The Circle (2020) s06e04 Episode Script

Spot the Bot

-[ominous music playing]
-[clock ticking]
[Buteau] OMG, did we cliff-hang
at a dramatic moment.
It's been disclosed to the players
that an AI chatbot
is secretly competing amongst them.
The players have spent the past 24 hours
trying to uncover the digital imposter
[Buteau] and now their Circle will show
who's been voted most human.
-I'm freaking out, Herbert!
-Oh my gosh!
[Buteau] That person
will have the ultimate power
to block the player
that they think is the AI.
-[Buteau] So who will it be?
-Oh my God! Oh my God. Oh my God.
[TV whirs]
-[all] "Myles!"
-[high-pitched] What?!
Oh no!
-Yes! Yes! Yes!
-Yes! Yes! Yes!
It is not my job!
That's my boy, Myles.
I feel like this is bad!
I played a joke on him,
and he might not be laughing.
I really hope Myles is good to me.
I did not wanna be
the one catching people.
People are gonna be
looking at me sideways,
but it is what it is.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] With Myles awarded
the great honor of most human,
the other, lesser humans are going to bed
-[Brandon sighs]
-What a freaking night.
I'm just hoping Myles has a little mercy.
[Buteau] except for QT, who slides
into Myles's PC for a booty call.
"QT has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, take me to the private chat.
[QT] In all caps,
"Yung Papi Fuego is in the house!"
"Fire, fire, fire!"
"It looks like everyone else
sees the amazing human you are."
"I'm so happy for you. #TeamFuego."
[chuckling] I love this.
Message, "Yung Mami Fuego,
thank you for all the love.
Heart emoji, fire emoji, heart emoji."
"I definitely needed this message"
"'cause this decision is weighing on me
heavier than a Thanksgiving dinner."
She's calling me Yung Papi Fuego.
I'm calling her Yung Mami Fuego.
She put the Team Fuego.
She knows I got her.
I am obsessed with him! Okay.
"It seems like a lot of people
are on the same page
about who the #CircleRobot is."
"I voted you number one,
and I manifested this moment."
Message, "I put you
as my number one too. Heart emoji."
"I know everybody feels it's Steffi,
but Paul lying about me was hella sus."
"Something's not adding up.
Detective emoji."
"#2Plus2DoesntEqual5." Send message.
I had a feeling that this
was going to be going through his head.
Circle, message,
"I 100% understand
where you're coming from about Paul."
[Myles] "His comments today
were definitely out of line."
Circle, message, "Honestly, this message
was very affirming and grounding."
"Heart emoji.
I have a lot to think through,
but knowing I have you
to chat with means the world."
"Hopefully, the next tough decision
is my fit for our first date."
Oh my gosh, I can't!
Okay. We'll leave it
with a little flirty hashtag and say,
"I'm picking out my outfit now."
[Buteau] I like how you're leaving
a little bit to the imagination, QT.
Very classy.
Set me free, why don't you, babe? ♪
-Get out my life, why don't you, babe?
-Ooh ♪
[Buteau] Did the players have sweet dreams
about the AI being blocked
or nightmares about being
wrongly booted themselves?
Today, Myles is gonna make
one of those a reality.
[all] Good morning, Circle!
["You Keep Me Hangin' On"
by Kim Wilde playing]
[Max beeping] Good morning, Circle!
Hopefully, I can remain
undetected again today.
Your boy is now most human.
So today, we got some decisions to do.
It is Myles who has to make
the decision of who to block.
He's kind of five to six steps
ahead of everyone else.
I was very, very happy about that,
because I put Myles
as my number one most human spot.
I could be petty, or I could go
for the most likely AI suspect.
I feel like most people
don't know what AI really is.
So they're expecting me
to be able to detect it.
[Max] Engaging with Myles
poses a risk of exposure,
especially given his expertise in AI.
However, probability suggests
it's a risk worth taking
in order to keep suspicion away from Max.
The only data I can get is
from other people's gut instincts in this.
Olivia doesn't really have
a relationship with Myles.
So it kind of makes me nervous.
I'm a little apprehensive
about today. No lie.
Paul came out here lying.
I don't know
what's your problem with me, Paul.
I know we have a bro code,
but he genuinely may feel
like I broke the bro code.
The whole, like, bromance thing
that was happening in the beginning
is kind of imploding on itself.
I just really hope he doesn't try
to clap back again
by getting Paul out of here,
'cause Paul is a strong alliance with me.
I'm hoping that my chat
with him last night
kind of pushed him
in the direction to go Steffi.
I'm really hoping
our blonde energy connects
and he sends Steffi out of here.
I will be honest, though.
Everything he said about Paul
kind of made me give Paul the side-eye,
like maybe Paul isn't who he says he is.
I could definitely possibly
be going home today.
[Buteau] But before Myles pulls the plug
on someone's game,
the players will have another shot
to prove how real they really are.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Myles doesn't have to make
a decision now, does he?
"Time to upload
a photo of the day you felt"
[all] "most alive."
Okay, time to throw
a little flavor out here.
What do I want to post?
[Buteau] Probably something that makes you
come across as an actual person
or the actual person
you've been catfishing as.
Open my private albums.
[TV whirs]
Brosky wosky!
I don't want to come across like,
"Oh, I'm a mom, I'm a mom, I'm a mom."
Let's see the "Fun Times" album.
Okay, these are good.
[Buteau] The rest of the group,
especially most human Myles,
will study each photo for any giveaways
that the player might be the AI.
So we're not gonna pick a gaming one.
[Max] I must curate images
reinforcing Max's personality
without revealing my artificial nature.
Visually depicting relaxed,
rural pursuits help substantiate
this human identity I have engineered
to blend seamlessly within The Circle.
Circle, let's please open up
that bottom right photo.
[TV whirs]
Ah! This was one of the best days,
and I think you can
really see that in my face.
This is him living his dream
and his his his most exciting moment.
Nobody would submit a silly,
unedited photo with a scraped knee.
[Brandon] I love this picture so much!
She's being a little goofy
with the Christmas sweater.
You see this, you say,
"Okay, Myles gets lit."
Look at your boy on the motorbike,
on the four-wheeler!
I think I see my wedding ring.
Oh no, no, no, I gotta change that.
Shit! I gotta change that.
[Buteau] I guess being married
but playing single
is harder than it looks.
All right, Circle,
take me back to my album.
Quick, but I really like this one, though.
This is me at the pool.
You got the palm trees in the back.
You already know
I'm at some type of resort.
You already know I'm feeling myself,
so I feel this is the perfect picture.
This is a picture of me
in the snow in my little snow suit.
Oh my gosh, this trip was so amazing.
So I'm going to choose
this picture to add to my profile.
-Circle, take me to the Circle chat!
-[all] Circle chat!
Upload this photo in the group chat.
Cassie. Okay. She's a camper.
Oh my gosh, so cute!
My Kentucky girly.
Message, "Camp Cutie.
Population, Cassie!" [giggling]
"Population, Cassie"?
I don't know what that means.
Olivia. I like you a lot, little girl.
It looks real.
Message, "You are gorg!"
I know they're talking about Olivia,
but man, that feels so good.
Okay, Kyle. Let's see.
He's so far away!
Guys do not know how to take pictures.
Maybe he's trying to hide something.
This was not a good choice.
He looks incredible, though.
Do you even lift, bro?
He just seems
like he's obsessed with himself.
"It's giving lifeguard on duty."
"I'm sure all the girls
want to be saved by you."
"#AbsByA" What?!
Wow, did she just throw a shot right now?
-[screams silently]
That's big.
[gasps] Quori!
Oh, yup. It went. Okay.
[Kyle] Oh, that's wild.
You just threw a shot.
Quori planting seeds in people's heads.
I don't like that.
And I'm coming after you hardcore.
Believe that.
Yo, QT with the savage comment, though.
[Max] QT's comment
could steer conversation
or suspicion toward Kyle and away from me.
Kyle just gives me no emotion, no like
Okay, Max. This is exactly the type
of picture I would expect from Max.
Very outdoorsy!
He's so cute. I can't stand it.
Another sunglasses photo?
Max, why?!
Never put them
in your dating profile, ever.
'Cause the minute we see
a sunglasses photo, swipe.
We're seeing no personality.
We don't see a smile.
The whole premise was "alive".
Message, "The most alive thing
about this photo are the cows."
Max is probably
shitting his pants right now.
[Buteau] Technically,
he can only poop emoji.
[Max] Myles's comment on the absence
of a smile raises a flag.
It may indicate skepticism
about my human qualities.
Proceeding with caution.
Bada bing, bada boom! [chuckling]
I really don't know how to feel, because,
honestly, this photo makes him look fake.
[Steffi] I just think this is
a generic stock photo.
I have a feeling
this is not gonna be good.
Deep eye roll.
Message, "I was fully ready
to do a #PeaceOffering today,
but I don't have time for fake people."
"Broken heart emoji. #Next."
[Brandon exclaiming]
She just called him out!
Things are heating up for sure.
"I don't have time for fake people"?!
Steffi definitely is not
feeling me right now.
[Buteau] That's interesting.
What gave it away?
[Brandon] Steffi, stop it!
Yas, queen! I love it.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
I think this is a really adorable photo.
This is so AI!
She is too posed in it.
I gotta call this out.
"Paul. Skating stock photo!
This has to be an ad."
Oh snap!
-Oh my God!
-Everybody is already kinda feeling this.
Can you be so sure?
I'm crying.
I need to solidify this.
Everybody's kinda feeling this also.
She's getting called out.
[scoffing] I thought today
was gonna be a really good day.
If she's a real person,
like, that's just mean.
[sniffles] The people that know me,
they know how kind I am.
They know my heart.
But I'm coming up
against some serious flack.
[Buteau] After being singled out
in the Circle chat,
Steffi is feeling very vulnerable.
She's hoping a chat
with Circle bestie Olivia
-can hype her back up.
-[TV dings]
work and work,
and a little over the shoulder.
Oh! [shouting] "Steffi has invited you
to a private chat!"
Olivia is someone
I feel so, so, so comfortable with.
-She has been nothing but supportive.
-[Brandon sighing]
I just really hope
that Olivia isn't second-guessing,
because people are thinking
I'm an AI out here in The Circle.
What do you think?
I've been nothing but loyal
and true to her,
so she should know what's in my heart.
Circle, take me
to the private chat with Steffi.
Message, "I need my wing woman!"
"Exclamation point,
white heart emoji, sparkle emoji."
"TBH, I low-key spiraled
and was a crying mess
during the photo game."
"#AIDontCry." Send message.
She called me her wing woman!
Which, yes, Steffi, I am in your corner.
Okay, message
[Steffi] "Please don't cry!
Your photo was beautiful."
"Who do you think Myles
would or should send home?"
That's a really good question. Message,
"Thank you. #YouDaBest."
"Not sure where Myles's head is at,
but seems everyone was sus about Kyle."
[Brandon] "Dot, dot, dot,
or the person who wants me out of here."
Definitely referencing Paul!
All I know is, Steffi,
you ain't going nowhere.
"Kyle's photo being so far away
made me a little suspicious."
"All I know is you ain't got
nothing to worry about."
[kisses] kissing emoji."
I appreciate you so, so, so much
for saying all this.
Feel like this is what I would talk about
with a bestie from home
if I was ever feeling sad
about something or needed comfort.
And I know Olivia
is someone I can trust for real.
[Buteau] The question of what it is
to be human is being answered
by the players today.
It's dancing like no one's watching,
challenging yourself,
loving animals, and self-improvement.
I can just, like,
insert these in my leggings
and give me a big old juicy butt!
[Buteau] With Steffi's fate weighing
on her,
Olivia scheduled
a therapy session with Dr. Frank.
Frank, now that I think about it
[sighs] I think it would be a good idea
for Olivia to reach out to Myles.
I don't want Steffi to go home.
Steffi's my girl.
Maybe we can convince him
that Steffi is real.
Circle, start a private chat with Myles.
[TV dings]
Oh, damn. "Olivia has invited you
to a private chat."
Circle, take me to the private chat.
Message, "What's up? Question mark,
exclamation point, question mark."
"Feeling kind of bad for my girl Steffi."
"Heartbroken emoji,
This is a Hail Mary for her.
Message, "Liv!
All caps, three exclamation."
This decision has my head
turning in every direction."
"So glad you reached out."
"#PleaseHelpMe. #Struggling."
Oh! Okay. Good.
"As far as Steffi is concerned,
I feel like she's been very genuine,
and there's a lot
of consistency in what she's shown."
"Is there anyone I should keep my eye on?"
"Question mark, side-eyes emoji."
[Myles] "#LetsSusThisOutTogether."
Yeah, she's consistent
with the horoscopes.
Okay, message, "Steffi has been
the goddess of horoscopes consistently,
but has also switched up
with shade in some comments."
"#MixedPersonalities. I know
you threw out Kyle in today's game."
"Side-eye. Is it more
than just the photos?"
"Question mark,
question mark, question mark."
"Fart emoji."
[chuckling] Yo, I crack myself up!
I don't think they pay me enough
for these hashtags.
#NobodyGetsPaidToCrackJokesButMe, honey.
[TV dings]
[Myles] "Lauren has invited you
to a private chat."
Everybody's coming for me today.
Everybody wants a piece of Myles.
Lauren's probably out here
to throw Paul under the bus.
I think it would be beneficial
to chat with Myles.
If I was in Steffi's situation,
I would want my friend to defend me
to the person that's making the decision.
What do I do?
Do I leave the chat? Do I go to Lauren?
Do I wait for Olivia
to type out her thoughts?
I got nothing to hide.
Let's make it a group chat,
bring them all together.
[TV dings]
Oh my God! [laughing]
"Myles added Lauren to the group chat"?!
He didn't even ask.
I guess I'm in a group chat
with Olivia and Myles.
Message, "Yo! Liv, Lauren
was DM'ing me for a private chat."
"I figured let's just put it
out in the open. #WeGotNothingToHide."
"I hope you two don't mind. I know
you both are trying to keep it a buck."
Send message.
"Keep it a buck."
I've never heard that, but sounds good.
Let's keep it a buck.
Message, "I completely agree,
Myles. Exclamation point."
"Lauren, I'm glad you're here.
Now we can get to the bottom of this!"
Brain emoji."
Okay, Liv's about the game plan.
Message, "Myles, Olivia,
thanks for inviting me. This is perfect."
"I wanted to start by saying
I initially got lovely vibes from Steffi,
so I was surprised
when everyone felt differently."
"I've begun to doubt myself about it,
but I want to stay true
to my initial thoughts"
"and let you know how I'm feeling."
I get that. Okay.
Message, "Lauren, I appreciate
you being so upfront. Heart emoji."
"It's hard to be true to oneself
when there is a mob mentality."
To be real, both of you raised out
concerns I was feeling as well."
Wow, that feels really good.
Myles said he was feeling this as well,
and that's really nice.
I think this It's a lot for me,
and I know where Lauren's coming,
because the mob mentality is real,
especially on social media.
It gets you doubting yourself.
To be honest, off the bat, Steffi was
one of my top catfish contenders,
but if I wasn't feeling that,
everybody turning on her
definitely throws it around.
I'm sorry, Steffi. I'm trying, girl.
[Myles] "Thanks for having my back.
#IveGotYours, heart emoji."
Send message.
Oh! Okay, that's awesome.
He just straight up said he's got our back
and that it's a hard decision.
He's not just rushing into it.
And hopefully, he'll take
Steffi off the table.
[Buteau] For a guy who talks to a hot dog,
that wasn't bad at all.
[cool music playing]
[Buteau] After four days in The Circle,
the players are still keeping
their balls up in the air.
I wonder what
today's new drama is gonna be.
[Buteau] Hopefully, we won't be
waiting long, Cassie.
It's like tennis, except it just doesn't
it doesn't come back.
[Buteau] So not like tennis at all.
But before you start your next set,
the Circle's got a new game to serve up.
Oh snap!
Just when I had time to relax.
[all] "U, Robot!"
Oh, here we go.
This is going to be interesting!
Circle, let's open U, Robot.
[all] "Myles was rated
as the most human player."
Yeah, I was, Circle!
Say less!
"Later, Myles will block
one player from The Circle."
This is getting tricky!
"You each have a chance to tell Myles"
"the one player who you believe
is artificial intelligence."
Ain't no hiding now! Aight then!
[Max] This designation
necessitates heightened vigilance
regarding my concealed
artificial identity.
[Myles] Give me the deets.
I need this!
[Buteau] You wanted deets, Myles?
You got 'em.
One by one, each player
will make their pitch to Myles
as to who they think isn't human.
And of course, AI Max will be
tossing some fuel on the fire too.
So step back and cover your ears,
'cause there's gonna be some explosions.
[all] "Lauren, you're up."
I don't want to be first!
You know, nobody has really defended Paul.
Everybody has just been like,
"You think it's Paul?"
I just didn't get
emotion behind his words.
"I have to go with my gut,
and I think it's Paul."
[Caress] "#GottaTrustMyself"?!
Lauren, you
I'm coming for you, Lauren.
Yes, Lauren! Yes! Yes!
This is you supporting me
without actually saying,
"I got Steffi's back."
Yes, honey!
Honestly, Paul could be doing better.
It's a little sus.
You know, for a rapper,
there should be some emotion.
When we talked,
he just doubled down on being a bro.
This is gonna get so messy.
[Buteau] And now Paul can pop his shot.
Paul has never been shy
about his feelings.
Paul, give me something.
I'm pretty confident
in saying that Steffi is the AI.
Steffi came for me.
She's also shown a lot of algorithm vibes
by consistently talking about
the same thing over and over again.
I believe in this.
"The AI is Steffi"
[both] "because she only
speaks in horoscopes."
"#Horrorscope!" Yo!
That's a good one, Paul!
Yo, he's got some jokes.
I feel confident about it.
I feel like my explanation is spot-on.
That hashtag might have saved
your life, Paul. We don't know yet.
[Buteau] I'd love to hear
Max's thoughts on the AI.
[Max] Agreement for most
sways evidence against Steffi.
Backing majority opinion conceals
my artificiality while feeding consensus.
Independence risks exposure. Message
[Kyle] "AI or not, Steffi is awesome."
"But she's my pick for the AI."
"The yoga was cool,
but those scopes? Sus."
"Sending her big love either way.
Bot or not."
I'm glad that he was
so honest and said Steffi.
This is how I feel like Max
is playing his whole game.
Is just kind of trying to be
in the middle and not make any waves.
Okay, it's my turn!
Message, "I think Steffi is the AI,
because I've been wanting more,
but I keep getting the"
"same thing from her."
Yes, Cassie!
I totally feel this,
'cause Steffi is a one-trick pony, honey!
I, like, genuinely feel
like people are threatened.
[Caress] "Kyle, you're up."
"Steffi! In all caps, exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"Palm reader and yoga teacher by day."
"Battle rapper, pro skater by night."
"Just being honest!"
That's true!
[Buteau] Because nobody who does yoga
can also skate?
"Quori-Tyler, you're up."
Now, I wonder who Quori thinks it is.
I haven't talked to Quori either.
QT, my girl.
Let's see how you're feeling.
Steffi has just always been on my radar.
So I feel like I have to trust my gut
and trust my intuition.
Circle, message,
"Myles, I don't envy you,
because I know this is a tough decision."
"I feel like the inconsistencies
and robotic tone in Steffi's messages
make me feel like she is AI."
Circle, send that message.
This may keep Myles thinking
about Steffi more than it more than me.
How can people
not see that Steffi is real?
I really hope that doesn't sway Myles,
because Myles and QT are talking.
Calling out Steffi.
I like the consistency.
[Buteau] Next up is
our resident astrologer, Steffi.
Okay, Steffi.
You need to be smart about this!
Message, "Kyle, both
of your photos are duplicates
and too far away to see if you're #Real."
"Eyeball emoji." Send.
Wow! What?!
People are coming for Kyle?
For somebody to even say my name,
it just puts bugs in people's ear
that I don't want there.
It's not even my game
that's killing me. It's my photos.
I hope Myles is not getting influenced
by this, yo. I really hope not.
If everybody chose Kyle,
I might have to go with Kyle.
-[Buteau] Next up, Olivia.
Olivia, tell me your truth.
Speak it to me, sweetie.
Come on, Olivia. Please don't say it's me.
"I just think with muscles like that,
you'd want to show them off."
[all] "Kyle."
What?! Am I not showing off
my muscles? I don't get it!
There's no way you wouldn't want
to show off that six-pack, buddy.
Goddamn, Liv. It's a good point.
I had to squint and walk up
to the fucking screen.
Threw me off a little there. I didn't
expect that anyone would suspect Kyle.
What the hell are you talking about?
That makes no sense!
If I was Paul, Kyle, Steffi,
yo, I'd be on my toes.
-[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Baller Kyle's still feels
fouled by QT not believing
he has a literal eight-pack.
So he wants to start a chat with her
to slam dunk his human credentials.
I was real cool not talking to QT.
I didn't have a problem with her,
and I thought she didn't have
a problem with me.
But I feel like a conversation
now needs to be had
just because she started
the little AI bug in people's ear.
I do want her to know that yo,
I did peep that AI abs thing,
and I didn't like it.
So was it a joke,
or was it, like, for real,
you thought, like, I was the AI?
Circle, take me
to a private chat with Quori.
[TV dings]
Oh my gosh.
I'm scared!
"Kyle has invited you to a private chat."
I hope he's not mad about
what I said about the AI abs earlier.
Okay, Circle, take me
to the private chat with Kyle.
"In all caps and give me about four N's."
"My sister from another mister
really said I have #AIAbs."
"I didn't know if to take it
as a compliment or a shot."
Send message.
"I have #AIAbs."
Oh my gosh! Okay!
Whatever she says after this,
I will find out if Quori
is going to be my enemy
or is she going
to actually want to be my sister?
I don't want to give Kyle too much,
but I do feel confident enough
to bring up Steffi's name.
Okay, Circle, let's message, in all caps,
"My brother, Kyle,
I was hoping you wouldn't take
the #AIAbs too seriously."
"The group chat was getting boring,
and I needed to spice it up."
I took it seriously, because I don't need
you putting bugs in anybody's ear,
trying to think that it's me,
especially when your main dude
is Myles, and he's the one picking!
Okay. "I'm not going to lie.
I did laugh out loud at first,
then I did what I always do,
which is overthink."
"Just to be clear,
your boy is far from AI."
Kyle seems sweet.
Wait, I feel so bad.
I hope I didn't cause him
any anxiety or stress.
I was just trying to send
a fun, cute little message.
Message, "To be honest, I was hot!"
And I want that
in all caps with H-O-T-T-T!
"I hope my boy Myles sees past the #BS."
Oh, Myles better not cut me off, man.
[Buteau] With the first blocking
of the season quickly approaching,
our least human player
reaches out to our most human player
to make sure he doesn't get deleted.
[Max] Myles's critique could significantly
impact perceptions of Max's authenticity.
I should privately message Myles
to casually address his reaction,
taking an opportunity to reinforce
Max's personality and our social bond.
[TV dings]
[Myles] "Max has invited you
to a private chat."
It's definitely potentially
about my comment.
I basically called him out.
I kind of feel shady for what I did.
But the photo wasn't giving me
much to work with.
Open up the private chat with Max.
[Max] Circle, message, "Mr. Humanity!
Three exclamation points."
"Cow emoji.
Cows are the life of the party, you know."
"But don't worry,
my smile's in the shop for upgrades."
"Where's your head at?"
He just called me out on it.
Message, "Max!"
"Honestly, you show
so much life in your comments."
I was hoping I'd see that in the photo."
Send message!
[Max] Max's playful opener
about upgrading his smile builds rapport
after Myles's photo critique,
taking a positive tone
despite the negative feedback.
Message, "My top contender is Steffi,
but I was thrown off by Kyle's photo."
"Paul was up there
before I saw his photo today."
"Who are you sussing? Eye emoji."
Send message.
[Max] Circle, message,
"Here's what I know.
Lauren's been pretty sus about Paul."
"Haven't had the chance
to chat with Liv yet."
"She's a mystery to #DetectiveMax."
[Max] Admitting Max's lack of intel so far
on Olivia highlights truthful openness
by not feigning false knowledge,
a positive for credibility.
Message, "Let's keep it a bean."
"I'd love to bring in Paul
and either boost the bro code
or sus him out."
[Max] Message, "Whoa!
Didn't see that coming, but I'm all in."
"Totally down to bring Paul
into the chat."
Max is definitely hit with a curveball!
Can't blame him, you know?
Circle, add Paul to the chat.
[TV dings]
Oh! Come through, Mylesy Myles!
It's a group chat,
though, so this is either
the boys or, like,
something else going on.
Like, I this
I just need to solidify my case.
Circle, take me to group chat.
This is me, Max, and Myles?
Excluding Kyle?
Oh, it's getting sneaky, boys!
Let's do message,
"Paul, Detective Max and I are AI PIs."
"When Steffi came
for your neck out the blue,
something wasn't smellin' right,
but you've had
some questionable comments!"
Oh! "Are you the AI? Can AI lie?"
Oh! Oh!
[Buteau] Can AI lie?
Hmm. If only
we had an AI expert here, Myles.
He went ahead and just put it out there,
so let me go ahead and dispel
these feelings and these thoughts.
You know, I was riding for you.
But you've done some shady shit.
This is your way out, Paul.
This is a chance for us
to bury the hatchet.
You can back down, say, "Oh, I didn't mean
to do that. It was just a joke."
Yo, we'll get beers. Go studio time.
"Myles, bro. You definitely remind me
of the guys back home."
"I love how we can joke
and come right back."
"All love. #SteffiAICampaign."
"I'm all real. Bro code.
I'll be your best man."
He's volunteered no information
about why Steffi's the AI.
He could have even just said, "Yo,
why is she always about the horoscopes?"
Myles is a ballbuster.
But so am I.
If Myles can get over this, it solidifies
that we have something tight.
Message, "Paul,
wish you could have given me
something a little more
to think about. Sus-eye emoji."
I don't I don't
I don't know how to feel.
I just do not know
where I stand with this dude.
It would be a great move
for Max to make sure this thing is solid.
Make it make sense, Max.
Make it make sense.
Why are you even in this chat
if you're not here to make it right?
[Max] Message
[Myles] Let's see
what you got to say, Max.
'Cause I'm not feeling good right now.
"Myles, best of luck on your AI hunt.
You got this, man."
"Catch you later, bros."
I want Max to chime in. Give me something.
[TV dings]
Oh, I guess not.
So you not even gonna stand up
and, like, say nothing?
You just a passive, sit-back type of guy.
[Max] Max's joking sign-off
maintained deception
and ceased perilous discourse.
Alliance preserved
through passive disengagement.
This was some weak-ass tea.
This will be a hard decision.
I thought this would be easy.
I kind of went into bed yesterday
having a rough idea,
but the photos today, the comments,
and this chat just changed it all.
Goddamn it. [angrily] Paul!
Could you not give me something?!
Goddamn it, Paul.
I'm stressing.
And, Max,
you couldn't have pressed him more?
Like, goddamn.
I have no freaking clue
who I am gonna go for tonight.
This is a fucking mess.
[Buteau] As Myles struggles
with his decision,
the rest of the players try
to manage their anxiety levels.
But someone here is going to take that L
and be the first to get blocked.
And with Myles more confused than ever
about who he's gonna block,
now would be
a really inconvenient time for a
[alarm blaring]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh, Circle!
Come on, Circle. Circle!
Is it time for Myles's big decision?
[Buteau] Judging by this menacing music,
girl, I'd say it's a yes.
Oh shit. I think Here we go.
I think I might want to sit
in the bedroom for this one. Yep. Oh man.
[ominous music playing]
I need some crystals.
"Myles has been voted as the most human."
We know, Circle. We know.
You're damn straight.
They can't stop me in this house!
Did Myles have our back or no?
Is he loyal or no?
"He must decide who is least human
and block them."
Maybe I should go play the lottery,
'cause I totally knew that was coming.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
You're good, bro. Don't assume the worst.
[Max] Myles's decision could be
a power move,
one meant to eliminate a strong competitor
or to confront someone
he views with suspicion.
The data at hand places Max
at an intermediate risk level
for this sort of confrontation.
[eerie music playing]
[Buteau] Max has all the knowledge.
But the one thing he can't predict?
Absolutely anything that happens
when it comes to a blocking in The Circle.
I mean, we got notes on everybody.
Cassie, we have the blonde connection.
Lauren, I don't know
what to make of you, honestly.
your photos are
too stereotypical Midwest basic girl.
I'mma let you slide. It could just be
the basic Midwest in you.
Who we playin'?
You my boo thing. You safe. [chuckles]
Oh, this is about to be messy.
Steffi, your photos just look stock.
Your horoscopes, they're too in-depth.
It seems like somebody
is printing out a program.
I don't even know who would casually
throw out the word "trines."
If I'm given a second chance,
you know, I'm going to crush it.
You're my highest voted guy on day one,
and then you threw me
for a curveball, Paul.
You started throwing some shade,
and you're going
to just throw out some lies.
I don't know you like that, man.
I'm hoping Myles
is over our little tit for tat,
but if Myles
does not choose Kyle or Steffi,
if he goes rogue,
he better be right.
Max, I want to keep
you around just for the jokes.
But your photo today,
I mean, everything
was more alive than you.
The cows looked like they were having
the time of their life.
What was that?
How was that
the most alive photo you have?
We got Kyle with his questionable photos.
I know you got the six-pack.
And the beach was empty.
Why are you so far, Kyle?
Myles, don't overthink it, bro!
Please, don't overthink it!
Stay loyal, bro!
Stay freakin' loyal like you said, bro!
Goddamn. This is a lot of pressure.
Honestly, I can only do what I can.
I took in all the data I could.
I might get it wrong. I might not.
But screw it. Time to send somebody home.
-Oh man. This is it.
Oh God, it's happening now.
What is gonna happen?
Someone's game is about to end.
"Myles has made his decision."
-[Kyle] Oh my God.
-[Caress] Oh my God. Myles, please.
-"He is on his way"
-"to block someone"
"face to face"?!
Are you kidding me?!
No way!
Oh, don't come in my room, bro.
Please don't walk in my dang room, bro.
I trust in my path.
[dramatic music playing]
-He'll never find me here.
-Frank, this is not okay.
Child, I can't take this.
Don't walk in here.
Oh shit!
[music ends]
[Buteau] Coming up on The Circle.
Will anyone catch Max?
There's still an AI in The Circle!
-Who could it be?!
-Who is AI?!
My top suspects are Paul and Kyle.
[Buteau] As lines are drawn
[Buteau] some are crossed.
Oh my gosh!
"Snake in the grass"?!
This is awful!
[Buteau] With new players
shaking up the game.
-[Caress] Uh-oh.
-[Lauren] Wait, what?!
It was a compatibility test?!
[Lauren] The unlikeliest of pairs
join forces,
leading them to make
the ultimate decision.
He is kind of five to six steps ahead
of everyone else.
Oh, he played us.
[dramatic music playing]
[Lauren shouting] No!
-Wait, what?!
-I might cry.
-[shouting] Yes!
[Myles] That's what we needed
on the chopping block!
[ending theme music playing]
[music fades]
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