Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s05e21 Episode Script

Stormy Weather

Look, if you're burned out on the sorority, then take a semester off.
Become inactive if you have to, but don't drop out.
Kel, it won't be the same without you.
l'm just not into it anymore.
Yeah but being an Alpha, it was something we did together.
Look, the sooner you both realize that meaningful change comes from personal sacrifice, the better off we'll all be.
Could you repeat that, Kel? lt was so profound l want to commit it to memory.
l didn't come here to be ridiculed.
No, you came here because Professor Finley told you to.
To him all your old friends are just a bunch of ''externs'' and ''negators.
'' You know, l think she's just trying to find a little meaning in her life.
Maybe instead of giving her a problem, you guys ought to try and understand her a little bit.
What, have you joined the New Evolution now, too? No, l'm just trying to keep an open mind, you know.
l think it's pretty obvious she's dealing with some serious issues here.
Human nature, personal growth, something like that.
lnstead of giving her a tough time about it, you two ought to try and respect it.
Thank you.
Come on l'll walk you to your car.
So, how'd it go? Pretty good.
She's going to introduce me to Finley tomorrow.
You're the best, man.
l hate that we're doing this.
This ain't a picnic for me either, but if we don't do something, we're gonna lose her.
Good morning.
Where do you want me to set this stuff up? Um, right there would be great.
-Thanks a lot.
-Thank you.
You didn't have to get dressed.
That's what the robes are there for, silly.
l gotta go.
Not yet.
l want to show you something, okay? You see all those people down there-- rushing to get to work, trying not to get wet? lf they had the chance to kick back and spend the rest of the morning here, what do you think they'd do? Don't you have a class to go to or something? Not until 3:00.
l gotta go.
Ray l have a lot of things l gotta do today.
Well, l, um l ordered breakfast.
l'm sorry, Val.
Ray, please.
l can't.
l have to meet someone.
Who? Miss Goody Two-shoes? Take care, Val.
What do you think Donna would do if she knew you were here last night? l thought that would get your attention.
Look, you said no strings attached, right? Did l say that? What do you want, Valerie? What do l want? l don't know, maybe some eggs Benedict, waffles, fresh fruit.
What about you? Breakfast is served.
Newhouse to labor and delivery.
Newhouse to labor and delivery.
Oh, great.
Can we get a repairman to the vending machine? A repairman to the vending machine.
Coffee? Look, l wouldn't waste my money on that machine.
l think it might be broken.
Well, maybe you just don't have the touch.
Oh, excuse me, and you do? Light, no sugar.
And the crowd goes wild.
Look, if l get this job, you better teach me that trick.
Andrea, the interview is just a formality.
The researcher gig is yours if you want it.
Are you kidding? Not only would it look good on my resume, it would mean a little extra moolah.
Not to mention that we'll be able to see each other almost every day.
That, too.
Rashin to admitting, stat.
Mmm! What's that perfume you're wearing? Baby vomit.
Well, on you, it's divine.
Thank you.
Good luck on your interview.
Well, l wouldn't be calling you if it were just a little drip.
Yes, come in.
Come in.
l was hoping you were from maintenance.
What's going on? Would you look at this mess? l'm being flooded out of my own office.
-May l help you? -Yes, you certainly can.
This is the chancellor.
-About the leak? -You're lucky l can swim.
You promised me that you were sending a maintenance crew right away and that was 45 minutes Please hold.
No, no, don't you dare put me on hold! They put me on hold.
Anything l can do? Do you have a sump pump? No.
Then whatever it is, is going to have to wait until Monday.
They hung up on me.
Chancellor, l really need to talk to you about Patrick Finley.
What for? He was denied tenure.
He's not teaching on this campus any longer.
As far as l'm concerned, the matter is closed.
We cannot condone proselytizing in the name of academic freedom.
But the proselytizing is still going on.
Well, that may well be, but at least this university has no ties whatsoever to the the New Evo-- give me a hand-- the New Evolution lnstitute.
But sir, most of the members of the New Evolution are students at this school including Kelly Taylor.
Kelly's caught up in this? l'm afraid so.
l rue the day we ever let Patrick Finley onto this campus.
Chancellor, l know that the university settled a potential lawsuit from some parents of Patrick Finley's students.
How did you find that out? Someone mentioned something.
l was hoping you could tell me about the case.
Not without violating the confidentiality of the students involved.
Well, what about the students that are involved now? What about Kelly? Brandon, l'm sorry.
But what those kids do off campus is strictly their own affair.
Kelly's got a good head on her shoulders.
She'll be all right.
Chancellor Arnold, l moved your 3:00 appointment to 4:00, and your 4:00 appointment to 3:00, and l'm going to lunch.
Yeah, you know, l've done some writing.
Nothing that's ever been published.
Just in journals mostly.
Well ultimately, it's the process that counts, not the final product, but who's counting? Would you like some coffee? -Yeah, sure.
-Me, too.
Hey, is that you? Yes.
At Paia Beach in Maui.
Wow, l just got back from Maui.
My mom lives upcountry near Kula.
Ah, l know it well.
There's a lot of New Age thinking going on up there.
-Yep, that's lris.
-Let me guess.
Her house is full of crystals and she's totally into guided imagery.
Well, let's not forget numerology and chanting.
Once, in high school, she threw a deck of Tarot cards at me when l wouldn't let her read my fortune.
Shall we have a seat? Often l find that, when a parent is chasing rainbows, it can have quite an impact on the child.
Well, my mother's been chasing rainbows for 25 years and, uh, she's yet to catch a leprechaun.
You know what l mean? Well, maybe she's not asking the right questions.
Well, what are the right questions? Things like can positive mental energy be harnessed? ls there a point to the universe? What time is dinner served? You know, the important stuff.
Uh, Professor? Oh, sorry.
Uh, we shouldn't be late.
l'm afraid we have to end our little chat.
l have to prepare for tomorrow's milledding.
Please, come back any time you like? Yeah, l will.
Can you give us just two seconds? Sure.
-Thank you.
-Nice to meet you.
Well, what do you think? Your friend's very intuitive.
He's skeptical, and yet he's open to experience which is the sign of a fine mind.
l'm glad you two hit it off so well.
l noticed he spoke quite a bit about his mother, but he hardly ever mentioned his dad.
Well, his father is probably his Achilles' heel.
His father was Jack McKay.
The financier? Well, no wonder Dylan puts up so much armor.
He has a lot to protect.
You think? He's going to be quite a challenge, but l think that, working together, we can bring him out.
Why don't you invite him to the party tomorrow.
How are my girls? Oh, we're doing great.
Glad to hear it.
So so how'd it go today? Well, l start work tomorrow.
Well, that's great! Congratulations! Thanks.
How's it going with you and Judge Jiminez? Uh, well, l made the short list.
lt's down to me and two other guys.
That's great.
Whoa, be careful there, Andrea.
l don't want you to get too excited.
lt might sound like you're supportive of me.
Jesse, l want to be happy for you.
lt's just the thought of living in Boise Look, do me a favor.
Let's, let's not argue about this right now, all right? Let's wait till l get an offer first.
l'm sorry.
l really am.
Jesse? Uh, you know what? When l get back into town, let's, let's have Peter and his wife over for dinner.
What do you think? You know, to thank him for you know, setting this interview up for you.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
That's great.
We'll do that.
Yeah, l really like those two a lot.
Yeah, me, too.
l love you.
Give the baby a hug for me, all right? Good-bye.
Did you ever have any classes with Finley? l would have this semester, but they wouldn't give him his tenure.
Well, he's not at all what l thought, you know.
l figured he'd be obsessed with the New Evolution.
No, he's not just about ideas.
He cares about people.
That's why he started the Evolution in the first place.
What does your mom say about it? She was into EST, so she says it reminds her of the '70s.
She approves? Not exactly.
She thinks l'm going through a phase, but it's more than that.
lt really is.
Hey, you don't gotta sell me.
l'm on your side, remember? l'm really glad to hear somebody understands.
Yeah? Hi, it's me.
Can you talk? l'm not interested.
ls Kelly there? Did you hear what l said? l'm not interested.
Call me back when she leaves.
Who was that? Oh, just some idiot trying to sell me magazines.
So you were telling me about Finley.
lf you want to get to know him better, maybe see him in action, you could come to the milledding tomorrow.
He mentioned that in his office.
What is it? lt's a wedding.
Two people entering a new millennium together.
l've never been to one, but they're supposed to be really spiritual.
Finley does the ceremony.
He a minister? Yeah.
He said he got his license by mail order from the back of a Rolling Stone.
Well, in that case, l'll be there.
You know, with all the girls always chasing you around the club, l just get paranoid when you don't call me.
Hey you don't got to worry about me.
l love you, Donna.
l'm not gonna let anyone or anything ever come between us, l promise.
l love you, too.
Mason, my love-- hands, breath, and bones, elegance and grace, Learned so far from my home.
For richer, for poorer, till death do us part.
He's a little old for her, isn't he? Marriage is about love, not age.
So what's with the box? lt's wedding gifts-- pledges for the new learning center in Oregon.
Learning center? lt's the next step in social transformation.
Elana and Mason, those were lovely vows.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
l imagine many of you are wondering why an ideology as focused on the future as the New Evolution is would support an institution as antiquated as marriage.
After all, that's something your parents did.
Well, maybe not all your parents.
The answer is this: just as we must cast off those things that impede our growth, so must we also preserve those things that are at its foundation.
As mankind has evolved through the generations, each of us must continue to evolve in our own lives.
And, as miraculously as planting leads to harvest, so does the quest for new horizons lead to the perfect union between two souls.
And so l have one simple question for both of you: do you promise to nourish and love one another, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live? -We do.
-We do.
Then l happily pronounce you husband and wife.
Aw Hear, hear! Dr.
Bruno, please come to the pediatric nurses' station.
Bruno, please come to the pediatric nurses' station.
Boo! You scared me! l meant to.
How long have you been working? About a half hour.
lt's time for a break.
l can't take a break, l just started.
Okay, how about a pause? A pause, that's that's different.
l just came by to officially welcome you to the hospital staff and give you something that no self-respecting M.
in training can do without.
And what's that, a stethoscope? l give you this.
And this.
Now get back to work.
You're on hospital time.
lt's beautiful here, isn't it? Yeah.
Whose, uh, place is it, anyway? This is Mason's house.
He's the older man who got married today.
He's gonna sell it, and he's gonna give us the money so we can buy the place in Oregon.
Sounds pretty dedicated, wouldn't you say, Kel? The New Evolution's changed his life, just like it's changed mine.
l used to have so many fears inside, Dylan, l couldn't possibly be happy.
What do you mean? You know how l was always afraid that people wouldn't like me if l wasn't pretty? Yeah.
Well, l was also afraid that they wouldn't like me because l was.
That's why l had such mixed feelings about doing that Seventeen shoot.
l've always been afraid to be too smart or too funny or to enjoy the things l have because people might think l already have too much.
l was lost, and Finley's given me direction.
He's taught me that it's okay for me to shine because everyone has limitless possibilities.
Don't you know that nothing could ever stop you from shining, Kel? l wish Brandon understood my life the way you do.
But l don't care what he thinks anymore because l feel like singing and dancing in the rain.
Mm! Hi.
Um, l'm Valerie, Ray's friend.
He left his sheet music at my place yesterday.
l thought he might need it.
Come on in.
l'm Lu Ann.
l'm Ray's mother.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Well, you must be a very good friend to venture out in all this nasty weather.
Well, we've been getting to know each other a little better.
l like your son very much.
He's, uh, very talented.
Yeah, he's got his talents.
Ray! Well, you've got a nice place here.
lt's a dump, but it's home.
Well, hello, stranger.
Well, l see you two have a lot to talk about.
Nice meeting you, Val.
You too, Lu Ann.
What the hell are you doing here, Valerie? Well, you were so busy trashing breakfast yesterday, you ran off and left your portfolio behind.
So l figured it would give me a chance to come down in person and apologize for being possessive.
l know l promised no strings attached, and l always try to keep my promise, so l'd like to go back to the way we were if that's okay.
Look, l'm gonna tell you how it's gonna work, okay, Valerie? Shh.
Just there's no rush.
l just want you to think about it, okay? l'll see you tomorrow.
Be careful of that one, son.
She's in a class by herself.
Yeah, don't l know it.
From the first minute l met Finley l knew he had a hidden agenda.
You said it.
The institute, the learning center-- all of it, man.
lt's all just a ruse to get people to fork over their bank accounts.
Well, l don't know if it's a ruse, but the money is certainly pouring in.
How's Kelly doing? She's happy.
l mean, they all seem pretty happy.
Finley's not a bad guy, man.
l don't know where anybody got that idea.
He's controlling these people's lives.
You think that's good? l didn't say it was good.
l just said l think he's got some interesting philosophies that's all.
Who's side are you on in this, bro? Hey, you drug me into this, remember? Yes, l remember that.
l just want to make sure we're both after the same thing.
ls there something going on between the two of you that l don't know about? After the, uh, milledding, we were outside, we were talking.
She got to pouring her heart out to me, and, we got a little caught up in the moment.
Did you sleep with her? l kissed her.
l kissed her a couple of times.
You kissed her? Just being honest.
Well, l appreciate your honesty.
Just stop it, all right? Just stop it, because that's not what it was like at all, okay? lf you want to save her from herself, Brandon, you better hurry up, because she is not the same person anymore.
Frankly, neither am l.
l hear you.
Do you? Morning, Brandon.
lt's a little hot in here, isn't it? We've got the heat turned up to dry out the carpet.
What can l do for you? You want to? Yeah, sure.
Well, l came to talk about the usual-- Patrick Finley.
Brandon, the case is closed.
Maybe for you it is, sir, but it isn't for Kelly.
Brandon, tell me something.
How did Kelly get herself so deep into this New Evolution nonsense? lt all started around Thanksgiving after she got burned in that fire.
Well, l do know about that.
From what Clare said, Kelly could've been killed in that accident.
Yeah, she could have, and then her recovery was very slow and very painful.
She went to one of Finley's meetings and she hasn't been the same since.
That fits the profile, all right.
Unfortunately, her profile goes back a little further than that.
Between her absentee father, the caretaker role she had to play for her mother, the bad girl reputation she had to live down all through high school, Kelly is very hard on herself.
So hard, in fact, sometimes it's painful to be around her, especially if you love her which l do.
-lt's a damn shame.
-Yes, sir, it is a damn shame-- and that's why l need you to tell me about the legal problems C.
had with Finley last year.
Brandon, Brandon, if l showed you those files, l could conceivably be exposing this school to a major lawsuit.
Nobody has to know.
l would know.
Of course, if you were to wait until l was at lunch, and if you were to, uh open the, uh, second cabinet from the right and look up J for Jarret and M for Majia, l would have no direct knowledge of your actions, would l? Would you care to join me in a little bite? l'm leaving momentarily.
You know what, sir? l just can't do it today.
Could l take a rain check? Come in.
Dylan, welcome.
Have a seat.
What brings you here? Yesterday, after the milledding, l took off in such a hurry l didn't get to thank you.
For what? Well, for letting me be here.
You know, letting me in? This feeling of renewal that going on inside me.
You're evolving, Dylan.
l'm trying.
Dan and Sara showed me the mock-up of your learning center.
That's a pretty ambitious project.
Yes, uh, in some ways, it's become the bane of my existence.
How so? Fund-raising-- it's a no-win proposition.
Everybody is suspicious of your motives, and at the same time it keeps you away from the really important work that needs to be done.
What if someone were to, uh offer to step in and help you with the real work? Well, obviously, that would be greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible.
How much did you have in mind? Well, it depends.
On what? On what your plans are for Kelly Taylor.
That is a strange question.
lt's a direct question.
Well, obviously, she's extremely appealing, and she's the kind of woman a person could imagine spending his future with, but we haven't become intimate yet.
At least not physically.
What did you have in mind, Dylan? About a year ago, Kelly and l we, uh we had a thing going.
And there's nothing that l wouldn't do to get that back.
And you think l can convince her to do that? You convinced her to break up with Brandon Walsh, didn't you? Yes, well, that took some doing, believe me.
So can you help me out? Can you help me out? lf l thought that Kelly could be there for me l'd donate every dime l've got to the New Evolution.
You are a brave soul, Dylan McKay.
Now let me see what l can do.
Any luck? No, it's been busy for a half an hour, although the operator assures me it's not out of order.
-Well, it's your turn.
-Can you tell everyone my head's not really in the game of Scrabble right now? l know how you feel.
l tried to leave a message at the institute yesterday, for Kelly-- they pretended that they never heard of her.
lt's ringing.
ls this Greg Jarret? Hi Greg, my name is Brandon Walsh.
l'm the president of the student body at California University.
No, no, no, no, no.
lt's not what you think.
l have nothing to do with Professor Finl He hung up.
Hey, aren't you staying for dinner? No, l've got to drive down to Orange County.
Are you sure that's a good idea? l hear the Coast Highway was flooded.
lf worse comes to worst, l'll swim.
Say good-bye to everybody for me.
Drive safe.
-Yo, Ray.
-What's up? -Hey, what's up, Ray? -What's up? -Hi.
-Sorry l'm late.
Traffic was a bitch.
lt's okay.
We haven't started yet.
We're just waiting for Valerie.
Valerie's coming here? Yeah, my mom and l bumped into her today at Saks.
l felt sorry for her.
She's been kind of lonely.
Well why didn't you run it by me first? What, you something against Valerie? No Valerie's not the issue.
Then what is? Well, l cut short a rehearsal with my band tonight so l could rush over here and have dinner with you-- not a cast of thousands.
Well, l'm sorry.
We can leave early go catch a movie or something.
Look, l don't feel like seeing a movie.
ln fact, l don't even feel like having dinner.
Ray! l've been looking all over for you.
Oh, l'm sorry.
l've been in here trying to write this paper for Professor Chase.
Ah, sociology, huh? lt seems so trivial compared to the work we're doing here at the institute.
Well, l have something to discuss with you that is definitely not trivial.
ln fact, it's consequential.
l had a visitor this morning-- Dylan McKay came to see me.
Really? Do you think he's gonna start coming to some meetings? Well, he wants to, but he's afraid.
Of what? Of rejection, of being alone.
Dylan is a special young man.
l believe he has the potential to be a pathfinder.
l see a lot of the same qualities in you, Kelly.
You do? Your power your strength, the inner wisdom you're just beginning to uncover.
l sense a chemistry between the two of you that defies real time and space.
The truth is, l believe Dylan McKay is your soulmate.
Well, in lots of ways, he probably is.
He loves you, Kelly.
l know.
Well, then you must share your newfound happiness with him.
Give him what he hungers for-- spiritually, emotionally, physically-- love him in every way.
Yeah? You Greg? Uh-huh.
l'm Brandon Walsh.
l called before-- from the university.
Leave me alone.
l'm through with you people.
l know you had trouble with Finley, man, but l'm not part of the New Evolution.
Come on, Greg, l drove all the way down here from L.
The least you can do is talk to me.
Look, Greg, l know you were one of Finley's teaching assistants and then something happened to you and your parents tried to sue him.
lf you don't leave, l'm calling the police.
Go ahead, man.
'Cause at this point in time, you're my only hope.
The only reason l'm here is because my girlfriend thinks Finley is God and she's talking about moving to Oregon with him.
ls she pretty? Come on man, talk to me.
We can't do this.
Someone might see us.
Good, that'll give 'em something to talk about.
Oh, God, what's happening to me? lt's a raging fever.
You better take two more kisses and call me in the morning.
Hey, Peter.
How you doing, man.
This is great.
l thought l'd have to scour the entire hospital looking for you.
What are you doing here? l missed you.
l caught an earlier flight.
Well, l'm sure you two must have some catching up to do and l've got to hustle.
So, Jesse nice seeing you again.
-lt was great running into you.
l'll probably see you around the ward one of these days.
Good-bye, Peter.
-See ya.
Oh, you feel so good.
You do too, honey.
Wow, you're very prompt.
That's not like you.
l wasn't expecting such a sweet invitation.
But l have to admit, you have been on my mind lately.
-l have? -Yes, you have.
Do l smell hot chocolate? Yeah, it's a lt used to be your favorite, right? Yeah, but you made fun of me for liking a kiddie drink.
Well, l guess we've both come a long way.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Ever since that day you stood up for me at the Peach Pit, l've wanted to hold you and love you and let our paths evolve.
And what about Brandon? l have strong feelings for Brandon, but he doesn't understand where l want to be.
And if he hadn't rejected the New Evolution, then you wouldn't have had to dump him, right? Meaningful change begins with personal sacrifice.
Come on now, kiddo-- look, we both know the only reason you're coming on to me so strong is 'cause Finley asked you to.
He may have helped clarify what our future would be like together, but he did not Kelly, l told him l would pay for the learning center if he could get you to go to bed with me.
And here you are.
You're lying.
Yeah, that's what Greg thought you'd say.
Who's Greg? Brandon, Greg, come out here.
Brandon's here? Hello, Kelly.
l'm not going to allow myself to be ganged up on.
Oh no, no, no, no, this is just going to be a one-on-one between you and Finley's first T.
, Greg Jarret.
What Brandon left out was that l was a charter member of the New Evolution.
And now you're a negator? Just listen to him, Kel.
He was on his way down the path before you and l ever got in the picture.
Me and Dylan will wait outside.
So, uh, Finley never talks about me? He has better things to do.
Oh, yeah.
Like zeroing in on which students he can use to lure in more contributions.
Look, l have no idea what you're talking about.
l understand.
Look, no one was more loyal to Finley than l was.
Here, l want you to look at a picture of the woman l married at the first milledding.
Go on.
Now you see where l'm coming from.
Was she very wealthy? She was an heiress to a major tobacco fortune.
Funded the New Evolution for the first year.
Starting to see a pattern, Kelly? Man, it's at times like this l wouldn't mind a drink.
Hm, hey, don't let me stop you.
Ah sorry, man.
l didn't mean to tempt you.
Brandon, booze doesn't tempt me anymore, ideas do.
You and Kelly both.
Hey, give her a break.
l mean, l went up there knowing it was a scam and still, l ended up listening to the guy.
l just don't understand how two intelligent people like you and Kelly would give up your identity to be in a cult.
Well l don't know.
People need assurances.
They want to know that they're a part of something bigger than just themselves.
Yeah, all right, you can roll your eyes now.
You wait till you have some kind of near-death experience.
You'll see.
Wait a second.
l did my time in the traditional Native American sweat lodge.
l'm not oblivious to the fact there's more to life than meat and potatoes.
Watch out, Bran.
Sounds like you're, uh evolving.
Can someone please take me home? Yeah, l will.
l'm sorry.
Come on.
How'd you get her to come around so fast? l showed her where the New Evolution led me.
Hey is this seat taken? Help yourself.
l'm going to the library.
Donna, wait.
Look, l'm really, really sorry about the other night.
l was a jerk.
No kidding.
Look, l don't know what came over me.
l just haven't been myself lately.
Look, Ray, l know this is a really weird time for you and you're under a lot of pressure with the band and everything, but if this is the way you act when your career is just starting, how's it gonna be if you get famous? Just give me one more chance please? Well l'll think about it.
Can l see you tomorrow? Maybe.
Uh-uh-uh, don't you guys know it's impolite to suck face in public? We were just making up.
l didn't know you two lovebirds ever quarreled.
Everybody quarrels, Valerie.
Look, uh l'm gonna go rehearse, and l'll call you later.
He's, uh just a little nervous about performing this weekend.
Breaking in some new material.
Well, that's a relief.
l was starting to take it personally.
Wouldn't it be great if we just did it right here on the stage? Valerie, come on.
What?! Donna left and, uh all the doors are locked.
Look, you're starting to bug me, okay? l made a mistake.
l never should've fooled around with you.
What are you getting so twisted for? We had a good time.
This has been agony for me, all right? So if you didn't get my message the other day, let me repeat it.
You and l are through.
The party's over.
Funny, l thought the party was just getting heated up.
Valerie, just go, all right? And what if l don't? Then l'll have Nat and Willie escort you out.
-Oh, really? -Yeah, that's right.
You see l'm the house band here-- the main attraction-- so l kind of call the shots.
Oh, well, in that case, l'll just put my tail between my legs and go.
You know, l wonder where Donna went? Hey, you stay away from her, Valerie.
You hear me? You are a hypocrite, you're a con artist and you're a pimp.
l see.
So ten minutes with the ever-unstable Greg Jarret and suddenly l'm the devil incarnate? You tried to get me to sleep with Dylan so you could get his money.
l tried to put you and McKay together because you belong together.
So you're not denying it? lt wasn't as though l had to twist your arm, Kelly.
When you told me that the New Evolution could help Dylan open up, l thought you were talking about his soul, not his checkbook.
Enlightenment doesn't come cheap.
Neither do l.
Kelly, wait a minute.
You've come so far, Kelly.
Don't regress.
Don't tell me what to do.
You're free to go.
But you'll be back.
Don't hold your breath.
Give my best to Dylan.
Or is it Brandon? Kelly, can you give me a hand over here, please? Please? We just got 12 new referrals.
lt's going to be crazy here this weekend.
Kelly? You okay? Better than okay.
Let's get out of here.
Yeah, you two go on, l'm going to walk.
Dylan l'm fine, Kel.
l'm gonna walk.
-Go after him? -Yeah.
Yo, Dylan, hey.
l thought we were all leaving together.
Well, you thought wrong.
You know, sometimes l don't understand you.
What do you want to do, you want to cut her in half? You got any better ideas? 'Cause l don't.
l'm trying to do the honorable thing here, man, and it just ain't my style, so just let me do it, all right? All right.

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