FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s05e13 Episode Script


- Will you marry me?
- Yes.
- You set a date?
- End of May.
And I expect all of you to be there.
- Cover me!
We can't let her bleed out.
She'll be taking some time off
until the doc clears her
for active duty.
I am happy that you're okay.
You need to eat.
And some sun would help too.
It's like a cave in here.
I like the cave. The cave is good.
Ah, that's better.
Okay, here we go
tortellini al brodo,
straight from Tarantino's.
Remy, you didn't have to do all this.
Careful, it's hot.
Thank you.
So how are things with Charlotte?
Better, I guess.
I mean, she still wants a divorce,
but we're tapping
the brakes just a little.
What do you mean?
Well, we've both hired lawyers,
and the plan is
to settle things amicably
and work things out
before we go see a judge.
Does Anais know?
I've not talked to her yet.
But she's smart, you know.
I'm sure she senses
something's going on.
And then there's Theo.
God, when I think about him,
he's just so young.
He probably won't even
remember us being together.
Poor kid.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to come over here
and make you upset.
No, no, it's okay.
I just wish they would clear me
so I can go back to work
and not have to sit here
and think about it all day.
I know.
Hey, question for you.
Are you going to Ray's wedding?
I don't know. Why?
I need some relationship advice.
I met a woman a couple of weeks ago.
She's a lawyer. Her name's Abby.
Is it a weird first date
to ask her to be
my plus-one at a wedding?
Well, it depends.
How well do you know her?
We already went all the way.
Okay, thanks for sharing that.
It's just
I can't stop thinking about her,
the way she smells and just
I don't know,
everything about her, just
Sounds like you've already gotten
the complicated part out of the way.
Well, I guess you're right.
Look at him.
Supermax is crapping his pants.
Just a little turbulence.
Harrisburg tower, this is DOJ 32.
Landing gear won't go down.
- We've got three in the red.
Looks like a hydraulics problem.
Copy, DOJ 32.
- We are clearing traffic.
- I'm going around.
[PANTING] Why are we turning?
We should go to manual.
Are you sure?
- Yes, I've tried everything else.
- Do it.
We've just lost autopilot.
What the hell?
Flaps down. We need more lift.
I'm trying. They're not working.
- Pull up.
- Tower, DOJ 32.
We've got blue and yellow now.
All hydraulics failing.
I've lost flight controls!
Watch the trees!
Mayday! Mayday!
We're going down!
Can you just tell me
what you're planning?
If I tell you,
it will not be a surprise.
We don't need any surprises,
all right, Pops?
I just want a normal wedding without you
embarrassing me or Cora.
I would never embarrass you, son.
- Nor Cora.
- Oh, really?
Yeah, really.
Junior year, you had me take
that picture on that donkey.
[LAUGHING] Yeah, that was funny.
- That was funny.
Your date was laughing her ass
I wasn't laughing, Pop.
You have no sense of humor.
Hey, what up, Remy?
Hey, look, that's gonna be too tight.
I can tell already. Hang on, hang on.
It's fine. Let's just get this one.
Yeah, no, I'm on it.
I'm just here with family.
Spending all this money,
I might as well get this right.
Yeah, nope, I'm on my way.
A government plane
went down in Pennsylvania.
I gotta go.
Babe, this is why I wanted
you to take time off.
I am, but two weeks after the wedding.
Remember? The honeymoon?
What if you
- don't make it back in time?
- Oh, Miss Love, come on, now.
You know there is nothing that's gonna
- keep me from marrying you.
- Yeah.
Caleb, you're looking good, man.
- Thanks!
- See you later, Pops.
Later, son. Be careful out there.
Yep. Thank you, Gino.
Can I take this off now?
- He's right there.
- Thanks.
Remy Scott.
Agents Gibson, Cannon, and Chase.
Isaiah Marrow.
This is Tony Simpson,
lead investigator for the NTSB.
We know what happened here?
Pilots reported a hydraulics failure.
Lost their landing gear,
then flight controls.
Clipped some trees, and went down here.
It's quite a debris field.
How many souls on board?
The pilots and one of
the marshals were killed.
The other marshal survived.
He's on life support
at Harrisburg General.
And then the prisoner.
Jose Salazar.
He's been at a supermax in
Colorado the last five years
serving a life sentence
for rape and murder.
A real swell guy.
Where were you taking him?
Federal courthouse in Harrisburg.
He's supposed to testify
at a RICO trial.
So do we think this could be sabotage,
you know, somebody going after the plane
to try to get Salazar?
It's too early to tell.
We've focused on recovering the bodies.
But we're just getting started
on handling the wreckage now.
Priority right now is finding Salazar.
We started a grid search at first light.
Assuming he's on foot
and not too badly injured,
he could be anywhere
in this 30-mile radius by now.
Or he's hiding out somewhere.
Yep. BOLO's out.
We opened a special tip line.
But it's gonna be a slog.
Appreciate the extra manpower.
All right, let's split up,
four points of the compass.
Everyone on comms.
I hope you brought your walking shoes.
Never leave home without them.

Grid search is coming up empty.
Nothing on the tip line?
Eight leads all of them dead ends.
Well, that sucks.
I did hear from the NTSB, though.
They found one of the
landing gears from the plane.
Pistons were frozen due
to bad hydraulic fluid.
And they're gonna see
the fluid manufacturer,
Gaskins Aerospace, in Philly tomorrow.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
- Hello?
Hey, Sierra.
It's William Barlowe.
I I've been trying to call you.
I know, William, sorry.
Are you still coming, or
Yes, I just I'm in a rental car,
and I don't know this area very well.
But I have your address
in the GPS, and I promise
Wait, did you get the
that zip drive that I sent?
I did, and I already
printed out all the documents.
I'm sorry I'm running late,
but I promise
[SIGHS] Damn.
What's wrong?
This guy behind me.
What the hell's he doing?
Oh, my God!

Please answer me. Hello?
What was that sound?
Are you there? Hello?
Are you are you okay, Sierra? Hello?
Can you hear me?

So we still make phosphate ester,
but 90% of our production
now is the 5606.
And a lot more airplanes are using it.
- Where do you program the mix?
- Regulator room.
It's faster if we cut through here.
This is where you mix
the hydraulic fluid?
Yes, sir, from the mix out to the floor.
What the hell is this?
- What are you doing?
- Uh, nothing.
I I just left some tools here,
so I was just, uh
just coming back to pick them up.
You're not supposed to be in here.
How'd you get in?
I'm calling security.
Please don't.

Please, Dan, don't.

Neighbor back there
is the one who called 911?
Yes, sir.
This is your guy, right?
- Jose Salazar.
Looks like he bled out
injuries from the crash.
Rigor's pretty advanced.
- You already call the coroner?
- Yeah.
They're up in Harrisburg,
but they're on their way.
What's wrong?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
Tony Simpson,
the investigator with NTSB
What about him?
He was just shot dead
with the plant manager
at Gaskins Aerospace.
He was investigating
something about the plane crash,
and somebody shot him.
Something weird is going on here.

Worker on the floor heard the shots,
and I got here as fast as
I could, but it was too late.
They're dead. They're gone.
All right, just take a breath.
There's only two of us
for the whole plant.
We don't have cameras in here.
But we wait, here he comes.
- From the cameras outside?
- Yep.
That's the employee parking lot.
Okay, older model, gray Prius.
Pause it right there.
That's William Barlowe.
How the hell did he get in?
What do you mean?
He used to work here.
Got fired a month ago.
- What for?
- I don't know.
You'll have to ask corporate.
Their offices are in Manhattan.
He's an engineering graduate
from MIT, 46 years old.
Wife and kids in Westfield, Connecticut.
No criminal record.
And all of a sudden
he shoots two people?
That doesn't make any sense.
BOLO that Toyota and go up on his phone.
You and Ray go talk to his wife.
Nina and I will see
corporate in New York.
Let's get this bastard.
William started
with us right out of MIT.
He ran our fluid dynamics
team for 20 years,
and we never had a problem.
So then why did you fire him?
He started missing work
three months ago,
and he was acting strange.
He claimed it was a medical issue.
What kind of medical issue?
He wouldn't say.
I suspected it might
be drugs or alcohol.
So I offered him help,
but he wouldn't take it.
Dan did, too, several times.
And Dan's the plant manager
that he killed?
He was his direct report.
When we finally had to let William go,
Dan gave him the news.
William didn't take it well.
So you think Dan was the target,
not this NTSB investigator?
Well, we've had plenty of visits
from the NTSB over the years.
It's just part of
being in this business.
But, uh, William didn't
work here anymore,
so I don't see why it would
be any of his concern.
We'd like to see his personnel file.
Might be some leads in there
that could help us find him.
Well, we should probably
clear through legal first.
No, don't worry about it Jay.
I can handle him.
We'll send you everything
that we have on him.
Ray, you talked to Barlowe's wife?
Yeah, we got nowhere.
Says he up and left her
and the kids about a month ago.
She hasn't seen him since.
Why'd he leave?
She thought he was having an affair.
Sneaking around a lot, acting strange.
They barely slept in the same bedroom.
She was pissed.
Said he could go rot in hell.
We got something else, though.
Now, Barlowe's phone is off,
but I got his cell records
from the carrier,
and he made three calls
last night to a Sierra Cahill,
a "New York Times" journalist.
- You reach out to her?
- We can't.
She died in a car accident
near Summit last night
just after talking to Barlowe.
Now, it might be a coincidence,
but her car is at
an impound lot in Union.
We're gonna go check it out.
Damn, if this is somehow related
I know, then this case
got a whole lot weirder.
I'll let you know.
Thank you.
That was Sierra Cahill's
editor at "The Times."
He doesn't know why
she was in New Jersey
or what she was doing.
She wasn't on assignment.
Well, this wasn't an accident, Ray.
How do you know?
The EDR data shows that the car
was going a consistent 55 miles per hour
5 minutes before the crash.
Now, there was impact
on the rear bumper,
and even though she braked, she actually
sped up before the impact.
So somebody ran her off the road.
Yes, and that's not all.
A minute and 12 seconds after the crash,
somebody opened the passenger door.
She wasn't there alone.
Maybe it was Barlowe?
Yeah, but why would he
wanna kill a reporter?
I have no idea.
But I do know where Sierra was headed.
This is the address that
she put into her GPS.
She dropped a pin
in the middle of nowhere,
somewhere near Summit.
- Let's go check it out.
- Definitely.
All right, I'll hit up Remy.
Yeah, can you also get
him to call the coroner,
see if he can get the cause of death?

Uh, those. Thanks.
Ugh, bro.
Sorry, it's just the air is so dry.
Do you have any tissues?
Right there.
Just leave it.
I got it.
Sorry, just keep the change.

- Sure this is the right place?
Well, this is what the GPS said.
That's Cora again.
Take it.
Tell her everything's fine,
not to worry.
Uh nah.
Wait till we get out of here first.
I don't wanna lie to her.
Is anybody home?

It's a letter to Barlowe.
This is his place.
You might wanna come
back here and check this out.
What's that?
I don't know.
But I know what this is.
- Remy.
Hana, I just got off the phone
with the Union County coroner,
and you were right.
Someone was definitely
there after Sierra crashed
because her cause of death
was suffocation,
not injuries sustained in a car wreck.
Yeah, well,
we've got much bigger problems.
We came to the address
that was on the GPS of the car.
It's an RV that
Barlowe's been living in.
He's building a bomb, Remy.
A bomb?
Yeah, man. She didn't stutter.
Hana, call ERT and Bomb Squad.
Ray, I'm gonna send you Sierra Cahill's
last-known in Murray Hill.
We need to track down
every lead we have right now.
All right, will do.

You okay?
Driver, can you stop the bus?

Are you gonna be okay
if I go check this out?
Tell me what happened.
Bus driver said some idiot set off
a firecracker on the bus.
Anyone hurt?
Only ones aboard were the driver
and those two passengers.
They seem okay.
Tell them not to go anywhere.
We're gonna need statements.
- Hey, Larry.
- Remy, there you are.
- What the hell's going on?
- Dirty bomb.
Went off on a bus about an hour ago.
Oh, God, is everybody okay?
Yeah, the explosion didn't hurt anybody.
But the driver and two passengers
were exposed to radiation.
They're at Bellevue now getting
prophylaxis, and decontamination.
And you sure it's my fugitive?
William Barlowe? Hell yeah.
We pulled footage from the pole
cam last stop the bus was at.
We got a match on facial rec right away.
- Yeah, that's definitely him.
- Get over to that bus stop.
We already started canvassing.
Good. I want all available manpower
looking for Barlowe on foot,
land, air, sea, you name it.
Hustle up.
Dirty bomb going off
in the middle of the city?
It's a living nightmare.
I know.
I came up through the Bomb Squad.
We ran simulations
on this scenario for years.
This was probably a cricket,
something small,
like a CO2 container,
maybe even a cherry bomb.
Now, the good news is,
that bus is gonna contain the radiation,
so the city's safe.
Not until we get Barlowe, it isn't.
It's all hands on deck
with this one, Remy.
I'm heading downtown right now
to brief the NYPD chief
of Counterterrorism.
I'm going with you.
How the hell did Barlowe get his hands
on some radioactive material?
I was gonna ask you the same thing.
It's called a flow meter.
It measures volume and mass liquid
like the hydraulic fluid that
Gaskins was producing
at the plant in Philly.
That's where Barlowe got it.
- Why would he want this?
- Because of what's inside.
These are powered
by a radioactive element
called cesium-137. It's nasty stuff.
Comes in tiny metal rods, which
are missing from this one.
That's what the plant manager
and Simpson caught him doing.
How much cesium
are we talking about here?
For the cricket on the bus?
I'd say maybe 2 or 3 grams.
But these rods have
a lot more than that.
100 grams, according to Gaskins.
Barlowe still has 97 grams
of cesium on him.
That's enough to make
one hell of a dirty bomb.
Do we have any idea who
or what else he might be targeting?
And we need to figure out why he bombed
that bus in the first place.
Could have been a practice run,
testing out his trigger and load.
Whatever his next target is,
the good news is,
the cesium will trigger
our radiation detectors.
We got them all over
the city on light poles,
helicopters, even planes.
And any alert
comes back to these monitors
so we can track them in real time.
Unless Barlowe has it shielded somehow.
Placing it in any sort of dense metal
can make it impossible to detect.
If this lunatic wants
to set off another bomb,
he's gonna have to expose
that cesium at some point.
Remy Scott.
- Excuse us.
- Yeah, I know who you are.
We're on our way.
Editor of "The New York Times"
wants to see us right now.


Talk to us, Ray.
Look, I don't think
Barlowe killed Sierra Cahill.
Look, I'm at her apartment,
and there's been a break-in.
Her desk has been ransacked.
We also found a laptop.
- It was soaking in a bathtub.
- Here.
Ah, it's dead.
Do we know who did it?
Yeah, his name is John Egan.
Security cameras caught
him leaving the building
and getting into a Lincoln.
He popped up on facial rec immediately.
Now, this guy is former military.
He's got priors for assault and
carrying an unlicensed weapon.
Whoever this guy is, he didn't
want Barlowe and Sierra to meet.
He killed her last night.
He came over here
and destroyed her computer.
The question is, why?
Sierra was working
on a whistleblower story.
A deputy editor
was able to recover emails
and documents from our server.
Your fugitive, William Barlowe,
discovered that the flow meters
used at Gaskins' fluid dynamics plant
were defective and leaking radiation.
Now, Barlowe carefully
documented the defects
and tried to bring them
to his supervisor's attention,
and when he did,
Gaskins Aerospace fired him.
[SCOFFS] Gaskins and her
HR guy lied to you.
They denied Barlowe
his bonus, his severance.
They gummed up his access to his 401[K].
Now, that's when Barlowe
contacted Sierra.
She had his documents.
Now, I assume she was meeting with him
last night to get him to go on record,
but then she got killed.
This whole thing is a cover-up.
Yeah, sure looks like it to me.
Barlowe knew that Sierra
had died in the car accident.
There was a newspaper article
at the RV this morning.
Maybe he saw that and snapped.
You know, started building
a bomb for revenge.
How long were these
flow meters defective?
According to Barlowe,
at least six months.
That means any hydraulic
fluid manufactured by Gaskins
during that time could also be faulty.
We know that's what took down
the plane in Harrisburg.
Now, we're hitting the stands tomorrow
with a front-page story
about the cover-up.
The public needs to be warned.
Any plane using Gaskins hydraulic fluid
could be at risk.
That's why we called you.
The government needs to do something.
Ground every plane using hydraulic fluid
made by Gaskins Aerospace.
- Nina, where are you now?
- Yeah, I know what I'm asking.
I'm just leaving Bellevue Hospital.
- And get this.
- Yes, you can. You're the FAA.
One of the passengers on
the bus that Barlowe bombed
was Carter Wynn, head of HR at Gaskins.
I mean, Remy and I talked
to him this morning.
He lied straight to our faces.
They didn't fire Barlowe
because he was missing work.
It was because he blew the whistle
on a defective flow meter
they were using.
- A defective what?
- I'll explain later.
The point is, we need to figure
out what he's planning next.
Chief Walters.
We just got a radiation
alert, and it's big.
The lobby of the
Gaskins Aerospace building
by the Javits Center.
Bomb Squad's on their way.
They're evacuating the building now.
If this thing detonates,
we could have 10 square blocks
of Manhattan uninhabitable.
All right, we're on our way.
You hear that, Nina?
Yep, I'm headed there now.
We'll send you the address.
Meet you there.
Peeler, you got eyes on the bomb?
It's in the center of the building.
It's basically a larger version
of the cricket on the bus.
That small container holds cesium-137.
It's wired to two explosive
devices and a timer.
- We have less than 15 minutes.
- So what's the plan here?
You remove it from the building or what?
Nah, can't risk moving it.
We're gonna disrupt it before
it has a chance to detonate.
I wish you more than luck, man.
Let's go.
Barlowe might be hanging around enjoying
all the fuss he created.
Hana, grab PD and search the area.
We need to find Gaskins
before Barlowe does.
Yeah, Barlowe is not gonna be
content with just
blowing up Gaskins Aerospace.
He's gonna wanna cut
the head off the snake too.
Exactly. We need to move fast.
- All right, I'm on it.
Hey, Ray. What's up?
BOLO hit on John Egan
and the Lincoln in Queens.
PD is in route, and I'll be
joining the pursuit soon.
Good. Stay away from the Javits Center.
Why? What's up?
Dirty bomb at the Gaskins building,
only this one's a hell of a lot bigger.
- Do not lose Egan.
- Yep.


Security footage shows Barlowe entering,
and exiting the building,
but there's been
no other sighting since.
What about Gaskins?
Did they get her out?
Yeah, she left an hour before
Barlowe planted the bomb,
but she's not answering her cell.
What's happening here?
They're about to blow it now.

- We're clear!
Hey, Chief.
All good here.
Peeler deactivated the bomb.
Barlowe has another one.
What? Where?
It's not as big as the last one,
but looks like he triggered
a detector by the waterfront
in Gantry Park.
What the hell is this guy
trying to prove?
Alert PD and get the Bomb Squad there.
I want EMTs on standby too.
We're on our way now.
This guy's a monster.

Get out of the car!
Show me your hands!

Who hired you to kill Sierra Cahill?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I've got you on camera
leaving her apartment, dumbass.
I want a lawyer.
I'm not telling you anything.
Yeah, I wouldn't bet on that.
Turn around.
Hands behind your back.
Let's go.
We got him. Coming out.
Hey, Chief.
Do you see him?
I don't see him. He's not here.
You should be right on him.
Last alert was within 100 yards of you.
Hey, I see him.
- Okay, we got him.
- Yeah, I got him. I'm with you.
William Barlowe!
William Barlowe!
FBI. Hands in the air.
Do you have a gun?
Where's the bomb?
There's no more bombs.
Then why do we have a
radiation alert still going off?
It's him.
He's setting off the
radiation detectors himself.
Stay back.
Where the hell are the EMTs?
This guy's a walking Chernobyl.
It's over, Barlowe.
We defused your bomb in Midtown.
It was Gaskins I was after.
She's the one responsible
for all the deaths
at the at the Harrisburg crash.
There could be thousands
more if people keep
using her hydraulic fluid.
There's other ways to blow the whistle
without killing people or putting
this entire city at risk.
I tried. I tried.
You gotta believe me. I tried.
I told them that the flow
meters were defective.
I I told them that I was sick.
But all Gaskins cares about is money.
I mean, that's why
they killed that reporter
from "The New York Times."
She didn't want the company
to lose its value before the
before the stock split.
I mean, they're lucky that
I was the only one exposed.
I was the only one
working on those meters.
But this went on for months
months where I went home
to my wife, my kids.
I mean, I had to lie
just to keep them safe.
I didn't want them to worry.
Please you tell my wife,
you tell my kids,
they were the only thing
that made life worthwhile.


Excuse me?
Got you a little
reading material for your trip.
Yes, my lawyers have already
asked for a retraction on that.
What's in the story is the truth.
And the truth always finds its
way into the light, doesn't it?
Our hydraulic fluid is not defective.
Really? Well, that's good news,
because it
powers the landing
gear on this aircraft.
Where you headed?
Chicago on business.
That's funny, because your
flight plan has you
touching down in Rio, of all places.
Your head of HR,
your good friend, Carter Wynn,
told us where to find you.
You're toast, Gaskins.
I'm not about to lose my company
over some disgruntled employee.
That disgruntled
employee died this morning
from the radiation poisoning
that you gave him.
No, I didn't do a damn thing.
No, you didn't.
And that's what makes you so detestable.
You knew Barlowe was sick,
and you covered it up.
He died for your company,
died for your sins,
all because you pray at the
altar of the almighty dollar.
Have you seen
your stock prices this morning?
They started tanking as soon
as this article came out.
The only person
left to save is yourself.
Just admit what you did.
I've done nothing.
Then why are you running?
We know you had the reporter
who wrote the story killed.
We caught the hit man you hired
John Egan.
Told us everything.
He even showed us proof
of your payment to him.
You know, there's a part of me
that wants to let you fly to Rio
to see how confident
you are in your product.
But Agent Chase and I
have to get to a wedding today.
Hi, Ms. Gaskins.
Nice bag.
Put your hands behind your back, jackal.
Huh, well, enjoy this
while you can, Agent Scott.
You're under arrest
for solicitation of the murder
of Sierra Cahill.
Let's go.
Ray, do you take Cora to be
your wonderfully wedded wife?
I do.
Cora, do you take Ray
to be your wonderfully wedded husband?
I do.
I do too.
There we go.
All right, this is yours.
This is mine.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I now declare you husband and wife.
Hey! We did it!
Sugar crash ♪
Shot of whiskey, please.
And a
A champagne for me, please.
Actually, make that two.
Sugar crash ♪
Thank you.
Look very handsome with that haircut.
Oh, I thought I'd
clean up for the wedding.
And you look wow.
Hey, save some bubbles for us.
You know, believe it or not,
I've actually done that before.
It was my mom's third wedding.
I drank all the champagne.
But there was a dollar store nearby,
so we just opened up a supply
line, and we were good.
Ethan, this is Remy and Abby.
- Hey, man.
- Nice to meet you.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Is there really good champagne
at a dollar store?
Absolutely not.
- But it did the job.
- Yeah.
Abby, it's good to see you.
I haven't seen you since St. Louis?
I know, I know, but that was a really
that was a lucky trip.
To St. Louis.
- St. Louis.
- St. Louis.
Wow, look at that.
Oh, Barnes is here.
I knew she wouldn't miss it.
Let's go say hi.
Hello. How you feeling?
- I'm all right.
- Yeah?
Good to see you.
Thanks for bringing her.
Of course.
Nina, Sheryll, this is Abby.
Hi. So nice to meet you.
The lawyer from St. Louis, yeah,
I've heard wonderful things.
And this is my friend, Ethan.
- Hello.
- Hi, friend Ethan.
No Scola?
No, he stayed home with Dougie
so Sheryll could be my hot date
and we could have a girls' night.
Nothing wild, don't worry.
We'll see.
A few shots in, maybe.
Hey, what's up?
- Hi!
- Hi!
- I'm just glad you're here.
- You look amazing.
Oh, my gosh, you're glowing.
Oh, thank you.
That glow you see is two weeks
in Hawaii on the horizon
while Caleb stays here with his grandpa.
And I see the air marshal made the cut.
- You look good, brother.
- Congratulations.
You two know each other?
Yeah, they kicked our butts
in a game of "Heads Up!"
a couple of weeks ago,
but, you know, it's whatever.
Hey, uh, Mark, can you
take some pictures for us?
- Yeah, no problem.
- Let's go over here.
- Okay.
- Everybody push together.
Oh, no, no, no, come on. Dates too.
Yeah, come on up.
- There we go.
- Nice.
Get a little bit in on the left.
All right, we ready? All right.
- There we go.
Excuse me!
Excuse me, everyone, please.
Can I have your attention
for a moment, please?
Oh, Lord, my dad's got the microphone.
- Bring it in. Bring it in.
- All right, come on, guys.
- Oh, no.
- I'm gonna get us some drinks.
Yes, please, something strong.
First of all, welcome.
Glad you're all here.
I am Ray Cannon Sr., the maker.
And on behalf of my family
and Cora's family,
I would like to welcome you all here
and thank you for being here.
I, uh, was gonna work a little bit blue,
you know, tonight,
rib my son a little bit.
But, uh [LAUGHTER]
- Do it, Daddy!
- He deserves it!
No. No, no, no.
Instead, I'm just gonna say this.
You know, when you become a father,
there's always that moment when they
place the baby in your hand
that your whole world changes.
Some things get harder,
you know, like trying to get some sleep.
The truth of it is,
things get easier, really.
They get simple.
On the one hand, there's your family.
On the other hand,
there's the rest of the world.
And you will move heaven and Earth
to make sure that your family
get what they need,
what they want, so that they
can get one tenth of the joy
that you get from them.
Son, I wanted the world
for you, you know?
And then finding Cora and Caleb,
you got that yourself, the whole big,
beautiful, wonderful world.
I'm so happy for you.
And your mother, who I'm sure
is with us today,
she would be very, very happy.
So, Cora, Caleb, welcome to the family.
Welcome to our world.
- Cheers.
- ALL: Cheers.
Now, everybody,
before we open up the buffet
and get down to, you know,
all of that business,
I want everybody to grab a drink
and meet down in the lobby.
I've got a surprise for everyone.
Pops, what's the surprise?
What don't you understand
about the word "surprise"?
Everybody, grab a drink. Let's go.
Head them up, move them out.
Come on, guys, hustle it up!
I apologize for whatever
he's about to do.
Come on, everybody,
everybody, come on out.
Come on out. Come on out.
You made this happen, Pop?
A little taste of home for you, son.
- Yo!
- Aw, yeah.

Follow them!


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