Dawson's Creek s05e20 Episode Script

Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

Morning, Audrey.
Good morning.
You could say that.
How did you sleep? Well, between the talking in the sleep and the stealing of the covers not too well, actually.
- That drool stain begs to differ.
- I do not drool.
- Like a basset hound.
- I do not drool.
If you tell anyone, I'll mention how you moan in your sleep about your mom taking away your Barbie dolls.
- Okay.
I didn't- - Only for about 20 minutes.
Okay, in that case, I saw no drool.
Know what my favourite thing about it is? What? - Do you know where I got that scar? - No.
- Know who my 6th-grade teacher was? - No.
But mine was- - You're ruining my favourite thing.
- Okay.
I'm sorry.
Okay, you lost me at the scar.
The point is, I wasn't there for every day of your life up until now and - you weren't here every day of mine.
- This is a good thing? Living without the weight of 18 years of expectation? Yes, it's a good thing.
I mean, think about it.
At this point, all I really know about you and your childhood is that - you used to play with Barbie dolls.
- Okay, it wasn't a doll.
It was- Okay, so maybe it was.
Barbie looks really hot naked.
Whatever you say.
Hey, there are rules about information obtained while in bed.
- Locked away.
- Thank you.
Did you have the Malibu beach house? I always wanted the beach house.
Stop it.
No! No! - So you didn't read the memo? - Do I look like I reads memos? It was in the envelope with our paychecks.
It contained the phrase " under new management.
" There is no way Danny's gone.
I talked to him before vacation.
He didn't mention anything about leaving.
Not to burst your boy-crush bubble, but didn't Danny say someday he'd be gone for greater culinary adventures? - Yes, but he would of told me.
- If you'd read the memo - you'd see that day had come.
- That doesn't make sense.
Danny loves this place.
He wouldn't just quit.
- I don't think that he had any choice.
- Do you think they would fire Danny? Like I'm gonna go away on vacation, and the guy's just gonna disappear? I don't know.
I don't speak corporate.
It sounded like a conglomerate bought the place to turn it into a chain.
Since when are we an organization that communicates by memo? Yeah, since now, apparently.
" Closed for lunch.
Staff meeting with the new manager at 3.
" Would it have killed someone to call us? I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all of this.
Logical, yes.
Good, no.
You are not gonna believe the news I have.
- Don't they have class at Boston Bay? - Yeah, but no one goes.
Explains a lot.
You were waiting out here this entire time- No, no.
I was not waiting out here this entire time.
Well, most of the time.
What do you know about Lust to Love? - Excuse me? - They're a band, a Go-Gos tribute thing.
- People want to relive The Go-Gos? - Yeah, of course.
The Go-Gos rocked.
We opened up for them a few weeks ago.
Now Lloyd is dating Natasha, their drummer and they want us to go on tour with them.
- A real tour? - Yes.
Nothing too fancy.
Just basic indie rock.
DIY thing, you know.
Ten cities, in a van.
This is exactly what we've been looking for.
Charlie, that's amazing.
Congratulations! Thank you.
So when do you guys go? This summer? - No.
Actually, we hit the road Monday.
- But it's the middle of the semester.
Sure, yeah.
But the rest of the guys are not in college.
I can put in a few incompletes and make up stuff next year, unless we hit it big.
- Sounds like you've got it figured out.
- Almost.
I think you should come with me.
Charlie, you can't be serious.
You're not asking me to drop out of school and go on tour with you.
This is my life.
Worthington College.
I love it here.
So you're saying you think I shouldn't go.
No, I'm saying I don't think that I should go.
Okay, I'm sorry, all right? I know I'm not being fair.
It's just that this thing between us We just got it started.
And it took me a really long time to get you to even consider me as a prospect, and I guess what I'm trying to say is just that I don't want this to end just yet.
- You're not leaving right this second? - No.
Then it's not over yet.
Al right, so we apologize for rescheduling then we get right to talking about the movie.
- How we made it.
How much it cost.
- Whatever.
Let me do the talking, the whole thing will go over much better.
- Why? - I don't want to hurt your feelings but you're a little dry.
I mean, "camera angle" this, " lighting" that.
- Trust me.
I shine in meetings.
- You've had meetings? Well, you know.
Practice meetings.
With family members.
- Great.
- Would you stop worrying so much? How many agents did we send the movie to? - Fifty.
- Sixty.
- How many answered our letter? - One.
But trust me, we got no worries here.
You're a terrific director.
And I'm a phenomenal writer.
After today, when someone asks, " Do you have representation?" We can say, "Why, yes.
Yes, we do.
" Plenty of people are talented.
Not all have agents.
That's true.
And you know why? Because it's all about presentation.
We go in there looking like a million bucks, who's gonna turn us down? I'm gonna regret asking this, but how do we do that? - Okay.
You seen the movie Rain Man? - Yeah.
Remember when they're coming down the escalator? - This isn't going where I think, is it? - That was an entrance! - No.
- How great would that be? - We'd look like the ultimate team.
- We're not gonna wear matching suits.
How about just matching shirts? Come on! We'd look like Siegfried and Roy.
So wait, let me just get this straight.
He waited for you after class, and asked you to go with him? - Yes.
- On tour? - Yes.
- To sing, right? No.
To be his girlfriend.
Charlie? The boy who'll break your heart and then start in on your sister? Yes, the roguish bad boy we've grown to know and love gone, vanished.
- Elvis has left the building.
- Yes.
Well, no, he hasn't.
He's downstairs buying snacks from the vending machine.
He's here? Now? He wants to spend as much time together as possible before he leaves.
So, what's the problem? Audrey, many levels have been skipped here.
Many, many levels.
But it is kind of romantic, isn't it? This boy drives halfway across the country to sweep you off your feet and now he wants you to join him for some great adventure? It's not romantic.
It's frightening.
- And it's getting worse.
- How much worse? When he found out I wasn't up for the mission of madness he started to talk about staying.
I believe the word " us" may have even been used.
More levels.
All right.
But he's not going to, though, right? Stay, I mean.
- Well, no, but- - So chill out.
I'm sure you're just overreacting a little.
The worst thing that could happen is that you hurt his feelings a little bit.
And wow, bonus.
Who knew that Charlie Todd had any feelings? Oh, my God! I have got to go.
I'm supposed to meet Pacey outside.
We have to go meet the new manager of Civilization.
- New manager? - Yeah.
I'll write you a memo.
- Hello, Audrey.
- Bye, Charlie.
I hope this is over quickly.
Oh, let me tell you something.
If there's flair involved, I'm quitting.
- Did you get ahold of Danny yet? - No, I didn't.
The message on his machine says something about New York.
- I don't know how long he's gonna be.
- Oh, God.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, can I get your attention, please? If everyone's here, I guess we'll get started.
I'm Alex Pearl and as I'm sure you've all heard, Civilization was sold last week.
The old owners and the old chef have already moved on to new prospects.
But they built something here so successful that the new owners are looking to expand it into a series of restaurants.
- You mean a chain? - More like multiple locations with similar atmosphere and menu.
- Do you have a problem with that? - No, no.
I just have a little problem with people being forced out of things that they built with their own two hands.
Well, I can assure you nobody walked away from this deal poverty-stricken.
That is why people get into the restaurant business.
Why? To make money? That's why we're all here, isn't it? Now, as manager of this location, I'll be instituting a lot of changes not only in policy but also in staff.
- Invariably, some of you will be let go.
- Some of us? Yeah, I'm sorry, but have you been elected to speak for the entire staff? Oh, no, I apologize.
I didn't realize that we had to be allowed to speak.
You will be, individually.
Throughout the evening, I'll speak with each of you about your employment prospects.
Now, in the meantime, I hope you'll take any free time that you have to familiarize yourself with our employee handbook.
That sound? That was all the fun leaving the building.
As for those of you who will be let go, I apologize.
It's nothing personal.
It's just that some personalities don't mesh.
That's all for now.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Okay, it's official.
She's the devil.
- Relax, will you? We don't know how bad this is yet.
Better hope it doesn't get bad, Mr.
You didn't make a stellar first impression.
Why don't we get through the dinner rush.
We'll compare notes later.
Okay? - Okay.
- Okay.
- Pacey Witter.
- Yeah.
- I'm Alex Pearl.
- It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I apologize if I seemed harsh back there.
I would hate to seem as if I don't welcome employee feedback.
As a matter of fact, you're first on my list.
If you could follow me.
- Sure.
- Great.
Come on.
Smile, Pacey.
It's not the end of the world.
Easy for you to say.
You're not about to lose your job.
- You don't like authority much, do you? - Not really.
But you liked Danny Brecher.
Well, the man taught me everything I know.
- Including your attitude? - Most especially my attitude.
So I've heard.
- Which is why you are firing me now? - Is that what you want? No.
Believe it or not, I need this job, and I want to stay.
Because it was my plan to promote you.
I need someone with leadership abilities in the kitchen.
At least until I hire someone permanent, of course.
- Are you being serious? - Do I look serious? Yes, you do.
Don't you think that I'm a little inexperienced for that kind of responsibility? Oh, all you have to do is maintain the status quo, Pacey.
If you can't handle it, there are others I could ask.
No, no.
I can handle it.
I like that.
Don't you think you'd better get to work? - Yes.
And thank you.
- And you're welcome.
- You are coming to the show tonight? - Of course.
I wouldn't miss your farewell to Boston.
Listen, will you stop studying for a second? Okay.
I've been thinking a lot about what happened this morning, right? And you know the part where I talked to you about the tour? You know, it didn't go exactly the way I planned.
- Yeah, it was a little awkward.
- Yeah.
And You know, I was thinking that You know, maybe I shouldn't go.
- You mean, not go on the tour? - I mean, you're right.
You know, school is important.
Maybe it's not important to me but, you know, in theory, school is important.
You know? But it can wait.
I mean, I already got one opportunity and others are bound to happen.
And until then Look, we're gonna have a good time together.
I mean, hell we can start our own band, right? You and me.
Charlie, I can't- I don't think this is a good idea anymore.
Look, I know you have your doubts about me, Joey Potter.
Okay? And you should.
Hell, some days I have my doubts about me.
But it's not too late for me to prove that I can be a person of substance.
It's not about you proving to be a- We are going to be great together, Joey.
You and me.
I know this is the right decision.
We'll talk more later.
This is our last chance to go over any strategy before we get in there.
This guy's gonna keep us waiting another half-hour.
It's a power thing.
He's playing with us.
Or he's actually busy.
- What? - Did you see that? - What? - The receptionist.
I think she just checked me out.
- She's not even looking over here.
- Oh, but she was.
- Think I should ask her out? - No.
Yeah, it's the long-distance thing.
She lives in New York.
I live in Boston.
That's it.
But, you know if she's willing to go for it, it might work out.
Maybe on my way out.
She looks busy now.
Yes! Pulp Fiction II.
- How'd it go? Not so bad, huh? - Worse.
Come on.
The woman is not the devil.
She's putting up a tough front to intimidate us.
Trying to make us respect her.
I bet 10-1 it will not last.
Okay, let me know how it all turns out, okay? - You're gonna see for yourself.
- No, I won't.
Because I'm no longer an employee of Civilization.
- You quit? - No.
The wench fired me.
She did what? - Are you gonna make me say it again? - No, no, no.
I'm sorry.
Look, this is not a big deal, okay? In fact, it's an easy fix.
Go home, take the night off and relax.
- And I will talk to her.
- What good is that gonna do? Well, it can't hurt, right? I'm willing to go out on a limb and tell you that I can guarantee you will have your job back by tomorrow.
- You promise? - I promise.
Yeah, so screw them if they can't take a joke.
Sorry about that.
Sorry about keeping you guys waiting all day.
Andrew Waller.
Dawson Leery.
Don't worry about it.
We're thrilled to be here.
Thirst for Vengeance? You weren't responsible for that, were you? We packaged it, yes.
We were talking about that movie on the way.
An interesting choice to have him direct.
Yeah, but that script? Bazooka comics have more depth than that.
- Must be the writer.
- Yeah.
We both are, actually.
Which is kind of what makes us such a good team, because Oliver in addition to knowing what he likes, thinks big, in almost operatic terms.
- And you rein him in? - Right.
As a director, sometimes you have to think of what's logistically possible.
- Otherwise you won't get anything.
- And you did.
Something far beyond the usual student film.
And believe me, I have seen a lot of them.
- Thank you.
- So what I wanted to discuss with you gentle- Can I interrupt for a moment? - Sure.
- Because we don't have a lot of time.
We have a couple more meetings today.
Mostly production companies.
More on the edgier indie side.
Not that we're opposed to, you know compromising our artistic integrity to earn a couple bucks.
The point is, what is it that Hollywood is always looking for but never seems to find enough of? - Is this a riddle or something? - Don't worry.
I got this.
Young talent.
And that is what me and my partner are.
We are young and we're talented.
I would agree on both counts, which is why I asked you to come meet with me.
So let's cut to the chase, shall we? Or we could just listen to the man.
Where does that term come from, anyway? " Cut to the chase.
" It's a Hollywood term.
No one wanted to just sit through boring hours of narrative.
They wanted to get right to the exciting chase sequence.
- Isn't that right? - I believe it is.
And thus cut to the chase.
Okay, that ends another fascinating edition of Anatomy of a Phrase.
Is he okay? It depends what you mean by that.
I'm just sort of wondering if he's on some kind of drugs.
No, he's just eccentric.
Look, Mr.
We don't mean to waste your time.
Well, in that case, Oliver Dawson it was nice to meet you both.
Thanks for stopping by.
We'll be in touch.
I told you this was going to happen.
You said I was overreacting, but I wasn't, was I? You are still coming with me? Make it seem less like a date.
Yeah, sure.
Now that I'm fired, what else have I got to do? - It's official.
I'm a horrible person.
- You are not a horrible person.
I am.
I'm the worst kind of person because I suck these boys into my web, and then I make them give up their dreams until they're sad and dreamless and living in Boston.
Well, what about you? What about your dreams? I have my dream.
This is it.
- You need to dream bigger.
- Audrey.
First of all, you need to stop it with the circles.
You're making me nauseous.
And secondly, if you felt this strongly about it why didn't you just tell Charlie to go on the tour? I tried.
Then he dropped this bombshell and then left.
I suppose there was kissing involved.
- I suppose.
- Okay, well, I get it.
- Get what? - The problem.
Face it.
It would be hard for any girl to look into those abs and say: " Charlie, I'm sorry.
Think you could get out of town and never call me?" Audrey, that's not it.
I don't want to hurt his feelings.
How do you tell someone who's into you that you're not-? Into them? I'm not ready to be anyone's girlfriend.
I don't want anyone to change their life for me.
That's what he's doing? He wants to prove to me that he can be a person of substance.
This is much worse than I'd imagined.
Apologize for the mistake and offer a dessert with our compliments.
Okay, what's going on in here? We've got three tables waiting.
Not a great place for you to stand.
If there's something I can help with? I need to know how many lobsters we served.
- I think we're ordering too many.
- We are.
But Danny has a deal.
Changes, Pacey.
Remember what I said about changes.
Funny you should mention that.
There is something I wanna discuss.
It's regarding one of the waitresses you fired.
Well, I fired a lot of waitresses today, Pacey.
Refresh my memory.
- She's young and blond and- - My favourite combination.
She's actually a wonderful waitress, and I'm sure that she would- Do you have some kind of special interest in her? Well, yeah, she is my girlfriend.
This is not the time to talk about this.
Food, customers Of course not.
I understand.
But if you wanna come see me later, that'd be fine.
Do me a favour.
Tell me that you have no idea what you did in there.
I'll look a lot more charitably on this fiasco if you just plead ignorance.
Okay, so I got a little carried away.
A little? Oliver, you're always pretending that we're something we're not.
What's wrong with being what we are? We're amateurs.
I was just trying to keep the conversation going.
I didn't want there to be any sad, terrifying silences.
Like the one after you called the guy's movie a piece of crap? Okay, I could've been more diplomatic about that.
Next time, I promise the full Hollywood brownnose treatment.
What next time? Oliver, that guy's never gonna meet with us again.
Okay, Dawson a little perspective, please.
Andrew Waller is just the tip of the iceberg.
There's a whole world of agencies out there waiting to be introduced to the brilliance of Chirchick and Leery.
None of whom returned our letters or our phone calls.
Yeah, but our film kicks serious ass! And the next one's gonna be better.
We are a great team, man.
We're like the Coen brothers or the Hughes brothers or the Wachowskis.
- Except we're not brothers.
- Yeah.
I mean, no, of course not.
- I've never had a brother myself- - We made one film together.
One film.
After today, I'm starting to think this partnership is a bad idea.
What? Do you wanna end the partnership? No.
I just Look, I didn't walk into this meeting expecting it to be some miracle that would change my life forever.
- But I wanted it to go better than that.
- Yeah.
So did I.
But it didn't, you know? So I figured, let's just go back to making movies and then, when we get another chance- Another cha- Oliver, this was our chance! - That was our chance.
And we blew it.
- Okay! Excuse me for trying to be a little optimistic about our future, you know? Or wait a minute.
What was that you said about us not having a future? I'm trying to be realistic here, and you're just being naive.
I'm naive? Mr.
Let's-Drive-All-the-Way- Down-to-Florida - to fulfil my romantic destiny.
- This is different.
You bet it is.
I'm gonna take the train back.
This is so depressing.
I can't even have a fling properly.
I mean, we're so young.
This was supposed to be fun.
It was supposed to be carefree.
And it will be.
As soon as you tell him how you feel.
Dump him.
Break his little heart.
It's the only way to get him on the bus.
Well, how do I go about breaking one's heart? Oh, please.
Like you've never done it before.
Not intentionally.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
You made it.
So am I employed again or what? The dinner rush wasn't the best time to ask but I promise, you will get your job back tomorrow.
When I need to be, I can be charming and persuasive.
My self-aggrandizing hero.
- What's she like, your new boss? - The question isn't, "What's she like?" - It's, "What's she look like?" - Bit of a hottie? - As far as older women are concerned.
- She's not that old.
- How old? - She is older than us.
She's- Whatever.
Younger than Grams.
Thank you, everybody.
And good night! Okay.
So tell me again what exactly we're doing here.
We're lending moral support.
Charlie's band's going on tour.
So another sordid chapter in the love life of Joey Potter comes to an end.
She said Charlie's band is going on tour, not Charlie.
Charlie, it seems, has decided to stay.
- For many reasons.
- But mainly for Joey.
It seems the boy is quite smitten.
- Really? Not that I can I blame him.
- Thank you.
Oh, my God! Hey.
That's it.
- What's it? - Nothing.
- I got it.
Just let me handle this, okay? - Handle what? So congratulate me.
The deed is done.
Charlie Todd is no longer a member of Aggressive Mediocrity.
And Audrey Liddell will no longer be made a fool of.
- And you call yourself my friend.
- I am.
Oh, well, then, maybe you would like to explain to me why you have been sleeping with my boyfriend for the past three months.
- What? - What? Hey, silence! Nobody cares what you have to say.
This is between me and Bambi Eyes over here.
Although I'm sure that Charlie probably has an opinion on the subject - not that you care what he thinks.
- I care.
Okay, please, can somebody tell me what's going on? - Yeah.
Me too.
- Yeah.
Tell them, home wrecker.
Tell them how you still have certain feelings for Pacey and now that you see the two of us together you realize what a fantastic male specimen he is.
- I wouldn't go that far, but- - Yes.
Yes, you would.
In fact, if you had to, you would fight me for him.
I would? Slut! - Hussy.
- That really hurt.
- No duh! - Oh, yeah! - Come on, ladies.
There's plenty- - No, Pacey! Okay, Chuck, could I get a hand here? - Will you watch the hands, mister? - Hey, hey! I think that one right there needs medication.
I think you'd find they're both a little crazy.
I really don't get you.
What is this? Some sort of elaborate private joke? Oh, yes.
It's elaborate, and it's private.
It's just the joke part that I'm not too sure about.
So, Lucy, Ethel would you care to tell the young man what is going on here? Because I would, but I don't know where to start.
- Just go.
I'm fine.
- Okay.
So do you mind telling me what this is all about? No.
I'm just not quite sure how.
- You and Pacey aren't back together.
- No.
No, we're not.
So the purpose of this little piece of performance art was? It was to convince you - not to stay.
- Not to stay.
Okay, so that would involve me leaving.
You have to go on this tour.
If you don't, you'll regret it.
And, Charlie, if you're staying because of me Don't.
That's a hell of a lot to go through just to break up with a guy.
Would you have responded to anything less? Yeah.
Probably not.
May I ask you a question? If I weren't in the picture would you have considered, even for a second the possibility of not going on this tour? No.
Then are you starting to see my point? This doesn't This doesn't feel too good, does it? No, but neither does missing the greatest opportunity of your life just because some girl asked you to.
But you didn't ask me to, did you? Yeah.
Jeez, what the hell are you doing here? - You know what time it is? - Stopped checking hours ago.
- You're as crazy as the other one.
- Maybe crazier.
I'm not leaving until I say something.
- I'm listening.
- Give us another chance.
Is that it? That's what you wanted to say? You waited five hours to ask for another chance? We might not seem like the greatest risk, but that's what you do, right? You take chances on people.
You bet on which ones are going to be a success.
I'm telling you, bet on us.
I want this like I've never wanted anything.
This has been a hard year.
I've screwed up, but I'm not gonna screw this up.
- What are you? You, like, 19, 20? - Nineteen.
- And life really feels this desperate? - Life is desperate.
Life is chances you never get back.
Which is why I've been waiting.
It's why I won't leave until you agree to look at our next project.
You're not faking it, are you? The desperation, the anguish.
- The youthful torment.
- God, I wish I was.
Well, don't.
It's good stuff, all that teenage crap.
It's one thing you can't fake as you get older.
Very marketable too.
So you're saying? I'm saying send me your next project.
And in the meantime, I can make a few phone calls.
Put some feelers out.
See who I can get to look at the film.
- I can't promise you anything, but- - Understood.
Then I guess we have a deal.
- What is that? - I'm checking.
It sounds like a cat dying.
I think it's music.
- Could he be any cuter? - No.
- But he could be more in tune.
- Come on.
This is so romantic.
It's like that movie.
It's like you make him want to be a better man.
Wouldn't it be better if I made him want to be a better guitar player? Okay, it is official.
You are the queen of negativity.
There'll be a crowning ceremony later in the day.
Go out to him.
You're gonna wake the whole campus.
I'm just trying to make a little money.
Expenses for the tour.
- So you're just busking for change? - Oh, yeah.
- Interesting choice of locations.
- I thought you might find it odd.
- So then you're definitely going? - On the tour? Yep.
I'm glad.
I figured you would be.
You know, I may never be as smart as you.
But I will be a person of substance.
And on that day, I just may have to come looking for you.
I'd like that.
- You wouldn't slam a door in my face? - No.
This is not about you being insubstantial.
It's about you making a major decision about your life based on- On you.
I was going to say a whirlwind romance.
Yeah, but sometimes those are the best kind.
Infatuation, mystery, the thrill of the chase.
These are very powerful things.
But they're not real.
And they don't last, and you can't build your life on them.
Well, I had a good time.
Me too.
So I guess this is it.
I guess I just go.
Disappear into the sunset.
Take care of yourself, Charlie.
I will.
- Yeah? - Alex? Hey, I'm sorry to disturb you.
I thought everyone had gone home.
everybody else did, but I was hoping you and I could finish that conversation we started earlier.
Oh, remind me.
What was that about again? - The girl that you fired.
- Oh, yes.
I think I remember her now.
Last hired, first fired.
So I guess that means the new regime governs by adage.
A technique I picked up in business school.
- Hey, will you help me hang this up? - Of course.
Actually, you know what? I shouldn't.
Bad luck to put something up before you know if you'll stick around.
In this economy, everything is temporary.
Which is why I would appreciate it if you could give Audrey one chance.
- Audrey.
Your girlfriend.
- Yes.
- How old are you, Pacey? - Nineteen.
You seem older.
Well, I'm not.
Isn't that a little young to be settling down? - I don't know how settled we are.
- Yeah, but you are together.
- Oh, yeah, definitely.
- That's all I mean by settling.
It's a shame, really.
There are no adorable single men left in this town.
Guess not.
But look, about Audrey Yeah.
I think we might be able to work something out.
I mean, we both want the same thing, don't we? No.
I don't think that we do.
We must have gotten our wires crossed there somewhere.
Did we? It didn't feel that way to me.
Yes, we most definitely did.
Look, it's late.
I think I should be going.
Are you sure about that? I think that I should leave, Alex.
Your decision.
Hey, not so fast, stranger.
Hey, I was just heading out to get some food.
No food chez Grams? Must be a sign of the apocalypse.
- Yeah, well, she's a little preoccupied.
- Oh, right.
I guess love does funny things to people.
Yes, it does.
So, what brings you around? - I came to see how your meeting went.
- Right.
Did it go as well as you hoped it would? It started out badly, but it ended well.
How well? I think I may have an agent.
Better than nice.
It's a dream come true.
So that food you were going to get didn't happen to be something in the pizza family? Vaguely.
Wouldn't happen to want some company? I would love some.
So, what happened the last couple of days? Did I miss anything? Oh, the usual.
Broke a few hearts, started a few barroom brawls.
- The usual.
- Yeah.
Something like that.
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