The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s06e05 Episode Script

Snack of Dawn

[ravenous eating]
-I hate to be thatguy,
but this cake's a little dry.
Time for a jam session.
[slow dripping]
This is a slowjam.
-So where'd the Bettermans say
they're taking us today?
Sizzle Springs?
-I think it's Bubbling Bay.
-Wasn't it--
-Fizzy Falls!
[grunts, thuds]
-That's the one.
-Uh, Dawn,
you know we have an elevator,
-Yeah, but it was taking
too long, and I'm too excited!
-So, what is Fizzy Falls,
-It's the best!
You want log hopping?
It's got log hopping!
You want a
whitewater whirlpool?
It's got that, too!
-You want a geyser
you can surf?
-EEP: Yes!
-DAWN: Too bad!
-Because it's got 10 geysers
you can surf!
-Ah! Fizzy Falls sounds amazing!
Also, great drawings.
-Thanks. You have no idea
how hard it is to draw water.
And Fizzy Falls isamazing!
You can jump, ride, slide,
swim, splash, splish
-I do enjoy a good splish.
-Me, too! And Fizzy Falls
has so much splish!
-I wanna be at Fizzy Falls
right now!
-I'm yelling
because you guys are yelling!
We haveto go to Fizzy Falls!
-I don't know.
Sounds a little too busy,
and a lot too fally.
-That's the point!
And that's not all!
There's a vine where you run
and swing and let go and dro--
-[Thunk grunts]
Just like that.
Except the splash is water
and not bounceberry jam.
-Count me out!
I'm in a bit of a jam-jam here.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-HOPE: Towels?
-Got 'em.
-[ravenous eating]
Snacks Grug hasn't already
-Backup snacks!
-Thanks, Sandy.
-Okay, what else am I missing?
-PHIL: This!
-Behold, the Betterman-- Oof!
-The Betterman-- Ah!
The Betterman Shade Sphere.
It's the latest in beachwear,
shielding our delicate skin
from the merciless sunshine.
However, it does leave you
vulnerable to trees.
-Puffy tummy belts? Nice!
-Thunk, why aren't you packed
for Fizzy Falls?
I'm not really into hiking
or walking or moving in general,
unless you guys wanna
check out the Snack Bowl?
-You mean the one in your hand?
-Nah, this one's empty.
-No, it's not.
-[gasps] Thanks, G-man.
Wait, do you not know about
the legendary Snack Bowl? Eep!
-Are you hearing this?!
-Yes, Thunk.
Because I'm standing right here.
-Legend has it
an ancient society of snackers
hid their tastiest morsels
in a secret vault
of scrumptious snacks.
What kind of snacks, you ask?
Savory snacks. Sweet snacks.
Snacks beyond
your wildest dreams.
-Yeah because it isa dream.
The Snack Bowl isn't real.
-It might be real.
and I might be a bug nugget.
-Don't you dare joke about that.
-Well, something that's
definitelyreal is Fizzy Falls!
-Woo! Fizzy Falls!
I can't stop yelling!
-[Eep sighs]
-I'm not a bug nugget, Thunk.
-[nervous laugh]
Yeah, I-I-I know.
-Okay, everyone!
Fizzy Falls head count!
-[cheering, laughter]
-Phil, check. Ugga, check.
-Dawn, check. Scrape on
Dawn's ankle, check. Ah!
Whoa! Dawn, solid scrape!
You're piling up skinjuries
like a champ!
-Sweetie, what happened?
-Guess I must've scraped my leg
when I jumped off the--
Uh, definitely not
the dining room table,
-that's for sure.
That abrasion
doesn't look good at all.
And the aquatic biome
of Fizzy Falls
will most certainly lead
to irritation. Even itching!
Which means you're staying home.
-But my ankle feels fine!
I didn't even notice it!
-How could you not notice
that scrape?
-One time, I had a fang
stuck in my shoulder for days,
and I didn't notice, and it was
still attached to the racobra!
So, yeah, it happens.
-But I've never missed
Fizzy Falls!
-There's always next year.
Is that really so long to wait
for the cool, exhilarating,
life-affirming waters
of Fizzy Falls?
-Yes! You're really gonna
leave me all alone
in a place that couldn't be
less fizzy orfally?!
-Sorry, Dawn,
but it's just one day,
and you need your leg.
You're staying here.
-I'll stay, too. In solidarity.
-No way.
The first fizz is the best fizz.
You haveto go,
so you can tell me all about it.
Fizz for me, Eep! Fizz for us!
-Okay! Okay! You got it.
I'll fizz it up like
I've never fizzed before.
Because, well, I haven't.
-Thanks. And I'll be here
when you get back.
-Waiting. Alone.
-THUNK: Oh, not true!
I'll be here, too.
And this place
has plentyof fall.
-Woo-hoo! Fizzy Falls!
-[Dawn grumbles]
-Sorry, Dawn.
It'll probably be boring.
[wind blowing]
-I know, right?
If you think Breeze is exciting,
just wait until Wind starts.
It'll blow you away.
-[grunts] It's sounfair that
they wouldn't let me go.
My ankle is totally fine!
Look how fine it is.
[grunting, yelling]
Whoa. Your ankle is reallyred.
Like it's mad. Or embarrassed.
Or hiding a dark secret.
So much ankle drama.
-Aw. Thanks for trying
to make me feel better, Douglas.
[slurps, grumbles]
THUNK: [gasps] He did more
than that. He cured you!
Douglas! Why didn't you tell me
you had healing powers?
-That wasn't a scrape!
That was bounceberry jam!
-Wait! That'swhere
bounceberry jam comes from?
Oh, this changes everything!
-It must've
splashed onto my ankle
when I crashed into you earlier!
So I could have gone
to Fizzy Falls,
and now I'm stuck here
with you for no reason?!
Sorry. No offense, Thunk.
None taken.
The Thunk life
isn't for everyone.
Why don't you catch up to them?
You know how to get there,
don't you?
-Yeah, but my mom would
kill me if I went alone.
She says the journey
is too turny and burny. [sighs]
I guess I'll go next time.
-No. You're going this time
'cause I'm going with you.
But I thought you said
Fizzy Falls was too fizzy.
- And fally. Yeah.
But you really wanna go,
and you're my friend,
and friends put friends first,
or they're not
friends to friends, friend.
Besides, Breeze is a repeat.
-Really?! Ooh!
You're the best, Thunk!
-Aw, I don't like labels,
except that one.
But before we go,
we should have a snack.
Lemon drink?
-Thunk, lemon drink doesn't come
from your elbows.
-That comes from your ankles,
Man,the human body
is a total mystery.
[Dawn groans]
-Mm! First, I'm gonna go
on the slippery side.
Wait, no! I forgot about
the bubble pit! [gasps]
And the foam fountain!
What are you gonna do first,
Thunk? Thunk?
[gasping, panting]
Are you okay?
-Sure! I'm just a little hot.
And tired.
Ooh, and out of breath.
B-but I'm doing way better
than Carlos!
-[stomach growls]
-Hang in there, buddy.
-Sorry. I'm just so excited
for Fizzy Falls!
Too bad it's not closer.
Like on the farm. Or in my hut!
-I know a game we could play
to pass the time,
if you're interested.
What would you rather do,
never eat bug nuggets again,
or onlyeat bug nuggets forever?
-Ooh, I like this game already!
Well, I love bug nuggets,
but I'd probably miss
other foods.
Of course, there's lots of
different kinds of bug nuggets.
And don't even get me
started on the dipping sauces.
Plus, you can eat them
hot or cold, spicy or sweet
-Enjoying this journey,
but I'm gonna need an answer.
-Oh, okay.
Uh, bug nuggets forever!
-Nice! There are
no right or wrong answers,
but that was definitely right.
what would you rather watch,
Mountain on a tiny window
or Pebble on a giant window?
-Have you played this game
-No, why?
-Because that's a great question
Now, here's a question for you.
Are there snacks involved
in either of those scenarios?
And if so,
are theydifferent sizes?
-Stop stalling!
-Ah! All this pressure
is making me sweat!
-Or it's the Sizzling Sands.
-Ah! Sizzling Sands?!
Why is that a thing?
-No idea, but it's the only way
to reach the red rock that marks
-the path to Fizzy Falls.
-[stomach growls]
Are you getting hungry?
For me, hungry is a way of life.
-Isn't that right, Carlos?
What's your stomach's name?
You didn't name your stomach?!
You gotta name it!
Your tum's your chum!
-Okay! Well, what about, uh,
Claire? Or Mrs. Roberts?
-No! You can't just name it
something random!
Your stomach is who you are.
-The Annihilator.
[impressed laugh]
-Welcome to the team,
the Annihilator.
-Ooh, not sure the Annihilator
can handle raw corn.
-Oh, don't worry. [laughs]
Neither can Carlos.
-[ravenous eating]
-I call it
Fluffy Corn Pieces That Make
A Popping Sound
When You Heat 'Em.
-Maybe that name
could be shorter.
-Snacks bring us all together,
They're everywhere for everyone,
especially if you eat anything,
like me.
[loud chewing]
There's a woody texture
with notes of stick.
-Hey, if you're always inside,
how do you know so much
about outside?
-Easy. When I'm inside,
I'm watching outside.
Everything I know, I know
'cause of window.
Which reminds me,
does tiny window
have a tiny couch
or a regular-sized couch?
-Mm, how about both?
-Ooh, couch curve!
Are you sure you've never
played this game before?
So you're telling me
it's a ride where lily pads
drift on a river,
slowly, and you just
lie on them? For how long?
-As long as you want.
That's the great thing
about the lazy river!
-Does it go upside down?
-Well, it's a river, so no.
-Huh. That doesn't sound
fizzy orfally. I'm in.
Woo! Fizzy Falls!
-You know, for a guy
who doesn't like hiking
or walking or moving in general,
you're a great travel buddy.
You should come
on more adventures.
-Adventures aren't really
my thing,
unless you're talking about
the Snack Bowl.
'Cause snacks.
-Didn't Eep say
the Snack Bowl wasn't real?
-It's real to me,
no matter what anyone says.
And someday, I'm gonna find it.
-Yeah, I think you will.
-Uh, looks like we're gonna have
-to jump this lava.
-[laughs] Hard pass.
Last time I jumped,
It did not end well.
And that's why
I'll never jump again.
-But it's the only way
to the Falls.
Hm. How about I go first,
so you can see how easy it is?
-Okay. I like easy.
See? Easy!
I think we have different ideas
of what's "easy."
Eating? Easy. Sitting? Easy.
Eating while sitting?
Harder, but still pretty easy.
Jumping over lava
without getting melted? Hard.
-Whenever I'm about to try
a really hard rollerlog trick,
I picture myself
succeeding first.
So, maybe try
picturing yourself jumping
and landing on the other side?
-Okay! I'll give it a try.
[sighs, gasps]
Whoa. That's a lot of lava.
But, I can do this.
I just need a bug nugget boost.
Snack swipe-eroo! [laughs]
That's my bug nugget!
-Well, if you want it,
you're just gonna have to come
and get it.
-[gasps] I don't know
-[mocking] Aw,
then I guess
I'm gonna have to eat up
all these dipping sauces
all by myself.
-You have dipping sauces?!
I hope you have honey mustard!
[slow motion yelling]
-That was some
mighty fine leaping.
Honey mustard?
I did it! You got me to jump!
-Nope! That was all you!
-You didn't see a talking
crowverine around here, did you?
[flames crackling]
What is this place?
-Combustion Canyon.
Which means we're
getting close to Fizzy Falls!
[both yell]
-There sure is a lot of fire
on the way to all that water.
but Fizzy Falls is worth it.
And all the heating up
makes you
really appreciate cooling down!
-[groans] Now what?
there's a red rock around here
that marks the way
to Fizzy Falls.
Come on! I think it's thisway.
-I'm glad you know
where we're going.
Everything looks the same to me.
[both panting]
-Because it isthe same.
We were just here.
Let's try this way.
[both panting]
-[both panting]
[scoffs] Why?
-[both panting]
-Come on!
-Uh, Dawn?
I hate to be thatguy,
but I think
this is the same place.
-How?! We've tried every path,
and no red rock!
Just these stupid kickti!
You want a kick fight, kicktus?
You got one!
[grunting, yelling]
-I'd offer to help,
but it seems like
you're working some stuff out.
-[Dawn, Thunk gasp]
-Dawn! You broke the mountain!
-No, it was the kicktus!
I was the kickee,
not the kicker!
-[Thunk groans]
-Well, this is new.
-Or really old.
They're eating snacks.
From a bowl!
Do you know what this means?
-Old people have good manners?
-No! It means the Snack Bowl
-is real. For real!
-[Dawn gasps]
And it's somewhere in there.
Every snack you could ever want,
all in one glorious bowl,
downsized for easy eating.
Mini meat sticks,
really small ribs
-Ooh! And bitty bugritos
and petite pies and--
-[flames roar]
Whoa The red rock! Thunk!
-I found the--
-I'm sorry.
Small foods make me emotional.
Anyway, what did you find?
-Um, baby burgers!
-You know,
I think we should get to
the bottom of this Snack Bowl.
But what about the Fizzy Falls?
-You were dying to fizz it up.
Yeah, but who knows
where that red rock is?
And the Snack Bowl
is right in front of us!
We can't pass that up! Besides,
friends put friends first,
or they're not friends
to friends. Right, friend?
-It's so dark. [gasps]
-[flames roar]
Where'd you get that?
-We're in Combustion Canyon,
[both yell]
-A little warning would have
been nice, Mr. Rock Man!
What is this place?
And what are these?
Snacks? Made of stone?
-[both gasp]
[rumbling, slam]
-Well, that'snot good.
-[both whimper]
-that's worse.
-Oh, no.
It's a snack trap!
-First I wanted in,
now I want out!
Pick a lane, me!
-I'd give anything for
another kicktus right now!
-We're fried! Like bug nuggets!
Ooh! Those sound good.
-There's gotta be a way
outta here!
-If we die,
I just want you to know
I could really go for a snack
right now!
-As serious as a snack attack!
Danger makes me hungry!
Along with everything else.
-Thunk, that's it! Rock Man
is hungry, just like you!
Feed him the stone snacks!
-[both gasp]
It's a door! That only
opens enough to tease us
and not enough to save us!
-Maybe he's still hungry!
I would be after just one rib.
[both grunting]
-[Dawn gasps]
-It's working! Keep feeding him!
-[stomach growls]
-Not you, Carlos!
The wall-sized face
with the you-sized appetite.
Eat meat stick, Stone Face!
[both grunt]
[Thunk panting]
-More nachos!
-Ooh! You're right! Those would
be sogood right now!
Thunk, catch!
-Ready or nacho, here it comes!
-DAWN: Yes!
[both panting]
-How did you know to feed
that rock guy the rock snacks?
-Like you said,
snacks bring us all together.
They're everywhere for everyone,
including here for Rock Guy!
-Now you're talking
my Thunk words.
We're getting close to
the Snack Bowl. I can smell it.
-Thunk? Maybe we should--
[both yell]
-Another snack trap?
Why do the ones we love
hurt us the most?
-Look at the floor!
Maybe we have to
step on certain snacks?
-Like a cookie! Life is short,
so might as well start
with dessert!
-[whimpers, grunts]
-Thunk, be careful!
Nice! What about a berrycake?
THUNK: Hm? Hm?
-DAWN: Hm!
-Now, on to the main course.
I never thought I'd say this,
but maybe bugrito
isn't the way to go!
Hm [gasps]
It's What Would You Rather Do!
-Not sure this is a great time
for games, Thunk.
-No! Look!
A bugrito isn't sweet!
Berrycakes and cookies are!
This room was asked
if it wanted salty snacks
or sweet snacks,
and it chose sweet ones!
-Wow, Thunk. I think you cracked
the snack code!
THUNK: Salty, salty
I don't see any more
sweet snacks!
But it's a bit of a jump!
-Not a problem.
I'll just picture me doing it.
-[Dawn whimpers]
-[Thunk yells]
-Thunk, that was amazing!
-I know!
And I owe it all to you. Ooh!
-Teeny taco!
-Thunk, no! Run!
[both gasp]
It's beautiful!
[singing high-pitched note]
You sang it.
Look at all those snacks!
-Crunchy, crispy, fruity, meaty,
sweet, salty, sweet and salty.
Oh, all the snack flavors
in one place!
This is the most beautiful
snack sight
these snack eyes have ever seen!
-Lead the way!
What should we try first?
I'm thinking sweet.
But maybe salty thensweet
makes more sense.
What do you think?
-[wild laughter]
-We found it! Thank you
for helping me find it, Dawn!
Whoa. What is that?
-It looks like a pillow
made of cheese!
-Cheese pillow!
Oh, the ultimate combo
of sleeping and eating!
Look alive, Carlos!
-Thunk? My gut tells me
this is a bad idea.
-My gut does not agree,
but Carlos appreciates
your input.
I've been waiting
for this moment my entire life,
even though I never knew
it existed.
-Hey, Dawn?
I think my gut owes your gut
an apology!
-My gut appreciates that.
let's get our guts outta here!
-[Dawn screams]
Grab that vine!
It's our only chance!
-I can't grab it!
My hands are spoken for!
what would you rather do,
eat those snacks
or be alive?!
-I'm thinking. I'm thinking!
-You really have to think
about that?!
-Oh, fine!
Goodbye, sweet snacks!
And salty, too!
DAWN: Jump!
[both screaming]
[screaming continues]
-We made it.
We beat the snack attack!
-The snacks! No crispy, crunchy,
salty, sweet
-There will always be
more snacks, Thunk.
And we'll be alive
to taste them.
Snacks are everywhere, remember?
-Hm. Yeah.
I guess you're right.
Or I guess
you're right that I'm right.
-That's the spirit.
This was a muchbetter adventure
than Fizzy Falls.
I'm so glad I ignored
the red rock.
-Me, too.
you found the red rock? When?
Oh, no.
Did I fall asleep walking again?
Classic me.
-I found it right after
I broke the mountain.
But you were so excited
about the Snack Bowl,
I decided not to tell you.
-You chose the Snack Bowl
over Fizzy Falls? For me?
-Sure. 'Cause friends.
-Yeah. Friends.
Well, I guess all that's left
to do now is jump. Again.
-Or we could just take
those stairs?
-Ah, stairs.
The snack of walking.
-[overlapping chatter]
-Welcome back!
So how was Fizzy Falls?
it would have been great
[cheering, laughter]
[cheering fades]
-It's my favorite falls!
Fizzy Falls!
Woo! Yeah!
UGGA: Uh, were we supposed
to bring our own water?
shouldn't there be somefizz?
Or at least one fall?
What's the deal?
-Hm. I suppose the falls
may start flowing
during the nextfull moon.
[clears throat]
You have no sense of moon, Phil!
Okay! Returning home head count!
[frustrated groans, grumbling]
-I don't care if there's fizz
or not! I'm jumping!
-[grunts, screams]
-So, no falls?
-Just Grug.
-And I'm never jumping again.
-Been there, Dad,
but you'll learn to jump again
-You guys are lucky
you stayed home.
How was watching window and,
um, sitting?
-Great, but Thunk and I
did morethan that.
You did? Like what?
Was there any fizz?
Was there any falls?
-You know, we had some snacks.
-Fizzy snacks?
-I see your leg healed,
thanks to me.
-But, reallyme.
I'm glad you're better, honey.
I'm going to shower this day
off of me
and use all the hot water
before someone else does.
'Kay, bye!
[overlapping yelling]
-Thanks for adventuring
with me today, Thunk.
-We make a good team.
Dunk rules.
-Oh, that's our name mash-up.
-Or do you like Thawn better?
-No, you're right.
Today was all Dunk.
I wouldn't change a thing.
-Me neither.
I wish I could've tried
one of those snacks.
-Snacks like these?
I may have grabbed one or two.
Snack surprise! [chomp]
-[spits] It's awful!
-Eh, probably because
it's older than dirt,
but a snack's a snack.
[chewing, crunching, giggles]
Ancient with notes of old.
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