Nip/Tuck s05e17 Episode Script

Roxy St. James

Previously on nip/tuck You really should lock up your firearms and not leave them in a bedside table drawer, you stupid bitch.
We're still married? We're still married.
And we have 3 beautiful children.
Everything is just.
I can't walk.
It hard.
So is stage 2 breast cancer.
What does breast cancer have to do with anything? I have it.
Don't fight it.
It's less painful that way.
Liz? Yeah? Can you stay a while? Just until I fall asleep.
You and dr.
Christian troy had sexual intercourse.
You and liz had sex? Yeah,so? Lizzie was there for me.
She spread her legs and made me feel good.
You were awake? Got my mojo back.
I knew that you weren't sleeping,and I faked my orgasm,and you are a lousy lay! Oh,come on,I have an image to protect.
I'm sorry,I have no idea who you are.
I'm a goddamn icon.
Tell him who I am.
Candy richards? Damn straight.
Tell us what you don't like about yourself now,ms.
Oh,I don't go by candy richards no more.
That name was given to me by a white man.
My name is coco.
I'm an african american, and I've been passing as a honky white cracker for my entire life.
What? Yeah,my agent maury gave me this thing for christmas.
It was like a genetics D.
Gift set.
I found out that I'm african in nature.
All my life I've wondered why my career isn't bigger.
Is it because I'm too beautiful? Or is it because I'm too smart? Not talented? I thought that,too,but now it all makes sense.
I love billy ocean,I love chicken and waffles, and always I've been one of those people that i always know deep in my heart that O.
Was innocent.
I'm a black daughter of slavery withwith blood from the zulu nation.
Well,you still haven't told us why you're here.
I want some african american features.
I have the chest,you know,which is,proof of my heritage.
What I want is a big,fat,round beyonce ass.
And i need it fast because my hip-hop album's gonna drop soon, and i need to get some more junk in the trunk before I do my big video.
Richards Coco! Coco,this is insane.
All right,it has nothing to do with affirming your african american heritage.
You're doing it to become a star.
Pitita potato,french fry.
Look,what you're asking for is one step away from putting shoe polish on your face and singing mami.
It's highly offensive.
You know,you guys,you do ass implants,you do collagen injections, but yet you guys would like to send me to the back of the bus when I don't want to have your white version of beauty.
Shame on you.
What's the harm,really? Oh,I can tell you what the harm is.
The harm is me not achieving my destiny.
I want my goddamn reparations.
We have an opening thursday morning.
All right.
proudly presents sync: »ð¼ý¼ý Nip/Tuck Season5 Episode17 It's a breast cancer support group.
"Join us as we learn to embrace our new bodies, love them as they are now,not as we wish them to be.
" It'll be good for you to be around people who are going through what you're going through.
One-titted soccer moms.
Thanks,buddy boy,but it's not for me.
Seriously,you need to do something to deal with your fear about all this.
I'm not scared,I'm angry.
Same thing.
All right,maybe I'll take a look at it.
It's chilly in here.
This is why I don't have sex with friends.
I'd rather bang somebody I don't like.
I lied.
I came.
You were right,I had an orgasm.
I had a big,fat,juicy,bone rattling orgasm.
Happy? Yeah.
You know,I wasn't even trying.
You don't get it,do you? When I was 21,I discovered i was a lesbian.
It was my independence day.
I finally understood who I was supposed to be.
Now,you decide to get your rocks off one night and I don't know up from down.
You in love with me? What? No.
This is larger than your ego,christian.
I have spent 20 years dreaming of finding the woman who would share my life with me.
And now? Now? I don't know if a woman could satisfy me.
No one ever has,not like that.
You know,you're over thinking this.
My cock has mystical powers,that's all.
It'll pass.
It'll pass? I can't sleep.
I'm distracted.
I caught myself checking out aa muscle magazine at a newsstand.
You know what we need to do? We need to have sex again.
Oh,I would rather die.
Me,too,but we need to know if this is a one time thing.
If you don't have a seismic event again, then you'll know you were destined to clap clams for the rest of your life.
You know,most people who have had traumatic life experiences, they gain sensitivity,but no,not you.
I know your destiny,christian.
You are destined to die alone.
Anything else? Uh,my eyes.
I've got these awful bags now.
That's because you haven't slept,honey.
You just need to rest.
Oh,and my lips.
They're so thin and pale.
And that's because of your diet,even you said so.
I look like I've aged 10 years in the last 6 months,and I know you can tell.
Between taking care of you and watching eden move to europe to do those awful movies,I just.
don't feel like myself anymore.
Ii want to look younger,more hopeful.
Like I did when we met.
Can you please tell her how ridiculous she's being? She doesn't need all this work done.
And what about the risks involved? As I recall,she's quite up on the adverse effects of western medicine.
Specifically its crude approach vs.
Your eastern techniques.
Was that about what you said? I'm curious to know why you're so open to it now.
Well,it saved julia's life.
How can I still deny the benefits? Did we talk about liposuction for my thighs? I'll be in the waiting room.
You two seem.
very happy together.
Yeah,in a weird way,with everything that's happened,it's somehow brought us closer.
I can't imagine being without her now.
And with all of this work,it'll give us a fresh start.
That's kind of what new york's about,too.
New york? I accepted a position at nyu's teaching hospital.
We're moving back in 3 weeks.
When were you gonna tell me? New york? You're planning to leave in 3 weeks and take connor and annie with you? She wasn't supposed to tell you.
How long were you going to hide it from me? This from a man who fooled everyone into thinking he was a cripple? Why are you so upset,sean? It's not like anything's changed between us.
You're right.
Nothing ever changed for me,julia.
I still love you.
I hate not being with you and our family.
That's why I said those things to you in the hospital.
Sean,stop it,please.
No,I won't stop.
Not till we're together again.
Sean,were you able to fit me in? I never thought I'd be scared of a dressing room at loehmann'S.
I just felt everyone staring.
First I thought it was all in my head, but then i noticed my pretend breast had traveled up to my shoulder.
It looked like a corsage.
I was so humiliated.
It helps to know that I'm not alone.
We're all here for you,lauren.
Acceptance is part of the grieving process.
You've had a loss.
But what if you're not the one having trouble accepting? I mean,I just always thought that jack and I could get through anything, but ever since he's seen my scar,he won't even touch me.
Son a bitch.
Give him time.
I mean,my husband freaked at first.
And now he actually finds the scar kind of sexy.
He's lying.
He's probably got some hot double-breasted chick he's banging on the side.
That is an awful thing to say.
Oh,come on,wake up.
You think any guy wants to run his tongue along some misshapen gash instead of some hot pair of titties.
Excuse me,but this is a support group,mr Dr.
Troy,plastic surgeon and breast cancer patient.
Well,doctor,this is obviously the wrong place for you.
Why's that? I know what it's like to look in the mirror and see my mutilated body.
But damned if I'm going to accept it.
You need to take charge of your destiny and get some goddamn reconstruction.
Well,that's a choice.
Sweetheart,I've been stuffing healthy tits with implants for 20 years.
Any woman who chooses disfigurement chooses to be a victim.
This is a cancer survivor's group,roxy.
If you have to smoke,do it outside.
Okie dokie.
There's enough smoke being blown in here anyway.
Any of you ladies want support,just,uh, call my office and make an appointment.
Want one? I'm not one for mixing my nicotine with my tomoxophin.
I like my poisons one at a time.
Suit yourself.
Are you checking me out,or are you trying to decide which one is real? They're both real.
Good eye.
Nice rack.
So tell me,what's a girl with a complete set doing playing in a victims anonymous sandbox? My mother and sister both died from the disease.
I thought that being around survivors or people going through it themselves would be therapeutic.
And? Not so much,it turns out.
What you said in there about taking charge of your own destiny,I liked it.
You look like a woman who likes to take charge.
So what do you think it is? Your destiny,I mean.
To bang as many beautiful women as I can.
do I make the cut? I have to go to those groups more often.
Thanks for the support.
You must be one hell of a surgeon.
You've got very sensitive hands.
You have a very responsive body.
Particularly here.
I'm probably going to miss feeling that once the girls are gone.
What? What are you talking about? Those are 2 of the healthiest tits I've ever put my dick between.
I'm not going to be the third person in my family to die of breast cancer.
You tested positive for brca1? No.
That doesn't mean I don't have it.
I know the statistics.
Removing both breasts cuts the risk by 90%.
But if there's no abnormality in the gene, I mean I don't give a shit about the test.
I know I'm going to get it.
It's only a matter of time.
Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up in the morning scared to take a shower,terrified that.
today will be the day that i find that lump? I can't think about marriage,can't think about kids.
I mean,what's the point? I'm just going to leave them,just like my mother left me.
I want you to cut them off and replace them.
Who's got this nutjob's implants? It's gonna look like she's got 36ds in her ass.
Should we play coco's demo? She asked for it.
Hit it.
You ready for tomorrow? Just trying to get a preview.
Before we do a surgery,I like to do a run-through.
Look over the road map,so to speak.
Do you have the name of someone in new york I can call to do the follow-up after the surgery? Absolutely.
I plan on being out there every weekend from now on.
You what? Those are my kids.
I'm their father.
I'm not going to leave them for you to co-parent, especially after the bang-up job you did with your daughter.
Turn to the side.
You're not worried about my parenting,sean.
Youyou just want to stay close to julia.
God,ifif you really love her,just let her go this time,for good.
I could say the same thing to you.
But I did let her go,sean.
And you know what,she came back to me.
Can't you just accept that julia and I are together for good now,wish us well? No.
Then how can I trust you to do my facelift? I never let my personal life interfere with my professional obligations.
You know,I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable if she would have gone to a shrink and processed some of this before doing something so irrevocable.
It's her body,lizzie.
You can't just be pro-choice when you agree with that choice.
Look,she's afraid,i understand.
Do you? Do you know what it's like to lay awake at night and wonder if you're going to be dead within a year? To look at your kid and try and memorize what he looks like right now? Or what it's like to hold his hand right now? Are we talking about saving her life or yours? You can't cut the fear out of you by taking off her breasts.
I was dreaming.
I was running in a field.
with a child.
Maybe it was mine.
I felt so carefree.
I thought it would hurt more.
I'm sorry.
You promised me you'd do it.
I thought you understood.
I do.
I understand that you're afraid, but you can't let fear dictate something as big as this, particularly if there's a chance,a good chance,that you might be fine.
Fine? I have been condemned to death,and there aren't going to be any pardons.
Jesus,christian,this is a doctor's office.
That's why I wrote myself a prescription.
You have any idea how good this government shit is? Pass me mr.
Why are you so dressed up? What do you think? I was going for old hollywood glam.
You look great.
What's her name? Steven.
He's an anesthesiologist,and I met him at an iars conference just a little bit ago.
And he has been very persistent.
Well,let me give you a word of advice,lizzie.
Nobody can give it to you the same way that I did.
Ok?So,stop shaving your armpits and get backto your sloppy gap pullovers and your hicima salad.
You're wasting your time! Liz.
Steven elsbury,this is christian troy.
Want some? No thanks.
Never touch it.
You look amazing.
Well,thank you.
what do you 2 lovebirds got on tap for this evening? Well,I made a reservation for dolce,but it's such a scene.
Now,I just got a batch of movies in from netflix.
We could order in,talk.
That sounds fantastic.
You might want to open up a window,christian.
I followed the smell all the way from the lobby.
She's a lesbian.
Am I the only one who thinks that getting a facelift when you run a holistic healing practice is just a teensy bit hypocritical? It has nothing to do with her career.
She's insecure about julia.
She knows she's on shaky ground.
Then why are they both moving to new york together? The further away she takes julia, the more she'll be able to control their relationship, what she remembers,and who.
Julia's in no shape to be making life decisions.
Olivia's taking advantage of her vulnerability.
Poor sean.
You really think she'll come back to you, that you've got some deep bond that time and space can't separate.
When are you going to get it? She doesn't want you.
Once she remembers who we were to each other,the life we had together.
All she remembers of her marriage to you was that it was a failure.
She knows how deep my commitment to her was.
Really? Like when she was sick and you were banging my daughter? Shut the hell up.
Kill me,why don't you? You'd like to,wouldn't you? Your life would be so much easier if I wasn't in the way.
Don't tempt me,olivia.
You'll never kill me,sean.
I'm in julia's head.
I'm in her heart.
I said shut up.
Sean,she's in vtac.
Her rate's 150.
Get the defibrillator.
Charging paddles.
I'm going to shock her on 3.
Ready? She's in arrest.
I'm starting cpr.
Call 911.
How is she? Stabilized.
Sean's with julia at the hospital,and he said he'd call when he knew more.
I don't understand how this happened.
She'll be fine,lizzie.
Besides,you did everything by the book.
She'd be dead if it wasn't for you.
Remember that.
Now what? Now what? Now,we wait.
You like sports? Hello.
Is dr.
Troy in? Do you have an appointment? No,no.
I'm a friend.
Well,he's finishing up a consult right now, but he usually checks back in when it's done.
Do you have an outlet? How was your date with evan? Steven.
It was a dream.
He ordered pizza,we watched 3 days of the condor,and then,he made me dessert.
There is no greater foreplay than flambe.
Did he make you cum? Yeah.
He's got mystical powers,too.
I think it would be better if you sat over there.
Why olivia,sean? In all this time you've been operating,you've always been so careful and so thorough.
Now,isn't it just possible that you weren't careful with her because somewhere in that dark soul of yours, you just wanted to be rid of her? Are you blaming me? I can't believe you said that.
You lied about the wheelchair.
You lied about monica.
You lied about megan.
You're a liar and a cheater.
Are you dr.
Lord's physician? How's she doing? I'm afraid we weren't able to save her.
Her heart stopped at 5:03.
Oh,my god.
I want to see her.
You have to let me see her.
I'm sorry.
Who are you? I'm her partner,god damn it.
Of course.
If you'll just wait a few minutes.
I will never forgive you,sean.
Now,there is going to be an autopsy,and if you have any culpability at all, it will be revealed,and I will make sure that you never work again.
I hate you.
I hate you! This is all your fault.
How could you do this crap? I just want to say I know what you're saying,so just shut up.
I mean,jesus,she almost died in the lobby.
I should never have listened to you.
I'm going to remove her other breast,like she asked me to,so that she doesn't have to.
What I was going to say,christian,is that you were right.
It's what roxy wants.
It's her body.
She's alone,and she turned to us with her fears,and we didn't listen.
I didn't listen.
I'm sorry.
And let me tell you from experience, there is nothing worse than having to face your fears alone.
Give me 15 blade.
Come on.
Hurry up! We lost her.
Olivia's dead.
It wasn't your fault.
Isn't it? I wanted her to die.
I had this fantasy during the surgery.
this urge to just.
I wanted her out of julia's life so I could get back in.
Fantasizing about something and actually doing something about it You know the real irony in this? Now that olivia's dead.
I've lost julia forever.
I feel like I'm in some greek play.
You try to control your fate,but the gods have other plans.
Maybe I'm just,uh.
not supposed to have her.
Maybe I'm supposed to.
be alone.
I think that's my fortune cookie you're reading there,pretty boy,not yours.
Kotchman called with the toxicology report.
Olivia was on antidepressants,and she didn't tell us.
Are you sure? That's why she went into arrestmixing it with the anesthesia.
If she had told us,we could have weaned her off before the operation.
She should have known better.
We didn't do it,sean.
It doesn't make sense.
Why would she keep that a secret? Maybe she felt embarrassed.
A healer taking medication for an emotional disorder went against everything she believed in.
New york's going to be so strange without her now.
You're still going? On one of our early dates,olivia took me to the cloisters.
She loved the architecture there and the history.
It's where we fell in love.
Spreading her ashes there is what she'd want me to do.
Like hell she would.
I did not just suffer the red-eye from budapest to have you steal my mother away from me yet again, you bony little parasite.
Well,at least you made it easy for me to take her home.
Getting the coffin through customs would be a bit of a hassle.
I didn't expect to see you here.
Don't they usually arrest hacks who kill their patients during surgery? Eden,I'm very sorry about what happened, but your mother died because she never disclosed the medication she was taking.
She kept her prescription a secret from all of us.
You mean the antidepressants she was on for the last 6 months? That secret? How did you know? Oh,I knew all of her secrets,julia.
Like the real reason why she started to take the pills to begin with.
She was depressed.
because she was the one who shot you.
She started drinking after you told her you slept with christian.
She was a mess,and you were in the bed weak and tired.
The day she shot you,she was completely smashed.
She must have though you were a burglar,I guess.
You're lying.
She was miserable,julia.
You made her that way.
And in the end,you killed her.
You expect us to believe all that? It doesn't matter what you believe.
It's the truth.
Why do you think I left the country? I've been keeping this a secret the entire time.
I couldn't turn my mother in,could I? Think about it.
Maybe she didn't tell anyone that she was on the medication because she wanted to die in surgery 'cause she couldn't live with the guilt of what she did anymore.
She didn't have to do that if it was an accident.
I would have forgiven her.
Well,it's a little too late for that,isn't it? You know what the really shocking thing is? She actually loved you.
That's why it hurt so much when she nearly killed you.
But if you think that you could forgive her for what she did.
then I guess.
you deserve to have her back.
You want to hear a bedtime story? I heard yo' stink bitch again.
What? Who played that for you? Daddy did.
It's catchy.
It's number 8 on youtube and climbing.
Aunt lizzie thinks that's a very nasty song and not for little boys.
It's time for you to go to sleep.
Give me a little kiss.
Don't you let those bedbugs bite you,ok? Good night,auntie liz.
I love you.
And I love you.
Will you be here in the morning? Probably not.
But I am going to see you very,very soon,ok? Nighty-night,buddy boy.
Are you leaving? Are you mad? No.
The truth is,I'm sensing that he's beginning to expect me here even in the mornings, and i justI don't think that's a good idea for any of us, you know,for the obvious reasons.
Which are? Well,mainly,I'm not your significant other.
Well,you are kind of.
I mean,not really,but sort of.
In what world would something like that make me feel good? In the real world.
Just be real with me.
You want real? Ok.
All right.
I lied about steven.
I didn't have a fabulous orgasm.
It was more like being bitten by an oversized mosquito.
It was hell.
Christian,I don't like men.
I like you.
Told you I was the shit.
You are shit.
That's for sure.
But the point is,it has nothing to do with technique or gender.
It's you.
You are a jerk.
You're pompous,ridiculous,infuriating,and yet,somehow,I get it.
I get it.
And underneath it all, I know that you've got my back in a way that nobody else does or ever has,and.
I know who you are,christian.
I watch how hard you struggle to be strong, and you struggle to be better,and I don't know.
Somehow,it just moves me.
And I don't know what to say,christian.
I think I'm Not the "l" word,lizzie.
Just stop right there.
I get it.
I feel exactly the same way.
Most of the time,you drive me batshit, but you're the only woman I really trust.
And you care about me unconditionally.
understand me and my kid and.
I love you for that.
No "l" word,remember? Is it really so terrible for wilbur to wake up to aunt lizzie at breakfast several mornings a week? sync: »ð¼ý¼ý proudly presents
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