Unforgotten (2015) s06e05 Episode Script

Season 6, Episode 5

Had a call from a
police officer in London
wanting to speak to you
about being a possible witness
in a murder investigation?
Murder of whom?
Sorry, I'm confused.
Are you saying
that you did have a relationship
with him, or you didn't?
Yes I did.
And did his wife
know about this?
Have you told the police about
the row that night? What row?
I remember it all
very clearly, Mum.
Do you have any recollection
of what he was like?
He could be quite aggressive.
With you?
Why have you doubled-locked
the door, Marty?
A week before her dad died,
she'd come home from school
to find a young man who'd
worked for Gerry in our flat.
He told her that he
wanted to hurt her dad.
I don't know what to say that
will best allow you to forgive me.
Just the truth, Debs.
It wasn't just a kiss.
We did sleep together.
All we do is hide away
All we do is All
we do is hide away
All we do is lie and wait
All we do is All
we do is lie and wait
I've been upside down
I don't want to be
The right way round
Can't find paradise
On the ground ♪
You know the rules,
Elliot, mate.
You do the numbers
in the brackets
first, yeah? Yeah,
I understand.
Boys, we're leaving
in five minutes.
What time are you back tonight?
I know.
Know what? Everything.
I spoke to Debbie again, so
..now I know.
And I swear, the only chance
you have of saving anything,
this, us
..a normal
relationship with them,
is if you tell me the truth,
if you tell me everything.
So you have a think on that.
We'll speak later tonight.
Bye, boys!
BOTH: Bye, Mum.
Love you. Love you, too.
you've reached Leanne.
'Please leave a message
after the tone.'
Hey, Leanne, it's
me again. Erm
Listen, did I? Have
I done something wrong?
It just felt a bit odd when
I saw you in the canteen.
I wouldn't want anything
to come in the way
of our friendship.
So, anyway, I'm in Ireland on
the case for a couple of days,
so hopefully, let's
talk when I get back.
Right, take care, now. Bye.
They've sent one of
their guys over here.
Who have? British police, they
want to talk to you some more.
Oh, OK.
Wants to speak to you this
afternoon at the station,
two o'clock. You good with that?
Er, yeah. Yeah, I
think I can do that.
You will be there -
we're not gonna have
any issues, are we?
Yeah, I'll be there,
Joseph, of course I will.
Have a good day, now.
OK, erm
Thanks for that. Bye, now.
We have a match
to DNA material found on the
sweatshirt of Gerry Cooper.
To Marty Baines - I'm
setting up an arrest team.
Not to Baines, or at least his
test result hasn't come in yet.
The match we found is Asif Syed.
OK Yeah.
So you want him up here?
ASAP, please. Yeah. Boss.
So, Taylor attacked a
teacher this morning.
'Kicked and punched her when
she was given a detention.'
So, very reluctantly,
the school has had to make
the decision to expel her.
Right. And has she already left?
She's getting the train
back to London later today.
OK, well, thanks
for letting me know.
Bye, now.
Is that the car park
footage? Yeah, er
Not having a huge amount
of joy, to be honest.
Lots of footage in the
five weeks after the 24th,
but all the vehicles entering
do so during the day.
Right. Literally, the only one
that comes in at night is this
..at 03:29, but that's
a little over 20 hours
before he was even reported
missing. You checked the reg?
No, cos of the date.
03:29 is an odd time for anyone
to be pulling into that car park.
Might check the reg
anyway. OK. Cool.
OK, in here in ten,
please, guys. Guv.
This is nothing to do
with you, with this.
It's me.
I'm not who you think I am,
Pat. I am not a good person.
Yeah, you are.
No. I lie.
Everyone lies. Bad
lies, for money.
For a living - I
lie for a living
and pretend to be
someone I'm actually not.
I mean, m-maybe I believed
some of it at the start,
but everyone just always
He always wanted more,
and you do it because you wanted
the attention or the status.
They filled a hole, but
I really have to stop
because pretending to think
the things I say I do,
it's hollowing me out.
And I've also I've done
I've done one truly
terrible thing, my love.
What thing?
SOFTLY: You deserve
way, way better than me.
I love you.
And I
I love you, too, but I just
I can't.
JESS: A storage facility?
Yeah, Cooper suggested
one in an email.
So there's no guarantee that
she took him up on it, but
"Geordie Stores."
Business started in Newcastle,
apparently. Quality.
But there's now a branch
on the Mile End Road,
between his pub and her flat.
And that email is
dated 3rd of February.
Looking on BNC's website,
Melinda's impending employment
was announced December.
Now, she could have shipped all
her stuff to Ireland, but
Yeah, it's unlikely.
Give them a call, and see
if she did rent a space.
Sure. Kaz?
So, we have a car entering
Whitney Marsh car park
in the middle of the night
the day before he
was reported missing,
which we all agree is odd -
doesn't fit with our timing.
Except I've just found out
that that car's plates
don't actually exist
Hmm that they're either
fake, or they've been altered.
And that is very odd. Can you
tell what make the car is?
No obvious badge,
from what I can read,
but we are checking other
cameras en route to the car park.
Do we think this could have been
the killer scoping the site?
Could be, but also
did we check when Juliet Cooper
actually last saw her husband?
Are you thinking he might've
been killed the day before?
And she might not have known,
if their paths hadn't crossed.
To be fair, I haven't
seen Rob since Monday -
he could definitely be
But do we not have proof
that he rang the brewery
the day of his disappearance?
I mean, the files say we
have a brewery employee
that received a
voicemail from him,
but we don't actually know
it was from him, do we?
OK, can you track down
that employee? Mm.
And can we chase the
triangulation records?
Yeah, Boss. And let's see what
cars our suspects drove in '21.
Yeah, cool. OK. Murray?
So, I've been
trying to track down
the family that Cooper had the
violent dispute with. Good.
Meanwhile, Martin Baines'
mother is in intensive care,
suffering from the effects
of a barbiturates overdose.
Self-administered? Maybe,
but they were crushed
up into a hot drink,
which suggests to me an attempt
to hide their consumption. Maybe.
And given that Baines
has also now disappeared,
my guess would be "no".
'Either way, a search
is underway for him.'
Stupid Marty.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stupid!
I'm sorry, Mum! I
I just wanted to help.
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.
Sorry, sorry.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Sorry, sorry. MARTY INHALES
You OK, mate?
Fine. Thank you for
asking. You sure?
VOICEMAIL: 'This is Sunil
Khan. Please leave a message.'
Hey, it's Leanne.
Sorry I've not rung back.
Erm, been a bit weird.
And I know that
sounds weird, but
I have shit in my life,
shit that I probably should
have told you about, so
..let's meet when you're back.
Sorry again.
The day your husband disappeared,
do you remember any of your
and indeed his movements
during the day?
Just what I told the original
investigation. Mm-hm.
And I went back on that,
and you detail everything
from when you left work the
evening before very clearly,
but you don't mention
seeing him the next morning.
I'm just wondering if you
do remember seeing him then
or indeed the night before.
I think I might have mentioned it
if my husband hadn't come home.
Right. Because when
we first spoke,
you mentioned a
meeting in Winchester
he was supposed to be at
the day he disappeared? Yes.
And generally speaking, did
he travel a lot for work?
Yeah, a fair amount -
drinks fairs, potential
suppliers, that kind of stuff.
OK. And did he
sometimes stay over?
Sorry, where's this going?
Well, we're just wondering
if he might have actually
disappeared the day before.
He sent a voicemail at 2:00
on the day he disappeared.
Mm-hm. And we're
we're looking into that.
Well, as I say, I think I might
have noticed if he wasn't there.
Maybe, yeah.
My sense is, erm, your marriage
at this stage wasn't the closest.
Your "sense"?
Well, you'd become
very different people, no?
We were fine.
What is this?
I don't know,
I'm I'm thinking
maybe you thought he'd
kipped in the spare room,
you left early to
take Taylor to
Well, as I say, it's
not my recollection,
but, listen, I can't stop you
having your little theories.
No, you can't.
And on the subject of Taylor, I
spoke to her school this morning.
You did what? I understand
she's been expelled.
What the hell are you doing,
speaking to my daughter's school?
Well, because we'd
like to speak to her.
OK, we're done.
You're not speaking
to Taylor. Juliet
No, I'm sorry, I've
tried to be helpful,
but you have pushed
this too far.
Now, she is a vulnerable
child! There's no need
I would like you to leave
..now, please, unless
you're gonna arrest me.
I will still want to
speak to Taylor
..but it'll be with
an appropriate adult,
so she'll be fully
protected and supported.
But this is a serious
and attempts by
anyone to hamper it
will be considered as
obstruction or similar.
Have a good day.
Jules, have you got five?
PHONE: 'Yeah, just to let
you know, Asif Syed is here.'
OK. I'll be there in an hour.
And you know that pub
employee who was travelling?
Er Brianna someone?
'West, yes. She just called me back
with some interesting information.'
What information?
'So, he did hit her.'
Juliet, I mean. Cooper
definitely hit his wife.
And given that you've refused to
accept the early retirement offer,
the board have now
come to a decision.
Which is that we're
going to suspend you,
pending an external
investigation into your conduct.
What the fuck?!
You utter prick!
Oh, you are so done.
No, you are done, Paul,
because you will not win this,
neither you nor
Lizzie fucking Jones!
I will fight you all the
way, and I will destroy you.
I want your desk cleared now.
Wow. JESS: 'Yeah.'
I mean, despite everything,
I'm still shocked.
Right. Why?
Well Well, because, I
mean, she doesn't present as,
I don't know, the sort of woman
who would put up with
that sort of thing.
What sort of woman
should she be, then?
Sorry, I mean I mean,
any woman can be a victim
of domestic abuse.
Yeah, of course.
Blokes don't do it
because you're weak
or submissive. Jess
They do it because they can.
'Er, I'm sorry. Sorry.'
No, my bad. 'No,
no, really, it's'
It's just things are
So, do we think that
what Brianna West saw
was a one-off, or?
Well, she certainly
only saw it once,
but it rarely is
that, is it? No.
So I think it might be worth
pressing Melinda again.
Will do.
And I'm also speaking
to social services
about how best to handle
speaking with the daughter.
I mean, she must
have seen some stuff,
we just need to know what.
Surely, I have some legal right
to not want my very
vulnerable child
interviewed about
her murdered father.
And I understand all of
your concerns, Mrs Cooper,
but if the police believe she may
have relevant information, she
So, can I insist
I sit in with her?
You can ask,
but obviously, if
you yourself are
a person of interest,
they'll almost certainly say no and
appoint a social worker instead.
Oh, thank you.
Er, Mel
..I think maybe it's best if
you don't come here any more.
See, after what happened
with you and Patrick
..and now this other business
with the British police
It's a very small community.
I think maybe it would be better if
you found somewhere else to worship.
But this is my church.
Just, people are
really talking now.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, so their
previous address was
Flat 6, 32 Altringham
Gardens, DA2 3CP,
but what I'm really after is
if they left a forwarding one.
PHONE: 'Sure. Can you hold
the line, please, sir?'
So, when we spoke to you
over Zoom a few days ago,
we asked you about the nature of
your relationship with Gerry Cooper.
Do you recall that? Of course.
And you said, "Our
relationship was brief,
"a few weeks, two
months at most."
Do you remember
telling us that? Yes.
So, is there anything
that you want to add,
anything you might want to change,
since you last spoke to us?
Yes, erm That
wasn't entirely true.
OK, which bit?
That the relationship
only lasted
..a couple of months.
How long did it last?
Maybe it would be
useful if I told you
that we have a lot of Mr
Cooper's emails and texts
from 2017 up until his death.
We saw each other on and
off between 2018 and
..yeah, just before he
disappeared. OK, thank you.
So, why did you lie?
I panicked.
I'd seen in the papers that
it was a murder inquiry.
I was scared.
I was scared that
..I might be someone that
you might suspicious about.
So, you saw each other for a period
of, er, what, maybe four years?
Yes. OK.
And you told us that
the relationship just
sort of fizzled out.
Yes. Was that true?
Yeah, I
I just ended up getting
bored of him. OK.
So he definitely never hit you?
No, I already told you.
You've already told me a lot of
things, and most of those are lies.
Because we have evidence to
suggest that he did hit his wife.
We know that he attacked
one of his best friends
and was cautioned for that.
And we also have evidence that
he used violence against
some of his tenants, so
Well, he never hit me. OK.
Did he ever try to extort
money from you, Melinda? No.
Well, maybe
..you can explain what he
meant in these messages?
No, I
..I can't explain these.
You don't remember them?
No. Well, it looks like
he's asking you for money
and then threatening you if
you didn't give it to him.
I have no recollection of this.
What was he threatening you with?
Like I say I mean, we know he
was in huge financial trouble
Yeah, I have no
recollection of this.
So, you flew to Cork on
the 2nd of March. Mm.
Bringing forward a flight originally
booked for two months later.
So what prompted
that change of plan?
Oh, I I just wanted
more time to get settle in
before I started work.
And then when you were here,
how did you find out about
Gerry Cooper's disappearance?
I can't remember. Oh.
Well, you said that a mutual friend
had rung and told you about it.
Oh, er Yes, I
mean, maybe they did.
OK. Which friend?
Oh, I can't remember.
Lots you don't remember.
And did you ever meet
his wife, Juliet?
No, why would I have?
Maybe she found out about your
affair, got in touch with you? No.
OK. Last question.
You have a storage
facility in the UK.
We'd like to search it.
We can get a warrant or you
can just give us permission,
whichever you prefer?
That's my personal stuff.
You wanna search it
you get a fucking warrant.
There's something
you should know.
People know each
other's business here.
Secrets are hard to keep,
which is something Melinda Ricci
singularly failed to grasp. OK.
So if you wanna know her
secrets, speak to Father Ryan.
He's been keeping
her very good company
since Paddy got injured.
As I say, it it may be nothing,
but I thought I should mention it.
No, absolutely.
Erm, so, can I just ask
why was he there, your dad,
at 3:30 in the morning?
He worked shifts at
a service station,
and that was the route he
cycled home. Right, OK.
And, yeah, he said
the following day
that he'd surprised someone
heaving something into the marsh
and it felt a bit weird.
So, er, notwithstanding
his stroke, Susan,
if you think he'd be up for
it, I'd love to talk to him.
'Afternoon. DS Fran Lingley.'
I'm just trying to
get some information
on whether you're storing anything
here belonging to a Melinda Ricci.
So, the swab you gave
us, Asif Mr Syed.
Apologies. The swab
you gave us, Mr Syed,
was compared against DNA evidence
taken from the sweatshirt
worn by Gerry Cooper the night
he was assaulted outside his pub.
And we found a match. Your
DNA is on the sweatshirt.
What's your response
to that? No comment.
Was it you that attacked
Mr Cooper that night?
No comment.
If it wasn't you, can
you tell me how else
your DNA might have ended
up on his sweatshirt?
No comment.
Maybe you came in to contact
with him some other way that day?
No comment.
Perhaps he attacked you,
you acted in self-defence?
No comment.
OK. Let's move on from
that, then. Erm
I'd like to ask you again
about the Dowari family.
When was the last time
you would have seen them?
When I stopped working for
Thamesford Borough Council.
Which was in September 2020?
Yes. Yeah.
So, we have a witness who
also worked for the council,
who said they bumped
into you in January 2021,
and you told them that you were
still helping the Dowaris even then.
They're mistaken.
The Dowaris would say the
same, would they? Yes.
Cos, you see, I
think they wouldn't.
I think they would say
that, very generously,
you continued to help them.
No comment.
My guess is that the
assault on Gerard Cooper
outside his pub was in revenge
for how you felt Cooper was
treating the Dowari family.
Is that the case?
No comment.
And my fear is, Mr Syed,
because I do believe, at
heart, you are a decent man
My fear is that three weeks
after that first assault,
you went back and
attacked Mr Cooper again.
Is that the case? No comment.
Perhaps something happened
with the Dowari family
that really got to you, and you
went back to find Mr Cooper,
and this time,
things went too far.
No comment.
Maybe he fought back
this time. No comment.
Or maybe it was self
defence from you again.
No comment.
Either way, you
returned, Mr Syed,
and that second visit
led to Mr Cooper's death.
No comment.
So, just before I came
into this interview,
I got a call from
one of my officers,
who has managed to
find a current address
for the Dowari family,
and he's on the way over to them
right now to try and speak to them.
So is there anything else
that you would like to add now
to what you've already told me?
No comment.
We'll leave things
there for now, then.
My front light
had gone Right.
..which is why they wouldn't
have seen me coming.
And when you say "they"?
No, sorry, there was
only one of them.
OK. And was that
a man or a woman?
Oh, I got no idea.
It was raining,
and they had their hood up, and
they were wearing a COVID mask.
And obviously, it was
also night, and so
So, what what
exactly did you see?
They had their back to me,
and they was leaning over a bag,
and they were removing
something from it. Mm.
But when they heard me coming,
from, what, 30 or
40 feet away
..they they stop
what they were doing,
and they look at me.
And then they put whatever it
was back in the bag very quickly.
And then they stood up,
and they pick up the bag
..and then walk towards me
but with their head down.
So you didn't actually see
them throw anything in?
Oh, well, no, but I did
think that it was so odd
that after I passed them
I turned back and watched
them walk into the darkness.
And then maybe 20 seconds
later, I heard "splash".
And two minutes after that,
I heard a car start up.
OK. And anything else?
Oh. Nothing else springs
to mind at the moment, no.
But how how about
if I check my diary?
Your diary?
Yeah, it
Till I had my stroke,
I kept a daily diary.
And that might have the
specific day that this happened?
No, no, not "might", it would.
It's Martin, isn't
it? Oh, hello.
I used to see you
in the pub, Marty.
Do you remember me? Clemmie.
Where's it gone?
Oh, well, it's
flats now, lovely.
Yeah, the brewery sold it.
I was looking for his wife.
Oh, Juliet moved. Er,
Spitalfields, I think.
Thank you very much, madam.
What even is that?
Sounds like something you
clean a paintbrush with.
'Moral turpitude is deviant
behaviour, Melinda.'
Constituting an immoral,
unethical or unjust departure
from ordinary social standards
as would shock a community.
Sorry, is this me fucking the
priest or the murder investigation?
'Tell you what, you choose.
'Either way, you've
got four weeks' notice,
'which is four more than the
board wanted to give you, so
'you can thank me
in another life.'
..it's true.
Everything Debbie said? Yeah.
And more.
"And more"?
OK, er, I wanna be completely
honest with you now, Jessie,
because until I am, I know
we can't move forward.
I'm all ears.
And I'm telling you this now
because it's all in the past.
This isn't who I am today,
this isn't who I've
been since Debbie,
and this isn't who I
ever will be again.
..there were other women.
None of them ever
meant anything, but
..there were others.
My, er therapist
fucking what? Yeah.
I've been talking to
an online therapist
ever since all that stuff
with your sister came out.
It's really been helping me.
Oh, I am pleased (!)
Helping me realise
..that I've got an addiction.
Please, God, you're not gonna
tell me you have a sex addiction.
LAUGHING: Oh, my God, Steve.
You awful fucking cliche.
Jessie, I'm telling you this
because I wanna be
completely honest with you
so we can start
with a clean slate.
Start what with a clean slate?
Rebuilding our
marriage, obviously.
I wanna thank you, Steve,
for making this all so
easy for me.
SOFTLY: No. We're done.
For good. Forever.
Jess So you will need to
find somewhere to stay tonight.
Erm, you can come around
tomorrow while I'm at work
and pack up whatever you need for
the next few months, and I'll
I'll speak to a lawyer first
thing and get the ball rolling.
So you don't wanna
talk, give things a go,
listen to what I've got to say?
I couldn't care less
what you have to say,
you bore, you narcissist,
you fucking child.
I am now, and will be
from this day forward,
as interested in you as you clearly
were in me over the last few years.
Please, go ahead, shag as
many women as you want.
I hope it's as meaningless
and hollow as you say it was.
It's the most you deserve.
JULIET: All I'm saying is you have
to learn to control your temper.
You taught me well, Mum.
"I" taught you? Dad did angry.
You did fury.
Listen, I need to, erm
I think the police are going
to want to speak to you,
so, again, if you could
..just say what we agreed?
You want me to lie
for you? No, I just
This is the Met, Tay, so
much as I would love to say,
"Just tell the truth, and
everything'll be fine"
Just say you don't remember
anything that happened that night.
Because we cannot give them an
opportunity to fuck up our lives.
But I am so sorry, sweetheart.
I can't even cry.
What does that say?
That you already knew.
You've already grieved.
But still, what
a colossal prick.
So, listen, tonight,
I'm staying,
and tomorrow, we get
the locks changed,
and I'll grab some
stuff from my place,
and I'll stay for
a couple of weeks,
until we work out how
to get you through this.
I just want you to know
you're not on you're own.
We're in this together.
So, listen, Father,
I don't wanna involve you
in a murder investigation.
In a? I really don't
want to have Officer Kane
bring you down to the station,
have people gossiping about you.
I have done nothing wrong.
But I need some information.
What information?
I know you got close to Melinda,
and you've been a
good friend to her.
DI Khan
I don't need to know
anything more about that.
But good friends tell each
other things, don't they?
They do.
Yes, they do.
..did she tell you why she
came out here so suddenly,
why she changed her flight and
got one two months earlier?
OK, so, I didn't
know she'd done that,
and she never mentioned anything
about changing a flight.
But, erm
And this was told to
me as her friend
..not as her priest.
She had a long relationship
before she moved out
..with a married man.
And she had a baby with him.
Hello? Hello?
Why am I still here?
I have done nothing wrong!
Why am I still here?!
What are you doing? I have
nothing to say to you.
I'm sorry I lost my temper.
If we can't disagree
agreeably, then we're all sunk.
I'm sorry about the book, too.
Maybe part of it
was provocative.
You know, maybe, subconsciously,
I did choose it
deliberately. Who knows?
a good read, though.
I think the older you get
the harder it is to
keep adapting to change.
You bend and you
bend and you bend
and then one day, you just
..you snap.
But I'm sorry.
You were right. I was wrong.
And as your tutor, I
should have done better.
Just wanted to say that.
It's hard for us, too
..to see so little change
- real change, I mean.
Still getting taught the
same shitty degree you were,
except ours costs 50 grand, and
it doesn't even get us a job.
And actually, we don't
even get taught it
because everyone's
always on strike.
So we're angry,
too and scared
..that we're gonna
get it wrong
get caught out, get left out.
But I don't want you
to lose your job.
We all just
We wanna be heard.
And you are.
Loud and clear.
Oh, and, yeah, it is
..a good book.
DCI James? 'Juliet, hi.'
I've, er, spoken to social services,
and we now have someone available
to sit with Taylor while
we have a talk with her.
'So when will be a good time
for you to bring her in?'
Can we get the luminol
in here, please?
So, it is blood, we
just need to know whose.
'You really think it
could be Cooper's?'
Listen, if she had a baby
with him, they're telling us,
then nothing's off the table.
So, I pull her back in now?
'Do you think she'd
be a flight risk?'
'Right, let's just
wait for the results.'
OK. Speak later.
Sorry, can I help you? No.
Thank you very much for asking.
The blood on Melinda Ricci's jacket,
it belonged to Gerard Cooper.
Melinda Ricci, you're under
arrest on suspicion of murder.
You're not obliged to say
anything unless you wish to do so.
Whatever you say will
be taken down in writing
and may be given in evidence.
Gonna have to put the cuffs
on you, I'm afraid, Mel.
I didn't do it.
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