The Circle (2020) s05e13 Episode Script


[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Previously on The Circle
I've kissed ass to be here,
and I don't kiss ass in real life.
Deep breaths, Jennifer. We're still here.
[Buteau] there were blockings.
[Paris] "He's a liar. I'm disgusted."
[Buteau] and the twists just kept coming.
We gotta get
our strongest competition out.
I never spoke to Sam.
I feel so violated right now.
Who would do that?
Could Jennifer have been the hacker?
Oliver! He's the Circle hacker.
I fucking hate hackers.
friendships were put to the test
Place Jennifer in my first position.
It's the one promise
that I've said I'd keep,
and I will keep it.
This is about saving ourselves,
so, Circle, please place Tom
into our sixth position.
[softly] I feel guilty.
as The Circle turned up the heat.
[Chaz shouting]
"You are the secret super influencer!"
[laughing excitedly]
"You will decide who will be blocked."
Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] Good morning.
It's the final day in The Circle,
which means two things.
One, I'm making a list of all the stuff
I'm stealing from those cute apartments.
But more importantly,
two, one of our players
is gonna be walking away with 100K.
-[Chaz groans]
-Good morning, Circle!
Today's the last day!
I still can't believe Tom is gone.
I wonder who he went to see.
Tom was just as lovely
as I thought he'd be.
When he saw us yesterday,
he was so confused.
He was like, "What is going on?" [laughs]
Ooh! There they go. The final six.
I didn't think I would make it this far,
but the fact that I'm still kicking
lets me know
that I'm doing something right,
and I'm gonna keep on going.
[Paris] "The first goal was
to make it to the last day."
"Now let's get to my second goal,
the moolah."
Winning would be the cherry
on top of the ice cream,
the icing on top of the cake.
Everything! It would be the topper.
We got to the last day.
It's like we have freaking nine lives
in this game.
Shot after shot,
Jennifer's still in the game.
[Buteau] You know who else
is still in the game? Chaz.
And he's in charge of deciding
who's about to be blocked from it.
[Chaz] I have such an extremely
big decision to make.
I'm the secret super influencer,
and I have to decide
who is going to be the last player
who's getting blocked today.
This blocking can go either way,
because you no longer have to consider
how anyone else in the group
will be affected.
It can be a completely personal choice.
Oh my gosh.
This is probably a video message from Tom.
Oh, I gotta sit up for this.
"The Newsfeed has been updated."
Circle, take me to my Newsfeed.
Oh, "Tom has left a message
for The Circle."
Look at his cute little face.
"Is Tom who he says he is?"
I feel like Tom's a chick.
I wonder what his last words
to everyone will be.
I know it'll be something positive.
Tom is not a shady person like that.
Circle, play message.
I better hear a man's voice.
-[Tom] Hi, guys!
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Tom] It's me, Tom.
-[whispers] Oh
As you can see, I am who I said I am.
[high-pitched] Tom!
[Tom] I'm not a catfish.
I thought that my British charm
would see me through to the final,
but sadly, it didn't work.
Oh. [laughs]
At this stage of the game,
everything is becoming very tactical.
It's been an amazing experience,
and I love all of you guys.
Like you guys say, I feel #Blessed.
[Paris] "He's so sweet!"
I feel bad that he got blocked,
because I felt like
everybody was on his head.
Why the fuck
are you wearing a bow tie, Tom?
There's so many questions.
Every time you do something,
I have questions.
What an awesome fellow and chap he is.
He was such a vibrant person
in the in the group.
Where Tom messed up is
he got involved in BS.
[Paris] "We just didn't know
who to trust anymore."
This is why
you gotta stay out of nonsense.
[Buteau] I hear you, sis.
We're gonna stay out of nonsense
right after this.
-[loud chiming]
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh, boy.
What is it gonna be?
Spill the beans.
The Circle is busy.
She's like, "It's the last day.
I'm gonna make it count."
[Paris] "I hope that this alert
comes with good news."
-Good morning, players.
-It's Michelle.
-Oh, shit!
[yelling] Yeah!
Congratulations on making it
to the final day of The Circle.
-[Chaz] Ah! Oh my gosh!
-[Tasia whines]
Oh God! Goosebumps.
Tonight, one of you will be crowned
the winner of The Circle
and walk away
with a life-changing $100,000.
[Paris] "Move out my way, y'all.
Move right on out."
"I'm coming to get my money."
That money is a game changer in my life.
I really need it.
However, before that,
The Circle has one more surprise in store.
Oh my God.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all, in commotion] "Alert!"
Oh my God! They just keep on coming today.
I didn't even put on my eyebrows yet.
"Not all of you will make it
to the finale"?
That's a little bit harsh, Circle.
That's scary.
One last twist.
Oh, no. Oh, God!
"One final player will be blocked today."
Agh! Come on, dude! This is butt.
How do we know who's getting blocked?
I need to know how this is gonna happen.
"Last night, the top-rated player
became the secret super influencer."
[Xanthi] Oh no.
-[Paris] "That wasn't me."
-What in the secret super what?
How were we supposed to know
I guess if you were the influencer,
you would have known.
[Paris] "Don't tell me
that they have to block someone."
"Oh my God. Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God."
Fuck, dude. This is like nerve-racking.
[tense music playing]
[Buteau] Bombshell dropped,
but still no one knows
who the secret super influencer is.
Well, except for Chaz,
who's about to have
another secret one-on-one with The Circle.
[Chaz] "Chaz,
it is time to make your decision."
This is one of the biggest decisions
that I have ever had to make.
Do I knock out my direct competition?
Do I knock out someone
who I feel is dead weight?
I'm literally about to end
someone's journey in The Circle.
I know who I wanna block from The Circle.
"You must now block this player
Oh my gosh. Oh, this
Oh, this just keeps getting
better and better.
I gotta go to their apart Oh my
I don't have a choice.
I gotta do it.
[tense music playing]
"They are on their way
to block one of you now." [whimpers]
[yells] What?!
[Raven shouting] Oh!
-[Xanthi] Come on. We gotta get dressed.
[tense music intensifies]
Let me hide! Please!
Why? It was Love Day yesterday.
[Brett] Guess what.
It's not Love Day anymore.
Please don't let that door open.
Please don't let that door open.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
This is the first time
I'm actually scared.
-[Tasia groans]
-[blows air]
[knocking on door echoes]
Oh my gosh.
-[Chaz] Please don't look at me like that.
I'mma beat you up!
Don't look at me like this!
-Your apartment is nice as fuck.
-It's okay. Give me a hug.
-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry.
-Give me a hug. It's okay.
-[Chaz] I am so sorry.
-It's okay.
[Chaz] I'm heartbroken.
I feel so bad right now.
Don't be heartbroken. Just give me
some of your money when you win.
-[Chaz screams, laughs]
-Cause you need to win!
-It's so nice to meet you.
-It's really nice to meet you too.
-Sit down, sit down. Talk to me.
-[Chaz] Oh my gosh.
I feel so bad right now.
-Don't be mad.
-Oh my gosh, yo.
I'm I'm so, like, ashamed.
So, I definitely, like, have some things
I definitely have to tell you for sure.
Like what?
I'm engaged.
-I knew it!
-[laughs] Oh my goodness. How'd you know?
You know, I'm a very smart girl.
When Raven introduced us,
like, we hit it off hard.
-And I enjoyed every moment of it.
But I think where I'm at
in The Circle right now,
I'm confusing intentions.
[Oliver] Mm-hmm.
When you've been here for some time,
and somebody tries to flirt with you,
they take it as,
"You're doing this for an alliance."
I'm looking at it like,
"Was this flirting serious,
or did he just do this with me
just because he wanted me to protect him?"
And I had to base that
on all the connections
I have with the ladies.
-[Oliver] Right.
-That just wasn't enough impact for me.
Don't feel bad at all. It is what it is.
We all knew what it was.
-[Chaz] I know. We all know.
-So I can't be mad.
I know, I know, I know, I know.
I just like Oh my gosh.
So a lot went down
when you, Sasha, and Tamira
came into The Circle.
And I had my suspicions,
but I didn't wanna point the finger.
But I do wanna know,
are you the cyberhacker?
No, it's not me!
Oh my gosh!
-It's not me.
-It's not you?
-[Oliver] No.
-Do you know who it is?
To be honest, at this point,
I think it's either Jennifer or Tamira.
I was so convinced it was you!
-[Oliver] Mm-hmm. It was not me.
-[Chaz] Yo!
We're gonna find out sooner or later.
We're gonna find out.
Oh boy.
I'm curious to know
your thoughts on Jennifer.
I love Jennifer.
-You do? Don't.
-[Chaz] Yeah.
[Oliver] Because I think
she's just trying to align herself
with whoever she thinks
is the strongest person at that moment.
And she's hoping that's
Well, clearly it did work a little bit.
Yeah. I mean, that's the thing.
You never really know
how somebody's playing the game.
I mean, I love Jennifer,
but she could be in her apartment like,
"This is what I do next,
how I get Chaz out."
You just never know, like,
what somebody is thinking,
and it's like That's what makes
this game so fucking hard.
It is hard.
[lively music playing]
-Wanna take this? You can have it.
-[Chaz] I can have it? Stop playing.
When you look at this face,
when you go to bed,
this is the person you blocked
that you should've kept.
-Oh my God.
-[chuckles] So yes, you can have it.
Thank you so much. I'mma do so much
with this pillow at night.
Well, I'm not gonna hold you up.
-Oh, I wish you could.
-I need you to get out there and win.
-[Chaz] I'mma try my best.
-You better crush it.
You just crushed my dreams,
so you better keep crushing
everybody else's.
[Chaz laughing]
-[Oliver] Come give me a hug.
-[Chaz] Thank you so much.
-Oh my gosh.
-Good luck.
-[Chaz] Thank you.
-[Oliver] You're so welcome.
-[Chaz] Alrighty.
-Go out there and kill them, please.
-[Chaz] I will! Thank you so much!
[Chaz] See you later!
-[door opens, then shuts]
-That was actually fun getting blocked.
I won't lie. I actually kind of enjoyed
being blocked a little bit. [laughing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Oliver has gone
and taken with him
half of the volume levels in The Circle.
Oh my God, Oliver. Mwah!
I'm giving that man such a big kiss.
[Buteau] Oh, I forgot.
Guess we better tell the others
that they're Circle finalists.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-[yelling] What is it?
-Did they choose somebody?!
"The final player has been blocked
from The Circle."
[Paris and Raven screaming]
Savage, go! What!
[screaming] Yes! [laughing]
[Paris] "I knew no one was coming
through the door."
-I didn't. [laughs]
-[Raven laughing]
I was scared as hell.
So, who got blocked?
[Paris exhales sharply]
[Chaz groans]
[shouting] No! Not Oliver!
[shouting] Oh my gosh!
[shouting] Why?
I just hope this decision
didn't piss anyone off.
"Players, congratulations.
You are all finalists."
-[Xanthi] Yay, we made it! [screams]
-Oh my God!
-[triumphant music playing]
-[Xanthi] We did it!
Hey, hey, hey, okay! Hey, hey, hey, okay!
Final five, baby! Final five, baby!
-[Paris] Whoo!
-[Raven squealing]
[Tasia] "The winner is among you."
[scoffs] The winner isn't among me.
The winner is me, dawg!
They tried to send me home, day one.
Look at me!
[Paris] Who's the Circle queen? ♪
Raven's the Circle queen
Ha ha ♪
Pat on the back
for surviving Hurricane Circle.
[Buteau] And with our final five,
we're in the eye of the storm.
What better place to start a Circle Chat?
[Paris] "'Circle Chat is now open.'"
I can't get over
that there's only five of us.
It's kind of surreal. It's kind of surreal
that this is the last Circle Chat.
One last talk, I guess, right?
All right, here we go.
Let's get this thing going.
[all] Circle, take us to Circle Chat.
Message, "Hi, everyone.
I'm so very humbled in this moment
to be a finalist with the most magnetic,
powerful, and beautiful women."
[Paris] "You ladies have helped me
in so many ways
and have shaped me
into the man I am today."
"I owe all of that to you."
"Congratulations, finalists.
Red heart emoji."
I didn't even realize he's the only guy.
I ain't gonna get
all emotional like y'all, 'cause no.
I don't need to be crying no more.
[Paris] "I mean, I'm happy
with all the players that are left."
"It's all love for me."
[Sam] Message, "You guys remind me
of my real family."
"Despite any disagreements,
the love is always there."
[Paris] "Can't wait
to see you guys later."
"Gotta shave my legs
and get cute for y'all."
"Y'all"? Sam, you better get cute for me.
I'm your husband!
Yes, Sam.
Jen and I have to shave our legs too.
[Paris] "Message,
'I came into The Circle unsure
about how everyone would perceive me,
because, in the outside world,
I don't get a fair chance
because of my disability.'"
[Sam] "But you guys
have accepted me with open arms."
"Y'all are truly amazing,
my forever friends."
[Brett] "I'm happy I've made it
to the end with y'all."
"Every last one of you deserves
to make it to the final."
"Red heart emoji. #FullCircle. #MyFamily."
Oh, Raven!
That was really sweet, Raven.
[snapping fingers] My girl.
Raven, that's really fucking beautiful.
We played this game together.
There's no going around that.
And at the end of the day,
we're one dysfunctional,
big, fat Circle family.
That is it, and that is all.
Ladies and gentlemen,
that is how the cookie crumbles.
I really do gotta shave my legs, though.
It's giving Bigfoot.
[Buteau] Sam, never stop repping
for real women everywhere.
Circle, never stop doing stuff like this.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all, in commotion] "Alert!"
-[Chaz] Oh my God.
-[Tasia] Another alert.
It's a finalist alert. Mm!
[all] "Players, it is time
to make your final ratings."
This is the final ratings. There's nothing
we can do to change anyone's mind.
There can only be one winner
out of the five.
"Who deserves to win?"
We've done everything
we possibly could in this game.
But why ask me that, Circle?
Because I'mma say me.
If everybody could put an answer to this,
they would say themselves.
"Your final ratings will decide"
"the winner of The Circle." Oh my gosh.
[Sam groans]
[muffled] It's stressing me out!
It's only fair that we go with our heart
-and rate fairly.
[Paris] "It's time to handle business."
This is tough. This is really tough.
The most important ratings of them all.
[Paris] "The decision is about
who wins the money."
[both] Circle, open my ratings.
[Xanthi] For the last time.
[pop music playing]
[Sam] The most popular player
in the five is Chaz.
He's been influencer so many times.
He's my biggest competition.
Dude, you've been running this game
since I got here.
Chaz has played a phenomenal game.
"I've never once had to doubt Chaz."
Raven came in
and was instantly the popular girl.
Raven is my Circle best friend.
I absolutely love Raven.
She hasn't been too open with Jennifer,
not really in the group chats,
so I can't say
I really know much about Raven.
Raven and I, we didn't hit it off
and become BFF or anything,
but she definitely was understanding
about the whole Marvin situation.
Me and Tamira
really never connected like that.
[Paris] "Tamira came into the game
and was coming fierce."
"The energy that she brought was on fire."
I think she played more game
than Raven did.
[Sam] Tamira, from the minute
I saw your profile,
I saw Samantha Junior.
We connected. We hit it off.
Me and Sam were Circle husband and wife
before any relationship
that I had with anyone.
Sam was always team Jennifer.
"When I first saw her, I was like,
'Look, Sam either is my competition
or my girl.'"
She's really made me feel like
she was a part of the small circle
of friends that I've had here.
[Chaz] I had my initial suspicions of her,
but I fell in love
with the person she presented.
[Sam] We connected.
The connection wasn't real.
It was like a punch in the face.
[Paris] "I was unsure of her,
because it seemed like her positivity
was too much at times."
[energizing music playing]
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
I mean, it all boils down to this moment.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Yesterday, we had to vote strategically
to get to the next round.
Today, we are totally voting
with our heart.
We need to give credit where it's due.
I just need to really be smart
about how I'm gonna vote
and hope that they're gonna be tactical.
"I will not play with strategy,
and all of this will come from my heart."
I'm conflicted. I'm conflicted.
There's a lot riding on this.
Like, this is it. This is the end.
I wanna win, dude.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
-Just watch me now ♪
-I'm going with my gut on this one.
I'm, like, comfortable going either way
between, like, Chaz or Sam.
I still have to leave here
with my peace of mind,
and I need to do this honestly.
First position is gonna go to somebody
who's been nothing but nice to me
since day one.
Circle, I'd like to place Chaz
in first position.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Just watch me now ♪
It's hard to say
who deserves the second spot.
In second position,
I would love to place Raven.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Just watch me now ♪
In the beginning of The Circle,
we didn't have a relationship,
but out of nowhere, bloomed
and became best friends naturally.
Just watch me now ♪
In our third position
Now here's where it gets tricky.
[Paris] "In the third position,
I'm giving that to Tamira."
-In fourth position
-Fourth position
Last place is gonna go to Jennifer.
I have no connection
with Jennifer. I feel like
every time I tried to talk to her,
she just dodged me.
We didn't get the opportunity
to learn as much as I would've liked to.
Please place Raven in our fourth position.
You won't believe your eyes ♪
[all] Circle, please submit my ratings.
[upbeat music playing]
[both] "Ratings complete!"
Last one.
That's it. It's done.
We can't take nothing back,
and I'm happy about that,
'cause I have no #Regrets.
"That's it."
I can't change my decisions after this.
I could be in fifth. I could be in second,
and that's not gonna get me any money.
Wow, Jen.
It's a relief.
Oh my God. We did it.
[Sam] I wouldn't change anything
about the way I did these ratings.
I could
I could walk away from this right now
and know that I played an honest game
to the last day.
[lively music playing]
[Buteau] They've shared laughs, tears,
tea, and the craziest ride of their lives,
but they've never met in person.
But that's all about to change,
because they're just one
getting-ready montage away.
"It's time to get ready
to meet your fellow players"
"face-to-face." Hey!
My girlfriend picks my clothes! I swear!
I got to do my nails.
It wouldn't be me
if I didn't hit them with the leo-pard.
I don't wanna come in
looking like a gorilla,
and they're scared to hug and say hello.
[softly] My girlfriend will kill me
for putting all this product in my hair.
I'm doing a trucker hat with my blue suit.
-I'm just kidding. I'm not doing that.
-[Xanthi] Goodness.
I'm, like, pacing 'cause I'm ready.
I'm curious if I'm the only catfish left,
or if there's another one.
Nothing in the game was personal.
We weren't even playing ourselves.
So hopefully the players see that.
"But I'm just hoping and praying
that Chaz is real."
I am so excited
to meet my Circle wife, Sam.
I wanna make sure
I married a woman and not a man.
I hope Sam is not a catfish.
[electronic music playing]
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[gasps, groans] Circle, a lot of things
I'll miss about you.
You busting in and scaring
the crap out of me? Not so much.
Oh, "Alert."
"You will now meet
your fellow players face-to-face."
That's now.
I cannot believe
that I'm standing here right now
in the final five
about to meet the people
I've been with all this time.
We don't have a booger.
All right, let's go.
[exhales] Okay, I'm ready,
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] She's a makeup artist,
but ain't nothing made-up about her.
Bringing that Brooklyn realness
down that hallway,
it's the leopard-printed, tattooed,
tough-talking mother of bearded dragons
with a sweet streak a mile wide.
Don't get on her wrong side, though,
because she got bark and bite.
It's Sam.
Oh, this is [gasps]
Holy crap, this is happening.
-This is I'm here first.
-[heels click-clacking]
[Sam] All right. Okay.
I'm a bit scared, a little bit nervous.
[softly] Oh, this is so nice.
[softly] This is beautiful.
Who the hell is gonna come next?
[breathes heavily]
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
Oh, you motherf
Gusband's coming!
Okay, that's good. Okay.
That better be your face
when you walk through that door, gusband.
[Buteau] Here he comes,
the car detailer from New Jersey
who took care
of every single detail up in here.
He may have been lying
about being a nurse,
but he was always there
with first-aid friendship.
Holy shit.
[Buteau] Our shining Circle light,
our Shampoo Papi, our Chaz.
-[Chaz laughing] Oh my God!
-Is this my baby? Is this my baby?
-[screaming] Chaz! My gusband!
-What'd I say?
-[Sam] We were meant to be.
[Chaz] Meant to be!
-Oh my gosh. Wifey!
-You look amazing.
-Oh my God. You look so cute.
-[squeals] I'm so happy.
-[Chaz] I'm so happy you're real.
If you would've been fake,
I swear, I was gonna battle it out!
Right? It was gonna be over.
-Oh my God, gusband.
-[Chaz] Over!
-Did you think I was a catfish?
-[Chaz] No, actually.
-Never? Never?
-Not one time. Not one time.
Okay, all right.
Um, so, I definitely have
a few things I wanna tell you.
-I'm engaged.
I've been engaged for three years,
with my partner for four.
All was true,
except he didn't cheat on you?
-[Chaz] Except he didn't cheat.
-I'm not a registered nurse.
-[Sam] What are you?
Um, I'm an entrepreneur. I wash cars.
Shampoo Papi. That's what I do.
Oh! You got a business! Shut up!
[Chaz] Yeah. I've been
in the medical field for 10 years.
I feel like everything I said was true.
It all connected to something,
and it all connected to my life.
It's not like I was hiding behind,
like, some random career
that didn't make sense to my life.
It's not like, "Oh, I'm a teacher."
You never came out
as anyone who wasn't 100% genuine.
Do you think anybody's gonna openly admit
to being the hacker?
No, I don't think so.
Nobody's gonna admit to it.
-I'mma ask.
-Do you wanna ask?
I'm gonna be like,
"Now that we're all here"
If somebody doesn't volunteer it,
I'm like, "We gonna act
like there wasn't a hacker?"
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Oh shit! I'm sorry. That scared me.
-Oh my gosh. [laughing]
-I Yeah, right! It did!
-That shit was coming to get you. "Alert."
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, "Jennifer is on her way
to meet you now."
[Chaz] Mmm.
All right. Let me take a sip.
[Buteau] Take a swig, Sam,
'cause she's on her way.
Or should I say they're on their way?
And this power couple
are making that hallway pop.
It's previously-blocked model Xanthi
and Vegas cutie Brett.
When I saw her profile,
I initially fell in love with her.
[Buteau] They were given
a second roll of the dice
and they grabbed it with both fins
to become the ultimate Circle catfish.
If she's not her
Imagine if somebody else walks in.
[dramatic music continues]
-[shouting] Shut the fuck up!
-[Xanthi] Hi, guys!
-Shut the hell up!
-Hello! [laughing]
-[Sam] Xanthi and Brett!
-[Chaz] Give me a hug, man!
[Chaz] No fucking way!
-[Xanthi] Girl, I wanna be your friend!
-Xanthi! I love you!
-[Chaz] Wait.
-[Brett laughing]
-Wait. I'm confused.
-You're Jennifer?
-Brett, shut up! You're Jennifer?
-[Chaz] What the Wait. Brett?
-[Sam] That's Brett!
-[Chaz] You're Brett!
-No way!
-That's Brett!
What did you think,
Xanthi just got some random action figure?
[Chaz] Wait.
You're Brett, from the beginning?
-[Xanthi] Yes! Us both!
-Yes! Yes!
I was so mad when you got blocked!
What the
[Sam and Brett chatting indistinctly]
Okay, so, the minute we got blocked,
we got reincarnated into Jennifer.
[laughs] We came into the game wanting
to be ourselves, genuine real us,
but we didn't really get the chance
because we got blocked on the first day.
So here we are.
-Oh my gosh!
-[Sam] So Okay, wait.
-'Cause I got a really good memory.
-[Xanthi chuckles] Let's hear it.
[Sam] You were pretending
to be a school teacher
But I'm a model.
I didn't believe
The minute I saw you, I said,
"She's too pretty.
My pre-school teacher had chest hair."
[Chaz and Brett laughing]
Any other secrets?
You hiding somebody else?
-No. No, no, no.
-Is Tom in your closet? Tell me now!
No. But Tom did come to see us last night.
-He did.
-[Sam] He did?
-I knew he was!
-[Xanthi] Tom did come to see us.
He saw us, and he was like,
"What is going on right now?"
-[Chaz] Oh my God.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
[Xanthi] "Tamira is on her way
to meet you now."
I have suspicions.
[Buteau] You're about to find out
that they might be well-placed,
'cause Tamira is strutting
down that hallway right now
in the most chill outfit
I have ever seen in the finale.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] She talked a good game,
and she played an even better one
as she catfished her way
to the bitter end.
-[all screaming and laughing]
-Oh my God! [laughing]
Shut up!
-Shut up!
-Oh my God!
Oh my gosh! What?
-Yes! I knew it! I knew it!
-[Chaz] Now it makes sense!
But you!
-Jen! Oh my gosh!
-[Xanthi] Can we have a hug?
-Dawg, this is crazy, dude!
-[Brett] Wow.
-[Tasia] This is nuts!
Dude, I straight-up was like,
"If you're a dude, I'm gonna flip out!"
-[Brett and Xanthi laughing]
-Yeah. Sam, dawg!
-Get the fuck over here! What are you
I did not think
you were who you said you were.
-I swear.
-[Chaz] I am who I said I am!
-You're so small!
-[Tasia] Yeah, dude.
-Dude, I was
-Wait. What's your real name?
I won't call you Tamira
if you're not Tamira.
So my real name is Tasia.
-Okay, Tasia's easy.
-[Tasia] Yes!
I was really the most curious to see
if you'd know that I wasn't who I said.
I was literally like,
-"She does make up. She knows her shit."
-[Tasia and Brett laughing]
-[Sam] So you're really from California?
-I really am Cali.
Everything else I said was true.
Except that I'm not bisexual.
I am a lesbian, for sure.
-Aw! Yay!
-[Tasia] Hardcore. Hardcore.
-Are your nipples pierced?
-[Chaz] Oh my God.
-[all laughing]
I was like, "That girl
got her nipples pierced for sure."
I was like, "Brett, she's fucking real.
Those nipples are too real."
-[Brett] Yeah.
-[Xanthi] "Nipples, too real."
And those were the perfect breasts.
I know what boobs look like, okay?
-[Chaz] I would hope so!
-I know what tits look like.
So, I was like,
"Yeah, let's make them sexy."
-[Xanthi laughing]
-[laughing] Yeah!
Okay, so let's put all cards on the table,
because I I am very
I like to air things out, so
We were the hackers, all right?
-[Chaz] I can accept that.
-[Chaz] And you know what I said?
-[Xanthi] We'll explain it.
We were like, "We need to see
who we can get out with this power."
So, you got into it
with Jennifer that day,
so we were like, "All right,
I guess we're going with Tamira."
So, we were like,
"Who's our strongest ally
who's also, like, an emotional player,
who will get into it,
who we can trust and talk to?"
-My dumb ass.
-[Xanthi] You. You.
So, we were like,
"Who does Sam trust so much? Chaz."
[Brett] I was like,
"How do we hurt Tamira?"
I was like, "Her closest relationship
that I can see as of right now is Sam."
"So Sam will drop her in the ratings.
We ideally pop up."
I did. I love you, though. I'm sorry.
-[Brett laughing]
[Xanthi] We were like
-That is epic.
-[Xanthi] Yes.
[Sam] Ooh!
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
[all] "Raven is on her way
to meet you now."
[Buteau] Yeah, she is.
Sashaying down that hallway
with her interpreter Paris.
She played hard, she worked hard,
and she twerked even harder.
Raven, you better be Raven.
-[contestants laughing]
-You better be Raven.
[Buteau] It's the blue-haired queen
of the dance floor,
queen of chat, and queen of The Circle.
It's Raven.
-[all screaming]
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Xanthi] Oh my God!
-We came back, bitches!
-We were Jennifer!
-They came back!
Wait ,wait, wait.
I have so many questions! Oh my God!
[Sam] Who the hell is that?!
-"Okay, wait, wait, wait. Let me explain."
-[Sam] Okay.
-"This is my interpreter"
[Paris] "who's also my friend,
but he didn't have any influence
on me in the game."
It was all you. Okay.
[Paris] "It was all me.
I promise. I swear to God."
[Sam] Bitch, if you wasn't real
"He was my voice for the game.
That's all. This is Paris."
-Hi, Paris!
-Hi, everybody.
[Chaz] Can I say one I want to say, um
I love you.
-[Xanthi] Ah!
-[Sam] Aw.
[Chaz] #SoMuch.
-"#SoMuch. Love you."
-[Raven screams]
[Chaz] Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
I'm shaking.
-[Brett] I know, right?
-[Paris] Oh my God!
-[all screaming and laughing]
Jennifer! Xanthi and Brett.
[Paris] Jennifer!
[Paris] "Okay, so, we've got
two more interpreters coming."
Um, "We've got Kenton,
and then we've got DC coming in."
"So, they're two guys, interpreters,
they're gonna stand probably behind you."
"So, they're actually here.
When you're talking,
Um, I'll know who to look at
when they're interpreting, okay?"
-[Xanthi] Sounds good.
-[Paris] "Sounds good."
[pop music playing]
[Sam] Hi, gentlemen.
[Raven laughs softly]
"First question, let's get it out."
Who's the hacker?"
"Who's the hacker? Who's the hacker?"
[Brett] She got right in.
-I knew it. I told you.
-"You were right!"
"Please explain.
I I need the tea. Give us the tea."
[Xanthi] Okay, okay.
We were the hackers.
We were given the power by Sasha/Shubby.
-Ah Yes.
-[Paris] Oh.
That's why we couldn't say
who Shubby was coming to see.
-[Paris] "I knew it! I knew it!"
-[Chaz] Wow.
[Paris] "I knew it."
"I knew Sasha was coming to see y'all,
because you were like,
'She gives me motherly vibes.
She gives me aunty vibes.'"
-"I was like, 'No, it's them.'"
-[Xanthi] It was hard.
I wanna know why you blocked me.
And the plot thickens!
[Paris] "So the first day, I was like,
'I don't know who to pick, right?'"
"The chat was so short,
and then we had to block somebody, right?"
"So then I was like,
'I had good connections,
but who did I not have,
like, the best connection?'"
"So I picked you, Brett.
I mean, it was no hard feelings."
"We all had to pick someone."
"But listen, I did think
you were a catfish. I have to admit."
-[all] Oh.
Did you think Marvin was a catfish?
-[all laugh]
-[Paris] "I knew he wasn't, baby."
"I knew he wasn't."
Okay, well, clearly
Clearly there's no competition right now,
'cause Tamira doesn't even like guys.
-[Tasia] Exactly.
Yeah. Hardcore lesbian.
[all laughing]
[Paris] "I was like, 'It would be so funny
if Marvin was flirting with a catfish
and wasn't loyal to me.'"
And I said the same thing.
I was like, "Marvin really fucked up
because when he sees me,
he's gonna be disappointed."
[all laughing]
[Paris] "Wait, wait, wait. Who's
Okay, so, who's the super influencer?"
-I was the super influencer. [laughs]
-[Xanthi] It was you Oh!
-[Brett] Yeah.
-[Paris] "Why'd you block Oliver?"
[Chaz] Oh my gosh.
I blocked Oliver,
because, when you put us together,
the flirting got too hot and heavy,
and he ended the conversation
with a photo, and I was like,
"So you just wanna have
an alliance to flirt?"
And I'm like
There was no substance there for me.
And I remembered what happened
with you, Marvin, and Tamira,
and I didn't wanna end up
in that situation. So I was like
So, question. Was Oliver a catfish or
-Oliver was Oliver?
-Yeah. I figured.
I haven't lied about anything.
I'm 34. I'm from Brooklyn, New York.
I got two lizards. Um
My relationship status is a nightmare.
-I am a makeup artist.
-I don't look like it now, but I get cute.
I played a genuine game.
I never voted out of malice.
I literally judged everybody
at face value.
I never did strategic voting.
I never said, "You know what?
You're a dick. Get out of here." Never.
I am a catfish like shit.
So that's obvious.
But everything that I said was real.
I grew up in a predominantly
white neighborhood,
so I got bullied a lot.
I got teased a lot, you know,
about being Black
and just not being attractive to people,
um, and that trailed into my adulthood.
I'm really, like, plain-Jane.
I'm really just like, you know, goofy,
and, um, I really wasn't sure
that people would be accepting of that.
When I think female influencer,
I think somebody who has, like,
beat face, you know, makeup all the time,
always trying to look perfect.
You know what I'm saying?
So I was like, "Maybe if I portray that
instead of just, like, the real me"
-[Chaz] Mm-hmm.
-"that would be easier to be To play."
So, I played an honest game
with embellishments
that do connect to my life.
I'm not a nurse.
[gasps] Sorry. [chuckles]
-[Sam] Mm. Let me drink something.
-Oh no!
"You had me crying."
But the story about my brother
is 100% true.
-Um, I am engaged.
-[Paris] "Okay."
Yeah, no, I didn't No.
100% true. Would never lie about that.
He did wanna be a nurse,
um, but didn't make it. Yeah.
Did you lie about anything?
-[Paris] "Didn't lie about anything."
-[Chaz, Tasia] Okay.
[Paris] "So, um, I came here
because I wanted more representation
of Deaf people on TV
but not related to deafness, right?"
"I just wanted to be a normal character,
a normal player, doing normal things,
and I just so happen to be deaf."
[gentle music playing]
[Paris] "So we don't see
a lot of people on TV with disability."
"So I wanted to represent my community."
"Everything about me is true."
"I love to twerk.
I twerk all day, every day."
Your ass clay sculpture was
-[Sam] It was.
-[Paris] "Was it?"
Instantly knew. Instantly.
The blue thong made me know it was Raven.
I was like, "Raven has a fat ass, dawg."
-[Raven laughing]
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Chaz] Oh my goodness!
I will not miss this part.
Me neither.
Good evening, finalists!
[Chaz] Yes!
Earlier today y'all rated each other
for the last time,
and now you just met and discovered
everybody's true identities.
Yes, we have!
It's that time.
You know what's coming next.
Oh my gosh.
Please come to the penthouse
where we can crown the winner
of The Circle
and find out who's taking home
that life-changing $100,000!
[all cheering and screaming]
So, come on. Now, get yourselves up here.
I can't wait to see you.
[all] Okay!
-[Chaz] Cheers, everybody!
-[Xanthi] Yes!
[Chaz] Oh my God! Yes!
Come on!
Cheers, guys!
[party music playing]
[Buteau] This is it.
Our finalists are on their way
from our bougie meeting room
to our bougie penthouse.
But first,
we're gonna meet some old faces.
Fraud investigator Brittney, aka Brian,
is first to the party.
Hope she knows that's for everyone else.
And here comes
catfish/model Bruno/Billie-Jean.
-[Billie-Jean laughing]
-Oh my God! Hey!
-[Billie-Jean] Hi! Nice to meet you.
-How are you doing? Oh my God.
Lovely to meet you.
I'm Bruno, aka Billie-Jean.
-No! No! No! I knew it! Oh my gosh.
-You're Bruno? Get out of town!
-[Billie-Jean] Yeah, I'm Bruno.
[Buteau] And completing this catfish trio,
it's Sasha, aka Shubby.
-Oh, what?!
-[Shubham] What's up?
-How's it going? How are you guys?
-What? Shut up!
-Nice to meet you. What are your names?
-It's nice to meet you.
-Who were you?
Sasha. I was Sasha.
-[screams] You!
-[Brian and Shubham laughing]
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!
-Oh my God.
-[Shubham] I'm sorry.
I'm a huge fan.
-[Shubham] You guys are too sweet.
-Are you kidding me?
Yeah. No!
[Buteau] And barely keeping his clothes on
is Circle hunk Marvin.
Who's this guy? We know who that is.
-[screams] Hi!
-Hey. What's up?
-What's up?
-[Marvin] What's up?
I'm in a tank of catfish, like, right?
-[all laugh]
-Yep. Welcome to the catfish tank.
[Buteau] He swapped a castle
for The Circle. It's Tom.
-[Tom] Hey, guys!
-Oh, Tom?
-[Billie-Jean screams]
-[Marvin] Oh my God!
[Shubham] Hey, Tom.
Hey, Shubby. Hey, Sasha, how are you?
[all laugh]
[Buteau] Last but most extra, it's Oliver.
-[Oliver laughs]
-[all] Oh! Hi!
-Oliver, hey.
-What? Hello!
-Hi. How are you?
-[Marvin laughing]
-[Oliver] Hey!
[Buteau] I feel like
this is missing something, though,
someone to tie it all together.
-[laughs] Oh yeah! Me.
-[party music playing]
[Buteau] What's up, everybody?
-How are you doing?
-[all cheering]
[Buteau] Hi, you guys. Oh my goodness!
Sit down. Relax.
Can you even sit down in that leather?
-Something like that, girl. You know.
-Oh my goodness.
Well, congratulations
on playing a great game.
I mean, not good enough.
Y'all got blocked.
[all laughing]
Brian, Brittney, what do I call you?
-You can call me Brittney, bitch. [laughs]
-Okay, bitch!
You went in playing your daughter
and thought that'd be a good plan.
-Do you think it was a good plan?
-It was a terrible plan.
Think you should've gone in as yourself?
Probably. It's a lot easier coming in
and talking to people as yourself.
So pretending I'm my 28-year-old daughter,
a girl, no way.
Did not work out whatsoever.
I'm glad we agree on something.
[players laugh]
-Hi, Billie-Jean!
-Hi, my love.
-You are cute!
-Thank you, sweet.
Was it harder to flirt as a dude?
Because I know
what I want to hear from a man,
I kind of then used that on the ladies.
I was, like, sweet, sensual.
Not too much, a little bit.
I feel like it worked out well.
I feel like you're flirting with me,
and I'm feeling it now.
-I feel like you know what we want.
-[laughing] Yeah! A little flirt.
[screams] Shubby!
I can't believe you're back.
I know! It's surreal, right?
No, I came back
to try to finish the job this time.
-[all laugh]
-It didn't work. [laughs]
How do you think The Circle has changed
since the last time you've been here?
The strategic part, right?
People know what to expect,
so the strategy's
definitely amped up to an 11.
How did you feel inside
when you found out
you were gonna have to catfish as a girl?
Yeah, it was traumatic.
I was getting heart palpitations,
but it was cool because
No, but she was Indian also,
and she was a younger girl,
so it wasn't too far off,
so I was stoked in that aspect.
I love that you went out with a bang.
-I tried, yeah.
-You tried.
-[Shubham] No.
-It did not happen.
Michelle, it did not.
[laughs] It did not. That's true.
Marvin, I didn't even recognize you
with clothes on.
-[Buteau] How are you doing?
-Oh, I'm doing great.
-Oh my God, you are a PYT.
-Look at you.
-[Marvin laughing]
You know, I don't know
if you had a plan in The Circle.
You know, I don't know if your plan
was to be The Circle Casanova.
Like, did you go in with a plan?
-I went in with a plan.
-[Buteau] Uh-huh.
But I knew, going in there,
attractive girls would be my weakness.
And guess what. They were. [laughs]
-They really were. Ah.
-Yes. They most certainly were.
Tom, you were blocked
so close to the end, my friend.
-I was, yeah.
-[Buteau] What do you think went wrong?
What do you think
you could've done differently?
I forgot about the revolution.
So I I didn't tell Chaz,
as a fellow influencer,
about Sasha trying to mount it.
Little did I know that Shubby
would give me a slap on his exit video
and go, "I started a revolution,"
and I looked like the worst person ever.
[all laugh]
Oliver, you came in at the end.
You made a splash.
-Do you feel like you made connections?
-Oh my God.
I made a lot of strong connections,
which is, like, my biggest takeaway.
I feel like I was able to connect
with everyone in a very special way.
Just being myself,
having a good old hometown chat.
-So, that makes me feel good.
-I love it. Thank you so much.
I think there's two blocked players
that aren't here. I wonder where they are.
You know what?
Let's just get to our finalists, shall we?
Our first finalist, she is a #CoolAunt
that can wear a bikini
like nobody's business.
It's Jennifer, aka Xanthi and Brett.
Wait. What?
-[Tom] What?
-[Oliver] What?
-[Tom] Oh.
-[contestant] Yeah!
[all cheering and screaming]
[Brett] Tom. It's great to see you, bro.
-Oh my gosh.
-[Buteau] Jenny.
-[Xanthi] Michelle.
Jenny from the block.
Jenny from The Circle.
There you go. Sit down.
-Hello, hello.
Next up is Tan France's new stylist, Chaz.
-[all cheering and applauding]
[Chaz] Oh my gosh! Shubham!
You look amazing.
-Oh my gosh! Tom!
[Chaz] Oh my God!
-[Buteau] Looking good, honey.
-Thank you!
Next up, she's a wifey for lifey.
It's Sam!
[all cheering and applauding]
-Tom! I fucking love you!
-[contestants laughing]
[Sam] Oh my gosh!
-[Buteau] Hi, boo-boo.
-[kisses] Yeah.
-[Oliver laughing]
-This is wild!
Next up, she's got the catfishing skills
to pay the bills, honey.
-It's Tamira, aka Tasia.
-[all cheering and applauding]
-What's up, guys?
No! What? [laughing]
[Tasia] Yo, what's up, baby?
-What's good? [laughing]
[Buteau] And last but not least,
it's our twerking queen Raven
and her interpreter, Paris.
[all cheering and applauding]
[contestant] Yes, yes!
Welcome, finalists.
And please help me
welcome our interpreters.
[all applauding]
So one of you guys
will be the winner of the 100K.
I cannot wait to see
who will win The Circle this season,
but you know
we got some questions beforehand.
I gotta start with Jennifer.
Xanthi and Brett,
oh my God. I was obsessed.
Okay, you guys were
the first ones to get blocked.
It really worked out, though.
Why do you think it worked out so well?
You guys were
a 50-something-year-old white lady.
[laughs] Okay,
so we are complete opposites,
but us being so different
just worked out so well.
-[Buteau] Are both of y'all single?
[Buteau] Because it felt like
it was a good marriage in The Circle.
Is this something
that would happen outside of The Circle?
She's got too many boys at home
that will be mad if you ask that question.
[laughing] I think so too.
And you had no problems flirting,
because when you and Tom
When Jennifer and Tom came in
at the same time
I mean, he's still digesting
the candy underwear
-[Brett laughing]
-that you got him on the date.
First of all, we loved Tom.
We were like, "We're gonna go in.
We're gonna flirt with Tom."
"We know it's not gonna be serious."
And Tom got the hint right away.
This is Tennifer, this is Jom,
forever and always.
That's so interesting you say that,
that you basically were Tom's ride or die,
because when push came to shove
-We're gonna bring that up?
-[Buteau] We're gonna bring that up.
Yeah. Let's tell Tom, I'll tell you
because I was itching to tell you, Tom.
When the time came, and it was time
for someone to get blocked,
we were like, "All right,
it's going between Jennifer or Tom."
There was not a world
that Jennifer and Tom
were not the last two in the rating.
We had to throw the last rating
and drop you in the ratings
to guarantee our safety in the top five.
-[Buteau] Mm!
-Did you?
Oh, it killed me, Tom. You have no idea.
-It did break my heart.
-We can swap places if you want.
-[all laughing]
-If that would make you feel better.
Listen, Tom, I was always down
for telling the truth.
-I wanna make that very clear to you.
-[Brett] It was hard.
Um, Tasia, I got to ask. When you came in,
and you had a newbie with you,
did you have any idea
your newbie was Shubby?
You have any idea it was also a catfish?
So, I straight up said, "Sasha is a man,"
but never once did I think it was Shubham.
It was insane.
My favorite line that he ever said was,
"I am not a fucking man!"
That just slayed me.
-[all applauding]
-[Oliver] Yes, yes!
Oh my God. I was dead.
Do you think that you kind of, like,
flew under the radar
because Sasha's game was so bad?
[Tasia] Yo, I actually feel like
that is part of it.
I pretty much feel like
I played pretty much as myself,
just being goofy.
I lied about the makeup,
and I definitely,
definitely lied to Marvin.
You ate the bait.
I was like, "Let's go, baby!"
Raven, I got to ask you.
You and Marvin felt like
you had a real connection.
No, truly some of the sexiest, um,
messaging I have seen on The Circle.
Like, hot and bothered.
Did you really think
that he was gonna have his eyes
on you and only you?
-[Paris] "So what had happened was"
-[Paris] "We had a connection."
-[Buteau] Mm-hmm.
[Paris] "And I was genuine.
I poured my heart out to this connection."
"I was his queen.
He said I was his number one."
"I was like, 'Okay.' I saved Marvin."
"We had an alliance in the beginning.
I was like, 'We are here, boo.'"
"And then when he went
on a date with Tamira,
I was like, 'Okay, I'm excited.'"
"Like, we're both team Tamira. It's fine.
I want them to get to know each other."
"And then I was like, 'All right,
just keep it respectful, Marvin.'"
[clears throat]
"But then Tamira spilled the tea."
"So I was like,
'Well, he didn't respect me. Okay.
He was supposed to be loyal.'"
"'Cool. I'm moving on. It's done.'
What's done is done, right?"
Paris, as an outsider on the inside,
what all did this look like?
It was so hard for me.
I I literally had to hold it all in.
-[Buteau] Oof.
Raven is speaking now. "So when"
"What was funny was
when Paris was interpreting
between Marvin and I, when flirting,
he's like, 'This is interpreter
after-dark right now.'"
[all laughing]
[Paris] Paris speaking.
So, when I was interpreting
for their profile,
I was like, "I'm getting too into this."
-[contestants laugh]
-I have to ask you, Paris,
if you were in the game,
who would you be flirting with?
-[Paris clears throat]
-[contestants chuckle]
-[Buteau] Marvin!
-[all laughing]
Marvin, what does it feel like
that you sort of gave up your alliance
and your loyalty to Raven for a catfish?
I mean, you were really thinking
with the wrong head, bro.
-[all laugh]
-Oh my goodness.
I said it.
It tears me apart right now to see Tamira.
-[Marvin] Oh my God.
-Did you not know they both knew?
-Yeah, I realized later.
-[Oliver] Right. Exactly.
Oh my goodness, Marvin.
But Raven was still my number one.
That wasn't changing.
She was my queen in The Circle, 100%.
I always said it.
I love it. Are you guys gonna go out
with each other in the real world?
That's up to her to decide.
[Paris] "He still needs
to earn my trust, so"
That part.
-[Buteau] Ooh.
-[Paris] "We'll see."
So, Sam you're yourself, 100%
-Of course.
-the whole damn time.
-[Sam] Mm-hmm.
-And it got you on the couch.
Don't make me cry.
I'm a I'm a thug, but I'm emotional.
Look, emotional gangster. I'm here for it.
What do you want people to take away
from you, your personality,
your spirit within The Circle?
Coming from New York,
the city makes you hard.
Even though I have to be tough,
I'm the biggest mush. I've cried so much.
I actually adore you people so much.
[emotionally] I love y'all. That's it.
[claps hands]
-Love you too.
-[Sam] Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
So, is that why it was so important
for you to be 100% real in there?
Win or lose, with or without the money,
I have to leave here with my conscience,
and I need to stand by
every decision I've made,
every conversation I've had,
everything I've said.
And I think one of your biggest
genuine connections
-My gusband?
-Yes! I just
-Forever. You already know!
-We're already married.
[laughs] I mean,
but, like, right off the bat.
-We were locked in from that moment.
-Like this.
-I was like, "That's my wife."
-I love it.
Chaz, did you know that, um,
Sam even made herself a ring?
-I did not know that.
-[Brett laughs]
-It was It came up to here.
-[all laugh]
Anytime you were talking, I was like,
"Everybody, shut up.
My husband is talking."
-[Chaz laughing]
-"What happened?"
"You sending them home?
That's right, zaddy."
[all laughing]
I love that, though!
I love that. Oh my gosh.
Chaz, you were influencer four times?
That's amazing.
What does it feel like being so liked?
I'm happy I'm liked
for all the right reasons
that I'm liked for in the real world.
That's what I'm proud about.
'Cause I never expected
to be influencer four times.
[Buteau] Right.
Listen, you guys, again,
played an amazing game.
[suspenseful music playing]
The thing is there can only be one winner.
[Tasia] Mm-hmm.
So now it's time
to get down to business, honey.
-[Xanthi] Oof.
-Oh my gosh.
Please stand.
[suspenseful music continues]
It's time to find out
who the winner of The Circle is.
Earlier today, you guys
all rated each other for the last time.
Here are the final results.
In fifth place
[suspenseful music continues]
-[all applauding]
-[Buteau] Jennifer, aka Brett and Xanthi.
In fourth place
[suspenseful music continues]
-Fuck! Ugh!
-[all applauding]
[Buteau] Tamira, aka Tasia.
It's okay, baby. It's okay, baby.
And in third place
[suspenseful music builds]
[Paris gasps]
-[Buteau] Raven.
-[all applauding]
Gusband! I love you.
[Chaz] I love you so much.
Oh my gosh. Like
I love you so much.
-[Chaz] Oh my gosh. Sorry.
-It's all right. [sniffling]
One of you guys will be going home
with $100,000
and be crowned the winner of The Circle.
-Chaz, how are you doing?
-[Chaz] Heart is beating out of my chest.
-No matter what, I'm proud of you.
-I'm so proud of you.
[suspenseful music continues]
In first place,
the winner of this season's Circle
[suspenseful music intensifies]
-[all gasp and cheer]
[Chaz] Yes, baby!
[Buteau] Sam,
you're the winner of The Circle!
Come on, everybody.
[Sam] Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
-Thank you, Mommy. Thank you, Mommy.
-That's right.
-Thank you.
-[Oliver] Yeah.
Oh my God, I love you guys so much.
Oh my God.
[in Spanish] Thank you, God.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[in English] I'm so blessed.
[crying] My living grandmother
lives in the projects.
She lives on the 14th floor.
She's highly asthmatic.
[crying] If the elevator breaks,
she sits in front of her building.
I don't want that for her.
Take care of my family.
[sobbing] I'm so glad. I can't believe.
Sam, you played an amazing game,
and you were yourself the whole time,
and you deserve every penny.
Oh my God, Jesus.
[yells] Let's hear it
for your winner, Sam!
[all cheering and applauding]
You did it, honey!
-[all cheering and whooping]
-You did a lot to be here.
[contestants speaking indistinctly]
You were the first person
who showed me that being open is the key
to forming the relationships.
Ultimate respect, man.
It was really so much.
This is my brother.
-[Tom] Oh, man.
-[Chaz] Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
-He'd be so proud.
-Oh, I already wrote him a letter.
He's proud.
-[Xanthi] Shubby, I'm gonna call you.
-[Shubham] I'll pick up. I will.
[laughing] I love it.
When you left, I was like,
"I feel like I met freaking Drake!"
-[Shubham] Oh no, you're so nice!
-I swear to God. I love it.
[Marvin] I really fucked up in The Circle.
[Raven] You want to fix it?
[Marvin] Yeah, of course!
You can fix it!
[Marvin laughing]
Of course!
Wait. I need another interpreter.
[Raven and Marvin laughing]
You said "you can fix it"?
[Raven] You can fix it!
[Marvin laughs]
I can't believe it. I thought
it was gonna be you, I swear to God.
I was expecting
that beautiful-ass striped shirt
to turn around, I swear.
I was like, "You know what?
He earned this."
You're stuck with me
for the rest of your life.
-Life. Life.
-For the rest of your life.
[voice breaking] I cannot believe
that I'm the winner of The Circle.
Oh shit. Of The Circle.
[inhales] Ooh.
I feel like I'm gonna wake up,
and this is all a dream.
I can't believe it.
Listen, I love you so much.
You deserve that.
Let me tell you something.
Stop walking around here like,
"Oh, you know, I don't "
No. Believe that you deserve that shit.
It's gonna take me five
to six business days to process this,
but it'll come together eventually.
[inhales] Ooh.
I need a drink. [laughs]
-[man] Sam?
[man] Some people want
to speak on a Zoom call.
-[emotionally] Mommy! Mommy, I won!
-Oh my God!
[sobbing] Mommy, I won! Mommy, I won!
[all laughing and applauding] Aw.
[Sam sobbing] Mommy!
-[Oliver] Oh my God.
-[Sam] Mommy!
[in Spanish] It's a blessing, Mommy.
I love you so much, Mommy.
[in English] I love you so much.
Stop crying. Stop crying.
You're gonna make me have a heart attack!
Mommy, listen to me.
Ma, you bust your ass to take care of me.
I just wanna take care of you
and Grandma for the rest of my life.
I promise you.
[in Spanish] I love you, Mommy.
[in English] I love you so much.
I love you so much, Grandma.
I miss you so much.
-[sobbing] I love you so much.
-[contestant] Aw!
[all applauding]
[crying] Mommy, I
I knew you could do it!
A popularity contest?
I mean, really,
who else is gonna beat you? Who?
Mommy, I made lifelong friends.
These people are my family.
[all] Hi!
[Sam's mom] Let me tell you.
What, Ma? Here we go.
So now the world is gonna know
what we already knew,
you the shit!
-Thank you, Ma. Mwah. Mwah.
-[all cheering and applauding]
[Sam] Oh my God. [sighs]
-[Chaz] Sam!
-Oh my God!
[all cheering and whooping]
-Okay. God. [sniffs]
-[contestants laugh]
[Buteau] Circle message,
"I'mma keep this brief because
'all have made me emotional."
"Sam, you came to The Circle
as the real deal,
stayed true to yourself from day one,
and came out on top."
"You made us laugh, you've made us cry,
you've made friends for life,
and most of all,
you've made your family proud."
"But I think your mom nailed it
when she said, 'Girl, you the shit!'"
[Circle chimes]
[closing theme music playing]
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