Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s05e23 Episode Script

Blaze of Glory

Squid my favorite human food.
Delicious, sir.
Terrific as always, Dad.
I'm glad you like it.
Sir, if I may say so, this sauce tastes very familiar.
Well, it should.
It's puree of tube grubs.
Oh! Tube grubs? I figured if Nog is willing to eat squid it's only fair that we try tube grubs.
Besides, you said it was terrific.
That was before I knew what it was.
You need more meat on your bones.
So, tell me, Nog how do you like working security? It's very interesting, sir.
That's not what you told me.
Something wrong? No, sir.
Everything's quite satisfactory.
Thank you, sir.
Could've fooled me.
Cadet, if there's a problem, I want to hear about it.
Well, sir it's the Klingons, sir.
What about them? It's their attitude, sir.
It's bad.
Bad? They're loud obnoxious, and if I may say so, sir generally intoxicated.
They walk around the station like they own the place.
And whenever a station security officer tries to talk to them say, to ask them to keep the noise level down on the Promenade, they ignore him.
You mean, they ignore you.
They never look me in the eye when I try to talk to them, sir.
They just stare over my head and pretend I'm not even there.
I hate when they do that.
I can see how that might be annoying.
Not as annoying as listening to him complain about it all the time.
Here is what I suggest, cadet.
The next time the Klingons refuse to acknowledge your presence do what a Klingon would do.
Confront them about it.
If you stand up to them, you'll earn their respect.
Or get your butt kicked, one or the other.
Either way, they'll never ignore you again.
Captain, I need to speak with you alone.
That does it.
Not now, Nog.
But, sir Come on, Nog.
Let's go Captain, my crew and I were patrolling the Cardassian border.
We intercepted a very disturbing message.
This is a Maquis code.
I was as surprised as you.
I thought the Maquis were wiped out by Cardassia and their new Dominion allies, but it would appear I was mistaken.
Were you able to decode it? Mmm Michael, I hope you get this message.
We've launched the missiles.
They should reach Cardassia in 13 days.
It may not bring back our dead but at least they'll have a lot of company.
Did you detect any missiles? No, but that proves nothing.
A few months ago the Klingon High Council decided to aid the Maquis in their fight against Cardassia.
We provided them with 30 class-4 cloaking devices.
It was our understanding they would use them on their ships.
But they could've been mounted on the missiles instead.
You see the problem.
The Maquis had access to tricobalt explosives biogenic weapons, antimatter warheads The death toll could be in the millions.
I knew that the Maquis were desperate but I didn't believe that they would resort to something like this.
A sabre bear is most deadly when it is trapped with no hope of escape.
Cardassia's under Dominion protection.
If millions of their citizens are killed by human terrorists they'll demand revenge.
And their Dominion allies will see that they get it.
They'll launch a counterstrike against the Federation the Klingon Empire and the entire Alpha Quadrant.
And start a war that could destroy us all.
Do the words "needle in a haystack" mean anything to you? We spent over 50 hours searching the Badlands for signs of the Maquis missiles without success.
We would've stayed longer but we had a hard time avoiding the Jem'Hadar patrols.
Let me guess.
They homed in on your plasma wake.
Even though we were cloaked they were still able to track us.
The Defiant's warp engines are too powerful.
They ionize the nebular gasses in the Badlands.
It's like a Ligorian mastodon moving through the forest.
You may not be able to see it but it definitely makes the leaves rustle.
I need answers, people.
If those missiles do exist they are only 11 days from their target.
I need to know where they are and how to stop them.
We need more information a way to narrow our search.
I think I know someone who can help.
Eddington, wake up.
I'm dreaming, right? This is a nightmare.
This is a nightmare, all right but you are wide awake.
I was wondering when you'd show up.
I expected to see you here weeks ago.
I've been busy.
But now you're here.
So enjoy yourself.
Savor the moment.
I know you've been wanting to gloat over my defeat for a long time.
I'm not here to gloat.
You deserve to.
You won.
I betrayed Starfleet by joining the Maquis.
You swore you'd track me down and you did.
You got your revenge.
Actually, that's what I'm here to talk about revenge.
One of my favorite topics.
I believe that was intended for you.
Michael, I hope you get this message.
We've launched the missiles.
They should reach Carda Don't you want to hear the rest of it? Why should I? It has nothing to do with me.
Michael is a very common name.
True, but somehow I think you're the right one.
Guess again.
If those missiles hit Cardassia, it could start a war.
Billions of people will be killed.
If you expect me to shed a tear you're going to be disappointed.
I used up all my tears when the Dominion slaughtered the Maquis.
I sat here in this cell for three days and listened to the reports as they came in.
In those three days everyone and everything I cared about was wiped out.
I heard the same reports.
It was a tragedy.
Your generosity of spirit touches me.
But you don't give a damn about what happened to us and I don't give a damn about what happens to you.
You may have taken off the uniform but you're still a Starfleet officer.
And you don't want a war between the Federation and the Dominion any more than I do.
What you want and what I want doesn't really matter.
There's nothing you can do to stop those missiles from hitting their targets.
They're cloaked, highly maneuverable programmed to change course at random.
You'll never find them.
Maybe we can't locate the missiles but that doesn't mean we can't stop them.
You must have programmed in an abort code some way to deactivate the missiles by remote.
Even if there was such a thing you'd have to transmit it from the launch site.
And I don't think you're going to find that either.
No code, no launch site.
I'm afraid you're out of luck, Captain.
Looks like everyone's out of luck.
That's it? You're just going to lie there and do nothing.
That's what you do when you're in prison nothing.
Just sit back and wait for the next counseling session the next psychological evaluation the next rehabilitation seminar.
What if I could get you out of here? Arrange a pardon in exchange for your helping me? Oh, you like this, don't you, Ben? You like deciding the fate of others.
It makes you feel important.
It's not about me.
Do you want your freedom or not? Freedom, huh? Tell me, if they did release me, where would I go? What would I do? Anything you want.
What about bringing the Maquis back from the dead? Can I do that? Can you? Can anyone? No.
I didn't think so.
In that case, I'll tell you what I want.
I want to lie here until the Jem'Hadar blow this place to pieces and me along with it.
Ah! Careful.
That hurts.
I haven't done anything yet.
Well, what are you waiting for? I told you it hurts.
You'll survive.
Did you catch him? We caught him.
Or rather, I should say Major Kira caught him.
I didn't really do anything.
I was in the Bajoran shrine meditating and he burst in, stark-naked, fell to his knees crying out to the Prophets for protection.
Morn of all people.
Who would've thought he'd just snap like that? Certainly not me.
Which makes me wonder what could've pushed him over the edge? Why are you looking at me? I'm the victim here.
He hit me with a barstool.
Why did he hit you? I don't have the faintest idea.
Think harder.
Witnesses say you were talking to him right up to the second he went berserk.
Of course I was talking to him.
That's what bartenders are supposed to do talk to their customers.
What exactly was it that you were talking to him about? All I said was that the military personnel on this station are starting to look a little nervous.
And when they get nervous, I get nervous.
And that's all you said? Basically.
I might have done a little harmless theorizing.
About what? Oh, something like it was only a matter of time before the Dominion launched a full-scale assault against the Federation and when that happened the station would undoubtedly be their first target.
And I might have idly suggested that there wasn't a chance in hell that any of us would get out of here alive.
And that's when Morn hit you with the barstool and ran onto the Promenade screaming, "We're all doomed.
" Some people just don't react well to stress.
Ow! Ops to Major Kira.
Go ahead.
There's an incoming transmission from Captain Sisko.
Be right there.
Probably wants to tell us that the first wave of Jem'Hadar is on the way.
Ha ha ha.
Very funny.
She's joking, right? Ah! Hold still.
My plan is to go into the Badlands find the launch site and deactivate those missiles.
You make it sound so easy.
You sure you don't want me to send the Defiant? The Defiant would just attract unwanted attention.
Maybe, but I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you weren't out there alone.
Don't worry, Major.
I'm not alone.
What about these? What about them? Makes it a little difficult to eat.
You'll manage.
Replicator entree number 103 curried chicken and rice with a side order of carrots.
Or at least that's what they want us to believe.
But you and I both know what we're really eating replicated protein molecules and textured carbohydrates.
Mmm, it's not that bad.
It may look like chicken, but it still tastes like replicated protein molecules to me.
You don't want it, don't eat it.
Remember that Thanksgiving dinner you cooked for the senior staff last year? How many months did it take you to grow all those vegetables in the hydroponic garden? Every ingredient fresh, real.
Though you did put too much tarragon in the stuffing.
I wasn't aware that you were a food critic.
I wasn't until I joined the Maquis and started eating real food.
Food that I'd grown with my own hands.
Fresh corn sweet as a baby's smile, and tomatoes Do you know how hard it is to grow tomatoes? There's always too much rain, or not enough.
It's too hot.
It's too cold.
I wonder what happened to those tomato plants.
Probably burned to the ground along with everything else.
If we don't stop those missiles a lot of things are going to burn to the ground and not just on Cardassia.
You never give up, do you, Ben? Here we are having a pleasant conversation about food and all you're thinking about is the mission and how to get me to cooperate.
You're wasting your breath.
As far as I'm concerned, my life is over.
I'm dead.
For a dead man, you talk a lot.
Then why didn't you leave me in prison? Because I have a job to do and I can't do it without you.
You're going to have to.
I told you when you dragged me out of my cell that I wasn't going to help you.
I meant it then and I mean it now.
I am trying to prevent a war.
No, you're the one who set the ground rules when you came after me, Ben.
You're the one who made it personal.
You could have looked the other way.
You could have left the Maquis alone but you didn't do it.
You hunted us, hounded us fought us every chance you got and in the end, you set us up for the slaughter.
I expected better of you than that.
So did a lot of people people like Cal Hudson.
I bet you haven't heard that name in a while.
You're right about that.
He told me the two of you were friends at the Academy.
And a long time after.
Until he joined the Maquis.
He betrayed his oath to Starfleet.
If it makes you feel any better he paid for his sins.
He was killed in a skirmish with the Cardassians.
He was a good man.
He felt the same about you.
He thought you were wrong about the Maquis but he forgave you which is ironic considering you never forgave him.
You can't forgive any of us.
And not because we betrayed Starfleet or the Federation but because we betrayed you.
That's what this is all about your ego.
Where Benjamin Sisko leads, all must follow.
Is that what you really believe? It's the truth, isn't it? The Maquis were never much of a threat to the Federation but we were a threat to you.
We were a stain on your record and you couldn't have that not when you were so busy measuring yourself for an Admiral's uniform.
You want to blame me for what happened to the Maquis? Fine.
Go ahead.
Blame me.
Blame Starfleet.
Blame the Federation.
Blame everyone except Michael Eddington.
The Maquis won its greatest victories under my leadership.
Your leadership your shining moment of glory.
Michael Eddington gets to take off his gold uniform and play hero.
That's what you always wanted to lead troops in a glorious cause.
Well, you had your chance and look where you led them.
Right into their graves.
They died because I wasn't there when they needed me most! Because you put me in jail.
They died because you filled their heads with false hopes sold them dreams of a military victory when what they needed was a negotiated peace.
We had the Cardassians on the run.
And they ran right into the arms of the Dominion.
End of story.
Not quite the end.
That's right.
A few survivors of your noble crusade have decided to launch a pointless retaliatory strike against Cardassia.
It's not so pointless.
If you can't have victory sometimes you just have to settle for revenge.
Is that what you want? To be remembered as the man who helped bring about the worst war in Federation history? Not quite the legacy I had in mind, but I can live with it.
Can you? No, no, no.
You can do better than that.
You're barely making contact.
Again! More wine! I don't care what anyone says.
That's got to hurt.
They're at 65 decibels loud, but not loud enough.
What are you talking about? Five more decibels and they'll be legally disturbing the peace.
And then what? And then I'm going to escort them to a holding cell.
You're going to arrest General Martok for disturbing the peace? I am.
Aren't you going to at least call for backup? Jake, you heard what your father said.
They won't respect me until I stand up to them alone.
Well, personally, I think respect is overrated.
That's it 70 decibels.
They're mine.
Whoa! You okay? I'm fine.
Just tell me when everyone leaves.
Why? Because I'm not getting up until they do.
Are we there yet? Where? That's the question, isn't it? There's something here I want you to see.
I'll pass, thanks.
Suit yourself.
Maybe it's nothing.
It is hard to get an accurate sensor reading in the Badlands but unless I'm mistaken two Jem'Hadar warships are headed our way.
Those are Jem'Hadar warships all right.
You've got a problem.
We both do.
Oh, they're coming closer.
One AU away.
Point nine AU.
You said you wanted to be blown to pieces by the Jem'Hadar? Well, it looks like you're going to get your wish.
I have faith in you, Captain.
You'll get us out of this.
Not me, Mr.
I don't know the Badlands that well but you do.
Where are you going? To get a raktajino.
Now? Throat's a little dry.
One raktajino.
You're crazy.
They're almost on top of us.
One thing I will say about these replicators.
They sure know how to make Klingon coffee.
They're scanning us.
They should be in firing range any minute now.
Very clever, Captain, but it's not going to work.
I am not going to take the helm.
Suit yourself.
That is what you're trying to do.
Isn't it? I'm trying to see how serious your death wish really is.
I'm betting that it doesn't even exist just like I'm betting that you won't be able to sit back and let your friends start a war that could destroy the Alpha Quadrant.
That's an awfully big bet.
I don't think so.
Point seven AU.
Can you lose them? I plotted a spiral course around a plasma filament.
It should dissipate our warp signature.
Very fancy.
You can take over now.
I don't think so.
Let's get one thing straight, Captain.
I'll get you to the launch site and I'll help you deactivate those missiles.
But then you and I are going to have it out once and for all.
You want a fight, mister I will give you one.
I don't intend to fight you, Captain.
I intend to kill you.
Captain, when I joined the Maquis I left some personal items behind on the station.
As far as I know all your things were put in storage.
You didn't happen to see an old Earth coin about this big with a bird on the front? A bird? A loon, actually.
My lucky looney.
It's an old Canadian coin.
Been in the family for over 200 years.
It's probably in some locker in the Assay Office along with the rest of your things.
I hope so.
I'd hate to think I'd lost it.
Speaking of things you thought you'd lost There's no way those Jem'Hadar ships could have tracked us.
Obviously there is.
Can we lose them again? Dissipating our warp signature didn't work.
Don't tell me the Maquis didn't have Plan "B.
" You're not going to like it.
Half an AU and closing.
If you do have a plan I guarantee I'll learn to love it.
We're going to have to realign the impulse flow regulators.
You mean shut down the engines? They'll be on us in a second.
Who said anything about shutting down the engines? You're thinking about realigning the emitter while the engines are engaged one wrong move and the flow regulators will blow up in your face.
You mean, in your face.
I'll be piloting the ship.
When you finish, we can use the impulse exhaust to detonate the plasma field behind us.
Even if the Jem'Hadar survive the blast the shock wave should wipe out any trace of our ion wake.
Point four AU and closing.
You'd better get started.
All right, but hold the ship steady.
I don't want any accidents.
I'll do my best.
Warning: Attempting to access impulse flow regulators while engines are engaged is not recommended.
Tell me something I don't know.
Disengage safeties.
Authorization: Sisko-A-four-seven-one.
Safeties disengaged.
Damn it, Eddington.
I told you to hold the ship steady.
Sorry, Captain.
We ran into a pocket of boron gas.
Well, don't do it again.
You still there, Captain? Disappointed? Just checking.
Captain, I hate to rush you but things are going to get very unpleasant if we don't get out of here soon.
I'm aware of the problem.
Eddington! That wasn't me.
They're firing at us.
Well, in that case let her rip! Well, that got the adrenaline pumping.
No sign of the Jem'Hadar.
Looks like we lost them, Captain.
Captain? Computer, locate Captain Sisko.
Internal sensors are off-line.
Of course they are.
I told you to keep the ship steady! You're alive.
What a pleasant surprise.
I'm sure.
Now, get us to the launch site! I understand, but all I'm saying, Nog is the next time you know I have a girl over just call me before you come home.
The two of you were only talking.
Well, you never know.
Jake, I know your track record.
You never get past talking.
Now, that's a scurrilous lie.
"Scurrilous"? Is that worse than a regular lie? Look, I don't know what the big deal is.
Just check before you come home, okay? Okay.
And you do the same.
Nog, you haven't had a date since you left the Academy unless you're counting holosuites.
Now who's being scurrilous? I don't believe this.
What's wrong? They're loitering on the Promenade in our old spot.
I guess they know a good view when they see one.
Jake, don't you get it? They know I'm territorial about that spot.
They're purposely doing this to insult me.
Nog, you are definitely getting stranger as you get older.
I can't let them do this to me.
Stay back, Jake.
This could get ugly.
All right, it's time for you to move along.
We will decide when it is time to move.
Station regulation that loitering on the Promenade is prohibited.
Is that so?! It is! Now, either move or I'm going to have to place you under arrest.
You are either very brave or very stupid, Ferengi.
Probably a little of both.
Indeed Courage comes in all sizes.
But don't tempt fate.
Nog, I'm impressed.
Klingons you just have to know how to handle them.
Next stop: Athos IV a grim little fogbound piece of rock in the middle of nowhere.
What better place to hide a missile launching site? We thought so.
The sensors aren't detecting anything.
That's the general idea.
There's too much interference to detect anything but it's there.
We'll never get a transporter through all that static.
We don't need to.
There's a shuttle pad not far from the launch site.
Then take us down.
How far? A few kilometers.
This tunnel will take us most of the way.
These tunnels are man-made.
I know.
I helped dig them myself.
Now where? Give me a minute to get my bearings.
It's been a while.
You hear something? This area is secure.
These barrels are made of duridium.
That should hold them off for a while.
I thought you said the Jem'Hadar would never find this place.
I didn't think they would.
I was wrong.
I say we rush them.
In this fog, they'll have as much chance of hitting each other as hitting us.
Too risky.
You never would have made it in the Maquis with that kind of attitude.
It's not me that I'm worried about, it's you.
If you get killed, there'll be no way to stop those missiles.
Take this.
I'll go around, try to draw their fire.
You should be able to catch them off guard when they come after me.
I can barely see two meters in front of me.
How will I know what I'm aiming at? I'll be the one holding the pipe.
Attacking two Jem'Hadar soldiers with a pipe that's a brilliant plan.
It could be worse.
I know it could be me holding the pipe.
You have sharp eyes.
Not really.
I just waited to see which of you was knocked down first and then I shot the one still standing.
Thank you for your vote of confidence.
Now help me drag these bodies over to the well.
Maybe that way, the other Jem'Hadar will look for their friends, and not us.
In a couple of minutes, this entire settlement is going to be crawling with Jem'Hadar.
I suggest you get us to the launch site now.
That way.
Are you sure? Reasonably.
We're close.
Then let's keep moving.
You knew him? He was a shuttle pilot.
And a friend.
There are more.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
We were winning.
The Cardassian Empire was falling into chaos.
The Maquis colonies were going to declare themselves an independent nation.
Eddington, listen to me.
This is not the time It's over.
It's not over.
We still have to stop those missiles.
That's all you care about? The missiles? It's too late for us to help these people but if we don't stop the missiles this will just be the beginning.
I was their leader.
I was responsible for them and I failed.
I failed them all.
Maybe we all failed them.
Maybe we could have prevented this from happening.
I don't know.
It's going to take a long time and a lot of soul-searching before I find the answer but right now, we have a mission to complete.
I wish I knew for certain that killing you would make me feel better but I suppose that can wait for another time.
That's it.
Are you sure? You want to stand here and argue about it? Come on, it looks clear.
I'm glad one of us remembered they could do that.
No, wait.
I don't want to damage any of the equipment.
Let me try something.
Michael I wondered when you'd get here.
I came as soon as I could.
Captain Sisko I'd like you to meet Rebecca Sullivan my wife.
All right, we're getting out of here.
We've got a runabout hidden at the landing site.
We can still access the tunnels through the old well.
Stick together.
Try not to lose each other in the fog, hmm? Wait a minute.
What about disarming the missiles? Look around you, Ben.
Does this look like a launch site? Eddington, I want the truth now.
There never were any missiles no retaliatory strike against Cardassia.
It was all a ploy, a way to let Michael know that we'd made it here.
This was our fallback position but I needed your help to evacuate these people.
What would you have done if I hadn't forced you to come with me? I would have volunteered.
You should be smiling, Ben.
That Dominion counterstrike you were so worried about it's not going to happen.
Yes, you're right.
That is good news but I still don't like being lied to.
Well, I hope you're ready to finish what you started.
Michael, we don't have time for this.
We'll finish this later.
All right.
You heard what Michael said.
Stick together.
You should have told me the truth.
If I had known the Jem'Hadar were going to be here I would have brought more men.
The Jem'Hadar weren't supposed to be here.
No one knew about this base but us.
They landed three days ago.
We tried to fight I know.
I saw the bodies.
I thought for a while there I didn't think I'd make it either but they kept all the leaders alive.
They were going to make a present of us to the Cardassian government.
Now I guess we'll end up in a Federation prison.
No, we're not going to prison not if I have anything to say about it.
Right now, I suggest you concentrate on getting off this planet.
We can worry about the rest later.
There's nothing to worry about.
You're not going to put us in prison, not this time.
Damn it, you never give up, do you, Mr.
Eddington? Never.
Move! Go! Whatever happens, don't stop until you get to the runabout.
You, too.
I'm staying with you.
I'll be right behind you.
Now get going.
I didn't know you were married.
We held the ceremony two weeks before you captured me.
Not much of a honeymoon.
I suggest we fall back, now.
For once, you'll get no argument from me.
Go! You'd better get to the runabout.
What about you? I'd only slow you down.
Just get Rebecca and the others to safety.
I'm not going to let you just Go! Mr.
Eddington, you are one stubborn, headstrong I told you only one of us would be coming back from this mission.
Where's Michael? He's not coming.
What do you mean, he's not coming? Rebecca we have to go now.
Okay, Crenshaw, Yuen circle around to the left.
Try to hit them from behind.
Stiles, Dimitris watch our right flank.
Seems like a perfect time for a song.
Wish I could think of one.
Does anyone know a good song?! Something rousing?! Too bad.
Rebecca Major.
My earring clip.
Where did you find it? In Maintenance Conduit 33-A.
I guess it fell off when you were doing the deflector grid inspection.
You must have searched every crawl space in the Central Core.
Just doing my job.
And doing it with style.
Glad to be of help.
Now that's better.
What was that all about? Respect.
I'll say this for him, he was a complicated man.
If you ask me, Eddington couldn't have picked a better way to go at least from his point of view.
He was a romantic, and what is more romantic than a glorious death in defense of a lost cause? He died fighting for what he believed in.
I called him a traitor once but in a way, he was the most loyal man I ever met.
He was a Maquis right up to the bitter end.
Is that what this is? The end of the Maquis? Who knows? There could still be more of them out there hiding from the Dominion, biding their time.
You almost sound hopeful.
There is something attractive about a lost cause.
Maybe you have more in common with Eddington than you want to admit.
Good night, Benjamin.
Get some rest.

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