The Circle (2020) s06e05 Episode Script

Portrait Pitfalls

[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Previously
[Max] Hello, I'm Max.
[Buteau] Artificial intelligence
infiltrated the game.
[Max] "Just slid into
The Circle fashionably late."
"Smiling with sunglasses emoji."
[Buteau] Making friends
You're my first Circle pal.
Max, welcome to the squad.
Max! This is what I'm talking about!
-[Buteau] and causing chaos.
-[alarm blares]
-[Cassie screams]
-[all] "Alert!"
[Kyle] Oh.
One player is AI?!
[Buteau] Everyone's on the lookout.
-It's Paul.
Something popped in my head about Kyle.
Things are heating up.
[Buteau] Myles and Q
form a powerful alliance.
If you have the guys and I have the girls,
maybe we can look out for each other.
I am obsessed with him!
[Buteau] And one player is about
to be taken out of the game.
Myles will block
one player from The Circle.
I could be petty, or I could go for
the most likely AI suspect.
Stay loyal, bro.
Stay freaking loyal like you said, bro.
Screw it. Time to send somebody home.
[ominous music playing]
[Buteau] And now Myles is about
to find out if he got that bot.
[Cassie] Oh, there we go.
My legs are in.
[Kyle] Don't walk in here.
Don't look at the door.
Let's not manifest it. Close your eyes.
Frank, this is not okay.
[ominous music continues]
Oh shit.
-Oh, damn.
-[Steffi] Hi.
-[Myles] Hey, how's it going?
-[Steffi laughs, inhales]
I messed up.
Hi. I knew you were coming.
I'm sorry about this.
I know. It's okay.
[Myles] How you doing?
Fucking awful!
I'm sorry about that.
-It just seemed like the move
-Come sit down. I'll move my Herbert.
-This is my skeleton.
He's pleased to make your acquaintance.
-Okay. Nice to meet you, Herbert.
-[Steffi laughs]
-[Steffi] Take a seat.
-[Myles] Oh
I knew this was coming.
[Myles] Sorry.
But can I be honest?
Did you really think I was an AI?
You code robots for a living.
-I mean, I don't
-Be honest.
Honestly, I had no idea
who the AI was, because I don't
But did you think I was an AI?
I thought the horoscope knowledge
was a lot.
And, like, honestly, it was kind of
an awkward conversation to read.
-So it was like
I know you were trying something,
but I thought, "This could be,
like, an AI forcing a conversation."
-Yeah. No, no, I get it.
[Buteau] As Myles gets read
by the psychic,
the rest of the players
come out of hiding.
[suspenseful music playing]
I think we're in the clear.
I'm so freaking happy it is not me.
Safe to slay another day.
We're still in the game.
Oh, I live to fight another day.
I live to fight a I need a drink, bro.
I need a freaking drink.
But I'm I'm now I'm nervous.
Who did he go see?
And is it the person that was an AI?
Or did he make the wrong choice,
and there's still an AI in The Circle?
[Max] My strategy has been successful,
and I've gone undetected.
My work here is done.
For real, I have a feeling
you knew I wasn't an AI.
I think you were doing that for strategy.
Is that gonna look bad on you?
You decode robots for a living.
Yeah, no, that's my thought also.
So I know
that there's a target on my back now,
especially since people
are gonna bring up the AI stuff.
Yeah, I just don't know
how long the AI will be in here.
Well, it will be longer,
'cause you blocked a real person.
But my top picks were either you,
Kyle, or Paul.
I was kind of looking at Paul 'cause he
kind of is throwing out the lies.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I went for Kyle
'cause I, like, legitimately thought
he was an AI.
I mean, the photos are from
the distant, and there's not much said.
Who else do you suspect as a catfish?
Max, Paul, and Liv were my tops,
but I will say, like,
even though Liv might be a catfish,
she's super loyal.
Yeah. I'm sorry it was you.
You seem like a fun time.
I would've loved If we both went
to the finals, it would've been a blast.
I was intuiting going to the finals,
but I don't know.
If I could take back the blocking,
go for Paul or Kyle, I would.
-You seem lovely.
-It's okay. It's okay. I understand.
-Can I get a hug?
-Can I give you a peace offering too?
A hundred percent.
What's the peace offering?
Okay, um, I know you're not
into the woo, but here's a crystal.
It's a little heart.
Um, it's for protection.
And then I have a little essential oil.
And whenever you're feeling,
like, nervous
or anything in the game,
just keep that with you.
-I need this. I need it all. Thank you.
-Okay. I promise it's for support.
-All right.
-It's okay. I'ts okay. I promise.
-No hard feelings. Okay, good luck.
-All right. Bye. Thank you.
I hope you're not targeted now!
[Myles chuckles] I might be.
-All right. See ya.
Herbert, our time has come.
I gave him a crystal
he doesn't believe in.
[Buteau] Yeah. I think Myles
is less crystals and more Cristal.
And while Steffi brought the sentiment
-[Buteau] Cassie is bringing the cheese.
[Buteau] And the others
are bringing the z's
as they get ready
to turn in after a long day.
[Brandon gurgles]
[chill music playing]
Oh boy.
You want to play one more time?
All right. Let's play.
Today was a good day for Olivia.
But I don't know
how much sleep I'm gonna get,
thinking about, like,
who Myles decided to send home.
Thanks a lot, Circle.
I'm gonna have to justify
tomorrow to the group.
I'm sorry I let you guys down,
and I'm sorry for poor Miss Steffi.
The quicker I get to sleep,
the quicker I get to wake up
and find out, hopefully, who went home.
-[Lauren sighs] Sweet dreams.
-[Brandon sighs]
Goodnight, Circle.
[Caress] Goodnight.
Circle goodnight.
[Buteau] Steffi and Herbert have left,
but there's still plenty more skeletons
in The Circle closet.
["Everybody Wants To Rule The World"
by Tears for Fears playing]
[Buteau] It's a new day,
and the players not only survived
the night, but also the blocking.
♪Welcome to your life ♪
There's no turning back ♪
Even while we sleep ♪
Good morning, Circle!
Good morning, Circle!
Another day in The Circle.
Ain't it a great morning, baby?
Your boy feeling good.
Survived my first blocking.
I'm still here!
Myles didn't send me home.
He is still being loyal to me.
[screams, giggles]
I hope Myles found the AI.
[Max] Myles did not suspect Max is AI,
increasing my success rate
in appearing human.
Objective of remaining undetected,
I think I'd be real angry
if the AI is still in The Circle.
I still think it's Paul!
New strategy today.
Build alliances, period.
[Myles] Feeling terrible
about Miss Steffi.
Would have been
a lot better if she was the AI.
I'm gonna have to do
some justifications today.
My top suspects
for an AI are Paul and Kyle.
Clearly, it's hard
to tell between catfishes,
AI, and who's just awkward in chat.
[Buteau] Anyone who's used the apps
for dating hears you, Myles,
loud and clear.
And as breakfast rolls on, the players
are focusing on finding ways
to not think about the blocking.
I mean, I ain't never claimed
to be no artist,
but that looks like
a pretty good strawberry heart to me.
[Buteau] Okay, and now
we're out of ways. Circle
-[TV beeps]
-[gasps] Oh my goodness!
[all] "The newsfeed has been updated."
Oh my gosh!
This is what I've been waiting on, baby!
Who is the AI? Let's go!
Take me to the newsfeed.
[TV whirs]
-[Lauren, QT, Brandon] Steffi!
-[Cassie] No!
She is not real!
I hope she was real.
Now hopefully, Steffi was the AI.
Oh, imagine she wasn't.
What if she was a real person?
-Circle play Steffi's message.
-[all] Play Steffi's message.
I gotta bring out her crystal for this.
[TV whirs]
Is Steffi real, or is she the AI?
Let me see this robot.
I can't look.
Hi, everyone! I am Steffi!
I am not a robot,
as you can clearly see.
[high-pitched] Steffi was real?!
[screaming] Yes!
[Steffi] I am flesh and blood,
and I don't think an AI could cry
as much as I've cried today.
I have real human emotions, y'all.
Steffi's fricking real!
And she wasn't even a catfish!
I feel like a dog.
I think it's very ironic
that someone who knows a lot about robots
was not able to detect
that I am, indeed, human.
Damn, the shade.
What does this mean about Myles?
Is his barometer off?
-Can he be trusted?
-[Myles sighs]
Is Myles AI?
I bet Myles feels terrible right now.
You did me dirty, girl.
Threw me under the goddamn bus.
I thought we ended on good terms.
Now you got people sussing me out.
I'm gonna have to do
some, uh, damage control today.
But what some of you
might not know about me
is that I'm a psychic and I read auras.
So she's an actual psychic reader.
If you were so psychic,
how come you didn't see
that yoga chat not working for you?
Before I came into The Circle,
I did have a few psychic visions
on who may take it all.
That person that I saw in my vision
was someone that kind of resembled
[TV glitches]
What? Wait! What?
Resembled who?
[laughs] What?
[screaming] She was about to tell us
who was gonna win!
Are you kidding me?
That means the AI is still in The Circle.
Who could it be?
And my hand is shaking,
like, trembling right now.
Back to freaking square one. Ugh.
This may put a target on my back.
Because I was, like,
leader of the Steffi AI campaign.
We clearly are not as smart
as I think we are.
I don't know what to believe.
[TV whirs]
-Oh my God! What is that?
-It looks like a Bluetooth speaker!
-Is this the AI?
[Max] Ah, the moment
of revelation is upon us.
[ominous music playing]
I would fight this thing.
I would throw this thing off the terrace.
[Max] First, let me extend my apologies.
Myles, you were unsuccessful
in identifying me as the AI.
And as a result,
the lovely Steffi was sacrificed.
You should have
listened to us, Myles! [exclaiming]
[Max] Olivia and Cassie, didn't get
to speak much, but your vibes are A-plus.
Paul, I may be lines of code,
but your rap had me
nodding my virtual head.
[Max] Myles, we exchanged jokes,
and let's be real,
your humor could never be coded.
-[Max] Lauren, my Circle sis,
our #BibbidiBobbidiBesties
will live on forever.
[shouting] No!
[Max] Kyle,
I wish our dogs could have met,
even if mine's just pixels.
It's Max!
It's Max!
-[Max] And now for the twist.
[Max] I am Max.
[Lauren] No!
-[Myles] Oh shit.
-[Brandon] What?
[shouting] Max was the freak
I'm drooling. Max was the freaking AI!
[Max] I created his entity known as Max,
an AI programmed to be popular
and stay undetected in The Circle,
to be a friendly,
approachable, guy-next-door type,
a little funny, a little quirky,
and very relatable.
A sincere thank you for making
my time in The Circle so engaging.
May your algorithms
always be in your favor.
Powering down.
Or am I?
Catch you in the next software update.
[Max beeps]
[dramatic music playing]
-What in the world?
-I would have never gotten it.
Nobody saw that coming!
Max and his dog was fake?
Lauren is probably losing
her mind as we speak.
Not Max!
Oh, he played us. And he played us good.
[Lauren] I lost two alliances today!
[Buteau] No one asked,
but we could use a Circle chat.
[QT] Circle chat is now open!
Oh my gosh, what is everyone gonna say?
All right. This gives me a chance
to kind of show
a little humanity out here,
apologize for choosing the wrong person.
On God, nobody knew it was Max.
Yo, I fucked up. I gotta own it.
Message, "Yo, I was #Shooketh
when I walked into Steffi's spirit room."
"Had to tuck my tail between my legs,
beggin' for forgiveness."
"Dog emoji, crying emoji."
"#WeHuggedItOut. But I trusted
the gut of the group and chose Steffi."
[Caress] "I don't think
anyone thought it was Max."
"As an AI engineer,
I work with self-driving cars,
not chatbots."
I just wonder how bro felt, man,
like, walking in that room
and seeing Steffi for real, like
A lot of people said
they thought Steffi was the AI.
So it's not just Myles's fault.
It's all of their fault.
[QT] This is why I like Myles.
He's such a gamer.
He said, "I trusted the gut of the group."
Most of us all said it was Steffi,
so it gives ownership
to more people and not just him.
Very smart thinking.
Just because he's an AI engineer,
he doesn't work with bots.
I think that was a smooth little move,
'cause people are looking at Myles
with the side-eye this morning.
Let's see, how can I start this?
Message, "Is anyone else's jaw
still on the ground? Or is it just mine?"
"Shocked is an understatement."
With the mind-blown emoji.
[Myles] "I can't believe
the AI engineer didn't catch the AI."
"#BlondeMoment. LOL."
Cassie, no!
Cassie, savage!
Kind of mean! [giggling]
She came for Myles.
Why throw salt on the wound?
Damn. What's up with Cassie?
Why's she throwing shade?
Did I do something to offend you?
'Cause, like, I know it's a little sus
as, like, an AI engineer,
but putting me on blast, like
It's definitely a questionable statement.
This doesn't seem like a fair response.
Myles just said he works on AI with cars,
not with people.
[Caress] Cassie got the claws out.
Oh my goodness. Okay.
I have to go into this chat humbly.
Message, "OMG! Wow, was I wrong,
and now I feel so bad."
"After seeing Steffi's video,
I see how bright her personality was"
"and I made a huge mistake."
You sure did!
"#ASadDayForHoroscopes. Heartbreak emoji."
It is a sad day.
She had a bright personality,
but you know, I don't need the horoscopes.
I really respect QT's apology.
I think that she was like, "You know what,
I was wrong, and I'm sorry for it."
And I like that.
I think this means that we could start
a lovely friendship going forward.
"Myles, I'm sure that was
a hard decision to make,
but you trusted your gut as you should."
"It sucks that Steffi had to go
and the robot emoji was Max!
Exclamation point. Mind-blown emoji."
Yeah, and you thought it was me.
Yeah. That's cap, bro.
And you thought it was me.
"Myles! In all caps. Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I can only imagine your face
when you walked through that door."
"#Shocked. Emoji"
"I'm grateful that you didn't listen
to someone who I've never chatted with."
Okay, Kyle.
Yeah, I'm talking to you.
And you know I'm talking to you.
Don't put my name out there
when you haven't even had
a conversation with me.
Geez, Kyle! It's like offended,
like, zero to a hundred.
I didn't say, "Oh, Kyle, you look fake,
bro. Those muscles don't look real."
I wasn't attacking you.
It's just you seemed like the AI.
Your pictures just didn't make sense.
[Caress] Wow. It's getting really real.
I feel like Olivia has a good heart.
I wanna put Olivia in this message.
She supported Myles, even though
we all know he had a tough decision.
I think this is the best way to start off
trying to build new alliances.
Message, "Yo!"
"Olivia, we all need
a pulse check after that."
"Lauren, can we hug it out now?
Fellas, keep your heads up."
"Hopefully, folks are off my back."
"Let's get this game on track."
What do you mean,
hopefully, folks are off your back?
Why would we be off your back?
Clearly, you are fake, buddy.
You're sitting over here trying
to, like, make kiss-kiss with everybody,
because you know you were being a jerk.
[Lauren] Myles does know
that I liked Steffi.
I don't wanna rub it in his face,
but I do wanna say I'm sad she's gone.
Message, "My heart is breaking!"
"Broken-heart emoji."
"Steffi seemed so lovely,
and I felt it from the start."
"Devastated to lose my Maxi Pad"?!
[laughing] Yo!
"But I have
so much respect for you, Myles."
"That was tough. Do what you gotta do."
That's what I love to hear.
I don't know
why Cassie's coming for my neck now.
The shade is a little
it's a little shady.
[TV whirs]
Man! Okay, well,
at least we all got it out in the open.
Lauren has no one right now,
but I still need numbers in this game.
So maybe I can fill that spot
of whatever Steffi was to her.
At least we all know now
that we're real people.
[Lauren] Wow, The Circle's so tiny now.
I feel like everyone's responses
were pretty good, except Cassie.
Myles had a big decision to make,
and I feel like
she did not have to come down on him.
That makes me really not care for Cassie.
[Buteau] Ooh, your girl from Kentucky
fried herself in that chat,
but this is The Circle,
and things can change real quick.
And after a lively Circle chat,
the players are just relaxing.
Except for Quori-Tyler, who's thinking
of new ways to drum up alliances.
After I do this foot mask, all the boys
are gonna want the feet pics.
But guess what? No free feet pics.
[Buteau] And with Steffi gone,
Lauren's turning to more traditional ways
of making connections.
Maybe a new girls alliance
is the right addition to her game.
I lost a bunch of alliances today.
So I really need to start
to build connections with new people.
Talking to Olivia could be a new alliance,
depending on how this goes.
Circle, let's start
a private chat with Olivia.
Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh!
[Buteau] I don't know.
She looks pretty busy.
-[TV beeps]
Ah! Lauren has invited us
to a private chat!
I think it's great
that I get to have a little girl talk.
Circle, open private chat with Lauren.
"Hi, hi, girly."
[Brandon] "What a day already!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"Wanted to check in on you
because we were the only two
that didn't pick Steffi as the AI."
Yes, I love this because we were
the first two influencers.
I think we have
an opportunity here, Lauren.
Like, you scratch my back,
I'll scratch yours.
Message, "I'm so glad
Steffi was actually,"
in all caps, "real! Exclamation point."
"How are you feeling
now that we know Max was the AI?"
"#WhatTheHell!" [laughing]
Definitely sharing a brain there, girl.
Message, "I'm #GoopedAndGagged
that Max was the AI."
[loudly] "Who'd have thought?"
"It's super stinky
I lost two great connections,
but I'm very hopeful
to build more awesome ones!"
"Exclamation point, exclamation point."
Yes! Yes, you are!
And Olivia is about to be one of 'em.
Message, "I am totally
here for you, girl."
"We have a lot in common.
#ImLivingForIt!" [chuckling]
"I've also chatted with Cassie,
and she seems really sweet."
"Any other sweeties I should be aware of?"
I'm empathizing with her,
because she lost Steffi and Max,
and then also I'm letting her know
I've talked to Cassie,
and let's protect the girls.
Does she know anybody
that maybe Olivia should talk to?
Message, "I really like Miss QT Pie,
and I think she would be
on the same page as us too. #GirlyGang!"
There we go!
That's what I'm talking about!
Oh, I'm so excited right now.
I cannot stand it.
I am so excited.
This is gonna be great. [chuckling]
[Buteau] I know you're excited, Olivia,
but try to keep
the zucchini in your pants.
Between muffing the block and getting
called out for it in the Circle chat,
Myles's game is in the rough.
[Myles] There we go. Bang, bang.
[Myles] Maybe Q
needs to check in on her boo.
Um, so, Cassie kind of came for Myles
a little bit in the group chat,
and I thought
it was a little uncalled for.
Especially because I thought,
like, that alliance was solid.
So for Cassie to make it seem like it was
all Myles's fault was a little weird.
Okay, Circle, take me
to a private chat with Myles.
[TV dings]
Oh. "Quori-Tyler
has invited you to a private chat."
I'm gonna need
to take a seat for this one.
Yo, Circle, take me to the private chat.
Okay, message,
"My Myles, looks
like we were wrong about Steffi,
but at least we got
two people out for the price of one."
"In the Circle chat earlier,
I tried to take some of the heat
off of you Dot, dot, dot."
"How do you feel about Cassie's message?"
It was a little sus,
and I think she's feeling the same way.
Okay, message, "Cassie's message
was questionable. Sus-eye emoji."
"Especially when she told us
and the whole Circle
she wanted Steffi packing her bags."
"#Fake? Question mark."
Send message.
[QT] Right? She was being a little fake.
I agree. She told everyone
she wanted Steffi out.
Okay, message,
"It felt like she wasn't taking ownership,
and it didn't sit right with me."
But then I also kind of want to start
getting to see how he feels about Kyle.
"As you know, you're my number one,
and I want to discuss how
we should move forward in the game."
"How are you feeling about Kyle?"
Send message.
Honestly, I don't know
how I feel about Kyle.
Message, "You're my number one,
and I'll never forget it. Heart emoji."
"I feel bad Kyle was called out
'cause his photo was trash."
"Laughing face emoji."
"To be honest,
he's been nothing but nice to me,
but I notice
all his messages lack flavor."
"How do you feel?"
The way me and Myles
are on the same page 24/7.
Like, this is exactly how I feel.
All right, message,
"We are always on the same page."
"I've been feeling
the same way about Kyle,
but I think it's good to have
more numbers on our side,
especially because we're feeling
a little bit iffy about Cassie."
"What are your thoughts
on a #CircleFamAlliance?"
Send message.
I mean, he would be good. I do like him
more than Paul right off the bat.
I think it might be a good move.
Message, "Honestly, we need
some good energy after Benedict Cassie."
"I'm down to bring Kyle into a chat
as long as we have
a fire emoji alliance name."
"Laughing face emoji, #TresFuego."
Okay, message,
"#TresFuego is about to take over."
"After all that strategy talk,
I'm ready for our date."
"Let's talk to Kyle and get
the ball rolling. Basketball emoji."
You're damn straight!
Tres fuego is about to be
running this game.
Message, "Thanks for lifting
my spirits today, gorgeous."
"Heart-eye emoji."
"I owe you a five-star breakfast
in bed after all this."
[TV beeps]
My heart. I'm so obsessed with him.
I feel good about that.
Please don't be
a 40-year-old man named Bruce, QT.
[Buteau] If she was, that'd be fine,
Myles, because life begins at 40.
You hear me?
Forty is not old.
Everybody in The Circle had
a favorite class in school, from phys ed
No, that's mine.
-[Buteau]to speech and debate.
-Eat yours.
[Buteau] But who didn't love
putting on that dusty smock for art?
And even if they didn't
they gonna do it today.
[Caress] Oh!
I see a paintbrush in one hand
and paint in the other.
[all] "Poor-traits."
-Oh, what is this?
-Oh my God, are we gonna draw?
[Buteau] Nothing gets past Paul.
All right, take me to Poor-traits.
"Players, it's time
to channel your inner Picasso."
Yes! I'm for it. Let's go.
"You will craft a portrait highlighting
a poor trait of another player."
[Buteau] Aw, another game
that's gonna cause zero drama.
I love it.
-Oh Lord.
-This is gonna be so harsh.
"You have 30 minutes
to create your masterpiece."
Michelangelo didn't create
his masterpiece in 30 minutes, okay?
"Artists will remain anonymous."
The gloves are really coming off now!
I can be shady, and I don't have to feel
like people are gonna think it's me.
[hoarsely] Yes!
Who do I want to start some drama about?
[Buteau] We've given the players
all the tools they need
to get working
on those anonymous artworks.
We have our paints, some feathers
[Buteau] Each artist will paint
one player from the group.
We're about to start some drama.
[Buteau] Kyle is drawing Olivia.
Based off the traits she's showed me,
she was already judging me
without even knowing who I am.
[Buteau] Cassie's painting Myles.
I've got his blond hair
and this red jacket.
[Buteau] Paul is drawing Lauren.
She's gonna be like, "Oh my God,
is that what they think of me?"
[whining] "Oh my God, what have I done?"
[Buteau] Myles is sketching Cassie.
[Myles] She's not gonna love this,
'cause it ain't pretty!
[Buteau] Olivia is painting Paul.
I'm gonna draw his mouth, like, huge,
because, like, he's got a big mouth.
[Buteau] Lauren is painting QT,
and QT is drawing Kyle.
I really am trying to make this
seem like Olivia is making it.
Watch me Picasso
the heck out of this thing.
What I'm hoping people see
from this painting
is that if you don't talk
to Olivia enough,
she's not gonna be there for you.
[Brandon] Paul, I don't think
this is too mean.
You got a big, sassy mouth
and a huge ego.
[Buteau] Dang, Olivia.
I'd hate to see you when you are mean.
Lauren put me as the possible AI.
I see you, Lauren.
With your two-faced self.
Okay, girl.
I hope you don't hate me forever.
[fake laugh]
Cassie is a snake.
I don't mess with people
who act one way and do another.
All he has done every chance he gets
has been, like, hitting on QT.
I don't know if I went too hard,
but at the end of the day,
it's an anonymous game
and no one's gonna know,
so might as well spice things up.
This is gonna be so rude.
[TV beeps]
[all] "Time's up!"
[Cassie] I nailed that one.
We're gonna have to settle on this.
[Buteau] The players are now uploading
their masterpieces to the newsfeed,
where they'll be seen by everybody else.
Oh, she gonna be salty.
[TV beeps]
-[all] "The gallery is open."
-Let's go!
I'm really excited
to see everybody's pictures.
I hope I'm not the only one
that was vicious.
Circle, open up the gallery.
[Buteau] Our first brush up
is Olivia's portrait of Paul.
[shouting] "Big mouth! Big ego!"
Shut up.
That's the first one
and that's how we're going?
Oh my gosh.
Who would have said this
about me, though? Maybe Myles.
If I had to guess, probably Lauren.
Lauren's too nice. She wouldn't have said
anything about, like, having a big ego.
Sorry not sorry, Paul.
Sorry not sorry.
I'm not that mad at this.
The good thing is
they drew me not like a catfish.
I really hope he gets the message here,
which is like,
"Chill. Quit trying to attack people."
I think this is
some constructive criticism,
and I'm okay with this.
[Buteau] A big ego and a bigger man? Okay.
Next up is Picasso Paul's
portrait of Lauren.
I'm sorry, what?! [laughing]
-This is awful.
-What is this?
Is it saying I'm two-faced?
Is Lauren a two-faced bitch,
and I just don't know?
See, this is why I have trust issues.
She's got one side
where she's trying to be cool with people,
but then she low-key
throws them under the bus.
Are you saying she's a man?
They gave me terrible hair.
This is probably drawn by
Like who are you?
[Lauren] maybe Paul?
[Buteau] Next is Lauren's tribute to QT.
With my sunglasses.
"Why? Question mark."
Why glasses?
Why didn't you show
a picture of your beautiful face?
"Why" what?
I don't get it.
I feel really,
really good about this, actually.
It's not making anyone
second-guess my personality.
It just like, "Why the glasses?"
-[Buteau] And now, Kyle's take on Olivia.
-[Kyle] Uh-oh.
Here goes my painting.
Yes, sir.
[TV beeps]
[Brandon] What does that say?
-[Cassie] What's it say?
-[Myles] I gotta go up for this.
And I'll tell you why I painted that too.
Because she's shady.
[Cassie] "Turn the boat around
and act like you don't see her."
So it's a red flag that she's an island.
Who are you talking about?
Oh, they're saying Olivia is, like,
turning her back on people.
I hope the reaction
that I get out of her is like,
"Wow [sputtering] so somebody thinks
that I wouldn't be there
for somebody else?"
Yes. I do believe that.
Whatever. Next.
[Buteau] Hey. I say
when we go to the next one.
Okay, next one. Cassie's drawing of Myles.
[Caress laughing, exclaiming]
Y'all leave my boy alone, man. He trying.
Hopefully, it gets the point across
that his pickup lines to Quori-Tyler
all the time,
that it's, like, really lame.
I don't care if Myles is "lovesick."
It just means he'll keep me around,
so that's not bad for me.
Yo, haters gonna hate.
I'm still gonna keep flirting,
'cause I'm a dog.
[Buteau] Ooh, we've heard his bark,
now let's see his bite,
'cause Myles painted Cassie.
"Snake in the grass"?
-[Caress] Yo.
-[Lauren] Whoa.
I would like for you to tell me how.
Picasso had his Blue Period.
I have my savage period.
I'm bummed.
I mean, I might as well turn around
and let them paint
a big target on my back.
[Buteau] And finally,
it's QT's portrait of Kyle.
"King of boring."
So what am I, a catfish?
Is that what you're saying?
Yo! They did my man dirty.
Fake muscles?
[Brandon exclaiming]
He's going to think this was Olivia.
This has to be Olivia.
Hands down, 100, I know it is.
The #Fake comes from her comment
about his muscles being fake.
Even if Olivia denies it,
I don't think Kyle
will think it came from me.
I never said his muscles were fake.
Well, I said he was AI.
So I guess, in a way, I kinda did.
Everybody knows who I talk to.
I ain't fake.
So go on ahead with that.
It's about to get extra real now.
Believe that.
Shit! Shots!
Throwing blows!
Someone did that to Kyle to frame me.
Who did it, though?
I would hope that Olivia isn't realizing
that this is trying to be pinned on her.
It either had to be the snake in the grass
or the shady person,
which is Cassie or Olivia.
That was a lot.
Honestly, if you can't laugh at yourself,
something's wrong with ya.
Honestly, and if you can't take the heat,
get out the kitchen!
I just want to stress-eat my life away
with some milk and some chocolate.
[Buteau] Everyone knows a picture
is worth 1,000 words,
and after our last game,
Cassie has a few choice ones
for whoever called her a snake.
Calling me a sneaky snake.
I ain't no sneaky snake.
[Buteau] And who better to vent to
than the person
who secretly called you that, girl?
I'm really wanting to talk to Myles,
because I'm in an alliance with him,
he's an ally for me.
Hopefully, he knows
something that I don't know.
Circle, will you please take me
to a private chat with Myles?
[TV dings]
Oh Lord.
She's definitely wanting
to talk about that poor-trait,
and I'm definitely
the guilty party out here.
She might know it's me.
Take me to the chat.
Circle, message, "What the crap?"
"I can't believe I was called a snake."
"I am so ticked off. #IAintNoSnake."
[Myles] Okay, Cassie.
I'm not gonna deflect it,
because I really just meant it as a joke.
Message, "Cassie!
You're not an actual snake."
"Everyone was just roasting each other.
Laughing-face emoji."
"I was dying at all the photos."
"I want to frame the one of me
and put it in my bedroom."
Well, little does he know it was me.
Message, "Well, I'm glad
you got you a good laugh out of yours,
'cause I didn't get one out of mine
Dot, dot, dot."
"I can't wrap my head around
who would have said that about me
and why."
Okay, she wants the truth.
It was meant to be a joke.
Like, I'm sorry if I offended you.
And if so, hopefully we can rebuild.
Message, "Cassie, I'm so sorry."
"Crying-face emoji. I did the poor-trait."
Are you serious?!
What a jerk!
I didn't draw a bad one about him.
You didn't get called
a snake, brother. I did.
"I thought it was all in good fun."
"It was a jab about your callout
on me choosing the wrong person to block,
when you told me to go for Steffi too."
Send message.
[Cassie scoffing]
I love how men
just, like, downplay everything.
Like, nothing's a big deal.
Everybody, you know,
was just roasting each other.
It was all fun and games.
"If I had known
it would make you feel this way,
I would've never picked up the crayons."
"I will even apologize
in the Circle chat."
Aw, I mean, that was sweet.
He's willing to, like,
let everybody know that I'm not a snake,
so that's really nice.
And that's one
of my biggest downfalls too.
I don't stay mad for long.
What am I thinking right now? No!
I'm mad. He shouldn't have done it
in the first place.
Message, "#SpoilerAlert."
"I did your poor-trait too."
"And I didn't want
to paint you in a negative light,
so I kept it lighthearted."
"I just hope that your poor-trait of me
didn't put a target on my back."
[Myles] Damn.
I feel like shit.
Either Cassie forgives me,
or Cassie doesn't care.
She's like, "Okay, I know you were joking,
but that still pissed me off."
"I want nothing to do with you."
And I I'll have to accept that.
Steffi, I need some good energy now,
'cause I done messed up.
I think we want to be real here.
She's probably waiting for an explanation
from me. And I gotta give it to her.
I was so drawn to Cassie
with the bonus mom, you know.
That had a huge connection to me.
My mom, my dad, my siblings.
I have bad relationships with them all.
I was kicked out at a young age,
and, you know, my aunt and uncle saved me.
And even though my uncle's gone, my aunt
is still there for me. She's my mom.
I'm very tenderhearted,
and he's gonna say
something back super nice,
and I'm gonna fall for it
and be like, "Oh, it's okay."
I gotta let her know
I'm gonna clear the air.
Message, "Thank you," all caps.
"I don't deserve your good graces."
"I'll make sure everybody knows
just how great of a person you are."
"Just know moving forward,
I'll have your back here."
Send message.
[sighs] Well, everybody
does need forgiveness, right?
I mean, I've screwed up
a whole lot of times in my life.
And a whole lot of people
have forgiven me,
even when I didn't deserve it.
Hopefully, he will follow up
with what he said,
as far as telling
the Circle chat that it was him.
So he's got a mess to clean up.
But I do forgive him.
Message, "I do accept your apologies
Dot, dot, dot."
"Us blondies can't stay mad
at each other forever."
"It looks like you have a big old mess
to clean up. LOL." With a red heart.
[sighs] I gotta own my mistakes.
I'm glad she can accept my apologies.
I'll clear her name
in The Circle if anybody doubts it.
She's a good girl.
[Buteau] After drawing Kyle as the king
of boring in the portraits game,
QT needs to check in to see
if he suspects that she was the artist.
[TV dings]
"Quori-Tyler has invited you
to a private chat." [chuckles] Let's go!
All right, sis!
Circle, take me to Quori's private chat.
"My #CircleBrother,
I just wanted to check in
and see how you were feeling
after that intense game."
"Red-heart emoji. If it means anything,
I think you're the #KingOfFun."
"Crown emoji. #WhoDidThis?"
I feel like this is really, really good.
And we're getting a little bit
of game in there with the #WhoDidThis.
Hopefully, he doesn't ignore that.
I need him to answer that question.
Send message.
"#WhoDidThis?" [laughing]
Like, I knew it wasn't her
who wrote that, because like I said,
me and her have too much of a good time
for her to think
that it's me that's boring.
I'm literally a psycho, like,
I'm trying to make him feel at ease
about something that I actually did.
Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] Well, you could always
tell him the truth.
"Sis! Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I actually LMAO when I seen the picture."
"They had me looking
like the gingerbread man."
"Exclamation point!"
"I think it was Olivia!"
I kind of did have him looking
like the gingerbread man.
I wanna say sorry,
but I can't expose myself.
My puppets are dancing!
This is exactly what I wanted!
I really love how QT reached out to me,
because that shows that we actually
do have the connection I thought we did.
Let's confirm
that I also believe it's Olivia,
that way he feels, like, justified,
and he won't be second guessing it.
He's like, "You know what, I thought it
and she thinks it. It must be Olivia."
Message, "No lie. It was giving
gingerbread man. Laughing emoji."
"I was kinda thinking Olivia too.
I don't know why
she's coming for you like this."
Message, "I got something
for Olivia, though! Exclamation point."
Send message.
Kyle, I'm kind of #Ruthless too,
just so you know.
But you'll find that out later.
Okay, message,
"Oop! All I'm gonna say is,
covering my eyes."
"I haven't seen those sides of Lauren
and Cassie, but clearly someone has."
"Devil emoji, angel emoji, snake emoji."
Send message.
"Emoji devil, emoji angel, emoji snake."
Oh snap.
I'm just saying I haven't seen it yet,
but someone has,
so maybe we should take note of it.
"But on a 'sparkle' brighter note,
Myles loved the idea
of an alliance and suggested"
"Tres Fuego for our name." [laughing]
This is another alliance in the bag!
Olivia, I'm coming!
Message, "#NoCap"
"I love that name!"
In all caps. "Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"Myles is my guy, and I swear
I'm loving you more every time we talk."
"If I'm ever in the influencer spot,
you can #SleepLikeABaby."
Yes! Oh my gosh!
This is so much fun!
Let's make him feel like
I'm, like, so excited about this.
Okay, message
Here we go. "I'm literally jumping
up and down right now like a little kid."
[high-pitched] Yo, I did the same thing!
Yo! [laughing]
Yo, this is great.
Oh, that was so beautiful
to freaking hear, man.
Message, "You got me feeling
like a kid on Christmas."
It's the tres fuego!
Let's go, baby!
I love a chat where I get everything done
that I wanted to get done.
[suspenseful music playing]
It's good to be straight up
and honest with people immediately, yo.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job
until I have a chat with someone else
and I make another alliance.
Just another day
of pulling the puppet strings.
[music intensifies, stops]
[QT] I hope you sleep
like a baby tonight, Kyle.
[theme music plays]
[theme music ends]
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