CSI: Crime Scene Investigation s05e22 Episode Script

Weeping Willows

Husband and wife got into it.
What set them off ? She caught him with a hooker in their bed.
She cut him.
He killed her.
What about the hooker ? She grabbed his wallet and took off.
I caught the guy just sitting on a curb.
I swabbed his hands for blood spatter.
I am super backed up.
Can this wait till tomorrow ? He's not going anywhere.
Thanks, Mia.
Hey, guys.
I could really use a drink.
You want to join me ? I'm buying.
I'd love a drink, but we made plans, though ? - You did ? - Tomorrow.
- Rain check.
- All right.
Rain check.
No way you were never married.
Let me guess.
You were young, he seemed more mature than he really was, he swept you off your feet, and he let you fall.
Bruised, but not broken.
Get you another one ? No, I'm good, thanks.
So you're divorced ? You ? She seemed more mature than she really was, swept me off my feet.
Kids ? Yes, I have a daughter.
If she's got her mother's looks, you're in trouble.
If I don't get home soon, I will be in trouble.
I needed this.
If you're blowing me off, no worries.
But if you're not give me a call.
Wait a second.
Let me walk you to your car.
I can't do this tonight.
I I'll call you.
What the hell is your problem ? Go to hell.
You're not worth the trouble.
Mom, Mom.
Grissom just called.
I've got to go in.
I'm backing up grave.
- What ? - Vodka, with an Altoid chaser.
I brushed my teeth.
What did you do ? Walk into a door ? Hey, listen, Lindsey's got a dentist appointment before school.
I wrote all the information down in the kitchen.
- Thank you.
- Good grief.
I appreciate this.
Everyone's out.
I'm short.
You're welcome.
Clotted blood hasn't retracted yet.
She hasn't been dead long.
We have an I.
? Yeah, building manager took a peek.
ID'd her as Alice Granger.
Apartment 207.
Moved here about a month ago.
David, you want to take the jacket off her face ? What happened to you ? I walked into a door.
Can we not talk about it ? Gunshot.
Looks like a small caliber weapon.
No cartridge casings.
No purse, no car.
I put out a BOLO.
Possible car jacking.
Usually when a killer covers the victim's face, it suggests familiarity.
An act of contrition.
Maybe she knew her attacker.
Carjacked by a friend.
Yeah, got it.
We got a 20* on her car.
*20 = localisation of vehicle You go, I'll stay with the body, I'll meet you there.
You see anybody get out of the car ? - No, sir.
- Saw it on patrol.
- You checked the bar ? - I waited for you.
No one's exited since we got here.
Okay, I'll see you inside.
Can you open it up ? Thank you.
I found a gun under the seat.
22 Beretta.
Well, that's small enough to be the weapon.
So he shoots her, takes her car, and stops off for a drink.
He could still be in there.
Let's find out.
Did you hear the one about the cop and the monkey who walk into a bar ? I'm not in the mood.
Neither was the monkey.
CSI: 5x22 WEEPING WILLOWs Except for the Saturn, all the cars in the lot are accounted for.
You recognize this girl ? Yeah.
She's been in a few times.
- How about last night ? - Yeah.
Throwing them back pretty good, too.
You see anybody hassle her ? She was getting a lot of attention.
She didn't really seem to mind.
Did you see her leave with anyone ? No.
She was wasted.
- Had me call her a cab.
- Around what time ? We were really slammed.
Maybe 2:00 2:30.
- Which cab company ? - Lucky Cab.
Well, that would explain why her car's still here.
Doesn't explain the gun.
Thank you.
Why ? Do I know you ? I dug it out of the right frontal cortex.
The bullet lacerated the right occipital lobe.
It crossed the mid-line, destroying the vital structures of the brain and bounced off the left frontal calvarium.
- This is a .
25 caliber.
- What ? Disappointed ? We found a .
22 in the victim's car.
This just ruled that out as the murder weapon.
So shoot me.
Stellate tear means close contact.
See the muzzle impression around the entrance wound ? This could help identify the firearm.
This is an unusual point of entry.
Yeah, I measured the trajectory.
Ten to 15 degrees left of vertical.
Shooter would have to be standing over her.
Which would make him a giant, except for this.
Abrasions on her knees.
So maybe she was kneeling.
Begging for her life.
So, Judge Wilson tells me I'd have better luck with a blue suit than a gray suit.
What is that ? Do you think he meant that ? Do you think he was flirting with me or ? I thought judges were supposed to be color blind.
Yeah, right.
That's cute.
I found some particulate on the jacket.
Not sure what it is.
I'll get it to Hodges.
Pocket contents : credit card, car keys, lipstick and one matchbook.
Can I see that ? There's no name, just a phone number.
Give me a call.
I'll have Vartann run it down.
You know, I've got to go pick up Lindsey.
Could you cover for me ? - Sure.
- Thanks.
Tell her "Hey.
" What happened to the trash ? I took it out, like you always tell me to.
It's Thursday.
- Hello, Mom, you okay ? - Yeah, I'm great.
Are you sure about that ? You want me to be the babysitter, but you want me to be deaf and blind, too ? Can't get into this now, Mother.
I'm in a jam.
You haven't seen your daughter all week.
Save the sermon.
I was a working mother, too, you know ? There but for the grace of God Don't just assume that my time means nothing to me.
- Damn it.
- Catherine ? I threw something away.
It's gone.
You're throwing more than you know away.
Yeah, just wait till I get there.
- Mom - Go.
I'll be here when you get back.
Results from Alice Granger's jacket.
Found trace elements of iron, chromium, manganese and carbon.
More specific, automotive sheet metal.
The metallic balls would've been released into the air during the welding process.
So you're saying our killer has metal balls ? Yes maybe.
Turns out that the victim worked in a car dealership, so she could've gotten metal balls on the job.
And just in case you're wondering, working here, I'm developing them, too.
What do you have for me ? Bullet is a .
25 auto caliber Winchester full metal jacket.
You can't shoot .
25s from a .
22 caliber pistol.
I know.
Which means the semi-automatic you found in Alice Granger's car isn't the murder weapon.
I know.
Okay, well, did you know that the gun is registered to a Douglas Granger ? Were you jealous, Mr.
Granger ? I mean, she's a beautiful girl.
I don't understand why you're asking me this.
I'm her brother, not her husband.
You still own a lot of guns.
A .
22 pistol, Colt .
25, among others.
That's right.
We found the .
22 in Alice's car.
If she carried it in her purse instead of leaving it in the car, she might still be alive.
I don't follow.
I gave her the gun last week.
Then what ? - You shot her with your .
25 ? - Are you insane ? It's no mystery who killed her.
Jeff Simon, her ex-boyfriend.
Guy was stalking her.
She changed her phone number, changed jobs, moved a half dozen times.
No matter where she went, there he was.
Last week, I was over at her new apartment.
Jerk sitting in his car, in front of the building.
Is that when you gave her the gun ? Taught her how to shoot it.
Helped her get a restraining order.
Got zero help from you guys.
"Catch him in the act.
" That's all we heard.
You know where we can find Jeff Simon ? We used to be friends.
Hey, I'm looking for Jeff Simon.
Jeff Simon ? Are you Jeff Simon ? When's the last time you saw Alice Granger ? Before the restraining order kicked in.
Come on.
This is just a big misunderstanding, Officer.
Well, I'm glad you feel that way.
You mind if we take a look in your truck ? What did Alice say I did now ? Where is it ? I don't get a break for another half hour.
Look, we can get a court order.
You can look anywhere you want.
Just give Alice a message for me.
I love her, and I want her back.
Look, buddy, she's dead.
What the? I haven't been anywhere near her since her brother broke us up.
I'm gonna check out his truck.
Gil, the suspect has a laptop in his vehicle that has a GPS unit that's honed in on the lab.
Well, you can't track a static location.
It has to be something mobile.
I know.
That's why I'm calling.
You were right.
We found a GPS transmitter under the rear bumper of the girl's car.
He was tracking her car.
Let's bring him in.
Get up.
You are a real prize.
Jeff, your prints are all over that box, which means one count felony stalking.
That's seven to ten.
Murder two adds a quarter.
Now, you plead out now, you'll live to see parole.
I didn't kill Alice.
I loved her.
Is that your idea of love ? Stalking her with a GPS unit ? I wasn't stalking her.
I wo-worried about her.
So that restraining order she filed against you was because you're a nice guy.
Let me tell you about Alice.
She liked to party .
barely ate, hardly slept, didn't want to admit she had a drinking problem.
She needed me to look out for her.
Well, there's a problem with your story.
She called a cab.
I'm telling you, Alice got into a Chrysler or a Buick ? It was blue, maybe black.
And the guy she was with, maniac driver.
Complete moron.
Wait, wait.
You you followed them ? I had to.
But I was pulled over by the cops.
They kept me on-on the side of the road for over an hour.
- What time was this ? - It was around 2:00.
It was a buck-fifty ticket.
I'm innocent.
Cut the crap.
We found trace amounts of automotive sheet metal on her clothing.
You work around cars.
If Alice picked it up from you, you were in violation of the T.
* *Temporary Restraining Order Lady, until we broke up, we spent every waking minute together.
She'd come over to my shop on her lunch break just to get some.
It was over, Jeff.
She didn't want you to be her lover, her protector.
She didn't want you within a hundred yards.
Whatever trace from you we found on her was fresh.
She worked around cars, too.
I'm telling you, I'm innocent ! You were living a fantasy, thinking you still had a chance.
When reality set in, you killed her.
I only did one thing wrong.
I didn't protect her from that guy.
What did this guy look like ? Sleazy bastard.
Slight build, dark hair.
I think he had a leather jacket.
- Do you have a minute ? - I got a problem in DNA.
Okay, it really is only gonna take a minute.
I just need to have a conversation with you.
First things first.
I processed the swabs from the wife who found her husband in the hooker case.
- Two contributions.
- Two ? One was a match to the wife's DNA.
The other was from an unknown male.
I found the same unknown male contribution on the swabs from the Alice Granger homicide.
Well, it's unlikely that they're connected.
They're not.
I also matched that unknown male contribution to a rape kit from the day shift.
Cross contamination ? That's why I raised the alarm.
I was able to narrow the time frame to the last 48 hours.
Are you saying that all the DNA evidence from the last two days has to be resubmitted and retested ? We don't have any choice.
It's potentially all contaminated.
Document everything.
Your suspect, Jeff Simon, just got released from custody.
How the hell did that happen ? His alibi checked out.
I talked to the cop who pulled him over for speeding, at 2:15 a.
, right around T.
It's proof he lost track of her.
They jammed him for over an hour.
I mean, made him walk the line, gave him a breathalyzer, the whole nine.
Guy confessed to stalking.
At least you got him on that.
Which they'll probably kick down to a misdemeanor because she's dead.
Phone number on the matchbook panned out.
Guy's on his way to P.
You got a name ? Was it necessary to show up at my office ? Try the phone.
I'm an officer of the court.
Novak do you recognize this telephone number ? That's my work number.
Did you write it on the matchbook ? I may have.
What's this about ? A homicide.
That matchbook was found in a dead woman's pocket.
This the only evidence linking me to the victim ? This will go much easier if you just answer our questions.
Yeah ? Easier for whom ? Why didn't you write your name on it ? I'm a memorable guy.
Why not your home number ? This is getting tedious.
At bars, I give out my work number to weed out the crazies.
This is Alice Granger.
Do you know her ? I bought her a drink last night.
Okay, why don't you walk us through your evening ? Start with "I left the office" I was deposing a witness.
Left the office late.
Stopped at the Peppermill for a burger.
Medium rare.
No onions.
Got to The Highball around 11:00.
Met this redhead.
Bought her a drink and Mr.
Novak I'm Catherine Willows.
You want to know what happened next ? Ask the redhead.
At a bar that time of night, we're all after the same thing, aren't we ? I came onto her.
She was into me.
I know when a woman is going to give way and believe me, she was there.
And then what ? I walked her out.
I put my arm around her waist.
She moved in.
One minute she's got her tongue down my throat.
The next, she puts on the brakes.
She's a bitch and a tease.
We should ask for his clothes.
Black leather jacket, black T-shirt, jeans.
What else should we ask him, Catherine ? This is what I was trying to tell you.
Yeah, but you didn't, so now I'm way behind.
Is he telling the truth ? He's not lying about anything that pertains to me.
- He hit you.
- No, it was an accident.
But by the time it happened, he wasn't who I thought he was, and that scared me.
Eyewitness claimed that a man matching your description left the bar with the victim.
Drove off in a dark-colored, four-door sedan.
What do you drive, Mr.
Novak ? Look, I'm innocent, but it's in my best interest to retain counsel.
We're done here.
You have to recuse yourself from processing evidence This guy's a lawyer.
He could claim prejudicial treatment.
Your whole life will become public record.
I have nothing to be ashamed of.
We all live in glass houses, Catherine.
You gotta be careful where you take your shower.
Just walk me through your interaction with the suspect.
I met Adam Novak in a bar called The Highball.
Were you drinking ? I had one cocktail, on his tab.
He walked me out to my car.
Things got physical.
Could you define "physical" ? I believe that I outlined the specifics in my memo.
Catherine, you know what I'm asking, and it's not in the memo.
I didn't have sex with him, though he clearly wanted it.
And you didn't ? I went out after shift to unwind.
I even invited Warrick and Nick to come along.
- They had other plans.
- All right.
So when you put on the brakes, Mr.
Novak got angry.
I got into my car.
He went back inside.
Hey, El, will you do me a favor and call me a cab ? Sure.
This is just a theory, but she was drunk, probably more compliant than I was.
He walked her outside.
He waited with her for the taxi, offered her a ride.
I hate to break up the party.
Catherine, you got a 419 in Seven Hills.
I'll grab the kits and meet you outside.
- We'll finish this later ? - Guess we'll have to.
Look familiar ? Like the other night.
You got an I.
on the vic ? Yeah.
Holly Pearson, 31, single.
She lived across the street.
Car was locked.
Keys and purse were accounted for.
Found them in the mailbox along with her mail.
Any indication of sexual assault ? Well, her clothes and underwear are undisturbed.
- Can you remove the jacket ? - Sure.
Looks like a small-caliber gunshot wound like the first victim.
Location of the entry wound is different.
Slug's still inside her.
Grave is working a case with similarities.
That victim left a bar called The Highball shortly before she was killed.
I'm wondering if Holly went out last night.
I'm on it.
There's two sets of shoe prints With a bit of distance between the strides.
Which means they were both running.
Got some shell casings.
Well, there's only one shot fired in Grissom's case.
It was close contact.
He couldn't miss.
I'm thinking that she was attacked near her house and then made a run for it.
Got a courthouse keycard.
For the parking lot.
I wonder where Holly Pearson works.
Adam Novak's a public defender.
Let's run his prints against this.
Guys ? I found a couple of the victim's coworkers.
They said she was at The Highball last night.
Got them coming into PD.
Holly was just promoted.
Youngest systems analyst at the bank and we were celebrating.
She wasn't exactly a party animal.
We practically forced her to go out.
Any guys come on strong ? Yeah.
We collected numbers all night.
Anyone write their number on a matchbook ? I got business cards.
So you're having a good time and Holly had had enough.
We carpooled, so she took a cab home.
I'd like to show you some pictures.
See if you recognize anyone.
He bought us a round.
He tried to get friendly.
When Holly left, did you see that man again ? Actually, no.
Hell of a backlog, here, Doc.
Traffic pile-up on I-15.
* * Interstate highway traveling through Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California.
Holly Pearson ? C.
's a one shot to the back of the head.
Absence of gun powder and stippling suggests a non-contact wound.
Dug this out.
25 caliber.
It's the same as the first victim.
You know, I got something you might find interesting.
I emptied the stomach and she hadn't eaten for hours.
A small amount of white zinfandel Less than a glass, vintage undetermined, and a tiny scrap of meat.
Take a look.
Surface tissue of a human tongue.
Those are the taste buds.
She bit her attacker when he tried to kiss her.
This woman did not go gently into that good night.
Heard you may be looking at a second victim ? Bullets from both homicides are from the same gun.
I just got off the phone with Courthouse Security.
That keycard that you and Catherine found belongs a guy named Adam Novak.
Only prints I found on the card were his.
Well, let's call PD and bring him in.
Mom, Lindsey, go inside the house.
Believe it or not, Catherine does know how to say, "Hello, how are you ? Would you like a cup of coffee ?" I was talking to your mother about the case we're working.
Mom, we're fine.
Take Lindsey inside.
- Let's go.
- I don't, I don't want to.
Are you going to go out again ? No.
I'm coming in.
I want to hear about your day.
It was a pleasure meeting you.
What the hell are you doing here ? I want to know why you're setting me up, manipulating evidence to make me look guilty.
All because I came on too strong ? - I want you out of here.
- I didn't get my signals crossed.
You changed the play, and you're screaming foul.
That's some power trip, babe.
Who's the guilty one here ? You want to talk to me, call your lawyer.
Set up an appointment down at PD.
- You think I killed her ? - Back off.
You going to shoot me ? If you take one more step.
You bitch.
You came to my house.
Novak, would you stick out your tongue, please ? What is this about ? Well, right now, it's about his tongue.
And two dead women.
We believe the second victim, Holly Pearson, bit her attacker's tongue.
Open up, please.
Once more.
Thank you.
That's all I need.
Have a seat.
You comfortable ? We're going to be a while.
- I know how this looks.
- Adam, I I advise some of the stupidest guys that come through this room.
And it's my job is to keep their mouths shut.
And I know what you're thinking that I killed Alice Granger.
You're a mind reader.
I already admitted that I picked her up at a bar the other night.
What I didn't mention, and you didn't ask was that I gave her a ride home.
It got hot and heavy.
We both got what we needed.
Then she said good night and got out of the car.
I drove off.
Do you have any evidence at all that refutes my client's account, or suggests otherwise ? Our evidence pertains to the second victim, killed last night with the same gun, and we believeve that a portion of your client's tongue was in her stomach.
- I can explain that.
- Really ? Her taxi never showed up.
I was drunk.
Out of line.
Bad couple of days, thanks to you guys.
I was looking for a little release a nd I chose the wrong girl.
And what happened next ? Her taxi finally showed up.
I spoke to both the bartender at The Highball and the cab company, and a cab was ordered and drove the victim home.
Novak, have you ever been to Holly Pearson's house ? No.
I have no idea where she lived.
Then how do you explain your courthouse keycard which we found near her body ? CSI matched the prints on the card.
Only yours.
Every attorney in the Public Defenders Office is issued one card.
Mine has never left my car.
I keep it in the center console.
You don't need a warrant.
You have my permission to check.
It should be there.
Well, that won't be hard to verify, because your car's already at CSI.
The center console.
Was there a parking lot car key inside ? No.
Two sticks of gum and a pack of condoms.
Why ? Suspect claims some incriminating evidence found at the second crime scene wasn't his.
It looks like he was lying.
We got him.
I don't know how you're going to take this, but I think this car was recently broken into.
These scratches they look fresh.
B&E 101.
The Slim Jim.
Somebody could've swiped his keycard.
And then locked the car back up.
Novak wouldn't be the wiser until he drove into the courthouse again.
Did you find any prints ? Smudges and partials, inside and out.
Run 'em.
Let's run through the night Alice died again.
We've been through this.
I have an alibi.
Your alibi only proves you lost track of her.
You knew where Alice lived.
Have you been in Adam Novak's car recently ? No.
I don't even know an Adam Novak.
But you identified his vehicle as the car that Alice left the bar in.
I didn't know whose car it was.
Then why did we find your prints in it ? Maybe somebody's trying to frame me.
No, but I think that you're familiar with the concept.
You were obsessed with Alice, and when you saw Adam having at her, you flipped out.
I mean, here's a woman that you can't get any traction with, yet she's willing to do a stranger she picked up in a bar.
I mean, lucky for you, The Highball was Adam's second home.
The next night, you came back and saw his car in the parking lot.
Creative justice.
You could get them both.
It was just bad luck that Holly Pearson met Adam that night.
You had no reason to kill her, but you followed her home and worked up the nerve.
You made one mistake, though.
The evidence that you used to frame him brought us back to you.
You figured out the source of the contamination ? I got a positive result off my negative control.
Matched the contamination.
Turns out somebody at the manufacturer forgot to put on their mask and then sneezed or coughed on what was supposed to be a sterile product.
You have to collect everyone's swabs.
Work stations.
How long till the new shipment gets here ? It's on its way.
Until then, do it old school.
I'd ask you out for a drink, but under the circumstances, it's Okay, how long is this going to go on ? I don't know, Catherine.
Gil, it was an act of omission.
How many times have we heard a public defender say that ? I went out after work.
Is it a crime to want a little human contact ? I guess that's why I don't go out.

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