Yellowstone (2018) s05e12 Episode Script

Counting Coup

Hey, what time is it there?
[COLBY] Hour earlier
than it is in Texas.
[TEETER] Ain't it strange how it's like
different times in two places,
but we're talking at the same time?
Hell, it should take my voice
an hour to get to you.
I'm gonna let you think that one through
and never tell anyone you said it.
That's how much I love you.
gentle music ♪

- How much you what?
- I-I mean,
as a person, as a friend.
Don't read too much into it.
Oh, fuck you. You love
me and you said it.
I-I'm not Look.
I'm two coffees away from
having this conversation.
Hey, you know what's going on?
Ryan won't tell us nothing.
It's not really my place to say.
But I'll say this: if you have
any big plans for the future,
I'd start working on them.
I got big plans.
[WALKER] Teeter.
[TEETER] I got to go.
I love you, too.
What are you gonna do?
Do about what?
The ranch.
[SIGHS] I don't know.
Are you gonna stay on?
If Kayce's running it
and Rip's running it, yeah.
Some rich dude buys it
just to play cowboy?
Eh, plenty of outfits
still punching cows
the old-fashioned way.
I guess I go find one of them.
What other outfits?
Oh, there's the Sunlight in Wyoming,
the N Bar, the Coffee, the Q Creek.
Then there's the Haythorn in Nebraska.
There's a bunch of big outfits
in Arizona and New Mexico.
Then there's all those ranches in Texas,
but I ain't built for that heat.
Thank you.
Thinking about quitting us already?
Well, if the ranch gets sold.
It don't matter. Some
billionaire will buy it
and visit twice a year
and leave us alone.
Nothing'll change.
- Not for us, anyways.
- [LLOYD] Yeah?
Lloyd, go get the ledger, will you?
Those heifers still on the river bottom?
Yeah, with the bulls. Here's the cows.
Will they bid on them at 45?
- Yeah.
Go ahead and pull the bulls
and bring the heifers in.
You want to brake-check 'em, boss?
No, I want to sell 'em. The bulls, too.
Any of them two-year-old dinks?
- There's a few outlaws in there.
- Yeah? Ethan?
Three or four that are pretty bad-minded
and the rest will come around.
Yeah? How many you working right now?
- Total?
- Mm-hmm.
Been working all the Texas
Cruz colts. That's ten.
- Okay.
- Problem child's another five,
and then my two, so 17.
- Okay. How's your two?
- They're nice.
All right, I want you to hold them back,
send the rest to Billings.
We're gonna put 'em in the auction.
Yes, sir.
I got one that can't go in the auction.
Sumbitch needs to put down.
Lloyd, just figure it out. Donate him.
To who, the fucking circus?
He's a man-eater.
All right, I'll take care of it. Carter?
Go start saddling
three-year-olds for everybody.
- Me included. [CLEARS THROAT]
- [CARTER] Uh, yes, sir.
You care which ones?
It don't matter. They all need rode.
I'm gonna put a contract
on everything in Texas.
It all gets sold.
- The whole damn herd.
- Then all we've got's
what's in the lower pasture along 89.
And hell, that ain't 500 pairs.
Any gelding that's over
six years old gets sold, too.
So go through your string.
We're gonna have a dispersal
sale here next week
if we can get our shit together in time.
Let's go to work.

- [LLOYD] Hey, boss.
- Yeah.
We out of business?
Trying to save the business, Lloyd.
Uncle Sam wants his pound of flesh.
And we don't want to give it
to him in land.
"Highway Feet" by Larry Fleet ♪

Rainer, she ain't.
Living on the highway ♪
Kept us lean and mean ♪
Like a fine mo-chine ♪
Have to see an old tour T-shirt ♪
Just to find out where we've been ♪
Hey. Shh.
On our highway feet back then ♪
Lord knows this ol' traveling band's ♪
Been hemmed up quite a while,
laying around here ♪
[TRAVIS] Jimmy.
What in the fuck are you doing?
- Jimmy, stop. Stop the horse.
- I don't know what's wrong with him.
- He
- Well, I know what's wrong with him.
You got him in a fucking gator snaffle.
- What'd he do?
- Do you see the fucking bit
he's got in this horse's mouth?
- [LAUGHS] Look.
- [MAN CHUCKLES] He wants
- to ride the roller coaster.
- [LAUGHS] Yes.
- What's a gator snaffle?
- [TRAVIS] Uh, it's the last stop
before the sale barn, man.
That bit's for monsters.
Why do they call it a gator snaffle?
Because you can ride an alligator
- with that nasty fucker.
- [TRAVIS] Danica,
can you go grab me that Kerry Kelly
dog bone snaffle before
this idiot gets killed?
What do you do? Do you just
wake up in the morning
and you just try to think of ways
to get fucking bucked off a horse?
Look, I know you're dumb.
We-we, we all know you're
You know you're dumb,
but I didn't think you were
that fucking dumb.
And I don't think you are that dumb.
You know what I think?
I think you're sitting here
missing that little brunette
and you're gonna get your ass
bucked off, all right?
You're the one who wanted
to be a horse trainer, buddy.
All right? You want to go back
and prowl heifers, be my guest.
- [CLEARS THROAT] I'm sorry.
Goddamn. I mean, do you see
the shit I have to deal with?
Man, this Jimmy is one dizzy
son of a bitch. Why the fuck
- did y'all send him here?
Yeah, well, that's part of his charm.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, I don't
see a lot of charm in it.
What's going on, brother?
So I'm guessing you haven't heard?
[LAUGHS] It's 106 here by noon, man.
I'm on the first one by 2 a.m.
We don't stop till sundown.
If they dropped a bomb on New York City,
I would not know about it.
Well, they didn't, but they
just dropped one on us.
John Dutton died.
Really? What happened?
Well, that's a story for another time.
Listen, I need your help, brother.
Yeah. What can I do?
How fast can you move all of our horses?
- We got to free up some cash.
- Look, man,
you guys rushed into buying
these things, all right?
Don't rush selling them.
Okay? Let me do this the right way.
Well, I mean, move as fast as you can.
What we don't sell there we'll
disperse at a sale up here.
Let me sell all the show horses
down here, okay?
They're gonna bring 30 cents
on the dollar up there.
Shit. Our heads are in the guillotine.
Yeah. We're in a real spot.
Okay, well, that's not gonna
make it any better.
All right? Let me do this
the right way, okay?
I don't think your boy knows.
You want me to hand him the phone?
I mean, to be honest
with you, brother, I
I don't have the heart.
All right, don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
I appreciate it.
We got to sell all the
Yellowstone horses.
- Okay?
- Like fire sale?
No, we got to try and get top dollar,
get-get what we can, all right?
All right, well, I'll call
- all the usual suspects.
- Yep, yep.
Danica, do me a favor.
Take her. Walk with me, Jimmy.
Look, please don't fire me.
Don't get me wrong. I
I'm sick of this shit,
I hate your fucking guts,
but you are one of the best at this.
He is one of the best at this,
he's one of the best at this.
I want to be one of the best at this.
So, I
I need you.
Well, look at that. Finally
growing some huevos.
Good for you.
I ain't gonna fire you, Jimmy.
But I'm gonna send you
home for the week.
I'm gonna give you
the week off, all right?
So you go snuggle that brunette.
Wait, you're giving me the week off?
That's the good news.
Bad news is why.
John Dutton passed away.
somber music ♪

Wh How?
I don't know. I don't Does it matter?
It don't make a difference now.
I know y'all were close.
I'm sorry. Take a week.
He was the only one that ev
Just take the week, Jimmy. Okay?
I'll take him, Danica.
Thank you.
What are you doing there, bud?
I'll take the weekend, but
I'm not gonna take the week.
He was a cowboy.
So he wouldn't have wanted
work missed because of him.
Fuck. Sorry.
Boy, I hate that old arena dust.
Gets to me, too, you know?
Best thing you can do, Jimmy, is just
outrun it.

pulsing, dramatic music ♪

somber music ♪

[DILLARD] Was she providing
legal advice for the state?
No, no.
It was a [SNIFFLES]
a strictly personal relationship.
Wasn't in Montana
conducting business?
Not that I'm aware of, no.
Staying here with you?
Do you mind if we collect her things?
Her clothes?
I'm assuming she had a suitcase.
Um, it's, um, it's upstairs.
- I'll go get it.
- Oh, that's okay.
Um, we can't have you touching it,
if you just tell us where it is.
Why would, uh, why would her clothing
be relevant to her attack?
The-the news said it was a carjacking.
That's what the officer said.
Officers aren't detectives.
There was no attempt
to open the vehicle door.
Uh, window was down.
Purse in her lap.
It appears more like she was targeted.
Is the bedroom upstairs?
Well, wait, to-to search this house,
you're gonna have to have a warrant.
We don't need a warrant.
You already gave us
permission to enter the house.
I did not give you
permission to search it.
Nor have you witnessed
anything suspicious
to give you the authority to suspend
the requirement of a warrant.
One could argue your behavior
right now is suspicious.
What, 'cause I don't want you
rummaging through my house?
I am exercising my rights.
Maybe you don't recall
what I do for a living,
but I am the fucking
attorney general of the state.
And you're treating me
like I'm a suspect.
Uh, n-no, I wasn't.
But I will now.
All right, I'll go.
I'll go upstairs and
I'll get it for you.
I think we're past that.
We'll come back with a warrant.
Warrant entails lights,
sirens, news crews.
You know the deal.
Course you do.
You're the fucking attorney general.
suspenseful music ♪

Don't know how many to expect.
Fewer every year.
Thank you for doing this.
Oh, I enjoyed doing it.
Cooking is the only meaningful task
you can complete in less than an hour.
I can think of a few others.
You want these in the dining room?
I'm not stepping foot in
that dining room ever again.
Let's eat here.
Sounds good to me.
Will you tell your father
breakfast is ready?
We're gonna eat in here.
[TATE] Hey, breakfast is ready.
Be right there, bud.
[DILLARD] I just met with your brother.
You know this Sarah Atwood?
I never met her but I know of her.
You know what happened?
Carjacking, right?
No, man, she was targeted.
Your brother is refusing to cooperate.
Does that surprise you?
Not really.
Is the file in my left hand
connected to the file
in my right hand, Kayce?
Do I think my brother had
anything to do with either file?
I don't know.
Do I think she had
something to do with it?
Yeah, I think she had
everything to do with it.
You know who she works for?
Law firm in New York.
Who's her client, Dillard?
You tell me.
The airport.
So, the attorney general
was having a sexual relationship
with outside counsel
on the development project
that your father shut down.
You starting to get the picture?
Look, Kayce,
you've had enough grenades go off
in your world, so if you need us to
speed up or slow down over here,
because when the lid
comes off of this mess
This mess has already hurt us
as much as it can.
You mash on the gas, my friend.
Your brother's in the blast radius.
Well, he put himself there.
intriguing music ♪

You remember Grant Horton?
Special activities?
Yeah, he's over there.
Do you have an address?
I'm gonna go shake this fucker.
Yeah, I'll send it through.
Hey, get a new phone and a new number.
You throw this one in the
fucking trash, all right?
Why don't you ever
cook like this at home?
- I do cook like this at home.
A bowl of cereal ain't cooking.
Well, now cereal's what you get.
I got to show you something.
mysterious music ♪

She was the point of contact.
I fucking knew it.
The police are circling Jamie.
This is all gonna come
to a head real quick.
If they arrest Jamie,
he will sing every secret
our father ever had.
He will ruin this family's
name to save his own.
There's not much we can do.
The whole world is watching.
There's not much you can do about it.
The best lies are 90% true,
and I'm the best fucking liar.
You leave Jamie to me.
pastoral music ♪

Lloyd, how old is that maneater?
He's three-year-old, yeah.
I can have him there by this afternoon.
All right.
Hey, Colby, load up
that three-year-old and get
him to the Billings, will you?
I'm telling you, he ain't right.
Don't put him in an auction.
He ain't going to the fucking auction.
He's taking a ride to Mexico.
"Hard Livin'" by Chris Stapleton ♪
I used to love to look for a fight ♪
I'd get drunk and
shoot out the lights ♪
I was known to get out of hand ♪
Hep, hep, hep.
A rough and rowdy ♪
All right, let's split
the mamas from the babies.
Never thought ♪
It would happen to me ♪
Nice work.
Hard living ♪
Ain't easy as it used to be ♪
[WALKER] Hell, we just got here,
now we're loading 'em?
I know.
Teeter, Walker, you're up.
Never thought ♪
- [WALKER] Hyah!
- [TEETER] Hyah!
Hey. Hey, hey, hey!
But this hard living ♪
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Ain't easy as it used to be ♪
I ought to let you
stand there and die of thirst.
suspenseful music ♪

- Aah!
[COLBY] Carter.
tense music ♪
[CARTER] I need help.

- Carter.
Stay real still.
When I push him back,
you crawl out as fast as you can.
Ethan, stay with the herd. Lloyd!
It's it's my fault. He
He told me not to go in a stall alone,
but he spilled his water.
I His side got me down.
mournful music ♪

This is my fault.
It's-it's my fault.
It ain't your fault.
If it's anyone's fault, it's mine.
Hey, hey!
[WALKER] Hey, hey, hey.
[TEETER] Hey, hey.
Hey. Yeah, they're loaded up.
Trucks are pulling out right now.
I should have the last one
on the road in about an hour.
Yes, sir, I'll tell her right now.
Everything all right?
Just lost my best friend, Jay.
mournful music ♪

- ♪

- ♪

Is everything okay?
Nothing's okay, Ethan.
Not anymore.
Give me a hand.

Teeter, can I give you a hand?
I ain't forgot how to unsaddle
a fucking horse.

[JAKE] Rip say what happened?
A stud got Carter down.
Kicked Colby when he went in to help.
It was quick.
Never saw coming.
Like that makes a difference.
Just saying he didn't suffer.
He's a cowboy.
Suffering's the job.
I just wish he would have
suffered a little longer
so I could say goodbye.
plaintive music ♪

somber music ♪

We'll walk back from here.
We gonna bury him here?
I'm sure he'd like
to be close to his family.
I'm sure they'd like to have him
close so they can visit.
I meant Grandpa.
Yeah. Yeah, we'll bury him here.
Next to my mother.
This where you want to be buried?
That's that's for you to decide.
Well, if it's what you want.
Well, I just
I just want to be close to you.
I'll be at home.
Unless this is our home.
No, here's not our home.
Not anymore.
Tell your mother I'll be
up in a minute, okay?
I don't want to bury you.
I sure hope you do, son,
because I couldn't survive
the alternative.
[CADE] Hey.
I can see it now. I know what to do.
I need your help.
You have it.
Comes with a risk.
All favors do, Kayce.

Which bunk is his?
I'll show you.
No rush to clear it out.
I spoke with his mother.
She'd like his things.
Well, hell, he ain't got much
a saddle in the barn
and this foot locker.
Wait, isn't that bad luck?
Well, it is until your luck runs out.
Then it's the right spot.
If you don't mind,
maybe you could leave that.
He's got a lady coming back.
She's gonna need something to cling to.
Fair enough.
You give me an address,
I'll mail this locker first
thing in the morning.
It's right here on the box.
Little Carter in here?
I haven't seen him.
Thank you, Lloyd.
You don't waste any time.
It ain't the kind of thing
you want laying around.
Where'd you bury it?
We didn't bury it.
That one feeds the wolves.
No Carter?
Tack room.
I fell in love in this room.
I got pregnant in this room.
And then I told the love of my life
that I never wanted
to see him again.
He was sat right where you are.
Why'd you do that?
I was ashamed.
And I was scared.
You take these things out
on the ones you love the most,
for some reason.
You're blaming yourself, huh?
Who else is there to blame?
There is no one to blame at all.
I wasn't supposed to be
in there by myself.
Well, that is your reason.
Rip's reason will be that
he should have sold that horse sooner
or he should have come back in.
Lloyd is blaming himself for
a reason that I can't think of.
But the reality is, honey
Colby made a choice.
He saw you in trouble.
And he chose to help you.
And I'm sure glad that he did.
I'm grateful.
And you should be, too.
Otherwise, he did it for nothing.
So, you can honor his sacrifice.
Or you can squander it.
And that will be your fault.
You gonna stay here tonight?
I-I don't know.
Well, if I were you, I, uh,
I wouldn't want to wrestle
with this by myself.
I'd want to be with my family.
I don't got a family.
Sure you do.
serene music ♪

I'm gonna light a fire.
It's too warm for a fire.
I know.
But I like looking at 'em.
A little
Boy Scout juice.
Et voilá.
Now, when you throw your whiskey glass
in the fire, you get a big fireball.
You'll really feel like
you did something.
Why would I throw my glass
in the fire, Beth?
Well, baby, you need to throw something.
Hey, I'm not gonna watch you
bottle this up all night.
You want me to throw something?
Feel good, huh?
You know, when I find myself
in the position of therapist
this family's pretty fucked.
So, what do you need?
What do you need to
not feel this pain or this guilt,
whatever it is you're feeling?
All I ever need is time and you, Beth.
hopeful music ♪

You know, if I started feeling guilty
for all the the mistakes I've made
guilt is all I'd feel.
Do I wish I would have gone myself?
Hell yeah, I do, but
goddamn it, I didn't.
It's a dangerous job.
And one day it'll kill me, too.
You know, this room
is the only one in the house I like.
Me too.
You care to explain this to me?
I do not.
What I'm doing isn't best for the ranch.
It's what's best for you.
For us.
I'll be back tomorrow night.
I swear.
pensive music ♪

I can see it now.
I know what to do.
Believe in me.
I've always believed in you, Kayce.
I love you.
Come back to us.
You have my word.
That it is.
I mean, good morning.
Well, that's fairly presumptuous
based on the string of mornings
we've put together lately.
You want breakfast?
Already made it.
Um, can you ask Kayce to join me
on the porch when he's done?
He left.
Left where?
Come on, Ally. Don't let 'em out.
Oh, pass it! Pass left!
Shoot it!
There you go! Nice job, ladies.
Good job! Way to go!
Good job, sport.
All right, you did the right thing.
When someone's posted
up in front of you,
you pass to the open forward.
But she got the goal.
Yeah, but you got the win.
Come on.
Seat belt.
ominous music ♪

Start the car and drive
or you can clean up the mess.
Where am I going?
Just drive straight and
drive the fucking speed limit.
You should be scared.
You know what your
daddy does for a living?
Do you know who I am?
I do not.
Get so cocky in the private
sector you forgot
to build out immediate family
on a target, Grant?
It's not the way you were trained.
Listen, man, what we do,
it is strictly
I want you to listen.
I don't want you to talk.
I am what you are.
You understand what I mean by that?
Yeah, I understand what you mean.
You got separation.
You can't be connected.
Great, you saved me the trouble.
But if you try to hedge your bets
by getting distance with my family,
I will paint yours on the fucking wall.
I should kill you in front of her
for what you did to my father,
but I'm gonna trade my family for yours.
You think you can't be touched?
Look how easy this was for me.
I have 12 years in the teams.
Think about how many friends I have.
You don't want this fight.
You can't win it.
We got enough separation.
- We don't need anything else.
- Pull over.
I have your DoD file.
I know your address.
I know where your parents live,
I know where your wife works,
I know everything.
You touched me, but I can
touch you whenever I want.
It's bottled up. You and me, we're good.
We're so far from fucking good
you couldn't see it
standing on your roof at 2713 West Elm.
If I were you, I'd move.
'Cause I might wake up
tomorrow and decide
we don't have a deal. You got me?
Stop, please.
Where I come from, we
call that counting coup.
That means I took a piece of your soul
and I'm gonna keep it.
And, yeah, you should cry.
Have fun explaining this to your wife.
When I get out, you take off.
You look back, I kill you both.

How'd it go?
I think he understands.
Did you count coup?
I counted coup.
Then he understands.
dramatic music ♪

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