Nip/Tuck s05e18 Episode Script

Ricky Wells

Previously on "nip/tuck".
You've enrolled at santa monica college? I want to try the pre-med thing.
I missed being the youngest person to graduate from harvard medical school by 12 days.
His name is raj.
He kind of reminds me of myself when I was in med school.
What does breast cancer have to do with anything? I have it.
can you stay a while? Is it really so terrible for wilbur to wake up to aunt lizzie? Less teeth.
More hand.
That's it.
Settle down.
Boy,for somebody with such a big mouth,you sure suck at this.
It's only my third blow job.
But if you give me some pointers,I can get better.
Listen to me.
I think it's about me.
I--I ju--it's not you.
I think I'm just nervous about the surgery.
Got you.
This is not a big deal.
There's more to our relationship than sex.
In a way,it kind of interferes with the intimacy.
Oh,my god.
Don't you think? We have L.
Lesbian bed death.
It happens after a year or so.
There's just too much talking and not enough screwing, except with us,it's happening after the first week! You're overthinking this.
You were great today with wilbur.
We laughed ourselves silly at the pier,right? I mean,how much more fun do you want to get out of a day? Put on "project runway.
" I got to go pee.
Here,put this on.
You can't even look at me naked.
It's chilly.
I don't want you to get cold.
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I want to look older.
Wells,children do mature at different rates.
Have you and your son considered just letting nature run its course? She is not my mother.
She's my wife.
We were married a few weeks ago.
Ah,obviously,you are attracted to ricky,youthful appearance and all.
Why would you want to change that now? I don'T.
I like him just the way he is,for what's inside.
What's between us is ageless,but the world doesn't see it that way.
We can never make people understand.
I've been in love with her from the first moment we met.
I was teaching second grade,and this sweet 8-year-old boy walked into my homeroom and entered my heart.
You fell in love with an 8-year-old? No,of course not.
We just.
we had a rapport.
But then later,when I was teaching seventh grade and ricky showed up in my class again-- I was--I was 13.
But he was very mature for his age.
He--he seemed to understand me in a way that no man ever had.
Do you believe in soulmates,doctor? I believe that little boys have crushes on their teachers and that those teachers are supposed to have boundaries.
But that's the thing about falling in love.
There are no boundaries.
My life was transformed.
You think I would have picked ricky if I had a choice? It was as if I finally found happiness,and I was not going to let that go.
even though everything conspired against us.
I pled guilty to two counts of statutory rape.
I was let go after 6 months for good behavior on the condition that i not see ricky again.
I--I couldn't stay away.
I just---I couldn'T.
But,I was a convicted sex offender.
So they were monitoring my whereabouts.
I went back to prison for the full term.
The minute I turned 18,i applied to the court to lift the no-contact order.
The request was granted,and,uh,we got married a week later.
Well,we're free now.
Who gives a shit what people say? Ricky.
Once a teacher.
If you don't care what they say,why do you care what you look like? Because I'm gonna be a father.
I'm 4 months along.
And I--I don't want people to think I'm my kid's older brother.
That would be disrespectful to carrie may and the family we're trying to build.
Our love has been legitimized in the eyes of the law,but we can't transform society.
So we'll do what we need to do so that people leave us in peace.
What? Just focus.
You're getting careless.
Oh,I'm never eating bacon again.
There we go.
Good job--if you were asked to remove a lung,not the liver.
Matt,if this was your biology final,you'd fail.
I told you,i want to help you prepare,but i thought you'd at least study.
No,I did study.
I just don't understand it,you know? It takes practice and repetition,all right? If you want to be a surgeon,you're gonna have to know all this stuff backward and forward.
And this is how you start.
Now,give me the heart.
It's too hard,dad,ok? I--I'm just not smart enough to understand it, and I want to gag every time I have to cut something open.
I was squeamish at first,too.
I guess I'm just not you.
I didn't inherit your brains for this shit.
Is our patient prepped and ready? Yes,he is,dr.
I must say I'm very much looking forward to this operation,dr.
This kind of pectoral reconstruction is very rare.
I almost feel lucky.
Well,christian might disagree with you.
But what he cannot disagree with is the good hands he's in,both yours and mine.
Like michelangelo,rodin--we are master sculptors at work,are we not? Except you're not working with stone,but human flesh.
You must be greater than the sculptor.
What are you doing here? The convention isn't for another couple of weeks.
I came here to see my son at work.
Sean mcnamara,this is my father,the renowned cardiothoracic surgeon dr.
Vijay paresh.
He's just arrived from bangalore.
It's a pleasure to meet you,dr.
Raj speaks very highly of you.
That is pleasant to hear.
May I ask,what is the operation the two of you will be performing today? Pectoral reconstruction,post-mastectomy,on my partner,actually.
I am only assisting dr.
Is it ok if I watch? Of course.
I was thinking we should order from the grill today.
What do you think? On me,of course,since you guys are doing all the work and I'm just laying here.
This one's pretty relaxed.
He's about to have invasive surgery,and all's he can think about is food.
Can I put him out now? Please? Make me beautiful.
You're in good hands.
I know.
Count back from 100.
From 100? Ok.
Liz cruz,I wanted to tell you you look very beautiful today.
Have you lost a few pounds? I have.
Now I just have to figure out something to do with my hair.
Yes,and your clothes.
Hit it,linda.
Who's that in the hallway? My father.
You two must have a great relationship.
A son following in his father's footsteps.
And speaking of sons,there's yours,sean.
Raj,come over on this side.
Why don't you anchor the implant? Use horizontal mattress sutures,and then close.
Show off for your father.
What,uh--what's going on? I wanted to be here for christian's surgery--you know,for when he wakes up? Don't you have a midterm today? And I wanted to stop by to let you know in person I decided to drop organic chemistry.
No,matt,you can'T.
I--I have to.
Between jenna and classes,something has to give here.
I know having a kid at your age is hard.
I wasn't much older when you were born.
But you can do it,matt,ok? And i want to help you as much as possible.
I'm gonna ask raj to tutor you.
He's a whiz with this stuff.
I,uh,I got to go pick up jenna.
I'll see you back at the house? All right.
Children can bring much headache,can't they,dr.
Mcnamara? If matt had half the ambition your son has.
I know some of it's my fault.
We've had some hard times over the years.
You and raj just seem much.
I didn't fly 8,000 miles just to see my son operate.
I'm here to get surgery myself.
Now,your office does penile enhancements,don't they? Very impressive setup,dr.
My son has many more advantages than when I started.
But you made so much with the little you did have,father.
Still,you are very lucky.
First born--they hold all your hopes and dreams hostage,don't they? Which is why you must be the one to perform my penis enlargement.
Where can I get something to drink? Father,to ask me to perform that surgery,I'm--I'm s--I'm very,um.
Honored? Freaked out.
About touching my lingam? You are a doctor.
There would be no problem if I were any other patient.
It's not that.
I just--I.
why would you want such a thing done? When your mother was alive,i never had a problem with my size.
Now she's gone,and I'm traveling the world, and I want something more substantial to wield in my intimacies.
You mean you want to whore around? I loved your mother dearly.
And she was the reason for my living.
And I want to enjoy myself some more.
You'll understand when you're married for 20 years yourself.
Am I embarrassing you? Dr.
Paresh,maybe because of the delicacy of the operation, you'd be more comfortable with a senior, more experienced surgeon like myself to perform your surgery.
Mcnamara,surely you can understand what an honor it would be to have my own son, the benefit of all my teaching,perform the surgery on me.
Could there be no prouder moment for a father? I'd just be happy if my son passed biology right now.
Yes,I have to tutor him.
I won't be available to operate in the time that you're here.
Sorry,father,previous commitment.
The only true commitment you have is to your family,rajeesh.
Very good.
I will do the surgery.
You are right.
What other duty do I have? You are my father,and I owe you everything.
My boy,you have made me so proud.
Christian troy is back in action.
Hello? Hello? Hello? Guess what,honey? I am in full girl drag! You look great,lizzie.
Could you close the door on your way out? Oh,I don't think so.
Get your goddamn skinny ass up off that tub,and get out of this house! Does your mom always yell at your girlfriends? Mama--mama is a little possessive.
Well,are you just gonna stand there smiling like a cheshire cat,huh? Yeah.
I don't want mama mad at both of us.
You'd better go.
I'm sorry.
Here you go.
I hold your head over the toilet,I mop up your stinky vomit, I rub your back,fill in when you're too sick to take care of your child, and this is the way you treat me! I even took a class on the goddamn art of fellatio,you dickhead! What is wrong with you? Has the chemo killed every bit of class that you ever had? Settle down,killer,ok? We never,ever talked about a--a monogamous relationship.
I mean,that was just never even on the table.
I'm not talking about monogamy.
I am talking about respect.
I know who you are.
You haven't been faithful since the year john lennon died.
I don't expect to be the person who's gonna change any of that.
But should I have my face rubbed in it? Lizzie.
Do I have to remind you that this is my house? Do I have to remind you that you invited me over here this evening? You look great.
Those pumps--fantastic.
Did you lose weight? Bite me.
Oh,come on.
Look,I'm an asshole.
I'm a dickhead.
I'm--I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Let's just go out to dinner or something.
before you turn back into a pumpkin and your hair goes brillo again.
Come on,lizzie.
You can buy me dinner.
And when we get back,you clean the tub.
Whatever happened to kids his age just trying to score a fake I.
? It's just so sad.
This is not about him wanting to buy beer,liz.
Looking older is about wanting to be taken seriously,as a man and a parent.
Well,I've had my share of beards,and they didn't fool anyone except for me.
And look how well that turned out.
Well,things not going so well with dr.
Troy? Well,let's just say that no matter what you do to the outside,the inside never really changes.
which is bad news for him.
But any advantage you can get when you're 18 and you're about to have a kid,I'm all for.
Well,you had matt when you were pretty young.
How'd you cope with all the pressure? I guess I just did the best i could and hoped everything would turn out all right.
Wouldn't that be great if that's all it took? Just doing the best you can and hoping.
Sean mcnamara,hello.
I was just researching my father's surgery.
Where's matt? Aren't you supposed to be tutoring him right now? For the last hour,yes,but he has not shown up.
Perhaps he forgot.
I reminded him again last night.
As did I.
He was meant to be bringing dinner,too.
I have been famished.
It's been a long day.
My mouth is on fire,but i can't stop eating these amazing poultry samples.
You've really never had chicken wings before? Got to try that blue cheese.
It takes it to a whole other level.
Right? And the best combination.
is when you wash it all down with a cold beer.
My father kept me on a strict vegetarian diet growing up.
Have to keep the mind focused and all that.
He would never have allowed me to eat these.
He'd be very upset if he saw me eating these right now.
These,I call soul food,because they taste great, they're bad for you,but they keep your spirits up.
Sometimes you need that.
Are you sure? Yeah,one sip's ok.
I've brought you this far.
All right.
Can we get some more? No.
Your father would kill me if he found out.
Matt is very lucky to have a father like you.
Now,if only he could get your grades,we'd both be happy.
Chicken wings anonymous.
Dude,where are you? I thought we were working tonight.
Matt! Your father and I were just talking about you.
Tell me,have you ever had beer? What?I--I can barely hear you,man.
Hey,we waited at the house for over an hour.
What happened? Yeah.
Um,I--I got held up.
I'm sorry about that.
Wait a minute.
Are you guys at a bar? Yes,and,um,raj and I are having a little soul food.
So we'll have to catch up when i get home,ok? Well,wait.
I can come and meet you guys.
Where are you? Hello? That's awesome,dad.
Some things never change.
Compliments to your trainer.
What's this scar from? A knife wound.
I stopped a bank robbery.
Oh,my god! What is that? What? Your tit--it's moving.
Who is it? It's christian.
Don't you believe in calling? It's impolite to call after 12:00.
It was a joke,lizzie.
Let me in.
No! I'm asleep.
I'm only pretending to be awake.
Casa de la cruz is closed,and so are my legs.
Oh,jesus christ! What is that? It's my implant.
It has a life of its own.
I tried calling sean,but he wouldn't pick up,the asshole.
Oh,well,you know what? It's no big deal.
The sutures tore.
They got loose.
You weren't supposed to be engaging in anything strenuous.
You know that,right? What's going on,babe? Are you cheating on me? You're straight? Uh,no.
And yes.
Now go.
Uh,you know what,honey? I'm gonna be right back in.
Just one second,ok? I promise.
I mean it,christian.
When you get in the office in the morning, we'll go back in and we'll re-suture--half an hour,tops.
I can't believe you've gone back to muff diving.
At least if it was a man,i know I could win.
And winning is what counts,right? Do you love her? Good night,christian.
Good morning,baby.
Look who came to see your unveiling.
What's up? Good to see you,pop.
I missed you,son.
We've all missed you.
Really? Then how come mom didn't come? She wanted to,but I said that's too many people.
But she wants you and carrie may to come over.
She told me to tell you as soon as you got out, she was gonna make a big jambalaya feast.
I guess I'm not the devil anymore.
We just,uh--we just want to know our grandchild.
Isn't that great,baby? That's fantastic.
So,are we ready to unveil the new,mature ricky? We certainly are.
Oh,and,uh,this is ricky's little brother chris.
He's always been a supporter of our relationship.
He's young,but he understands.
I'm robert,ricky's father.
Good to meet you.
Let's see.
Can you believe it? What do you think,babe? Do I look more like a husband and father? My god.
You look so different,it's--it's kind of shocking.
I hope it's what you were looking for.
I think it's natural.
It's still you,but with a little more gravitas.
I think it'll give you that leg up you want.
It's amazing.
I mean,um,don't take this the wrong way,but.
You look like dad now.
Yeah,you certainly do.
What exactly are your percentages,and what depth of guedel's stages are you taking me? Medical info to follow.
I'm not a horse you're putting under.
Who taught you your job? Father,dr.
Liz cruz is a fantastic anesthesiologist.
Liz and I have done thousands of surgeries together.
I assure you,you could not be in better hands.
Sean! How long until you're gonna be done in here? My tit is falling all over the place.
It's underneath my ribcage.
You need to fix it.
You ruptured your sutures? What the hell did you do,run a marathon? Bagged another bimbo.
This is your fault,not mine,all right? You obviously didn't secure the implant properly.
How could you be so careless? Sean did not do that to you,dr.
Christian troy.
I did.
My sutures were clearly substandard.
You let doogie howser operate on me? Do you realize if i was a regular patient,you could be sued for malpractice? It is completely my mistake,sir.
Rajeesh,you were the one who fouled up this man's surgical implant? Yes,but I was a big enough man to admit it.
It doesn't take a big man to admit his mistakes when only a fool makes them in the first place! Since you are the one who taught me everything I know,perhaps it is your fault as well.
Don't you ever blame your incompetence on me! My apologies.
He deserved that.
Get me out of here.
So you really know enough about hydrocarbons to do this? Matt,I told you if got me high,I'd write the organic chemistry paper for you.
Just dumb it down before you hand it in.
Nobody will know the difference.
I love this refreshing alcoholic beverage.
I never had one before your father bought one for me.
I don't think that guy ever bought me a drink in my entire life.
My dad's a complete hard-ass.
Does he hit you? Yeah,it's been known to happen,sure.
Really? That is a surprise to me.
Well,it was only once.
I lied to my parents.
I was drunk,and I shoved my mom.
And i dared him to do it.
So you deserved it.
I remember one day my father hit me when I came home with a "b" for my midterm physics exam.
He said I'd embarrassed him.
Not one student in the class got an "A.
" The highest mark was a "b," but I embarrassed him.
I was 9 years old.
Ever since i was old enough to hold a baby rattle,my father has pushed,pushed,pushed me to be a surgeon.
He always said I had such a great gift and that if i didn't work as hard as I could to become a surgeon, that it would be the equivalent of murder, that I would be murdering people if I didn't work as hard as I could to save more lives.
That's insane.
I mean,what do you say to that? You'd think when I told him that I was going to become a plastic surgeon instead of a heart specialist like him,he would have gotten the hint,but no,no.
He just said,"son,you will only be doing reconstructive operations,huh? None of this cosmetic bullshit.
" This coming from a man who wants his dick made bigger! Sometimes I think.
the only way for me to stop him is.
is to cut off my hands.
I--I get it,man.
Your dad pushed you really hard.
That sucks.
But you're already a plastic surgeon.
That's a pretty sweet way to live a life,raj.
But it's not my dream.
And now I'm 17,and I have my entire life planned out for me.
I don't have a choice.
I always thought it would be cool to be a "playboy" photographer.
Meanwhile,my entire sexual history consists of a single blow job.
from a man.
Oh,my life sucks,matt.
Don't worry about it,man.
I had sex with a transsexual once.
Several times,actually.
It's true.
I got to call my sponsor.
I sh--should not be doing this.
What a joke,you know? I'm closer to my sponsor than I am my own dad.
You've got to do me a favor.
What? Get out of the car and come over to my side.
Why? Matt,please.
Over to my side.
Slam the door on it.
Dude,you're totally baked.
No way.
Do it.
I won't tell anyone you were involved.
What? Matt,I have been thinking about this for a very long time,and it is the only way out for me.
Do it.
Look,raj,this is nuts,man.
Do it! If you don't do it,I'll just find someone else who will.
Do it.
Do it because your father hit you.
Do it because he is pressuring you to be a doctor.
Do it because he likes me better than he likes you.
Do it because next to me,your life is a failure! You are a loser,matt! You are an embarrassment! You are nothing! Your father told me! I was able to reattach most of the severed nerve endings.
but he'll never have complete use of his hand.
That's tough.
I know he was like a son to you.
The son I have is the son i love,whether he shares my dreams or not.
You don't have to be a doctor for me to love you,matt.
Just comes with the territory.
I just can't understand how raj could have slammed the door like that on his own hand.
If you're desperate enough,I guess you'll do whatever it takes to be heard.
Come on.
I'll walk with you.
So if you don't want to be a doctor,what do you want to be? You'll laugh.
I might.
But try me.
I'm listening.
Well,you know,last year when you were on "hearts 'n scalpels," I thought,well,maybe that's what I should be,you know,a doctor.
Then i realized I don't actually want to be a doctor.
I just want to play one on tv.
You want to be an actor? Yeah! Oh,look,man.
You were awesome on that show,you know? So in a way,I'll still be following in your footsteps, just without the organic chemistry and cutting up fetal pigs,you know? Believe me,matt,after a year of acting,you're gonna miss that pig.
Be good.
I'll try.
Honey,I'm home.
I sold two copiers today.
can I talk to you about something? Long day? Very.
What are you doing? Liz won't be coming over tonight for your kiss-and-make-up dinner.
How do you know? She told me,right after she resigned.
She'll get over it.
Christ,i thought she was different from the others.
You mean lacking sensitivity? Impervious to your bullshit? Sorry,pal.
Women are women,even if they used to be lesbians.
I don't need your opinion on this,all right? I know you don't approve.
I kept my mouth shut about your relationship the entire time.
I thought it was a terrible idea.
You don't shit where you eat.
Spare me the cliches and the sensitivity,would you? I don't need it.
You do.
You break hearts and you hurt people with your narcissism, and the sad thing is,liz thought you would change for her.
Love and sex don't have to be interchangeable.
Lizzie knows that.
Apparently not,because right after she resigned and i lost the best anesthesiologist I ever had, she informed she's moving back to miami.
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