The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s06e03 Episode Script

Game of Crows

[Eep and Gran struggling]
[grunting, yelling]
-Ha! Yes!
Looks like the student
has become the teacher.
[yelling, grunting]
-The teacher of what?
How to land flat on your back?
-Go again?
-You're on, Big Sandy.
-Gran! My name is Eep, remember?
-You want me to remember?
Then make me remember.
My crowverine nemesis.
-EEP: What happened to him?
-GRAN: Eh,
someone may have painted him
while he was sleeping.
No idea who! Anyway!
We've been
at each other's throats
for as long as I can remember.
And we're both still alive.
But not for long!
Because today
is a good day for Malachi
-to Mala-die!
[growls, snarls]
Now, it's interesting. Hyah!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-You can run,
but you can't hide!
You can fly, but you can't hide!
You can hide, but you can't
Huh. I guess he can hide.
-It's so dark in here,
Malachi could've
slipped right past us
and escaped and we'd never know!
-No. I can feel his
miserable energy all around me,
and he's right here!
-That's me.
-I know that!
Because he's right
[grunts] here!
-Still me Me!
Here! Oh wait, that's you again.
-No, it's not!
He's flapping for it! After him!
-Got him!
-Me again!
[both panting]
[soft purring]
-Say bye-bye, Malachi!
-Gran, wait!
He must have crashed
into the wall on his way out.
-I think his wing is broken.
-GRAN: So it is.
Solid start
to breaking all of them.
-But you're always saying
never hit a foe who's down.
-What? I say down
is the best time to hit
because no one hits back!
-The point is
we need to help Malachi.
[sad purring]
And the best way to do that
is to bring him
back to the farm.
-You wanna bring my mortal enemy
to home base?
Are you out of your skull?
-If we leave him out here,
he's a goner.
[distant roar]
-But if we bring him home,
we're goners.
Believe me,
you can't trust Malachi.
-But you say that
about lots of things.
-You can't trust trees!
You can't trust pillows!
-You can't trust cake! See?
-And I stand by
every one of those. Also,
you can't trust the sun!
Why? It rises every day.
Never fails.
GRAN: That's what
it wants you to think,
but when you least expect it,
bam! Lights out!
-Right. Because it's nighttime.
-Or is it?
-[sighs] Come on, Malachi.
Let's get you back to the farm.
-You may have her snowed,
but you'll never fool me.
Ah! [grunts]
Claws off, Flat Spin!
I've been walking since before
your kind learned to flap!
I'm telling you, it can work.
-A device that toasts bread?
That's the worst idea
I've ever heard!
Not to mention impossible!
Also, bread is a fad.
Future generations
won't even know what it is.
-Everyone, this is Malachi.
-Ah! Don't eat me
because I'm not alive,
even though I'm talking!
[animalistic growling]
[all growling]
-Guys, it's okay.
He's not going to hurt you.
Also, Dawn, you're using
a scream fruit as a weapon?
-It was this or soup.
-[fruit screams]
-Eep, why is there a crowverine
in the tree house?
-Yes! Wild animals belong
in the wild, not indoors.
We made an exception
for your dad.
-Gran and I were chasing him
in the woods,
-and he broke his wing.
-[sad growl]
So I invited Malachi
to stay here while he heals.
-And Gran's okay with this?
She thinks it's a terrible idea
'cause you can't
trust a crowverine!
-You say that about
lots of things, Mom.
-Ah! You can't trust moms!
-Well, I think
it's a wonderful idea.
-You do?
A perfect chance to expand
my body of knowledge
of the body.
Under my supervision,
he'll be flapping
that wing in no time.
-What do you know
about fixing broken bones?
Just ask Philliam.
He took a bad spill
the other day
and fell to pieces.
But I put him back together,
good as new.
-I don't know. Something
about a vicious carnivore
living among us
makes me nervous.
-Especially 'cause
we're all made of meat.
-How can he hurt us
when he's hurt himself?
Besides, it's temporary.
Once his wing heals, he's gone.
-Eep's got a point.
This is the right thing to do.
Shockingly dangerous,
but also right.
And in unrelated news,
if anyone needs me, I'll be
hiding in my progress pod.
-Come, Malachi. Let's dissect--
Uh, I mean, examine that wing.
-I'll be watching you, Malachi!
[sad grumble]
EEP: What, Phil?
What's so interesting?
-All of it! I've never actually
seen a crowverine
this close before
while not running for my life.
-Well, you don't have to run
or hide behind that shield.
-Malachi's not gonna hurt you.
-PHIL: Of course not.
Because the Betterman Barrier
is crowverine-proof!
Now, to diagnose the malady.
-We know what's
wrong with him, Phil.
His wing is broken.
-We'll begin
by testing his reflexes!
Aah! [struggling]
Reflexes normal.
-Phil, can you
just look at his wing
and tell me
how to make it better?
-Of course, I can!
I'm a man of science.
-[barrier scraping]
Let's take a look at that--
[straining] Oh!
Malachi. You saved me.
-So maybe you were
wrong about him?
-I suppose I was. Hm
So, thisis what
being wrong feels like.
Not a fan.
As for his wing,
I recommend you gather
a chrysanthenumb flower
for the pain,
beemu honey
to nurture his musculature,
and the milk of an alligoater
to accelerate bone regeneration.
Also, he should, uh,
keep his wing immobilized.
-Got it. Thanks, Phil.
-Don't thank me. Thank science.
But, also me, of course.
You see that, Philliam?
Another body mended.
-Ah! Philliam!
-[suspicious growl]
-Ha! My best nest yet!
Also my first.
You hang here and rest
while I go get the stuff
-to make your wing better.
Aw. Oh, you know,
if you feel up to it, you could
also go say hi to everyone
so they can see
how sweet you really are!
-[uneasy growl]
-You know, mingle.
-All I'm saying is now
we all have to sleep
with one eye open.
Possibly two.
-After living in a cave for
so long, you get used to it.
-But we don't live
in a cave, Ugga.
We live on a farm,
and my eyes need downtime!
-Relax. Like Eep said,
we won't even notice him.
-Oh. There you are, Malachi.
Standing behind us
like a shadow.
-We were just talking about
how happy we are
to have you here
while you're on the mend.
-Right, Hope?
[quiet growl]
-Yes! Happy. So happy.
-Please don't hurt us
while we're sleeping.
-Ooh. I think he's hungry.
-HOPE: Huh.
I thought crowverines
only ate meat.
-And eyeballs
Poor guy. He probably hasn't
even been able to eat anything
since he broke his wing.
Want some more, Malachi?
-[grumbling sigh]
-Okay, but not too many!
I'm making strawpeary pie
tonight, and--
-Ew! And now, I'm not.
-Watching Old Leaf is the best.
And Old Leaf is over.
-[Malachi roars]
-Ah! Oh
I mean, hey, Malachi!
Uh, here to watch some window?
[soft growl]
Grab some couch!
Scooch over, Douglas.
[happy growl]
Gonna be a tight squeeze
'cause you're so big,
but, ah, don't worry. [gasps]
See? We made it work.
Even though
you're crow-spreading.
So, I'm just gonna
-[pained growl]
-[gasps] Oh no!
Your wing! I'm so sorry!
Are you okay?
Can I get you anything?
-[curious growl]
-Of course!
Bug nuggets are the answer
to all of life's problems.
Now, this little guy is Clem,
and over here,
you've got Josephina--
-[Doug whining, panting]
-You're right, Doug-boat.
We lost some good nuggets today.
Let's take a moment
to remember the fallen.
[somber trumpet]
Okay! Back to New Leaf.
W-we'll just grab some floor.
Yep. Floor is just like couch.
A cold, hard,
uncomfortable couch.
[Gran grunting]
-[Malachi roars]
Okay, Dawn, keep it together.
Mom always says the progress pod
is the safest place on the farm.
-On the other hand,
Malachi is
a ruthless beast of prey,
and this isjust a ball of moss.
But Eep said
he wouldn't hurt us,
and I trust Eep.
[louder roar]
So I'm just gonna
see what he wants.
Good talk, me.
Oh, hey, Malachi. Need anything?
[soft growl]
Ah! Like a victim? Ah!
[screaming continues]
Oh good. Lost him.
[Malachi growls]
Ah! No, I didn't.
'Cause that's him,
and he's here!
-It was fun
while it lasted, life!
[soft growling]
-Spike nuts? Ah
So you just
wanted me to help you,
and I ran away.
[laughs] Wow.
Not my best moment,
but let's turn it around.
[Gran grumbles]
[quiet snarl]
-[Malachi roars]
That was a warning shot.
Next one won't be.
And if you're still mad
about the paint job,
which I didn't do, get over it!
[grumbling, growling]
You're gonna take me down
with my own spear?
Since when are you poetic?
[quiet snarling]
What kind of bullrus blubber
are you pulling?
What's the twist? 'Cause
there's always a twist with you!
[disagreeing growl]
No twist, huh?
Well, that's a twist.
So now what?
-Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Pie-running is way better
than plain running!
And what could go wrong?
Aw, why, pie? Why?
[both laughing]
Aw, it's okay.
I can still eat you.
Aw! Slide, pie, slide!
[both laugh]
Try, pie, try!
Whoa! [grunts]
[both laughing]
-I got all the stuff
Malachi needs for his wing.
-Have you seen him?
-Of course!
We're taking
excellent care of him.
-More strawpearies, Malachi?
-I love it!
And I'm glad you guys realize
he's not here to hunt.
He's here to heal.
-Yup. You were crowver-right
about Malachi.
-And we were crowver-wrong.
-Even the most
savage beast has a heart.
-And who cares if we don't
have strawpeary pie?
-[Malachi snoring]
-Yeah, or bug nuggets.
Or a place to sit.
Though both of those
are very nice.
-What's important is
that Malachi gets better.
-Yup! And that he stays here
until he does.
Because your kindness
opened our eyes, and our hearts,
to that which was once a terror
and is now a treasure.
-Wrong! Malachi stays!
-Uh, yeah, Mom. We know.
-You do?
-Yeah. I literally
just said that.
-Oh. Sorry. Didn't hear you.
Too busy thinking
about my entrance,
but I'm glad
you're all on board!
-What happened to the whole
"he's my mortal enemy" thing?
-He is. I mean, he was.
But it turns out, we might have
more in common than I thought.
-Like what?
-GRUG: Hope!
You're making more pies, right?
'Cause we are running-- Oh!
No! Why doesn't
pie-running work?
-Like that! So from now on,
I'm gonna take care of Malachi.
[all gasping]
You like your eyeballs?
Move 'em or lose 'em!
-Sorry, Mom.
It's just a surprise.
Are you sure you'rethe right
person to take care of him?
-I took care of you
when you were hurt, didn't I?
--Not even once.
-For your own good!
-Wait, so you and Malachi
are friends now?
-No! And stop trying
to put us in a box,
or we'll put you in a box!
Come on, Malachi.
Let's go make some boxes,
just in case.
'Cause nothing's worse
for healing an injury
than letting it heal!
[confused growl]
You gotta play
through the pain, Malachi,
like I did with my ankle.
Broke it when I kicked
a ramaconda once.
Or 36 times. I was
running on it the next day,
and look at it now!
Good as new!
[worried growling]
The point is,
what happened to your wing
was my fault, and I'm sorry.
[sad snarl, growl]
We're not there yet, Beakshow.
No more bellyaching.
Time for trouble-making!
[grunts, panting]
I call this Grug ball.
[rapid sniffing]
[deep inhale]
[rapid sniffing]
-It's that wild pie?
-Ah [yelps]
Pie lie!
-[laughs] Yeah!
There. Your move, Malachi.
Yes! I win Bone Build!
-There you are.
Thought you could escape, huh?
Well, guess what? I found you.
-Ooh! Pie hole!
[both laughing]
[quiet growl]
-Don't start crying.
They're fangs!
Doesn't mean
I like you or nothing.
[quiet growling]
Oh. You got me fangs.
[soft growl]
[both growl, laugh]
-Come on, pie!
Don't be shy!
Ah, playing hard to eat?
That's okay. I like that game.
[grunts, munching] Mm.
Gotcha. [laughs]
-Nope! Got you! Ha!
[muffled yelling]
[muffled bumping, screaming]
-[muffled grunt] Yes!
[both laughing]
-Thanks for the invite, Gran.
This is really nice.
So did you and Malachi--
-Enough with the yibber-yabber!
Me and Malachi had a long talk,
even though Malachi doesn't
talk, and we figured out
that we don't even know
why we became enemies.
We just did.
But now we're not
and we have you
to thank for that.
-All I did was open the door.
You two walked through it.
-What door?
-Forget it. Let's just hug.
-Fine. But make it quick!
Hugs make me itchy.
-[Malachi growls, grunts]
[Eep hums]
-Well, I'm starving.
Let's cocoboom ourselves
some dinner!
[Eep gasping]
[mumbling, groaning]
[panting, grunts]
[gasps] Malachi!
-You're okay!
-What? Of course, I'm okay!
Except for my feet.
And my back. And my knees.
But my elbow's fine.
At least I think it's fine
because I can't feel it.
Now, get outta my way!
Malachi's taking me to the beach
for a beach bash.
We're gonna bash the beach
with boulders!
-What? No! You can't go!
Malachi is tricking us.
I saw him flying.
-That's impossible.
His wing is broken!
Isn't that right, Malachi?
-[sad growling]
-But Gran--
-Gran nothing!
It must have been
some other crowverine
'cause Malachi doesn't Mala-lie.
Ha. Good one, me.
Let's branch bounce, beak bud!
-What's going on?
-Malachi's up to something,
and when
he makes his move,
I'll be there to stop him.
We don't like Malachi again?
When did that happen?
GRAN: Thanks for
bringing me here, Malachi.
It's nice to get away from
all those lookeelosers. Yep!
Just you and me and the ocean
and no one else.
-Mm Hm.
Eh, sun's extra bright today,
which means the sun
is up to something.
Shade! Thanks, Malachi.
-[stomach growling]
-I got a case of the hungries.
Must be the smell of low tide.
[laughs] Thanks again.
-[loud chewing]
Throw-go-nut? You're on!
[panting] I'm open!
-Maybe it was
another crowverine.
[crowverines snarling]
-[groaning] Ah!
-Lost the sling, eh, Malachi?
I'm guessing that wing
was never broken,
and I'm guessing
these two crow-bros
aren't throw-go-nut fans.
But you made one big mistake.
You brought a gang when you
should have brought an army.
[Malachi growls]
-Hey, guys! Can I play?
-[Gran growls]
-[Eep gasps]
[Malachi growling]
-I've always
liked your fire, Malachi.
Too bad I'm gonna have to
snuff it out for good.
[growls, roars]
-Ha! Huh?
[slow motion roar]
[Gran screaming]
[grunts] Huh?
[Eep panting, yelling]
[struggling, yelling]
[grunts, groans]
Ah! My ankle! [gasps]
-[struggling] Gran!
-Well, Malachi,
after all these moons,
you finally got me.
-For old time's sake,
make it quick, will you?
Not quick enough!
You can't out-fake a faker!
I was faking injuries
before you were an egg!
Don't go anywhere.
-You're next.
Crowverines never listen.
-Gran! I'm so sorry!
Malachi's ambush
never would have happened
if it wasn't for me.
-What ambush? I knew
he was faking the whole time.
-You did? Then why did you
follow him to the beach?
-'Cause I wanted to give
-that beady-eyed
feather-fraud a chance!
Like you did.
-Well, that was a mistake.
How did you know he was faking?
-I've been fighting Malachi
longer than you've been alive.
-I just can't believe
he sunk so low.
-But, you just
faked an injury, too.
-Of course! I love sinking low!
-The lower, the better!
-So what do we do now?
-Hm. [grunts]
-Gran! You let him go? Why?
-Why do you think?
-Hm. Because he's been
your nemesis for so long,
you rely on him. You need him.
And you don't know
what you'd do without him.
If he was gone,
he'd leave a hole in your life
-that you could never fill.
-GRAN: What?
No! I let him go
so I can get payback!
And the best part is
he'll never see it coming.
[maniacal laughter]
Okay, let's go home.
My ankle's killing me.
-[contented sigh]
-EEP: Ah!
Why are you wearing fangs
and smiling like that?
None of your business!
Now keep moving,
or you'll never move again!
[foreboding music]
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