about her turning dodgy
and suspicious in those final moments.
I don't know if I'm ready
to have that conversation with her.
[suspenseful music playing]
I've made my decision.
I know who I'm gonna meet.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Sam groans]
"Circle, we're not
on good terms right now."
"Tom is on his way
to meet one of you now!"
[Paris] Oh shit.
[suspenseful music continues]
I'm worried for everybody right now.
Try to show a little bit of skin for Tom.
Wow, Jen, I've never seen you so excited
for someone to come see us.
This is Tom.
I'm gonna cry tonight.
I can't handle this. I can't handle this.
[Tasia] Is this even possible?
[knocking echoes]
[knocking in slow motion]
-Yes, you came to see us! [laughs]
-[Brett laughs] Oh!
-Surprise! [laughing]
-[yells] What?
-[Xanthi screams]
Oh no. Well, you're both beautiful,
both of you.
[Xanthi] Oh my God, I love
-We were like, "You have to come see us."
-Oh no!
Of course I was coming to see you guys.
You make a brilliant 51-year-old woman.
-Come sit. Come sit.
-Take a seat.
-[Tom] Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
-So, we came in day one as ourselves.
We came in as the original eight.
We came into the game.
Day one, we were hit
by a double blocking and knocked out,
and we were given a second life
to come back as Jennifer.
So Jen's completely made up?
Completely made up.
So, I mean
You don't know each other before you came?
Oh my God! You guys!
I can't believe you're
We knew you were real.
-Well played, well played.
-Here's the thing behind Jennifer.
I'm the sweet, loving, open Jennifer.
He's the cougar, funny, witty Jennifer.
[Brett and Xanthi laughing]
[Brett] I told her.
I told you. I was like,
"I'm gonna steal Tom from you.
I'm gonna let you let him down easy."
I was like, "I'll be his Meghan Markle,
and you can be his best mate."
-We did love
-We were obsessed with you.
Can we make that a thing?
-[Xanthi] Exactly. Exactly.
-Oh, please.
[mysterious music playing]
[Paris] "Tom,
you're not gonna come see me?"
"I guess not."
Jennifer is his girl, and I know
he's probably dying to meet her.
-You guys are the hacker.
[Xanthi] Were you pissed?
Do you know what? I'd have actually rather
you just straight away told me,
because you put me in that position.
I was like,
I could go to those main three
-[Xanthi] We knew that.
-[Tom] and tell you out.
But I just thought,
"I've made a dedication to this person."
-[Tom] I don't wanna do that.
But it's no It's hands down
Chaz winning this game right now.
[Brett] Yeah.
[Tom] The thing about Chaz is that
I always saw him as him, Sam, and Raven,
rather than three individuals.
-[Xanthi] Exactly. Yep.
-[Brett] Yeah.
That three is impenetrable.
-It's true.
-No, I I totally agree.
Chaz is gonna win. It's undeniable.
The biggest sticking point
that Chaz said to me about you is
you used "wifey" in a conversation,
and he's picked up on that.
So I think, um
I think that might've been an error.
They know that Jennifer was the hacker.
-I think they do.
-They know.
I think they do, I'm afraid.
I don't know what advice
I can give you going forward
because, I think, honestly,
trying to just get
on that power three's side
But it's gonna be tough.
He's like,
"What's our game plan moving forward?"
I'm like, "We hope for the best."
-"That's it."
Try and do some It just wouldn't work.
It's at the point that it's like
who can make the least mistakes?
All we can do is wait
for one of them to fuck up.
[Tom] And they won't.
Whatever the words you were saying,
I meant every word,
and I know that it was
-We did too.
-[Tom] a combination of you two.
Tom, we wanna be friends after this.
Please come to the Tower of London.
Please come.
We adored you,
and I can't wait to hang out.
-Do your best you can.
Oh, Tom.
Big hugs, my man.
I'm so, so happy to.
-It's been honestly an absolute pleasure.
-[Xanthi] Seriously.
Mm. Thank you so much
for a great game, Tom.
-[Brett] All right.
-Love you.
-[Xanthi] Love you.
-[Brett] Love you too.
[Tom] Bye bye.
-[Xanthi] Wrong way.
-[Tom] Going into one of your bedrooms.
[all laughing]
Oh God.
Oh, this game is driving me crazy.
I wanted to tell Tom so bad
that we rated him last.
I'm guilty. I feel guilty. This pains me.
I can promise you right now
it never crossed my mind one time
to tell him that.
Jen, what are you doing to me?
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] After the excitement
of another huge day,
the other players are going to bed,
but The Circle
is still on this Love Day kick,
and it's about to do a late-night slide
into Chaz's DMs.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Chaz, The Circle can reveal
that you were the highest rated player."
No way!
Oh my gosh!
"As the highest rated player"
"you are the secret superinfluencer!"
[laughs hysterically]
[in high pitch] Oh my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
"Tomorrow one final player
will be blocked from The Circle."
-[dramatic music playing]
-Oh my gosh, and that's it? We're done?
"You will decide who will be blocked."
Oh my gosh.
Do I block somebody
who I feel as though is just dead weight,
or do I block my direct competition
to increase my chances of winning?
I have so much to think about right now.
Throughout this entire competition,
I've been thinking about everybody else,
and I think it's time
that I start thinking about Chaz.
[dramatic music escalates, then ends]
[Buteau] Coming up on The Circle finale
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
[Buteau] the secret superinfluencer
makes a big decision.
What in the secret super what?
"One final player will be blocked today."
Oh no.
One last twist.
[Chaz] "You must now block this person
Oh my God.
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh my God.
"Your final ratings will decide the winner
of The Circle." Oh my God.
[Buteau] The players finally meet
But only one of them can take home
the $100,000.
It's time to find out
who the winner of The Circle is.
[dramatic music continues]
[closing theme music playing]
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