A Place to Call Home (2013) s06e06 Episode Script

Staring Down the Barrel

Goodbye, Matt.
Someone will come to pick up our things.
You'll be sorry! You'll regret this! Now I see you for who you really are.
You've given me my Douglas back.
Shut your vicious mouth! She's gone, Stan.
Her and the kids.
A lot of blokes I know, geez, they'd like to see this place go up in flames.
It is not appropriate for me in my position here to chitter-chat with you about anything.
So you only talk to blokes who've got a posh school tie in their pocket? Neil Burton, Jack Duncan.
Burton, welcome.
Neil, please.
To my way of thinking, you stay on here as my 2IC, take on general medicine.
He's offered you a deal.
He sees you replacing me.
The writing's on the wall.
Well, the writing on the wall spells out "Judas" to me.
Just get out! [MID-TEMPO MUSIC PLAYS.]
Just tell me where you want to go.
I don't know.
HARRY: He's been that way since I got up.
I'm not sure he even slept.
SARAH: What's he said? HARRY: Not much.
It's like it's all hit him at once.
Maybe you Henry? Henry.
I can stay or leave.
I'll be discreet.
You know what my mother said when she was forced to face my nature? "I have no son.
" Eight years.
Every call the click of a replaced handset.
Every letter returned.
My only hope she'd soften were these.
I'm not worth her love.
I remember your saying once "The world can't make you hate yourself.
" When I was a surgeon.
You're more than that.
Tell no one, please.
It feels safe here.
I won't.
No going in without us! We won't! [SIGHS.]
I'm so excited.
Why here? It's hot.
It's full of memories of Gino.
But one very special memory of us.
Remember what we said.
It seems another time.
Another life.
- Actually - Oh, wash away the pain.
I'm a bit old for baptism.
Not for a new start.
- One hopes.
Mummy went under! [DOWN-TEMPO MUSIC PLAYS.]
My dear.
He insisted.
I can stay.
That won't be necessary.
Well, I'll be within call.
You're a disappointment.
I thought that all had been said.
One last thing.
I've signed the house back over to you.
You gave it in the hope that Olivia and I would spend time there.
I took it on that basis.
It's not mine.
Your father He didn't leave it to me.
He wouldn't have.
I wouldn't have taken it.
You were right.
It was mainly me rejecting him, after a time.
And why should I forgive a man who wished me dead? You take rigid attitudes.
You're just not used to men standing their ground.
You neuter them, you Bligh women.
I bet you had Dad on a leash.
Your father was a man, secure in our equality.
You're a child.
He wouldn't have wanted you to have this.
You're right.
I should tell the police what you did.
I won't.
Because that would see Georgie taken away.
You do love them both.
That's your tragedy.
You've lost love.
I'm sure not for the first time or the last.
I can live with my conscience.
And will, I suspect, die a lonely man.
JACK: As soon as possible? Well, I'm at least owed a chance to put my case.
Thank you.
Yes? I can come back.
Made it in good time.
Early start.
Olivia was keen to arrive.
George said there was a problem.
That bad? Just got off the phone to the board.
I interviewed Henry's replacement Neil Burton, um, one of Sydney's best.
Why would he come here? Well, he predicts a growth in rural medicine.
And he has a wife who wants to live in the country.
That came out wrong.
And he wants his own hospital.
I thought I was interviewing him.
He was interviewing me, it seems.
He's approached the board.
He'll come if he's fully in charge.
You'd work for him after all these years? Worse than that.
He doesn't want me.
The board's asked to discuss my leaving.
I'm old slippers.
- Surely - He's new shoes.
That's why he's got Henry's support.
He's headed off, by the way.
For his surgery? [SIGHS.]
We had a stoush.
I won't just toss in the towel.
The worst thing is I I do understand.
Of course.
You can't just throw it all in.
I won't.
As long as you're with me.
You know I am.
Of course.
Do you think the staff will support him? Well, for what it's worth, the board's changed since Elizabeth's time.
There's Sir Richard, for a start.
He's promised to leave us be.
He would never vote for Jack.
I'd be surprised if he didn't stir the pot.
What about strike action? Well, Jack would never accept anything that compromises patient care.
It's what makes him such a great doctor.
But having said all of that, remove sentiment and loyalty, it does make sense.
Burton's brilliant.
Jack says so himself.
Sentiment and loyalty.
I've got no choice.
I have to support him.
Of course.
A voice is saying, "Don't, so he's forced to move.
" That has to be his choice.
I feel like a traitor even thinking it.
Sheila's got to get the tea on.
Kids are starving.
What's keeping her? She's okay, yeah? Get Jack.
No-Nuts? No way.
Sheila's not here, Stan.
She's left, then? She's left town.
Must be headed home.
Must have missed her on the road.
It's a good thing.
Give the kids their tucker.
She took the children with her.
It's either a mental collapse Not drunk? I couldn't smell anything.
Or possibly a result of the blow to the head.
It wasn't a severe concussion.
It could have been compounded by running into Henry.
A slow bleed could cause confusion.
We need to check.
As unwelcome as we may be.
"Neuter," he said.
I did.
I have.
But not you.
If only I had controlled.
If only I'd insisted sooner.
If only I'd stood my ground.
If I'd called for someone you might still be here.
Oh, I bent over backwards not to dominate [SOBS.]
to embrace the unthinkable, to not control.
I was Lizzie.
If I had neutered, if I'd been Elizabeth Bligh how much longer we might have had.
- You stay back.
- Oh, we're both red rags.
You're the reddest.
I'll take point.
You're a woman.
Did you really say that? STAN: Where is she? We're just here to talk, Stan.
- Where have you got her? - There's no need for the rifle.
I can't find the kids either.
We're here to help.
Stan, put it down.
Stay back.
Where is she? Put it down.
Just stop, eh? Think.
You know where Sheila is.
Come on.
You do know.
She She left.
We're worried about you.
It's not normal to forget like that.
The kids too.
Let me examine you, yeah? How about you give that to me? Good man.
That's good.
I'd like to look in your eyes.
Yeah? Get off my farm! Get off or I'll kill you! You first, high and mighty.
I'll start with her.
JACK: Don't do anything you'll regret.
We're going.
You come and see me, please.
- You're not well.
- I'm sick of you.
Sister Know-It-All.
I'm sick of you.
Uneven pupils, possibly.
I need a closer look.
Police? The best Fraser can do is give him a warning.
I'll try again tomorrow.
Maybe alone.
That's probably best.
This is where Gino and I first discussed children.
We've washed away sad memories.
There's always a residue.
We were just too different.
Children would have tied us to unhappiness.
We were saved in a way.
Like you with Matt.
Let's not give up on love.
I'm not holding my breath.
He is out there.
A decent someone.
For both of us.
I don't care, truly.
We'll do it alone.
You're not scared? Oh, I dare anyone to judge me.
But they will.
- GEORGIE: Liar! - DAVID: Am not! Are so! Georgie! He said Daddy was here! Daddy wasn't! Daddy would say hello.
DAVID: Well, he didn't! GEORGIE: He would! [BIRDS CHIRPING.]
Why? Thirsty weather.
I mean letting me stay.
After my attitude.
Wouldn't leave a dog by the side of the road.
Our sort has enough enemies without turning on each other.
More? No.
You know where the bag is.
I'm sorry.
She's jake.
STAN: I'll kill you! You first, high and mighty.
How is he? I explained he wouldn't be seeing Matt again.
There was no good time.
And James? I told him Daddy didn't see him because we're seeing him soon.
It's made my choice for me.
When? As soon as possible.
Georgie's delighted an adventure.
It helped soften the blow of Matt.
We'll stay there until it's time to return for the divorce.
It's untenable in the long term.
And then? Well, I'll be here with you, of course, for the birth.
And then? Oh.
A newly baptized woman? Broad horizons.
- We're off.
- Ready? Oh.
The, um, house call put me behind.
Tell George not to wait dinner for me.
You're okay? Of course.
She was rattled out there.
He had a gun.
Even so, it wasn't her.
So, any further thoughts? Yeah.
Maybe I should borrow his rifle for the board meeting.
I mean, I'm not gonna simply roll over.
I just have to find what form resistance will take.
And accept that I'll most likely lose.
Excuse me.
- If you're looking for Sheila - Of course I bloody am.
She's here somewhere.
She's here.
- Stan, if you could step out - Where's my wife?! Let's see if we can't find out.
She's bloody here.
You've got her, haven't you? Ah.
La-Di-Dah! With your head stuck up your arse! Give her to me! Tell me! Where is she?! [GASPS.]
You stinking, flaming It's come.
Mother still has influence with most of the board members.
If I'm not valued for myself A gentle reminder of that from her It wouldn't hurt.
I've got my pride.
One thing I learned in Canberra, Jack Sometimes pride, it needs shelving for a good cause.
However Fed and abed, both.
He settled? - Oh.
"Let's go now!" - [LAUGHTER.]
He's so excited.
I might say good night to David.
Well, could you make it quick? I'm absolutely famished.
- It is a side effect.
- Mm.
You're completely fine with the decision? It came out impulsively, for Georgie, but it's good we're gone certainly if Matt lashes out.
You're safe here.
Not if he reports it to the police.
Oh, surely not.
He rode a very moral high horse.
He didn't seem the type.
There will be someone, one day.
Expect nothing and hope for much.
To independence and courage.
ALL: Cheers.
The hospital, Dr.
And Mr.
Bligh? With David.
The private room.
- And Sarah? - There too.
Excuse me.
Thank God you're all right.
He would have killed me STAN: Mrs.
La-Di-Dah! With your head stuck up your arse! if he hadn't fitted You stinking, flaming [GUNSHOT ECHOES.]
an inch to his left.
I'll be right.
Um Um, he's hit his head when he fell on the floor again.
It looks like it was a slow bleed.
Is that why he snapped? But now we've got facial drooping and paralysis, my bet is he's had a stroke.
Bell will be here in a tick.
Prep him for transfer.
It's beyond us.
- GEORGE: What is it? - I'll see to the clinic.
Where did he sustain the blow? [INSECTS CHIRPING.]
You want to tell me? The rifle, the emergency dash It It all came back.
When you were shot, and the race to Sydney and I dug out the bullet, and I I fought for you.
Thank God you did.
I'd lost you, but I I couldn't lose you.
I have you now and David.
It can't go wrong.
I'm here.
And we're all safe.
Just when I'm happiest when everything is perfect.
It's It's always been that way.
I feel as I feel as if I - Sorry.
- Tell me.
- Tell me, please.
- No.
It's nothing.
Let's Let's get back.
We'll need a plasterer for that.
He may not be up to it.
Is there a choice? If Henry were here, but he isn't.
I was just saying if we had Henry, he would talk me through relieving the pressure on the brain before we transport.
Is it essential? Well, I'm not up to cranial without guidance.
He is here.
Hot day, cold night.
Nothing like fire gazing for the soul.
Can't say I've done much of it.
Why all the way out here? Oh, a spot I like.
They're not answering.
My car's right outside.
You're all needed here.
- Uh, Doris - No arguments.
I heard a car.
It's just us.
Fox? You're needed at the hospital.
It's an emergency.
- Oh, do you think she saw? - I don't know.
A matter of life and death.
No need.
We had no choice.
- I understand.
- Room 1.
You're up to this? I have to be.
I'm here if needed.
Can I see you? In private.
It's important.
Of course.
Perhaps Jack's office.
It's about Doris.
What's happened? Henry and I were close when she arrived.
We were kissing.
I think she might have seen, driving up.
Was she flustered? Well, not so as Henry noticed.
I think she was covering.
- It just happened.
- Not my concern.
I'll call her.
How do you think she'll be if she did see? Shocked.
- Look.
If she talks - Just wait outside.
I doubt he'll make it like this.
Could you guide me through it? Enough to help get him there.
The rest is major.
Prep him.
I'm I'm sorry.
No-Nuts and Dr.
One Hand.
At least I got you.
Smashed you up good.
What does he mean? Doris, whatever you're feeling, say nothing.
Give me your word.
We'll speak more tomorrow.
Good night.
JACK: We heal.
It's what we do, whatever the circumstance.
I worked on enemy soldiers.
See it like that if it helps.
He was drunk.
It was an accident.
Prepare him for transport.
I'll call the orderly.
It's bad enough living with this.
I don't need a death on my conscience.
Prudence was worried.
She almost canceled her engagement.
I'm dry.
It's as easy to make two as one.
All right.
Thank you.
I've drunk too much of late.
Don't make it a habit.
Unlike me.
May I comment? On? Matt.
Carolyn discussed him.
If you think it adds insight.
It's why I offer.
I've loved men like Matt a number of them.
They're why I've embraced my sapphic side.
You've dealt with James.
You can deal with that.
I confess only to establish my bona fides.
I know his sort of man.
Full of insecurity, swaggering bullishly to compensate.
Out of such compensations, disasters are made.
I doubt he's a bad man just flawed, as so many are.
Agree you were loved.
Be true to yourself rejected at best, at worst, controlled and abused.
We suffer for their weakness.
The sooner women wake up to that, the sooner we hold a mirror to men, the sooner it may change.
I applaud Olivia.
I applaud you.
Applaud yourself.
Well, the answer lies no more in laying blame than it does in taking it.
Much of his behavior was less than admirable.
He spoke petulantly and with malice, but some of it was true.
I can't retreat to a delusion of female superiority.
I've been as wrong as he was, in my own way, many a time.
All we can do is see wrong where it is, in ourselves and in others, and respond for the good.
The woman I once was might have seized on your comfort as self-justifying apologia.
Not the woman my darling husband encouraged in me.
She looks for more nuanced answers.
You just called me out.
Well, the matters are too complex to be trivialized to a battle of the sexes.
I, uh, I wish you good night.
Caro was right.
Hmm? You're impressive.
Perhaps not of late.
That needs changing.
Much needs changing.
I need changing.
Are you free tomorrow? [INSECTS CHIRPING.]
Get him into the ambulance.
We'll be there in a minute.
It gives him a chance.
We're both going.
I won't return.
Thank you for your concern.
I'll let Anna know where I am in case she changes her mind.
I'll tell her.
No pressure.
Can I have a word? Make it quick.
It's a long drive to Sydney.
Doris saw.
I'm not blind.
Is that why you're going? There's nothing here for me.
They'll do their best with this.
It was just a moment.
I know.
Well, I hope you're not left with the consequences.
Sarah's seeing her tomorrow.
It's like catnip to a gossip.
She's a good woman.
So was my mother.
- Mr.
- Thank you.
Moment or not I liked it.
We could all do with a drink.
I'm right.
Thanks all the same.
Let me know how it goes.
Anything else? No.
All finished? Yes.
I didn't mean to take sides.
I won't do anything to undermine you in the future.
First do no harm.
Doris promised not to say anything? - GEORGE: For now.
- For what it's worth.
It was made to Sarah.
She could put the whole thing together, including James.
Are you sure Henry's fine? As much as he can be.
ANNA: He and Harry.
Warmth on a cold night.
Like it was with me.
Where is she? Excuse me.
"Well" what? Henry and Harry.
And you.
It does rather highlight the possible pitfalls of marriage.
A plethora of pitfalls.
What is it? I I Darling.
I How's he been? Stable.
I've had a brain wave sitting here.
My future, how to handle the board.
Who was essential there tonight? You.
Your hands.
Your guidance.
I'm disposable.
Neil's not.
Hospital needs him more than me.
I have to find my place within that.
A whole new direction.
Inspired by him.
I feel so foolish.
He could have killed you.
I've faced guns before.
So why is this different? It's not like me.
Well right now it is.
You don't always have to be strong.
I do.
I do.
I'm here.
It's wonderful having a strong wife.
But it's wonderful being given the chance to be strong for her.
When you can.
PRUDENCE: It must be very taxing being a doctor.
JACK: No more so than any other job.
PRUDENCE: Oh, you're being very modest.
JACK: Well, it was last night.
PRUDENCE: Was there an emergency? - JACK: There was.
- PRUDENCE: Oh, dear.
I hope nothing too serious.
JACK: I feel like I've barged in.
Oh, I'd have been miffed if you hadn't come.
A handsome caller? Barge away.
An unexpected treat, my dear.
Oh, another one for breakfast.
I'll see to it.
Delia will be thrilled to meet you.
And you her.
She's fun.
She's quite the powerhouse.
Oh, this is unexpected.
I needed some sleep before I headed home.
We did an emergency dash.
Stan O'Rourke.
May I use the phone first? Yes.
Of course.
You know where it is.
Uh, "we.
" You said "we dashed.
" Henry too.
A lot to tell.
There is.
Well, your news with breakfast.
And yours? I'm being rather rash.
In due course.
CAROLYN: That's all she said? With a perky sort of gleam.
Well, at least she's smiling.
How's Henry? He's staying on for his operation.
Headed off to some friend's.
Could be the last we see of him.
No! Certainly at the hospital.
He's sending for his things.
At least we patched up our differences.
CAROLYN: Well, good.
I'm bushed.
Leave it till later? CAROLYN: Love you.
Love you too.
I've, uh, made a decision about the future.
- It feels good.
- CAROLYN: Tell me.
When I'm back.
Jack, yes? You're more handsome than your photos.
In the flesh.
All well? Yes.
Jack will be back tonight.
Stan O'Rourke? Touch and go.
Henry? CAROLYN: He didn't really say.
He seemed rather decisive about his own way forward.
One can but hope Sydney might sing a siren song.
I want Mummy.
I told you She needs her sleep.
One small thought to take to the grave.
I said stay! STAN: You stinking, flaming [GUNSHOT ECHOES.]
I'm suddenly not so sure.
I say stay with your first instincts.
It made sense last night.
The inner woman and the outer woman Make them match.
Your inspiration.
A somewhat superficial one in the cold light of day.
Start surface, go deep.
More fun that way.
- What have you got to lose? - My dignity.
Not in the hands of an expert.
Live dangerously.
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