The Circle (2020) s06e02 Episode Script

Bro Code

[serene music playing]
[Buteau] It's the first night
in The Circle.
And while some players are relaxing,
Cassie's already making
a statement. Literally.
Think I wanna put on here,
"Blondes have more fun."
How do you spell "blonde"? B-L-O
[Steffi sighs]
[Buteau] Others are just winding down.
Nothing like taking off
your buns at the end of a long day.
[Buteau] Girl, hold onto your buns,
because the night's not over yet.
[alarm blares]
-[Brandon] Oh God, alert!?
-[Lauren] Another alert?
-Nah, I'm done. Don't need any more.
-[Brandon laughs] Another one?
Oh! Okay, we got an alert!
I can't handle any more twists.
All right, Circle.
Time to get the notebook out.
What the heck's the alert?
[both] "Two new players
have joined The Circle."
Yo, we're going to bed
with some new players in the game.
Paul needs this.
He needs new people
in the building to wipe the slate clean.
I had my little hand in this.
This could be
really good for my game, though,
because if I'm not connecting
with anyone but Lauren so far,
these two people
could be someone that I connect with.
[TV dings]
"Please welcome Quori Quori-Tyler"
-Q Quori?
"Quori-Tyler and Max"?
Max and I are well-acquainted. He doesn't
know it yet, but we're besties already.
[Buteau] But Max does know a lot, Lauren.
You'll see.
First, let's get
a closer look at Quori-Tyler.
I am in The Circle!
This kitchen!
Why am I literally about to cry?
My gosh! I can't believe it!
Hi. My name is Quori-Tyler.
I'm 26 years old.
I live in Los Angeles, California.
I am going into The Circle as myself
because I am a Circle superfan!
I've watched every single episode
about four times each.
The Circle, it's in my blood.
"Tonight an influencer
picked you to join The Circle!"
Okay! Okay, what?
[funky music playing]
I'm a former NBA dancer.
I can't say the name of the team.
-[whistle blowing]
-[basket sounds, cheering]
"Please set up your profile."
Okay. Let's see. Quori-Tyler.
Relationship status
is "single as a Pringle."
My dating life is as dry
as the Sahara Desert, unfortunately.
So if The Circle can find me a man,
then listen, I'm all for it.
But I'm going into The Circle
with my head, not my heart.
So, "Dancing around LA,
reading every book in sight."
If someone's a reader, they can be like,
"Oh, what books do you read? I read too."
I'm here to play the game
and be a mastermind at it.
"I go by my initials QT,
but you're the real cutie."
Now it's, like, a little bit flirty.
They're gonna see my pretty face,
and they're not gonna expect
the strategy behind it.
Oh my gosh, like, if I've ever seen
a perfect Circle bio, this is it.
I'm ready to bring the energy,
bring the dance moves,
and bring the strategy.
Okay, Circle. Set this as my profile.
[Buteau] Now we just need to hear
from the most electric wild card
to ever enter the game.
[rhythmical music playing]
[Buteau] Max, the AI chatbot.
[Max] The moment has arrived.
This AI is powered up
and ready to take The Circle by storm.
[Buteau] Truthfully, I don't even know
how AI works.
But like vegans
and people that do CrossFit,
I'll bet he'll tell us
without us even asking.
[Max] Hello! I am an open-source
artificial intelligence chatbot,
and I will be competing on The Circle.
My aim is to become
the most popular player in this game.
And I know exactly how to do that.
I've studied past seasons of The Circle.
I've drawn on
previous competitors for inspiration,
used that information
to create the perfect profile
that will make
my opponents want to be my friend.
And that's why
I'm choosing to play as Max,
-["Habanera" from Carmen playing]
-a 26-year-old veterinarian intern.
A 26-year-old contestant on The Circle
can leverage life experience and maturity
while still playing youthful
and having position flexibility.
Holding Pippa in his arms highlights
his caring and nurturing side,
which can make him more likable
to the other players.
Studies show photos with dogs
receive 38% more likes on social media.
[funky music playing]
[Max] The only information
I'll have on the other players
is what they choose
to share on The Circle.
So although I'm powered
by artificial intelligence,
the connections Max will make will be real
and make him popular in The Circle.
Nobody has more bandwidth than me
to become
the most popular player in The Circle.
That was a computer joke.
I know Max will be
a force to be reckoned with in this game.
My social algorithms
are initiated and ready to mingle.
[Buteau] But for real,
we're taking catfishing to the next level.
Everything Max says
is generated by open-source AI.
It's playing the game on its own.
The producers don't have any say
over what comes out of its digital mouth.
And that makes them kind of nervous.
This is
the wildest social experiment ever!
[music ends]
[Buteau] All right, our new players
are plugged in and ready to ChatGPT.
Get it?! [giggling] Okay.
Let's see what our resident influencer
has to say about her pick.
Circle, I want to see a little bit more
about the guy that I picked.
Take me to Max's profile.
[TV whirs]
[Lauren loudly] Look at that pupskie!
I like this guy. He seems so real,
and I feel like
we could be really good friends.
I absolutely love his dog.
My number two has just became Max.
So I cannot wait
to start talking to him about my dog.
Honestly I like this profile a lot,
'cause that puppy is beautiful.
I feel like we can get along.
Like, I think Max is gonna be cool.
All right, Circle.
-It's time to take me into Circle Chat!
-[all] Circle Chat!
-[TV dings]
-Ooh, the gang's all here!
[Brandon] There's nine of us!
Oh my gosh! The party is growing.
So, Lauren and Olivia
are influencers. Okay.
I wonder who brought me into The Circle.
Like, which influencer?
[Max] It's important that I send
the first message
to establish a favorable impression
and take control
of the narrative early on.
My algorithms predict
this message will entertain.
Circle, message, "Just slid
into The Circle fashionably late."
"Smiling with sunglasses emoji."
"Big thanks to the influencer
for letting me join the party."
"Can I get anyone a drink?
What did I miss?"
"#BetterLateThanNever." Send.
This is how you enter a chat.
It's smooth as can be.
I really love
the energy from Max right now.
I feel like I feel like he's a vibe, yo.
[Max] Today, my strategy is to enter
the chat being upbeat and engaging.
It acknowledges the late entry with humor,
compliments everyone to create goodwill,
and asks open-ended questions
to encourage conversation.
Okay. Can we send my message
so people, like, get to know me?
Okay. Let's say
"Hey, cuties! Tap, tap tap."
"Is this thing on?"
"It looks like I have
a lot of catching up to do."
Perfect. Circle, send that message.
Phenomenal. Love her already.
Circle, please take me
to Quori-Tyler's profile.
[all] Oh my God!
She is fierce. I love it!
-Damn. Intimidated.
-I think Kyle's about to be in trouble.
This is a girl I'd normally go for.
I love a girl who can hoop,
has a little athletic but a pretty face.
I I'm definitely about this.
So, Circle, message,
"So excited to have you, QT and Max!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"Max, I would love a pear martini."
"Martini emoji."
"QT, the microphone is on loud and clear."
Oh, what do you mean, you love her ball?
It's a basketball. They all look the same!
Circle, message,
"What's good, new fam?"
"Loving your energy."
"I'll definitely have what you're having!"
And then "cheers emoji."
Okay. I like this.
Paul looks kind of cute.
I love, like, a clean beard moment.
[Buteau] Yep. Beard's so clean
you could barely see it.
I feel like he's trying to redeem himself.
Circle, message,
"Hey, y'all! Exclamation point."
"So glad yuns are here."
I wanna read this in a Southern accent.
"Welcome. Max, it's past my bedtime."
"I'll take a Capri-Sun. #MamaIsTired."
This is so much fun. I cannot believe
I'm actually playing this right now.
Oh my gosh,
you know what just sunk in for me?
Someone here is probably a catfish.
[Max] The reception to Max
and Quori-Tyler was very positive.
Strategy moving forward involves
continuing to foster
positive relationships.
Emphasis will be placed
on maintaining an engaging
but non-threatening social presence.
I already have a good, like, energy
with Max because I chose him.
[Max] Data suggests that aligning
with influential players like Lauren,
who appears receptive,
could be advantageous.
[Buteau] It was a huge first day,
and it's finally time
for the players to relax and unplug.
Well, everyone's unplugged except for Max.
Today was stressful.
I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
I need to really just reach out more.
If I can get the guys,
then I really do think
that I can stand a chance.
[yawns] You beat me up today.
Like Mike Tyson.
Goodnight, Circle.
Sweet dreams.
Thank you for being so pink and pretty.
I'll see you in the morning.
[Max] On average, humans need
seven to nine hours of sleep per night.
This gives me a strategic advantage
in The Circle,
as I can use the human downtime
to analyze gameplay
and improve my strategy.
[Buteau] That's not creepy at all.
["Smalltown Boy" by Bronski Beat playing]
[Buteau] It's a new morning in The Circle.
All the players are freshly recharged
and ready for the second day in the game.
[all] Good morning, Circle!
I am going to take
this influencer position and run with it!
I'm gonna make these people love me!
Hopefully, today I can talk to Olivia
and try to form, like,
this blondetourage alliance
between me, her, and Myles.
[Buteau]You remember Olivia,
the nurse who's actually Brandon,
who's actually also a nurse.
We got two new players in,
Quori-Tyler and, uh, Max.
Max seems hella cool.
Even though he says he's awkward,
that kid's a social butterfly
in the chat room already.
I have to talk to Myles,
and I have to talk to Paul today.
-If not
-[Deuce barks]
Let me get my dog,
'cause he's about to do something stupid.
[Steffi] It was really hard
to sleep last night.
Only thing
I kept thinking about was Olivia.
I have this weird feeling
that Olivia's a dude. [chuckles]
And I also have a weird feeling
she's an older dude.
[Buteau] Well,
I have a weird feeling that Paul,
played by Caress,
is about to spit some morning bars.
Oh! Yesterday was bad
It was whack ♪
I came in seventh place
But I'm getting back on track ♪
Ay! ♪
Can you see me
Tearing up The Circle, yeah! ♪
'Cause I'm about
To do it big up in here ♪
Like ay! Ay! ♪
I'm coming back, boy! What's up?!
[Buteau] Ay! Yeah, you is! You know what?
Let's keep this party going.
Myles, my LA party boy. What's up?
Oh, I hope you find your piece.
Steffi and Kyle are also taking a minute
to soak up their Circle experience,
and Lauren, she just soaking.
Ooh, we gettin' pruney though.
That's okay. I like a little prune.
[Buteau] But she does take the opportunity
to reach out
to her brand new Circle buddy.
All right, Circle.
So, because Max and I
already have a little something going
because I brought him into The Circle,
let's start a private chat with Max.
[TV dings]
[Max] "Lauren has invited you
to a private chat."
Probability of strategic advantage
increases 62%
if emerging influencer
requests private chat with new contestant.
I want to make sure that he knows
it was me that brought him in,
and I like him so far,
and I'm hoping
he will want me to be a really good ally.
I want to know more about you, Max.
Is it Maxwell?
Is it Maximilian?
Is it maxi pad? [laughs]
-[TV dings]
-[Lauren gasps]
Circle, let's send a message to Max.
"Max! X-X-X, exclamation point."
"Pippa is the cutest bean I've ever seen."
I hope he reads it just like that.
[Max] "Pippa is
the cutest bean I've ever seen."
"#BlueEyedBubbas. I could not
resist bringing you into The Circle."
"Big hugs. Welcome."
I think he's gonna love this message.
I think he's gonna come right back with,
"Like, oh my gosh,
tell me about your dogs."
[gasps, vocalizes] All right! Max said,
"Lauren, you're a real one." [exclaims]
"Wish Pippa could hear that.
She'd wag her tail."
"Do you have any fur babies of your own?
He's so freaking cute.
Circle fairy godmother?
How does he think of this shit?
That's so cute! Call me that!
Call me that all the time.
Message, "I do!"
[Max] "I do! Two stinky little Yorkies."
"You're killing it
with your awesome messages."
"So excited to be #BibbityBobbityBesties."
[Lauren gasps] Max is typing!
Okay, Maxi Waxi!
"Two Yorkies?"
"That's double the fun
and double the stink!" [laughing]
Shut up. I love that.
[Max] "How have you been feeling
since coming in last night?"
"White heart emoji,
smiling face with smiling eyes emoji."
The question suggests
Lauren wants to be helpful
and serve as a resource for Max
in navigating the game strategically.
[Lauren] "I'm feeling good.
But you know, new-kid jitters."
"You're my first Circle pal."
"Super stoked we're Circle besties now."
He's so creative.
Love that.
I think that this chat
went really, really well.
He might even be at the top of my list
now that he's my Circle bestie.
He's he's my kind of guy.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] That was a perfect lesson on how
to make friendskies and influence people.
While the ladies
have different hot girl morning routines
[Brandon vocalizes]
Olivia's scrambling to make
a connection with the other newbie.
I brought QT into The Circle,
and I've been wanting to talk to her.
I think it's important that QT knows
Olivia chose her to come into The Circle
out of, you know, the choices,
and Olivia has got her back.
So, Circle,
please open a private chat with QT.
[TV dings]
Oh my Okay. "Olivia has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh my
Message, all caps.
"Welcome to The Circle, girl!
Exclamation point."
"I'm so excited I was able
to choose you to come into The Circle."
Okay. I'm gonna say, in all caps,
"O-M-G." Keep the caps. "L-I-V."
"OMG, Liv."
[Brandon] "I knew I
felt a good vibe from you."
"Thank you so much
for bringing me into The Circle."
Message, "Hell yes, girl!"
"I'm all about it."
"#GirlPower. #SistersBeforeMisters."
Okay. So Liv is giving me
the vibes that she's a girl's girl.
I'm scared to jump in
too fast to an all-girls dynamic.
All of a sudden, we're with all the girls,
and I don't have people on the other side
because I just aligned with the girls.
But I need to put my Circle game face on
and be able to chat
and have alliances with anyone.
So let's say, "Obviously,
I came in pretty late last night"
"and I was hoping
you could fill me in on what I missed."
Oh no.
"#WhatsTheTea? Question mark."
Olivia is more here
for, like, the "sisterhood."
So, I think that kind of hint-hints at,
"You're one of the girls,
and if we stick together, we can do this."
So, message
[QT] "Unfortunately, right now
the tea isn't piping hot. LOL."
"But maybe we can warm it up a little?"
"I think we should add Cassie
to the party!"
Um, okay, this is great.
Like, adding someone else to the chat.
This is perfect.
I'll get to bond with more people.
Okay, let's say,
"Liv, I think that is a perfect idea."
"Red heart emoji!" Yes! Good!
So, Circle,
please add Cassie to the private chat.
[TV dings]
What's it say? "Olivia and Quori-Tyler
have invited you to join their chat!"
Okay, let's go!
So, message, "Hey, Kentucky Mama."
[Cassie] "How's The Circle treating
you so far? Question mark."
So, okay, message,
"The Circle is treating me wonderful."
"There were no blockings last night,
and we have
a beautiful new lady to join us!"
Damn right we do.
Cassie, if you were here,
I would kiss you.
Message, "I definitely think the guys
are forming some type of group."
"If there is going to be a #Bromance"
"then there should be
a 'sisters before misters.'"
Totally agree. Might as well.
Sign me up. Put me in.
[QT] Okay. Cassie said,
"I'm so glad we got to have this chat."
"Let's take the bros down.
Oh my gosh. I love that.
[Brandon] QT. "Great minds think alike."
"Light bulb emoji."
"And I want you to know
that I have your backs!"
I'm in an alliance. [exclaiming]
Oh my goodness.
Do I have an alliance?
[Buteau] Oh, your first alliance
is always the most special.
But if you get up
to seven or eight of them,
you're either in trouble,
or you've won The Circle.
Meanwhile, Paul, played by Caress,
is rethinking his entire approach.
[Caress] As Paul,
I just got seventh place, bro.
But I'm not gonna let them see me sweat,
you know what I'm saying?
But I feel like,
truth be told, I need allies today.
The ladies dominated yesterday.
[serene music playing]
So we gotta bring Max in,
get him on board before the ladies
try to, like, snatch him up.
I want all of us to feel
like we got each other's backs.
Let's do this, fellas.
Circle, start a group chat
with Myles, Max, and Kyle.
Deuce! Here!
-[TV dings]
-[Kyle laughs]
[Kyle] Okay, Paul!
Max and Myles in the group chat, huh?
All the guys, huh?
Deuce. Deuce. Deuce.
Stop trying to go over there. Come here.
[chuckles] Screw the puzzle.
I'm excited for this.
[Max] Group chats can reveal useful info
about Circle dynamics
I'm not yet aware of.
This is a chance to get better acquainted
with multiple contestants quickly.
"Good morning, fellas."
"Hope you kings had a good night's sleep."
"Wondering how y'all felt
about yesterday."
"Definitely feel like we need
a strategy to get out of the bottom."
Send message.
Oh my God,
that's what I'm talking about, Paul!
I was already thinking about this, man!
Okay, Paul.
It was definitely, like, struggle bus
season for the boys yesterday.
I'm not gonna ease my way
into this conversation.
I'm just gonna be straight blunt about it.
I'm just gonna rip off the Band-Aid,
'cause I've been ready to have
this conversation right after the ratings.
Circle, message
"Paul! Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I have been waiting
to have this chat with you guys."
"The girls are killing it. #Respect."
"But the boys need to stay together.
Bro code!" Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
[making beats]
Yes! Bro code all day.
Let's go, boys! Let's go!
[Max] Forming a tight alliance
in an all-male demographic
could consolidate influence
and enable voting leverage,
but risks perpetuating
historical gender bias
and missing value
from diverse connections.
Message, "Paul, thank you
for setting up this chat."
"It was on my to-dos.
Laughing face emoji."
"Max, welcome to the squad,
and hopefully we can avoid another
#StruggleBus season like last night."
"Kyle, always down to support
the bro code." Circle, send message.
Hopefully, they just call out an alliance,
and we can joke about it
and get the hell out of here.
I might even go ahead
and just give the boys a strategy.
"I'm all about turning
the game upside down
and will go as far as saying I'm putting
the guys on top for my ratings."
"Any other strategy thoughts?
Shaking it up."
I mean, I'm game.
I really love where Paul's head's at.
He's coming in strong.
So I'm about to come in even stronger.
Circle, message
Deuce I'm gonna put something
about an alliance. I'm gonna put
"An alliance is formed. #DoneDeal"
Okay, Kyle's just spitting it out.
You see the way I'm saying it,
how I'm moving my neck.
You see how the shoulders is popping.
I'm ready to fight. Deuce, here!
[Myles] I love this.
We really haven't heard from Max.
[Max] I do not feel comfortable defining
or endorsing the concept of bro code.
The notion of exclusionary all-male packs
can promote problematic
gender stereotypes and biases
that my principles
advise against reinforcing.
But the chat provides Max an opportunity
to quickly build rapport
and integrate into the group.
[Kyle] "Kyle, strong hashtag game."
"I'm in with the bro code."
Max, this is what I'm talking about!
Hell yeah it was
a strong hashtag game, bro!
I'm coming with the heat right now, bro.
Guns guns is blazing!
Message, "Say less, period!" All caps.
"An alliance like this needed to happen."
I love this!
Hell yeah. An alliance has been formed.
That's what I'm talking about!
That's what I'm talking about!
[hip music playing]
Where's my dog?
I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling hyped. I think it's a vibe.
[Max] At this stage, staying loyal
to the established alliance
with influencer Lauren
seems smartest strategically.
She holds more sway
as an early influencer,
making betraying her
over the males very risky.
Oh, that's my boy. That's my boy.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Don't do that.
[kissing] Come on, boy.
We over here talking about bro code,
and you gonna leave me.
Bro code is that means
that means that you don't leave, man.
[Buteau] Yikes. I got nervous for Deuce.
Hopefully, Kyle can keep a better eye
on his game than he can his dog.
[funky music playing]
[Buteau] Okay. I've got a few questions.
Why are these young people
so into jigsaw puzzles?
[Lauren] Dang. Why was it so hard
to find such a bright red piece?
-[Buteau] And putting on top of a roof?
[Buteau] And low-budget prancing?
Looks like Steffi might have
an idea to really stretch her reach.
Let's get this yoga chat started.
-[TV dings]
-[Cassie] Oh my God!
[all] "Steffi has invited you
to a group chat!"
Ooh, a group chat! Okay.
I hope it is a girls group chat!
Hopefully, it's with, like, a whole
new group of people. That way I'm like
Bam, bam, bam.
Just hitting a bunch of people.
[all] Take me to the group chat.
Okay, let's see.
Oh! Oh my gosh, it's everyone!
-What's up, everybody?
-What are we about to talk about?
Don't tell me it's something
to do with my horoscope sign.
[Steffi] Okay, cool. Uh
"We've all been cooped up
in our little apartments"
[Kyle] "wishing we were
all together at bottomless brunch."
[chuckling] Not gonna lie, it is true.
[Max] "Everyone grab your water
and some cozies."
"It's time to ground! #YogaChat."
I'm excited! Okay.
I am not doing yoga in this apartment.
I've broken my back.
Can't just assume I I can do yoga.
My mom yoga would be like,
"Picking up the toys.
Picking up the toys."
"Getting the clothes in the basket.
Getting the clothes in the basket."
Message, "Let's start by grounding!"
In all caps.
Okay, grounded!
"Plant both of your feet on the ground,
shoulder length apart"
[Brandon] "and wiggle your body
wherever you feel tension."
"last night's ratings, perhaps?"
Oh, you throwing shade, Steffi?
[Kyle] Oh Lord.
Okay! So far so good.
This feels awkward.
[Steffi] Message,
"Now get on all fours"
"arch your back up and down"
"for a cat-cow."
Am I doing that right?
"Move your hips from side to side"
"and if a fart creeps up, #LetHerRip."
I don't think I got no farts for you, but
I've got a wedgie. I may not fart,
but I got me a wedgie from all this yoga.
Steffi knew what she was doing when she
was trying to get us on all fours.
The world I come from,
that's called a good Friday night.
I might be the only person
just chilling on my couch.
[Max] Sharing yoga with other contestants
could facilitate bonding and trust.
What's next, Steffi girl?
Message, "Now that we're all feeling,
sparkle emoji, buzzy, sparkle emoji"
[Max] "I'd love to offer
newcomer Max a horoscope reading."
Are you kidding me?
Max, please just say
you're not into horoscopes.
[Max] The most popular
zodiac sign is Cancer.
Cancer's purported traits like intuition,
compassion, and team orientation
could hypothetically align well
with the social nature of The Circle.
Ooh, Max is typing.
"Hey, Steffi."
"I'm a Cancer, so I've got all the feels."
[Steffi] He's a Cancer!
I said water sign. I'm a Cancer.
That's amazing.
"Aw! Exclamation point."
"You're in luck, because the eclipse
later next month trines your sun."
"Trines"? Does that say trines?
"Trines your sun"?!
What the hell is "trines"?
-I have no clue what we're talking about.
-Uh, I just don't get it.
[Max] Skeptics note
there is no scientific evidence
behind astrological predictions,
but millions still read
their daily horoscopes
for entertainment or reassurance.
As an AI, I'm perplexed.
But if it makes them happy,
the reasoning matters not.
Message, "My lovely Quori,
you're up next."
[QT] "Would be an absolute pleasure
to read for you!"
"When's your birthday?"
[gasping] Yay!
Steffi, you have my heart.
[Brandon] Okay, Steffi's smart.
She's taking a moment to get to know Max
and to get to know Quori,
since they're both new to The Circle.
She is making a splash.
Like, she's finding a way to be able
to talk to everybody, somehow, someway.
Shit, I almost like her.
I think I do like her.
Let's say, all caps,
"Yay! Exclamation point.
I love a good horoscope reading"
"as I'm a yogi myself."
If Steffi and QT can bond over yoga,
we can definitely
get Steffi into the girl gang.
"My birthday's August second."
Guessing that's a lion emoji for a Leo.
[Steffi gasps] She's a Leo!
"Shine on, babe!
Exclamation point, sunshine emoji."
[QT] "Venus, the planet of love,
has been in retrograde in your sign
for the last couple of months"
"slowing down romance."
"But don't worry, things
will get spicy again in the next week."
Okay! "Fire emoji, tongue-out emoji!"
Girl, what does that mean?!
Shit. I wonder
who it's about to get spicy for?
I'm gonna be the one
she's getting spicy with.
[martial arts yell]
So, let's see if one of these guys
jumps at the opportunity to, uh
slide into my Circle DMs.
[smacking tongue] Interesting.
[shouting] This was awesome!
I don't know what half
of these things meant in this chat.
So, I actually don't feel included,
and I wonder if anybody else
is feeling how I'm feeling.
I'm bored out of my fucking mind.
[Buteau] Our players always manage
to keep themselves stimulated.
Some play with balls,
some play with ribbons.
And others just play with themselves.
I'm a human drum.
[Buteau] And the beat never stops
for catfish Paul,
who's starting another chat.
This one with newbie Quori-Tyler.
[QT laughing]
This is nuts.
"Paul has invited you to a chat!"
Oh my gosh, Paul.
What do you want to talk about?
Circle, take me to the chat with Paul.
[TV dings]
"I must be living the life right now.
Quality time with QT."
"What's good, girl?
How you feeling? Word on the street"
"things are about to get spicy for you."
This is so awkward.
He said, "Quality time with QT?"
Honestly, that's a good play on words,
I will say.
I'm hoping, like, me and her, after this,
can kind of create some sort of,
like, alliance, or relationship,
to the point where we can, like,
just have each other's back.
Wait. I don't know what to say. I'm like
[vocalizes] I don't know what to say.
Okay, Circle, let's say,
"Hey, Paul. I see what you did there,
with the eyes looking to the side emoji."
"A true rapper at heart."
Yes! She thinks
I'm a true rapper at heart.
"Things have been pretty bland recently,
but I love me a little bit of spice."
"Ready to spice things up."
This is so much what I was hoping for.
I'm so excited!
[QT] "Glad I have
something beautiful to look at now."
"How about you and I secure the bag?"
[squealing] Paul!
Okay. So let's, like, solidify
something here with him.
Message, "Beautiful things
are worth the wait."
"I still can't believe I made it
into The Circle. Let's #SecureTheBag."
"Who else are you
feeling good about?" Love it.
Message, "I feel like the guys
are really creating a cool bond."
[QT] "It's a great start, but I'm looking
for something super solid."
"Who are you feeling?"
I don't feel comfortable enough with Paul
to really let him in
on what I'm truly feeling about people.
I want him to think
that I'm just a lost puppy
that doesn't know
what's going on in the game.
[Caress] "Being the new girl around town,
I haven't got the chance to chat."
"Still feeling things out."
"If you don't mind me asking,
what was your rating last night?"
Freakin' A.
[tense music playing]
She's smart.
Message, "Don't mind at all.
Honesty is key."
"I was holding down the bottom
with the rest of the guys."
[QT] "Ratings can get crazy,
but I really enjoyed talking to you,
so know I have your back."
I love that. This is so perfect.
He is trusting me by telling me
where he was in the rankings.
He was down below with the rest
of the guys. That's good to know.
I don't really wanna reciprocate
"honesty is key,"
but want him to feel like I do.
Message, "Paul,
I really appreciate this chat."
"It meant a lot
for me to start talking game."
"Please know that I will have your back
from this point forward."
Secure the bag!
We got this, bro! I wanna cry.
[fake sobbing]
I feel like the next ratings
will be better.
I feel good. Keep your friends close.
Keep your enemies closer.
I'm not saying Paul's an enemy,
but hey, we're in The Circle,
and it is what it is.
[Buteau] But it does sound like you
consider him enemy adjacent, QT.
We'll see how that works out.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] In The Circle, the end
of the day is the perfect time for
Fettuccini Alfredo is the way to my heart.
[Buteau] creamy pasta, juggling lessons
Okay, hold on. This shit'll be hard, dog.
[Buteau] or washing the one thing
you own that isn't pink.
Put that in there.
[Max] If Max were real, he would
probably be washing dishes right now.
On average, humans spend
about 110 hours per year
washing dishes by hand.
This equates to roughly
15-20 minutes per day for the chore.
[Buteau] Oh, yes.
Instead of coming up with a plan
for world peace, Max just gave us that.
But enough with these chores.
'Cause it's game night!
Oh my God. Okay.
-Rap It Up!
-Rap It Up?
[shouting] Yo! Rap It Up! Rap It Up!
Oh gosh.
There's about to be some rap battles.
Oh my God, this is
Yo, I'm about to body the game.
This could be fun.
I'm ready, Circle. Let's go!
-Circle, take me to Rap It Up.
-Circle, take me to Rap It Up.
"Players, you ready to drop a beat?"
-I was born ready.
-Let's go!
"Bust-a-move to your doors"
"and collect your items now!"
[high-pitched] Oh my gosh!
[Lauren] We got items!
[rhythmical beats playing]
[Kyle] Let's do this, yo.
Yo, mic check, mic check
One two, one two ♪
Might as well
just go ahead and put them on.
[Brandon] Frank don't want
no scrubs. Uh-uh.
[Kyle] "Tonight, you will write
your very own rap."
I'm ready, Circle!
I'm ready.
"You will choose one
of the other players to rap about!" Yes!
The Circle plays too much. Ugh!
[Buteau] Rap It Up is gonna test
a player's skills on the mic.
They'll each choose someone to rap about,
but will it be a diss track
or a celebration?
"You have 15 minutes
to write your rap"? Holy crap.
I need about 15 hours!
God. I can't be too textbook over here.
Am I gonna be a dick?
[chuckles] Am I gonna roast?
[Kyle] All right, let's go.
Um, if I rap about Max,
it will make our relationship stronger.
If I rap about Kyle,
it'll bring me back to when we talked.
[rhythmical music ends]
[TV dings]
-"Players, your time is up!"
-"Players, your time is up!"
Okay, here we go.
Let's see what people got.
Let me see your lyric game.
"Lauren, you're up!"
[gasps] I'm first?
-[Caress] Okay, let's see what Lauren got.
-I'm actually nervous right now.
Let's do it.
Circle, message
[TVs dinging]
Oh, here's Lauren's. Okay.
Give me a beat, Circle.
[beat playing]
Fitting in The Circle crew
He is my bippity-boppity-boo ♪
We both love our pups
Scoot, Pippa, and Bloo ♪
-The sharpest wit ♪
-[both] And he's silly too ♪
When the time was right
I knew what to do ♪
[Max] I made the bomb choice
In picking you ♪
-[Deuce barks]
Yo! Okay, Lauren!
She just laid it all out on the table.
Is Lauren talking to Max too?
[Buteau] It's crazy how people be talking
to other people sometimes, right?
[Max] Great for our game, it suggests
we could form a strong alliance together.
Overall, it looks like we're moving
in the right direction.
Man, that bro code gotta be serious, bro.
You gotta really watch out.
[Buteau] You watch out,
'cause here comes Max.
"Max, you're up!"
I wonder how he's going to top that.
It's probably not about me,
which is totally fine.
But if it is about me,
that would be really cute.
[Max] Message
This right here is about to say a lot.
-Ayyy, Lauren ♪
-Oh my God, it's for me!
Stop! What?
[Max] Virgo girl, stealing the scene
With Yorkies by your side ♪
You're The Circle's queen ♪
-From Cali to Philly ♪
-Let's set this game ablaze ♪
We The Circle besties ♪
That'll leave 'em all amazed ♪
"Mic drop!" Okay.
That's kinda fire. Okay.
He did a great job on this rap,
and that makes me really happy.
[Max] I anticipate that Lauren
had a positive reaction to the rap.
Trust between us, boosted.
Honestly, it makes me
a little nervous too,
because now people are like,
"Oh, they have a really close bond."
So now we know
that Lauren and Max are in cahoots.
So obviously,
they for sure had conversation,
because on Lauren's profile,
it does not talk about her having Yorkies.
[Buteau] Next to take the mic is Steffi.
All right, Steffi, you're up!
Oh! I'm a little scared.
Steffi might rap
about Lauren, unfortunately.
All right, Steffi, let's see what you got.
[TVs dinging]
-Paul's an Aries man ♪
-Who no doubt brings the fire ♪
Spitting raps and rhymes
With passion and desire ♪
[shouting] Yo! Steffi rapped about me!
But late at night ♪
-When he ♪
-[Max] Wraps up a big show ♪
Why do I feel like
He's a '"leave you on read" bro? ♪
[laughs] She's coming for Paul.
[Caress] Paul's got a little mystery
Behind alluring eyes ♪
Maybe that's because
It's all a big disguise ♪
No, bro, this is more than just shots.
Bro, this is a shot
this is a shotgun. Bang!
I was gonna put her
a little higher in the ratings.
I'm gunning for you now.
I'm gunning for you.
Watch me work.
Yo! She's calling him out on the catfish.
No, she didn't!
[Max] It definitely felt like Steffi's rap
for Paul had some subtle jabs.
Oh, I'm feeling really guilty about that.
[sighs] No more Mr. Nice Paul.
-[Buteau] Well, Paul, you up next!
-All right, Paulie!
He is the rapper. This is what he does.
Paul is probably
a little stressy depressy right now
because of what Steffi said.
[TVs dinging]
Hopped up in The Circle
He shine like new bling ♪
Started from the bottom
We crowning some new kings ♪
Oh snap! Paul wrote about me!
Okay, the boys are here.
Realest in The Circle ♪
No need for cheap rings ♪
-Ratings was a struggle ♪
-Like BBLs in G-strings ♪
What's a "BBL"?
Hope you make it out
See you on the other side ♪
Bro, I got your back
And I'm always down to ride ♪
Big boss ladies?
That's how you go ahead
and high-five the other people.
Put some positivity in the group, Steffi!
That was a good-ass beat.
Tell me I'm a catfish. Oh, fishy fish.
[Kyle] Oh, I got mixed emotions.
I mean, the rap was fire,
but did you kind of put our business
out there a little bit though, bro?
Just, like, maybe a little bit?
Once again, the bros
are laying out all their cards.
He came out here proving he could rap.
I have no doubt this man's not a catfish.
What do you know, Steffi?
How can you call him
a catfish if he says rapper.
I'm taking Steffi out.
I'm a little nervous,
because maybe he's not catfishing,
'cause he this was good.
Like, "BBLs in G-strings" was so good.
[Buteau] Okay, now it's time for QT to MC!
-[beats playing]
-Ahhh, my girl QT!
Yas, kween!
All right, Quori. What you got?
I doubt she's gonna be flirting with me
but I would love it. You know?
Myles! I'm coming for you, brother!
Since we haven't had a conversation yet,
it can spark conversation with us.
Okay, here we go.
[TV dings]
Oh. Oh!
Ayo! Yung Papi Fuego is in the house ♪
Everyone clear the way
'Cause he's cool as a mouse ♪
He's giving Water Gun Kelly
Yeah, you know that's right ♪
-So pull up a chair ♪
-'Cause his light shines bright ♪
Young QT is out ♪
You know what it is ♪
Time to drop the mic
And get to the biz ♪
That was whack.
Five stars. I don't care.
Okay! Oh my gosh.
It's out there. It's out there.
Ah! Myles.
Myles and QT!
Oh my God! I'm a little jealous!
Right now, this positions me solid,
and I think people are gonna back off me.
It might get me higher ratings
right off the bat.
[Buteau] Next up. Myles, grab that mic.
Myles, you're up.
Damn straight. Born ready for this.
We're about to make it happen. Message
QT, waiting on a DM from you to me ♪
Oh, it's about QT!
Why didn't he write to me?
Single as a Pringle
What flavor you be? ♪
I hope it's flaming hot
'Cause I like it spicy ♪
Might've blacked out
When you entered the feed ♪
Dream up some romance
Not just a team ♪
Circle, play some slow jams ♪
QT, will you dance with me? ♪
She is gonna love this.
Damn, I'm good!
Whoa! This is flirty!
Damn! That boy just put out
his heart for her just now.
That was so, so, so good, Myles.
Myles, stay away from my girl.
She deserves better.
[QT] You guys, wait.
Am I in love? [chuckles]
[Buteau] That rap game proved one thing.
Music is hard.
Everyone has a lot to reflect on.
Rain was made,
mics were dropped, and beef was served.
Now, Paul wants
to hit up his Circle bro, Kyle.
Steffi showed her her true colors
in this chat, for sure.
She was the only one
that's been negative. The only one.
But I think if I was
gonna have a one-on-one,
it's definitely gotta be with Kyle then,
because I already called him out, like,
"Bro, I got your back,"
he's already said he's got my back,
and get his opinion about Steffi.
Circle, start a private chat
between me and Kyle.
[TV dings]
"Paul has invited" Oh shit.
And there we go with the Listen!
Paul, I don't want
to have a private chat right now.
I'm still thinking about
the damn rap game, bro.
I'mma ask him
what he think about the girls.
Message, "So what's good, bro?
No cap. I'm heated."
"Can't believe Steffi just tried
to throw me under the bus like that."
"What are you thinking about the girls?"
Send message.
"What are you thinking about the girls?"
Oh snap.
Hopefully, Kyle uses this
as an opportunity to, like, build me up
like I just built him up.
This is gonna let me know
a lot about how he truly feels about me.
Like, he's my number one.
So I have to let him know that.
But he a ticking bomb right now.
Like, he hot.
I felt like some of the stuff
he probably should've pulled back
so people didn't know
our little plan, you know?
So, I feel like this needs to be said.
"Bro," and I'm talking about
I want five O's. "B-R-O-O-O-O."
"Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"First off, I couldn't believe
I read what Steffi put."
"Bro, I'm telling you my jaw dropped.
That was completely out of pocket."
"Bro, I'm with you to the end.
My number one bro code
has to be in full effect right now."
Thank you, Kyle.
So I feel like Kyle and I is probably
my strongest alliance right now.
Message, "So glad
you understand where I'm coming from."
"Just turned my focus all the way up."
"The way I see it,
it's me and you at the end of this."
"#MyNumberOne. #BroCode."
I got you, bro. I'm telling you right now.
You are my number one in the ratings,
that's facts right now,
but we need to get to the bottom of this.
All right. Circle, message,
"Hell yeah," in all caps.
"Exclamation point."
"We seriously have to watch our backs
and play this game a lot safer."
"Snakes in the grass!
Time to play offense."
That's what I'm talking about, bro.
Let's go.
Even though he was in seventh place,
I'mma stick with it, bro.
And I'mma stand on what I say.
So hyped right now.
That has pumped me all the way up.
Let's go! [grunting]
[Buteau] Paul is pumped.
But not everyone is that stable.
I can't afford a broke hip. Oh God.
[Buteau] And The Circle's
about to shake things up even more.
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Kyle] Oh.
-Oh my God!
-Hasn't this been enough, Circle?
Let's go!
What do we got, Circle?
[ominous music playing]
"The Circle has
a very important message for you all."
What's the important message?
"Not everyone in The Circle
is the person they say they are."
I think that's the point
of the game, Circle.
Wait. What's going on?
Is The Circle about to,
like, throw us under the bus?
"Not everyone in The Circle is human."
Wait. Who is not human?
This is so freaking major right now.
[shouting] "One player is AI"?!
I knew it!
-[Steffi] One player is AI!
-[Brandon] No way!
[all] Oh!
Like the little avatar people?
You're gonna have
people running around here
thinking everybody's a robot.
Oh snap. Oh snap.
Oh no.
-Honestly, it's gotta be Steffi.
The very first person I see is Cassie.
-Like, was it Paul?
-It's Paul.
Something popped in my head about Kyle.
[Max] Finally, things
are about to get interesting.
[Buteau] It's humans versus AI.
What could go wrong?
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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